Order a cadastral (technical) plan

Since 2020, the technical plan of any real estate property: residential and non-residential premises, land plot - has become the central document when registering ownership. Purchase and sale, donation, inheritance - any transaction in the real estate market is carried out only with this document. The technical plan of the house must also be ordered if reconstruction is planned: expansion, extension, redevelopment. Let's talk in more detail about what a technical plan is.

Technical plan: when and why it is needed

The answer to the question of why a technical plan is needed is given by the law on state real estate, which came into force 5 years ago. Now in Russia there is a Unified Real Estate Register (USRN). According to Law 218-FZ, real estate subject to taxation and transactions must be registered in the state register. According to the information in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, you can easily find an object on the map and on the ground, find out about its size, and calculate the cost. The source of information for registering property in the cadastral register is a technical plan prepared by an engineer licensed for this type of activity.

A technical plan is an official description of a capital construction project for its state registration. It contains data about the location, shape, internal layout and dimensions of the building/room.

Floor plan

For which objects is a technical plan drawn up?

The technical plan is drawn up for the following types of property:

  • buildings - residential buildings, cottages, garden houses for seasonal living, detached garages;
  • premises - apartments, rooms, basements;
  • parking spaces - space in a residential complex reserved for vehicles;
  • unfinished buildings.

If you have such an object on your property, sooner or later you will need a technical plan for it.

Please note: the technical plan of a land plot is called a boundary plan, it is part of the boundary (land management) matter, see the article on surveying.

In what cases is a document required?

A technical plan for a house is needed by owners who have built or are building new housing. With the help of this document, the object will be registered in the cadastral register. Unregistered housing will not receive an address and you will not be able to register in it.

In addition to a new building, other situations may arise when the owner needs a technical plan for the objects he owns. Examples:

  • All transactions in the real estate market: purchase, sale, gift, transfer by will - are carried out only with this document.
  • During the process of purchase and sale, exchange, etc., it may be discovered that the extract from the Unified State Register (a document confirming private property) contains incorrect information. Errors made during initial registration can only be corrected by providing a new technical plan.
  • It may turn out that an apartment purchased a long time ago or inherited has not yet been included in Rosreestr. Residents will have to find out what the technical plan of the apartment is when they want to sell, exchange or divide it.
  • If you are reconstructing a house: adding something, combining something, carrying out communications, you must first order a new technical plan for the house and obtain permission for redevelopment, so as not to return everything “as it was” later.

Cadastral extract (extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate)

Description:It’s not for nothing that in the title we combined the cadastral extract and from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
These are practically identical documents. Only in the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate data on rights was added. Cadastral extract - an extract from the state real estate cadastre. In its appearance and purpose it is very similar to a cadastral passport. Yes, and they have few differences. The main thing is the presence in the extract of the coordinates of the turning points of the land plot. For the owner, these coordinates are useless; they can only be used by a surveyor-cadastral engineer, for example, to locate a plot of land. Important: cadastral extracts are no longer issued. Only an extract from the Unified State Register. Therefore, below the abbreviation “extract” is equivalent to an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
What is it for: An extract is needed wherever it is necessary to prove the presence of an object in the cadastral register.

-when making real estate transactions, donations, wills, etc.

- when redeveloping real estate or changing the boundaries of a land plot, it is necessary to update the extract

- during legal proceedings

-when the address of the object changes

Where to get it:Cadastral data, and an extract is no exception, can currently be obtained in 3 ways: at the cadastral chamber branch closest to the property, the MFC, and electronically on the Rosreestr website.
A document received by any of the listed options has the same legal force. However, it is not always convenient to provide the electronic form to different authorities, since electronic document management is not yet used everywhere. Important - if the object is not registered in Rosreestr, you will not receive an extract. If it was previously registered, but subsequently deregistered, this data will be indicated in the statement.
When appeared:In March 2008, along with the appearance of the boundary plan, a cadastral extract appeared. Extract from the USRN from January 1, 2020. The basis for the appearance of a cadastral extract is Federal Law No. 221 “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”. Its editors also “gave birth” to an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
Best before date:Has no expiration date. It is necessary to order a new one only if a technical or boundary plan is submitted for redevelopment of real estate or changing the boundaries of the site. Also, when making any transaction, a fresh statement will be required to certify that the object has not undergone any changes (up to 2 weeks).
Link to other documents:Based on the technical and boundary plan, changes are made to the cadastral data, which are then displayed in the extract.

Technical plan requirements

General requirements for the technical plan of a residential building and other objects are contained in legislative acts (Article 24 of Law No. 218; Order No. 953 of the Ministry of Economic Development).

Text part

The descriptive part is a mandatory section of the technical plan for any house: whether it is located on a plot of land for individual housing construction, on SNT lands, or is it an apartment in a high-rise building. The text is compiled on the basis of the owner’s documents, as well as measurements of the cadastral engineer involved in the implementation of the plan.

The nature of the object determines what is included in the text part of the technical plan. For an apartment/premises, the following information is entered in this section:

  • Full name of the customer/owner;
  • information on the property: address, location, dimensions, what it is used for;
  • technical parameters: type of foundation, material of walls and roof, level of wear;
  • a list of documents on the basis of which the plan was drawn up;
  • data on measuring instruments.
  • conclusions of the cadastral engineer and his details.

In the technical plan of a residential or country house built on a personal plot of land, the columns about the points of the geodetic network/about boundary reference points are also filled in; The coordinates of the boundaries of the site are given, as well as the characteristic points of the structure itself.

Points defining the location of a building on a site

The grafical part

After measurements on the ground made by a cadastral engineer and surveyor, a graphical part of the technical plan is drawn up:

  • geodetic survey data of the land plot;
  • construction plan on the site; its location in relation to other objects;
  • outlines of the building with numbered turning points;
  • floor drawings, arrangement of premises;

Drawings are made in a unified state coordinate system. The land plot and the building on it receive clear boundaries on the public cadastral map.

It is necessary to provide a document to Rosreestr on an electronic medium, certified by the electronic signature of a cadastral engineer - it is he who is responsible for the truth of the technical information. The customer can receive the version on paper.

Technical plan and technical passport: similarities and differences

Until 2013, the main document for registering real estate was a technical passport. Its production was carried out exclusively by BTI specialists. It contained technical information:

  • description of the object’s design, year of construction, number of floors;
  • area of ​​premises, presence of balconies;
  • foundation and floor materials;
  • number of windows, doors, height of rooms:
  • description of communications.

The technical passport was supplemented with a situational plan - a drawing of the land plot in relation to neighboring objects.

Since 2013, a technical plan is required instead of a technical passport to register real estate. The main difference of the new document is the presence of a geodetic reference of the boundaries of the land plot to the state coordinate system and the definition of the contours of the building relative to the boundaries of the plot.

The coordinates of the site and the building allow the object to be recorded on the cadastral map of Rosreestr. All other technical information is identical to the information in the technical passport.

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Technical passport

Description:It is often confused with cadastral. Both are passports. Only their legal and actual purpose are very different. Technical passports began to be issued earlier than cadastral passports. Until 2013, it was the technical passport that was the basis for entering data about property into the State Real Estate Cadastre and registering real estate. Now the cadastral passport has been abolished, and the technical passport serves as a “secondary document” for rather narrow purposes. It is no longer used for real estate registration. A technical passport is prepared only for real estate (structures, buildings, premises), and its purpose is a detailed accounting of technical characteristics and an indication of the inventory value.
What is it needed for: - when transferring real estate from residential to non-residential

- to obtain permission for redevelopment or reconstruction of real estate

- during legal proceedings

-for internal needs of management companies

-for assessment and pledge of property

Where to get it:The preparation of this document is carried out exclusively by the BTI. Despite the fact that, by law, BTI ceased to be a monopolist in the preparation of documents for registration of buildings and premises, it retained the technical inventory.
When appeared:In the form that it has now, it appeared on October 1, 1997. Minor changes in form do not change the overall essence.
Best before date:Has no expiration date. Again, even if a deadline is written on it, this is the arbitrariness of the BTI. For transactions, there is a 1-year rule behind the scenes - to update, just get a fresh one from the district BTI. It is necessary to order a new one only if redevelopment has been carried out.
Link to other documents:On its basis, data was entered into the real estate cadastre until January 1, 2013, and the owner was issued a cadastral passport.
A technical passport produced before January 1, 2013 can serve as the basis for preparing a technical plan. Passports issued after this date are not used to register real estate in the cadastral register.

Based on the information from this document, taxes and utilities are calculated, decisions are made on major and current repairs of apartment buildings, construction and reconstruction, permits are issued for redevelopment and reconstruction of residential premises, as well as for the supply of communications during construction and after, constructed houses are registered, etc. .P.

Unlike the technical plan, the technical passport focuses on the technical characteristics of the object. For example, if we are talking about an apartment, then there will be data such as the year the house was built and last overhauled, the number of floors in the house and rooms in the apartment, ceiling heights, wall and ceiling materials, the presence of water supply and sewerage, type of heating, etc. . There will also be an inventory value (some abstract value). It should not be confused with the cadastral document, according to which tax is calculated.

Sample technical plan of a premises (house)

Technical plan is a document containing 10-12 pages of information, of which 5-6 pages are the text part; 3-4 – graphic, and one or two pages per application. The contents of the document depend on what kind of real estate is being described. The first three sheets are the same for the technical plan of an apartment, building, or garden house.

  • The title page contains the registration number of the document, information about the customer and the cadastral engineer who worked on the plan:

  • The second sheet contains the contents of the document:

  • The third sheet contains the name of the sources for drawing up the technical plan; The coordinate system in which geodetic measurements were carried out is given:

The most important part of the document is information characterizing the location of the property. If this is an apartment, the cadastral number of the building in which the described apartment is located is simply indicated here. The technical plan for a house or building contains the coordinates of characteristic points that determine the position of the building on the land plot (see sample above).

On the page with the technical characteristics of the building, the cadastral number of the land plot on which the house is located is indicated:

The graphic part of the technical plan of the apartment contains a plan and drawing of the floor on which it is located.

The technical plan for the home (see sample above) contains:

  • a diagram of geodetic constructions with reference to points of the geodetic network;
  • the contours of the building in relation to the boundaries of the land plot;
  • building drawing.

Who is a cadastral engineer?

Only a specialist with a higher specialized education - a cadastral engineer, who has the appropriate permit - certificate, and is also a member of a self-regulatory organization of cadastral engineers - can prepare technical plans.

When preparing documents, the cadastral engineer is responsible for the accuracy of the information transmitted to the registration authorities, since he certifies all documents with his enhanced qualified electronic signature. How to find competent specialists to draw up a technical plan?

Information about cadastral engineers is publicly available and posted on the Internet. Any engineer can be found in the Register of Cadastral Engineers, posted on the official website of Rosreestr, by entering only his last name, first name and patronymic. There you will see information about the number of documents prepared by the engineer during the reporting period and the number of refusals for submitted documents. In this way, you can evaluate the quality of the specialist’s work. Information about our engineers can be found in the “Licenses” section (link).

If you have never had to deal with the preparation of technical documentation for real estate, and the need to resolve this issue is long overdue - contact our cadastral engineers for help, they will help you quickly and efficiently draw up the necessary documentation, prepare a technical plan, and help submit documents to the relevant authorities. authorities.

Our company employs highly qualified, certified specialists who know all the intricacies of the industry and have many years of knowledge. Cadastral engineers will help you draw up documents, even for the most complex objects, efficiently and quickly. To get an answer to your question, just call us at the numbers listed on the website.

Technical plan for a garden house

A cadastral engineer performs similar work for the technical plan for a garden house. However, there are nuances that distinguish the technical plan of a residential building from a similar document drawn up for a house in SNT.

The main feature in the requirements for the technical plan for a garden house is related to the so-called “dacha amnesty”. Until March 2021, registration of dachas is carried out according to a simplified program: it does NOT require notification of the administration about the compliance of the building with legal requirements. A declaration from the owner containing basic information about the object and a technical plan completed by an engineer are sufficient (Law No. 267-FZ, dated 08/02/2019). The document consists of 8 pages: 5 of them are text, the rest is graphic information. Based on the measurements taken, the specialist writes a conclusion and can give recommendations on adjusting the data from the declaration or technical documentation provided by the customer, see example below.


Cadastral engineer Artyom Aleksandrovich Golubev Check with Rosreestr
Cadastral engineer Yulia Anatolyevna Chistova Check with Rosreestr

Where to order technical plan

Where can I get a technical plan? Today you can order this document from any organization that has cadastral engineers on staff. Some of these organizations have in their name the abbreviation BTI (Bureau of Technical Inventory), which is well known to many from Soviet times.

Please note: only cadastral engineers - specialists in land surveying and determining the boundaries of real estate on the ground - have the legal right to prepare technical plans.

We recommend contacting an organization with a good reputation. Signs of such an organization:

  • the company has a staff of professionals and guarantees the quality of work;
  • its staff includes geodesic engineers - there is no need to additionally invite specialists to determine the coordinates of the object;
  • The organization carries out the complex, right up to registering the house.

Package of documents

The cadastral engineer will take on the work of drawing up a technical plan only if the necessary documentation is available. The standard set of documents is shown in the table.

Document New house garden house Apartment
Construction notice (building permit) Yes
Extract from the Unified State Register for the site Yes Yes
Site plan Yes Yes
Declaration of real estate Yes
Extract from the Unified State Register of Property Rights Yes

Declaration is a document containing information about the property (address, purpose, who owns it, cadastral number of the plot, technical characteristics). It is filled out on a standard form by the customer. Until 2021, a technical plan for buildings on SNT lands (dachas, garden houses) is allowed to be drawn up if documents for the land plot and declarations are available.

Cadastral passport

Description:Until the beginning of 2020, this was the main cadastral registration document, which confirmed the availability of data on real estate (building, land) in the State Property Committee. At the moment, its legal force is negligible.
What is it needed for: Now this is just another unnecessary piece of paper, which will still be stored “just in case” in a pile of real estate documents.
Where to get it:Not issued.
When appeared:In March 2008, along with the appearance of the boundary plan. The basis for the appearance of a cadastral passport is Federal Law No. 221 “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” (in general, in cadastral relations, this law is currently the main one). Until this time, the main cadastral document was the cadastral plan of the land plot (buildings were indicated there as parts of the land plot).
Best before date:Essentially it is indefinite. But now you can’t put it anywhere.
Link to other documents:The cadastral passport included a cadastral plan; this was its integral graphic component.

For each property, the cadastral passport had its own established form. This document included the main technical characteristics of the property.

Cost of work

The price of a technical plan depends on the purpose of the property and its size. The following services are paid:

  • on-site visit of performers;
  • external and internal dimensions of the object;
  • determination of coordinates of characteristic points;
  • production of drawings;
  • preparation of the text and graphic parts of the document, certification by an engineer’s electronic signature;
  • recording the finished plan on electronic media.

The technical plan of an apartment in Moscow costs from 10 thousand rubles. For a house with an area of ​​100 m2, the price starts from 15 thousand, and for a building with an area of ​​up to 600 m2 you will have to pay at least 25 thousand rubles.

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