Queue for housing in Minsk for large families 2020 with 3 children

Queue for housing in St. Petersburg

Assistance in improving living conditions is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. The authorized body annually compiles lists of citizens to whom assistance is planned. Based on the consolidated register, the authorized body draws up a plan for providing assistance (hereinafter referred to as the annual housing plan).

Despite its apparent simplicity, not all citizens can register as those in need of improved housing conditions. It is necessary to meet certain conditions that are prescribed by law, namely: to live in St. Petersburg for at least 10 years and to be recognized as in need of housing.

Who is eligible to apply for social housing?

One of the most vulnerable categories on the waiting list is a large family, for which the state provides benefits for improving housing conditions, in particular, discounted mortgages on preferential terms: low interest rates, a substantial subsidy for the purchase of housing, provision of land for building a house. These conditions differ from commercial banks:

The concept of “poor” in the Housing Code does not mean people with a salary less than the subsistence level. The main criterion here is the ability to purchase housing for all family members according to the standard for the provision of living space, focusing on the average cost of home ownership in the region.

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How to check your number in the housing queue

All citizens who meet the above requirements can freely register for housing and wait until they receive the opportunity to purchase an apartment at a reduced cost. When registering for participation in the program, you must present a certificate of income so that social housing employees can study the family’s solvency and offer better conditions.

There are several ways to apply. The first is a request to the housing department; it is submitted in two copies in free form. All papers are sent by registered mail with a description of the contents and the possibility of a return notification (it is necessary to monitor the timing of the response, it should arrive no later than 30 days).

Legislative issue

The development and implementation of a program to provide preferential housing for certain categories of citizens occurs at the level of individual regions, based on the capabilities of state and municipal housing funds in a specific subject of the Russian Federation.

The requirements for applicants for subsidized housing, the rules for registering participation in the program, as well as methods for obtaining information about the position in the queue are regulated by the city legislative framework.

Examples of regulatory documents in force in Moscow and on the territory of St. Petersburg are given below:

  • Decree of the Moscow Government No. 454-PP dated September 27, 2011 - determines the implementation of the state program of the city of Moscow “Housing”, calculated until the end of 2020;
  • Law of St. Petersburg No. 315-45 – regulates the program of social support for the population “Youth - affordable housing”;
  • Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg No. 1539 – Determines the procedure for implementing the above-mentioned regional program for residents in St. Petersburg.

Each of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may have its own preferential assistance for the needy segments of the population.

To clarify all the details, please contact the local branches of the Social Security Administration or local government authorities.

How quickly does the queue for housing in St. Petersburg move?

In 2009, the number of families waiting for a solution to the housing problem was 231,400. It was said that only those who got on the waiting list before 1979 will get their dream. It was then that the deputy The director of the City Mortgage Agency of St. Petersburg said that the number of free apartments in the city will decrease significantly every year. He invited people to think about city targeted programs such as “Long-term lending. “Assistance to public sector employees” and “Youth – affordable housing”.

Since 2013, a project to increase the state fund has come into force in St. Petersburg. In 2014-2020, the law on lifelong annuity will come into force, according to which older people can transfer their living space to the state for a monthly fee, which will subsequently be used by those on the waiting list.

Petersburgers were told about new ways of relocating communal apartments

Lyubov Rubtsova, First Deputy General Director of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Gorzhilobmen”: “The size of this coefficient depends on the period that the citizen is registered. For example, citizens who have been registered for more than 15 years buy residential premises for 30 percent of its value.

They also have the opportunity to purchase residential premises with installments of up to 5 years.”

This year, almost 7.5 thousand families moved from communal apartments to new housing. Officials emphasized that the program for relocating such apartments does not stand still, but, on the contrary, is gradually gaining momentum and becoming more and more in demand among the population.

Only the registration of new families has been suspended. Please note that only the registration of those in need of assistance from St. Petersburg in improving their living conditions has been suspended.

The amount of the subsidy will not exceed 30% of the cost of the apartment or house, while the initial payment of no less than 60% of the price will fall on the borrower’s shoulders; another 10% of the cost will come from the mortgage loan. “Housing for public sector employees.” For public sector employees (medicine, education, social services, culture and science, sports), whose work experience is at least 5 years, a program has been prepared under which for new housing you will have to pay 20% as a down payment from your own funds, and the remaining 80% is given by the state in interest-free installments for 10 years. However, quarterly it is necessary to confirm the fact of work in a budgetary institution.

But it will be possible to take advantage of government assistance within the framework of city housing programs (subsidies for the purchase of apartments, targeted loans, etc.). In this case, citizens are recognized as “in need of assistance from St. Petersburg in improving their living conditions.”

A legacy of Soviet times - the city's housing queue - still exists in St. Petersburg. Now there are more than 162 thousand people in it. Some continue to wait for years and hope to receive a free apartment from the state; others need this status in order to participate in city housing programs.

More than three thousand young families took advantage of government services under the “Affordable Housing for Youth” program, including more than two thousand families who received social payments in the amount of 2,346 million rubles.

Find the “Housing Funds” section, then open the “useful services” subsection (the name may differ for other regions of the Russian Federation);

  • In the menu that opens, select “sequence number in queue”;
  • To obtain information, you need to fill in the appropriate fields (case number, district, district, year of registration) and click “send request.”

Checking the number in the queue for housing improvement

  • Submit a written application to the housing department in two copies;
  • Send a request through the post office to the official address of the housing inspection. The period for receiving a response is no more than thirty days;
  • Contact your local administration in person. Every family on the waiting list has the right to find out their current number;
  • Online queue tracking using the Internet. An electronic database has been created for each region. It contains reliable information about program participants and serial numbers.

Once an applicant has joined the housing improvement queue and received an initial number, they will need to be monitored regularly. For each region of the country, the rate at which citizens move up the list is different, depending on the size of the population. In general, there is no general principle of promotion one by one, and in addition to the number of applications, the economic condition of the locality and the awareness of the municipal authorities also play a role.

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How the queue for improving housing conditions is formed and where you can see the waiting list

  1. If housing is officially recognized as completely unsuitable for further residence and cannot be restored.
  2. If a family member suffers from one of the diseases listed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2006 N 378 “On approval of the list of severe forms of chronic diseases...”.

Current legislation guarantees every citizen the right to have housing . And real government assistance in resolving this issue is no longer a fairy tale, but reality. To do this, you just need to know how to get in line, how to track its movement and some other nuances.

How can you find out your turn for an apartment?

Most families cannot afford to purchase housing on their own and this opportunity is the only option for them. Therefore, it is very important to ask questions to members of such a family about how to find out their turn for an apartment.

Unfortunately, all this is done in very limited quantities and considerable efforts will have to be made in order to obtain an apartment using government programs. Everyone knows that it is simply impossible for a middle-class worker to save up for an apartment, so the housing waiting list is the only option for getting one.

Housing policy

2. The choice of form for improving housing conditions is made by citizens registered as needing residential premises independently. For these purposes, citizens registered as those in need of residential premises submit to the authorized body applications and the necessary documents indicating the chosen form of improving housing conditions.

- housing provision should not exceed 9 sq.m. of total housing area per person for individual apartments, and 15 sq.m. for communal apartments, as well as citizens who are not tenants or family members of the tenant of the residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, or owners or members families of the owner of the residential premises and occupying residential premises recognized as unfit for habitation.

Providing social benefits

Citizens who have chosen the provision of social payments under the Program as a form of assistance in improving their living conditions receive funds from the budget of St. Petersburg - a social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises.

Social benefits can be used:

  • for the purchase of residential premises (a residential building, an apartment, a room in a communal apartment, purchased in addition to the occupied residential premises (rooms) in this apartment, if as a result the apartment is occupied by one family) on the territory of St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region with a total area of ​​at least the registered housing security standard for each citizen participating in the Program, established by the Law of St. Petersburg dated July 7, 2004 “On assistance to St. Petersburg in improving the living conditions of citizens”;
  • to participate in the shared construction of residential premises located on the territory of St. Petersburg or the Leningrad region, with a total area of ​​at least the registration standard for each citizen participating in the Program, subject to the completion of work on the construction of an apartment building in the amount of at least 70%, in accordance with the Federal the Law “On participation in shared construction of apartment buildings and other real estate and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law on Participation in Shared Construction);
  • to pay the price of an agreement for the assignment of rights of claim under an agreement for participation in shared construction of residential premises located on the territory of St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region, with a total area of ​​at least the accounting standard for each citizen participating in the Program, subject to the completion of work on the construction of an apartment building in an amount of at least 70%, concluded in accordance with the Federal Law on Participation in Shared Construction, in case of full payment of the price of the shared construction object stipulated by the agreement for participation in shared construction;
  • to pay the share contribution of a member of a housing construction or housing cooperative in order to obtain ownership of residential premises after completion of its construction on the territory of St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region with a total area of ​​at least the registration standard for each citizen participating in the Program, subject to the completion of work on the construction of an apartment building houses in the amount of at least 70%;
  • to pay the difference between the cost of residential premises acquired under an exchange agreement located on the territory of St. Petersburg or the Leningrad region, the total area of ​​which is not less than the accounting standard for housing provision for each citizen participating in the Program and the cost of residential premises transferred under an exchange agreement in a communal apartment located in property of citizens participating in the Program.

Social payments can be used to purchase residential premises with an area of ​​at least the registration standard for each family member of a citizen participating in the Program, including using social payments received by family members of a citizen participating in the Program as part of the implementation of targeted programs in St. Petersburg or the Russian Federation.

Important: social benefits cannot be used to purchase residential premises that are duly recognized as unfit for habitation or that do not meet the established requirements for residential premises, that are under arrest, pledged, or encumbered by someone else’s rights of use that remain after the transfer of ownership of the residential premises premises for recipients of social benefits.

Amount of social benefit and calculation procedure:

Рсв = H x C x A x P (%), where:

RSV – amount of social payment; N – standard housing provision per person, used to determine the amount of social benefits in the amount of: 18 m2 of total living area per one member of a family consisting of two or more people; 33 m2 of total living space - for a citizen living alone; C – number of citizens participating in the Program; A – the average market value of one square meter of residential premises in St. Petersburg, determined quarterly by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation;

P – the size of the share of the average market value of one square meter of the total area of ​​residential premises, paid from the budget of St. Petersburg, amounting to 40%.

Number of people M2 Average market value 1 m2 % Social benefit

Living alone3376 429, 00401 008 862, 80
11876 429, 0040550 288, 80
21876 429, 00401 100 577, 60
31876 429, 00401 650 866, 40
41876 429, 00402 201 155, 20
51876 429, 00402 751 444, 00
61876 429, 00403 301 732, 80
71876 429, 00403 852 021, 60
81876 429, 00404 402 310, 40

Where to go to initially apply for the Program

To participate in the Program, citizens must first submit an application to choose a form of assistance in the form of providing social benefits under the Program (see the section “Regulatory documents and forms”).

Applications for choosing a form of assistance in improving housing conditions in the form of social payments under the Program are accepted only by the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Gorzhilobmen” at the address: st. Bronnitskaya, 32, 1st floor. Reception hours for citizens: Monday - Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00, break from 13.00 to 13.45; Friday from 9.00 to 17.00, break from 13.00 to 14.00. Help numbers: 576-00-00, 576-06-46.

Formation of a Consolidated List of citizens who are planned to receive social benefits in the current year and have priority rights to receive social benefits

Citizens are included in the Consolidated List based on the earliest date of their registration as those in need of residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements, or those in need of assistance from St. Petersburg in improving their living conditions.

Citizens who have a priority right to receive social benefits under the Program are included in the Consolidated List in order of priority based on the date of submission of the Application for choosing the form of assistance in the form of providing social benefits under the Program.

The priority right to provide social benefits under the Program is:

  • citizens with 3 or more minor children;
  • citizens living in a multi-room* communal apartment and registered as needing residential premises or registered as needing assistance from St. Petersburg in improving their living conditions for 15 years or more;
  • citizens living in a communal apartment included in the List of communal apartments subject to resettlement.

* Multi-room communal apartment - an apartment consisting of five or more residential premises (rooms), owned on the basis of separate agreements, transactions, other actions provided for by law, five or more users and (or) owners who are not members of the same family (Art. 1 of the Law of St. Petersburg of October 17, 2007 No. 513-101 “On the target program of St. Petersburg “Resettlement of communal apartments in St. Petersburg”).

How to include a communal apartment in the List of communal apartments subject to resettlement under the Program

All residents of a communal apartment (family) must submit to the administration of the district of St. Petersburg at the location of the communal apartment an Application for inclusion of a communal apartment in the List (issued by the district administration), and also submit the following documents:

  • copies of identification documents of applicants (passport, birth certificate);
  • documents containing information about the composition of the applicant’s family (children’s birth certificates, marriage certificates or divorce certificates);
  • documents confirming the grounds for the applicants’ possession and use of residential premises.

Copies of documents are accepted only upon presentation of the originals. In other cases, copies of documents must be notarized.

The district administration of St. Petersburg issues an order to include this communal apartment in the List of communal apartments subject to resettlement and informs applicants about this.

The procedure for making a decision on the provision of social benefits

Annually, within 45 working days after the entry into force of the St. Petersburg law on the budget of St. Petersburg (usually in January of each year) based on applications from citizens to choose a form of assistance in the form of social payments under the Program within the limits of allocated funding from the budget of St. - St. Petersburg The Housing Committee approves the Consolidated List of citizens who are planned to receive social benefits this year.

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Gorzhilobmen" sends citizens included in the Consolidated List who are scheduled to receive social benefits in each quarter a notification about the need to submit an application and the necessary documents within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification*.

*List of documents required for the Housing Committee to make a decision on the provision of social benefits:

  • documents proving the identity of the applicant and his family members (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or temporary identity card issued for the period of its replacement);
  • documents containing information about the composition of the applicants’ family;
  • birth certificates of the applicant’s family members under 14 years of age;
  • documents confirming the powers of the guardian (trustee), in cases provided for by current legislation;
  • documents containing information about the place of residence of the applicant and his family members (registration certificate (form 9) or a court decision establishing the fact of residence in a communal apartment, which has entered into legal force);
  • characteristics of the occupied residential premises (form 7);
  • documents confirming the grounds for the applicant’s ownership and use of the occupied residential premises;
  • documents confirming that the applicant and his family members are on the housing register, containing housing registration data based on the results of their updating by the administrations of the districts of St. Petersburg in accordance with the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated October 17, 2005 No. 1546 “On updating the registration data of citizens as those in need of residential premises, registration of citizens who need assistance from St. Petersburg in improving their housing conditions, and registration of citizens who have the right to conclude rental agreements for residential premises of the social housing stock.”

Important! The specified documents are submitted by applicants, with the exception of documents at the disposal of the Housing Committee and (or) requested by the Housing Committee independently in the manner of interdepartmental information interaction.

The applicant has the right to submit these documents on his own initiative.

The Housing Committee makes a decision on providing social benefits to citizens who have submitted applications and the necessary documents within 45 days from the date of submission of the application and documents.

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Gorzhilobmen”, based on the decision of the Housing Committee, issues certificates to citizens of the right to receive social benefits under the Program.

The validity period of the Certificate is 12 months.

Is it possible to extend the validity period of the Certificate?

Extension of the validity period of the Certificate confirming the right to receive social benefits for the purchase or construction of residential premises as part of the implementation of the target Program is possible upon provision of documents confirming a valid reason for not using social benefits within the validity period of the Certificate, such as:

  • a purchase and sale agreement for the acquired residential premises, and also, in the case of resettlement of a communal apartment as a whole - a purchase and sale agreement for the apartment being resettled; agreements for participation in shared construction (hereinafter referred to as DDU); agreements for the assignment of rights of claim and receipts for the acceptance of the above documents for state registration of property rights by the body carrying out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;
  • a document (concluded agreement) defining the procedure and conditions for making a share contribution by a member of a housing or housing construction cooperative (share contribution agreement);
  • notifications about the suspension of state registration of the transfer of ownership, or about the suspension of state registration of DDU by the body carrying out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.

An application to extend the validity of the Certificate and the specified documents are submitted by the recipient of the social payment to the Organizational and Administrative Department of the Housing Committee (Ostrovsky Square, 9) no later than 5 working days before the expiration of the Certificate.

Extension of the validity period of the Certificate is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Housing Committee for no more than 2 months.

Source: https://obmencity.ru/gosudarstvennyie-uslugi/rasselenie-kommunalnyix-kvartir/kalkulyator-soczialnyix-vyiplat

Queue for housing

For example, the program “Resettlement of communal apartments”. This is the provision of social benefits to citizens. But the amount depends on the cost per square meter, determined by the Ministry of Construction for all regions. It has a weak connection to the cost per square meter on the St. Petersburg market. For example, now, in the 4th quarter of 2020, the average market value per square meter is 56,688 rubles. According to the calculated formula, this is about 300 thousand rubles per person. And about 600 thousand for a person living alone. Nevertheless, in 2020, 7 thousand people on the waiting list applied for assistance in improving their living conditions under this program. 3.5 thousand citizens have already received payments. By the end of the year, it is planned to provide financial assistance to another 1.5 thousand families. The remaining 2 thousand families will receive payments during 2020.

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As the VSPb correspondent was told in the department of new forms of housing provision of the Housing Committee, as of November 19, 2020, only 142 residential premises were provided to program participants for purchase. True, the housing complex noted that currently, for the purposes of the program, another 169 residential premises in budget houses located in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg have been transferred. But they are not yet provided to program participants, since the commissioning of housing is scheduled for December 2020. And another 20 apartments from the number planned for provision in 2020 will also be transferred by the end of this year.

What benefits are given to large families in Belarus in 2020?

Starting from 2020, you can use family capital in the equivalent of 10 thousand US dollars for the purchase of housing, education, treatment, or for the pension of your mother or stepmother. For example, in the Brest region alone, as of March 3, 2020, family capital was assigned to 6,574 families and Belarusbank opened deposit accounts in the amount of $65.7 million.

At the birth of more than 2 children at the same time, a one-time compensation of 30 subsistence minimum budgets is paid for the purchase of basic necessities for children, at the birth of 3 children, nanny services are provided free of charge, and a monthly allowance is paid for one child until the age of 3 in the amount of 1 subsistence minimum . Until they turn 2 years old, children are provided with free food, and school assistance is provided for the purchase of school supplies. There is always the opportunity to buy goods at discounted prices.

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How does the queue for improved housing conditions move?

  • provide official proof of low-income status;
  • at the time of applying for help, either do not have a residential property at all, or live in housing declared unsuitable. Both will be actual proof of the urgent need to improve living conditions.
  • The first is before 2005. She is a given;
  • The second is after 2005. Consists of people applying for social rent (low-income categories of citizens). They are not eligible to participate in paid housing sales programs. They should wait until it is their turn to receive an apartment on social rent;
  • The third stage also includes citizens who need improved housing conditions. However, these citizens have the opportunity to participate in paid programs due to their own income. There is also a separate category of citizens - WWII veterans.

Features of obtaining housing for orphans

The right to obtain preferential housing is granted to orphans who have reached the age of majority and may no longer live in specialized state institutions for minors.

The right to housing is issued only for those children who do not have a place to live.

The provision of housing is carried out on an application basis, upon submission of all relevant documents.

In addition, the official guardian can also contact the authorized authorities.

In a situation where an orphaned child is undergoing training or is in military service, he can contact the government agency upon completion of his affairs.

The right to receive preferential housing remains until the orphan receives housing or buys it.

City queue for housing: how to get into it

Now, as part of the general city queue, officials use two different types of citizen registration. According to the first option, those on the waiting list are recognized as “in need of residential premises.” That is, it is assumed that the city will provide such citizens with free apartments under social rental agreements.

If there are no benefits, it is wiser for the person on the waiting list to choose the second type of accounting, which allows him to participate in targeted housing programs in St. Petersburg. The most popular are “Resettlement of communal apartments” and “Youth – affordable housing”. BN spoke more than once about the conditions for participation in them. For example, under the second program, those who got on the waiting list in 2013 were able to receive interest-free targeted housing loans from the state in 2014.

13 Jul 2020 stopurist 1023

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Social rent agreement in 2020: how to get housing for free

A free apartment from the state sounds very, very tempting, but it is still worth understanding that not every family can count on receiving such a “gift” from local or federal authorities. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that there are too many people who want to get a free apartment, and new social housing in Russian cities appears very slowly and in small quantities.

So, what is social hiring from the point of view of current legislation? Without going into the legal subtleties, we can say that social rent is a transaction with the state, as a result of which you receive the right to indefinite possession and use of residential premises on preferential terms.

15 Aug 2020 piterurist 787

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