What list of documents must be collected to update certificates of benefits and veterans?

Who is entitled to benefits for utility bills and how to get them

People of retirement age and members of their families are usually provided with one subsidy for the housing in which they live. Such a subsidy is provided for six months , and at the end of this time period it will be necessary to again submit an application to the social security authorities to be granted the right to re-receive benefits for housing and communal services.

  1. Certificate of family income (for the last 6 months).
  2. Certificate of family composition.
  3. Certificate of benefit amount.
  4. Certificate of personal income (also for the last 6 months).
  5. Identity documents of the mother and children.
  6. Receipts for payment of all utilities (also for six months).
  7. A document confirming ownership of the living space.

Documents required for social services to the population

9. Based on the submitted documents and the examination report, the Center, within five working days from the date of application of the citizen (his legal representative), makes a decision to recognize the citizen as in need of social services and draws up an individual program in the form approved by the authorized federal executive body.

List of documents for receiving social services

  • a copy of the citizen’s identity document; as a document proving the identity, age, place of residence and citizenship of foreign citizens, a residence permit issued by the Federal Migration Service of Russia is presented;
  • a copy of the identity document of the person acting on behalf of the citizen (if applied by a legal representative);
  • a copy of a document confirming the authority of the person acting on behalf of the citizen, in the event of an application being submitted by a person acting on behalf of the citizen;
  • a copy of the social services document confirming the place of residence and (or) stay, actual residence of the citizen (his legal representative);
  • documents (information) confirming that a citizen has circumstances that worsen or may worsen his living conditions, which served as the basis for recognizing the citizen as in need of social services in the form of social services at home;
  • documents on the living conditions and family composition (if any) of the citizen, the income of the citizen and his family members (if any), the property belonging to him (them), necessary to determine the average per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge;
  • medical report on the state of health of the person applying for social services, in the form in accordance with Appendix N9 2 to this Procedure;
  • a copy of the standard certificate of entitlement to benefits (if any);
  • information about the amount of pension received, compensation payments (if any).

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Subsidies for utility services are issued by special departments in local governments, social protection departments in your municipality and through multifunctional centers (MFCs).

What documents does a labor veteran need to receive housing and communal services benefits?

The amount of the benefit is calculated individually, using a special formula. In the process of calculating the final amount of compensation payments, social security employees take into account a time period of six months. A subsidy is also issued for the same period. After this time period has passed, the procedure for calculating the benefit will need to be repeated.

Within the framework of the topic “The title “Veteran of Labor”: how to get it in Crimea,” it is worth noting that in order to obtain and issue a certificate that will allow you to enjoy certain benefits and count on payments, it will take another 30 days from the moment a specific candidacy was approved. You can obtain a completed certificate from the social security authority.

What benefits are provided when paying housing and communal services for large families?

Thus, benefits for connecting gas to families with many children contributed to a reduction in payments for the purchase of firewood and coal, the price of which is constantly growing. At the same time, families with 3 or more children got the chance to have hot water and heating in their home all the time.

If a family is raising one or more disabled children, the benefit amount will be 50%. It will apply to housing and communal services, electricity, water, sewerage, telephone communications, natural fuel - firewood and coal.

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Benefits for housing and communal services for disabled people

It is worth noting that previously, regardless of disability group, citizens received the same subsidy. However, the law was revised and disabled people of group 3 began to receive less subsidies than other people with special needs. At the same time, group 1 is given a maximum discount on housing and communal services.

The registration of benefits can be done by the disabled person himself or by a trusted person. Initially, you need to contact the organization that provides payments. Often citizens can resolve this issue in the social department for the protection of citizens or in the MFC.

Benefits for labor veterans for housing and communal services

Many regions have introduced an additional benefit for labor veterans - exemption from paying contributions for major repairs. Since the repairs will take place in a few years, such people of retirement age are simply exempted from this obligation and additional costs.

Benefits for labor veterans for utility services are calculated for each position provided individually. If meters are installed for water, electricity and gas, calculations are made based on the submitted data. When there are no devices, payment benefits are provided based on the standards in the region of residence.

Will benefits be returned to labor veterans in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2018?

With the entire package of documents, we contact the local department of social protection of the population (Sobes) and, in rural areas, to the regional representatives of social security at the administration of rural settlements.

Please provide a link to the amendment to the law that requires the income of all family members to receive benefits for utilities for a veteran.

The Novgorod authorities have provided a specific criterion of need for holders of veteran's certificates when establishing social assistance measures.

In Nizhny Novgorod, the following privileges are valid for labor veterans:

  • Monthly financial payment equal to 508 rubles;
  • Quarterly cash compensation for expenses involving the purchase of solid fuel, which amounts to 380 rubles;
  • A financial payment made once a month, which is equal to half the amount for rent according to the social standard for living space, if there are dependent relatives;
  • Preferential vouchers to special social rehabilitation institutions.

The assignment of this status occurs in accordance with the rules established at the legislative level - upon the application of a citizen.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual.

The following persons have the right to receive the title:

  • with a century of service 40 years for men, 35 years for women;
  • various state awards.

All types of assistance are provided only after submitting an official application and the necessary documentation.

In Nizhny Novgorod, ALL federal and local labor veterans have been deprived of preferential payments since January 1, 2020 if their pension exceeds 20,000 rubles. Appeal this decision through the court. All benefits are currently being transferred to the principle of targeting (need) in the regions.

Benefits for paying utility bills in 2020

  • single pensioners;
  • disabled people living alone;
  • minor orphans who own apartments;
  • families that include only disabled people or pensioners and children under 16 years of age;
  • large families who live in low-rise buildings owned by the city.

Each region has its own list of exceptions and preferences. It is necessary to learn about the subtleties and nuances of legislation in service provider organizations.

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union or Russia;
  • full holders of the Order of Glory;
  • blockade survivors, family members of deceased WWII participants/disabled veterans;
  • citizens awarded the title “Hero of Socialist Labor”;
  • disabled people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • their close dependent relatives;
  • disabled relatives of military personnel who died in combat or as a result of diseases acquired in service;
  • people affected by radiation who participated in the liquidation of accidents at nuclear power plants;
  • disabled people of all groups;
  • including disabled children;
  • families caring for disabled children.

Who can receive a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services and what documents are needed for this?

  • name of the institution providing the subsidy registration service;
  • the applicant’s passport details, including full name and contact information;
  • details of passports and birth certificates of all family members registered at this address;
  • residential address;
  • bank account number for transferring monetary compensation and details of the bank in which it is opened.
  • persons living in an apartment under an agreement for free temporary use (Chapter 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • citizens living at this address in accordance with a rental agreement concluded with the owner of private housing, or a sublease agreement concluded with a tenant of housing of any form of ownership (private, state or municipal);
  • persons who transferred their property to another person under a life annuity agreement with dependents (Chapter 33 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • persons in whose favor a testamentary refusal is executed (Article 1137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

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Who has the right to receive a rent subsidy?

  • MC is the minimum cost of utilities in a particular municipality;
  • n is the number of persons living in the apartment;
  • MDO - the share of allowable income, established as a percentage by each region separately (when calculating, only a numerical indicator is used, without the % sign);
  • D is the total family income.

Who should?

When establishing the right to a benefit, the joint income of all family members is taken into account. Payments for utilities should not exceed the share established by a specific region. The funds of all family members are taken into account when calculating. The amount of funds received over the last six months is determined. In this case, only documented income will be assessed.

  • pensioners who own living space;
  • citizens who are tenants of living space in a commercial fund;
  • users of residential premises (the type of housing stock does not matter);
  • citizens who are members of housing cooperatives.

Who is entitled to benefits when paying for utilities, and how to apply for social support

To receive benefits for utility bills, you need to write a corresponding application, to which documents with photocopies are attached: identity card, pension and veteran’s card, pension insurance card, certificate of family composition. Also, do not forget to indicate the account number to which you will receive compensation for utility bills.

  1. Heroes of the Russian Federation, the USSR and full holders of the Order of Glory. Benefits are provided if a person refuses the monthly payment required by law.
  2. Parents or spouses of heroes of the Russian Federation, USSR, Order of Glory (in case of death). Benefits are provided upon refusal of monetary payment.
  3. Heroes of Socialist Labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory (in case of refusal of monthly payments).
  4. Disabled people of the Second World War. Benefits are provided regardless of financial status.
  5. Parents or spouses of WWII veterans (in case of death).
  6. Disabled family members of a deceased WWII veteran. It is possible to extend the benefit only if they were dependent on him and received a survivor's pension.
  7. Participants of the Second World War. Benefits are provided regardless of the financial situation of the person or his family.
  8. Parents or spouses of a deceased WWII participant.
  9. Disabled combat veterans who were injured while in military service.
  10. Participants in the fighting in China, Hungary, in the area of ​​Damansky Island, in the area of ​​Lake Zhalanashkol.
  11. Combat veterans.
  12. Parents of fallen combat veterans.
  13. Spouses of deceased combat veterans who live separately or with minor children.
  14. Disabled family members of a deceased combat veteran.
  15. Persons who worked at Leningrad enterprises during its siege. Disabled children from childhood who were injured during the Second World War.
  16. Disabled people who were awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.”
  17. Persons who have the Order “For the Defense of Moscow”.
  18. Home front workers.
  19. Minor prisoners of concentration camps that were created by the Nazis.
  20. Pensioners or disabled people who have been subjected to repression for political reasons.
  21. Chernobyl victims and persons who received diseases associated with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  22. Persons who were evacuated from the exclusion zone (Chernobyl zone).
  23. Families of citizens who died as a result of the Chernobyl accident.
  24. Citizens from special risk units.
  25. Citizens who eliminated the consequences of the accident at the Mayak Production Association.
  26. Persons who suffered from nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.
  27. Persons awarded the “Honorary Donor of Russia/USSR” badge.
  28. Large families. Benefits are provided if there are more than two children in the family and the youngest of them is under 16 years old.
  29. Large families that have 10 or more children under the age of 16. Benefits are provided if children are students of secondary schools.
  30. Citizens who have been recognized as disabled.
  31. Families who have disabled children under 16 years of age.
  32. Orphans or those left without parental care.
  33. Single mothers. They are considered as such if there is a dash in the “Father of the child” column on the child’s birth certificate.

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What documents are needed to receive benefits?

Advice from lawyers:

1. How to get a transport tax benefit? What documents are needed and where to apply?

1.1. To receive transport tax benefits, you must contact the Tax Inspectorate at your place of registration, submit an application, and attach a copy of the document confirming the benefits to the application.

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2. What documents should you have and what do you need in general to receive mortgage benefits?

2.1. Good afternoon Benefits are mainly provided by the bank. (non-state) The state provides tax benefits for mortgages, as a result of which real estate buyers will receive compensation equal to the amount of the tax deduction if you regularly paid personal income tax. This is a kind of compensation, which depends on your monthly income, and on the specifics of the bank, of course. (state) There are regional benefits for “young families”, etc. If you are interested in information for your own purchase of a mortgaged home, please write which category of the population you belong to (age, social status, etc.). It may be possible to give you “specific” explanations.

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3. I received a 3 degree disability. What documents are needed at the ERC to apply for benefits?

3.1. Hello! ITU certificate.

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4. My grandmother is a minor prisoner of WWII concentration camps. Does she have the right to free travel on the Moscow-Simferopol long-distance train? What documents are needed for this benefit? Where can I get them?

4.1. Good afternoon, Yulia! 1. Your grandmother must have a Certificate of entitlement to benefits for former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War. 2. The certificate is issued by the social protection authorities at the place of residence. 3. This category does not have benefits for travel on international trains.

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5. My husband is a combat veteran, how to get and apply for housing and communal services benefits in the conditions of copoetvirus. And what documents are needed.

5.1. Through the government website services, attach a copy of the ID, housing and communal services receipt for the last month. You can also use MFC, they work by appointment.

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6. What Documents and where do you need to get when a pensioner moves to another region from Orenburg to St. Petersburg to apply for a pension and medical benefits?

6.1. Contact the Pension Fund at the place of new registration in St. Petersburg, the pension file will be requested based on your application. You can renew your medical insurance policy in St. Petersburg by contacting the insurance company you need. You choose.

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7. Can I (inv. 1 group) receive a discount on travel to the place of treatment and back to Moscow in the direction of a medical institution. And what documents are needed for this. Referral for treatment after surgery performed a year ago (kidney transplant.

7.1. Group 1 disabled people receive a set of social services (NOSS). The NOSU includes medications, medical nutrition, vouchers to sanatoriums and resorts, once a year payment for travel to and from the place of treatment (for a disabled person and his accompanying person), free trips on commuter trains (and for accompanying persons). A discounted travel pass is issued at the social security department. To receive the benefit, you need the following documents: - application for a travel pass; — passport of a disabled person; — certificate from the ITU bureau; - passport of the accompanying person.

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8. My retired mother died. I received 2 receipts for receiving housing and communal services benefits for her. How and where and what documents do I (my son) need to receive money from these receipts. Registered and lived with her.

8.1. There are no benefits for a deceased person, so you need to contact your management company and find out who is living in the apartment and provide your mother’s death certificate. Otherwise, you will still be charged for the wrongfully provided benefit.

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9. I live with a child. The child's father lives in Ukraine. He and I were not scheduled. I want to receive low-income status and benefits for housing and communal services. Do I need any documents from my father? Will they force him to file for alimony? How to do this from Crimea to Ukraine is impossible. Or simply write to social security that he does not pay alimony or pays a certain amount. He sometimes gives money, but rarely. Or don't say anything about it at all. Thank you.

9.1. You can file alimony against your husband in Russia, and they will collect it from him in Ukraine.

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9.2. No one can force you to file for alimony, so you don’t have to worry about this point. You must provide social security with information about your real income, confirmed by certificates. Based on this, a decision will be made to recognize you as low-income. There is no need to mention the child’s father and the financial support he sometimes provides.

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10. What documents does a pensioner need to provide to the tax office in order to receive a property/land tax benefit?

10.1. Application and pension copy of the pension certificate.

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11. A group 2 disabled person, by law, has the right to separate housing (tuberculosis), but does not have a residence permit and there is no way to obtain one. For the same reason, he was denied social security benefits. Married, but has not lived with his wife for about 10 years. What is the opportunity to get housing? Where to go and what documents need to be collected? Does marital status play a role here?

11.1. Victoria, if you have housing, but there is no registration, then you won’t be able to apply for benefits at your place of residence. It is necessary to resolve the issue of registration at the place of residence, and then take steps to obtain benefits to improve living conditions.

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12. I have a child who has been disabled since birth (cerebral palsy). He is 9 years old. We are registered and live with my parents (the four of us). Please tell me what documents and certificates are needed to apply for benefits for housing and communal services? Where can I get these certificates and where should I go with all the documents to apply for benefits? Thank you!

12.1. First: you did not indicate the right to housing, whose property is it or is it a rental. Second: you need to see the front sheet, which is located in the management company, where all the persons registered in this apartment are indicated, and only then it is necessary to collect documents. All relevant benefit documents are issued by the city social protection department. Victor LOGACHEV.

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13. I have an environmental certificate from the Republic of Kazakhstan. What needs to be done or what documents to prepare in order to obtain a Russian certificate to receive benefits in Russia.

13.1. Hello, this environmental certificate is not valid, you need to get it again. Thank you for your visit to our website, good luck to you.

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Calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

14. My great-grandfather and his family were deported to Siberia in 1932. My grandfather was born there. He died. Can my family expect any compensation or benefits? How to get them? What documents are needed? Where to go?

14.1. Good day! He can’t - definitely, he can’t hope for compensation. Benefits are available only to disabled people and pensioners.

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15. I am a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, married to a citizen of the Russian Federation, married for 1.5 years, the marriage was registered on the territory of Kazakhstan. A child born in a marriage on the territory of Kazakhstan, I plan to obtain Russian citizenship. What documents do I need to collect in Kazakhstan for myself and the child? How long will it take for us to receive Russian citizenship? Are we entitled to any benefits?

15.1. Good afternoon, in Kazakhstan you don’t need to receive anything, you come with a passport, a migration card and collect all the documents on the spot, the only thing you need to take with you is a certificate of no criminal record, in the best case you will receive citizenship in a year and seven months, you go through a simplified procedure since you are filing for marriage.

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16. I am a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, born in the Russian Federation, Inta Komi.. I want to obtain Russian citizenship.. I know that there are benefits.. I can come to Krasnodar.. what documents are needed from Belarus or will a passport be enough?

16.1. Good afternoon. In this case, all you need is a passport, legal grounds for living in Russia and a birth certificate confirming that you are a native of Russia.

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16.2. Good afternoon, dear visitor! Only your passport, also take your birth certificate with you. Upon arrival, immediately apply for a residence permit (a temporary residence permit is not required for citizens of Belarus) All the best, I wish you good luck.

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16.3. Good afternoon In this case, you need your passport, as well as a birth certificate, you need to contact the Migration Department, first you need to obtain a residence permit, as citizens of the Republic of Belarus, you do not need to obtain a temporary residence permit.

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17. The spouse received a certificate of a combat veteran, contacted social security to find out what documents are needed for benefits for 50 percent payment for electricity and gas, they told you it is not allowed in the Kaluga region. Asti, I say, but this is a federal law and you can be held accountable, to which they hung up, tell me if they are right, we live in the Kaluga region, Peremyshl district.

17.1. Good afternoon If benefits are provided for by federal legislation, then they must be provided. Submit an official application for benefits, request a written refusal and go to court. All the best.

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18. I am a 2nd year student at St. Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering... can I get a temporary residence permit? What documents are needed? Are there any benefits for students?

18.1. Good afternoon The procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit is specified in Art. 6 of the Federal Law on the legal status of citizens, temporary residence permits can be obtained in accordance with the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or without taking into account the quota if there are grounds specified in this article. The fact that you are a student is not a basis for obtaining a temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota. You need to contact the Migration Office with this question.

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19. What benefits can you get for paying for your child’s education? Only my father works, what documents are needed and are we already late for 16 years?

19.1. For 2020, you must submit your tax return by November 1, 2017, and during the established period of desk audit, you will be transferred 13% to the specified personal account. I advise you to check with the tax office regarding filing dates and return deadlines.

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20. What documents do I need to collect in order to receive benefits for firewood? Parents are pensioners and live in the village. And I’m a daughter, they ask me to send them a photocopy of my birth certificate and college diploma. Are such documents needed?

20.1. The list of documents and conditions for providing benefits for receiving firewood must be clarified directly with the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence, since these benefits are regional in nature and they differ in different regions. Go to social security and they will tell you everything on the spot.

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I am an orphan, 21 years old, my father died a long time ago, my mother was deprived of her birth. right, can I get benefits from the labor exchange? If yes, what documents need to be provided?

8 and I'm going to move to another porn first, of course, I need to get him into kindergarten.

The daughter used her card to pay for her mother’s discounted e-ticket, because... Mom doesn't even have a card.

My dad died, a disabled person equal to the 1st group of WWII disabled people (without both legs)

I received a certificate from the ministry, which gives me the right to receive the title of labor veteran. From what time do you need to draw up documents and from what time will benefits begin?

I am in the process of divorcing my husband. We have a minor daughter aged 15 years.

For several years I worked for a private employer without registration, now I am left without a job,

To get a driver's license, what documents are needed and where to apply and what are the benefits?

My father-in-law is 88 years old (2 degrees disabled) and is the owner of a Ural motorcycle.

Can I get a subsidy for utilities if my mother-in-law is 88 years old and her disability pension is 2 gr.

I am a group 3 disabled person, I have benefits for travel to and from the place of treatment, I have never used them before!

What documents are needed to receive benefits for a labor veteran?

3. At any convenient time, a labor veteran can receive official labor leave. To do this, you should pay attention not to workload or quarterly reports - vacation should be taken out at any convenient time. Today, many working veterans successfully use this benefit.

In addition, the selfless work of future veterans is spoken of in Orders, Resolutions and other documents establishing the procedure for obtaining this title. For example, a departmental award, which is mentioned in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 578, . This is due to the fact that many Russian pensioners have a long work history, because the start of their working life is often at the age of 20, and the end can happen even after 60 years.

What documents are needed for social security for disability benefits?

What documents are needed to register as a labor veteran? The title of labor veteran is honorable for an elderly person, it is recognition of his many years of conscientious work, and provides him with certain benefits. The benefits are not great, but still slightly improve the financial situation of pensioners. What documents are needed to register as a labor veteran in Russia in 2020.

Our state attaches special importance to the issue of motherhood; every baby must receive adequate nutrition and proper medical care, and since the mother must take care of the child during this period, and therefore is deprived of the opportunity to work, the state provides social assistance for such families.

How to get a benefit for utility bills and who is entitled to it

  • certificate of family finances for the previous six months;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate of the mother’s personal income for the last six months;
  • checks and receipts confirming payment of the accrued amount for utilities after the last 6 months;
  • housing ownership;
  • mother's passport;
  • birth certificate of the child (all children).

The issued subsidy is provided to a person for 6 months, after which a return visit to the relevant authority will be required with a request to extend the discount. It is very important to take into account that it is pointless to apply for a subsidy if there is at least one debt for anyone. services.

11 Mar 2020 lawurist7 300

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What documents are needed to apply for veteran benefits?

You need a passport (its certified copy), an application for benefits (with a request for benefits), a veteran's ID and a pensioner's ID. Having prepared in advance a certificate of income for all family members living in a given area, and also collecting receipts for payment for utilities, we must have a certificate of family composition.

To receive benefits, a veteran of labor must first submit an application for benefits. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the "Veteran of Labor" certificate, an extract from the house register, receipts confirming payment of utilities, documents confirming the legal basis of ownership and use of residential premises, a copy of the benefit transfer card account, SNILS, a copy of your passport

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