Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in 2020: federal and regional list, changes and features of provision

Group 3 disabled person: what benefits are entitled? Social protection of disabled people

There is a preferential system for paying transport tax: a car purchased by a disabled person upon application to the social security authorities is not subject to tax.
But the law stipulates that it must be a vehicle with an engine of no more than 100 horsepower, equipped with special devices or a special design. The most common country for cars is Russia. Benefits for disabled people of group 3, unfortunately, do not apply to gift or inheritance taxes - this tax burden will have to be paid in full. If an employee is a group 3 disabled person due to a general illness, the Labor Code does not provide benefits for layoffs. But there is an exception. In the case where a shortened working day is stipulated in the conclusion of the medical commission, the employer has an obligation to reduce either the length of the shift or the working week, but without restrictions in anything else.

Who is assigned disability group 3?

Citizens whose level of health does not allow them to feel fully functional physically and mentally are recognized as disabled. This happens after a medical and social examination (MSE). This type of work is carried out by a specially created bureau, which the citizen must contact to assign a disability group.

Only after assignment of a disability group and receipt of accompanying documentation, a citizen is assigned benefits for disabled people of group 3.

The criteria for assigning disability to people, including group 3, are defined in Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 1024n dated December 17, 2015.

In accordance with this document, during expert assessment the following individual abilities are examined:

  • self-care ability;
  • ability to move independently;
  • the ability to calmly navigate space;
  • communicate and perform work;
  • absorb and transmit information;
  • adequacy of perception of external factors in the physical and psychological aspects.

The limitation of legal capacity depends on the illness. When assigning the third disability group, I highlight the following diseases:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

The preferences provided largely depend on the category of disease.
The following violations, as a rule, can lead to limitation of legal capacity:

  • functions of speech, hearing, vision;
  • mental disorders;
  • sensory disorders (loss of vision, hearing, smell, tactile disorders);
  • congenital and acquired physical deformities, including: limbs;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • circulatory and blood flow problems;
  • painful changes in the activity of internal organs:
      respiratory tract;
  • musculoskeletal tissue;
  • ophthalmological and others.
  • Unhappiness in the workplace can also result in a disability being assigned.
    Citizens who find themselves in such a situation have broader rights. The third disability group is assigned in case of a person’s health impairment with the second degree of severity of persistent impairment of body functions in the range from 40 to 60 percent.

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    Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1024n dated December 17, 2015

    Rights and benefits of Russian disabled people of group 3 in 2020

    The total amount of monthly cash benefits for group 3 disability in 2020 in Russia will be 2,022 rubles. The value of the benefits package in kind is equivalent to this amount. Of this, about 808 rubles per month are allocated for medicines, for treatment in sanatoriums - about 125 rubles, for travel by transport - about 116 rubles.

    • Payment for sanatorium-resort treatment and travel to the place where it takes place (including air and train tickets).
    • 50% discount on select prescription drugs and medical supplies (or free delivery).
    • Free travel on municipal city and suburban transport.

    Benefits at the regional level

    At the regional level, benefits for disabled people of group 3 are most often provided in 2020 according to local taxes:

    • Discount or complete exemption from transport tax;
    • Land tax discount;
    • Exemption from real estate tax (provided that it is not used for business purposes)

    Regions also have the right to establish additional benefits for people with disabilities:

    • in the Rostov region - from 2020, free travel for disabled people of group 3 on suburban and intercity transport has been abolished. Other benefits for people with disabilities in this region have been preserved.
    • in Moscow - there are various programs for people with disabilities, including reducing the number of floors for wheelchair users, finding a job, improving living conditions, etc.
    • in the Tver region, social cards based on the MIR system are being introduced for beneficiaries, including disabled people of group 3. It will give the right to preferential use of public transport. In addition, during the autumn-winter period, disabled people have the right to purchase intercity tickets with a 50% discount.
    • in the Kemerovo region - disabled people are entitled to free travel in city and suburban transport, as well as a 50% discount on travel in the Kemerovo region.
    • in the Leningrad region - the payment of transport tax was canceled for disabled people of groups 1 and 2. Alas, disabled people of group 3 were not included in the benefit.
    • in the Moscow region - disabled people of group 3 can reduce the tax by 50% for one vehicle at a time.
    • in Bashkortostan, a single social card has been introduced for social groups of the population, which allows them to receive benefits for travel on public transport, identify and record the dispensing of preferential medications, as well as receive pensions and other payments.

    What benefits are available to a group 3 disabled person in 2020?

    Also, disabled people of group 3 are entitled to a monthly payment, which was the result of the monetization of benefits. To receive such a payment, a disabled person must renounce in writing some of the benefits he is entitled to. We are talking about those benefits that are either in little demand or are very difficult to obtain in practice. We are talking about providing the disabled person with medicines, sanatorium-resort treatment and travel to the place of treatment.

    Disabled people are considered by the Government of the Russian Federation as the most vulnerable category of citizens due to the fact that they have limited opportunities to find work to earn income and provide for themselves financially. However, disabled people of group 3 are recognized as a working group of citizens with health problems, and therefore they receive fewer benefits and benefits compared to disabled people of groups 1 and 2. However, benefits for working disabled people of group 3 are still approved at the federal and regional levels.

    Federal laws on disabled people from childhood, group 3

    Federal Law 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, adopted on November 24, 1995, can be identified as a key act of federal significance. This document defines the legal status and benefits of persons with disabilities.

    In addition, at the federal level there is a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 240 dated July 4, 2019. This regulatory act regulates the procedure for issuing rehabilitation funds to citizens with disabilities.

    Finally, Federal Law No. 166-FZ dated December 15, 2019 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” considers issues related to pension provision. According to the law, pension applicants are:

    citizens with disabilities who have lost their breadwinner; holders of a disability group, including children with disabilities;

    disabled people of group 3 who have received an old-age pension.

    What benefits are available to disabled people of group 3 in 2020?

    • 500 rubles are always deducted from personal income tax. Moreover, if the subject acquired a disability during the performance of military duties, such a deduction will amount to 3 thousand rubles;
    • there is no need to make insurance payments;
    • a subject does not pay transport tax if its engine power does not reach 100 horsepower.
    • A person has the ability for self-care, has the skills to move without assistance, and also does not need daily self-care with the help of third parties. Thus, the need for nurses is completely eliminated;
    • The state of health of the subject allows him to carry out work activities with certain minor restrictions. This may include shortened working hours or the need for special equipment. Such circumstances also include a change of position due to the acquisition of disability;
    • A person’s need for certain sanitary and preventive procedures, an increased need for social protection, and also, under appropriate circumstances, undergoing a rehabilitation course.

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    Whom the state recognizes as group 3 disabled

    Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has persistent minor deviations in health caused by a congenital or acquired disease, as well as injury, can be recognized as a group 3 disabled person. The conditions for assigning the third disability group are:

    • Preservation of a person’s abilities and skills for independent movement and self-care. No need for outside care.
    • Possibility of full-time work with minor restrictions. For example, on reduced working hours or in a specially equipped workplace. This also includes a forced change of profession due to health conditions.
    • The need for supportive treatment and preventive measures, social protection and rehabilitation.

    The presence and group of disability is determined by the regional medical and social expert commission (ITU). For citizens over 18 years of age, disability is established for a period of 12 months. For children under 18 years of age - for a period of 12-24 months (depending on the nature of the pathology and the severity of the health disorder). In case of persistent loss of labor functions, disability is established indefinitely (only at repeated examinations).

    Heating benefits

    1. Registration is possible only on one basis. That is, heating benefits for labor veterans cannot include benefits for WWII participants; the applicant must choose the most profitable one.
    2. An application of the established form with a request for benefits on a certain basis is submitted to the housing office at the place of residence.
    3. Required to collect:
    4. Documents giving the right to benefits (veteran's certificate, disability certificate, etc.);
    5. Certificate from the housing office confirming the absence of debt on housing and communal services;
    6. Account information for transferring compensation.
    7. The benefits begin from the next month after submitting the application. After the citizen pays the bill in full, part of the funds is returned to the specified account.

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    Benefits for disabled people of group 1 in Moscow

    Disabled people of 1st group

    – these are people with disabilities who are completely disabled due to a stable and serious disruption of the functioning of one or more body systems. Such people may suffer from an illness since childhood or become disabled after a work injury, illness, or accident. Group 1 disabled people are not able to independently care for themselves, earn a living, or adapt to life in society.

    Social benefits for disabled people of group 1

    The Ministry of Labor believes that a citizen can be classified as “disabled from childhood” in the following cases:

    • the injury or defect causing disability occurred before the patient reached the age of majority;
    • there is congenital damage;
    • no progressive limitation of a physical or psychological nature was observed until the age of 18.

    No, it is impossible to return funds that have been paid. Payments begin to be formed only after submitting an application; it is not for nothing that they ask you to bring a previous receipt that was paid for.

    It is the above-mentioned citizens who have the right to apply for state assistance, which is expressed in subsidies, compensation or other benefits. In this article, we will look at compensation for utility services that people with disabilities can claim.

    How to apply for compensation for housing and communal services

    1. A statement written in your own hand;
    2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    3. Certificate of family composition;
    4. Document confirming the presence of disability;
    5. The right to the actual property in which a person with disabilities lives;
    6. Bank details to which 50% of the paid receipt will be returned;
    7. A document confirming the absence of debt on utility bills;
    8. Last paid receipt.

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    It is impossible to find a complete list of what benefits for utility services for disabled people of group 1 are provided for by law in one regulatory act. The provisions regarding subsidies and their amounts are published in various laws. In some cases, norms may duplicate each other, or, on the contrary, contradict each other, but such benefits and compensation never depend on the income of citizens with disabilities.

    Benefits for disabled people of group 3: laws and regulations

    Cash subsidies that the state transfers to improve the living conditions of group 3 disabled people must be spent within 6 months. One person is entitled to 18 sq. meters of housing. The size of the subsidy is determined based on the market value per square meter (varies depending on the region) and the number of people with a disability group. Family members living with a person (or persons) with disabilities cannot count on it.

    In addition to pensions and an additional payment in the amount of 1 thousand rubles (not everyone is entitled to it and to clarify the information, you should contact the employees of the Pension Fund), disabled people of group 3 are provided with telephone communications at preferential rates, as well as discounts on drugs to improve the functions of hearing, vision, and auxiliary mechanisms for moving, prostheses, orthopedic shoes.

    Benefits for disabled people of group 2

    The laws of the Russian Federation provide for various types of support for citizens who are in difficult life situations, experiencing special needs and difficulties and obstacles in everyday activities due to any reason. The category of citizens protected by special benefits includes people with disabilities who have congenital or acquired physical dysfunctions and diseases that prevent them from being fully realized in educational, labor or other activities. The Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995 No. 181 stipulates that Russia has adopted 3 degrees of disability , which in some circumstances provide for different benefits for each of them.

    The category of disability is assigned in the required manner by professional medical experts in a specially authorized institution for this purpose. Determining disability is a medical, social and economic process at the same time. As a result of the medical and social examination, the following is established:

    Laws on social protection of persons with disabilities

    The rights of Russian citizens with group 3 disabilities are regulated by several laws. The Basic Federal Law on Persons with Disabilities, number 181-FZ, was adopted on November 24, 1995 (last revised on October 30, 2017). The rights of people with disabilities are also described in laws:

    • No. 178-FZ dated July 1, 2017;
    • No. 30-FZ dated March 7, 2017;
    • No. 273-FZ dated July 29, 2017;
    • No. 419-FZ dated December 1, 2014;
    • No. 166-FZ dated December 15, 2001 (last edition 07/01/2017);
    • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1157 dated 10/02/1992 (last edition 07/01/2014).

    In addition, people with disabilities are provided with privileges and benefits on the basis of municipal legal acts that have been adopted in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Information about them is usually published in local media and on state Internet resources of regional importance.

    Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in 2020-2020

    Each person should find out these and other types of benefits in their city or region of residence, as they may differ. Also, in order to stay up to date with all the required payments, you must regularly call the Pension Fund and social protection departments (at least once every 3 months) to stay updated on new changes in payments and benefit programs.

    • Disabled people in this group have a 50% discount on the purchase of necessary medications, which are prescribed according to a prescription by the attending physician who keeps the person’s medical history.
    • A person can receive the necessary prosthetic and orthopedic accessories that improve the life and mobility of a disabled person completely free of charge.
    • If necessary, a person with limited mobility with a 3rd degree disability is given a discounted voucher for sanatorium treatment to maintain and improve health.
    • If a disabled person has certain diagnoses, then he can apply for a separate room from the state, since he needs to live separately from the rest of the family. And for this, according to information collected from official sources by the news portal, there must be appropriate medical indications.
    • Group 3 disabled people are completely exempt from tax payments on the property of individuals.
    • Also, disabled people of group 3 are allowed a 50% discount on payment for housing and communal services. This includes: heating, electricity, water, garbage removal and other services. In addition, if a person lives in a private house, he is also given a 50% discount on the purchase of fuel: it can be firewood, coal, gas cylinders and other heating methods.
    • If a person has been disabled since childhood, then having category 3 disability, he may not have to pay for the issuance of a warrant for residential premises.
    • In 2020, disabled people of group 3 can receive from the state a plot for farming, as well as for building a private house.
    • If a category 3 disabled person has had this status since childhood, then if he wants to become an entrepreneur and registers with the tax office, he does not need to pay for registration in order to start doing business.
    • If a disabled person has a third degree disability since childhood, then he is entitled to a refund of 500 rubles if he pays personal income tax.
    • If a person became disabled during military service, then, according to information taken from relevant sources by the news portal, when paying personal income tax, he is entitled to a refund of 3,000 rubles.
    • If you own (purchase) a car whose power is below 100 horsepower, a group 3 disabled person is exempt from vehicle tax, which is paid to the state by healthy vehicle owners.
    • If a person of group 3 disability gets a job, then a workplace must be equipped for him in accordance with the standards and requirements of his diagnosis.
    • During the year, a person of the third disability group can apply for leave at any time of the year when it is necessary for health reasons. The duration of the vacation can be from 30 to 60 days.
    • If at the workplace the employer needs a disabled person to work at night or overtime, then the entrepreneur must obtain the appropriate consent in writing from the group 3 disabled person. Otherwise, if there is an inspection, the employer may be fined.
    • In 2020, group 3 disabled people will also be exempt from the need to make insurance contributions to the Mandatory Medical Insurance (CHI) fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, social security and the employment fund.
    • If a disabled person’s work requires advanced training, the training process will be provided by the employer free of charge.
    • When paying for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance (compulsory motor third party liability insurance), disabled people of group 3 are refunded 50% of the money paid.
    • If a person received group 3 disability due to harm caused to him at the time of vaccination, then he can demand from the state a monthly compensation payment in the amount of 1000 rubles.

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    Reimbursement of utility payments for disabled people

    Citizens who are legally classified as disabled are provided with additional support measures by the state in almost all areas of activity. Other measures include a benefit for reimbursement of payments for electricity, water, gas, maintenance of the house, and surrounding area. How are housing and communal services benefits for disabled people calculated?

    Conditions for providing benefits

    Since 2020, the Federal authorities have adopted innovations in the issue of reimbursement of amounts for major repairs. Subjects of the country have been given carte blanche to establish a 50% reimbursement of payments to the capital repair fund for disabled people of groups I and II, as well as citizens over 70 years of age.

    1. Disabled people have the right to free medical care Free medical care, both in outpatient and inpatient settings.
    2. Sanatorium-resort treatment on preferential terms. This right is granted on the basis of a rehabilitation program for a disabled person.
    3. Free provision of all necessary technical means for rehabilitation (prosthetic and orthopedic products, etc.).
    4. Providing a fifty percent discount on the purchase of medications prescribed by a doctor. This benefit applies to disabled people of group 3 who are unemployed.
    5. Preservation of housing for disabled people in houses of state and municipal funds. This is carried out under the condition that a citizen with a disability is placed in social service institutions for six months.
    1. Creation of certain working conditions that will comply with the rehabilitation program.
    2. Disabled people receive longer leave, at least 30 days. The employment contract excludes the establishment of conditions that could aggravate the condition of the disabled person.
    3. Providing annual leave of at least thirty days.
    4. Working disabled people have the right, in addition to annual leave, to take additional leave during the year, the total duration of which does not exceed sixty days. At the same time, wages are not maintained.
    5. The involvement of a disabled person in overtime and night work must be carried out solely with his consent. In addition, medical health indicators should not prohibit him from such work.

    Benefits in the field of medicine

    In addition, disabled people and families with unhealthy children have the right to receive a plot of land first. The territory is intended for the construction of individual housing, gardening, dacha and subsidiary farming. Note that, according to the Presidential Decree, the site must be a place suitable for the life of a disabled person.

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    1. Receiving medications that a disabled person needs free of charge or at a discount;
    2. Annual opportunity to receive sanatorium-resort treatment according to the profile of the disease;
    3. Additional equipment that a disabled person needs (stroller, crutches, specialized shoes);
    4. Rehabilitation program.
    1. The first group is the most severe, the deviation from the norm is 90% and above;
    2. The second group is given to those people in whom the disease has affected over 70%;
    3. The third group is the simplest, but the violation is more than 40%.

    Monthly payments

    At the legislative level, there are three disability groups in the Russian Federation. By officially receiving disability, a person with disabilities can qualify for monthly payments and benefits. The amount of payment and the benefits provided depend directly on the disability group received, which depends on the degree of illness and the ability to work. In addition, the list of benefits can be expanded by regional authorities who wish to provide assistance to their population and have the financial ability to do so. In this article, we will look at what a group 3 disabled person living in St. Petersburg has the right to.

    In accordance with this rule, the authorities answer the question of whether disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 should pay for major repairs, as follows: contributions for this type of repair are mandatory, but if they provide documents confirming their payment, people with disabilities will receive compensation , equal to half of the deposited amounts, based on how benefits for disabled people are calculated for utility bills.

    Benefits for disabled people of the second group for payment of utilities

    Hello! As a group 3 disabled person, I take advantage of the benefit of compensation for housing and communal services, an apartment under a social contract. rental, like those displaced from dilapidated housing. Here’s the question: if I privatize and immediately register ownership of my young grandson, who is not registered in my apartment, but lives with his mother (also not registered), i.e. with my daughter and me , in this case, I lose the right to receive compensation for housing and communal services? After all, then it turns out that I simply remain registered in this apartment, and have no property rights, no social contract. There will be no more hiring. Or is it only important to register in an apartment to calculate compensation for housing and communal services for a disabled person? Thank you.

    Hello Tatyana Ivanovna, in order for the spouse of a disabled person to represent his interests in government bodies and have the right to sign, a notarized power of attorney is required indicating the powers and certifying the signature of the authorized person.

    Common mistakes

    Error: The person did not receive a conclusion on assignment of a disability group because he cannot appear at the medical and social examination bureau.

    Comment: In such cases, it is necessary to submit an application to the ITU bureau and call experts to your home.

    Error: A disabled person does not enjoy the right to tax benefits.

    Comment: Persons with disabilities are entitled to tax benefits. Group 3 disabled people receive a tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles, do not pay insurance premiums from their salary and do not pay car tax. Children with disabilities from childhood do not pay personal income tax and state duty when opening an individual entrepreneur.

    Benefits for disabled people of group 2 in 2020

    1. He was diagnosed with a disorder of body functions caused by:
    2. injuries;
    3. defects.
    4. They lead to a limitation of his normal life activities.
    5. A person needs rehabilitation and social protection.

    The process of examining a patient for the fact of being assigned a disability must be initiated by him personally or by his representative. Medical institutions only respond to citizens’ requests on this issue.

    1. Exemption from property tax for individuals.
    2. Reduction of land tax.
    3. Exemption from paying state duty when going to court (if the claimed damage is less than 1 million rubles).
    4. 50% discount on notary fees.
    5. Non-competitive enrollment in universities and secondary specialized educational institutions, subject to successful passing of exams.
    6. Children raised in families where both parents have disabilities receive two free meals a day at school.

    Preferences and discounts are provided only if you have documents confirming the category.

    What benefits are provided to disabled people of group 2?

    Taking into account the difficult moments in the life of this category of people, the state is trying to provide them with support. It is important to know what benefits are provided to disabled people of group 2. Persons with health limitations can directly benefit from discounts and free services or replace them with appropriate monetary compensation.

    • high physical activity (bending, heavy lifting, long walking, etc.);
    • neuropsychic stress (monotonous work, night shifts);
    • work with microorganisms, spores, bacteria, infectious agents;
    • increased concentration of chemical compounds, radiation, extreme temperatures, toxic substances;
    • insufficient or excessive lighting.
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