Register a Newborn List of Documents St. Petersburg 2020

Register a newborn baby list of documents St. Petersburg 2020

So, to register a newborn child in 2020 you will need: If registration is carried out at the place of residence of the father, then you will need to submit a certificate from the mother, which will indicate that the baby is not registered at her place of registration.
It is recommended to make photocopies of documents in two copies. Registration of a newborn at the place of residence in 2020: how and where, what documents are needed for registration Where you can get a birth certificate in 2020 Where you can get a child’s birth certificate in 2020 The birth of a child must be documented.

Can registration be refused?

Do not forget that filing an application to register a newborn does not always result in a positive decision. Sometimes parents may be refused. This happens on the following grounds:

  • registration of a civil status act is contrary to federal legislation;
  • the documents submitted by the applicants do not meet the requirements;
  • the applicant does not have the authority to obtain a child’s birth certificate, including when applying again;
  • if there are disputes between interested parties;
  • if there are no documents available that would confirm the basis for registering the baby.

Each applicant has the right to appeal against unlawful actions or inaction of officials by filing an application with the executive authority.

List of documents for registration of a newborn in St. Petersburg

Registration of a newborn, why it is needed - the law Rules for registration of newborn children are regulated by several legislative and by-laws. This procedure is mandatory, but it also allows the parents of the newborn to take certain legal actions. Thus, the array of regulations is presented as follows:

With the arrival of a baby in the house, parents should take care not only of his comfortable life, but also of legal confirmation of the birth of a new full member of society. Citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of age, are required to register at their place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation.

Registration of a newborn baby documents St. Petersburg

Attention: Without a policy, a baby will be admitted to clinics only for 60 days from the date of birth (30 days from the date of birth are allocated for obtaining a birth certificate (which is necessary to obtain the policy), and another 30 days for the registration of the child's compulsory medical insurance policy). What documents does a newborn need to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy?

  1. Obtaining a birth certificate for a baby in St. Petersburg in 2019
  2. Register a newborn baby list of documents 2020 St. Petersburg
  3. Benefits for a children's card in St. Petersburg
  4. The baby is born: we prepare documents for the newborn
  5. One-time compensation payment at the birth of a child
  6. Children's social card in 2020 in St. Petersburg

Registration deadlines

Birth certificates must be received by parents within a month from the date of birth of the child. As for obtaining registration, there are no clear deadlines for a newborn. But since from birth a person has rights and responsibilities dictated by the laws of the state where he lives, one should focus on the Law of the Russian Federation No. 5242-1 (Article 5, 6), which states that a citizen must register:

  • within 7 days from the date of arrival, if this is a permanent residence permit;
  • within 3 months if it is a temporary registration.

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The procedure itself takes 3-8 days.

Registration at a temporary address is issued for the period specified in the rental agreement. Permanent registration is provided for an indefinite period.

Registration of a newborn in St. Petersburg 2020 what documents

There are also administrative acts of city district administrations on assigning microdistricts for the primary registration of children and local (internal) acts of the school establishing the composition and work schedule of the admissions committee.

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How to obtain documents for a newborn child in St. Petersburg State registration of birth To do this, you will need the following documents: Certificate of birth of a child issued by a city medical institution (Medical certificate) Application for registration of a child from the mother or electronic application through the State Services website. Authorization of one of the spouses or another person to register a child (according to the Civil Registry Office form).

What documents may be needed to obtain a “Children’s” card at the MFC?

To receive a child card at the MFC, you need to submit the main package of documents and, if necessary, additional information. The main documents include:

  • application for a child card. A special form provides a multifunctional src=»×528.jpg» class=»aligncenter» width=»1024″ height=”528″[/img] Application form for a children’s social card
  • parents' passports. One of the parents must have permanent registration in St. Petersburg;
  • metrics of all children in the family;
  • marriage or divorce certificates.

If the card is issued for a child from a single-parent family, you must additionally provide a death certificate of the parent, a court order stating that this person is missing or depriving him of parental rights.

When applying for a card for one-time compensation, you can provide a certificate from the antenatal clinic about early registration before 20 weeks.

To receive a monthly benefit, you must provide a certificate of family income for the previous quarter. Depending on the situation, a medical certificate about the child’s health condition, an expert opinion on his disability, and for families of military personnel, a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office may be required.

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Register a newborn baby with a list of documents for 2020 St. Petersburg

3.After submitting the documents and application, the passport office employees collect the passport and birth certificate. If a child is registered in a private home, a corresponding entry is made in the house register.

The registration period is usually from 1 to 7 days. There, parents can put a record of the birth of a child in the “children” column in their passports. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT REGISTRATION OF A NEWBORN: - The legislation of the Russian Federation does not regulate the maximum period for which a newborn child must be registered.

Register a child at his place of residence in St. Petersburg

For registration, you must provide the following documents: Passports and the child’s birth certificate will be taken away for one week. If paternity is not confirmed, the child will no longer be able to be registered together with the father (separately from the mother).

  1. parents (one of the parents) of the child,
  2. an official of the medical or other organization in which the child is located.
  3. a person authorized by the parents (one of the parents) of the child,
  4. an official of the medical organization where the mother was during childbirth,

When registering a birth, regardless of who the applicant is, the following documents must be submitted: Even though the second copy of the copy is not useful, it can be used in the future.

To register a newborn child, you must contact the center branch closest to the place of future registration. The documents required for registration of residence permit must be prepared in advance. All documents received by the employees of the multifunctional center from citizens are then transferred to the Federal Migration Service, where they undergo further registration. Therefore, registering a child through the MFC is no different from registration by other legal means.

Register a newborn baby list of documents 2020 St. Petersburg

After the birth of a child and undergoing the initial procedures for obtaining a Birth Certificate, parents think about registering their child in an apartment or private house. In 2020, the process itself has not changed, but the requirements for the provision of documents and their completeness have changed slightly. Let's start with the fact that the registration method is now significantly simplified - the website, you must have heard.

Child's birth certificate, 2 copies of the certificate 4. Application (form No. 6)*3 for registration at the place of residence The child's passport and birth certificate will be collected for one week. They will put a stamp on the back of the birth certificate indicating that the child is registered at the specified address, and in passports they will record your child and put a stamp on the “children” page.

Temporary registration of a newborn

If the parents do not have permanent registration, the child is registered at their place of residence (in a rented apartment, room, hotel, hostel). The consent of the property owner is not required for this.

Interesting article: How to register a child at the place of registration of the father?

If the parent has a temporary residence permit, then when registering the child, the presence of the owner of the living space is also not required. It is enough to contact the MFC with your passport and child’s birth certificate.

Register a newborn baby list of documents 2020 St. Petersburg

Citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of age, are required to register at their place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation. The responsibility for registering minor children under 14 years of age rests with their legal representatives, i.e.

How we did it. 1. Birth certificate - marriage certificate - birth certificate, which was given in the maternity hospital (pink, A5 format) They immediately issue a birth certificate and a certificate for a one-time maternity benefit (to receive benefits at work, either the husband can apply for it or and you yourself) You can register at one of the addresses where your parents are registered.

Register a newborn baby with a list of documents St. Petersburg

What you need to know to register a newborn - recommendations from a specialist Registration of a newborn is a mandatory procedure that should be carried out almost immediately after the baby is born. Otherwise, parents may be fined in the amount of 2,000 rubles to 2,500 rubles for failure to take measures to register the child. To prevent this from happening, let's look at some features of the baby's registration.

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According to all the rules and requirements, the certificate must have only one stamp - about citizenship, nothing else. If a child is registered in a private home, a corresponding entry is made in the house register. The registration period is usually from 1 to 7 days.

How to register a newborn child in St. Petersburg

The place of registration of a newborn deprived of parental care (parents died, left the baby in the maternity hospital, etc.) will be the place of registration of his adoptive parents or guardians (that is, legal representatives who received guardianship over him before reaching adulthood). A newborn cannot be registered with his other relatives, even if they are closely related.

After receiving this document, you will be able to immediately obtain citizenship. To do this, contact the regional office of the Federal Migration Service and provide the passport of both or one parent, and the baby’s birth certificate. Already on the day of application, the document will be stamped accordingly.

What documents need to be issued for a newborn in 2020

To obtain citizenship a child must provide:

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Parents' passports.

The citizenship stamp is placed at the Federal Migration Service, MFC or at the Russian Consulate.

The stamp is placed on the back of the birth certificate. Citizenship is issued on the day of application.

A newborn must receive a compulsory medical insurance policy so that he can receive free medical care. Without a policy, a child will be admitted to clinics only for 2 months from the date of birth. To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need the following documents:

  1. Parent's passport
  2. Birth certificate

Registration of a compulsory medical insurance policy is possible at the MFC or at any insurance company.

It takes 2-3 weeks for the policy to be issued.

Once the application has been submitted, parents will be told exactly when they will need to come pick up the completed document. During the registration of the document, parents will receive a temporary policy.

Registration of SNILS is an optional, but very important procedure. Obtaining SNILS helps you take advantage of various social and benefit programs. It is also needed in order to use the government services portal (to pay for different sections, for example).

SNILS is a mandatory document for disabled children. To apply for SNILS, you need the following documents:

  1. Parent's passport.
  2. Birth certificate.

Registration of SNILS is carried out at the pension fund at the place of registration or at the MFC.

Usually it takes 2-3 weeks to issue SNILS. Employees of the MFC or pension fund will inform you when you can come for the finished document.

You can only register a child in housing where one of the parents is already registered.

Until the age of 16, a child does not have the right to live separately from his parents. If you have a registration, it is much easier to get on the waiting list for kindergarten or school.

Registration helps you gain access to various benefits and social benefits. Eg,

Register a newborn baby list of documents 2020 Moscow official website new

on parents or guardians. registration of a newborn child does not require the consent of the owners of housing and persons registered in it; when registering a child at the place of residence of the father (separate from the mother), written permission from the mother will be required; when registering with the mother, a similar permission from the father is not required (if the parents are married); it is impossible to register newborn children separately from their parents, for example, with other relatives; registration of a newborn is guaranteed by the state, even if living space standards do not allow it; It is very important not to miss the deadline when it is necessary to register the newborn.

in this case, you need to take into account a number of important points when choosing a place: unfortunately, it happens that a newborn is deprived of parental care for some reason. in this case, the place of his registration will be the address of residence of his legal representatives - guardians or adoptive parents. In this case, the law also provides for the implementation of the rules specified above.


So, is it possible to register a newborn child with his father?

The procedure for registering a newborn child at the place of residence of the father, in contrast to registration with the mother, is characterized by some bureaucratic difficulties .

To register a child with his father, it is necessary to have the mother’s written consent in her personal presence (Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The time frame within which the baby must be registered is not defined by law. However, you should not delay the procedure.

In some cases, parents may be fined in accordance with Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses because they violate the Citizen Registration Rules. The fine ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles (for Moscow and St. Petersburg from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles).

A prerequisite is the presence of a record of paternity in the child’s Birth Certificate.

Register a newborn baby with a list of documents for 2020 St. Petersburg

This procedure is mandatory, but in addition it allows the parents of the newborn to take certain legal actions. Thus, the array of regulations is presented as follows:

  1. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences;
  2. Law of the Russian Federation of June 25, 1993 No. 5242-1 “on freedom of movement...”;
  3. civil code of the Russian Federation.
  4. Government Decree of July 17, 1995 no. 713;

however, why is registration necessary?

list of documents for registering a newborn: how long does it take to register a baby - the time frame for registering a newborn, so the sooner you do this, the better it will be. In addition, at the registry office you must obtain a certificate in form No. 24. it will be needed to receive a one-time state birth benefit.

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How to register a newborn child in St. Petersburg

A sample of filling out the application hangs on the information board of the passport office. Along with the application, provide: If there are no documents confirming ownership of the apartment, then a foundation agreement will do.

Registration of citizens, including children, as insured persons in the compulsory pension insurance system is provided for by Federal Law No. 27-FZ dated April 1, 1996 “On individual (personalized) registration in the compulsory pension insurance system.” This is the third document that must be completed without delay.

How to register a child without the father's consent

Many divorced women are faced with the problem of how to register a child in an apartment without the father’s consent.

According to Russian legislation, registration of a child is possible only in two cases (if the parents do not live in the same apartment):

  1. mutual consent of the parents, confirmed by an appropriate statement;
  2. a court decision on which parent the child will live with if agreement cannot be reached.

This list is exhaustive. Therefore, in the absence of the father’s consent, the woman must go to court.

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Documents for a newborn baby St. Petersburg

Thus, registration of a child is necessary for arranging his future life and obtaining financial assistance from the state. Obtaining a birth certificate for a child is possible in any department of the registry office: at least at the place of registration, at least at the place of actual residence, if registration and current place of residence do not coincide.

In stores that have passed a preliminary selection and received the right to accept a children's card for payment, you can purchase almost any children's product (public funds cannot be spent on toys). For example, a newborn can be provided with:

How to register a child at his place of residence

Registration of a child at the place of residence (registration) Published 03/27/2013 09:48 We will continue to prepare the very first and most important documents for your child. We have already covered Obtaining a baby's birth certificate. Now let's look at the process of registering a child at the place of residence.

Registration of a child at the place of residence Registration of a child at the place of residence has a number of significant differences compared to registration at the place of residence of an adult citizen of Russia. In this article on the site, we will consider the features of the procedure for registering a child at the place of residence, the requirements that must be met, the list of documents that should be prepared for registering a child at the place of residence, as well as some other related issues. The issue of registering a child at the place of residence (as well as at the place of stay) is very relevant at present for the simple reason that the fact of its presence or absence has significant legal significance, for example, when enrolling a child in Russian educational institutions, when receiving maternity capital , various kinds of government benefits and in many other cases. In addition, in accordance with the current official position of the Federal Migration Service of Russia on this issue, parents or other legal representatives of a child who allow him to live at his place of residence without obtaining permanent registration for more than 7 days are subject to administrative liability in accordance with Part.

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Register a newborn baby with a list of documents for 2020 St. Petersburg

Register a list of documents for a newborn 2020 St. Petersburg After filling out the form, you will be asked to print an “electronic invitation”, which will indicate the date and time of the appointment (you choose the date and time of the application yourself), as well as a list of necessary documents.

If the parents are not married, an entry about the child’s mother is made at her request, and an entry about the child’s father is made at the joint application of the father and mother of the child, or the father is recorded in accordance with a court decision.

Documents for registration of a newborn in St. Petersburg

If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right. in order to register a newborn: moreover, if the mother cannot come to the passport office in person, this application will need to be certified by a notary.

If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right. in order to register a newborn: moreover, if the mother cannot come to the passport office in person, this application will need to be certified by a notary.

Register a newborn baby with a list of documents St. Petersburg

You can read life hacks on how to get a policy faster and easier in the material: 2-3 weeks. When submitting your application, you will be informed of the date when the document will be ready. For details on why a child needs SNILS and how to get it quickly and without problems, read the article:

The registration period is usually from 1 to 7 days. There, parents can put a record of the birth of a child in the “children” column in their passports. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT REGISTRATION OF A NEWBORN: - The legislation of the Russian Federation does not regulate the maximum period for which a newborn child must be registered.

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