How to fill out a receipt for water meters

Relevance of water receipt

Until now, in small settlements, water receipts based on meter readings have to be filled out manually on a paper form. In my case, due to the lack of hot water supply and sanitation, this is a receipt for payment of cold water consumption.

If you have a printer in your home, filling out the receipt can be automated using Excel. The form below has three lines: cold water supply, hot water supply and water disposal (sewage).

If the sample suits you, and all the lines are not needed, you can remove the unnecessary ones and correct the final formulas. Or leave it as it is, with blank lines - there will be no error.

Receipt form for water payment by meter form download St. Petersburg

Tariffs and payment. For your convenience, we have moved electronic forms of receipts to your Personal Account. It is possible in it. Your personal account number is indicated on the receipt form, the meter number is on the sheet with the calculation of the amount. To pay for cold water, you must fill out the receipt.

Please read the information on filling out the receipt carefully. You only need to fill in four fields: two with the payment amount, date and signature. If you submit monthly readings from water meters, then upon receipt of the receipt from OJSC Omsk. Vodokanal” does not need to record water meter readings and calculate the payment amount yourself. Torrent Tv Player Web Os.

Sample receipt in Excel format

The month and date in the water receipt change automatically depending on the current value of the computer's built-in timer. All information from the top part of the form (Notice Invoice) is displayed using formulas in the bottom part (Invoice Receipt).

Before using the sample, change the name of the management organization, the full name of the subscriber (recipient of services) and the address of the household. Replace service prices with your own prices. If cells in unnecessary rows show zeros, clear them from formulas.

In the presented receipt, it is enough to change the initial and final meter readings, and it is ready for printing. Sometimes prices have to be changed, usually once a year. In order not to forget about this, you can make a list of tariffs by period, as in the image.

If desired, next to the receipt for payment for services, you can keep a record of hot and cold water meter readings, as well as payment amounts.

sample receipt for water according to meter readings in Excel format.

How to fill out a receipt for a water meter (sample)?

How to fill out a receipt for a water meter (sample)?

It's quite simple!

To fill it out you need to know 4 indicators:

Column 2, line 2 - current (for today) numbers on the cold water meter to the decimal point! Make no mistake here, otherwise the bill will be quite significant.

Column 3, line 2 - previous (about a month ago) numbers that you wrote off from the cold water meter to the decimal point! and make no mistake about it.

Column 2, line 3 - current (as of today) numbers on the hot water meter to the decimal point! Make no mistake here, otherwise the bill will be quite significant.

Column 3, line 3 - previous (about a month ago) numbers that you wrote off from the hot water meter to the decimal point! and make no mistake about it.

Now you need to fill out column 4, for this you need to make two calculations:

4 column, 2 line = 2 column, 2 line - 3 column, 2 line

4 column, 3 line = 2 column, 3 line - 3 column, 3 line

If the tariffs are not filled out, please check with the billing center.

Next, you need to fill out the lower table on draining water into the sewer, if, of course, you drained it into the sewer.

So let’s transfer the received data:

from 4 columns, 2 rows to 1 column, 2 row (cold water)

from 4 columns, 3 rows to 2 columns, 2 rows (hot water)

In column 3, 2 lines, we summarize the obtained cold and hot water data

Well, accordingly, if there is no tariff, then we find out what the tariff is and enter it into the table

The receipt is easy to fill out. It should be noted that there are different types of designs, but the meaning remains the same. This is what the receipt could look like:

First, fill in your personal information (full name, address), as well as your individual personal account number. There are fields for filling in the number of residents, as well as benefits.

But great attention must be paid to the amount of water. First, you write down the values ​​from last month (that is, how much was on the meter), then the current ones. Calculate the difference and write in the expense column. So for cold and hot water (cold water and hot water, respectively). I think it’s clear how the column with sewerage is filled out.

Knowing the tariff, you can immediately calculate how much you will have to pay.

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We already receive receipts with previous readings, so all that remains is to enter the current water meter readings.

Our receipts look like this:

To enter current readings there is a special field for 5 digits.

Cold water is cold water. I have 2 cold water meters - one in the kitchen, the other for the toilet and bathroom, so they are included in the services; different readings need to be transmitted for both meters.

And DHW is already hot water supply. It also depends on the number of counters you have.

When I make a payment via online banking using the supplier’s details, in the payment commentary I write:

Cold water meter no. - testimony. and so on. Everything is coming!

Usually, receipts are brought already printed by the city water supply or utility services (according to the meter readings submitted or taken by the controllers), you just need to pay for it according to its input and save the counterfoil for reporting and reconciliations.

If you fill out receipts yourself according to the meter reading, you need to consider the following:

Firstly, the deadlines usually require filling out and submitting testimony from the 25th to the 30th of the month, and paying by the 10th of the next.

Secondly, the tariff, which may differ in different cities and regions.

Third, the receipt must have your personal account and the account of the supplier’s organization, otherwise you will pay somewhere in the tundra!

And so, in general, everything is intuitive and understandable.

You need to indicate the initial meter readings (the beginning of the month) and the final ones (the end of the month), indicate the tariff and calculate the number of cubes consumed (the difference between the initial and final readings) and the amount to be paid, the final readings can be immediately recorded in the receipt for the next month as the initial ones, then There will never be any confusion about what numbers were paid.

Although the receipts may differ in patterns, I repeat, they are quite clear, just read the columns and everything will become clear.

As I understand it, you are talking about the usual receipt that comes every month with the cost of household needs.

I'll show you an example of how to fill it out on your receipt.

So I’ll start my description column by column.

16 is the hot water drain.

We look at the previous indicator from the previously paid receipt. We remove the current indicator from the counter. Let's calculate the difference.

Pre-show I have 2 current 4 means we calculate 4-2=2*13.55(tariff)=27.1 write in accrued total

33-cold water drain

6 current 12 calculate 12-6=6*27.66(tariff)=165.96(total charged)

85-heating of cold water (that’s how hot water is written on my receipt

The example here is a little more complicated

2 current indicator 4 calculate 4-2=2*1525(tariff)*0.0667(coefficient)=203.44(total accrued)

I also have a line for the components of cold water; I relate it to hot water and calculate it in the same way.

So counters are important.

Now almost everyone has meters in their homes, because in reality we consume less water than according to standards. Although some are even more.

By the way, at the bottom of the receipt there is an example of how to calculate hot water with a coefficient.

Water meter readings are provided by residents to housing and communal services on a monthly basis without fail.

Nowadays, you can submit data for the consumption of hot and cold water in several ways: transfer data by phone, via the Internet, fill out special fields on the back of the notice invoice, or fill out a receipt out of habit.

Indicate the date of filling out the payment document, as well as last name, first name and patronymic, individual personal account number, home address. Some forms have a field to indicate how many total residents are registered at that address.

In the lines Hot water and Cold water, indicate the previous and current readings from the meter. In the next column is the water consumption, then the current tariff for the time the receipt is filled out and in the last column the amount to be paid for cold and hot water and the total amount. All you have to do is put your signature.

There are several types of receipts, but the principle of filling out is the same for all.

To fill out a receipt for paying for water, you must first remove the correct data from the meters. To do this, write down all the numbers in order up to the decimal point.

When filling out a receipt, first indicate the meter readings from the past month, then you need to write the current readings, and enter the difference of these numbers in the last column. Knowing the tariffs per cubic meter of water, you can calculate the amount of payment for water supply. You should be careful when filling out, because... The columns for cold and hot water are separated.

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First about the meter readings:

The meter has 8 digits, the first 5 show cubic meters (they should be paid for), the last 3 (they are marked in red) show liters. It should be remembered that if the liter reading is > 500, then the cubic meter reading must be rounded to 1 and added to the cubic meter reading.

In the first month of using the meter, the readings were: 00005781, which means 00005 - cubic meters used - 5. The readings are 781 liters (> 500), which means the cubic meters should be rounded to 6 and boldly entered into the coupon.

Storing receipts and cash receipts

The obligation to store receipts for utility bills and cash receipts is not regulated by law. The statute of limitations during which a utility service provider can go to court to collect debt is 3 years (Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this regard, water receipts should be kept for at least 3 years.

Modern cash register receipts printed on thermal tape tend to fade quickly, especially in light and at elevated temperatures. Therefore, it is advisable to scan such checks and store them electronically.

If you pay utilities online, print electronic receipts and cash receipts or save them to your computer.

Receipt for Payment of Water Meter Form Download Moscow Region

The Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region notifies. Data on water meters must be provided from the 20th to the 20th. readings of water meters and gas meters (6 copies). The billing period for payment for water supply, sanitation, etc. services. How to pay for services if the EPD is not received on time? We recommend it to you. Why should a client pay for ODN if he has individual metering devices (IMU) installed? What work is included in the standard installation of IPU water flow? More than 250 client offices in the Moscow region. In it you can download both a blank receipt and a corrective one. Receipts for water supply and sewerage The receipt is presented in three. For example, the total amount payable is calculated as follows. Tear-off form for transmitting readings from individual metering devices. Receipt for payment for the billing period (month), taking into account the debt for the past. Tags: Moscow region, special report.

  1. I know that meter readings are delayed and the police department is constantly opening them. Please let me know where I can view or download the price list for. According to the housing code, a receipt must be issued for payment in. Moscow region from 07/17/2013
  2. Sovetskaya 3b there is a mailbox at the entrance for collecting receipts. By Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region from January 1, 2020.
  3. The order of the department and the approximate form of the receipt are published by RG. As this, for example, is happening today in Moscow and the Moscow region. There is reference information about consumption standards and meter readings.

Receipt for payment of electricity - MosEnergoSbyt

In the lines labeled “Full name” and “Address”, enter personal information about the payer. To ensure that the paid amount is not lost, there is an information column with the number of the personal account and the contractual agreement. The Mosenergosbyt document indicates the payer number, consisting of a 10-digit combination. The first five values ​​indicate the book number, the remaining combination indicates the payer number. It is written on the main page of the book about paying for electricity. To clarify it, call Energosbyt. Each user is assigned their own code on an ongoing basis. The last 2 digits indicate the check digit.

This concept refers to the time period of using the service for which payment is made. Most often, the field is filled with the values ​​​​specified in a specific month, because You must pay for the service monthly. But you can also specify any interval. Payment can be made weekly or even once every 2 months.

Water meters: how to correctly take readings and calculate monthly consumption

  • Be sure to write the payment period and subscriber's address, number of residents, personal account number, full name of the payer.
  • In the corresponding column for cold water supply (cold water supply), indicate the current values ​​of the numbers on the water meter and the previous ones.
  • The same should be done with DHW (hot water supply).
  • In the “Consumption” column, write the difference between the current and previous water meter values.
  • In the “Water drainage” column, you need to indicate the values ​​of the sum of hot water and cold water indicated in the “Consumption” column.
  • We multiply the resulting digital series of consumption by the tariff and write it down in the “Amount” column (for each meter separately), and below – the total amount to be paid.

Next month your digital values ​​have changed and in order to calculate the number of cubic meters, you need to write down the current values ​​of the water meter numbers and, using simple mathematical operations, find out the difference between today's values ​​and those taken a month ago.

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How to take readings from your water meter yourself

For simplicity, I will explain using the picture on the left. As you can see in the photo, there are 8 digits on the counter, the last 3 are red and the 5 are black. The red numbers are liters, in this case 270, but you don’t need them to take readings, since you need to take them in cubes, because the relevant services take them into account. The next 5 digits remain, and we will use them to take readings. For example, you just installed the device, there are only zeros on it, write down these indicators for yourself. After a month, for example, you see 00017 859. It turns out that you have used 17 cubic meters of 859 liters of water, to submit a report you can round up to 18, you pay for 18 cubic meters. The next month the device shows 00025 010, which means 25 cubic meters have already been used, and for the current period 25 - 18 = 7, you pay for 7 and so on. That's the whole process of how to take indicators. And now some nuances.

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If you have installed water meters in your apartment or bought a home in which they are already installed, then you have a question about how to correctly take its readings. If you have never done this, first determine where the cold water meter is located and where the hot one is. In the picture you can see that the hot one below is red, and the cold one above is blue. According to the “standard”, the water pipes in an apartment are laid out like this: a hot water pipe goes on top, and a cold water pipe goes on the bottom. Accordingly, the counters are located in the same way. As a last resort, to determine, open one of the taps and see which device starts working. We've decided, let's move on.

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