Who has the right to install water meters? Who should install water meters and how much does this service cost?

The rules for organizing and regulating public water supply have undergone a number of changes in recent years. One of the innovations was the mandatory introduction of meters in all regions of Russia. Although recommendations for installing calculation devices have been in effect for several years, to this day not all owners of residential properties have acquired them. In addition, questions remain about how profitable a water meter is, whether it is necessary or not to install this device. In some cases, its economic feasibility is questioned, and not everyone is familiar with the registration procedure.

What does the law say?

The development of a draft law affecting the need to install meters was completed back in 2013. At that time, the percentage of owners who provided communications with a payment device did not exceed 60%. For this reason, no sanctions were provided for other users of the resource. Since 2014, a project was launched, according to which the mandatory installation of water meters (Law 261) was carried out with the support of public utilities. Payment tariffs for those who did not have metering devices were regulated in accordance with standards established by local authorities. By 2020, the presence of a meter not only became mandatory - in case of its absence, percentage surcharges were allowed as a fine.

Companies entitled to install a water meter

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not have clear criteria for an organization that has the right to install metering devices. The main condition is that the company must be licensed and accredited. In this case, the apartment owner has the right to contact any specialist who has a sufficient level of competence to perform such work to install a water meter.

Water is a valuable resource that must be used wisely. Turning off the water when you go out will become a simple, automatic and even useful gesture. This order is accomplished simply by pressing a switch located where you want it. All thanks to the motorized valve and its control electronics.

This allows you to coordinate your home's switches. The setting is done by pressing the switch several times according to the required time. If cable routing is an issue, a wireless version is also available. It is also possible to pair the device with a wireless remote control.

It is best to contact service companies that have the right to install measuring instruments for water metering in apartments. They usually have utility licenses as well as construction certifications. Only these organizations, after installing the water meter, can provide you with all the documentation necessary for registration.

If your water meter is installed by a licensed company, then after installation you should have the following documents in your hands:

  • Technical documentation for the metering device, a passport with a certificate or a printed copy of the declaration.
  • Contract for installation of a water meter.
  • Certificate of serviceability of the device and correct installation.
  • The act of commissioning, which is signed by a representative of the installer company, the owner of the apartment and an employee of the management office or water utility.

Important: units that were installed by a competent licensed company inspire more confidence among regulatory authorities.

To reduce commissioning time, it is worth contacting organizations that have the right to seal units being put into operation. The law stipulates that during the operation of the meter, the company providing water supply services has the right to carry out checks within the agreed period. As a rule, these deadlines are specified in the legislative document. The inspection is carried out at least once a year and no more than three times a month. In this case, a section of the water supply system in the apartment is subject to inspection, starting from the shut-off valves at the outlet from the riser. It’s difficult to say when the next inspection will take place; it all depends on the management company or water utility. In addition to the period of inspections, the document stipulates that this office is obliged to monitor the serviceability of the shut-off valve on the outlet, repair it in a timely manner and replace it.

Sanctions against “deviators”

Since this year, the amount of utility bills for citizens who have not shown conscientiousness regarding the installation of a meter has increased by 10%. This surcharge applies to the consumer standard for each quarter. It is noteworthy that the absence of a meter negatively affects not only the water metering system, but also conscientious citizens. This is the reason why many private consumers support the law. The fact is that if the calculation is carried out according to the old model, then payment is made, roughly speaking, at average tariffs and does not depend on the actual volumes of consumption. That is, it is imperative to install water meters in order to optimize the distribution of costs between residents: everyone pays as much as they consume.

Who should install the meter?

Equipping the communication infrastructure with individual meters for hot and cold water concerns all owners of residential properties in Russia. The only discrepancy in the forms of carrying out this operation relates to the category of the population represented by tenants of state real estate. If the tenant has a social rental agreement in hand, then the implementation of the device should be handled by city utilities, using funds from the budget. In other cases, the installation of water meters is mandatory for property owners. It is important to note that in the first period of action of the law, assistance programs were provided for the technical and financial part of renovating the water supply system. Today, each owner bears all expenses himself.

Water meters in the apartment

Advice from lawyers:

1. After what period is it necessary to check and replace water meters in an apartment?

1.1. Hello Alexander Check the hot water meter once every 4 years, cold water meter once every 5 years. You can check with the management company. Thank you for visiting our website. Always happy to help! Good luck to you.

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2. Should the apartment owner pay for checking water meters?

2.1. See the terms of the energy supply contract. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 539. Energy supply agreement 1. Under an energy supply agreement, the energy supply organization undertakes to supply energy to the subscriber (consumer) through the connected network, and the subscriber undertakes to pay for the received energy, as well as to comply with the regime of its consumption provided for in the agreement, to ensure the safe operation of the energy networks under its control and the serviceability of the devices and equipment used by him related to energy consumption. 2. An energy supply contract is concluded with the subscriber if he has a power receiving device that meets the established technical requirements, connected to the networks of the energy supply organization, and other necessary equipment, as well as providing metering of energy consumption. 3. Relations under an energy supply agreement not regulated by this Code are subject to laws and other legal acts on energy supply, as well as mandatory rules adopted in accordance with them. 4. The rules of this paragraph apply to relations under an electricity supply agreement, unless otherwise established by law or other legal acts. (Clause 4 introduced by Federal Law dated March 26, 2003 N 37-FZ)

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3. Water consumption metering devices in the MK apartment. At whose expense is the verification carried out?

3.1. If this is an individual metering device (installed in an apartment), then verification is carried out at the expense of the apartment owner.

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3.2. At the expense of the owner.

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3.3. Hello, Alexander Vasilievich! In accordance with According to paragraph 5 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ (as amended on December 12, 2011) “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” owners of residential buildings, owners of premises in apartment buildings introduced in operation on the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, are obliged to ensure that such houses are equipped with metering devices for used water, thermal energy, electrical energy, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation. Verification of devices is carried out by the resource supply organization, but at the expense of the owners of residential premises.

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4. I decided to supply water to the apartment located in a three-apartment building. Where should I install the meter if I supply water from a well in which the column is installed?

4.1. If you do everything according to the rules, this is the same scenario. If you just run a pipe from the column. And this must be done accurately and correctly, otherwise it will freeze. You don’t need a meter and that’s how they charge you for using water from the tap. And according to the rules there is a lot of rigmarole. You should first contact your local surveyor's office. Its workers will carry out a topographic survey of the area and draw up a situational plan of the site. All objects located on the ground are plotted on it, indicating the distance between them and the nearest utilities. Surveyors will complete their work within ten days and issue an invoice for services rendered. If you have a situational plan, more than a year has passed since its preparation, you will have to order a new explication; this is another name for this document. When contacting the geodetic service, you will have to present title documents for the use of the land plot only at the beginning.

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4.2. You must have those. connection conditions, the diagram should indicate where to install the metering device.

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5. I don’t have water meters in my apartment. Do I have the right to install only a water meter for cold water because I will install a boiler and put a plug for hot water?

5.1. Everything is possible. You just need to make a written agreement on your issue with the city council. Do and ask for a written opinion on your issue.

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6. There are no water meters installed in the apartment where no one lives. I contacted the Criminal Code with a request to seal the shut-off valves that shut off the water in the apartment. I received a refusal and advice to install meters. Is the CC right?

6.1. Good afternoon In accordance with clause 81 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for the provision of utility services), equipping residential or non-residential premises with metering devices, introducing installed metering devices into operation, their proper technical operation, safety and timely replacement must be ensured by the owner of residential or non-residential premises. The commissioning of the installed metering device, that is, the documentation of the metering device as a metering device, according to the readings of which the amount of payment for utility services is calculated, is carried out by the contractor, including on the basis of an application from the owner of a residential or non-residential premises submitted to the contractor. Thus, the management company has the right to require you to install a metering device in your apartment.

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7. The cold water meter is installed not in the apartment, but in a separate room on the floor. Anyone can access this room. Without my presence, Vodokanal representatives checked the metering devices and discovered damage to the paper seal on the frame of the metering device. An act of violation was drawn up and then a fine was assessed using a coefficient of 10. Is it legal to impose such a fine?

7.1. Most likely no. :sm_w: If the IPU were in the apartment, you would be responsible for it. We need to understand the nuances. :sm_bk:

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8. Tell me please. I bought a storage room in an apartment building. The storage room only has electricity. But everyone is charged for cold and hot water, sanitation, and heating. Although there is no water, no sewerage, or heating appliances in the storage room. Although the house has communal metering devices. We already pay for the apartment in this building using individual and communal meters. And we are also billed for storage rooms that only have light. Is this legal? Thank you.

8.1. Good afternoon The demands are not legal. Utility bills are payable for the services that were provided.

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9. Which, Who is responsible for the water meter in a communal apartment. And who should change it at the right time.

9.1. The owner of this apartment.

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10. Does the owner need a project for installing a water meter inside the premises and apartment? Does the water utility have the right to oblige a project to install a meter?

10.1. There is no need to do any project to install a meter.

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10.2. If you are forced to do so, then file a pre-trial complaint, go to court, or the prosecutor’s office.

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11. I have a room in a common kitchen, an apartment for three owners, no one lives in my room after the death of my father more than a year ago, because... There is no water meter installed, the water bill comes at the rate per person with an increasing factor of 1.5! Without living in this room, I pay regularly monthly at the rate for 1 person, how can I remove this coefficient?

11.1. Only by installing a common apartment water meter.

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12. Who should install a water meter in a privatized apartment? The new building was put into operation without water meters.

12.1. If the owner of an apartment wants to install a meter, he can purchase it and either submit an application to the management company or enter into an agreement with another person for installation work. And then inform the Criminal Code to have it sealed.

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13. I live in a communal apartment. For all utilities I pay according to the common house meter (water, electricity, heating). I was absent from the country for 3 months. I wrote a letter to the Housing and Public Utilities Department for recalculation, the response indicated that it is technically possible to install metering devices. Recalculation is not possible. The light meter was installed last year, but has not been officially put into operation... can I count on at least some kind of recalculation?

13.1. File a complaint with Ms. ZHI as they are required to do a recalculation if you have documents that you were absent from the country.

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13.2. If meters are not installed, you must request a recalculation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.

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Consultation on your issue


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14. Is it possible to install different types of water meters in different apartments in an apartment building, or should there be meters from the same company throughout the entire house?

14.1. No one obliges all apartments in a house to install metering devices from the same manufacturer.

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15. I bought an apartment with cold and hot water meters, which were sealed. But the seller did not give me the passports or the entry certificate. There is only the latest payment from the seller with meter readings. I checked the meters, they are in working order. The readings on the meters differ from the data on payment receipts. The housing cooperative does not want to recalculate.

15.1. We are required to do a recalculation, I speak as a former utility worker (9 years of experience). Write a written application, receive a written refusal - then file a complaint with the housing inspectorate.

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16. Cold water meters were installed in the apartment in August 2020, there is an act and sealing from the water utility. I am passing on the testimony. No one lives in the apartment, but receipts arrive with large charges for the expenses of the cubes. Claims were sent. There is no answer, they also send a penalty. Question. Where to complain?

16.1. Often only as infantry in the RVC. By registered mail only with notification. At one time, in Voronezh, fake water sewer workers were operating. A friend had to pay twice for the verification service and personally go and hand over the certificate. RVC contacts: More details >>> There you can also send claims with registration and subsequent check of the status of consideration.

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17. I am the owner of a two-room apartment. There have been no charges for cold water supply for five years. There is no cold water meter and no one lives there, either temporarily or permanently. From January 1, 2020, payments were calculated based on this resolution. Is this legal? Thank you.

17.1. Hello, Alexander Nikolaevich! Yes, indeed, on January 1, 2020, changes to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 came into force, according to which: in the absence of citizens permanently or temporarily residing in a residential premises, the volume of utilities is calculated taking into account the number of owners of such premises. " In this way, it combats unaccounted for utility consumption. Therefore, it is more profitable for you to install metering devices.

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18. Does the management company (HOA) have the right to periodically check the meters (water meters) installed in the apartment, while filming with a photo and video camera? I am the owner of the apartment (apartment building). The water metering devices were installed and sealed by the city water utility, at my expense.

18.1. The HOA does not have such a right; if the water utility installed and sealed the tone, it can do an inspection.

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18.2. If the water utility and the management company (HOA) have concluded an agreement, then they have the right.

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19. The apartment is empty, there are no plumbing fixtures or furniture, the metering devices (gas, water) are sealed with a report drawn up... but the garbage company demands payment even in the absence of tenants (they issue bills for three people). What can you do?

19.1. Good morning, Sergey! Write a statement to the housing inspection office.

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20. The owner of the apartment lives in another city and does not use any utilities. There are no metering devices. No one lives in the apartment. In response to my request to seal the taps with hot and cold water, I received a refusal with the wording that it is impossible even at the request of the owner to disconnect the apartment from the water supply. Is this legal?

20.1. Since 2013, consumption has been recorded based on readings from metering devices... wouldn’t it be easier to install metering devices and not have any problems?

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My son and I are registered in a communal apartment, we don’t live there. It is impossible to rent out common shared property without the consent of neighbors; utility bills are high, i.e.

I live in a dorm with privatized rooms. The room has water and electricity meters with contracts and projects recommended by service providers.

I own a share in a communal apartment, my neighbor is preventing me from living and owning a share.

Not registered in the apartment temporarily or permanently. The apartment has individual heating and meters (water, gas, electric meter).

Water meters were installed in 2010. C In July 2020, they stopped transmitting testimonies, as they either lived in the apartment or not.

The apartment where I live has cold and hot water meters installed.

If no one lives in the apartment and there are no water or gas meters. Can I count on recalculation of housing and communal services?

Due to family circumstances, they did not pay for water supply and heating for 7 months.

3 people are registered in the apartment, in fact 2 people have never lived there, this was proven in court whether they should pay for the living room.

I own a 1/2 share in an apartment in which I do not live (I am actually registered and live at a different address).

I am a military man and live in an apartment building. In my apartment I have a gas water heater and individual water and gas meters.

How much will the meter and its installation cost?

Specific numbers vary depending on the region and city. In large cities, which include Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Samara, etc., water metering devices cost 3-6 thousand rubles. Oddly enough, in the provinces and small towns the cost increases to 8 thousand. Considering that it is in such areas that people with the lowest incomes live, regional authorities provide the possibility of an installment plan for purchasing a water meter. Whether or not pensioners and other beneficiaries must bear the costs of this part is another controversial issue. In some regions, installation for the owners of this group is paid for from the budget; in others, the coverage is provided precisely from the interest collected in the form of fines.

Unfortunately, as measures to combat “draft evaders” become more stringent, the rates for plumbers’ services also increase – high demand, accordingly, creates the conditions for an increase in tariffs in this area. Nevertheless, the question of whether water meters are mandatory does not arise even against the backdrop of rising prices for equipment and unfavorable installation conditions from local utility organizations.

Water consumption calculations without a meter

In the absence of a metering device, payment for water must be made according to the standard determined by calculation. This standard includes the average costs for the following human activities using water:

  1. Carrying out hygiene measures.
  2. Expenses associated with household needs in the apartment.
  3. Cooking costs.
  4. Filling the flush tank.
  5. Loss of water due to gusts or leaks.
  6. General house costs for fire extinguishing, watering lawns, wet cleaning of common areas.

Calculations have shown that one person consumes 6 m3 of cold water according to the standard. A person spends less hot water and, accordingly, the consumption rate is set at 3 m3. To calculate the monthly payment, the consumer must multiply the standard by the number of registered persons and by the tariff, which varies depending on the region of residence.

And since 2020 [1], by Decree No. 344 of the Government of the Russian Federation, an increasing coefficient was introduced into the calculation formula. As of January 2020, this coefficient is 1.6 and will not be revised this year.

Those residents who cannot install a water meter for technical reasons, such as:

  • the housing is documented to be dilapidated or in disrepair;
  • there is high electromagnetic radiation or high humidity in the place where the device is installed;
  • The installation location does not comply with technical regulations.

At the same time, all factors preventing the installation of a water meter are documented by the competent commission.

General house expenses calculated by the Criminal Code do not fall on residents who pay for water according to the standard, since this cost item is already included when calculating the average standard.

If there is zero registration of citizens in the apartment, it is possible, by submitting an application to the organization that collects payment for water, to resolve the issue of sealing the inlet valve in the apartment during the absence of residents. There will be no accruals.

Installation of meters by housing organizations

Abuse of local utilities is not uncommon in Russia. Almost every innovation in the rules for the management and operation of housing stock is accompanied by a lot of rumors and the appearance of false information. In this case, there are examples when housing associations, partnerships and management companies notify owners that it is necessary to buy water meters, be sure to install and register them strictly before a certain date. This is partly a fair recommendation, but organizations do not have the right to impose their services, offering to conclude an agreement with them on the purchase of meters from a specific manufacturer. Moreover, installation through independent companies is cheaper.

How to install the counter?

You can purchase a meter yourself or on the basis of an agreement with a specialized company. The second option is more convenient, since the list of services specified in the contract can also include an analysis of the characteristics of the water supply system and installation itself. A modern installation of water meters necessarily includes a whole set of additional components with consumables - you should also prepare for these expenses, otherwise the quality of the installed device will suffer and it will not be accepted.

Again, to save money, it is advisable to avoid cooperation with the management company and utility services, since their services are often more expensive and the quality is lower. A third-party organization will perform the same list of works, provide a guarantee and make the necessary adjustments to the device. At this stage, when examining in-house engineering, another question may arise: “Are water meters required if there is no common house meter?” According to the rules, this defect is not a reason why the meter cannot be installed.

In terms of formal nuances, it is important to note that the management company must still receive a corresponding application to install the meter. By the way, utility services, partnerships and governing bodies are aware that water meters must be installed in the house, so most likely there will be no additional obstacles at this stage. The owner is given technical documents, according to which specialists will select the device model and connect it. It is also necessary to agree in advance on the time to disconnect and connect the engineering system at the time of installation.

Why is a water meter not always profitable?

No matter how attractive water meters are, no matter what advantages they have, no matter how enormous the savings are, such devices also have several significant disadvantages associated with the operation process:

  • You will have to spend money on installation and verification of the product; some models are not cheap, although there is a more affordable alternative;
  • Regular verification is required - this can be done at home or in specialized companies after removing the device;
  • If the pipeline is equipped with cheap parts, when the pressure rises, the check valve, filter, shut-off valve, and along with them the meter seal may break. You will have to spend a lot of time sorting out relations with the utility service;
  • Testimony must be submitted in a timely manner, having previously been taken. Now there are devices with an automatic transmission function, however, they are not cheap;
  • Before installation, you need to put all the plumbing in order, otherwise even the most ordinary faucet will create a hole in your budget. However, this is not a complete disadvantage, and you should always monitor the reliability of the pipes.

It seems that there are too many disadvantages of using water meters, but they are either insignificant or hardly noticeable for most people. And the main argument - significant savings - can cover all the shortcomings, no matter how serious they may be.

Counter registration

All efforts to update the water consumption metering system may be in vain if the water meter is not properly registered. The device must be registered, since the result of its operation has no meaning if a representative of the company managing the house does not draw up the appropriate documents. The device must be registered within a month from the date of its installation. The inspector must record the results of the meter acceptance in a special report. This document is drawn up in three copies - for the representative of the inspection organization, for the owner of the house and the company that carried out the installation. The acceptance certificate is the basis for switching to a new procedure for calculating payments for water.

The feasibility of installing a meter

New requirements for the operation of utility systems, and in particular changes in approaches to calculating tariffs, rarely have positive responses from users. The innovation regarding metering devices was also accepted - many to this day do not know whether it is necessary to install a water meter. Mandatory or not? Unfortunately, citizens have no alternative - sooner or later it will have to be installed. However, its presence will not lead to increased water costs. For the authorities, the introduction of this device will allow optimizing the system for calculating resource consumption, but for the average person this is a very real saving.

According to various research companies, the meter, depending on operating conditions, can provide cost savings of up to 48%. It is for this reason that many water utilities are in no hurry to install meters, since their use will mean a reduction in income. But even despite these shortcomings, the question of whether the installation of water meters is mandatory is not raised. Federal and local authorities are still interested in the most accurate accounting of water consumption.

When is installing a meter unjustified?

In conventional calculation schemes and technical organization of water consumption, the operation of meters provides savings. But there are cases when the effectiveness of metering devices is called into question. One of the problems is related to the difference in the actual expense and the nominal one, which is the sum of the payment according to the standard. So, according to the old scheme, in an apartment where one person lives, the payment bill provides for the amount accrued per consumer. If in fact there are 3 people living in the house, then the fee will still be calculated for one.

The meter changes the system, making it necessary to pay according to the actual water consumption, that is, the number of people living does not matter - the entire volume will be recorded by the water meter. Is it necessary or not to install the device in this case? Yes, because the actual accounting of the resource is important. Another thing is that problems can arise in communal apartments, where it is impossible to calculate who used and how much water, and the meter readings will be presented in one figure.

Why is it necessary to install water meters, and what are the savings from installing water meters?

The presence of individual water meters installed in your apartment allows you to significantly save on utility bills, paying for water and sewerage costs only for the actual use of water.

Both the manufacturers of such meters and the companies that install them constantly tell us about the benefits of installing water meters and the savings from this. It is recommended that water meters be installed by management companies.

Today we will discuss why installing water meters is needed, whether there are actually savings from installing water meters and how you can calculate the amount of money saved. We will also learn about in what cases it is not worth installing meters, and why, instead of saving money, installing them will bring additional expenses.

What are water meters

In official terms, water meters are high-precision metering devices designed to measure the volume of hot or cold water flowing through a pipeline.

Each such metering device must be sold with its own personal passport, which must indicate the basic information and technical characteristics of the device, the average service life, as well as the established inspection interval. The passport also contains a mark indicating the initial verification of the water meter. As a rule, this mark is made by the store where you bought the water meters.

Please note that some management companies, when calculating the verification period for meters, will take as a basis not the date of initial verification, but the date of manufacture of the meter! And, as you understand, somewhere in a warehouse this counter can lie for more than one year. Therefore, pay attention to the date of manufacture and the service life of the device.

In particular, for the METER meters I use at home, the following service life has been established:

  • the average service life of the meter is 12 years;
  • the inspection interval for cold water meters is 6 years;
  • the inspection interval for hot water meters is 4 years.

In residential premises it is allowed to install meters for measuring the volume of cold and hot water consumption, included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

Information about turning on the metering device is reflected in the device passport. When purchasing a water meter, be sure to keep the device passport.

It is this document, together with other documents, that makes it possible to pay for water only based on the water actually used by your family.

I won’t talk about the physical installation of water meters. To do this, it seems to me, it is better to call a specialist from your management company or call for help from a specialist - a plumber.

In any case, before you start installing water meters, you need to agree with the management company on the timing of the installation work - so that the foreman from the management company turns off the water supply, otherwise, when installing meters into pipes, you risk flooding both yourself and your neighbors.

In addition, some management companies present their own requirements and technical conditions for the installation of individual devices for metering the volume of cold and hot water consumption.

Please note that without compliance with the technical conditions set by the management company, your metering devices simply will not be put into operation, and the commissioning certificate will not be signed. Read more about this at the link: How water meters are installed.

We calculate the savings from installing water meters

Tariffs for hot and cold water in different regions of the country may differ several times. I think it’s clear that the colder the average air temperature in the region, the more expensive water tariffs will be, especially for hot water supply.

Find out the current tariffs for your region

To calculate possible savings from installing water meters, let’s take the tariffs of central Russia.

For example, tariffs in force in the city of Yekaterinburg:

  • tariff for cold water supply services – 33.30 rubles per cubic meter of water;
  • tariff for hot water supply services – 27.08 rubles per cubic meter of water;
  • the tariff for sewerage services is 19.19 rubles per cubic meter of water.

Please note that tariffs are reviewed, as a rule, twice a year, and, of course, not downward...

Next, in order to calculate the savings from installing water meters, we need to know the basic consumption standards.

For the same city of Yekaterinburg, the following consumption standards have been established for an apartment building equipped with bathrooms measuring 1500 - 1700 mm. for one person:

  • hot water – 5.61 cubic meters.
  • cold water – 6.79 cubic meters.

You can find out the tariffs in force in your locality on the website of your management company or on the website of the Unified Settlement Center of your city.

We consider possible savings

And so, we have found out the current tariffs, now we will count them.

We will take a family of three (mother, father and child) as the basis for the calculation. Please note that payment for utilities is always calculated only for the number of people actually registered in the apartment.

Calculation of payment when paying for water according to standards (without using water meters):

1) Payment for hot water (the number of people registered in the apartment is multiplied by the current consumption standard and multiplied by the hot water supply tariff):

3 * 5.61 * 27.08 = 455.76 rubles - the amount for hot water according to the monthly standard

2) Payment for cold water (the number of people registered in the apartment is multiplied by the current consumption standard and multiplied by the cold water supply tariff):

3 * 6.79 * 33.30 = 678.32 rubles - the amount for cold water according to the monthly standard

3) Payment for sanitation (the number of people registered in the apartment is multiplied by the current standard for the consumption of cold and hot water and multiplied by the sanitation tariff):

3 * (5.61 + 6.79) * 19.19 = 713.86 rubles - the amount for sewerage according to the standards for the month

Total: 455.76 + 678.32 + 713.86 = 1,847.94 rubles.

That is, if you do not install water meters and pay for a family of three according to established standards, the payment only for the supply of hot and cold water and for sewerage will be 1,847.94 rubles per month.

Calculation of payment for water according to water meters

In this calculation, I give personal examples of water consumption for a family of three.

On average, our monthly water consumption for the whole family is as follows:

  • cold water – 5.5 cubic meters
  • hot water – 5.2 cubic meters
  • drainage 5.5 + 5.2 = 10.7 cubic meters.

Of course, we save water, that is, we don’t allow water to flow unnecessarily, but we also don’t splash around in running water for “two hours” while taking a bath.

If you have water meters in your apartment, the number of registered people no longer matters.

1) Payment for hot water (the volume of water actually consumed per month is multiplied by the hot water supply tariff):

5.2 * 27.08 = 140.82 rubles - the amount for hot water according to the meter for the month

2) Payment for cold water (we multiply the volume of water actually consumed per month by the cold water supply tariff):

5.5 * 33.30 = 183.15 rubles - the amount for cold water according to the meter for the month

3) Payment for sewerage (the volume of cold and hot water actually consumed per month is multiplied by the sewerage tariff):

(5.5 + 5.2) * 19.19 = 205.33 rubles – the amount for metered water disposal for the month

Total: 148.94 + 173.16 + 205.33 = 529.30 rubles.

Calculation of savings from installing water meters

RUB 1,847.94 – 529.30 rub. = 1,318.64 rub. – savings per month

Thus, it turns out that if in an apartment in which three people are registered and actually live, the savings from installing water meters will be 1,318.64 rubles. in just one month.

By the way, in one year the savings will already be 15,823.68 rubles. (1,318.64 * 12 = 15,823.68 rubles)!

In what case may the installation of water meters be disadvantageous for the consumer?

There are few such cases, perhaps only two:

1) If you are not used to saving water, and your water flows all day long.

2) If there are much more people living in your apartment than prescribed, and accordingly, even more water is wasted than provided for by consumption standards.

In this case, you will still have to pay more, because... Almost all apartment buildings are equipped with building-wide consumption meters, and you can always see how much water is consumed in this building. Accordingly, water is managed evenly across all apartments - in the receipt this is called “general house needs”.

However, based on the calculations carried out, it is clearly seen that installing water meters will be a significant saving for the family budget.

Unfortunately, with the installation of water meters, worries about utility bills do not stop; it is also necessary not only to timely transfer water meter readings to your management company or payment center, but also to timely verify water meters.

How water meters are installed Why verification of water meters is needed How verification of water meters is carried out How to save on washing in a washing machine How to save on utility bills How to save on food

Source: https://sizhu-doma.ru/Dlja-chego-nuzhna-ustanovka-schetchikov-vody-i-kakaja-jekonomija-ot-ustanovki-schetchikov-vody

Problems of the old housing stock

There are also other types of problems associated with the operation of dilapidated communication systems. In houses of old housing stock, as a rule, pipelines are in unsatisfactory technical condition. Fundamentally, this aspect does not change anything, but the cost of installing an accounting device increases noticeably. And again, many doubt - is it necessary to install water meters in old buildings if the pipes themselves and the basic infrastructure are in poor condition? There is only one way out - to replace the water supply. Unfortunately, you will have to do this on your own and at your own expense. This is undoubtedly the main disadvantage of installing a meter, but the owner will be confident that the new system will not cause problems at the most unexpected moment. Updating communications is never unnecessary, but it reduces the risk of accidents.

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