Receive a Land Plot for a Combat Participant

Land plots for combat veterans - instructions for obtaining


You have the right to receive land for free and have an advantage over all those on the waiting list, but you will still have to wait a certain amount of time. 2 Write a statement. Attach a copy and original of your veteran's or combat veteran's identification card.

Veterans and combatants in the armed conflict zone in Chechnya from December 1994 to December 1996, and in the North Caucasus since August 1999, enjoy priority rights. 3 The decision on the priority right to allocate a plot of land to you will be made by the local administration. In some regions, the free right to obtain a plot is regulated by regional laws. 4 You are obliged to use the provided site for its intended purpose, which will be specified in the resolution of the local administration.

Combat Veterans Act and Land Acquisition

Although the lands allocated to military personnel are being sold and quickly developed by local officials and uncles with deep pockets. To go to court, you need a paper confirming the administration’s refusal to allocate land due to its absence. But the administration flatly refuses to issue any papers or certificates, and you won’t go to court empty-handed. It is useless to contact the prosecutor’s office, because the principle “matchmaker, brother, wife, sister”, etc. works...

My husband is a veteran of military operations in Chechnya. According to the law on veterans, he is entitled to be allocated a plot of land in the amount of 10 acres. He collected all the necessary documents and got on the waiting list back in 2007 in the administration of Berdsk. Every time my husband applies to the administration to receive land for two years, he hears only one answer: “NO LAND!”

27 Jul 2020 yslygiur 480

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Land for combat veterans

  • Do not forget about the tax benefits mentioned above for land transactions.
  • If the municipality approves the application, you must contact the Federal Land Registration Office so that their specialist will carry out the land surveying procedure. Then you should contact the municipality with the received documents and obtain an extract from the cadastral passport to prevent controversial situations in the future.
  • The completion of the procedure is the registration of the site in the Federal Office of the Registration Center, regardless of the nature of the use of the land: perpetual lease or ownership.
  • For many military personnel who, in addition to participating in hostilities, were also military personnel on a contract basis, information on the provision of land plots will be useful.

Land for combatants

Not all regions provide preferential plots of land, so please contact your local administration for more information. Regardless of the fact that the state program for providing land plots has been replaced by the provision of financial assistance, there are categories of veterans who can still exercise their right:

  • heroes of the Russian Federation or the USSR;
  • heroes of social labor;
  • full holders of the Order of Glory.

Package of necessary documents Land plots are provided to military veterans on the basis of applications.

Video about benefits for combat veterans

Are land plots available to combat veterans? How can you get them, if possible? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. In Russia, some categories of the population claim free land. Or to be placed in line on preferential terms. How does this process work when it comes to veterans? Can they claim land from the state in Russia? Or is it just a promise? What queuing features should be taken into account?

Land plots for combat veterans


However, since 2005, after the introduction of new legislation, the right to receive a land plot has been abolished; instead, they are provided with state financial assistance for the purchase of living space. Many citizens are interested in the question of whether veterans are given land or financial assistance.

At the regional level, there are programs to allocate land plots for certain categories of military veterans. The lands are provided from the federal fund, that is, there is one state queue that moves very slowly, and you can wait for decades to receive a plot. The reason for this is the insufficient number of plots intended for individual construction by private individuals. Thanks to a new federal law that provides financial assistance to veterans for the purchase of housing, the line is moving faster.

Benefits for veterans of military operations in the Chelyabinsk region

Within the framework of the Federal Law on Veterans, a list of territories (states, cities) and periods of military operations in which citizens of the Russian Federation were required to take part in order to obtain VBD status is provided.

What benefits do combat veterans in the Chelyabinsk region have?

  • active and retired military personnel, citizens liable for military service called up for training, rank and file and heads of internal affairs and state security, employees of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and the Russian Federation, employees of the penal system, who were sent by government bodies of the USSR and the Russian Federation to certain states, where, while performing their official functions, participated in hostilities, and also, on the orders of government bodies of the Russian Federation, participated in battles in the territories that are part of our country
  • active and retired military personnel from the rank and file of the Department of Internal Affairs and State Security, who carried out government orders to clear mines from structures and territories located in the USSR and some states in 1945-1951 and combat mine sweeping from the end of the Second World War to 1957
  • pilots who flew combat missions from the USSR to Afghanistan during military operations in the country
  • citizens sent to work in Afghanistan who had served the required period or were recalled back for valid reasons (in 1979-1989)
  • persons sent to Syria who carried out special operations on its territory, since 2020, who have served the required time or were prematurely recalled for valid reasons
  • military personnel of automobile battalions delivering cargo to Afghanistan.

The veteran must also not receive other government assistance. For example, if a veteran is simultaneously a police officer with length of service and has already been allocated housing under another federal program.

Veterans who registered on the waiting list after January 1, 2005 were already included in the monetized program , which implied financial assistance for the purchase of residential property.

General aspects

If within a month after the publication of the relevant information in the local media, no other applicants for this land have been identified, it is transferred to the applicants. After construction and registration of a house on the site, it can be transferred to your property according to a simplified scheme.

Let us note that at the moment the amount of monthly cash payments to combat veterans, taking into account the indexations made, is 1,779.07 rubles. (subclause 3, clause 4, article 23.1 of the law on veterans), and the cost of a set of social services is 1075.19 rubles. (Article 6.2 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2020

  • the right to receive additional education or undergo additional training at the expense of the employer;
  • the opportunity to receive preferential treatment for medications and medications prescribed by your attending physician;
  • the opportunity, as a matter of priority, to issue a voucher to a sanatorium or resort-type institution.

Is a combat veteran entitled to a plot of land in 2020?

Another opportunity to increase the monthly allowance for combat veterans in the Chelyabinsk region and other regions of the Russian Federation is the refusal of benefits provided by law and their monetization. Thus, if a pensioner refuses all the benefits available to him, he can increase the amount of his monthly cash payment by approximately 1,000 rubles, depending on the region.

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If citizens previously submitted a corresponding application, then there is no need to do so again. By the way, such a benefit is available not only to pensioners, but also, for example, to disabled people of groups I and II, participants in the Great Patriotic War, persons who suffered radiation sickness, etc. The full list of beneficiaries is indicated in Art.

In this region, you can receive compensation for the purchase of food, basic necessities (clothing, shoes, etc.), medicines and coal or gas at the expense of the Pension Fund. To receive compensation, you need to appear at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and present receipts for the purchase of material assets indicated in the list.

Transport tax rates for pensioners in the Chelyabinsk region in 2020

In the Chelyabinsk region, a pensioner who is not employed anywhere has the right to targeted social assistance in the form of partial reimbursement of the funds he incurred to carry out work on gasification of his own home. The property must belong to the pensioner according to home ownership rights, and he is obliged to personally live in this house.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a certificate of a labor veteran, giving the right to receive an allotment in the programs of a given region or to participate in an extraordinary auction;
  • certificate of family composition and characteristics of existing housing (justification for improving living conditions);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • cadastral passport;
  • certificate of disability.

Depending on how the future landowner intends to use the plot allocated to him, it can be provided either within the boundaries of a given settlement or outside it. The regional program of assistance to deserving people is of great importance for allocating a place for an allotment.

Package of documents

The program for providing land plots to labor veterans does not exist in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, therefore, before applying for a plot on preferential terms, you should contact the relevant self-government bodies.

Combat veterans are a special category of beneficiaries. This includes both civilians and military personnel who at different times took part in a wide variety of military operations in Chechnya and Afghanistan, Abkhazia and North Ossetia, Tajikistan, Ethiopia, Cambodia and other states. This category provides social, pension and, of course, tax benefits.

How can combat veterans get land plots?

Legal advice Land plots for combat veterans: ways to obtain an allotment The “Law on Veterans” has recently undergone significant changes, which are not always pleasant for pensioners. Now benefits began to be in notification form. To receive them, the pensioner must find out about this opportunity himself and submit a corresponding application. Former combatants and reserve military personnel must now also take action themselves to stay informed of local regulations, including regarding issues of obtaining land.

Social support measures and benefits in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar region in 2020

  1. monetary assistance (the amount depends on the disability group, for example, for group 2 the amount will be about 5 thousand rubles, for disabled people from childhood - 9 thousand rubles);
  2. reimbursement of expenses for utility bills – 50%;
  3. preferential medical care - full compensation for the cost of drugs for categories 1 and 2 (for unemployed citizens) and 50% for the purchase of drugs by employed disabled people of group 2 and unemployed people of group 3;
  4. provision of structures required to restore health and improve the level of life (strollers, crutches, hearing aids, etc.);
  5. assistance in rehabilitation - therapeutic and physical training activities, surgery, prosthetics;
  6. discounted travel with a social ticket - groups 1 and 2 can travel for free, and the discount for group 3 is valid only from October to May;
  7. vouchers to sanatoriums;
  8. labor benefits - shortened working hours, extended legal leave and an additional 60 days;
  9. extraordinary admission to universities;
  10. removal of property tax from disabled people of categories 1 and 2.

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List of benefits for combat veterans

Benefits are provided to honorary donors if they have the appropriate certificate and distinctive sign. You can get the latter if you donate blood free of charge in quantities of at least 40 times and at least 60 times when donating plasma.

  • societies of disabled people, enterprises owned by them, business companies whose authorized capital was formed by such disabled organizations;
  • from the production of technical means for rehabilitation and prevention of disability;
  • if at least half of the profits of enterprises consisting of half or more disabled people goes to the social needs of disabled people (medicines, medical care, prosthetics, sanatorium therapy, creation of jobs for them, vocational training).
  • Fees going to the road fund
  • Public, training and production organizations for disabled people are exempt from this type of taxation for all claims in courts of general jurisdiction.
  • The same organizations are exempted in cases within the jurisdiction of arbitration courts.
  • These associations also do not pay a notary fee.

Preferences for benefit recipients in Krasnodar

The right to claim this benefit is determined taking into account the employees of the enterprise, including part-time workers and freelancers, workers under a contract and other similar civil law documents.

Documents are submitted to the authorized bodies personally by the veteran, his authorized representative, sent by mail or posted in an electronic system. It is recommended to complete the application in two copies. After the documents are accepted, one of them will remain with the applicant. It is imperative to ensure that the application contains confirmation of registration (stamp and signature of an authorized person).

Egorov A.N. has the status of a veteran of the database in Chechnya. Currently Egorov A.N. lives in the Nizhny Novgorod region. To obtain ownership of the land, he needs to contact the Ministry of the Region, which deals with property and land relations.


Combat veterans (CM) were given plots of land until 2004 in accordance with Federal Law No. 5 of January 12, 1995 . This measure of social support was canceled when appropriate changes were introduced into federal legislation ( Federal Law No. 122 of 08/22/2004 ). The reason for such changes in legislation was the replacement of benefits with cash benefits.

14. My name is Alexander. I am a Combat Veteran, registered in the Altai Republic, but I live and have temporary registration in the city of Krasnodar. My wife and I live in a civil marriage. The living space is registered in her name. Question: can I and my family members enjoy benefits according to paragraphs. 5 p. 1 art. 16 of the Federal Law on Veterans provides for a measure of social support for payment in the amount of 50 percent of the occupied total area of ​​residential premises (in communal apartments - occupied living space), including family members of military veterans living with them and the Law of the Krasnodar Territory of July 28 2006 N 1070-KZ Compensation for residents of the Krasnodar Territory for expenses for living quarters and utilities does it provide for the provision of the specified social support measures for combat veterans? Sincerely, Shmakov Alexander Vasilievich E-mail tel

Land plots for combat veterans

How to get a? Knowing that the “Law on Veterans” does not provide for the issue of providing free land, nevertheless, according to Article 3.1.7, the right to privileges when joining housing, gardening, garage, and dacha cooperatives is retained. Issues related to allotments are resolved at the regional level.

The local administration is taking care of providing some categories of citizens with a free plot. There are 2 ways to acquire land ownership. Option No. 1 If you have a UBD certificate, you are subject to Articles 3, 122, 199 of the Federal Law, thanks to which you have the advantage of receiving a free plot of land - with a reservation - for the construction (improvement) of housing and in the order of priority among the same beneficiaries.

Land plots for combat veterans: ways to obtain an allotment


  1. First you need to make inquiries about the proposed site. Information should be found on the Rosreestr website or at the MFC.

    Knowing the cadastral number, look for information on it, all the possible history of this territory.
  2. Find out its characteristics, location, or even better, go there and have a look. There are cases when they register an allotment, spend money on it, and only then find out that this is an area unsuitable for construction.
  3. If the land has not yet been registered (does not have a cadastral number), then you need to involve cadastral engineers, who will draw up a layout diagram for free.


After this, you contact the land administration department and submit an application for this plot along with the scheme.

  • After 2 weeks, the authorized self-government bodies make a decision on this plot - they put it up for auction, post information on the administration website, report information in the local press, or refuse it.
  • If within a month there are no more favorable offers for rent, purchase, etc., then you, as the only applicant, receive it for your use and can begin registration for yourself. Please note that you only have the right to build housing on the received plot if it has been allocated for this purpose.
  • Note: since the decision on land distribution lies with local authorities, you are looking for information in administrative offices (on websites).

Find out what rules are used in your region and what veterans are entitled to.

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