How can you cash out maternity capital without waiting 3 years in 2020


The state provides a social measure for families in which there are two or more minors. The certificate is provided to purchase real estate, as well as for other purposes. All families in which the second and subsequent children were born after the beginning of 2007 have the right to receive it.

You can receive a certificate immediately after the baby is born, but not in all situations you will be able to use it at the same moment. Funds are allocated from funds available in the state budget.

Important! Maternity capital can be used if the child is under 3 years old, only if the condition is met that it will be used to improve living conditions for the family.

If the parents comply with all the requirements stipulated in the laws, then in the very near future the family will be able to move into a more spacious apartment.


The basic rules that are used to take advantage of maternity capital are enshrined in legislation, namely in the act adopted in 2006 under number 256.

The conditions under which the program is implemented are provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 7 of the above law. According to the legislative framework, the certificate can be used for the following purposes:

  • invest capital to purchase housing (provided that the children are three years old);
  • mat capital can be used to pay for education;
  • it can also be sent to accumulate a pension.

In order to use the certificate, you will need to apply to the Pension Fund branch located in the region of residence of the family. The child himself can use maternity capital if a situation arises where the parents died, but he must reach the age of eighteen.

How to redeem a certificate before your child’s 3rd birthday

Methods for using state assistance funds for families with children are described in Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 . Initially, the regulatory document contained a condition. It required parents (guardians) to wait until the child’s third birthday, and only then apply to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) for funds.

This situation hindered the achievement of the stated goals of the program:

  • families with children did not have the opportunity to improve living conditions during the first three years of the child’s life;
  • the lack of funds flowing into the economy did not contribute to its development.

This initial error was corrected on December 25, 2008, by adopting a new law N 288-FZ, which amended the previous one. According to the updated version of Article 7 (Federal Law No. 256), state aid funds were proposed to be spent “at any time” after issuing a certificate for repayment:

  • mortgage payment: primary;
  • main;
  • percent.
  • Attention! It is prohibited to use budget funds to pay penalties assessed by the bank to the borrower. Download for viewing and printing:

    Specific directions for investing a certificate before the 3rd anniversary

    1. To service obligations to a financial institution that existed before the birth of the baby:
        main body of the loan;
    2. interest on it;
    3. For the down payment on a new mortgage loan.

    This is important to know: Regional maternity capital Yakutia 2020

    Together with maternity capital, it is allowed to receive budget support for any of the existing housing programs, for example, “Russian Family”.

    Other areas of application of the certificate before the child’s third birthday

    On November 28, 2020, the State Duma adopted another amendment to the main legislative act regulating the implementation of the Maternity Capital program. It is approved by Federal Law No. 348-FZ. This document supplements paragraph 6.1 of Article 7 with a phrase that expands the scope of application of the certificate before the child’s third birthday.

    Attention! Starting from 01/01/2016, budget money can be spent on rehabilitation and habilitation activities for children with health limitations raised in families.

    We are talking about relatives and adopted children, without taking into account their order. That is, you can attract money from a certificate for the treatment of any disabled child.

    Download for viewing and printing:


    You can also use maternity capital to buy a house, but the following conditions must be met:

    • the purchase of housing can be carried out by persons entitled to the social support measure in question, while houses and apartments can be presented on the secondary real estate market, as well as among those that have just been built;
    • speaking about whether it is possible to use capital in a different situation, it is worth taking into account the conditions established by the body in charge of pension issues;
    • You won’t be able to buy real estate with maternity capital that is located outside our country;
    • before you buy a house, you need to make sure that it meets sanitary and hygienic standards;
    • the purchased property can be used as a residential property, which is fully landscaped;
    • Also speaking about whether it is possible to buy an apartment with maternity capital, it is worth remembering that an important condition is that shares in the purchased housing must be allocated to all family members.

    How to cash out mat capital without waiting 3 years

    Very often, many parents want to obtain maternity capital funds for purposes that are not provided for by the legislation of the country. At the same time, they use illegal or semi-legal methods, which are suppressed by government agencies of the Russian Federation.

    In order to obtain maternity capital, you need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence. The application is written personally by one of the parents. The benefit can also be issued to the child’s father if the mother, for some valid reason, cannot manage the capital, for example:


    People often ask the question: can I buy, using the benefit provided by the state, earlier than the established period, the answer to which is yes, since there are exceptions to this rule. In particular, the legislator allows the use of maternity capital without waiting 3 years, as stated in Article 7 of the above law.

    Speaking about how you can use capital for up to 3 years to purchase housing, it is worth noting that in this way you can purchase real estate only on the condition that loans are used, the purpose of which is to purchase residential premises. Accordingly, at any time after the birth of the baby, it is possible to buy a house using maternity capital using mortgage lending funds.

    Before buying an apartment, a family needs to assess its financial capabilities; in particular, it should be borne in mind that banking organizations have requirements that when applying for a mortgage they will have to make a down payment. In the case where the family does not have accumulated funds, housing can be purchased using mortgage lending. In this case, the initial payment will be the certificate in question.

    The state establishes the opportunity for almost all families with two or more children to buy a house using maternity capital . The purpose of this program is to provide minors with decent conditions for living and development, while it is imperative that the purchased one has all the necessary amenities.

    The main situation when it is possible to purchase housing with maternity capital until the child is three years old is the participation of a credit institution as a party providing material support for the transaction being concluded.

    This measure was introduced to control how persons who have rights to the certificate will use maternity capital for up to 3 years to purchase an apartment. It is important for government agencies to monitor the targeted direction of the funds they allocate. It should be borne in mind that their focus is fixed by acts adopted at the federal level.

    If you decide to buy a home using maternity capital, the state will compensate part of the funds from the resulting debt to the banking organization. However, the amount you can count on depends on the time of your application. So 2020 did not make any changes regarding the amount of the certificate; it is still equal to 453 thousand, that is, if you apply for a benefit this year, you can only count on this amount. In this case, you will need to write a statement containing a request to send the funds from the certificate to pay for the transaction, which was agreed upon with the body operating in the field of providing pensions.

    Maternity capital for buying a house

    In this article we will look at a topic that has recently become increasingly relevant - maternity capital for the purchase of a plot of land with a house.

    In addition, we will touch upon such issues as: maternity capital - buying a house up to 3 years old, buying a house with maternity capital - documents, and so on.

    Naturally, we will try to analyze this broad topic, without missing out on details and not forgetting to point out the nuances, because there are many of them in our main issue - buying a house with maternity capital.

    Maternity capital in Russian legislation is a relatively new phenomenon, since the creation of this state project took place in 2007.

    In order to have the opportunity to get out of the demographic hole that the years of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dashing 90s brought us, it was necessary to take decisive action, because otherwise the Russian Federation would seriously lay claim to leadership in the mortality race, ahead of other countries.

    But the initiative was accepted and now we have a fully operational state project, which, according to numerous studies, has already shown its relevance and effectiveness. The legislation provides for three options for spending maternity capital:

    • Maternity capital for a child’s education;
    • Maternity capital for pension contributions and savings;
    • Maternity capital for the purchase of a house;

    We will dwell on the last point—maternity capital for the purchase of a house—in more detail in our article.

    Agree that of all the three options that we named above, buying a house with maternity capital is perhaps the most important and necessary.

    Because retirement is still far away and it is not clear how it will be calculated later, education is a necessary thing, but you can live without it, and a roof over your head... Yes, buying a house with maternity capital is definitely the most important point in possible spending of maternity capital, because Having housing is one of the basic human needs.

    In addition, you will agree that a child’s childhood will be much better if a young family lives in their own, albeit small, house. But now we are constantly talking about buying a house with maternity capital, but we do not name specific amounts.

    The time has come to announce this figure - over four hundred thousand rubles is the total amount of maternity capital for the first child. And it seems like a little, but at the same time, not a little. Agree that in some regions of the Russian Federation such an amount can significantly facilitate the payment of a mortgage for a young family.

    Maternity capital and buying a house in 2020

    Maternity capital, buying a house, mortgage - we are now touching on very important topics in Russian reality, because each of them has its own problems and nuances. For example, take out a mortgage. A mortgage is certainly the right measure to help Russian families buy an apartment.

    But very often it turns out that it is the mortgage that is the yoke around the neck of young parents who cannot afford basic things due to the fact that they are forced to make payments every month. What to do if, say, a young mother loses her job? Then expect trouble: problems will begin with the bank that issued the mortgage.

    An apartment for which you have already paid a lot of money can be lost forever. One of the options is maternity capital, buying a house for up to 3 years. After all, it is up to this age that you can pay off your mortgage and have time to get back on your feet in the event of unforeseen sad circumstances. But we looked a little ahead. We'll talk about this later.

    So, let's return to our main question - maternity capital for buying a house.

    So, let’s first consider the documents that we will need if we decide to spend maternity capital on buying a house:

    • Naturally, an application to purchase a house;
    • A document proving your identity. Better, a passport;
    • Actually, the very certificate of the presence of maternity capital;
    • Birth certificate of the child for whom maternity capital is registered;
    • SPS (pension policy);
    • Contract of purchase and sale of housing. It's best to bring a copy;
    • A document confirming that you are registered in this house. It's best to bring a copy;

    Here is the main list of documents that are needed when you decide to spend maternity capital on buying a house. Naturally, different regions may have different conditions for submitting documents, but, in any case, we have listed the minimum package of documents for you.

    Maternity capital - buying a house up to 3 years

    Now we will narrow our main question a little and inform you about one more nuance: maternity capital - buying a house up to 3 years.

    In general, until the child reaches the age of three, maternity capital can be spent in only two ways:

    • Purchasing a home;
    • Payment of debts;

    The first option is described in federal law number 256. And it says in black and white in which cases you can spend maternity capital to buy a house:

    • Acquisition of rooms;
    • Purchase of housing;
    • Personal construction of housing;
    • Purchasing a plot on which to build housing;
    • Purchasing an apartment;
    • Apartment renovation;

    If you took out a loan from a banking organization, and for the purposes that we listed above, then you have the right to pay off this debt with maternity capital. In this way, the mortgage can be partially repaid.

    Naturally, in order to spend maternity capital on buying a house, you will have to provide some paperwork indicating that you have a mortgage or, say, a bank loan. Such “evidence” can be loan payment receipts, checks, mortgage agreements, and so on.

    The key factor in this matter is to make sure that the purpose of your loan corresponds to the permitted expenditure of maternity capital under the legislation of the Russian Federation

    So, in fact, we discussed the topic of using maternity capital in 2020 to buy a house. We hope that our article will be useful to you in the future.



    The law provides for situations where an apartment can be purchased immediately after the baby is born. In particular, parents who have the right to a certificate can use it to solve their housing problems in this way:

    • funds allocated by the state can be used to pay off debt incurred in connection with obtaining a mortgage loan, the purpose of which was to purchase housing or otherwise improve living conditions;
    • capital can be considered by a banking organization as a down payment when signing a mortgage agreement;
    • Also, these funds can be used to compensate for the interest that was accrued by the banking organization in connection with the use of borrowed money aimed at purchasing housing or its construction.

    Many people are wondering about cashing out the funds in question; it is worth noting that this action is illegal. That is, persons who risk cashing out maternity capital will be held accountable under the law.

    In this regard, the drafters of the bill provided that the main feature inherent in all of the above points is that persons entitled to the provision of state benefits are absent as links in the transfer of money. Accordingly, we can say that the funds are transferred directly to the banking organization, using the details specified in the documentation drawn up when drawing up the agreement. It is important that the transferred amount does not exceed the balance of the existing debt or the amount allocated as maternity capital funds.

    When can you use maternity capital?

    In 2020, the recipient can spend maternity capital funds three years after the birth or adoption of a second child or subsequent children (more about the maternity capital program). But this law has exceptions - until the child turns 3 years old, money is allowed to be spent on:

    • Improving the living conditions of the whole family. You can buy an apartment, build a house, including on credit or without a mortgage. Money is transferred to pay off the principal debt and the interest actually accrued by the bank. If the house was built after 01/01/2017, the right to sell the capital is retained - the applicant receives compensation if he registers ownership of it.
    • For goods or services necessary for social adaptation and/or integration of a child with a disability. There are no restrictions on the cost or quantity of goods or services.

    Without violating the law, money can be used for the funded part of the mother’s pension only three years after the birth or adoption of the child. The conditions are similar when spending money on children’s education, and it is possible to pay for education for any child.

    There are no other time limits for applying to the Pension Fund. After three years, the recipient has the right to spend the funds at any time, but only once.

    Loan repayment

    It is rare that a family can purchase housing with maternal capital without a mortgage, this is due to the fact that real estate prices are quite high.

    In the case where the mortgage was issued even before the arrival of the second baby in the family, then, most likely, the parents intended to repay the issued loan ahead of schedule, with the goal of thus saving on interest. However, with the appearance of a child in the family, additional expenses are added; naturally, they were not initially included in the plan.

    Then the parents can exercise their right to maternal capital, using it as a means to repay either the principal portion of the debt or interest. For such use, you will need to contact the above authority with an application. Please note that housing will need to meet the requirements set by the Pension Fund. In addition, the certificate holder will have to draw up an obligation according to which each family member will have his own share in the purchased property. It will need to be issued in accordance with the rules established by law.

    In addition to the fact that maternity capital can be used when purchasing real estate, it can also be used during construction or reconstruction. It will not be possible to sell capital without a mortgage for up to 3 years, with the exception of a housing loan.

    When the debt on an existing mortgage is repaid, parents are freed from problems such as, for example, choosing housing, going through the pre-approval procedure, etc. When contacting the previously specified authority, you will need to provide documentation. Its list can be clarified at the regional office of the Pension Fund.

    Matkapital for a disabled child

    Another permitted use of maternity capital funds is the purchase of goods and payment for services for the social adaptation of disabled children. The money is transferred to the applicant’s account in the form of compensation for goods already purchased or services provided.

    Basic conditions for spending maternity capital:

    • The goods and services for which the applicant intends to compensate must be included in the individual program for rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled child (IPRA).
    • MSC funds are not allowed to be used for technical means of rehabilitation (TSR) and activities that are provided by the state free of charge. This list was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2347-r dated December 30, 2005 on the federal list of rehabilitation measures and facilities provided to people with disabilities.
    • Before submitting an application for the disposal of family capital to the Pension Fund, it is necessary to obtain an act of verification of the availability of purchased funds for the social adaptation of a disabled person or the provision of services from the territorial social authority. services to the population.

    The list of goods and services for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 831-r dated April 30, 2020.

    When applying to the Pension Fund, the application for disposal of maternal capital must be accompanied by:

    • Certificate for MSK.
    • Passport and SNILS of the applicant.
    • The current IPRA.
    • Documents confirming payment for goods and services (cash and sales receipts, sales contracts, invoices and other documents indicating the amount of payment).
    • Act of checking the availability of goods.
    • Notarized power of attorney - if the applicant is represented by his authorized representative.
    • Applicant's bank account details.

    This is important to know: Requirements for housing purchased with maternity capital

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