Search for the queue of beneficiaries to receive a voucher

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Published: 07/10/2020



  • 1 Why can they refuse to provide a voucher?
  • 2 What do you need to take with you to the sanatorium with a free voucher?
  • 3 Basic concepts
  • 4 Where to check the queue?
  • 5 Maximum stay period
  • 6 Search for the queue of beneficiaries to receive a voucher - gu-ro of the FSS of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Crimea
  • 7 Try the new version of the public services portal
  • 8 Electronic queue of beneficiaries - Volgograd regional department of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

Why can they refuse to provide a voucher?

Often a person who wants to receive a free trip is refused. If the reason is incorrect or expired documents and certificates, then this is easy to fix. It is much more difficult if the refusal comes for reasons related to the work of public services.

This may occur in the following cases:

  1. Regional guardianship authorities cite a lack of sufficient funding.
  2. According to representatives of social protection, there were not enough vouchers due to the late application.
  3. The application was not submitted to the actual address of registration.

And if only the last point depends on the person, then the first ones represent a mistake on the part of the state. The exercise of one's rights should be sought, sometimes even in court.

In Buryatia, twice as much money will be allocated to provide housing for orphans



Almost twice as much money will be allocated this year for housing for orphans. At the same time, not only new, but also secondary premises can be purchased. It would seem that the line should move faster, but that was not the case. What slows down the process, and how does the acceptance of premises generally take place?

Housing for orphans was allowed to be purchased on the secondary market last year. Anyone can offer their apartment. You need to go to the government procurement website, search for “housing for orphans” and take part in the bidding. The average cost is about two million rubles. But there are also mandatory conditions.

Valeria Tumanova, chief specialist of the department of providing housing for orphans, capital construction department of the government of the Republic of Buryatia:

These are not always comments relating to design features - walls and so on, or affecting habitability. These could be comments on cosmetic repairs, finishing of floors, walls, and plumbing. Accordingly, we issue these comments to the owner. The owner is working on these comments.

Therefore, you have to return to each room several times. Thus, since the beginning of the year, 58 contracts have been concluded, but only a third of the apartments have been accepted. And not a single one has been handed over yet.

— The wire is exposed, it must be insulated. And over there - the same thing.

Nikita Yukalo, senior inspector of the department of supervisory activities for the city of Ulan-Ude:

First of all, looks at the exposed wiring. If there are no problems such as lampshades.

The selection committee includes representatives of the capital repairs department and supervisory agencies. The interests of the orphans themselves are represented by social activists.

Sarzhana Badmatsyrenova, member of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Buryatia:

The most important thing is to make sure that the premises are truly habitable. To prevent a repetition of the situation, as happened in Sotnikovo and in some other problematic facilities.

After acceptance, the apartment is registered as the property of the republic, and then transferred to the municipality for management. And only then are they distributed among those on the waiting list. Today there are more than three and a half thousand of them.

Ivan Suvorov, director of the Republican Resource State Budgetary Institution:

On average, about 200-250 orphans are provided for annually. But this year we have very large funding, we plan to provide for more orphans - about 300 people. The procedure for providing housing will remain the same. Apartments will also be distributed among orphans by drawing lots.

For another five years they will be registered in the special housing fund. And only then will it be possible to register ownership, but this is in the future. The main thing now is to have time to use the allocated money. After all, at the end of last year, almost 100 million rubles had to be returned to the budget.

What do you need to take with you to the sanatorium on a free trip?

Every person, going to a sanatorium, knows that it is necessary to have with them a minimum set of hygiene products (toothbrush and toothpaste, a change of underwear, personal slippers), as well as sportswear. But all this is not enough if a disabled person is sent for prevention.

A person with special physiological needs must take with him:

  • extracts from the medical history;
  • recommendations of the attending physician;
  • necessary medications.

The following types of official papers are required from official documents:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • medical insurance;
  • voucher

Basic Concepts

Many disabled people have heard that they have the opportunity to relax and improve their health in a sanatorium, but not everyone uses this social service. But this possibility is regulated by federal laws.

When undergoing treatment in a sanatorium, it is possible to carry out the following points:

  1. Restore or compensate for body functions impaired by disease.
  2. Increase the duration of remissions.
  3. Slow down the progression of the disease.
  4. Make exacerbations less pronounced.

Where to check the queue?

Sometimes it happens that you have to wait a long time for your turn on the way to the desired discounted voucher. This does not always happen promptly and quickly. In order to control your place in the queue, you can call the regional executive body of social protection.

The second way is to check the status on the official website of the federal insurance service. According to all the rules, you should wait no more than 21 working days for a voucher from the insurance service. The received voucher must be kept by the attending physician before the trip.

Rules for forming a preferential queue to receive a voucher to a sanatorium

Actions of a pensioner:

  • take a referral from a doctor for a medical examination;
  • receive a certificate with a conclusion about the need for further treatment in a health resort;
  • collect the necessary package of documents and contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence;
  • formalize the refusal of compensation .

Actions of employees of the Social Security Administration:

  • report the results within 10 days after submitting the application. In case of refusal, the reasons are indicated;
  • issue the applicant with a referral for treatment, taking into account the existing priority;
  • provide a serial number in the lists for receiving benefits;
  • upon return from the health resort , request a coupon confirming the fact of treatment .

Maximum stay period

Vouchers are allocated through regional offices of the state insurance fund. Free stay in the sanatorium is possible for a period of 18 to 24 days. This period falls within the optimal period for active prevention and rehabilitation recommended by doctors.

Category of patients Length of stay in the sanatorium, days
Disabled children 21
Adults with disabilities of any group 18
Persons with central nervous system diseases 42

Search for the queue of beneficiaries to receive a voucher - gu-ro of the FSS of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Crimea

This site service is intended for citizens of preferential categories who have submitted documents to obtain a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment. This service will allow you to find out your queue number to receive a voucher.

To do this, you need to enter the SNILS number in the format “xxxxxxxxxxx”, where instead of “x” there should be the numbers of your document without hyphens and spaces. You only need to enter numbers in the form fields; after entering, click the “Find” button. This input format is required!


– the original certificate in form 070/у about the indications and absence of contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment is provided upon registration and upon receipt of a voucher if its validity has expired or will expire during the period of stay in the sanatorium-resort organization;

– the queue number may change down or up in the following cases:

· providing citizens with vouchers in the order of application submission;

· return of vouchers for a valid reason and reinstatement of citizens on the register;

· registration of citizens arriving from other regions of the Russian Federation;

· exclusion from the Federal Register of persons entitled to receive state social assistance in the Republic of Crimea.


From 01/01/2020, an electronic queue is formed in the electronic database of the functional component “SKL PROVISION” from applications received by the regional office of the Fund, taking into account the date and time of citizens submitting applications for the Republic of Crimea as a whole.

Citizens are individuals who have submitted an application to the Regional Office for a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment from among the categories of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services specified in Article 6.1 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On state social assistance.”

Tasks and functions of OOP

If we take and study the legislative framework of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, we will dispel the idea that their main function is to separate children and parents, placing them in orphanages and depriving them of their rights. Today, the functionality of this structure has been expanded.

First, let's define the concept of what the function of social care and trusteeship is. From this point of view, a function is an action that can be performed by employees and specialists working in the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Let's take a closer look at the OOP functions:

  • Interaction with internal affairs bodies (department for working with minors) to identify children who belong to the category of social orphans.
  • Place children from an orphanage in foster families, as well as assist and monitor the process of adopting a child from an orphanage.
  • Protect the rights and interests of orphans who are left without parental care.
  • Provide orphans with housing;
  • Act as representatives of minor orphans at court hearings.

Attention! The tasks of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities are only partially listed in more detail; a more complete list of their functions can be found in legislative documents.

The Department of the OOP Department, in addition to its main functions, solves important problems:

  1. First of all, one of the main tasks that is associated with the fate of orphans taken into care is monitoring how guardians and adoptive parents fulfill their responsibilities for raising and maintaining children. Do they provide everything necessary, do they provide age-appropriate education? Living conditions are also checked.
  2. The second task is to promptly identify the threat to incapacitated elderly people and children taken into care. If a threat to the life or health of those under their care is identified, employees immediately take action.
  3. The third task is to protect the interests and rights of their wards, so that no one infringes or violates their rights. Particular attention is paid to persons who have limited health capabilities or are completely or partially incapacitated.
  4. The fourth task, guardianship and trusteeship, monitors the movements of children and adults taken under guardianship. In case of moving, changing residence to another district, another region or to another subject of the Russian Federation, employees will have to transfer personal information to the department of social policy and population protection at the person’s new place of residence.
  5. The fifth task is that a certain state payment is provided for the maintenance of each ward. So, the duties of employees include collecting and checking all the necessary documents for accrual, as well as financial reporting materials.
  6. Also, the PLO department is obliged to keep records of the residential property of children - orphans, single incapacitated elderly people, citizens who, for medical reasons, are being treated in special medical institutions or are staying and residing in social shelters. Upon reaching 18 years of age, the orphan child is returned to his parental home or given a new one. So there are POOs that are also involved in the management of residential real estate.

Important! Property management means the following: the housing of a minor can be registered and rented out for social rent, and the funds received can be transferred to a bank account that is opened in the child’s name. He will be able to manage these funds only when he reaches 18 years of age.

The tasks and functions of the public organization can be expanded by the management of social protection of the population of the districts, the activities of which are regulated and regulated by local legal documents and acts.

For improper performance of one's official duties, which can lead to dire consequences, criminal cases are initiated and all documentation is checked in each individual case.

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