How to find out which kindergarten is near your place of residence?

Features of compensation for failure to provide space

Many women are forced to continue to “sit” at home with their children because the baby is not accepted into kindergarten. The problem for some cities is very acute.

At the moment, the issue of payment of compensation is being decided by local authorities. To receive benefits, you must submit documents to the specialists of the social protection department.

There is currently no single legal act regulating the procedure for providing benefits.

The amounts of payments are determined by local regulations.

Bill No. 556611-5 was submitted to the State Duma for consideration. According to this bill, it was planned to introduce Art. 53.2 of the Law “On Education”.

Fact! It was planned that parents would be able to receive compensation in the amount of five thousand rubles for each child if it was not possible to enroll in a preschool institution. But the bill, which was supposed to provide benefits to parents, was never adopted.

The State Duma rejected amendments to the Law “On Education”.

What the law on kindergartens 2020 says: provision of places, compensation and other issues

What does the 2020 law on kindergartens say, are there any changes in the provision of compensation and how can they be processed? Are voluntary contributions legal and how not to pay them? Do the management of preschool institutions have the right to install video surveillance in the premises where children are? These and many other questions are of great concern to parents of children, especially today, when getting into a kindergarten is not so easy due to lack of places.

Another important issue is voluntary donations in kindergartens, the law regarding which is clear, but in fact is often violated. Law No. 273-FZ (Part 2, Article 65) establishes that each preschool institution has the right to independently set fees for the maintenance of a child, and provide benefits to certain categories of parents (legal representatives).

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Who can apply

A citizen and a beneficiary who needs it can take advantage of this opportunity. If the family has grounds, then one of the parents or guardians can initiate payment. But you must first make sure that the same person is the party to the agreement with the preschool educational institution and the applicant for compensation.

Recipient categories:

  • persons with many children;
  • low-income families;
  • single parents.

All of the above categories receive a relaxation according to the scheme of 20, 50 and 70 percent return for the first, second, third child, respectively. But there are also groups of applicants who are guaranteed a 50% return, regardless of the number of children and need. Their list contains Order No. 862:

  • military;
  • preschool employees;
  • disabled people;
  • WWII veterans;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

According to the second list, compensation is paid by employers. The presence of two grounds for payment at once gives the applicant the right to choose the most convenient and beneficial option for providing benefits.

According to the St. Petersburg law, full exemption is guaranteed for:

  • children suffering from physical developmental disorders;
  • persons with hearing and vision impairments, musculoskeletal disorders and the mentally retarded;
  • disabled child;
  • children whose representative or parent is disabled group I or II;
  • children of conscripts;
  • offspring of full-time employees in preschool and other types of state educational organizations.

Laws on kindergartens 2020

A bill of this magnitude, dealing with one of the most significant areas of human life, requires utmost attention and careful consideration in every detail. When the draft law on education of the Russian Federation is worked out as accurately as possible, discrepancies will not be allowed in the mechanism for implementing the new education system, the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” will radically change this system, making it capacious, multifaceted, flexible and maximally adapted to constant adjustments and changes inherent in modern life.

and from 5-6 years old it is not prescribed at all. Today, laws on compensation for kindergarten provide that in order to receive financial assistance, you should contact local government or social security authorities (depending on the region), providing the following package of documents: passports of both parents; Holy birth of a baby; marriage/divorce certificate of his parents; certificates about being on the waiting list for kindergarten, family composition; order to go on maternity leave; written refusal to provide a place for a child in a preschool institution; details for the account opened in the bank.

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Documents for processing compensation

To apply for compensation, you must contact RUSZN with the following documents:

  • statement on behalf of parents
  • documents identifying the applicants
  • photocopy of the birth certificate of a child or several children
  • document confirming that the mother is on maternity leave

Employed women must provide:

  • relevant order from the employer
  • Bank account number
  • certificate of family composition

In addition to these documents, parents must also provide a certificate from a state preschool institution indicating that the child is indeed in line there, but is not able to go to kindergarten due to lack of space.

This list of documents is not final. If necessary, social workers may require additional documents. To certify copies of provided documents, you must also provide their originals. Only after submitting and accepting all documents can parents count on the compensation they are entitled to.

Kindergarten by registration how to find out

  1. Collect the documents listed above.
  2. Go to the site using the link.
  3. At the top right, read the list of Internet connections and select the one you plan to use.
  4. Open and read the detailed instructions.
  5. Press .
  6. Proceed to fill out the application:
      select a municipality - the city of Ufa, area of ​​residence;
  7. agree to the terms of service after reading;
  8. enter data: about the baby;
  9. about the selected preschool educational institution (the list is available in the database);
  10. about the desired date of admission;
  11. about the child’s representative from the passport;
  12. about the availability of benefits.
  13. Upload scanned copies of documents to the portal.
  14. Submit the form for review.
  15. Wait for an answer. Data verification takes up to ten days.
  16. Save the request registration data (identification number).

Attention: beneficiaries and citizens applying under a notarized power of attorney are required to bring original documents to RayOO to confirm their authenticity.

To kindergarten by registration or place of residence Law 2020

So it turns out that in cities with a special status, permanent registration is a prerequisite ; in the rest of the Russian Federation, this is not a decisive factor for taking a child to a municipal preschool institution. But in reality, they often require confirmation of registration.

With his passport, the child’s birth certificate, a certificate from the place of registration and a rental agreement (if available), the parent needs to contact the education department located at each district administration. Here you will be placed on a waiting list or, if space is available, you will be immediately sent to kindergarten.

How to determine? Now each kindergarten or plant has its own website, where there is also information available to everyone about the territorial location and even the availability of places, as well as contacts of officials who are competent to resolve issues on this topic.

Temporary registration

living at the place of registration can be on the waiting list without any problems, but what if the family lives in a place completely different from where it is registered? And how do you find out which kindergarten you can send your child to at his place of registration?

— Mitkino village, including: Vishnevaya street, Vostochnaya street, territory of DSK Kolos, Zapadnaya street, Zelenaya street, Lesnaya street, Lesnaya opushka street, Molodezhnaya street, territory of the Zhavoronki health complex, Pridorozhnaya street, Sirenevaya street, gardening non-profit partnership SNT Energetik , Solnechnaya Street, Dead End Street.

— Summer Holiday village, including: Gogol street, Gorky street, Zvenigorodskaya street, Zvenigorodskoe highway, Zelenaya street, Kolkhoznaya street, Kooperativnaya street, Lugovaya street, Oktyabrskaya street, Pervomaiskaya street, Polevaya street, Pushkinskaya street, Sadovaya street, SNT territory Astra, territory of SNT Vyazema, Solnechnaya street, Turgenev street, Chekhov street.

How to apply for compensation for kindergarten through State Services?

To save your own time and receive payment, you should consider the question of how to apply for compensation for kindergarten through State Services. The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. Register on the state portal and log into your personal account.
  2. Select the education section and find the compensation application form.
  3. Fill out the application, including information about yourself and the child.
  4. Attach the required scans to the application and submit.
  5. After a couple of days, you should check with the LC about the results of the application review.
  6. If approved, the required amount will be received according to the specified bank details.

In general, there are usually no difficulties with the procedure for filing a compensation payment, but you should act according to the instructions anyway.

Electronic queue for kindergarten

According to the law on admission to kindergarten, a parent must submit an application no later than July of the current year and wait in line. In the electronic list, the enrollment order consists of the following groups of children:

  • out of turn;
  • first in line;
  • transfer or relocation;
  • at the place of residence;
  • optional.

The application can be submitted from the birth of the baby and indicate the dates of enrollment. Here the request can be rejected or sent to another preschool educational institution.

When enrolling, you are asked to confirm the information by attaching electronic copies of all necessary documents and data about the child.

On the official website of government services of the Russian Federation, a parent can find out how to check the electronic queue for kindergarten. To do this, you must enter personal data or an identification code from your personal account.

Registration requirement for kindergarten

» Date: 01/29/2019Author rating4.8

Author of the article: Lawyer Articles written: 111 Parents often mistakenly believe that kindergartens do not accept children who have not been registered.

Let’s look in detail at how current legislation answers the question of whether registration is needed for a kindergarten. There are several pieces of legislation regulating this issue. Most of the fundamental rules are enshrined in the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N273-FZ:

  1. Article 76, paragraph 4 – a kindergarten may legally refuse admission if there are no places.
  2. paragraph 3 of Article 76 – a certain territory is assigned to the preschool educational institution; children registered on it have priority in enrollment;
  3. Article 5, paragraph 2 – every citizen has an inalienable right to education;

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Order of the Ministry of Education and Science N293 dated 04/08/2014 consolidates the provisions of the above-described Federal Law.

Availability of kindergarten: what officials are silent about

All standard appeals to local authorities, the prosecutor's office and the court (with full legal justification), as well as the algorithm of actions if you are denied a place in a kindergarten, you can see on my blog, specially created for these purposes. After the refusal of the education department and the promise to place my child in kindergarten only if another child vacated the occupied place, it was enough for me to contact the mayor about creating a place. I wrote a statement on May 11, and on June 25 my daughter will start attending kindergarten. The court and prosecutor's office were not needed.

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The state guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of humans and citizens, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances. Any form of restriction of the rights of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation is prohibited.

Why isn't it moving?

If a parent enters the portal and sees that the queue is not moving, then the reason for this may be:

  • a new child is registered who is a beneficiary;
  • A new baby has been registered who lives in the kindergarten's service area.

It is also possible that a new employee has appeared in a preschool institution and has a preschool-age child of his own.

Then this child is enrolled in priority, and the queue is automatically suspended until the order is issued and the parents refuse to provide a place in this particular kindergarten.

Electronic registration for kindergarten allows parents to save time. How to change an application for a waiting list for kindergarten? Information here.

How to change kindergarten in the queue? The procedure in this article.

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