How to find out how much money has been accumulated in the personal account of an NIS participant

Rosvoenipoteka: how to register a personal account on the official website

For military personnel, the issue of housing always remains relevant. A military mortgage comes to the rescue, allowing you to have your own home, eliminating the need to rent a dormitory.
To have the right to purchase an apartment, you must register on Rosvoenipoteka, the official website, and draw up a report for the allocation of funds. The response period is regulated by regulatory documents.

How to register on the official website of the Federal State Institution Rosvoenipoteka, enter your Personal Account

The registration procedure is simple and will not take much time. Necessary:

  • Go to the “Personal Account” tab, which is located on the right on the main page of the official website, click “Registration”.
  • In the window that opens, enter all the requested data and click the active “Register” button.
  • Once everything is entered, the registration process will take a few seconds.
  • The system will request confirmation by sending a link to the user's mailbox. If the person registering does not have an email address, you must create one. After registration, the options are available to the user on the official website of Rosvoenipoteka.
  • Pay attention to the password, it must be unique and contain the required number of characters.

After completing all stages, registration is completed.

How to find out how much money is in your military mortgage account

After completing the procedure for entering a representative of the armed forces into the register, amounts of money from the federal budget are transferred to his individual account on a monthly basis.

By the time the need to purchase housing arises, the question arises of how much you can count on a military mortgage and how to find out how much money is in your account.

There are three possible ways to obtain this type of information:

  • independent request from the personal account of an NIS participant;
  • request to the unit commander;
  • receipt of annual official notification.

How can I find out the balance of savings on a military mortgage using the registration number and personal account of an NIS participant? You need to go to the official website of the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” and go through the authorization procedure or create a personal account. Then in the questions section you need to leave a request for this type of information. In this case, you must indicate the registration number.

The response will be sent to the email address that was specified when registering your account. The period for receiving information is 4 working days.

If there is no access to the Internet and it is not possible to enter the personal account of the Rosvoenipoteka website, then the serviceman can send a request to the unit commander to receive information about the amount of his savings. However, the answer will come a little later than if you independently clarify this information using the site.

You can also obtain information about the available amount of NIS from the annual notice. They are received in written form to military personnel annually in the first half of April.

How to start using the NIS Member's Personal Account

The government is considering a bill introducing a number of changes to the conditions of the NIS program. According to these amendments, military personnel will be included in the register of participants on a mandatory basis, they will be able to exercise the right to purchase housing only after 10 years of service, and the period of pensionable service will increase from 20 to 25 years. For now, these reforms are only at the discussion stage. In December 2018, a unified standard for providing military mortgages for financial organizations was already adopted, which significantly simplifies the process of obtaining a housing loan (targeted housing loan).


You can receive a certificate giving the right to take out a targeted housing loan three years after joining the program. During this time, an amount accumulates in the beneficiary’s account, which he can use as a down payment to purchase an apartment. It is better to look for housing in advance, since it should appeal not only to the future owner. You will have to take into account the requirements for the purchased object from the insurance company, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the bank that issues a military mortgage to the NIS participant.

If a suitable apartment has been selected, the next step is to collect a package of necessary documents and submit an application for consideration to the bank. The lender opens an account to which funds from the personal savings account will be transferred as a down payment. Then, a targeted housing loan agreement is concluded between Rosvoenipoteka, the bank and the applicant.

The last step is to execute the transaction. In this case, it will consist of two stages. The first is the signing of an agreement with the bank for the NIS participant to receive a military mortgage. The second is the execution of a DCP (real estate purchase and sale agreement), if housing is purchased on the secondary market, or a DDU (equity participation agreement), if the selected apartment is located in a new building.

Military mortgage savings

According to Federal Law No. 117, all officers, including warrant officers and midshipmen, can participate in the funded system. Enlisted personnel serving under a contract, starting from the second term, can also submit a report to the unit command for admission to the NIS.

Every year the state allocates a certain amount from the budget, which, broken down by month, is transferred to the individual account of each member of the armed forces.

Important! The size of the transfers is not affected by the length of service or the rank of the serviceman.

After three years of participation in the NIS, a serviceman can take advantage of a preferential mortgage. The accumulated funds are usually used as a down payment.


Some banks create special conditions for NIS participants under the military mortgage program. For example, an application can be considered using only two documents - an NIS participant certificate and a passport. There are lenders who offer an increased limit when purchasing a home selected by the bank itself. Some banks give borrowers taking out a military mortgage the opportunity to increase the loan term. Although, in general, the conditions for providing a housing loan for military personnel from various lenders are very similar. Interest rates are more favorable compared to mortgages for civilians. The processing time for an application usually lasts from one to ten working days.

Not all Russian banks work with the NIS program. The official military mortgage website has a list of eligible lenders. Here are the main financial institutions that provide loans for military personnel.

How to find out the amount of the funded part?

There are several ways to find out the amount of savings on a military mortgage:

  1. Every year after March, a special department under the Ministry of Defense provides each military unit with information about all NIS participants indicating the accumulated amounts.
  2. If this information was not provided by the unit command, it is necessary to write a report to obtain additional information from the Rosvoenipoteka Federal State Institution.

  3. The easiest way is to register on the official website of the Federal State Institution "Rosvoenipoteka" using the registration number, which is offered to all NIS participants.

A request is generated on the website to provide the savings amount.

A few days after submitting the request, the information will be posted on a closed page of the site.

Knowing the amount in the serviceman’s individual account, you can most accurately assess the financial capabilities for purchasing housing.

What is the Accumulative Mortgage Housing Support System for Military Personnel (NIS) in 2020

The Russian government has developed a program to provide citizens serving under contract with their own housing on preferential terms. It allows a soldier to take out a loan to purchase real estate using public funds. In this article we will understand what the savings-mortgage system for the military is, who can take part in the program and under what conditions they can get housing.

NIS for military personnel, definition of the concept

The savings and mortgage system (SMS) for housing provision for military personnel was founded in 2005. It allows young citizens serving in the RF Armed Forces to buy housing. The NIS participant has the right to choose living space at his own discretion: parameters and location of the property.

To ensure the functioning of the NIS, the “Federal Administration of the Savings and Mortgage System of Housing for Military Personnel” (FGKU “Rosvoenipoteka”) was developed. The main tasks performed by Rosvoenipoteka:

  • registration and issuance of documentation;
  • informing the population on the official website;
  • maintaining a register of participants;
  • accounting of money in individual accounts.

Inclusion in NIS

The right of military personnel to participate in the NIS is determined by Article 9 of the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 No. 117-FZ “On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law).

A military personnel is included in the register of NIS participants according to the categories and grounds provided for in Article 9 of the Federal Law. The rules for including military personnel in the register of NIS participants were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 21, 2005 No. 89 “On approval of the Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of participants in the savings and mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities and federal government bodies, in which military service is provided for by federal law.”

The procedure for including military personnel in the register of NIS participants is established: in the Russian Ministry of Defense - by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2020 No. 245 “On approval of the procedure for implementing the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (paragraphs 8 - 18 of this order); in the Russian Guard - by order of the Russian Guard dated March 14, 2020 No. 79 “On approval of the procedure for implementing the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel of the National Guard of the Russian Federation” (paragraphs 16 - 24 of this order); in the FSO of Russia - by order of the FSO of Russia dated November 23, 2005 No. 450 “On approval of the instructions on the formation and maintenance of a register of participants in the savings and mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel of state security agencies” (paragraphs 4 - 8 of this order); in the FSB of Russia - by order of the FSB of Russia dated March 13, 2020 No. 136 “On approval of the instructions on the formation and maintenance of a register of participants in the savings and mortgage housing system for military personnel of the federal security service agencies and providing these participants with information on the status of their personal savings accounts” (paragraphs 9 – 24 of this order); in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated September 14, 2009 No. 535 “On approval of the instructions on the formation and maintenance of a register of participants in the savings and mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel of rescue military formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia” (paragraphs 10 - 20 of this order); in the GUSP - by order of the GUSP dated February 2, 2020 No. 4 “On the savings and mortgage system of housing support for military personnel of the Special Facilities Service under the President of the Russian Federation” (clauses 10 – 17 of this order); in the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia - by order of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia dated February 28, 2020 No. 128 “On the implementation of a savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel in the military prosecutor's office” (paragraphs 12 - 22 of this order).

How NIS works

The essence of the savings mortgage program for military personnel is as follows:

  1. The federal budget allocates funds and sends them to the serviceman’s personal account.
  2. 3 years after registration in the program, a military man can use the savings and use them to pay the first installment on a housing loan.
  3. Subsequent payments to the bank are made from the budget of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Savings are generated by monthly transfer of subsidies to the participant’s personal account. The amount of such charges is established by the Government of the Russian Federation and is subject to annual indexation. The annual savings contribution for a military mortgage in 2020 is about 260,000 rubles. To calculate the amount of monthly transfers, you need to divide the annual contribution by 12.

Funds credited to the serviceman’s personal account can be used to purchase housing, both in the primary and secondary real estate markets.

Financing under the NIS may be terminated. This may happen in the following situations:

  • after the dismissal of a military man from the RF Armed Forces;
  • death of a program participant;
  • declaring a serviceman missing in action in court;

In the event of the death of a serviceman, his family members can take away the deceased’s savings. They can also continue to repay their military mortgage using NIS funds.

Important: this program does not provide for the possibility of purchasing a plot of land for subsequent housing construction.

Accrual conditions

The size of the state subsidy for the military does not depend on rank, length of service, salary, or region. The amount is the same for all participants in the military mortgage.

If the contract is terminated before 10 years of service, the state stops payments. If a serviceman managed to use the mortgage funds and left service, he is obliged to reimburse everything with personal funds.

Changing the rules for creating savings

  • Until 2020, personal savings were transferred to the account monthly. The total annual amount provided for by the federal budget was divided into 12 equal parts. A decision was made to make a one-time transfer of savings at the beginning of the year. The date for crediting funds was determined to be the period until March 20 of the current year.
  • Since 2020, the amount of savings has been constantly changing, due to inflation. In 2020, the one-time benefit for military mortgages amounted to RUB 268,465.6. In 2020, the amount increased and is equal to 280,009.7 rubles.
  • The bonus of innovations is the interest that goes to the military’s personal account from the income on the deposit. The greater the amount of savings, the better the financial situation of the account owner.
  • The savings limit for military mortgages increases annually. You can count on this amount when purchasing a home. In 2020, the state assumed the obligation to pay mortgage payments in the amount of up to 2.2 million rubles. In 2020, the limit increased to 2.4 million rubles. This condition does not limit the serviceman’s choice of housing. But if its value exceeds the established limit for a military mortgage, the citizen will have to pay off the difference from his personal income.

See this same topic: What happens to the borrower if he cannot pay his mortgage? And what to do when you can’t pay your mortgage?

How to become a member of NIS

The circle of people who can take part in the program is indicated in No. 117 - Federal Law. According to this regulatory act, graduates of military educational institutions are included in the program automatically after being awarded the first officer rank. Lists of such students are prepared at universities. Other military personnel will need to submit a corresponding report addressed to their immediate commander.

After this, the serviceman is entered into the appropriate register and given a certificate of NIS participant. After which Rosvoenipoteka assigns the participant a unique identification number and opens a personal savings account to which government funds are transferred once a month.

When and how to use

You can use the funded part of the NIS funds 3 years after the serviceman is included in the program. You can spend your savings:

  • For the down payment on a military mortgage;
  • To pay monthly payments on a home loan;
  • For repairs and finishing of an apartment purchased on the primary market.

The maximum amount of savings under NIS is limited. In 2020, no more than 2.4 million rubles can be used to pay for a military mortgage at the expense of the state. If a citizen lacks these funds, he can make up for the shortage with personal savings.

A military person gains the opportunity to use savings for other needs after 20 years of service. Also, this right arises upon dismissal if the total duration of service is at least 10 years, on the following grounds:

  • for health;
  • upon reaching the maximum age for military service;
  • dismissal due to general education;
  • for family reasons.

Information: if a NIS participant buys an apartment not at the place of service, then he retains the right to receive official living space.

Questions and answers

How do banks calculate military mortgages?

Banks make mortgage calculations based on the cost of the apartment, the amount of funds in the personal account of the system participant and the age of the borrower.

The maximum loan amount depends on the bank and does not exceed 3 million rubles. (in Sberbank - 2.33 million rubles).

The borrower's age at the time of repayment should not exceed 45 years.

The monthly payment is the maximum amount of the monthly payment for a military mortgage (in 2020 - 21,680 rubles).

If the loan amount is not enough to purchase the chosen home, the difference can be covered using your own funds.


How do I know if I am included in the military mortgage registry?

If there is no notification to clarify the status, you must first contact management with a request for access to your personal file, since it stores an individual participant card. It contains the participant's account number.

If there is no participant card in your personal file, you must either through the management or independently contact the housing policy department of the registering agency (Ministry of Defense).


Where to enter the registration number of the military mortgage participant on the website?

To obtain information about the issued certificate, you can immediately enter the registration number in the section of the same name.

To obtain an electronic duplicate of the certificate, obtain information about the amount of savings and the amount of debt to Rosvoenipoteka, the number is entered in your personal account on the official website of the department (


Pros and cons of NIS

The preferential housing program for military personnel is gaining increasing popularity. The savings-mortgage system has its positive and negative aspects:

Opportunity to purchase living space without waiting for years of serviceLimitation of the maximum amount of subsidies – 2.4 million rubles
Opportunity to participate in the program even if you have your own homeDuration of the procedure for using savings
Mandatory contributions are the same for everyone, regardless of position, rank and other parametersExclusion from the program and the need to return savings upon dismissal
Freedom to choose an apartment (location, layout, floor)The need to contribute personal funds to pay for the assessment and purchase insurance
Possibility of early repayment using personal funds
Preferential lending program (reduced interest rate, loyal attitude of banks)
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