How can a disabled person of group 1 get a plot of land?

Do disabled people of group 1 pay land tax?

Should disabled people of group 2 have to pay?

Does a disabled person have group 3 benefits?

Benefits for disabled people of other categories


In 2018, there were changes in tax legislation regarding the payment of property taxes by different individuals. persons. In this article we will look at what tax benefits exist on land for people with disabilities of different categories.

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Law on land plots for disabled people

The Land Code of the Russian Federation states that families with a person with disabilities are given the right to preferential priority obtaining a plot for individual housing construction (individual housing construction) without participating in auctions.

According to the Land Code, territories that are owned by the state can be leased to people for a period of 5 years free of charge. Thus, the law on the provision of land plots to disabled people allows them to lease land from the state out of turn.

Moreover, within five years a person must build a house or cottage on this site. This is already at your own expense. If he doesn’t make it in time, the land will be taken back. Also, the land will be taken away if construction has not started within three years, but it is allowed to extend the lease for another five years if construction has begun but not yet finished. Upon completion of construction, you need to bring an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate to the administration about the presence of a completed and officially certified building on the territory, and then the land will become yours.

Attention! The right to receive is not granted to any vacant plot you like, but only to the one put up at auction.

But not everything is so bad, in the application you indicate your wishes, what the site should be like and where it should be located, and the land will be selected in accordance with these wishes. But they won’t give you a plot larger than 0.15 hectares.

Let's look at this law in more detail.

Should disabled people of group 2 pay land tax?

According to clause 5 of Article 391 of the Tax Code, disabled people of group 2 pay land tax with the same benefit that applies to people with group 1. There are no differences here. Thus, from 2020, for a disabled person of group 2, land tax is not charged on the cadastral value of a plot of 600 square meters. m.

Example 3

Vadim Petrovich was injured at work and was assigned to group 2. The man owns 2 summer cottages, 6 and 4 acres. The cadastral value of the first is 360,600 rubles, the second is 520,000 rubles. Vadim Petrovich has the right to submit a notification to the Federal Tax Service and choose which of them not to pay for the land.


Benefits for paying land tax for disabled people of group 2 apply only to one plot, even if it is less than the required 6 acres. The balance is not transferred to another object.

In a number of cities and districts, thanks to local authorities, disabled people of group 2 are completely exempt from paying land tax. For example, in the city of Tobolsk, Tyumen region, in the city of Orekhovo-Zuevo (for 1 plot), etc. You can determine whether a disabled pensioner of group 2 should pay land tax in a particular municipality in the already described service on the Federal Tax Service website.

Who is eligible to receive a plot

The allocation of land plots to disabled people for individual housing construction applies to families with disabled children of any degree. As for adults, free plots are provided only to people with diseases from the list of Art. 51 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. This:

  • tuberculosis of any organs and systems with bacterial isolation confirmed by culture;
  • malignant formations accompanied by copious discharge;
  • chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent painful manifestations;
  • epilepsy with frequent seizures;
  • diseases complicated by gangrene of the limb;
  • gangrene and lung abscess, lung necrosis;
  • severe chronic skin diseases with multiple rashes and copious discharge;
  • intestinal and urogenital fistulas that are not amenable to surgical correction.

Important! This law applies only to people living in the Russian Federation for more than 5 years.

Let's sum it up

To receive a preferential land plot, you must strictly fulfill the legally established conditions and follow our advice. Often, a small error in the documents becomes an obstacle.

Photo from the site

The procedure for registering land step by step:

  1. Obtaining disability and a corresponding certificate indicating the group.
  2. Drawing up a package of papers necessary for registration.
  3. Visit to the local administration and write an application.
  4. Waiting for a response (within 30 days) - written notification with a queue number.
  5. Obtaining land ownership or on the basis of a lease agreement.
  6. If refused, file an application with the court.

If you clearly and correctly fulfill all the conditions, have a full package of documents and have a medically certified disability, you have the right to receive an allotment for free.
If problems arise, seek help from lawyers, the law is on your side. Share on social networks:

What documents are needed

The provision of land plots to disabled people for individual housing construction is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • VTEC conclusion on disability;
  • TIN;
  • application for a land plot.

Documents are reviewed within 30 days.

Next, let’s look at what documents are needed to obtain a plot of land for a disabled child:

  • passport of the parent or guardian;
  • birth certificate, if there are several disabled children in the family, birth certificates of all children are needed;
  • VTEC conclusion;
  • certificate confirming that the family is registered for improvement of living conditions;
  • application for a land plot.

Tax Benefits for Disabled Persons of Chernobyl 2nd Group on Land Tax 2020

The citizen is informed of the decision in writing. If the answer is positive, the tax service itself carries out the recalculation. If a person is refused, he has the right to appeal such a decision to a higher authority or court.

Land tax benefits

The meaning of the privilege is that the category of the population in question is either completely exempt from obligations or receives a discount that reduces the amount of tax. The determination of the amount of land tax is provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For the calculation, a tax base is required, formed from the cadastral value of the site. Do disabled people pay land tax according to established rules?

  • original and photocopies of all completed pages of the civil passport;
  • papers confirming ownership of the plot;
  • certificate of assignment of a disability group;
  • application according to the established form;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • cadastral passport.

It is important to know that if a disabled person of groups 1 or 2 has not previously enjoyed benefits, but still owned land, then he can submit an application to the inspectorate for recalculation. Then tax officials will recalculate previously paid contributions and make a refund or credit this amount to future payments.

Receipt procedure

Here, federal benefits for the payment of duties are provided only to liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, WWII veterans and combatants. Group 3 disabled people due to illness may not count on relief.

The calculation of property tax is simple - you just need to multiply the tax base, calculated on the basis of the cadastral or inventory price of the property (depending on what procedure is in effect in the municipality), by the tax rate and by the coefficients specified in parts 4 and 5 of Art. . 408 NK.

Sample application

The application can be written in free form, there are no special forms:

  1. So, in the upper right corner we write the name of the person to whom the application is addressed and his position.
  2. Below it we indicate our full name and address.
  3. Below we indicate the contact phone number and email, if available. This column should be left aligned.
  4. At the level of the end of the upper right column, in the middle of the page, we write the word “Statement” with a capital letter and do not put a period.
  5. The statement itself. We write who is asking for what: “I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, ask you to provide me with a plot of land.”
  6. We indicate the basis for this request. That is, who is disabled, which disabled person, and the exact part of the law under which the land is provided (for example, Article 17 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons”).
  7. Afterwards we describe the purposes for which the site will be used and the wishes for it. Approximate location, size, communications, etc.
  8. Please indicate below what documents you are attaching to your application to prove your right to receive a preferential land plot.
  9. We complete the application with a signature and a number on the left side.

You can also view a sample application for receiving a land plot for a disabled person on our website. Now it’s time to find out which structures to take all these documents to.

Tax benefits for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in 2020

If a person has not used his right to a discount or waiver of duty payment, then he has the right to write an application to the tax authority for recalculation. However, only the last 3 years will be taken into account.

Property tax

For disabled people of group 1, this benefit is provided in full. For people with group 2, it is important that a health certificate is received no later than January 1, 2004. Also, this category should have no restrictions on work activity.

It is assumed that the land tax rate will increase every billing period, with indexation until 2020, when the procedure for calculating the tax on the territory owned will be finally established. Current changes in the price of a plot according to cadastral information are not taken into account when determining the base for calculating tax for this and previous billing periods.

Land tax is levied on owners of land plots, as well as citizens who own a plot of land under the right of perpetual use or lifelong inheritable possession. Tax rates (that is, the percentage of the tax base, which is also the cadastral value of the land) are also determined by local governments. Disabled people of the second group can count on a reduction in cadastral value by ten thousand rubles. True, we are talking only about citizens who received second group disability before January 2004.

What tax benefits will there be in 2020 for disabled people of group 2?

Based on the instructions of the President of the country, the State Duma began to develop a new bill giving the country’s pensioners the right to also receive benefits when paying land taxes. Despite the fact that Federal Law No. 436 was adopted and entered into force in 2020, the rules in force today apply to the tax period that has already passed, i.e. by 2020, among others.

  • the ability to obtain the necessary medications and medical products according to doctor’s prescriptions;
  • the possibility of obtaining, if there are medical indications, a voucher for sanatorium treatment for the prevention of major diseases in certain sanatoriums;
  • the possibility of free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back.

There is one feature associated with a monthly cash payment, which is that each disabled person can fully or partially replace her social assistance in the form of a set of social services. This means that a citizen can either receive only money, or receive services instead of money, or receive part of the money and part of the services.

We recommend reading: What is the compensation for a labor veteran for refusing to travel by train?

Housing and benefits for disabled people of the second group

The state provides assistance to people with disabilities, which means that they have benefits and guarantees that help them in their difficult situations. Various benefits are also provided for disabled people of group 2. These include tax benefits, housing and utility benefits, social security benefits, pensions and other benefits. You will learn about what benefits for disabled people of the second group are provided in 2020 from our article.

This is both a legal and medical procedure. Depending on the severity of disability, citizens are assigned disability group I, II or III. The first is set for 2 years, the others for one.

The procedure for registering rights to a land plot

When the documents are collected, the disabled person or his representative (guardian) is sent to the administration, to the land committee. The maximum period for making a decision on this case is 30 days. Next, you receive either a refusal decision or a lease agreement for the proposed site.

If a refusal occurs, the reason is always indicated; it can be corrected and the documents can be brought back for verification. Upon completion of construction and registration of the house, we bring an extract from the Unified State Register to the administration. Within 14 days, the check is carried out again and, if everything is fine, you return for a certificate of land ownership. She's officially yours.

The Perm regional organization of VOI received a collective letter from disabled people using wheelchairs on the issue of priority receipt of land plots for disabled people and families that include disabled people. This problem is pressing for a large number of disabled people in the Perm Territory. All disabled people have the right to be provided with a land plot, regardless of the disability group and the profile of the disease.

The right of disabled people and families that include disabled people to receive priority land plots for individual housing construction, farming and gardening is provided for in Art. 17 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”

To obtain a priority plot of land, a disabled person must submit an application to the local government authorities at the place of residence (the application form is usually available in the relevant department of the local government authority authorized in the field of management and disposal of land plots). In the city of Perm - the Department of Land Relations of the Perm City Administration (Perm, Sibirskaya St., 15) or the corresponding division of another local administration. Documents confirming your disabled status must be attached to your application.

However, in the Perm Territory there has been a practice of refusing priority allocation of land plots to people with disabilities. The most common reasons for refusal are:

— the absence in the Perm Territory of an approved procedure for the priority provision of land plots to disabled people;

- a disabled person is not recognized in accordance with the established procedure as needing improved housing conditions.

Neither the first nor the second reason for refusal is legal and must be appealed in court.

Therefore, after receiving a letter from the Department of Land Relations with a refusal to provide a land plot, a disabled person must apply to the court with a statement of claim to declare the refusal illegal and to provide the land plot.

An approximate text of the statement of claim is attached.

An analysis of the decisions of the courts of the Perm Territory on such claims shows that the court in the vast majority of cases satisfies the stated demands of the disabled person and obliges local governments to provide the land plot. An example of the resolution of such disputes is the cassation ruling of the judicial board for civil cases of the Perm Regional Court dated 03/14/2011 in case No. 33-2246, the cassation ruling of the judicial board for civil cases of the Perm Regional Court dated 01/24/2011 in case No. 33 -549.

When PKO VOI contacted the prosecutor's office of the Perm Territory, it was explained that the prosecutor's office also works in this direction, accepts complaints from people with disabilities regarding the failure to provide land plots, and goes to court with demands to protect the rights of people with disabilities and provide land plots.

However, we note that when applying to the prosecutor's office, the time frame for resolving the issue is somewhat longer than when applying to the court independently, since prosecutors need time to consider the complaint, make a decision on it, and to prepare and send an application to the court.

Thus, you can exercise your right to priority receipt of a land plot by going to court. It should be noted that you can go to court only after receiving a refusal to provide a land plot from local governments.

For its part, PKO VOI, being a representative of a significant part of the disabled people of the Perm Territory, is working with deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory on the issue of the speedy approval of the procedure for providing land plots to disabled people and families that include disabled people.

The procedure for the actions of disabled people and families with disabled people in their composition to exercise their rights to priority receipt of land plots for individual housing construction, farming and gardening:

1. Applying for the provision of a land plot to the local government authorities at the place of residence of the disabled person.

On the territory of the city of Perm there is the Department of Land Relations of the Perm City Administration. In the territories of the Perm Territory - a structural unit of the administration authorized in the field of management and disposal of land plots. Refusal to provide a land plot on the basis of the absence in the Perm Territory of an approved procedure for the priority provision of land plots to disabled people, the absence of a certificate recognizing a disabled person as needing improved housing conditions are not legal. The absence of formed boundaries of a plot also cannot be a basis for refusing to provide land to a disabled person, since in accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation, it is local government bodies that are required to formulate a boundary file for a plot of land and register it with the cadastral register.

2. Upon receipt of a refusal, apply to the court at the place of residence of the disabled person or the location of the land plot with a claim for violation of the right to receive a land plot guaranteed by Art. 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.”

Sample form of claim

B__________________ district court

(name of the court at the location of the land plot)

Plaintiff: ______________________________

(Full name of citizen)

address: __________________, telephone: __________, fax: _________, email. mail: ___________

Representative of the plaintiff: _________________

address: __________________, telephone: __________, fax: _________, email. mail: ___________

Defendant: Department of Land Relations of the Perm City Administration

or a local government body authorized in the field of management and disposal of land plots

in the Perm region

address: __________________, telephone: __________, fax: _________, email. mail: ___________

State duty is not assessed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

Statement of claim

on recognition of the right to receive a land plot and recognition of refusal as illegal

in the provision of land

"__"______ G.

I, (full name), applied to the Department of Land Relations of the Perm City Administration with an application for the provision of a land plot with cadastral No.____, area _________ sq.m., located at __________________, for individual housing construction .

I am a disabled person of the _____ group, which is confirmed by an ITU certificate (series, number, date of receipt). Disability has been established (term, indefinitely).

In accordance with paragraph 14 of Art. 17 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, disabled people and families that include disabled people are given the right to priority receipt of land plots for individual housing construction, running subsidiary and dacha farming and gardening.

This right is also enshrined in paragraph 17 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 27, 1996 No. 901 “On providing benefits to disabled people and families with disabled children to provide them with living quarters, pay for housing and utilities.”

Reply from “___”________ ___g. Ref. No. _____ The Department of Land Relations of the Perm City Administration refused to allocate a land plot due to the fact that on the territory of the city of Perm there are no land plots formed and registered with the state cadastral register that are subject to provision in accordance with Art. 17 Federal Law No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995 (or indicate another reason for non-provision of the land plot).

Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims the Russian Federation as a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. Article 36 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees citizens of the country the right to privately own land.

State guarantees in relation to people with disabilities include the provisions of Art. 17 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, establishing the right of disabled people and families with disabled people to receive priority land plots for individual housing construction, running subsidiary and dacha plots farming and gardening.

According to Art. Art. 11, 29 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the responsibility for determining the procedure for providing land plots that are in municipal ownership lies with local governments.

Features of the provision of land plots for housing construction from lands in state or municipal ownership are contained in Art. 30.1 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 30.1 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the sale of land plots for housing construction or the sale of the right to conclude lease agreements for land plots for housing construction is carried out at auctions. An auction is the sale of a land plot at public auction, in which the property being sold is acquired by the person who offers the highest price, while the right to priority acquisition of a land plot involves provision in the absence of bidding. The Land Code of the Russian Federation does not provide benefits for persons participating in the auction. Thus, within the framework of an auction, the holding of which requires compliance with certain conditions (payment of a deposit, “auction step”, etc.), as well as the mandatory participation of several persons, it is impossible to implement the principle of priority provision of land plots to citizens. That is, when providing a disabled person with a land plot for housing construction in accordance with Art. 17 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, no auctions should be held under a sales contract.

Providing plots to disabled people is an exception to the general rule enshrined in the Land Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the established judicial practice and the legal position expressed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. In particular, the legal position is set out in the cassation ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Perm Regional Court dated March 14, 2011 in case No. 33-2246, the cassation ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Perm Regional Court dated January 24, 2011 in case No. 33 -549, etc.

By decision of the Perm City Duma dated October 28, 2008 No. 315, the regulation “On the provision of land plots for construction and other purposes on the territory of the city of Perm” was approved, clause 5.1 of which established the lease terms for land plots. When providing land plots, the initial lease period for individual housing construction is 10 years.

The fact that a procedure for priority provision of land plots for individual housing construction to disabled people has not currently been developed cannot indicate that disabled people cannot exercise their right enshrined in Art. 17 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” to receive, as a matter of priority, land plots for use; refusal to provide a land plot to a disabled person is illegal.

The inaction of local government bodies on the issue of determining the procedure for providing land plots to disabled people violates the rights of citizens who have the right to receive land plots for use in accordance with Art. 17 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”.

In accordance with Art. 254 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, a citizen or organization has the right to challenge in court a decision, action (inaction) of a government body, local government body, official, state or municipal employee if they believe that their rights and freedoms have been violated.

Based on the above and guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, paragraph 14 of Art. 17 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, paragraph 17 of the Government Decree of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 1996 No. 901 “On providing benefits to disabled people and families with disabled children, according to providing them with living quarters, payment for housing and utilities,” I ask:

1. To recognize as illegal the refusal of the Department of Land Relations of the Perm City Administration, set out in a letter dated “__”________2014. Ref. No. ________, in the provision of a land plot for individual housing construction as a matter of priority.

2. Oblige the Department of Land Relations of the Perm City Administration to provide me with a land plot with cadastral number _________, area _________ sq.m., located at ___________________, for individual housing construction.


1. A copy of the application for the provision of a land plot - on page ____.

2. A copy of the decision to refuse to provide a land plot - on page ____.

3. Copy of the ITU certificate

4. Other documents

"____"___________ _____ G.

Plaintiff (representative)




The tax service is not obliged to monitor the health status of taxpayers, so the burden of proving partial or complete disability falls on the shoulders of disabled people. Citizens must arrive at the Federal Tax Service with a request for preferential payments and with medical documents confirming their disability.

Disabled persons of category 1, as well as persons who are unable to come to the Federal Tax Service, are allowed to send documents by post. But you should use the services of a valuable parcel with a display of the contents so that the originals of important papers are not lost.

Plot for individual housing construction for disabled people

Land can be obtained not for free, but for temporary use. It will be possible to become an owner 3 years after the start of construction.

If the tenant does not lay at least the foundation of the future house within a given period of time, then he automatically loses the right to use it.

When starting construction or constructing a house, the plot can be privatized.

For development

Land plots are provided to beneficiaries only once in their lifetime. You cannot reapply for the privilege.

This also applies to those cases where the plot was leased, but three years later construction has not begun on it.

Having exercised your right to receive land, repeated application will not bring the desired result.

But this condition has exceptions:

The earth ceased to existand was used for military purposes
The site has become unusablefor use for reasons beyond the control of the owner (for example, as a result of natural disasters)

Is it possible to transfer DNP into individual housing construction? Read the article: the difference between individual housing construction and DNP. How it is possible to transfer a land plot from SNT to individual housing construction, read here.

Legislation carefully monitors the provision of benefits to people with disabilities. They should be given only free territory, free from other owners and encumbrances.

The land is leased and then owned by the disabled person, and not by his relatives.

It is also prohibited to divide the plot between spouses, even if they are both beneficiaries.

In this case, they are entitled to two lands per family - each receives an allotment.

The situation is different with the transfer of land to a family where a disabled person is being raised.

Parents receive a lease and are required to begin construction as soon as possible.

After the child reaches the age of majority, he becomes the owner of the plot.

Receipt procedure

It takes place in 4 stages:

Preparation of documents according to the listsubmitting an application and papers to the city or district administration. From here the appeal is sent to the office for consideration
Considerationtransfer of requests to individual authorities to confirm the authenticity of papers
Issuedecisions to the applicant

A disabled person can order all certificates through the State Services website without leaving home. You will have to receive them on the spot after presenting your passport.

If due to health reasons he cannot independently handle the registration, his representative can do this.

To do this, a power of attorney is written and certified by a notary. Additionally, you will need to obtain a certificate from a doctor about the applicant’s health condition.

Collection of documents

These include:

  1. Civil passport and copy.
  2. Applicant's Taxpayer Identification Number.
  3. Conclusion from VTEK.
  4. Certificate from the place of registration.
  5. A statement indicating the degree of disability and the right to receive benefits under the law.

If the beneficiary is a child under the age of 18, then the family can exercise their right to receive a plot.

To do this, you will need to write an application to the local administration and attach to it:

Child's birth certificatewho has a disability (original and copy)
If there are several such children in a familythen birth certificates are needed for each of them
Conclusion from VTEK

When applying for land for a disabled child who is in the care of adoptive parents, it is necessary to present documents establishing the relationship with the applicant.

The necessary information about the natural parents is indicated in the birth certificate.

Sample application

Compilation procedure:

The organ is usually indicated in the upper cornerwhere is the appeal sent?
Enter basic information about yourselfit is necessary to list all the data that relates to the subsidy and influences the decision of the governing bodies
Disability category notedwhat becomes the basis for obtaining land

If errors or omissions are found in the application, it will need to be redone and the documents will need to be submitted again.

The application is filled out by hand, signed, decrypted and dated. Without this data, the paper is considered invalid.

It is possible to submit an application typed on a computer, but with the obligatory affixing of a manual signature.

Obtaining land plots for disabled people of 1-3 disability groups

You can receive land on preferential terms for various purposes, in particular:

  • for building a summer house;
  • for gardening;
  • for individual housing construction;
  • for running private household plots (personal subsidiary farming);
  • for the construction of auxiliary premises.


One of the common misconceptions is that obtaining land for the first and, for example, the second disability group is different. But fortunately, this is not the case.

Disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 have the right to receive benefits, and the process of obtaining land for each group is absolutely no different.

But nevertheless, here there is one important nuance. A claimant to land must have what is called a “permanent” disability. This is a 100% guarantee of receiving the land allotment.

If the disability is not permanent, then when you apply to the local authority to obtain land, there is a possibility that you will be refused, since the decision is made depending on the situation.

The law defines a clear list of those who can qualify for preferential conditions:

  1. a family with a child with disabilities;
  2. in the absence of parents and the presence of guardians, they also have legal grounds for receiving benefits;
  3. citizens with disabilities;
  4. trusted representative of citizens with disabilities.

Also, the law establishes clear requirements regarding land allotment:

  • it must be registered in the cadastral register;
  • have a separation.


Demarcation is a range of works aimed at establishing clear boundaries of a site;

This, of course, is quite expensive, but there is no need to worry, because bringing the site into proper shape is the task of the local authority, so these services are provided free of charge.


By receiving a plot of land on preferential terms, we mean receiving it without an auction, i.e., much cheaper. There is no talk about it.

But you shouldn’t despair, sometimes land plots are provided free of charge, but in rare cases at the discretion of the local authority.

Often, citizens with disabilities apply to participate in the auction.

Since participation requires the payment of a deposit, in such a situation the benefit ceases to apply and participation in the auction takes place on an equal basis with others.

Worth knowing!

Submitting an application is the most important part of obtaining a land plot. To avoid unnecessary problems, treat this procedure as carefully and responsibly as possible.

Read more about the procedure for providing a land plot to people with disabilities and applying for it, and a full list of preferential categories that can apply for a land plot can be found.

How to get land for a disabled person, watch the video:

How can people with disabilities get free land?

Sites are provided to disabled people of all groups, war invalids, as well as parents or guardians of a minor or incapacitated disabled person. In some regions, disabled family members of a deceased war invalid, pensioners living in the region for at least 5 years, repressed and subsequently rehabilitated persons, etc. are added to this list.

In a number of regions, for example, in the Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod regions, the Republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, it is possible to obtain plots for free. However, to do this, the municipality must sign a corresponding order. When allocating plots, it is not necessary for disabled people to get the plots - everything will depend on the serial number in the queue.

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