“Ordinary consumers need to understand what the tariff actually consists of!”

Express Newspaper answers current, inconvenient and unexpected questions. And today we will find out whether it is possible to challenge the existing tariffs for garbage collection.

In January 2020, after the “garbage reform,” a new line appeared in payment receipts - for the collection and removal of garbage, or “for the management of municipal solid waste.”

The new tariffs included the collection and sorting of waste according to European standards (for plastic/glass and food), waste recycling and the construction of waste sorting complexes. That is, from the point of view of the average person, nothing has changed except the price. And it is she who causes a wave of indignation.

Since the start of the “garbage reform,” 1.6 million Russians have demanded a recalculation of fees for municipal solid waste and managed to return more than 700 million rubles. Let's figure out what the tariffs for garbage removal are made up of and what to do if the amount indicated on the receipt seems unfair to you.

What is the tariff for waste removal?

More on the topic

What has the “garbage reform” changed?

Different regions have different fees for garbage removal. The maximum single tariff - the maximum cost of services of a particular regional operator for the removal of one cubic meter and one ton of waste - is influenced by the area of ​​the region and population density, the logistics system, the number of landfills and waste processing plants nearby, as well as such an indicator as waste accumulation standards - the volume of solid waste. waste produced on average per year by one resident.

Within the region, tariffs may also differ depending on where exactly you live: in a city, village or gardening community.

Finally, the total amount in the receipt is affected by the number of people living in the apartment, but not its area, which is quite logical. For example, if you live alone in a large apartment, you will pay much less for garbage removal than a family of three, even if they are huddled in a small area. After all, you produce less waste. And of course, the tariff of a separate regional operator.

What does the tariff for housing maintenance and repairs consist of? November 10, 2015

Sergey Malofeykin, member of the General Council of Business Russia, managing partner of the diversified holding group of companies Euroservice

Over the past year, a wave of changes in tariffs for housing maintenance and repairs has swept across the country. According to Rosstat, in the first nine months of 2020, this figure increased by 25% compared to January-September last year, and all this against the backdrop of a general increase in utilities and the emergence of a new expense item - major home repairs. What do we pay for, and is it possible to achieve savings in the housing and communal services sector?

Such a different tariff

If tariffs for utility services (water, gas, electricity and heating) are set by the state, then housing tariffs (payments for the maintenance and repair of housing) are fully regulated by residents at a general meeting with management companies. In Russia, most consumers of housing and communal services prefer to ignore such events, so the entire initiative falls on management companies and municipalities.

Each city has its own tariff. Let's take, for example, an average regional center in the Smolensk region with a population of up to 50 thousand people, a housing stock of 300 apartment buildings and an area of ​​900 thousand square meters. m, let us compare it with a town near Moscow that is similar in terms of population and volume of housing.

In the first case, the fee for the maintenance and repair of housing is on average 10 rubles. for 1 sq. m, and fees per month from the entire housing stock are about 8-10 million rubles, while in the second these figures are several times higher - from 20 to 40 rubles. and 15-30 million rubles. respectively.

What are we paying for?

Many people ask why pay for the maintenance and repair of housing if another fee has now been introduced - for major repairs. You need to understand that the funds transferred to the capital repair fund will go to global needs - for example, they can be used to repair the roof. But to put everything else in order - entrances, elevators, communications, that is, to bring the entire house in order - is already the task of management companies at the expense of funds collected for maintenance and repairs.

Now let’s look at what exactly the tariff for housing maintenance and repairs consists of. Traditionally, the expense items are as follows:

80% goes to pay employees, pay taxes and insurance premiums, and remove garbage;

10% – for the purchase of consumables for cleaning, engineering, elevator maintenance;

5% – current repairs;

5% – profit (if any).

Now let’s take a closer look at the labor cost structure. As a rule, there are three management companies in the regional center. Each has its own staff of technical personnel and managers.

On average, for a city with a population of up to 50 thousand people, a housing stock of 300 apartment buildings and an area of ​​900 thousand square meters. m employ more than 300 janitors, about 150 electrical and plumbing repair specialists, three emergency teams, and 30-50 managers. Most of the technical staff work part-time and lack full control, which allows work that would objectively take half an hour to be completed over half a day. It turns out that with a large number of personnel involved, the responsibility of management companies to residents is very vague. Management companies begin to actively carry out work in the territories when they “divide” houses and territories among themselves.

Optimization paths

Despite the fact that many consider the housing and communal services sector as one of the most problematic, ways to optimize it still exist, and even at low tariffs you can save. Firstly, it is necessary to organize and implement a single contact center (call center) for the city. The functions of contact centers can be performed by existing MFCs. Secondly, implement online portals for receiving and recording applications with photographic recording of work completion. Thirdly, introduce accounting and control over the time and progress of work by technical personnel, and take into account the consumption of building materials.

The implementation of the mechanisms described above will allow optimizing the work of staff, improving customer services and saving about 30-40% from the tariff. A business that is ready and not afraid to invest in the modernization of the housing stock, build customer services, be able to optimize service processes, communicate with residents and receive a profitability of 5% to 15% should come to the housing and communal services sector.

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Sergey Malofeykin, opinion

Are there any benefits for garbage removal?

Since the garbage removal service is classified as a utility service, all the same requirements apply to it as to tariffs for heating, water supply and electricity. In particular, large families, disabled people and war veterans are entitled to monthly monetary compensation to pay for housing and utilities.

If you are part of a group of people who are entitled to compensation, the benefit should be taken into account and reflected in the final amount automatically. If you have recently received beneficiary status, contact your local social security department or MFC with all the necessary documents, and they will recalculate you.

“Ordinary consumers need to understand what the tariff actually consists of!”

Crimea.gov.ru The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has submitted a bill to the government, according to which regions will be prohibited from increasing tariffs for housing and communal services above the established limit values.

The FAS is concerned that utility tariffs in the regions differ by more than 50 times.

For example, the minimum tariff for wastewater disposal is set in Dagestan - 3 rubles per cubic meter, and the maximum in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 155.8 rubles per cubic meter...

Question: “Do we need to put a limit to the lawlessness in housing and communal services?”

Galina Khovanskaya, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Communal Services:

«But you and I are paying for all this...”

— I think that attention should have been paid to this much earlier, when new tariffs were established.

It was then that we had to grab our heads, but we look at everything as a fait accompli, almost when people start going out into the streets!

Of course, the situation is different in different regions, and yet the federation, by transferring the formation of tariffs to the regional and municipal levels, has practically avoided all this.

Moreover, the federal law, which limited the total payments of the population for housing and utilities, is no longer in effect, and all this is again transferred to the regions!

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I have long said that without changes to the Housing Code, a simple shout from above, from the government, this situation cannot be changed.

After all, the same Housing Code states that water tariffs are set by municipalities...

But these tariffs are sometimes simply insane, and I’m already tired of talking about it! I can understand if, say, a wastewater treatment plant is dead and needs to be urgently repaired.

But we, ordinary consumers, need to understand what the tariff actually consists of - is it wage indexation, or the cost of replacing pipes, etc., or the maintenance of a dispensary football team?

But you and I are paying for all this...

Martin Shakkum, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Psychological Sciences:

“Local authorities are putting it there today...”

— The price for a service is the tariff multiplied by the volume of consumption, and in the absence of meters, by the standard.

Consumption standards are one of the main reasons for the increase in utility bills. By approving inflated and super-inflated consumption standards, local authorities today include not only all the inefficiency of the work of utility organizations, but also often turns this into a feeding trough for utility organizations affiliated with it!

Today, citizens have privatized their apartments and consider themselves home owners. But they don’t feel like they own their home and don’t understand that the cost of most utilities is determined at the home level.

For example, the most expensive service is heating (after all, the entire house is heated, and in the best case, metering goes throughout the entire house).

The same applies to hot water supply. Of course, there are also ongoing repairs, maintenance of staircases, etc.

In order for tariffs for these services to be formulated fairly, there must be some kind of negotiation process between residents and service companies, but our citizens have not learned this and, unfortunately, do not believe that this is necessary to do - to conclude contracts and monitor their implementation.

A certain rudiment of socialism remains, when every resident believes that the authorities themselves should do this for them.

Anatoly Trushkin, satirist writer:

“Even the swindlers themselves simply shrug their shoulders!”

“Now there are so many intricacies in all this that even the swindlers themselves simply throw up their hands and say that they don’t profit from this.

For some reason, those who send out these tariffs want to live at the expense of the population. Where does the money go then?

Nobody can explain this. It seems that we are all working for someone, and Operation Interception is yielding nothing so far...

Opinions expressed in the live section may not coincide with the opinion of the editors

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People need to see what their housing and communal services tariff is made up of - urban services expert

July 1, 2020, 21:35 - Public news service - OSN Housing and communal services structures should openly explain to people why they pay so much money on bills. Citizens' indignation at tariff rates stems from a lack of understanding of where their money is spent. Irina Gentsler, director of the “Urban Economy” direction of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation, expert of the Coordination Council of Non-Profit Organizations of Russia, told the Public News Service about this.

As the new increase in housing and communal services tariffs has shown, they are growing faster than inflation. Tariff indexation, which began on July 1, will reach 6.5% in some regions. While inflation in 2020, according to Rosstat, was only 3%.

Irina Gentsler. Photo: allians-region.ru

“This may be due, among other things, to the fact that the starting position for housing and communal services prices was significantly lower than economically justified,” Genzler said. “And, accordingly, in order to achieve payback for housing and communal services, we need a slightly higher rate (of tariff growth - editor’s note).”

Our interlocutor explained that the situation differs greatly depending on the subject of the Federation:

The starting position for housing and communal services prices was significantly lower than the economically justified one

“The situation was completely different in different regions. Someone, when there was different regulation, could have already approached the economically justified level. Now they need to raise things a little. They may not even choose a limit on possible tariff increases. And someone was far from this level. Therefore, this is a rather complex picture that requires serious analysis.”

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