How to understand that a plot is privatized

Apartment cadastral number

If there is no cadastral number for the apartment, it is impossible to register ownership, and as a result, it is impossible to dispose of your property. In addition, it should be taken into account that if the apartment is not assigned a cadastral apartment number, then it is impossible to redevelop the apartment, since it is not registered in the cadastral register, it will be problematic to sell, exchange, or donate such an apartment. Please note that the cadastral number of an apartment is assigned once and forever. Even if there is a change of owners, the cadastral number of the apartment remains unchanged. However, it happens that you urgently need to find out the cadastral number of an apartment, but the necessary documents are not at hand. Where can I find the cadastral number of an apartment online and for free? Rosreestr, or rather their website, will help us with this.

What is this? How to determine the cadastral number of an apartment? Why do you need a cadastral number for an apartment? Is it possible to determine what it is? How to determine the cadastral number of an apartment? Why do you need a cadastral number for an apartment? Is it possible to determine the cadastral number of an apartment online and for free? You can find out the answers to these questions by reading this article.

How can I find out the cadastral number of an apartment?

The state keeps records of all existing real estate. For this purpose, each apartment, private house, and land plot is assigned a unique numeric code. This number is called the cadastral number. The cadastral number of the apartment is necessary for concluding transactions when purchasing real estate, donation and exchange procedures.

How to find out the cadastral number of an apartment through Rosreestr? To do this, you will need all the documentation for the apartment. The service is paid, so you will have to pay a state fee, the amount of which is 300 rubles. First, a statement is written. After this, the previously collected documents are transferred to the cadastral chamber. A week later a qualified answer is given.

How to find out if housing is privatized?

Hello, please tell me how and where I can find out whether housing and land have been privatized.

Mom bought a house 13 years ago, she says that everything has already been privatized (according to realtors), but not a word was found in the documents about privatization.

Are there organizations where one could find out about this?
Thank you in advance.

Simply, 2 requests for an extract from the Unified State Register at the Office of the Rosreestr of Cadastre and Cartography (Lower Embankment 14 - entrance from Fortuna) pay 200 rubles to account 130 through the Sberbank terminal, make copies of checks (information on rights since 1998. With copies and originals checks and passport, apply for an Extract from the Unified State Register, within 1.5 hours you receive an official response. Open from Tuesday to Saturday (there are queues).

tel 450-150 information. In addition, you can make a request to the cadastral chamber (ibid.) or to Proletarskaya 9, or Kyiv 2 (entrance from Karl Marx.

Information on how to find out whether an apartment is privatized or not via the Internet may be required in different cases.

For example, when buying an apartment or when accepting it as an inheritance, if documents are lost.

A privatized apartment, unlike a municipal one, belongs entirely to its owner, and is not leased by him for an indefinite period.

The neighbors are asking for a cadastral number, do I have the right not to provide it to them?

Hello! the neighbor asks for the cadastral number, for what reason, he doesn’t say! Tell me, in what cases can neighbors on a plot of land ask for a cadastral number? and do I have the right not to provide it to them?

There is absolutely nothing secret in this information; the cadastral number is easy to find at the address. By law, information from the state real estate cadastre is publicly available and is provided upon request of any person. Currently, there is even a public map of Rosreestr, where you can view the cadastral map online.

Is it possible to give a cadastral number?

The use of any materials (reprint, copying, reproduction or other use of materials) posted on this site is permitted provided there is a link to For online publications, a direct hyperlink open to search engines to “Legal Consultation” or “Free Legal Consultation” or “Lawyer Consultation by Phone” of your choice is required. A link to the site must be placed regardless of the full or partial use of materials. Hyperlink (for online publications) - must be placed in the subtitle or in the first paragraph of the material.

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Remember that your behavior in conditions of public freedom of expression and, at the same time, Internet anonymity, changes not only the virtual, but also the real world, creates the impression of lawyers as well-mannered and educated people, and of jurisprudence in general.

How and where can you find out the cadastral number of an apartment?

There is a more reliable option - contacting the cadastral chamber. To do this, of course, you will have to spend some time and pay a fee. But in the end, based on the submitted application, you will be presented with a certificate with the cadastral number of a certain object. By the way, you can save time and avoid waiting in line by making an appointment with Rosreestr through the government services website. Next, go to the appropriate section, fill out the application and download the receipt. You also receive a coupon that will indicate the date and time of your visit - you can take a photo of it, for example, on your mobile phone, or download it and then print it out.

Any state maintains strict records of real estate, and Russia is no exception to the rule. For this purpose, the legislation provides for the assignment of a unique cadastral number to each of them. This is confirmation that this object:

How to find out the apartment number

Cadastral passport for an apartment building Starting from January 2020, the passport data for an apartment building is presented in the new format of the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which was developed on the basis of the new Russian Federation Law FZ-218.

Numbers accompany us all our lives: dates of birth, residential addresses, passport numbers, cars, international passports. Each of these numbers has its own meaning. Numerology helps determine the influence of numbers on a person’s destiny, events that happen in life, acquaintances, meetings, success, career growth. If individual numbers (passport, date of birth) affect only one person, then the numerology of an apartment and home address is of particular importance for everyone who lives in it.

How can I find out the cadastral number of an apartment?

  • register on the above site;
  • enter the phrase “cadastral number” in the search;
  • find the required service in the list;
  • the site asks you to fill out a form – we fulfill the requirement;
  • fill out an application on an electronic form;
  • send a service request;
  • We are waiting for you to receive an email confirming your application has been accepted.

If you want to find out the cadastral number for the apartment address using this method, then pay attention to the features when preparing and photocopying a package of documents. So, regarding the passport: photocopies of the photo spread and the registration page are made. It is also necessary to provide originals and photocopies of all documents confirming that you are the owner of the property (certificate, gift agreement and other official papers).

How to privatize a land plot

  1. An application with cadastral papers is submitted to the municipality that controls the territory with the privatized plot.
  2. An agreement is concluded to conduct expert research.
  3. Appraisal work is being carried out on the land plot.
  4. A land purchase agreement is signed.

At the institution, you need to write a statement about your desire to privatize the land plot and attach the documents listed in the list to it. For the provision of services, you need to make an advance payment in the amount of the established state duty . Without this receipt, the application will not be accepted.

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Can the cadastral number for an apartment change?

Cadastral (or conditional number) - assigned to the object, and not to the owner. Therefore it must be the same. However, the discrepancy between the numbers in the certificate and the cadastral passport and the extract from the Unified State Register may be due to the fact that if the certificate is old, it indicates a conditional number, and in the cadastral passport and the extract from the Unified State Register - a cadastral number assigned later (note that they have different format). Moreover, in 2012 - 2013, many objects changed cadastral numbers. This is due to the formation of a new cadastral register. When selling, I advise you to use a current extract from the Unified State Register (no more than six months) with a new cadastral number.

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Hello! The cadastral numbers do not match due to the work carried out by Rosreestr to compare and improve the quality of data from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It and the State Real Estate Cadastre. At the same time, all previously issued certificates of state registration retained legal force.

Land privatization: how to register and what is the cost?

Indeed, it turns out somehow strange: the free privatization of land, which the Land Code of Ukraine explains to us, presupposes that the registration of the plot should be carried out without the use of one’s own funds. But in reality, in order to privatize a plot for a private house or a country plot, Ukrainians have to shell out a decent amount of money.

Theoretically, the promise to privatize land “for free” implies not paying money for it. However, in fact, it turns out that in Ukraine people have the right to free allocation of land; only the preparation of project documentation for land plots falls on their shoulders and affects their wallets.

The cost of processing documents varies. The price of privatization of a land plot varies from 3 to 15 thousand UAH. It depends on the characteristics of the land plot, its configuration and location of the territory.

Mostly people themselves do not deal with privatization issues. They pay land management organizations for the range of geodesy work they perform. The price includes office work. The final cost is also influenced by the range of necessary documents under the additional land agreement when interacting with government authorities.

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The time frame for official registration of the land privatization procedure for a summer cottage or private house is slightly less than 1 year, on average - from 3 to 9 months. Sometimes it happens that more time is needed for privatization. The land and its location are directly related to the timing of registration. And sometimes it takes up to 3 years to document a site in the Kyiv region or another region of the country. But such special cases do not occur very often.

Land privatization

To formalize privatization (Ukraine), it is best to contact an organization involved in land management. Having generated the necessary documentation (copies of passport, Taxpayer Identification Number, certificate of availability of land from local authorities, location diagram, if a plot with buildings - a document confirming ownership, if it is a dacha or a dacha cooperative - a certificate of membership), specialists will analyze the documents and take measurements and geo-survey, make technical documentation, prepare land management projects, and then generate privatization documentation.

If you do not have a documented right to use the site at all, that is, there are no documents, you can, based on the testimony of your neighbors, declare that you used the land in good faith for a certain period of time.

How to find or determine the cadastral number of an apartment by its address for free

You need to come to Rosreestr with a pre-drafted application about the need to obtain a cadastral number for a specific address. legal documents with you , as well as a passport confirming your identity.

But if government bodies at any time and for any reason can obtain this or that information about a property they are interested in , then an ordinary citizen cannot do this so easily.

Privatization procedure

  1. Privatization of land plots. According to the current law, only those who are the owners of the buildings located on this land can privatize a land plot. To begin such a process, you must first contact the relevant executive authorities with a statement expressing your desire to privatize a particular plot. The application is considered by the executive body within two weeks. Then a cadastral passport is issued, after which you can draw up and conclude a purchase and sale agreement. By the way, it is best to conclude a purchase and sale agreement accompanied by a competent and experienced lawyer who will help not only draw up the agreement correctly, but also accompany the transaction in order to protect you from negative consequences. Moreover, privatization of a land plot takes from six months to one year. It is important to note that when it comes to privatization, we mean the transfer of ownership rights for an indefinite period with the right of inheritance.
  2. Privatization of an apartment without land surveying. Demarcation is extremely necessary in order to avoid the fact of fraud and protect yourself from other negative consequences. After all, if you privatize an object without defining its boundaries, you can get into serious problems in the future. And defining boundaries is one of the mandatory procedures that must be followed during privatization.
  3. Privatization in an apartment building. An apartment building is a house in which there are three or more apartments, and there may be one owner or several. An apartment can be privatized by both the tenant and his family members who are directly registered and live in the apartment, which is subject to transfer to private ownership. Of course, privatization guarantees many benefits. After all, when you become the full owner of an apartment, you can do whatever you want with it, make any transactions, because you have the legal right to do so. The only drawback of this procedure may be that it must be paid annually to the state treasury, although now the tax rate is not so high, but no one is immune from its increase.
  4. Privatization of land that is leased. As you know, a leased plot of land cannot actually be privatized. Since the rented plot already has its own owner. Therefore, in order for the land to become your private property, it must first be purchased from the original owner in the manner prescribed by law. To do this, you need to collect a package of necessary documents, check the legality of the grounds on which this land is owned, and then the purchase and sale transaction is directly concluded.

The cadastral number of the apartment changes

17. I have a municipal apartment in Moscow, according to the cadastral number, the total area is 58.4 sq. m, and in the rental agreement my total area is 60 sq. m, Yurievna, where is it correct? 6 people are registered; registration for improvement of living space depends on the area of ​​the apartment.

10.2. The management company will not deal with this. You need to independently contact the water utility, Gorgaz, where they will develop a project for you, carry out the work and connect you to communications, they obviously run next to the house.

How to determine the cadastral number of an apartment: concept and procedure

There are situations in life when you need to find out the cadastral number of an apartment immediately and you simply do not have time to wait for a response to your application. Such situations may be due to various circumstances. This could be an urgent purchase and sale transaction, or other equally important factors.

Now it’s worth pointing out when the cadastral number is assigned to this property . As a rule, this happens at the time of cadastral registration, when issuing a passport, drawing up a plan and, accordingly, registration with Rosreestr - the Federal Service for State Registration of Cadastre and Cartography. Organization of the circulation of rights of persons registered in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and transactions with it is the jurisdiction of the State Real Estate Cadastre. Read more about what GKN does here.

Is the apartment privatized: how to get information in 2020

In cases where it is necessary to obtain information about the status of an apartment that may have undergone the privatization procedure after 1998, the interested person must contact the state registration authorities responsible for registering rights to residential real estate. The full volume of such information for the period starting from 1998 is contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP), which is a state information base. It contains information about all current and terminated rights to residential real estate, as well as the grounds for granting such rights. In addition, the database includes data on the presence of arrests and encumbrances applied to each specific apartment. The standard form of an extract from the Unified State Register provided to the applicant includes the main characteristics of the analyzed object, the type of rights registered to it, information about persons or organizations having such rights, as well as all available information about the presence of restrictions, encumbrances, claims and lawsuits in relation to of this residential property. The circle of persons who have the right to request information from the Unified State Register is currently not limited by current legislation. Any individual or legal entity who has reason to be interested in information about whether this apartment has been privatized, what the conditions and circumstances of concluding a privatization agreement can act in this capacity. The procedure for providing an extract from the Unified State Register is paid: to receive a response to the request, you must pay a state fee, the amount of which varies depending on who is interested in this issue, that is, whether the applicant is an individual or a legal entity. Currently, the fee for providing information about a residential property to an individual is 200 rubles, to a legal entity - 600 rubles. When applying in person for an extract from the Unified State Register to the state registration authorities, the applicant will need to write an application for the provision of information, to which should be attached the original or a copy of the receipt for payment of the state fee. Moreover, if the applicant is an individual, he will need to provide a document proving his identity. A representative of an organization applying for an extract must have with him a longer list of documents, including a certificate of state registration of the institution, constituent documents in the latest valid version, including an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a document assigning him an individual taxpayer number (TIN). In addition, the representative of the organization will need to have with him a power of attorney, which is evidence of his right to represent its interests, and a passport. In addition, it is possible to obtain information from the Unified State Register without a personal visit to the state registration authorities: a request for the necessary information about the object of interest can be made through the use of postal services. It is also possible to request the necessary information through electronic document management: data can be obtained by e-mail or through the public services portal of the State Registration Service (Rosreestr). It must be borne in mind that when receiving information about residential real estate through electronic document management, to confirm his identity, the applicant must have an electronic digital signature, which will be used in the process of preparing the necessary documents.

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The key point when choosing an organization to contact for the necessary information is the expected time of concluding a privatization agreement. The law granting citizens this right was adopted in 1991: thus, this agreement could not have been concluded earlier than this year. Moreover, in the period from 1991 to 1998, the Bureau of Technical Inventory was responsible for the execution of privatization agreements: accordingly, all information about transactions regarding privatized housing concluded during these years is located in this organization and it is necessary to apply for it there. Each territorial body of the Bureau of Technical Inventory, as a rule, establishes its own procedure for providing such information and issuing the corresponding certificate, however, they are all characterized by a number of common points. In particular, an exhaustive list of persons who have the right to receive information about the fact of privatization of residential real estate from the BTI archive is usually established. These include:

Is it possible to find out the owner by the cadastral number of an apartment?

A transaction with a notary is only effective if you are a potential buyer of an apartment. Before concluding a purchase and sale agreement, a notary with procedural rights is able to obtain any information regarding the owner of the apartment.

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You do not have to own the property to obtain information about its technical characteristics. This information is not secret. However, if there are property documents, look there first. This is a certificate of state registration of rights and a cadastral passport.

Unattended acres. How to check if your land plot is registered correctly

For now, owners of summer cottages who have not yet reissued their property documents correctly are in no danger. But they have two years left to obtain from Rosreestr the only document that, like armor, protects their property - the “Certificate of Registration of Rights.”

Questions and Answers Everything you need to know about cadastral work to clarify the boundaries of a plot

You say: how do the authorities know that my hundred square meters even exist? Don't get your hopes up, they know. Since 2013, a total inventory of land has been taking place, and in the Moscow region, as well as in the territories annexed to the capital, there are practically no blank spots left. And now attention: information about such “unregistered” real estate (data about it is available in the State Cadastre, but the certificate of ownership has not been issued) is mandatory transferred to the municipal authorities. And they, in turn, have every right to declare hundreds of acres ownerless and dispose of them at their own discretion. So far, municipal officials do not have the right to sell this land, but already in 2020 they are quite legally able to announce an auction. (Are your lands registered correctly, and how to become a legal landowner, see the infographic.)

“The situation is very difficult, because most plots have not received certificates of registration of rights,” Lyudmila Golosova, chairman of the Trade Union of Gardeners of Russia, . — 50% of gardeners still have only old membership books in their hands. And when they go to register their land, it may turn out that the legality of the SNT itself is in big question. And it will have to be defended in court. That is why do not delay formalities and keep in mind - now not only property rights holders (that is, you), but also bailiffs, as well as local governments can submit documents for registration of rights. And no one is obliged to notify you about what is happening. Therefore, after two years, you may learn with horror from a court ruling: your plot has been declared ownerless and transferred to the municipalities. Moreover, in this case, local government authorities will call all the buildings on these acres unauthorized construction and declare that they (house, bathhouse, sheds) must be demolished at your own expense. Do you need this?

And the last thing: paperwork today is not some extremely complicated procedure, so do not look for “resolved” intermediaries. “All property registration services in Russia are available electronically, and this is a guarantee of protection against corruption,” says Igor Vasiliev, head of Rosreestr . The main thing is that you have documents on the basis of which you can be recognized as a landowner.

Methods for obtaining a cadastral number of an apartment

Another information that can be obtained from the available information is her immediate address. This procedure can be carried out simply on the official website of Rosreestr, using the following algorithm of actions:

A visit to the responsible authority for such a purpose is not always convenient due to possible territorial remoteness or for other reasons, but you can always use the online service provided by the Unified State Register. However, to speed up this process, you can use the services of any legal or other company, which usually prepare extracts from the cadastral register much faster.

What is the cadastral number of an apartment and how to find it out

Information is sent electronically to your email address. To track the status of a document, you need to use the “Check request status” function (here). The document will be sent only after payment of the state fee using one of the proposed options.

This procedure takes place in the State Cadastre, where data on all real estate objects is systematized. It is voluntary, but some owners are forced to do it in order to sell their property.

How to find out the cadastral number of an apartment

First of all, it should be noted that starting from 2020, the cadastre no longer exists as a separate structure. All powers and bases have been transferred to Rosreestr, which is now authorized to deal not only with cadastral issues, but also with property rights and encumbrances. This means that for information and an extract from the resulting Unified Register of State Registration (USRN), you need to contact this single body - Rosreestr or there, but in other ways, which can be found out below.

Whatever method of obtaining data you choose, all requests are sent to Rosreestr and processed by it. For this reason, it is advisable to contact this authority directly, especially when you need to receive a document as soon as possible.

Please, what document confirms that the land plot is privatized?

Dear Alexander! For the sale of a car, it is not SNiP that is lost, and not in the case of common ownership of the given residential premises (apartment) of the buyers (Article 1142 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), but if the inheritance was accepted into ownership. You did not indicate to you the share of the apartment that does not belong to you, then you will be the owner of the property as heirs, in no case will this apartment get less than the cost, then this is possible only with the consent of your mother. But in practice, it is also possible to sell an apartment with the consent of the guardianship authority. You have the right to challenge the donation and the decision to recognize that you have lost the right to use residential premises and live in an apartment. A lot of it needs to be understood that it was necessary to go to court with a claim for deprivation of parental rights. In this case we are talking about cohabitation. Sincerely,

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Hello, I agree with the court’s position that you need to change the requirements. Write an application to amend the claims, in which you ask to recognize the ownership of the land plot as yours. Reason - paragraph 3 of Art. 218 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 218 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in cases and in the manner provided for by this Code, a person may acquire the right of ownership of property that does not have an owner, of property whose owner is unknown, or of property that the owner has refused or for which he has lost the right of ownership for other reasons. provided by law. Your position should be based on the fact that you openly continuously own this site, bear the burden of maintaining the site, etc. I advise you to contact a qualified lawyer to draw up your application.

How to find out the cadastral number of an apartment

  • the specified numeric code includes the parameters of the cadastral division of the country;
  • the uniqueness of the assigned number allows you to uniquely identify a residential premises from many similar accounting units;
  • The number can be canceled only after the specified accounting unit ceases to exist (for example, during the demolition of an apartment building or during the division of an apartment).
  • the residential premises are not registered as the property of citizens (for example, if the apartment is provided on social lease terms);
  • The residential premises were registered as property before 2013 and did not go through the registration procedure with the cadastral authorities.

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Privatization of land

Territory at the disposal of state or municipal authorities may be transferred to private ownership. In most cases, land is re-registered for a fee, however, there are cases when a citizen has the right to count on the gratuitous transfer of a plot: With the documents listed above, the interested person must contact the authorized authority. Having registered a request, the employee is obliged to issue a receipt containing a list of accepted papers and the date of application to the department. The authority is given no more than a calendar month to consider the application.

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