There are several owners in the apartment, but I am the only one paying for housing and communal services, what should I do?
General provisions Payment for some services is carried out on the basis of readings from house and apartment meters. If
FAS has prepared proposals for the transfer of housing and communal services in the regions into private hands
Preface This book is an element of a project called “Housing and communal services: questions and answers.” That's why
Setting up calculations for ODN in the presence of common house metering devices (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, formulas 11 and 12)
Resolution No. 354 - General house needs - to pay or not to pay according to the Law All
Extract from the Eirts on State Services
What is this Explanation of the EIRC (or ERC in certain regions) - a unified information and settlement center. Organization,
Payment of contributions for major repairs by owners of rooms in a communal apartment
Legal topics are very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “Payment
What list of documents must be collected to update certificates of benefits and veterans?
Who is entitled to benefits for utility bills and how to get them People of retirement age
Download the ballot for voting at the general meeting of homeowners association owners in 2020
In cases specified by law, it becomes necessary to conduct an absentee vote of homeowners. The procedure for implementing the general
Tariffs for general house needs
Standard One for Electricity 2020 Astrakhan
The article was updated on March 25, 2019. General household needs are the sum of the costs of maintaining common property
What is the responsibility for incorrect calculation of utility bills?
Responsibility for incorrect calculation of utility bills Control how they will be executed. If you need anything
“Ordinary consumers need to understand what the tariff actually consists of!”
Express Newspaper answers current, inconvenient and unexpected questions. And today we will find out if it is possible