The article was updated on March 25, 2019.
General household needs are the amount of costs for maintaining the common property of an apartment building, which citizens pay monthly to the management company. It is very important to understand how it is formed, what public services are included in it and what the reform of the public transport service will bring.
Planned changes when calculating general house needs in 2020:
- The increase in tariffs for one-way traffic services will be strictly regulated.
- There is no longer a separate line for home needs on invoices.
- The amount of expenses for general house needs will be reflected in the general account.
- As a result, utilities will increase by an average of 3%.
- When calculating the ODN for each apartment, its area will matter.
- Citizens must pay their utility bills on time, including ODN.
- The reform will lead to a more understandable scheme for calculating utility bills.
What does the maintenance of the common property of the house include?
ODN is the monthly cost of maintaining the common property of the house, that is, stairs, elevators, corridors, technical rooms, attics, basements, roof, etc.
This value may change. There are several factors that have a significant impact on its formation, such as time of year, region of the country, and also cannot exceed the indicators specified in regulations.
Last year, 2020, residents of each house could see the line “maintenance of common property” in their receipts. It represented the difference between the total utility expenses of the house and the resources used by the residents.
Standards for general house needs 2020 Moscow
The legal topic is very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “Standards for general house needs 2020 Moscow.” Of course, if you still have questions, you can consult with lawyers online for free directly on the website.
TASS/Valery MatytsinRegional authorities must establish a standard before April 1, 2020, above which no fees will be charged for general household needs, Sergei Fabrichny, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation, told reporters. According to him, changes have been made to the article. No. 154 of the Housing Code and they come into force on April 1, 2020.
Read more - On January 1, 2020, the country's housing and communal services industry began to live by different rules - a new system for calculating general household needs (GDN) came into force.
In this article, we will look at how the innovation affected the activities of management companies, and what measures should be taken to minimize the financial risks of management companies, homeowners associations and owners of apartment buildings.
The housing and communal services industry in Russia is usually called a “black hole” into which billions of dollars of investment - money from owners and the state - fly away. New rules for calculating ODN have been adopted to calculate utility resources and distribute costs in accordance with actual consumption.
Reforming the maintenance procedure and costs for the needs of an apartment building
Since the beginning of 2020, the costs of maintaining common property have undergone significant changes. Firstly, there is no longer such a line on invoices. This figure could be increased by 2-3% and included in the total bill.
There is also a scheme for controlling ODN with the help of new resources that will serve common property, time and cases of need for them.
This approach makes it possible to make utility costs more understandable for residents of the house. The components of the ODN themselves will remain the same.
The amount of costs for common property did not exceed the standards, and this can be monitored using metering devices for water and electricity.
Depending on the global economic situation, the increase in utility bills may be 7%. 2020 will be indicative for the reform of ODN.
Utility consumption standards for 2020
It is important to note that the limits set may vary depending on the region. This is due to the fact that climatic conditions in different regions of the Russian Federation differ and in some of them heating consumption can be much higher. For example, you can use Volgograd, which has 5 temperature zones, so the city has different heating consumption standards.
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Standards for general household needs can be calculated using two methods. The key feature here is whether a common meter is installed in the multi-storey building. If it is available, the standard for ODN is calculated according to the formula of the readings of individual metering devices for residents minus the readings of a common house meter. Then the resulting value is simply divided by the number of people living in the house, taking into account the area of each apartment. If there is no communal meter, the standard established in the region should be multiplied by the total area.
Components of general household needs
What are the needs of the home and what can residents save on?
This is, first of all, electricity, which is required for the operation of intercoms, elevators, as well as lighting of stairs and basements. Also, the needs of an apartment building require specialized equipment.
- HVS. Maintenance of flower beds and lawns, maintaining cleanliness in entrances and office premises, cleaning sewers and other household needs.
- DHW. Activities related to the preparation of residential buildings for the heating season, that is, checking heating systems by releasing hot water, repairing radiators.
Changes in standards from June 1, 2020-2020, features and consequences
We propose to consider the topic: “changes in standards from June 1, 2020-2020, features and consequences” with comments from professionals. We tried to explain everything in understandable languages and fully cover the topic. Read the article carefully and if you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments or directly to the consultant on duty.
The Ministry of Construction gave clarifications on the limitation of the size of one unit
We can immediately say that all the changes in housing legislation that came into force at the beginning of the year are aimed at stimulating the installation of communal and individual metering devices in houses and apartments, as well as intensifying the work of management companies with homeowners and tenants of residential premises. From January 1, as part of the housing maintenance fee, owners and tenants of residential premises will pay for cold and hot water supply, electrical energy, which are used to maintain the common property of the house.
_____________________________________________________________________ Expired from June 1, 2020 on the basis of _____________________________________________________________________ In accordance with, , approved, guided by, approved: 1. Approve:1.1. Standards for the consumption of cold and hot water for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building (standards for the consumption of utilities for cold and hot water supply for common house needs) in the Moscow region (Appendix 1).1.2. Standards for the consumption of electricity for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building (standards for the consumption of utility services for electricity supply for general house needs) in the Moscow region (Appendix 2).2.
At the same time, municipal authorities can change the indexation percentage based on the well-being of their own budgets. In Moscow, the rate of tariff growth remains traditionally one of the highest. Utility consumption standards 2020 are a quantitative indicator of the volume of consumption of such resources:
What are the standards for the consumption of utilities in Moscow in 2020?
In 2020, the implementation of the bill regarding payments for general household needs began. In receipts, the payment for single-use services is now indicated in the line about the maintenance of housing, and not in the line about utility services, as was previously the case.
Let us recall that the decision to introduce standards for general household needs has been discussed since the second half of 2020, but the final resolution was postponed in order to give a reprieve to management companies that were not ready for a sudden transition to a new payment system.
Scheme for calculating ODN costs in 2020
The volume of general household needs is affected by the presence or absence of metering devices both in the apartment itself and in the common staircase, office premises, etc. If these devices are available, then the volume will be equal to the difference between the metering device indicator in the common area and individual values.
Otherwise, regulatory documents are used. For the volume of one unit, take the standard as a basis and multiply it by the area of the house. The resulting value will be divided among all residents of the house depending on the area of the apartment.
Regulatory legal acts that relate to general household needs are established by the regional authorities; accordingly, different regions may have different standards. But in any case, residents must pay only existing standards.
Excess consumption of water, heat or energy will be paid by the management company or HOA. It is the responsibility of these structures for excess consumption that should force them to inspect each house under their jurisdiction, identify leaks or thefts, cases of unauthorized use of resources, and carry out work to conserve them and increase energy efficiency.
How to calculate the new tariff for one in 2020 calculator
Over the past month, the Energonadzor hotline has received many calls from indignant residents living in an apartment building - as a result, in January, payments for ODN in relation to electricity consumption increased by 4, or even 6 times. The differences in payment are significant, in one region there is more, in another less, and this is understandable - the standards are set by the regional administration of each individual subject of the Russian Federation.
- In the Novosibirsk region, from January 1, 2020, an updated standard for electricity consumption according to ODN per 1 sq. m for 3-storey apartment buildings with a value of 0.907 kW/h per month, for 5-storey buildings 2,210 kW/h, 12-storey buildings 4,411 kW/h, 13-storey buildings depending on the availability of an individual heating point - from 6,128 to 7,014 kW/h .
- In the Rostov region, if a high-rise building is equipped only with light bulbs, you will have to pay 0.6 kW/h per month for one light bulb. If there is an elevator, the standard for electricity consumption increases to 1.7 kW/h. Pumping equipment in the house requires payment based on light consumption plus 0.9 kW/h.
- In Saratov, residents of an apartment building with 2 floors pay for resource consumption with lighting fixtures in the entrances of 0.59 kW/h per month, the number of floors on 4 floors increases the size to 0.84 kW/h, and with a pumping device the standard reaches 0.97 kW /h. In a 9-story building, the ODN standard for light in 2020 is 1.82 kW/h at a minimum, there is an elevator - pay 2.4 kW/h, a pump - 2.10 kW/h, power plants - 2.72 kW/h .
Payment for general house needs (GDN) from January 1, 2020, transfer to housing department
Thus, the calculation of the ODN made it possible to streamline the work on establishing new standards and pushed the management company and the HOA to pursue a resource-saving policy, including forcing them to install communal water and electricity meters. This, in turn, affected the overall saving of utility resources, both on the scale of one house and on the scale of an entire region and even a country.
How the ODN payment for water will be calculated can be found in the example that demonstrates the work of Stavropol officials.
Thus, representatives of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Stavropol Territory were among the first to calculate and officially approve standards for the consumption of ODN.
Their indicators vary depending on the category of residential buildings and in relation to the water supply of objects are 0.029-0.067 cubic meters of cold water per square meter of living space. In this case, several factors are taken into account:
Cancellation - ONE
There is no trust in our “Trust”. We included it in the recalculation for the heating period from autumn 2020 to June 2020 (when the sea water temperature is 25 degrees) and in July we received receipts where a large amount appeared in the heating line (naturally different for each apartment).
To a question to an employee of this company: “Why such a price for heat? “, he replied that this is a recalculation for one single tax, referring to the law and calculation formulas, the number of people living, square meters, energy consumed, installed and not installed meters, and those that have passed and failed verification (in October
In our house, the management company increased the general house meters so much that the payment for one grew by leaps and bounds.
After many years of struggle and the installation of new meters, it turned out that it is not we who owe for one, but the management company that owes us, since there are savings in the house. The money was not returned to us, and this is hundreds of thousands.
And they started taking it again, only less. The City Housing Property Department of Samara and the Prosecutor's Office did not even lift a finger after our appeals. Here's ONE for you!
One in 2020: calculation formulas, standards and charging tariffs
In the presence of an ODPU, general house needs make up the difference between the reading of the common house meter and the sum of the values of individual meters. The sum of the IPU values also includes costs according to standards in premises not equipped with meters.
The resulting result is distributed in proportion to the area of the premises among all owners. Accordingly, regardless of the number of people living in a multi-room apartment, the cost of one-room apartment will be greater for it than for a one-room apartment.
The key thesis of the Ministry of Construction's innovations is that management companies and homeowners' associations will not be able to distribute to owners expenses that exceed the amount of one-time tax established by the standard. Inappropriate use of resources in houses will become a payment burden for the management organizations themselves. Under these conditions, there are two paths that management companies and homeowners associations can take.
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Calculator for online calculation of the cost of an MTPL policy in 2019
To choose the most successful deal, make a preliminary calculation on the OSAGO online calculator for all insurance companies and compare the cost they ask for. Having selected the insurer you like, click on “Apply online” in the far right column of the results table. You will be redirected to the official website of the insurance company, where you can make insurance.
Knowing the base rate and coefficients, you can calculate the cost of your MTPL insurance policy yourself. For example, you are over 22 years old, you received your license 2 years ago and you are insuring a new passenger car with an engine power of 75 hp. in Moscow. Based on these data, we select the following coefficients:
How to calculate ODN in 2020
ODN, or public household needs - the amount of expenses for the common property of the house in utility receipts. You need to know where it comes from and what changes await it in 2020.
ODN is a value that reflects the current costs of maintaining an apartment building. This is not a constant value. It depends on the time of year and is established in accordance with regulations.
It is different for each region.
General household needs have recently been listed not as utilities, but as housing services. This change in status led to changes in payment for housing and communal services. What are the features of ODN in 2020? In 2020, the implementation of a bill regarding payments for general household needs began.
How to calculate the standard for one day from January 1, 2020
The calculation of one-time tax for electricity involves a certain process, prescribed in Resolution No. 307 of the Government of the Russian Federation, according to which there must be an electric meter in the house, which allows reading the electricity consumption of the house as a whole, after which the fee is calculated for each apartment, taking into account its area.
Since the beginning of the year, the volume of electricity supply in the Russian Federation has increased by 7.3%, which is affordable for many citizens. Therefore, it is advisable to raise money and install a common house electric meter, which will pay for itself very quickly and allow you to fairly distribute the costs of light.
Calculation one from June 1, 2019
Alexander Sidyakin, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Public Utilities Standards for payment of one-time tax from January 1, 2019 How to calculate one-time tax for heat in 2020 Let's look at how payment for one-time tax is calculated from January 1, 2020 using the example of thermal energy. Some Russians are still reluctant to cooperate with such organizations, and therefore the state, studying citizens’ complaints, every year increases the rights of residents of apartment buildings and limits the claims of management companies.
For example, if in 2020 the light consumption according to ODN exceeds the standard, then the entire excess amount falls on the shoulders of the management company; it is considered that it failed to cope with its responsibilities and was unable to effectively organize the operation of the energy systems at home.
Standard One for Electricity 2020 Astrakhan
“Items have been introduced for apartment buildings with elevators and equipped with electric heating and electric heating installations for hot water supply, during the heating season and outside it,” the department clarified, noting that the introduction of these categories is due to the characteristics of some new buildings.
The head of the region emphasized that clarifications from the Russian Ministry of Construction have already been received that before June 1, 2020, when new standards must be approved, accrual and payment for ODN is carried out in such a way that those who have meters pay according to their readings, and those who do not have them - make payments according to the previously established standard.
07 Feb 2020 juristsib 1934
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ODN for electricity - calculation formula
Additional Information. The installation of motion sensors in non-residential premises of apartment buildings in Germany became widespread back in the 90s of the last century. This gave a significant saving in electricity costs for apartment owners. Today, this method of saving ODNE in Russia is becoming very popular.
The articles of the new Federal Law (Federal Law) remove from circulation fraudulent schemes that were used to unjustifiably increase the costs of one-way electricity supply, in contrast to the real ones. Cash withdrawals were made from payments made by residents not only in the city, but also in large populated areas throughout the Russian Federation. Innovations forced management administrations to take into account strict rules for accounting, monitoring and saving electricity.
Increase in One per Electricity from February 1, 2020
No. Cities and districts of the Chelyabinsk region Water supply, rub. Water disposal, rub. Tariff from 01.07.2020, rub./cub.m Tariff from 01.07.2020, rub./cub.m 1 Chelyabinsk city district 2 Municipal unitary enterprise "Production Association of Water Supply and Sewerage" 23.97 17.39
If we talk only about ODN, then starting from April 2016, the payment for this expense item will not be included in the payment of utility services. But there is still payment for cold and hot water, sewerage, electricity and thermal energy, which can be used when performing the minimum list of work that will be aimed at maintaining the house. In this case, the amount will be determined according to existing standards for each individual service.
According to One Standard in the Moscow Region 2020
From January 1, 2020, the procedure for payment for electricity in the Krasnodar Territory has been changed. Now the population will pay for electricity using social norms. At the same time, maintenance does not require large costs due to the simple architecture and the absence of intermediate equipment.
Government Decree No. 603: ODN standards
If there is no common house electricity meter, the calculation is made using standards for electricity consumption for common house needs. The first way is fraudulent. It consists of “covering up” utility costs at the expense of other items or including “hidden fees” in receipts.
If services for general house needs do not meet quality requirements, there are interruptions that exceed the established maximum, and also during the period of repairs that caused the suspension, the amount payable is subject to recalculation, up to its complete cancellation. This rule applies to cases of service suspension if a common metering device is not installed.
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The basis in this case will be a written application. The application is drawn up in any form. However, the text of the document must contain a comprehensive list of information that is relevant to the current situation.
Order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region. Consumption standards for ODN - housing and communal
If the devices could have been used but were not installed, increasing factors are applied when calculating payment. With regard to common house needs, this rule does not apply in cases where the ODN is included in the payment for the maintenance of common property.
We propose to consider the topic: “changes in standards from June 1 of the year, features and consequences” with comments from professionals. We tried to explain everything in understandable languages and fully cover the topic. Read the article carefully and if you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments or directly to the consultant on duty. In short, this is a payment for the maintenance of the general housekeeping, that is, the property that the residents, both owners and tenants, own jointly and use jointly. For example, a house has an adjacent territory.
Community services are provided to people to improve the quality of their lives. This applies not only to users of a separate room, but also to the entire house as a whole. The latter are paid by all residents. The content of these regulations defines communal services for general household purposes, and also establishes that expenses of this nature are included in the payment. These are costs associated with resources that were used outside of residential premises. This applies to common areas - elevators, entrances, staircases, dryers. In the process of their maintenance, not only the restoration of cleanliness and order occurs. A certain amount of resources is spent on these places. This is the general needs of the house.
Order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region. Consumption standards for ODN - housing and communal
New documents. Feedback form. Subscription e-mail. In accordance with the article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 3 of the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from Standards for the consumption of cold and hot water for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building in the Moscow region, Appendix 1.
Administrator06.06.2017 1 Electricity tariffs for legal entities in Moscow and the Moscow region Here we will tell you where you can download electricity tariffs for legal entities, entrepreneurs and organizations, and we will also tell you how downloaded prices can be “deciphered”.
ONE on - light
Although the question is relevant, answers to it are difficult to find. In most cases, it is recommended to keep under control the process of reading readings on all metering devices, for which residents should create an initiative group that, together with the management company, will take readings from meters and check the values obtained, which prevents the issuance of inflated bills.
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Everyone has always paid for such general household needs, only in the old law, which was in force until September 1, 2012, payment could be made in proportion to how much was indicated for individual consumption, which did not suit many and became the reason for changes to the law.
New standards for electricity from January 1
Where can I get them?
There should be no questions about the total area of the apartment; each owner knows his or her square footage. As for all other areas, this information can be obtained from your management company or on the management company’s website.
Secondly, the principle of payment calculation will change. “Previously, residents paid for electricity for lighting, for the operation of intercoms and elevators, as well as water for cleaning entrances according to the readings of communal meters. The total balance was divided among everyone in proportion to the area of the apartments,” explains Olga Roganova, managing director of MosObleIRTs. “Now the amount of spending on these resources is determined based on consumption standards and tariffs.”
Light for general house needs
So, the line “general household needs” (or GDN) was introduced on September 1, 2012, along with the new Rules for the provision of utility services (Resolution No. 354). Formally, this includes the volume of water, electricity (and previously heat) that is spent on washing stairs, heating and lighting them.
From January 1, two options became possible: per square meter (main) or per person (additional). This procedure will remain in effect until communal electricity meters are installed in all apartment buildings. The deadline for completion of all work is July 1. After this period, another calculation method will be added - in proportion to individual indicators.