How to properly organize and maintain accounting in an HOA?

Accounting for postings to a homeowners' association under general taxation

Greetings! A homeowners' association is a non-profit organization that is created by the owners of premises for the joint management of common property and its maintenance, for the receipt of utilities.

A company is formed through state registration of a legal entity. The decision to create an HOA is made at a general meeting of owners by a majority (Article 135 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The amount that each owner of the premises has is proportional to his share in the ownership of common property in a given house (Clause 3 of Article 48 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). To ensure its activities, the partnership has hired personnel - at least a board headed by the chairman of the board.

According to the Federal Law of 05.05.2014 No. 99-FZ, from September 1, 2014, HOAs are classified as partnerships of real estate owners. (TSN) Homeowners' association does not apply to small businesses.

The HOA keeps records of targeted funds in account 86 “Targeted Financing”. For account 86, it is necessary to open sub-accounts based on the sources of funds received. Let's consider the accounting of HOA fees, except for payments for housing and communal services, the accounting of which will be discussed below.

Operation Account debit Account credit Accrual of contributions due from HOA members, including contributions for major repairs 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” 86 “Targeted financing” Receipt of contributions (except for contributions for major repairs, which are accumulated in a special account) 50 “Cash ", 51 "Current accounts" 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" Receipt of contributions for major repairs 55 "Special accounts in banks" 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" Reflection of current expenses for managing common property 20 "Main production", 26 “General business expenses”, etc.

Accounting in a homeowners' association: procedure and features


Advice: to avoid disputes with inspectors, enter into an agency agreement before signing contracts with contractors or resource supply organizations. Otherwise, such mediation will be called into question. Since in this situation it is impossible to act in the interests of third parties without having a prior agreement with them.

This follows from Article 1011 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 6 of the information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2004 No. 85. An example of reflection in accounting and taxation of operations for the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building (contract method) HOA "Alpha" uses a simplified form ( the object of taxation is “income minus expenses”). The annual estimate of income and expenses for the current year includes expenses for the maintenance of common property in the amount of 1,200,000 rubles.

Basic rules for accounting in a homeowners' association (nuances)

Simplified organizations take into account income in accordance with Articles 249 and 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and do not take into account income specified in Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 346.15 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Funds of owners (consumers) received for the maintenance of common property and the provision of utilities are not recognized as earmarked funds on the basis of subparagraph 14 of paragraph 1 of Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and are not included in the rest of the list of non-taxable income (Articles 251 and 346.15 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

And penalties accrued to homeowners for non-payment of housing and communal services are non-operating income (clause 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 5, 2013 No. 03-11-06/2/11195).

If the HOA (TSN) pays a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, then the cost of goods (work, services) purchased for the maintenance of common property can be taken into account as expenses (subclauses 1 and 6 of clause 1 of Art.

How is accounting carried out in a homeowners' association?

But at the same time, it is important to correctly take into account all income, as well as expenses that can reduce the amount of tax (sick leave, insurance payments).

By electing to be taxed at the 15% tax rate, the taxpayer has the opportunity to obtain maximum tax benefit, especially when the partnership's expenses approach its revenue. Accounting is more complex than in the previous version.

Accounting for utility payments It is necessary to pay attention to the procedure for accounting for utility payments received from the owners of premises when applying the simplified tax system in the partnership.

The organization's charter may stipulate its obligation to provide such services to its members and enter into contracts with suppliers on their behalf. In this case, only the difference between the amount of income from utility bills and their cost is subject to taxation, i.e. remuneration to the partnership for the services of an agent.

Accounting and tax accounting in homeowners' associations (tsn): postings, documents, benefits

Statistical reporting Non-profit organizations are entrusted with the responsibility for compiling statistical reporting. Homeowners' associations report to the statistical authorities, the list of forms of statistical observation is specified in the branches of Rosstat.

Disclosure of information Homeowners' associations (TSN) are obliged to disclose information about the main indicators of their financial and economic activities. (Clause 10 of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The forms on which information must be posted are approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia (Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 22, 2014 No. 882/pr).

For violation of legal requirements on the disclosure of information on the management of an apartment building, administrative liability is provided (Article 7.23.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Postings in a homeowners' association - basic examples

  • contributions;
  • from the owners for the maintenance of the property;
  • from the budget for real estate repairs, including capital ones.

According to the charter of the HOA, the main purpose of its creation is the maintenance of common real estate and the provision of utilities to members of the partnership.

Therefore, all funds received by the partnership for such purposes are not included in the income of the organization. It is necessary to take into account that funds received for these purposes from HOA members are not considered income.


Taxation of homeowners' associations with a legal system in 2020

Attention, the HOA for the reporting year, in addition to presentation to the owners, must publish:

  • on the HOA website (if any);
  • on the website

The estimates are checked by the territorial housing inspection. The form of the report for publication is established by the order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia “On approval of information disclosure forms in the field of management of apartment buildings” dated December 22, 2014 No. 882/pr. In addition, the accounting department of the HOA ensures the submission of reports and settlements with tax authorities and extra-budgetary “salary” funds.

Despite the non-commercial nature of the activity, the HOA in any case reports and calculates:

  • with the Federal Tax Service - for 2-personal income tax, 6-personal income tax and the average number;
  • from FSS - according to 4-FSS;
  • with the Pension Fund of Russia - according to RSV-1 and SZV-M.

As you can see, all these calculations are related to the payment of wages to persons involved in supporting the activities of the HOA.

Accounting policy for housing cooperatives on a simplified tax system for 2020 sample

The algorithm for the formation of the organization's accounting policy has been clarified. The new edition of PBU 1/2008 provides procedures for the formation of the organization's accounting policy for the following cases:

  • The FSB establishes several acceptable accounting methods for a specific issue - one of the possible ones is selected.
  • The Federal Accounting Standard (FSBU) establishes one method of accounting for a specific issue - this method is selected.
  • The FSBU does not contain acceptable accounting methods for a specific issue - the organization develops it itself, based on paragraphs. 5 and 6 PBU 1/2008 and accounting recommendations, consistently referring to IFRS, federal (PBU) and industry accounting standards (clause 7.1 PBU 1/2008).

Further in the article you will find a standard sample LLC accounting policy for 2020 and you can download the sample for free for the simplified tax system for various types of activities.

Payments by homeowners who are not members of the HOA will in this case be taxed under the simplified tax system in full, unless the HOA has entered into individual agency agreements with them. Under the simplified tax system “income minus expenses,” the HOA will be able in this case to take into account in its expenses the amount of utility services presented to it.

The management system in an HOA should be formed taking into account the nuances of the actual activities being carried out. It is based on the principles of separation of target and entrepreneurial activities and correlates with changes in current legislation relating to this area.

Accounting in HOAs: procedure and features

There are many different ways to manage multifamily housing. One such way is to create a homeowners' association.

This is an independent legal entity that must meet the requirements imposed on it by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the article you will find information on how to generate a simplified annual report and consider the main accounting entries.

One of the legal requirements for HOAs is to maintain accounting records. This article will discuss how to properly maintain accounting records in an HOA and submit reports to regulatory authorities in a timely manner.

Features of accounting in HOAs

Different partnerships can be created by law in different situations, but if we are talking about a homeowners’ association, then it is created, as a rule, to manage an apartment building.

In rare cases, owners of private houses living in the neighborhood unite into homeowners' associations within the same district or locality to carry out joint activities and increase efficiency in achieving joint goals.

Be that as it may, the creation of an HOA is justified by the presence of related tasks and aspirations. And since the HOA is an independent legal entity, it is required to keep accounting records.

Accounting in an HOA is necessary in order to competently manage the real estate for which the owners created this non-profit entity.

Thus, among the tasks of the HOA we can highlight:

Sources of HOA financing:

  • receipts from members (fees upon joining the HOA);
  • injections in the form of subsidies;
  • profit from commercial activities, if carried out by the HOA.

No matter what agreements the association of owners enters into, no matter what activities it carries out, all funds received must be spent strictly in the interests of the home owners who formed the association.

Review of changes in tax and accounting legislation since 2018

Alexandra Razzhivina, chief accountant of LLC Accounting Firm Business Asset

From this article you will learn about the main changes in accounting and tax accounting that organizations managing apartment buildings must apply in their work from January 1, 2020.

Benefits for making contributions from founders.

Starting from 2020, the taxable income tax base does not include contributions to property that the founders transferred for any purpose, and not just to increase net assets.

Making such a contribution must be provided for in the constituent documents. These contributions do not increase the size of the authorized capital and do not change the nominal value of shares and shares. New subparagraph 3 regulates these relations.

7 paragraph 1 of Article 251 of the Tax Code.

Read the full text of the article in the magazine “MKD Management”.

Despite the fact that HOAs are legally classified as non-profit organizations, the law still allows them to conduct commercial activities within very limited limits. Accounting in an HOA allows you to track for what purposes the profit from the organization’s commercial activities is spent.

The HOA has the right:

  • provide premises for rent in apartment buildings;
  • conduct the construction of additional real estate;
  • maintain and repair the partnership's property.

The partnership must carry out these actions in the interests of the owners, and not for the purpose of generating income. But in some cases, the HOA directly acts to generate income, for example:

  • concludes agreements with third-party organizations for the placement of advertising using the property of the apartment building, allows for money the use of the real estate of the partnership by organizations that provide telecommunications, cable television, and the Internet to the house;
  • concludes lease agreements for non-residential premises that relate to common property;
  • concludes agreements for the provision of services with residents, providing them with specialists for repairs in the apartment, etc.

Accounting in an HOA is designed to control the flow of funds and reflect revenue in the correct accounts. The HOA must form funds from the funds received, which accumulate funds and direct them to the needs provided for by the partnership.

The obligation of HOA members is to pay monthly bills:

  • for current and major repairs;
  • for utilities;
  • on the costs of maintaining an apartment building;
  • other expenses.

Accounting for the HOA is carried out by members of its board. That is, the HOA is a legal entity, and, like any legal entity, it has its own management apparatus.

Members of the board are those positions that are called upon to maintain accounting records in strict accordance with the requirements of the law.

One of these requirements is the obligation to submit reports to supervisory and control authorities (Pension Fund, tax inspectorates, territorial statistical bodies).

Accounting in an HOA is essentially no different from accounting in another non-profit organization. The reporting consists of a balance sheet, a report on the intended use of funds and a statement of financial results.

At the same time, the HOA maintains accounting records regardless of whether the organization conducts commercial activities or not.

The simplified taxation system in itself is also not a reason for an HOA not to keep accounting records.

And yet, accounting in HOAs has some of its own characteristics, although it is based on principles common to this type of activity.

  1. The main purpose of preparing financial statements is a reliable reflection of the actual financial condition of the organization. It is compiled at the end of a reporting period. HOAs, as a rule, report at the end of the year. All members of the partnership have the right to study the accounting reports in detail, because the profit of the partnership is information that is prohibited from hiding from the owners.
  2. Having studied financial documents with the results of last year, members of the partnership will be able to make the right decisions for the coming year. Thus, the HOA accounting department draws up an estimate of expenses and income for the next financial year, and this estimate must be approved at a general meeting of owners. The approved estimate will subsequently become the backbone for accounting in the HOA.
  3. After the estimate is approved, it must be posted on the official website of the partnership and on the federal resource Next, the partnership will need to report on how this estimate is being implemented. Control over compliance with legal norms when spending funds belongs to housing supervision authorities. It is the territorial housing inspection inspection that checks estimates and maintains reports on their implementation (information disclosure form in the field of management of apartment buildings, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction dated December 22, 2014 No. 882/pr).
  • Responsibility of the HOA for debts and property

How is accounting regulated in HOAs?

Keeping accounting records in HOAs is based on legislative acts that are relevant for any business activity. Any organization has a specially designated place for storing numerous laws and regulations, internal regulations that regulate this area of ​​​​functioning of an economic entity.

How to draw up a balance sheet and income statement of a management company

The article will help to formulate the main indicators of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet in the management company and draw up a report on financial results.

Basic documents for the accounting department of the HOA:

  • Federal Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ;


Accounting policies of non-profit organizations

Home Insurance Law Accounting policy of non-profit organizations for 2020
In addition, tax authorities will be able to request from the taxpayer documents confirming the legality of applying such a tax deduction. The deadline for their submission is 10 working days;

  • The decision to apply a deduction will need to be indicated in the accounting policy for tax purposes;
  • The decision on the deduction can be changed within three years, unless a different period is established by the region.

You can create an accounting policy on the “Accounting Policy 2018” page in just 3 steps: 1. Select a tax system; 2. Mark the required parameters; 3. Receive an accounting policy template with ready-made wording.

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We draw up NPO accounting policies for tax purposes

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  • Accounting policy of the organization - sample 2018

    Important When should you change your accounting policy? In general, accounting policies are made only once, when an organization is created. In Art. 8 of the Accounting Law states that accounting policies must be applied consistently from year to year.

    And then changes are made to it, which are approved by order. Clause 6 of Art.

    8 of the Accounting Law establishes that accounting policies may change under the following conditions: 1) when the requirements stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting, federal and (or) industry standards change; 2) when developing or choosing a new method of accounting, the use of which leads to an increase in the quality of information about the object of accounting; 3) when there is a significant change in the operating conditions of an economic entity. Changes to accounting policies for the next year are usually approved in December.

    Accounting policy of the organization for 2018

    In case of reorganization, the NPO draws up the selected accounting policy system no later than 90 days from the date of state registration of the legal entity. The accounting policy is applied from the beginning of the new reporting year.

    As for the financial report, it is better for NPOs to divide property accounting into synthetic and analytical, identifying for each a separate source of funding: charitable receipts or income from business activities.

    Also, the accounting policies of non-profit organizations must specify: • Methods of accrual and write-off of funds. • Types of property and the procedure for controlling it. • Cost limit for classifying property as fixed assets. • Reserves for repairs (if necessary).

    • List of paid services provided with determination of their cost. • General running costs. • Valuation of reserves. • Tax policy.

    Accounting policy for 2020: instructions for an accountant

    Info Who forms accounting policies and how? The chief accountant is in charge of accounting policies. Or the one to whom the head of the organization has assigned accounting responsibilities. You will find the requirements for accounting policies for accounting in PBU 1/2008.

    In 2020, it has changed significantly. The rules for drawing up accounting policies for tax purposes are regulated in the Tax Code.

    Accounting policy for tax purposes is a set of methods (methods) permitted by the Tax Code for determining income and (or) expenses, their recognition, assessment and distribution, as well as taking into account other indicators of the taxpayer’s financial and economic activities necessary for tax purposes (clause 2) chosen by the taxpayer. Article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Who signs the accounting policy? The head of the organization approves the accounting policy.

    Sample accounting policies for 2020

  • “income” - the tax base is the total income for the reporting period without taking into account expenses incurred;
  • “income minus expenses” - the basis for calculating the liability is determined as the difference between total income and expenses.

Let's consider the distinctive features in the table: Indicator “Income” “Income minus expenses” Object of taxation In the accounting policy of the simplified tax system income 2020 (you will find a sample below), we indicate the object of taxation “income”, that is, when determining the payment, the organization takes into account only receipts of funds We write “d - r” ", that is, when calculating liabilities, we take into account the receipts of funds reduced by expenses. If the institution plans to change the object of the non-profit organization in the next reporting period, then the Federal Tax Service must be notified no later than December 30 of the current year (clause 2 of Article 346.14 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Order on the accounting policy of a non-profit public organization

Return to Non-Profit Organizations 2018Many accountants believe that the accounting policies of non-profit organizations are unnecessary and unnecessary waste of time. But Art.

6 of Federal Law No. 129-FZ obliges any company, regardless of its organizational and legal status, to maintain records.

How the accounting policy of a non-profit organization will help avoid controversial situations in the financial report of 2020, we will discuss below.

An NPO is an organization focused not on making a profit, but on achieving a disinterested social and public goal. The following types of objects belong to it (Art.

2 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ): • Public or religious associations. • Communities of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. • Cossack societies. • Non-profit partnerships. • Associations and unions. • Charitable and social foundations.

Achieving the goals of an NPO is impossible without a well-designed accounting policy.

Prepare accounting policies for 2020 for free

Tax rate It is not necessary to indicate, since the rate is uniform for this type of taxation - 6% The rate is 15% for all taxpayers The condition is relevant only if regional authorities have reduced the tax rate. Otherwise, it is not necessary to indicate the size of the bet in the UP (clause 1 and clause 2 of Article 346.20 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Book of receipts and expenses If the institution has chosen electronic document management, determine the procedure for printing, numbering, stitching pages and certifying them. Also assign the person responsible for storing the document Expense accounting Not applicable Losses Companies using the simplified tax system have the right to reduce the income of this reporting period by losses of previous years (clause.

7 tbsp. 346.18 Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Changes in accounting policies for 2020

He must not only determine a rational system for organizing business operations, but also promptly check its reflection in the financial report, even though such functions are the responsibilities of the chief accountant.

The accounting policy of non-profit organizations allows for accounting without the use of double entry and requires the solution of the following issues (Article 4 of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 106n): • Availability of a working chart of accounts. • Document flow rules and information processing methods.

• Requirements for conducting an inventory of assets and liabilities of NPOs, as well as methods for their assessment. • Procedure for control over business operations. • Forms of primary documents and registers. The accounting policy is applied from the beginning of the new reporting year.

For non-profit organizations that have existed for more than a year, but need changes and additions to their accounting policies, it is enough to make amendments before this period.

This term refers to such methods and methods of accounting that, in the opinion of management, correspond to the operating conditions of a non-profit organization and are best responsible for monitoring its financial position.

The accounting policies of commercial organizations are drawn up in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 106n, and there are practically no difficulties with financial reporting.

But in relation to NPOs, the law does not provide for any regulatory document that adequately sets out the procedure for maintaining accounts.

Therefore, in reality, many employees, referring to various provisions of the Federal Law “On Accounting”, resolve controversial issues on their own. So, according to Art. 6 of Order No. 106n of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, responsibility for the availability and maintenance of accounting lies entirely with the manager.

Accounting policies of non-profit organizations for 2020


Accounting, tax accounting and reporting in HOAs

Many owners of urban real estate located in apartment buildings decide to create an HOA.

This is done not only to optimize utility costs, but also to maintain residents’ property in proper technical condition.

Each partnership of real estate owners must be organized in accordance with the regulations of Federal law. At the same time, the HOA is required to maintain accounting records and submit reports generated based on the results of the reporting periods to the tax office.

Features of creating an HOA

The purpose of creating an HOA is to:

  • effective management of real estate, which legally belongs to the participants of the partnership;
  • timely repair and maintenance of utilities;
  • calculation of utilities according to real and not inflated tariffs;
  • improvement of the area adjacent to apartment buildings, etc.

Federal law does not prohibit property owners' associations from engaging in commercial activities whose purpose is to generate income. In this case, we are not talking about running a business in its direct sense, but about providing small services on a paid basis for the participants of the partnership:

  • construction of additional real estate;
  • advertising placement;
  • rental of real estate;
  • carrying out repair work, etc.

When concluding any agreements, the management of the HOA must respect the interests of the homeowners. All proceeds received go to the current account of the partnership. After this, the funds are distributed to special funds.

The HOA can spend it only in those areas that were reflected in the statutory documentation approved by all property owners.

All funds that will be credited to the current account in the form of membership fees can only be used to pay for utilities, as well as to maintain real estate in proper technical condition.

Russian legislation allows not only owners of city apartments to unite in HOAs, but also owners of private houses located on adjacent land plots.

The procedure for generating funds

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Accounting in an HOA involves recording all transactions that are directly or indirectly related to the partnership. The specialist who will be entrusted with accounting is required to draw up primary documentation, the data from which must be posted to the appropriate registers.

When organizing accounting in a partnership, incoming funds from which capital is formed must be registered in a separate accounting register:

  • contributions for major repairs;
  • receipts in the form of entrance and membership fees;
  • penalties for late paid utilities (the full amount of rent is not included);
  • subsidies;
  • the difference between received utility payments and their actual cost;
  • income received while conducting commercial activities, etc.

How should utility bills be accounted for?

If utility payments have been accrued to the owners of real estate, they must be reflected in the appropriate accounting accounts.

The difference that arises between the actual and nominal cost of utility bills is subject to taxation at rates approved by current legislation.

If payment for utility services is received into the current account from property owners who have not entered into a partnership and have not entered into an agreement with it for the provision of agency services, then the HOA accounting department must accrue taxes on them in full.

Features of accounting

Features of accounting in HOAs are as follows:

  1. Based on the results of the reporting period (as a rule, this is a calendar year), financial statements of the HOA are compiled, which are transferred to the members of the partnership for study. The reports must contain reliable information from which property owners can learn about the activities of the partnership, as well as what profit the HOA made.
  2. Accountants prepare an estimate of expenses and income for the next year, which must be approved at a general meeting of members of the partnership. In the future, it is this document that specialists will rely on when maintaining accounting and tax records in the HOA.
  3. Information related to the execution of the approved estimate for the reporting period must be posted on the official website of the HOA. The responsibility for checking such estimates is assigned by Federal legislation to the housing supervision inspection (territorial).

Basic accounting entries in the HOA:

Debit business transactionsCredit

76Debt in contributions, which is registered with a member of the company86
62Debt owed by the owner of a property who refused to join the company90
26Expenses that arise during the maintenance of property owned by the company70, 69, 02, 10
26Tax calculation under the simplified taxation system68
26Costs incurred by the partnership in maintaining its premises in proper technical condition, as well as payment for the services of third-party organizations providing their maintenance60
86, 20Distribution of society's costs associated with property maintenance among property owners who have refused membership in the HOA26
90Write-off of costs incurred by the company for the maintenance of property that is not the property of the HOA participants20
90Expenses associated with servicing the current account, accrued commissions, etc.51
99Carrying out balance sheet reformation if the company made a profit based on the results of the reporting period84
84Use of the company's retained earnings for targeted financing86
76, 62Presentation of company losses for compensation84
86, 20Creation of a special fund, the funds of which can be spent on repair work96

Accounting entries of a partnership operating on the simplified tax system:

Debit business transactionsCredit

76Accrual of mandatory contributions to members of the company, which must be made within the time limits approved at the general meeting, in particular contributions that are submitted by all owners for major repairs86
50, 51Receipt of contributions from property owners to the current account or cash desk (with the exception of contributions for major repairs, since these amounts must be accumulated in a special account)76
55Receipt of contributions from members of the society intended for major repairs76
20, 26Reflects the costs of the current period that are associated with the maintenance and management of HOA property60, 76
86The costs incurred by the company in managing and maintaining the property are written off (the costs were borne from funds from the fund created for targeted financing)20, 26

How are reports generated and submitted?

Accounting in HOAs requires the mandatory generation of reports that must be submitted both to the Federal Tax Service and to statistical authorities and extra-budgetary funds. Accounting statements in such partnerships are prepared for the year (even if the HOA does not carry out commercial activities and is on the simplified tax system), and includes:

  1. Balance.
  2. Report on the intended use of funds.
  3. Register of members of the partnership.
  4. Income statement.

In addition to accounting reports, the partnership must submit the following forms related to the calculation and payment of wages:

Federal Tax ServiceForm 6-NDFLForm 2-NDFLAverage number of employees
Pension FundForm SZV-MFForm RSV-1

If the activities of the HOA are carried out on a simplified basis, then it is necessary to submit a corresponding declaration to the Federal Tax Service. It is worth noting that HOAs under the simplified tax system are exempt from paying the following taxes:

  • at a profit;
  • on property;
  • VAT.

Taxation under the simplified tax system provides for the opportunity for a partnership to independently determine its own rate:

  1. A 6% rate is applied to income.
  2. A rate of 15% is applied to the difference between income and expenses.

The HOA on OSNO is obliged to accrue and pay to the budget all taxes and fees provided for by law, as well as submit the relevant declarations to the regulatory authorities. For late submission of reports, the responsible persons of the partnership will be subject to penalties and interest.


Each HOA created by the owners of real estate has the right to independently choose a taxation system for itself. Federal legislation provides for the following tax regimes for such partnerships:

During the process of state registration of an HOA, its owners can choose a simplified taxation system.

If they do not indicate this in the appropriate application, the HOA will be automatically transferred to the general taxation system.

Specialized Internet resources contain step-by-step instructions that will allow property owners to avoid mistakes when carrying out registration activities.

When determining the tax base, accountants of such partnerships must clearly distinguish which of the funds received can be considered income and which will not be taxed.

If funds from property owners in the form of contributions for major repairs are transferred to the current account, they will not be subject to taxation.

But, at the same time, if funds for the same purposes come from property owners who refused to join the HOA, then they will be considered income of the partnership.

All funds received to the accountant's current account or to the cash desk of the accountant's partnership must be accounted for separately. Also, separate records should be kept in the appropriate registers of all costs that were incurred at the expense of earmarked revenues.

Based on the results of each period, accountants must prepare reports that are submitted to regulatory authorities. They must transfer all taxes to the budget within the deadlines established by law.

If the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are violated, penalties will be applied to the HOA.



Residents can pay for utilities in several ways:

  • Through the bank;
  • Through the cash register of the partnership.

The legislator allows any form of payment, taking into account certain points:

  • When paying directly at the organization, a receipt must be issued to the payer and a cash register for payments must be kept;
  • All transactions must use the prescribed form;
  • Only a certain balance can be in the cash register; all other funds are handed over to the bank.

Management techniques

Simplified HOAs are characterized exclusively by a standard fiscal methodology.

  • It is implemented in the following way:
  • Collection of finances from property owners;
  • Accrual of money for major repairs;
  • Calculation of amounts for utility bills;
  • Payment according to settlements with suppliers;
  • Accrual of funds for building maintenance;
  • Accrual of other necessary expenses.


Due to the small number of transactions in the partnership’s activities, only 2 types of it are used from the general account of the plan; for this, the following entries are used to reflect the accrual of tax:

  • Kt 68 Dt 99 - for already accrued tax;
  • Kt 51 Dt 68 - applied to already contributed finances.

For minimum tax calculation transactions, the following applies:

  • 1 Dt 99 Kt 68 sub., used for one financial year for calculating the minimum tax;
  • 2 Dt 99 Kt 68 sub., is determined as the amount of the advance on a simplified basis or to determine the tax on this system.

What are accounting registers?

Registers are components of accounting documentation that make it possible to save and systematize all the necessary data from primary securities.

Their main purpose is to reflect the economic and financial transactions carried out within the organization, available on the accounts of the accounting department.

Until 2020, register information was considered confidential.

The formation of registers is carried out using a specific data arrangement system:

  • Name of the register and its details;
  • The name of the business entity on whose behalf the formation is taking place;
  • Period of maintaining and compiling the register;
  • Classification of all objects on the balance sheet;
  • Information about financial transactions – volume, currency;
  • Indication of the full name of the persons involved in the operation;
  • The register is closed by indicating the full name of the person responsible for filling it out and his signature.

It is important to remember that registers are used for manual accounting; currently, there are computer programs for more convenient simplified accounting.

Features and nuances

  • It should be remembered that the transition to a simplified system is only available by decision of the general meeting and from the beginning of the financial year;
  • Accounting is available at home, appearing in the partnership only for reporting.
  • When designating the tax base, membership fees, donations and savings for major repairs are not taken into account;
  • Major repairs on your own should be displayed in the balance sheet as current, but if subsidies are used in the course of the repair, budget benefits are displayed in the documentation;
  • When accepting funds from owners who are not members of the company, the target calculation for account 86 should be indicated.

To take an advantageous position, you should correctly take into account all profits and timely record insurance premiums and sick leave to reduce the tax to 50% on the “Income” object; on the “Income - Expense” object, you can get more benefits if the partnership makes more expenses than it receives profits, then the tax amount will be equal to 1% of profit.

All the intricacies of accounting can only be understood by specially trained people with an accounting or economics education, however, if you delve into the essence of the issue in the desire to get to the bottom of the truth, then the operations performed by the accountant can be understood and answers to pressing questions can be obtained.

Accounting for a homeowners' association, simplified posting using an example in 2018

The partnership's financial statements for the year include:

  • balance;
  • income statement;
  • report on the intended use of funds.

The responsibility for accounting and reporting remains with the HOA, even if it does not conduct commercial activities and applies the simplified tax system. In addition to the above forms, the HOA is required to maintain a register of members of the partnership.

Tax accounting for a homeowners' association. Features of accounting under the simplified tax system. In most cases, the HOA prefers a simplified system.

The main advantage of the simplification for HOAs is a reduction in insurance premiums (20% rate). The HOA accountant must distinguish between receipts that are classified as income and amounts that do not fall under this definition and, accordingly, under taxation.

How a homeowners association on a “simplified” street can keep records of income and expenses (Zhuravleva V.V.)

Answers to pressing questions Question No. 1. How are the amounts received in payment of utility bills from the residents of the house reflected in the HOA's accounting? If the obligation to provide utility services to residents is specified in the charter of the partnership, then receipt of payment for this is reflected in the following entries:

  • Dt62, 76 Kt 90 – the amount of payment for utilities has been accrued;
  • Dt 50, 51 Kt 62, 76 – utility payments received at the cash desk or on account.

If such calculations are carried out under agency agreements, then:

  • Dt 76 Kt 60 - the amount of payment for utilities has been accrued;
  • Dt 76 Kt 90 – for the amount of remuneration under the agency agreement;
  • Dt 50, 51 Kt 76 - utility bills received at the cash desk or on account.

Analytical accounting for accounts 62 and 76 is carried out for each property owner individually.

How to keep accounting records in a homeowners' association using the usn system? step by step instructions and wiring

Important Greetings! A homeowners' association is a non-profit organization that is created by the owners of premises for the joint management of common property and its maintenance, for the receipt of utilities.

A company is formed through state registration of a legal entity. The decision to create an HOA is made at a general meeting of owners by a majority (Article 135 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The amount that each owner of the premises has is proportional to his share in the ownership of common property in a given house (clause 3 of article 48

Housing Complex of the Russian Federation). To ensure its activities, the partnership has hired personnel - at least a board headed by the chairman of the board. According to the Federal Law of 05.05.2014 No. 99-FZ, from September 1, 2014, HOAs are classified as partnerships of real estate owners.

(TSN) Homeowners' association does not apply to small businesses.

Accounting, tax accounting and reporting in homeowners' associations

The following income does not count as partnership income under the simplified tax system:

  • contributions;
  • from the owners for the maintenance of the property;
  • from the budget for real estate repairs, including capital ones.

According to the charter of the HOA, the main purpose of its creation is the maintenance of common real estate and the provision of utilities to members of the partnership. Therefore, all funds received by the partnership for such purposes are not included in the income of the organization.

It is necessary to take into account that funds received for these purposes from HOA members are not considered income. But funds received for the same purposes from persons who are not members of the partnership are considered income and are subject to taxation. Cash receipts that are subject to and non-taxable must be accounted for separately.


HOA accounting policy

A partnership is one of the most acceptable forms of governance and maintenance of a building after its commissioning. According to many owners, this form is the most suitable, since the management team is created from the very same residents of the house.

In this case, the organization is a non-profit, however, a legal entity, all this means that it is a taxpayer.

This state of affairs requires the company to have an accountant on staff, a person who knows what reporting, balancing, and postings are.

With the help of accounting control of all vital functions of the partnership, 3 main tasks are solved:

  • Collection and processing of information about the organization’s events;
  • Compliance with legal requirements for accounting of economic and financial processes;
  • Analysis of the financial state of affairs.

The presence of an accountant is also mandatory for the reason that the society has direct access to the finances of all homeowners. Sample accounting policy for HOAs under the simplified tax system -

What laws must be followed?

Accounting for any form of enterprise is based on federal laws and regulations, orders and instructions, and articles of tax legislation, which should be followed when preparing reports on business activities.

For the accounting department of the HOA, the main documents for accounting are:

  • Information from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation from 2020 “On the peculiarities of the formation of financial statements of non-profit organizations.”
  • Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation N 03-11-04/2/58 of 2006.


Simplified accounting for HOAs in 2020: postings

To jointly manage the common property of an apartment building, the owners of premises can unite into homeowners' associations (HOAs) (Article 135 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). We will tell you how to keep accounting and pay taxes for homeowners associations using the simplified tax system in our article.

Simplified accounting for HOAs in 2020: postings

The HOA is a non-profit organization (clause 4, clause 3, article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The funds of the HOA consist of the following (clause 2 of Article 151 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation):

  • mandatory payments, entrance and other fees of HOA members;
  • payments from homeowners who are not members of the HOA;
  • income from the entrepreneurial activities of the HOA, aimed at fulfilling the goals, objectives and responsibilities of the HOA (Article 152 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);
  • subsidies for the operation of common property, carrying out current and major repairs, providing certain types of utilities and other subsidies;
  • other supply.

The HOA keeps records of targeted funds in account 86 “Targeted Financing”. For account 86, it is necessary to open sub-accounts based on the sources of funds received. Let's consider the accounting of HOA fees, except for payments for housing and communal services, the accounting of which will be discussed below.

Operation Account debit Account credit

Accrual of contributions due from HOA members, including contributions for major repairs76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”86 “Targeted financing”
Receipt of contributions (except for contributions for major repairs, which are accumulated in a special account)50 “Cash desk”, 51 “Cash accounts”76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”
Receipt of contributions for major repairs55 “Special bank accounts”76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”
Reflection of current expenses for managing common property20 “Main production”, 26 “General expenses”, etc.60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”
Write-off of costs for managing common property using targeted funding86 “Targeted financing”20 “Main production”, 26 “General expenses”, etc.

Accounting for the business activities of the HOA is carried out in the usual manner using account 90 “Sales”.

Taxation of HOAs under the simplified tax system in 2020

When determining income under the simplified tax system, in particular, income received within the framework of targeted financing (clause 1, clause 1.1, article 346.15, clause 14, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and targeted revenues (clause 2, art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). These HOAs may include, in particular:

  • entrance and membership fees for HOA participants;
  • donations;
  • budget funds to finance major repairs in accordance with Federal Law dated July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;
  • funds from homeowners going to the HOA for repairs.

These incomes are not taken into account only if the HOA keeps separate records of income and expenses for target funds. If there is no separate accounting, then the target revenues are taken into account in the income of the simplifier on general terms.

The HOA develops the procedure for maintaining separate accounting independently and consolidates it in its accounting policy for tax purposes. As examples for developing registers for recording the receipt and use of earmarked funds, you can use the sample registers given in the Recommendations of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, in the simplified version of the KUDiR, the HOA does not reflect income and expenses that are not taken into account when calculating tax under the simplified tax system.

Job Description for HOA Accountant

The job description spells out the main points related to the activities of an HOA accountant, including his rights and responsibilities, requirements for the candidate, knowledge and skills, as well as responsibility for poor quality work.

In order to reflect all the necessary points in the instructions, you can use a free example of such a document and adjust it in accordance with the activities of the organization. Correctly drawn up instructions will allow the accountant to competently perform his duties, and will protect the company from unlawful actions on the part of an unscrupulous employee.

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