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How to get a subsidy for - payment for services for - heat

— All heat consumers receiving it through OJSC Tatteplosbyt, who will be able to apply (subject to other conditions) for this subsidy, will receive invoices for payment of housing and communal services with all the necessary information in October.
Even those HOAs, housing cooperatives and other management companies that may not provide for printing an invoice in the form provided for in municipal housing, in any case, have the opportunity to print information sheets and provide the necessary information to residents. The information will contain the formula for calculating the subsidy and the procedure for applying for it. In connection with the abolition of cross-subsidies in the heat and power industry, from September 1, targeted compensation was introduced in Tatarstan to smooth out the increase in fees for housing and communal services. The subsidy payment program is designed for 3 years. The government of the republic plans to allocate about 7 billion rubles for these purposes. Who will be able to receive compensation and how will the subsidy be provided? Deputy Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan Natalya Butaeva spoke about this.

How to apply for a heat subsidy

Who and how will be able to receive subsidies to pay for thermal energy? This question, which worries many residents of Tatarstan, was answered in detail by Deputy Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan Natalya Butaeva at a press conference at OJSC Tatmedia.

Step one Wait for the invoice for housing and utility services, which will arrive in September. WE COUNT. Full information about the subsidy will be printed there, and most importantly, the formula for calculating it. You can easily determine whether your family is eligible for a subsidy and calculate its approximate size yourself. To do this, you just need to know the average monthly income per member of your family. Sum up all types of cash income of everyone registered in the apartment. And this is the salary of workers, a pension if there are pensioners in the house, a scholarship if there are students. Add here child support and subsidies and benefits, if you have them. Divide the resulting amount by the number of members of your family. For example, four people are registered in an apartment: a mother, a father and two minor children. Dad receives 45 thousand rubles, mother - 35 thousand. In total - 80 thousand rubles. We divide this figure by 4. It turns out that the average per capita income of this family is 20 thousand rubles. LOOKING FOR OUR COEFFICIENT. Depending on the total per capita income of the family, a different coefficient for the level of reimbursement of payments for thermal energy will be applied. Let us remind you that citizens whose families’ average per capita income does not exceed 30 thousand rubles can count on receiving compensation. Citizens whose total income per family member does not exceed 10 thousand rubles can count on full compensation. For income from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, the reimbursement coefficient is 0.75, from 20 to 25 thousand rubles - 0.5, from 25 to 30 thousand rubles - 0.25. Families for whom this figure is more than 30 thousand rubles are not entitled to compensation. By the way, only consumers of OJSC Tatteplosbyt will receive such invoices. Consumers of MUP PA Kazenergo will receive the usual invoices, because they have been paid a heat subsidy for several years. Step two If your family is entitled to a subsidy, you have to take the next step - prepare a PACKAGE OF DOCUMENTS. It includes: - passports of all family members, - documents confirming your family relationships (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.), - documents confirming the legal basis of ownership and use of this housing (certificate of registration of ownership of housing, rental agreement), - documents confirming the income of all family members for the previous 6 months (certificates from place of work, study, etc.). If there is a non-working person of working age in the family, he must submit a certificate from the employment center that he is registered with the labor exchange. Without this certificate, documents for a subsidy will not be accepted - the account number of a credit institution or the number of the applicant’s bank card to which the subsidy will be transferred. IMPORTANT DETAIL. If you are already a recipient of other social support measures, then you do not need to submit any additional certificates or documents. This information will be taken into account automatically when you apply for a subsidy. Step three You must come to the social security authorities at your place of residence with a complete package of documents. WHEN TO GO TO SOCIAL SECURITY. Reception of the population for the purpose of targeted compensation will take place over three months: from September 10 to November 30. But don’t rush to run for a subsidy right tomorrow, but carefully study your invoice. “Each invoice will indicate the address and date when a representative of this family needs to come to the social protection authorities,” Natalya Butaeva emphasized. “If for some objective reason a person cannot come on that day, he will certainly be accepted on another day and the subsidy will still be issued. But I would like people to stick to the schedule he suggested. This will help avoid queues at social security offices. We specially invite a certain number of visitors per day so that everyone can submit documents with maximum convenience and quickly. REMEMBER. Another important point. There is no need to worry if you are invited to apply for a subsidy in October or November. Even if your day of reception at the social security department falls on November 28, the subsidy will be awarded to you from September 1. Social workers will visit people over 65 years of age living alone, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, to apply for a subsidy. The specific date of their visit will also be indicated on the invoice. There you will also find telephone numbers where you can find out all questions related to the subsidy. Moreover, all measures of social support for paying for housing and utilities - subsidies, benefits, subsidies for low-income people that existed before, WILL BE RETAINED. Like all others, the heat subsidy is accrued for a period of 6 months. After six months, the household must again confirm its right to receive a subsidy. WHERE TO CALL Hotline numbers: Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan: 5-57-21-13, 5-57-21-12. Aircraft construction district: 570-06-41, Vakhitovsky district: 238-10-54, Kirovsky district: 554-64-69, Moskovsky district: 544-89-94, Novo-Savinovsky district: 523-72-96, Privolzhsky district: 224-30-61, Sovetsky district: 272-51-79. By the way, According to the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan, 800 thousand Tatarstan residents receive subsidies and benefits for housing and communal services, that is, almost every fifth resident of the republic pays half of their real cost for housing and communal services. 30% of those who are eligible for benefits do not apply for a subsidy.

The standard consumption of Gcal for heating 1 m3 of water was

2 — Resolution of the Head of the Mytishchi district of the Moscow Region dated N2546; — A reminder to residents on calculating thermal energy in apartment buildings equipped with a common building heat metering unit (prepared by Mytishchi Heating Network OJSC); — response of Mytishchi Heating Network OJSC to the request of the OP MO dated N 86-09/133; — table 1: determination of the required amount of thermal energy (for heating and hot water supply) under the contract, years. HOA "Builder"; — table 2: meter readings (according to acts). Determination of volumes of thermal energy consumption in the city, Homeowners Association "Stroitel"; — table 3: calculation of amounts to be paid for heating and hot water supply. HOA "Builder"; — payment documents issued to owners at the following addresses: Mytishchi, st. Silikatnaya -22b, st. Semashko - 25, st. Trudovaya 14, building 1; — log of meter readings (ODPU). 6) CIRCUMSTANCES ESTABLISHED DURING THE INSPECTION During the period from 2010 to 2020, Mytishchi Heating Network OJSC repeatedly appealed to the Stroitel Homeowners Association with legal claims to collect debt for consumed thermal energy. The working group was provided with court decisions (rulings) on all considered claims, however, during the Inspection, only decisions (rulings) verified during cassation and supervisory proceedings were examined, which entered into legal force and, due to the above circumstances, are not subject to revision ( details are listed in 5 of this Act). From the analysis of the text of these decisions (definitions), it follows that the Homeowners Association "Stroitel" did not agree with the requirements set out in the statements of claim of OJSC "Mytishchi Heating Network", indicating that it calculated and paid for the consumed heat energy in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for utility services is calculated based on the volume of consumed utilities, determined by the readings of metering devices, and in their absence - based on the standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and tariffs , approved by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, established by federal law. HOA "Stroitel" determines the amount of thermal energy supplied for heating a residential building at the address Mytishchi, st. Silikatnaya 49, building 2 for a thermal energy meter installed in the heating circuit (2nd ITP heating circuit). The residential building being serviced is not equipped with a heat meter for hot water supply. At the same time, the residential building is equipped with a common building meter for metering the volume of water supplied to the hot water supply. In view of this, the volume of water used for the preparation of hot water is determined according to the readings of a common house meter. Taking into account Part 1 of Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, hot water supply was paid for from the volume of cold water used in the preparation of hot water, while the volume of thermal energy spent on heating the actual volume of water, due to the lack of an appropriate metering device, was determined using the current consumption standards. Standards for consumption of housing and communal services, including consumption standards for heat supply (heating and water heating), were established by decision of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Mytishchi, Mytishchi municipal district No. 25/3 of the city.

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4 DHW system (risers, pipelines, heated towel rails, etc.), including during periods of no water supply (at night, etc.), as well as to maintain a constant temperature regime in the heating system, including outside residential areas and non-residential premises (in common areas, etc.). Considering the above, it becomes obvious that OJSC Mytishchi Heating Network uses this methodology (ODPU, 1st circuit) for calculating the consumed thermal energy in apartment buildings equipped with individual heating points, since it considers this methodology correct and in compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Analysis of logs of meter readings, memos for residents of the city. Mytishchi, prepared by JSC Mytishchi Heating Network, and other documents made available to the working group also indicate the widespread use of this methodology. Separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of ownership of the ITP. In its response, OJSC Mytishchi Heating Network rightly points out that the ITP belongs to the common household property by virtue of Art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Articles 2, 5,6,8 “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491. It is based on the ownership of the ITP in accordance with the position of the Heating Network that the limit of supply of the resource regulated tariff and taken into account ODPU. At the same time, in accordance with the Resolution of the Head of the Mytishchi District of the Moscow Region dated N 2546, the ITP at the address Mytishchi, Silikatnaya St. 49 building 2 was transferred to the ownership of the Property Management Committee of the Administration of the Mytishchi District, and was subsequently transferred to OJSC "Mytishchi Heating Network" lease agreement. No documents were provided indicating the subsequent cancellation of this Resolution. According to available information, no decision has been made by the HOA to return the ITP to common shared ownership, and no acceptance certificate has been signed to date. Thus, if the use of ITP of Mytishchi Heating Network OJSC from 2005 to the present is declared illegal (due to the absence of a meeting decision on the disposal of property from the common shared ownership), the owners must be compensated for losses in the form of lost rental income and losses from depreciation of equipment . 7) CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Having examined all the above facts and circumstances, the working group comes to the following conclusions: 1. In accordance with the court decisions that have entered into legal force, the methodology used to calculate the consumed thermal energy at the address: Mytishchi, st. Silikatnaya 49, building 2, is recognized as not complying with current legislation. Mytishchi Heating Network OJSC was refused to collect the amounts of underpayment for the consumed heat energy at this address. 2. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that the methodology, recognized by the court as not complying with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, is used by Mytishchi Heating Network OJSC when servicing other apartment buildings in the city of Mytishchi, equipped with individual heating points. 3. Since court decisions were made on a specific dispute, between specific parties, they cannot be prejudicial for similar disputes between OJSC Mytishchi

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Subsidy for heat Kazan 2020

The new proposal for subsidies from January 1, 2020 is to transfer assistance for paying for housing and communal services directly to management companies and RSOs, and not into the hands of citizens. The bill has already been prepared and submitted to the State Duma for consideration.

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— EDV for travel for pensioners is assigned for 6 months, but not based on the fact of your work or non-work, but depending on your income for the previous period. That is, you are no longer working, and your income has decreased, but when assigning benefits, the months when you worked are still taken into account. From this year, recalculation is carried out automatically every 6 months based on information about income from the Pension Fund. If, when contacting the social security department, you left a mobile phone number for SMS notification or an email address, then you will be automatically notified that your income has dropped below 20 thousand rubles. and the size of the daily allowance for travel will increase from this.

How to calculate benefits for heating payments in Moscow

A person who is not able to fully support himself must receive support from outside. Families with a disabled person can receive a helping hand in the form of at least a 50% discount on housing and utility bills if they live in the premises of one of the housing funds:

How to calculate heating bills for your apartment

“The EDV is calculated separately for each utility service,” says Evgenia Tyurina, head of the department for the provision of housing and communal services BENEFITS and housing subsidies of the Tula Social Security Administration. — EDV to pay for housing and communal services is provided to disabled people in the amount of 50% of the fee for the specified service.

  • personal statement;
  • Russian passport;
  • 2NDFL certificate for the last six months;
  • documentation confirming the right to own housing;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a document proving that a person belongs to a preferential category of citizens.
  1. refund of part of the funds paid for major repairs:
      50% for people who have celebrated their 70th birthday;
  2. 100% - those who have crossed the 80-year-old threshold;
  3. 50% for people who have celebrated their 70th birthday;
  4. public transport (except taxi);
  5. travel compensation:
      to the place of recovery (once a year);
  6. public transport (except taxi);
  7. 100% - those who have crossed the 80-year-old threshold;
  8. to the place of recovery (once a year);
  9. tax breaks on property fees;
  10. provision of free legal assistance.
  11. deduction for the purchase of housing;
  1. Benefits, pensions and payments to labor veterans from January 1, 2020
  2. What federal benefits are provided for labor veterans?
  3. Benefits for federal labor veterans in 2020
  4. What benefits are entitled to a labor veteran of the Kirov region?

An example of calculating heating benefits for a disabled person

Conditional volume of service consumed by each beneficiary = 225 kW*h / 3 beneficiaries = 75 kW*h The conditional volume of consumption is greater (70 kW*h for houses equipped with stationary electric stoves), therefore labor veterans are provided with benefits within the consumption standard. Cash payment to a labor veteran = 70 kWh * Tariff * 50% Cash payment to a disabled person = (75 kW * h + (75 kW * h - 70 kW * h) + (75 kW * h - 70 kW * h)) * Tariff *50% Example 2. In the case of living in a residential building equipped with a stationary electric stove, two labor veterans and a disabled person.

Who is entitled to compensation payments in 2020

This type of monetary compensation is assigned to a category of citizens whose living conditions are currently in poor condition, as a rule, this is directly related to their low income. Such financial support can also be received by persons who are not working due to the need to care for family members in need of care.

  • forced migrants - they receive compensation for the loss of housing, which can be expressed in the provision of new real estate or in cash equivalent;
  • participants of state resettlement programs - for this category, the state returns the funds spent on the move, and also provides them with simplified forms of documentation at the new place of residence.

Who is entitled to compensation for heat Kazan 2020

From this year, recalculation is carried out automatically every 6 months based on information about income from the Pension Fund. If, when contacting the social security department, you left a mobile phone number for SMS notification or an email address, then you will be automatically notified that your income has dropped below 20 thousand.

The amount of subsidy due in this case can be determined using the formula: It is because of this that the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan for households in which the average per capita income does not exceed 30 thousand. And, for example, in Kazan 74.8 thousand are entitled to receive them.

Why they will no longer assign subsidies for heat, the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Tatarstan explained

This measure of social support was temporary, the ministry told Chelninsky Izvestia. In 2012, this method of helping low-income Tatarstan residents pay for housing and communal services was effective. The benefit was needed to smooth out the situation that arose due to the elimination of cross-subsidies in heat energy tariffs. At present, as stated in the letter from the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Tajikistan, “providing the above subsidy only to citizens living in premises whose heat supply is provided by OJSC Tatteplosbyt, puts them in an unequal position with citizens living in residential premises that are provided with heat by other suppliers.”

Further, the official response from the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan states: “Citizens who received a targeted subsidy to smooth out the increase in fees for housing and communal services as of July 1, 2020, the assigned subsidy will be provided until the end of its assignment. Each recipient will be notified of the end of the benefit by posting information on payments for housing and communal services.”

Payment for hot water at a two-part tariff in 2020

Following international experience, the Russian authorities introduced the so-called two-component tariff for hot water supply in 2013. The calculation of the payment for hot water according to the two-component tariff in the housing and communal services receipt in closed water supply systems is carried out based on the following components:

Most consumers would like to understand what they are paying for. One of the main criteria for the quality of the service provided is the temperature of the supplied hot water. According to SanPiN, approved. By decree of the Chief Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation No. 20 of 04/07/2009, the temperature of hot water in the tap should be no lower than 60 and no higher than 75˚С.

Subsidies for heat are no longer available to everyone

The government has made changes regarding the income of the population. If previously, in order to provide a subsidy for heat, the income of each family member should not exceed 30 thousand rubles, now this amount is 20 thousand rubles. Thus, for income above this limit, targeted subsidies for heat are not awarded. In this case, the calculation is based on “dirty” income, i.e. not taxed. And one more amendment. Even if your family’s income falls within the stated limit, but you decide to apply for a subsidy for the first time, compensation will not be paid. The benefit is available to those who have applied to the social security department at least once before to receive monetary compensation.

Let us recall that compensation to smooth out the increase in payments for housing and communal services was introduced in connection with the abolition of cross-subsidies in the thermal power industry from September 1, 2012. At that time, residents of the republic who received heat through JSC Tatteplosbyt from the thermal power plant paid for it at a reduced cost, since industrial enterprises were also connected to these networks and, until September 1, 2012, partially subsidized the corresponding tariff.

Installation of UUTE

Most Russian multi-apartment residential buildings of old construction are connected to a centralized heating system. At the same time, payment for heat is carried out, as they say, “according to standards” based on 1 sq. meter of total room area. This is inconvenient because such payment does not depend on the actual temperature in the room. But houses are located at different distances from boiler houses and heat losses occur as hot water passes through heating mains. This means that some residents receive more heat, while others receive less, but pay the same amount. Not fair.

And you have to pay all year round, that is, even in the summer, in the absence of a heating season. Because the norms are designed for the whole year, otherwise it will be very expensive. But it doesn’t work out any other way. Why? Yes, because old houses built in Soviet and post-Soviet times are not equipped with individual heat energy metering units (UUTE). This means that it is not possible to determine exactly how much heat a particular house received during the heating season.

Which exit? Yes, it’s very simple: install this same UUTE on your home.

The term is defined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 1034 “On commercial metering of thermal energy and coolant.” It means a technical system consisting of:

  • measuring instruments;
  • thermal energy metering devices;
  • heat consumption metering devices;
  • devices for monitoring and recording coolant parameters.

The heat metering system itself is expensive, and its installation is also expensive. At whose expense is this happening? Of course, at the expense of the owners of premises in an apartment building, who made the appropriate decision at the general meeting. Indeed, by virtue of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261 “On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, it is the owners of buildings, structures, structures, residential, country or garden houses, premises in apartment buildings are required to bear the costs of installing metering devices.

Providing compensation for kindergarten in 2020

  • reducing the load on kindergartens suffering from an influx of applicants;
  • will allow parents to independently solve the problems of preparing their children for school by hiring a tutor or using the services of private kindergartens;
  • providing women who cannot leave maternity leave after its end with additional financial support.

In 2020, the payment is not provided in all regions. Thus, residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg will not be able to receive compensation for the lack of a place in kindergarten. This is due to the fact that there are a large number of preschool institutions in cities. The benefit is available in regions where there are not enough kindergartens. Residents can apply for payment:

Standards for hot and cold water consumption per person without a meter

According to the rule, a certain amount of water is supplied to the city. The amount of water consumed by residents of apartments with installed water meters is taken into account. The calculated amount is subtracted from the total volume. The resulting number is divided by the number of people registered in a given living space. They bear the entire load of consumed water. This situation arises due to unauthorized consumption and water leaks. This is not the case in civilized countries; water meters are installed everywhere.

Despite clearly existing regulations in all sectors of the economy, such a general indicator as a standard for water consumption per person without a meter has not been developed. This is because throughout the country the population density varies by region. Therefore, each region has its own regulations. They are different in every district and city.

07 Jul 2020 glavurist 2235

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Incentive payments to health workers and doctors from the state in 2020-2020

The head of the organization decides who to pay and when to refuse. The law does not provide for mandatory payment of incentives to doctors , which suggests a hypothetical probability of deprivation of this part of the salary.

  • how many ailments according to his profile the doctor identified at an early and advanced stage;
  • how many misdiagnoses he made;
  • were there any cases of untimely hospitalization;
  • how many complications were identified after operations (other manipulations with the body);
  • customer complaints and complaints;
  • errors and inaccuracies in document management;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • other.

Heating compensation

As a rule, it is intended for people with low incomes who are unable to pay for the consumption of utility resources on their own. The amounts of such subsidies are set at the regional level, taking into account the cost of living.

  • citizens with 1st or 2nd group of visual impairment;
  • participants in defensive actions and workers within the populated area from July 22, 1941 to January 25, 1942;
  • having the award “For the Defense of Moscow”;
  • single pensioners;
  • families where the husband and wife have reached the ages of 55 and 60 years , respectively;
  • persons who came to help in resolving the Cuban missile crisis;
  • pensioners who are not entitled to other subsidies;
  • large families.

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Who is entitled to a subsidy for utility bills in 2020 - 2020

If you are unable to find a job, you may additionally request:

  1. A document confirming the impossibility of employment due to age.
  2. Certificate of serving a sentence or being in a pre-trial detention center during the investigation.
  3. Certificate of stay in the hospital for treatment.
  4. A document confirming guardianship or care for a sick/elderly person.
  5. Certificate confirming pregnancy.
  6. A certificate confirming the disability group that does not allow you to work.

To receive money from the state, you must perform certain actions, namely:

  1. Call the appropriate organization. Usually the department of benefits and social payments handles the registration. Most often it is located in the district administration, but sometimes a separate building is allocated for it. This is especially true for large cities with densely populated areas. Over the phone they will tell you exactly what documents will be required in a particular region.
  2. Fill out the application in accordance with the information written in the passport. If the letter “Y” appears there, then it should also be in the application form.
  3. Prepare a complete package of documents, which is listed below.
  4. Submit an application in person, through the State Services portal or through a third party. If the transfer is carried out through a third party, then it is necessary to clarify whether the power of attorney must be notarized.
  5. Department specialists review the application within 10 days.
  6. If something is missing, the consideration is suspended, and the candidate is given 30 days to submit the required documents. If he cannot satisfy the requirement of the social benefits department specialists, the subsidy will be denied.
  7. If the answer is positive, the money will be regularly transferred to the beneficiary’s account.

Receiving subsidies for housing and communal services in Moscow

Using Sberbank Online

In this case, to transfer payment for water, you can work through the mobile application, or go to

Next you need to do the following:

  1. Log in to Sberbank Online.

  2. Click on the “Payments” link.
  3. Select the housing and communal services category.
  4. Press the “Water supply” button.
  5. Next, click on the company providing the service.
  6. Enter your individual account number and select the card from which the money will be debited. You can scan the QR code shown on the receipt, and then all the data will be entered automatically.
  7. After specifying your personal account, a page with fields for entering meter readings will open. Here you can enter the required data in accordance with the receipt and then click “Continue”. It is not necessary to enter meter readings into Sberbank Online. You can immediately click on the “Continue” inscription.
  8. On the next page, indicate the amount you need to pay. And click the “Continue” link again.
  9. Next, check that the receipt is filled out correctly and confirm the transaction by clicking on the appropriate link.

Visual instructions for payment in the video:

Koiu is entitled to compensation for heat in Kazan

  1. Those repressed and rehabilitated are entitled to: material allowance in the amount of 250.0 rubles. per month;
  2. reimbursement of costs for:
      landline telephony;
  3. funeral services (paid to relatives);
  4. subsidized utility bills;
  5. free software:
      hearing aids;
  6. dentures and prosthetist services.
  • The status “Honorary Donor” gives the right to:
      annual allowance 13,041.14 rubles;
  • provision of health vouchers at preferential rates.
  • Liquidators and Chernobyl victims (equal persons) receive social benefits in the amount of 3,323.0 rubles. in year.
  • Hint: For appointments, please contact the administration at your place of registration. Governor's Scholarship of the President of Tatarstan The regional authorities have established two incentive payments for young people who have shown high achievements in studying the chosen discipline:

    "Hot" questions and answers

    according to calculations for thermal energy and hot water supply

    Question: I live in Blagoveshchensk, in July I received a receipt from the branch of PJSC DEK Amurenergosbyt, which indicated charges for heating, hot water and electricity. Tell me, will we now always receive such payments from Amurenergosbyt?

    Answer: Yes, indeed, from July 1, 2020, the branch calculates charges for utility services - light and heat, generates and sends unified payment documents to consumers. The Government of the Russian Federation has come to the conclusion that it is necessary to create structures that would ensure the acceptance of payments and consultation of residents using the “one-stop shop” method, the so-called Unified Settlement and Information Centers. This is convenient for residents - citizens spend less time and, accordingly, money on solving housing and communal services issues, and the list of modern maintenance services for them becomes larger. In addition, the costs of maintaining a personal account, taking readings, printing and delivering receipts are reduced, there are savings on commission fees, and all these costs, accordingly, reduce the load on the tariff.

    Question: We received a receipt with charges for heating, hot water and electricity from the branch of PJSC DEK Amurenergosbyt. Since Energosbyt is not a heating company, will DGK not present us with the same amounts for payment again?

    Answer: The branch of PJSC "DEK" "Amurenergosbyt" calculates charges for utilities - hot water and heat, generates and sends uniform payment documents to consumers as part of the performance of functions for the sale of thermal energy on the basis of an agency agreement with JSC "DGK". Therefore, the repeated presentation of the same amounts for payment by JSC “DGK” is unlawful.

    Question: In the new single receipt for July 2020, DEC and DGK personal accounts remain the same?

    Answer: Indeed, your personal accounts have remained unchanged. Those. such as you received separately. Both for warmth and light.

    Question: I paid the debt for heating and hot water supply, but the amount of the debt remained on the receipt. Why and where should I go?

    Answer: Invoice receipts are generated from the 26th to the last day of the current month. In case of payment of accruals made after the 25th, there may be no information about payment in the invoice receipt. To obtain up-to-date information about the presence/absence of debt, you must contact the consumer service center of the branch of PJSC DEK Amurenergosbyt at your place of residence, or by calling the telephone numbers indicated in the receipt.

    Question: How does the Unified Information System work?

    Answer: The call center is open daily from 8.00-17.00. At this time, you can ask the specialist a question of interest; after 17.00 and on weekends, you can leave a voice message on the answering machine, and the specialist will call you back later. Let us remind you that the contact center phone number is: 8 (800) 234-7-777 (toll-free call).

    Question: There is a break in the heating main in our yard. Take action.

    Answer: You need to report the emergency to your management company or emergency service.

    Question: For the second month in a row, it’s cold in the apartments at our entrance. 17°. Receipts arrive without any changes. This needs to be dealt with.

    Answer: You should contact the Management Company that services your home to draw up a report on the poor quality of the service provided, so that you have a basis for recalculation.

    Question: My hot water and heating meter verification period has expired. What to do?

    Answer: You need to contact your management company (HOA) or organizations that replace (install) individual metering devices. After replacement (installation), you must provide information on the new metering device (installation certificate, IPU passport) to the customer service office of the branch of PJSC DEK Amurenergosbyt serving your address.

    Question: Why is the calculation according to the standard in the receipt if there is a DHW meter?

    Answer: The verification period for your hot water metering devices expired on 03/01/2018, in connection with this, the amount of the fee is determined based on the calculated average volume of consumption of the utility resource, determined from the readings of the metering device for a period of at least 6 months. From 06/01/2018 you will be accrued the standard. You need to verify your metering devices and provide supporting documents to the customer service office of the branch of PJSC DEK Amurenergosbyt.

    Question: I bought an apartment, I need to change my full name on the receipt.

    Answer: To open a personal account in an apartment building, you need to provide identification documents of the owners of the residential premises, confirming the legality of ownership or right of residence, to the customer service office of the branch of PJSC DEK Amurenergosbyt.

    Question: I bought a private house, I need to change my name on the receipt.

    Answer: To conclude an agreement with the new owner, you must send an application with copies of documents confirming the change of owner (title documents, extract from the Rosreestr website) to the customer service office of the branch of PJSC DEK Amurenergosbyt.

    Question: What is the procedure for connecting heating networks to a private home?

    Answer: Firstly, it is necessary to obtain the technical conditions for connecting (hereinafter referred to as TU) the facility to the engineering support networks. To do this, you must submit an application for the issuance of technical specifications with the necessary documents attached to JSC "DGK" (heating network organization).

    Secondly, conclude a heat supply agreement. To conclude a heat supply agreement, the applicant sends to PJSC DEK an application for concluding a heat supply agreement containing the following information:

    • full last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant;
    • place of residence of an individual;
    • location of heat-consuming installations and the place of their connection to the heat supply system (heat input);
    • duly certified copies of title documents (including a certificate of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it), confirming the ownership and (or) other legal right of the consumer in relation to real estate (buildings, structures, structures), in which heat consuming installations are located (if any);
    • documents confirming the connection of the applicant's heat-consuming installations to the heat supply system (as documents confirming the connection of the applicant's heat-consuming installations in the prescribed manner to the heat supply system, issued connection certificates, accession certificates, technical specifications with a mark on their execution, work permits of heat supply organizations are used).
    • information about available thermal energy and coolant metering devices and their technical characteristics.

    If the necessary documents are missing, the applicant, within 6 working days from the date of receipt of the request, is sent to the contact details specified in the request a notification about the need to submit the missing documents.

    Benefits for paying utility bills in 2020

    Separately, subsidies are provided - this is support for the poor, expressed in the form of cash payments. You can count on it if at least 22% of the total family income is spent on utilities, and at the same time it is below the subsistence level.

    The application is submitted every six months. It is recommended to do this in the first half of the month. If you write an application before the 15th, the subsidy will begin from the current month. If, during the process of paying assistance, a citizen develops utility debt or is overdue for more than two months, then he is deprived of the right to a subsidy.

    Right to benefits for utility bills: size and design

    Legislative acts that stipulate who is entitled to benefits for utility services are very numerous. Therefore, citizens often have questions regarding their rights to partial payment of utility bills.

    • not to an individual, but to a household or family, if more than 22% of the family budget is spent on paying for utilities (regions have the right to set an even lower bar);
    • paid to low-income Russians, regardless of their membership in any social group.

    Who is eligible for preferential subsidies for heating in Kazakhstan?

    The application submitted to her was initially rejected, since Inna Makarovna had a debt of 5,400 rubles for housing and utility services supplied in August and September. The Housing Office explained that the opportunity to receive 50% compensation is only possible if there are no debts. The beginning of the 2020-2020 heating season was marked by a number of changes in legislation. On October 30, Putin signed a law on heating benefits. This event was preceded by the transfer of fees for general household needs (familiar to the majority of the population as ODN) to the “housing services” column. Excluding them from public services meant that benefits could not be applied to them.

    • depending on the regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, he can count on a 50% discount or a refund of the overpayment;
    • a one hundred percent discount on payments for coolants is provided only to heroes of the Russian Federation, orphans without guardians, disabled people and participants of the Patriotic War who live in houses without central heating with a total area of ​​no more than 33 m 2;
    • people living in houses heated by stoves receive a 50% discount on the purchase of fuel or its supply;
    • compensation is due only for one type of residential real estate;
    • disabled people and families with disabled children receive a refund of half of the funds for the supply of heat or a refund for the purchase of coal or firewood;
    • The total size of the living space is taken into account.

    You need to pay for heating in the entrance even if there is none

    Since 2020, Crimea began to pay differently for heat supply services. We are talking about residents of apartment buildings who pay not only for heating their apartments, but also the common area, in particular, entrances. The procedure for calculating heat payments has changed for them.

    The innovation was supposed to be introduced back in 2020, but since cities and regions, as well as companies in Crimea, did not provide the necessary data on time, the recalculation of accruals began later.

    “Payments for heating entrances have appeared in the paychecks of Crimean residents. The innovation applies to all residents of apartment buildings, regardless of whether they use central heating or have abandoned it,” explained the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of Crimea.

    Many people did not take this news with much joy, as they were sure that the figures in payments for heat would become higher, which meant that the family budget would have to be cut.

    However, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services assured that for those who use central heating, no changes will occur, since heating of entrances is already included in the payment for heating services.

    “Changes in the procedure for calculating heating fees ensured the restoration of social justice in the form of distribution of fees for heating common areas among all owners of premises in an apartment building: both those connected to a centralized heating system and those who switched to individual heating,” explained the housing supervision inspectorate RK.

    It would seem that everything is clear and logical. However, a question arose with houses where central heating is installed, but there are no radiators in the entrances. Do I need to pay for heating common areas in this case? The Ministry of Housing and Communal Services answered “yes”.

    “This standard also applies to entrances without batteries,” the ministry said.

    As explained by the Crimean Housing Supervision Inspectorate, based on the literal interpretation of the norms of Russian housing legislation, it follows that the absence of heating devices (radiators) in common areas in an apartment building is not a basis for exempting premises owners from paying for thermal energy consumed for the purpose of maintaining common property of the house.

    “The presence or absence of radiators does not affect the calculation of heating fees in premises that are part of the common property,” the inspectorate reported. “The absence of heating devices in common areas does not relieve the consumer of the obligation to pay for utilities provided for general house needs.”

    “The transition of individual residential premises in apartment buildings from centralized heating to individual heating does not mean the cessation of the consumption of thermal energy for heating premises with dismantled (turned off) heating devices and in the amount attributable to general house needs, since one of the sources of heat supply to such premises is the release of heat from central heating risers , passing through all the premises in the apartment building,” the inspectorate added.

    At the same time, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services clarified that if the house does not have central heating, then payment for heating common property is not charged.

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