How to reduce utility bills: ways to save, benefits, subsidies.
I’m choosing a new building, should I already think about utility bills? Worth it because it reduces costs
Method of direct management of an apartment building
Selection criteria, features of home maintenance Methods for managing MKD are selected, can be changed, canceled by the owners
Clogged sewer in an apartment building where to complain
If you have a clogged sewer in an apartment building, then this problem must be solved quickly,
To pay or not to pay one tax for water
Consumption standard per room in Moscow in 2020
“HVS ODN” - transcript When receiving a monthly payment receipt, the first thing that may confuse you is:
The Ministry of Construction presented a new version of the rules for managing houses
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 75 of February 6, 2006 “On the procedure
If an error has crept into your utility bills, you shouldn’t hope that it will be corrected automatically. You will have to defend your right to save long and hard.
Seven sure-fire ways to reduce the amount on housing and communal services bills
Often in the bills that fall into our mailbox, you can see items from which
Household electricity meter
The procedure for installing common house utility meters in apartment buildings. What do you need to know? Summary:
How to pay for water using a meter sample
Legal requirements Water meters are installed on cold and hot water supply pipes for accounting
IPGU: decoding in the Sberbank receipt
Where can I get the housing and communal services identifier in the housing and communal services GIS, which is needed to use the unified information system?
Here, the MFC is endowed with functionality that does not comply with the requirements of the Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” dated July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ http://www.consultant.
A payment order is a document with which the owner of a current account gives an order to the bank
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