Sample complaint about cold radiators in an apartment
On the document you must put the incoming number, date and stamp of the organization. All government officials must respond to you within 30 days. Sample claim to the Head of the Housing Office From the resident(s): CLAIM In accordance with the service agreement concluded between me, as the owner of the apartment at the address: , and your organization, I am provided with utility services, including heating services. I conscientiously fulfill all the terms of this agreement, paying fees in full and on time, as evidenced by monthly receipts. You are in violation of Art.
4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” you are not fulfilling your obligations: this year, since the beginning of the heating season, the air temperature in my apartment does not exceed ... degrees, which is ... degrees below the established standard. Utility workers may claim that the apartment is cold due to the mistake of the builders who incorrectly designed the heating system.
But the Housing Office still has to answer. Once such a house has been accepted on the balance sheet, it means that we are obliged to create normal living conditions in it.
Actions of residents when initiating a review of payments
The presence of grounds for proceedings with thermal workers serves as the beginning of long-term interaction with their responsible employees. Properly drawn up documents proving improper performance of duties by utility companies can speed up the time of recounting. To comply with the entire work cycle, you should adhere to the following algorithm of actions: 1) Notify the heat supply service provider about the presence of poor-quality service provision. You can notify heat workers:
- Orally, through the enterprise dispatcher. In this case, you should definitely find out the name of the employee who accepted the application.
- In writing, by submitting an application. The application must contain a note indicating that the utility company has received the document with the date of receipt and the details of the employee who accepted the letter.
- A letter sent via mail. This method involves the use of a registered mailing form with notification.
2) The response to the letter received from the consumer will be a commission that must make sure that it is cold in the apartment and the air temperature does not meet the standards of SanPiN[2]. 3) Taking part in the work of the commission and drawing up a corresponding act indicating the cause of poor-quality heating and the time frame for correcting the situation. One copy of the act remains with the consumer. 4) After receiving an act confirming the fact of poor-quality service provided, the consumer draws up an application to perform a recalculation in accordance with the identified violations. It would not be superfluous to attach receipts for previously made payments and a copy of the registration certificate of the premises indicating the general square footage of the apartment. If representatives of the organization responsible for the supply of heat ignored the application to conduct an inspection of the premises for poor-quality heating, then it is legal to carry out the inspection independently. The initiator of the work, in the presence of two witnesses, makes all the required measurements of the parameters and records them in a self-drafted report. A correctly drawn up document contains the following information:
- current event date;
- measured temperature parameters in the room;
- duration of presence of cold batteries or disruption of heat supply.
The activated time is a countdown of days to be recalculated. Then a copy of the act is transferred to the heat supply company with a requirement to make adjustments based on the facts set out in the independently compiled document.
The calculation of refund amounts occurs in a regulated manner. A utility organization, upon receiving recalculation requests, must necessarily study the acts drawn up on the merits of the issue and, as a result of the consideration, carry out adjustments to the accruals.
An application for review of payments in the presence of inappropriate services should be submitted no later than one month after such identification. In the month the violation is discovered, full payment is made. The following charges are made based on updated information.
To whom and how to complain about the cold in the apartment (SAMPLE DOCUMENT)
To understand the legality of further actions, let’s familiarize ourselves with the existing regulations. According to sanitary standards, the air temperature in the apartment should not be lower (according to GOST R 51617-2000 “Housing and communal services. General technical conditions”, put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of Russia 158-st dated June 19, 2000):
Where the complaint can be sent is up to the tenant to decide. You can immediately write a statement to the prosecutor's office if you are not confident in the management company. At the same time, experts do not advise going to court, recommending that in order to resolve the issue more quickly, they still bother the utility workers. And after solving the problem, recover from them through court the material damage caused. There is a practice when one complaint is sent to all authorities at once, so that the same citizen’s appeal is controlled at different levels.
Temperature standards in an apartment and house in winter
According to the standards set by the Government, the indoor temperature should not be lower than the following values:
- Not lower than +18C in living rooms
- Not lower than +18C in the kitchen
- Not lower than +16C on stairwells
- Not lower than +16C at the entrance
- Not lower than +5C in the basement of the house
- Not lower than +20C in rooms that are corner
We are writing a complaint about cold batteries
It is also stipulated that the specified standards must be provided by the housing and communal services service provider, provided that the consumer himself ensures thermal insulation of windows in the premises.
In cases of repair work and accidents, control dates for the maximum interruption in heating are also established:
- At temperatures 8C - 10C for no more than 4 hours in a row
- At 10C – 12C no more than 8 hours
- At 12C to standard no more than 16 hours
- During the month, the total break should not exceed 24 hours
If the temperature in the apartment is below the standards, the consumer must first contact the housing and communal services service provider, that is, the Management Company, Homeowners Association, Housing Office or Department of Economic Protection with an application to measure the temperature in the apartment.
You can .
When submitting an application, we recommend that you definitely get a mark on the second copy stating that the application has been accepted and registered; if for some reason they do not want to put a mark, then you should send the application by registered mail with notification.
How to correctly write a heating application to a management company (sample)
The heating season for residents of an apartment building very often turns into a real nightmare. Poor quality provision of services by housing and communal services, management company, housing department, housing office is punishable by law. What to do if the heating is poor and the temperature in the house is low. What if there is no heating at all, although it should not have been turned off yet (or vice versa, it should have already been turned on)? How to write a complaint correctly and where to write it if it’s cold in the apartment? In the housing department or in the housing and communal services, in the management company or in the housing office? Who should repair a broken heating system? What standards does SanPin establish regarding the supply of heat to residential premises? How to prove poor quality services and that it was really cold in the apartment? What is the reason that the heating of the residential premises of an apartment building is poor and who should replace the old batteries?
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The examination can be carried out at the request of the owner or service provider at any time. Although the fee can be recalculated only once a year. But conducting an examination and drawing up a report on poor-quality provision of services may be necessary not only to recalculate the amount of utility bills, but also to write a complaint to the organization with which the service agreement was concluded.
Heating recalculation algorithm
Recalculation for heating according to Resolution 354 is carried out on the basis of a submitted application. Depending on the current tariff, payments for the resource consumed are calculated. However, it is possible to calculate the payment if the air in the apartment reached the optimal temperature and the radiators were quite warm. Measurement is carried out using professional tools.
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Rules for drawing up an application
The current legislation does not provide for a mandatory application form.
The document is drawn up in free style and you need to write the following information:
- The name of the utility supplier or contractor.
- Full form of the head of the structure and address.
- Applicant details – last name, first name, patronymic, registration/registration, phone number.
- In the middle is the name of the paper – “Application”.
- In the main text you should write about the reasons for the application, the circumstances, indicate a link to the law and the grounds for adjustment.
- It is necessary to have an evidence base, i.e. an act is attached.
- Date and endorsement.
Complaint about illegal recalculation of heating costs
There are often situations where it is difficult to get feedback from the responsible company. Sometimes utility workers take several months to consider a complaint.
Therefore, in such a situation, as well as when the following circumstances arise, it is necessary to complain to the housing inspectorate and other supervisory authorities:
- incorrect recalculation;
- The management company began to charge amounts in excess of the consumed norm;
- poor quality service (for example, cold radiators during the heating season);
- and other.
The claim is drawn up according to a single standard, indicating the details of both parties. In the main text field, the citizen states a request to understand the current situation and attaches documents.
Statement of claim for recalculation of utility bills for heating
There are provisions in current Russian laws on the basis of which the homeowner has the right to demand adjustments for the resource used. As a rule, this is low quality, an illegally charged overpayment or a large amount of consumption. In any case, the application should be completed correctly and accompanied by evidence.
Required documents
Heating recalculation according to Resolution 354 is carried out on the basis of the application and the attached evidence base.
As a last point, the following documents can be attached:
- A certificate indicating ownership of the property, a registration certificate or an extract from the Unified State Register. Any document of your choice that allows you to determine the square footage of the apartment.
- Information from the housing inspection or court order.
- An act of inspecting the rooms to determine the quality of the services provided, i.e. you need to confirm that it is cold in the apartment.
- Papers indicating the elimination of an emergency in the main line of an apartment building (requested from the Criminal Code or RSO).
- Other documents relevant to the case.
Complaining about cold batteries: in what order and when to complain sample
Government Decree No. 354 of 02/06/2011. Standards for air temperature have been established , therefore, it is important to measure and evaluate the indoor temperature, and not the temperature of the heating radiators themselves, if you are going to complain.
It should be noted that you have the right to request a recalculation for the time when the temperature did not meet the standards - to do this, you need to contact your EIRC with an application and attach a temperature measurement report to it.
How to write a statement to housing and communal services about cold batteries
When drawing up a complaint, you need to refer to the drawn up report on temperature measurements in the premises and, on the basis that the temperature does not meet the requirements established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN standards, as well as the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, demand that the violations be eliminated.
The final step in forcing the service organization to correct violations will be a court decision. We will consider in detail the question of how to sue a management company (housing association or housing office) with an example of a claim, in the article at this link.
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Sample complaint about cold radiators in the apartment
A year ago I cut off the heating power plant in an old house in the center. I met the foreman at the site and gave it away. What to do when the batteries are “burned” by the cold and are not assembled. less than 2 people), draw up a collective complaint and write a statement to the DEZ. Application to the housing office, housing department (sample) - Business portal Ways of success To resolve the situation, you can contact the housing office (housing office, economic department) p. Samples of complaints about housing and communal services. What should you do if you have cold radiators in your apartment? If you are asked to file a complaint by phone, then you need to find out under. Sample application to the management company with a request to take measurements.
Ready-made samples: statements, complaints, acts, notifications, etc. Boiler houses and thermal power plants are running, but the radiators in residents' apartments still remain cold. February 10, 2010. It is better to make all appeals to the housing office in writing in duplicate... where you are submitting an application (petition) or complaint, name. What sample statements or other documents are you interested in? Homeowners' association or housing office should. Sample complaint about. Complaint about cold batteries: which one? Here are the tips of 14,694 attorneys and jurists on the topic “Cold batteries”... Please write a sample.... I’ve been fighting with the housing department for a while now about cold batteries. Last year I wrote a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor - it helped, but only temporarily. February 10, 2010. It is better to make all appeals to the housing office in writing in duplicate... where you are submitting an application (petition) or complaint, name. What sample statements or other documents are you interested in? in the apartment on Lenina, 10 (Adler) 2 out of 4 batteries are cold from the moment... If there are replies, write, or better yet, send a complaint by fax to.
Submitting an application or complaint to the Criminal Code
When calculating heating bills, the size of the heated living space and the tariff are taken into account. If you notice a distortion in the numbers, or the temperature in the room is below normal, then you need to contact the housing and communal services with an application for recalculation. Contact the organization with which the service contract was concluded.
More often than not, contacting the management company is enough to take action. Before writing a complaint, it is advisable to delve into the explanations regarding payment for heating in order to be aware of all the nuances of this issue.
First, for proof, it is necessary to draw up a report on the temperature regime in the apartment. They involve a housing and communal services employee, maybe even a mechanic, the main thing is that the person who makes the appropriate measurements understands this.
Measurements are made subject to certain conditions:
- Close the doors and windows, the temperature outside should be greater than –5°C, measure in the morning or in cloudy weather;
- When measuring temperature with a thermometer, do not hold it in your hands so as not to overestimate the readings;
- Readings are recorded for 10 minutes;
- Measurements are taken in each room, at least two;
- Measuring devices - a thermometer or pyrometer - must meet the requirements and have a certificate indicating the date of the last inspection.
The results are compared with temperature standards during the heating season and a conclusion is drawn. The average temperature should be, according to sanitary standards, 20-22 degrees, but not lower than 18, and in the bathroom up to 24 degrees. The difference in readings between rooms is within 3 degrees. Sharper changes create discomfort and negatively affect health, doctors warn about this.
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They also measure the temperature of radiators and hot water from the tap, since they have their own sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (SanPiN). The finished act is signed by the members of the commission, indicating the names of those who took part, the number, and series of the measuring device.
They write a complaint to the Criminal Code about illegal heating bills according to a certain pattern. The following items should be included:
- in the top right corner they write to which authority, from whom, indicate full name, address, telephone number;
- in the center they state the essence of the claim or violation;
- Next comes the applicant’s demands for the return of incorrectly calculated heating fees;
- You can write that if you ignore the requirements, you will file a heating complaint with the prosecutor’s office.
- certified with signatures and dated.
If the complaint is collective, then all signatures are collected. Attached is an act and copies of heating receipts, which all residents of the house do not agree with.
The complaint is written in two copies, one with the incoming number and date of receipt, and remains with the applicant. This copy will be proof that the complaint for incorrect heating charges should be considered. The company is obliged to respond by letter to the application within 3 days.
Where can I complain about cold radiators in my apartment? Sample complaint about cold radiators in an apartment
If the appeal is collective, then it is very likely that it will not take much time to consider the application and resolve the problem. In most cases, a mass complaint from residents has a greater impact.
All documents reflecting the progress in resolving the problem situation must be with the applicant, since in the event of a negative and unsatisfactory outcome of the proceedings in the first instance, the retained documents will become a useful basis for evidentiary information about the inaction or illegal decision of the responsible organizations.
Is there any reason to complain about cold batteries sample?
Our services: if there are cool radiators in the apartment, where to go, call and what to do. But, unfortunately, this is not done from time to time, and people begin to upset local management companies with accounts in hand. Phone numbers and addresses of housing and communal services companies, municipal housing inspections, housing and communal services departments in the administration, emergency services and other key contacts throughout the Primorsky Territory. Did the executing organization rightfully charge in February 2020 a standard (example) of a complaint about poor heating in an apartment can be downloaded free of charge from this link. You can see the standard statement below or download it here. You can also add that in an unpleasant case you will go to the tribunal .
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In other situations, you need to correctly choose the authority to which you are going to file a complaint about housing and communal services. The state must be one hundred percent guaranteed to protect all people who pay for such services from cold temperatures during the heating season. And obviously supplying coolant with a low temperature, and then issuing receipts for payment in full, constitutes a crime under Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1. In a conversation with utility workers, it would be useful to remind them of this obligation.
How to submit an application for recalculation of heating payments
Sometimes residents of apartment buildings are faced with the problem of poor quality or incomplete provision of housing and communal services. One such situation may be the lack of adequate heating in the apartment.
This may be a mismatch in temperature conditions, a complete lack of heating during the corresponding season, etc. In all of the above cases, residents have the right to write an application for recalculation of the payment for heating.
How to do this, what documents are needed and where to go in this case, we’ll try to figure it out further. Documentation So, if the full volume of heating is not supplied to the apartment, then the owner has the right to pay less for it. To do this, you must first record a deviation from the norm. This can be done by drawing up the appropriate acts. To do this, a representative of the housing organization is called, who is obliged to measure the temperature according to all rules and standards in each room of the apartment. After this, whatever the indicator, the responsible housing and communal services employee is obliged to enter it into the appropriate act and sign it .
In addition, the act must indicate the date and time of preparation. Residents have the right to familiarize themselves with it and present it as evidence of the absence of appropriate temperature conditions in the apartment. In addition to acts for the beginning and end of the period, recording the discrepancy in heat supply to the apartment, a certain set of documents will be required :
- application for recalculation;
- receipts for payment for heating to confirm that the owner repays the debt to the company manager in a timely manner and in full;
- information about the area of the room;
- other necessary documents.
With the assembled package, you must contact the organization that provides heat in this house.
In addition, it is necessary to draw up an application in one copy, and at least in two. The management company will accept one, and the second will be signed by the responsible employee and provided to the applicant.
This will confirm that the documents have been accepted for consideration. Application for recalculation A mandatory element included in the package of papers required for recalculation is an application.
How to write an application for heating recalculation?
An exact sample or regulated form of this document has not been developed. A sample application can be downloaded for your reference. That is why the owner has the right to draw it up in free form.
However, it is necessary to comply with the norms of a business letter, and also be sure to exclude some points from the application:
- name of the organization and official to whom the applicant is applying;
- information about the applicant;
- the name of the document being drawn up, that is, the application;
- the text in the main part of the application is stated indicating such data as the temperature in the room with reference to the drawn up acts, temperature standards by law with reference to regulations and temperatures outside;
- request for recalculation;
- date of application, signature of the applicant.
It is imperative to indicate all legislative acts, GOSTs, SNiPs and other documents that were violated due to the lack of heat supply to the apartment. This will allow the management company to respond to the application faster. Often, the legal illiteracy of the population serves as a basis for refusal to recalculate or a reason for the management company to stall for time. Sample application To the Chairman of the Solnechny HOA, A.S. Karpenko. from Gulkina I.I. Address: Novosibirsk, Kosmonavtov Street 18-21 Statement I am the responsible payer for the provided housing and communal services, including heating.
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During the period of living in this house, she never made any missing or late payments. All receipts for services provided are paid in full by me. During the period from November 6 to November 16, 2020, the air temperature in the apartment was 15 degrees.
The temperature standard in premises intended for residential use is established by Government Decree No. 354 of May 6, 2011, SanPiN 2.1.2.
2645-10, GOST R 51 617-2000. The minimum temperature should be 18 degrees. All measurements taken must be set out in reports attached to the application. In connection with the above, I ask you to recalculate payment for heating in the period from November 6 to November 16, 2020.
Gulkina I. I. 11/19/2016 As a result, all homeowners may demand a recalculation of heating payments due to a violation of their rights and legal norms.
If residents notice that it is cold in the apartment, or heating is not provided at all during the corresponding period, they have the right to file a statement and seek a recalculation of payment. This can be done by first measuring the temperature and recording it in the appropriate form.
An application for recalculation of heating payments is written in free form, but taking into account certain rules for filling out such documents. If the management company does not fulfill its obligations, the applicant has the right to file a lawsuit. Share the article with your friends: Recommended articles on the topic How to correctly discharge a person from an apartment Electricity shutdown for non-payment of utilities in 2020 Rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building: who approves and what is included?
Complaints about housing and communal services
- For violation of the rules for carrying out entrepreneurial activities in the management of apartment buildings (Article 7.23.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
- For carrying out entrepreneurial activities in the management of apartment buildings without a license (Article 14.1.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
- For violation by the licensing commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of the requirements of the legislation on licensing business activities for the management of apartment buildings (Article 19.6.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
If you believe that your rights and legitimate interests have been violated by adopted acts or decisions of state authorities, local government bodies, or officials, you, in accordance with the Federal Law of January 17, 1992 No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation,” have the right to apply to the prosecutor's office at your place of residence with a statement, complaint and other appeal containing information about violation of laws, or to go to court with a complaint against the actions, decisions of authorities or officials who, in your opinion, violated your rights and freedoms on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 04/27/1993 No. 4866-1 “On appealing to court actions and decisions that violate the rights and freedoms of citizens”, as well as Chapter 25 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
How and where to write a complaint about poor heating in an apartment
- Severely worn out old communication infrastructure;
- Errors made by designers or installers of heating systems.
- A third possible reason could be that the controller on the heating main was drunk and did not supply heat correctly.
- And yet, the culprits for this could also be neighbors who unauthorizedly installed additional radiators or heated floors and thereby stole heat from all residents of the house.
They wait a week for responses. After this, in the absence of any action on the part of the utility company, you can write the next similar complaint about poor heating to the next authority. But it indicates a previously sent complaint to the housing office and their inaction and attaches a copy of that statement.
Sample application for replacing a heating battery in an apartment
All engineering communication networks have their own service life.
Depending on the material of manufacture and the quality of work performed, the service life of the equipment can range from 20 to 35 years.
There are some physical phenomena called “stray currents” that have the ability to pierce an entire layer of metal, thereby creating emergency situations on utility networks.
Heating devices are also subject to such influences. If there is a need to replace radiators, you should approach this issue, observing all the rules, and coordinating your actions with the balance holder of the house. Before starting actions to repair the system, it is necessary to draw up an application for replacing the heating battery in compliance with the recommendations of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 59[1].
Reasons for replacing radiators
In terms of practice, three main reasons can be identified that encourage tenants to initiate work to replace radiators. These include:
- A decrease in temperature parameters in an apartment during the cold season may indicate a problem with the heat transfer of existing devices. It is the amount of heat given off by heating devices that affects the comfortable temperature balance of the home. Over time, the internal space of the device becomes silted, and the circulation of the coolant becomes difficult. The device can simply be washed with special means, but usually this procedure does not achieve the desired effect. The best option to solve this problem is to purchase and install new equipment.
- Each battery has its own service life. Thus, cast iron sections are designed for safe operation for 35 years. Aluminum units will last a maximum of 25 years. For bimetallic equipment, a service life of 30 years is specified. The fastest-wearing devices are those made of steel. The approaching end of battery life puts them at risk of being sources of an emergency situation, in which the injured party can only be the owner of the home, but also the neighbors of the apartments below. To avoid such excesses, it is better to replace the battery with a long service life in advance.
- Modern design solutions for apartment installations do not harmonize with the radiators we are all familiar with. It is necessary to correctly fit the device necessary to maintain the temperature balance, without spoiling the interior. To do this, the devices are replaced with a new model.
Any of the above reasons involves intervention in the internal heating system, for which permission must be obtained from the organization that operates residential properties.
What does coordinating actions with housing and communal services employees provide?
There are several problems that may arise when changing heating appliances yourself. These include:
You can avoid such problems by writing a statement to the housing office or other organization responsible for providing heating services with a clear statement of the situation. There should be no obstacles from the housing office. It is important to remember that work on changing devices can be done in the summer. Except for situations arising from battery failure.
Sample application for replacement of heating equipment
First sample application.
Second sample application.
There should be no problems with the first option of submitting an appeal. According to the Civil Code, in accordance with Article 210[2], apartment owners are responsible for the condition of the heating equipment themselves and all work related to the repair of the system is subject to payment by the home owner.
The situation is different with municipal housing. Management companies usually do not have the means to reinstall devices, but submitting an application will protect the employer from the consequences of accidents.
The importance of written relationships with utility companies is to protect yourself from liability for possible consequences.
1. Article 7 of Federal Law No. 59.
2.Civil Code, in accordance with Article 210
Cold heated towel rail and batteries: what to do and how to deal with it
If the management company employees do not respond to your appeal, go to the State Housing Inspectorate. This is a government organization that controls the provision of quality services to the public by utility companies. Remember, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to apply to government services; this provision is spelled out in the Constitution.
- your initials, place of registration and contact information - we write all this in the upper right corner;
- below is the header text. Application for committing an administrative offense under Article 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offences;
- then we write the text of the complaint itself with the exact indication of the address at which the poor-quality utility service was provided;
- In the text we indicate that the heated towel rail is connected to a hot water riser, therefore it is subject to the rules for its supply. Namely, the water temperature must be at least 60 degrees Celsius and no more than 75;
- We ask you to arrange an inspection and issue an order to eliminate and order to punish the perpetrators;
- Below we put the date and our signature.
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Sample application for replacement of a heating radiator at the expense of the railway department
The complaint itself can be sent by one person, or it can be collective.
If the claim is sent on behalf of several citizens, it is necessary to indicate the full name and address of all applicants. The body of the claim must detail the essence of the problem, indicating the norm that was violated. Requirements of residents. If attachments are added to the application, they must be listed in the text. Date and signature of the applicants. All claims must be stated in separate paragraphs.
If each of them requires evidence, it must be attached to the application. The application must be written in two copies. One of them is transferred to the management company. It is imperative to check that the application is registered in the incoming correspondence log.
The second copy, which remains with the applicants, must be affixed with an incoming stamp. In the future this
How to replace a heating battery in an official way?
Explanation from Moscow utility workers, as well as a story about personal experience
We must make sure that it is registered; - if someone offers to “negotiate” directly with the master, we refuse.
Indeed, in this case, you, and not DEZ, will be responsible for possible problems (for example, the batteries will break, flood the neighbors below); — we are waiting for a surveyor to come, inspect the apartment and tell us which batteries to buy and how many (this depends on the area of the premises); — we conclude an agreement with the operating organization and pay for the work through the bank; — we’re going to buy equipment (batteries, taps), maybe with a specialist; — we agree on draining water from the heating system; — we hire a craftsman who does the work; — we receive a document from the operating organization about replacing the batteries. The cost of turning off water in risers is 500-1500 rubles per riser, the cost of replacing batteries (excluding the cost of the radiators themselves) is 3-6 thousand.
rubles But the emergency battery (leaking, if there is a conclusion about this) must be replaced free of charge; you must contact the DEZ with an application.
At whose expense is the heating battery in the apartment replaced through the housing office?
refers to common property.
But in paragraph 5 it is clarified that only everything that is located before the valve located on the outlet from the riser towards the apartment will be considered common. Thus, if apartment radiators can be disconnected from the entire system, then they cannot be considered a common property.
In a situation where apartment batteries belong to common property, their replacement must be made at the expense of funds contributed by all owners under the article “maintenance and repair of common property.” In municipal housing, municipal housing is transferred for use under a social contract.
Application for replacement of water supply risers sample
Planned replacements.
- According to the Law, planned replacement of risers must be carried out at least once.
Common house networks, central sewer lines, water supply pipes, and heating in apartments that are not privatized are subject to such replacement.
- Replacing risers in an apartment building, as well as responsibility for the quality of the plumbing work carried out, falls on the management company on whose balance sheet the house is located. In apartments that are privatized, the owner of the property is responsible for the condition of the water and sewer pipes, as well as the pipes of the heating system and replacement pipes in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen are carried out independently.
Replacing risers means not only making all the engineering systems in the apartment reliable, but also significantly increasing the level of coziness and comfort of your home. Not everyone can boast of a new apartment in which the internal systems in the house are in perfect order.
How to write an application to the Criminal Code for battery replacement
Battery replacement is free of charge. If there are shut-off valves in front of the apartment, the owner of the property usually pays for the replacement of radiators.
If the management company repairs the risers unconditionally, then the management company often refuses to change the equipment in the apartment for free. ATTENTION! In this case, you should write an application for a replacement officially and register it. It is recommended that you consult with a lawyer experienced in utility law on this issue.
If the management company ignores consumers and does not deal with its direct business, a written appeal will become the basis for going to court.
Cold batteries
In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, the air temperature in residential premises must be at least +18 degrees Celsius, in corner rooms - not lower than +20 degrees.
If there is no water for more than eight hours in total within one month, or more than four hours at a time (and in the event of a pipeline accident - within 24 hours), the water fee is reduced by 0.15 percent of its cost for each hour of water absence.
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If you live in an apartment building, and you and your neighbors have complaints about the quality of the water supplied, or about systematic interruptions in the supply of gas, heat or electricity, you can draw up a collective application for a reduction in payments, attaching all the necessary evidence.
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In both cases, recalculation will be more difficult to achieve, since the application will need to be accompanied by evidence with the results of the examination, reports, measurements, but this does not mean that the consumer must now pay for cold radiators or dirty water in the tap.
Where to complain about cold radiators in the apartment
In particular, according to SanPiN, the temperature in the rooms should be 20-22 degrees. It is acceptable for it to be within 18-24 degrees. For bathrooms, kitchens, toilets, temperatures from 18 to 26 degrees are possible. Under optimal conditions, the numbers indicated are 19-21 for the kitchen and toilet, as well as for a combined bathroom and bathroom, ranging from 24 to 26 degrees.
At its core, this organization is also designed to help consumers. Therefore, a complaint to the authority will allow us to launch a mechanism for investigation and finding out the reason why the housing and communal services did not solve the problem. You will need to submit an application and demonstrate a document indicating the research certified by an engineer.
Violation of heating temperature standards in the apartment: file a complaint
If 7 days have passed since the temperature was measured and the report was drawn up, and the situation has not changed, you should draw up and submit a complaint to the service organization.
Perhaps the contract specifies where and how the complaint is filed, so read this document first - the legal and actual address of the organization can most likely be taken from it.
When filing a complaint, the procedure will be the same as with an application for measurements - you will need 2 copies, one of which must remain with you with the organization’s mark , as well as the date and time of delivery of the complaint.
Cold batteries: where to complain and what to do
After accepting the complaint, a company engineer is sent to you, whose task is to identify the causes of cold batteries. To do this, he measures the temperature in each room, fills out a report form and gives a copy to the owners. If the readings are below the required standards, then utility companies must take appropriate measures.
It may also be that neighbors, caring about comfort in their apartment, illegally make changes to the design of the intra-house system - increasing the battery by several sections or installing another radiator. The incoming coolant fills the entire area of the heated device, while losing heat to the next apartment. As the water moves further through the system, it cools. As a result, it turns out that there are cold radiators in your apartment.
Sample complaint about cold radiators in the apartment
If the apartment is cold, then the utility service, in this case heating, is not of good quality. This is a gross violation of the Rules for the provision of utility services (Government Decree. To do this, write an application to the Management Company or HOA with the requirements to measure the air temperature in the residential premises, draw up a report, and also find out the reason for the poor quality of provision of utility services. The application must be written to 2 copies (keep one for yourself as evidence), and the document must also include the incoming number, date, full name of the person accepting it.Next, the Management Company enters the process.
She is obliged to immediately create a special commission, which will include representatives of the management company, the thermal inspection and the apartment owner himself. Within 24 hours, the resident must be informed of the date and time of the inspection. We meet the commission. It must be borne in mind that the commission must measure the air temperature in the apartment with a special device. An ordinary thermometer will not work for this.
When can you recalculate heating fees?
An application for recalculation of heating fees can be written on the basis of Resolution No. 307 of May 23, 2006. It defines situations when the company providing district heating services can be requested to change the payment amount. Therefore, before writing an application for heating recalculation, it is recommended that you read this document in detail.
Its main provisions determine the procedure for performing this procedure and the list of necessary actions. Often, housing and communal services workers do not know the contents of this document and refuse to recalculate heating costs.
If such a situation arises, you can contact a higher authority or the Consumer Rights Protection Society. It is noteworthy that the sample application for recalculation of heating fees can be filled out not only in the event of interruptions in heat supply. There are a number of other situations when you can reduce the amount of payment for housing and communal services.
Writing an application for recalculation of heating fees is possible if the following situations arise:
- Failure of one or more radiators . In this case, the heat transfer of the system decreases and thereby the quality of service deteriorates;
- Registration of a subsidy . If after this cavitation occurs with the same amounts, it is necessary to recalculate the heating bill correctly. To do this, an application is drawn up with copies of documents on the required subsidy attached;
- Low quality of services provided . These include deviations from the norms described above. However, you need to choose the right basis for recalculation of heating costs, since a number of controversial issues are possible.
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It is important that when one of these situations occurs, supporting documents are drawn up. Only then will the heating recalculation formula be applied. If interruptions in the heat supply occur due to a breakdown, a report must be drawn up, a copy of which must be kept by the owner of the apartment. To determine the improper degree of heating of radiators, you should call a commission from the Housing Office or the Criminal Code. They will use equipment to determine the air temperature in residential premises. When performing these actions, it is recommended to check the actual data with those specified in the act. Based on it, you can recalculate heating costs.
Recalculation can only be performed once a year. Therefore, before starting the procedure, you need to carefully prepare, as there will be a lot of paperwork. First of all, you need to determine for yourself the feasibility of carrying it out.