Parking standards for shopping centers

What are the overall dimensions of a parking space for a car?

The increasing number of vehicles creates problems for car owners with parking.

The areas allocated for this are sorely lacking, so unscrupulous drivers often break the rules by abandoning cars in the wrong places.

Abandoned vehicles create problems on the road, leading to congestion, limited road visibility, and sometimes accidents occur due to such vehicles.

How to determine the size of a parking space.

What is parking (introduction to terminology)

In modern conditions, the main most commonly used terms related to the automotive industry are regulated by regulations. Physical parameters are also standardized where possible.

Parking is a specially designated area for wheeled vehicles, with a road fence, clear markings on the road surface and marked with a special sign. A place for a car can be provided both free of charge (at publicly significant places, government institutions, etc.) and on a paid basis (private or municipal parking lots).

Recently, accounting in municipal parking lots has been transferred to an automated mode, which is helped by the Parkon system.

To transfer the territory to the official legalized parking status, it is necessary to formalize the selected site and register it in accordance with the established requirements of the law and state standards (GOST). One of the main regulatory documents in this case is SNiP SP 113.13330.2016 “Car Parking”.

The driver has rights and responsibilities according to which he can park in the following ways:

  • in designated areas where there is an appropriate road sign;
  • pulling over to the side of the road;
  • on the edge of the road, while the car must be located parallel to the direction of traffic; a partial collision with the sidewalk is allowed if there is a special sign installed.

A classic parking lot differs from a parking lot in that the latter is part of the road. It is legally prohibited to park a car in a green zone, on lawns or areas for the disabled unless there is a special sign on the car.

You should know the term “car space,” which is part of a structure or building and has clear, fixed boundaries.

A car or truck, as well as a bus or trailer can be located within the established limits in accordance with the permissible dimensions.

Types of parking by type of car placement

Based on the operational characteristics of passenger cars, it is possible to place them in specially designated areas in three ways:

  • parallel to the direction of movement;
  • perpendicular to the main axis of the road;
  • “herringbone” (at an angle to the main direction of traffic).

Each option has pros and cons for specific road conditions. In each case, it is worth considering that the width of a parking space for a GOST car for passenger vehicles is limited to 2.5 m. This format will allow you to freely open the door of a medium-sized car without touching the car standing next to it.

Parallel type

The method of installing the car involves placing it close to the sidewalk along the main roadway. A significant disadvantage of this configuration is the ability for a large number of cars to park in a certain area.

This type of car location is relevant for narrow city streets. The disadvantage is that a car parked parallel to the sidewalk can easily be blocked by cars located in front and behind.

It is difficult for new drivers to escape from such a trap.

Perpendicular parking method

The car is positioned at a 90 degree angle to the sidewalk or road. The format allows you to squeeze the maximum amount of transport into a small space. Not all drivers can easily position the vehicle body in this way.

In addition to the positive of compactness, the method has a disadvantage. Statistics prove that it is when leaving such parking lots that a significant number of minor accidents occur. Drivers should be especially careful in heavy traffic.

We recommend using someone’s help, who will tell you the timeliness of the maneuver to leave.

Herringbone parking

For large spaces, parking lot owners may suggest placing cars at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the sidings. From above, the platform with transport resembles Christmas trees.

It is believed that this type of arrangement is most convenient for novice motorists. It is much easier to enter the desired area than to a perpendicular area.

However, even with a visually high density, the workload of the herringbone is one third less than that of its perpendicular counterpart.

Parking areas

Certain rules apply to the choice of parking locations. Having selected a site of sufficient size, it is necessary to take into account its distance from public places and any environmental objects.

At the same time, it is important to ensure maximum parking safety from external, potentially negative factors. According to parking rules, the norm for a passenger car should be 5.3x2.5 m, and for wheelchair users 6x3.6 m.

If the site accommodates 10 cars, then it is important to ensure a distance of 10 m from a public building or residential building. The minimum distance of 25 m should be observed for the following objects:

  • hospital;
  • kindergarten;
  • playground or sports ground;
  • educational institution;
  • park or square.

If the potential number of cars is in the range of 10-50 units, then such a distance should be at least 50 m, and the distance from residential buildings should be at least 15 m. When the number of parking spaces increases to 100 units.

, both intervals must be at least 25 m. Large sites for 300 cars are located 35 m from houses and 50 m from schools, kindergartens, etc. Up to 500 cars can be placed no closer than 50 m from houses and educational institutions .

It is recommended to locate 500 or more parking spaces in industrial zones.

Parameters of a parking space in an open parking lot

According to established SNiP, a standard passenger car is allocated a site with the following dimensions:

  • width – up to 2.5 m;
  • length – at least 5.3 m.

Important! When allocating parking space for a car, the area hidden by the markings is not taken into account, which additionally takes about 0.1 m2.

Designers assume that an ordinary car has average dimensions of 4.4x1.8 m. Accordingly, according to GOST, a space of 13.25 m2 is allocated for it. The area per car in different situations can only vary upward. Based on the established parameters, it is easy to calculate the required parking space.

With a parallel type of arrangement and a gap of 1 m, two cars will occupy 4.4 + 1 + 4.4 + 1 = 10.8 m in length, and with a perpendicular one, 4.4 + 1 + 4.4 = 9.8 m. Comfortable exit for the passenger will be ensured with a width of 1.8+1=2.8 m, which is consistent with the requirements of the regulations. When parking in a herringbone pattern, 8.8 m is allocated for the length of the car.

, and the occupied area will be at least 18 m2.

Technical requirements for marking parking spaces

Basic technical requirements include not only the organization of the work area where the machines will be located, but also the selection of materials from which the entire incoming infrastructure is supposed to be made. Such objects include the fencing used, as well as the markings used. The important points are as follows:

  • in the area of ​​the local area, the boundaries of the parking lot must be clearly distinguishable, so side stones are used for zoning;
  • vertical elements must be painted in courtyard parking lots with special reflective markings in order to be visible in the dark;
  • To paint asphalt, you must use nitro paint or thermoplastic.

You should not use cheap water-based markings. It quickly wears off from moisture and precipitation, making it impossible to determine the boundaries of the parking lot. It is important to locate places for people with disabilities as close as possible to the entrances of buildings.

Thanks to the expanded space on them, the driver will be able to open the stroller. There should be 10% of such places.

Motorists can park their cars on such a site if they have the appropriate sign on the car and a certificate of disabled people of group 1 or 2, otherwise a fine of 5,000 rubles will be issued.


The organization of parking should not create obstacles for other road users. In narrow areas it is worth parking the car along the traffic. Although it is easier to park the car in a herringbone pattern, this is not acceptable everywhere, so you need to train well in advance to drive out of cramped conditions. From 2020, a parking space can be sold or even inherited.

Making distinctions and markings

The problem of parking is most acute for residents of apartment buildings.

The number of cars increases every year. Often there are two cars per family. According to the law, residents of houses cannot be required to park their vehicles in paid parking lots. This action will be considered illegal.

Parking lots located near apartment buildings must comply with legal requirements. First of all, they should not become an obstacle to the movement of pedestrians and other vehicles.

When arranging a parking lot, the following rules must be taken into account:

  1. The parking lot must be located at least 10 meters from the windows on the first floors of the house.
  2. If there are about 10 cars in the parking lot, then this distance increases to 15 meters.
  3. When arranging a parking lot for 50 cars, the distance to the house must be at least 50 meters.
  4. If we are talking about creating a parking lot for 100 or more cars, it is necessary to develop separate project documentation. In this case, special requirements will be placed on the coating.
  5. If the height of the house is more than 28 meters, it is necessary to equip two exits from the parking lot.
  6. Parking lots in the courtyards of apartment buildings must comply with fire safety standards. A fire barrier of the first type must be installed from brick or concrete.

Particular attention must be paid to the correct marking of parking spaces. Parking will only be permitted if appropriate signs are installed.

Before marking is carried out, it is necessary to select a location and calculate the number of cars

The following points are taken into account:

  1. How will cars be parked?
  2. What kind of cars will the parking be intended for? Most often, spaces near houses are equipped only for passenger cars, since special parking lots are provided for trucks.
  3. Gaps between boundaries should be left so that one person can easily pass through.
  4. Do you plan to install a fence or canopy in the future?
  5. How close will the parking lot be to the house?

All these factors will influence the choice of place for parking and marking.

The parking space must be marked with special paint. For this, thermal paint, cold plastic, or polymer tapes can be used. When applying markings, if old ones were drawn before, they must be completely removed.

To provide more convenient access to the parking lot, you can make it elevated. To do this, the parking area is filled with asphalt or covered with crushed stone.

Parking spaces in apartment buildings are considered common property. In this regard, it is impossible to organize parking in separate groups without taking into account the opinions of neighbors.

For information on the rules for organizing parking areas in the courtyards of apartment buildings, see the following video:

Dimensions of parking spaces in an open parking lot according to parking standards - BTI

The increasing number of vehicles creates problems for car owners with parking.

The areas allocated for this are sorely lacking, so unscrupulous drivers often break the rules by abandoning cars in the wrong places.

Abandoned vehicles create problems on the road, leading to congestion, limited road visibility, and sometimes accidents occur due to such vehicles.

How to determine the size of a parking space.

Size of parking space for a car

Since 2020, several changes have been made to the legislation on the size of parking spaces - now minimum and maximum parameters are provided for cars and other cars. Along with this, a parking space in the yard is recognized as real estate - accordingly, it can be bought, sold and registered as a property, just like an apartment.

  • Expert opinion
  • Sobolev Dmitry
  • Administrative offenses lawyer, website expert

It is also important to know what is considered the adjacent territory of an apartment building - we previously discussed this issue in detail here.

Parking sizes: latest changes in legislation 2018

All dimensions of the parking space are reflected in SNiP 21-02-99, in force since 2011. According to this document, parking parameters for a passenger car should be as follows:

  • width 2.5 meters;
  • length 5.3 meters.

In this case, the width of the marking (up to 0.1 meters) is not included in the dimensions of the parking space.

In the case of parking for disabled cars, all parameters increase:

  • length – 6.2 meters;
  • width – 3.6 meters.

As a rule, near hospitals, large shopping centers, shops, cultural institutions and in modern residential neighborhoods, 10 to 20% of the total parking area is allocated for the disabled.

The same document specifies technical requirements for the organization of parking space, parameters of materials used for fencing the territory, in particular:

  1. The boundaries of off-street parking should always be fenced off using curbstones.
  2. In courtyards and other places, reflective markings must be created (on poles and other vertical supports).
  3. Thermoplastic or nitro paint is used for marking on the asphalt surface. However, in most cases, a cheap water-based mixture is used, which disappears completely in 1 season due to precipitation.

The latest changes in legislation, which came into force on January 1, 2020, established that the minimum parking size is now 5.3 * 2.5 meters, and the maximum corresponds to the indicators for cars of disabled drivers.

NOTE. Also, as of January 1, a parking space became a recognized piece of real estate. This means that now it can be bought with a mortgage (together with the apartment), sold, bequeathed, and also registered as property, like any other real estate object.

Preparation for marking work

Before work on marking the territory is carried out, a location is selected and the total number of parking spaces and the features of their location are calculated based on several considerations:

  1. What kind of cars will the parking be intended for? Most often, parking is provided only for cars, since special zones are created for trucks.
  2. How large the gaps between the borders can be left is usually based on ensuring that 1 person can freely pass between the cars.
  3. How exactly cars will be parked – lengthwise or widthwise (type of parking).

Along with these circumstances, secondary factors (thickness of markings, fencing - general or individual), and aesthetic considerations are also taken into account.

Procedure and cost of marking

When applying markings, the following rules are followed:

  1. Optimal weather is dry and warm (from +18°C to +25°C).
  2. The materials used are thermoplastic, paint or polymer tapes.
  3. Deviation from the permissible dimensions of a parking space is no more than 5 cm in each direction.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Preparing the material (paint, paint) for work.
  2. Preparing the area for work - clearing the previous markings (they should completely disappear), as well as removing dust and debris.
  3. Drawing a preliminary contour in accordance with the parameters.
  4. Paint each contour until you get straight lines.
  5. Improvement of the parking lot - marking special areas (for the disabled), painting pillars with fluorescent paint (for example, highlighting places with fire extinguishers), applying numbering and other means for easy navigation through a large parking area.

Maximum and minimum dimensions

How to use the Moscow Parking mobile application

The dimensions of parking spaces are specified in SNiP 02.21.99 of 2011.

In accordance with this document, the dimensions for a passenger car must be:

  • length 5.3 meters;
  • width – 2.5 meters.

The dimensions of a parking space do not include marking widths up to 100 millimeters.

The maximum permissible dimensions of space for a car should be no more than 6.2 by 3.6 meters.

There are certain benefits for disabled people who own vehicles. The parking space must be marked with a special sign. Preferential parking applies only to disabled people of the first and second groups. Citizens with the third group do not have this privilege.

Features of the parking space for disabled people are as follows:

  1. The width of the parking lot must be at least 3.5 meters. This is one meter more than the standard. The increase in size is due to the fact that the passenger will need to open the door completely.
  2. If a parking lot is equipped with more than two spaces for people with disabilities, they must be located next to each other. This will help increase the territorial space between cars.

One of the most common traffic violations is parking in disabled spaces. For this, the violator is issued a fine of 5,000 rubles. Currently, bills are being actively considered that would provide for the deprivation of a driver's license for such a violation.

Size of parking space according to GOST: area and dimensions of a standard space for 1 car

Every car owner today is sure: any trip in a major city turns into an exciting adventure called “Find a free parking space.” It is especially difficult to find parking in the courtyards of old houses and in the historical centers of megalopolises, where the urban planning plan simply does not provide for the number of cars that we have today.

The size of a parking space is determined according to GOST, and knowing this information, it is easier to defend your rights if, for example, your car is dented due to a narrow passage in the parking lot.

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What is parking

Parking is a designated area that must have a fence, markings and an appropriate road sign. Parking spaces are provided free of charge, for example, in public parking lots or for a fee in private or municipal parking lots. The latter most often use the automated Parkon system.

In order for a territory to receive official parking status, it must be registered and formalized in accordance with all legal requirements. To date, parking parameters are reflected in the document SNiP SP 113.13330.2016 “Car Parking”.


Typically used along roadways or sidewalks. Its main drawback is that few cars can fit, and if the cars are placed close to each other, then it is very difficult to enter and exit such a place, especially for a beginner. There is only one plus: such parking may be closest to your destination.


Parking a car at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the roadway is quite difficult, but this type of parking has the greatest capacity. But according to statistics, it is in such parking lots that accidents most often occur, especially if a car drives straight out of the parking space onto the roadway.


Parking spaces are located at an angle of 45 degrees, and from a height the markings resemble a Christmas tree, hence the name. This type is the most convenient for the driver, it is much easier to make a parking maneuver, even a beginner can handle it, passages between rows of cars in this case are already made, but still the capacity of such a parking lot is 30% lower than that of a perpendicular one.

Parking locations

The location of the future parking depends on many factors: firstly, on its size (number of parking spaces), and secondly, on the distance from environmental sites and public places. Parking must be safe. And there are many potential threats from such structures, even outdoors: fires, accidents, gasoline leaks and exhaust fumes.

On the other hand, if you are a car owner, then you are looking for parking closer to the place where you are going, and the prospect of walking a few dozen extra meters to the office, shopping center, hospital or other public place does not appeal to anyone.

Reference. The distance from the parking lot to urban planning objects is regulated by the document SP 113.13330.2012 “Car Parking”.

Car parks for 10 cars or less are located at a distance of 10 m from residential buildings and public buildings. There must be at least 25 meters to the territory of kindergartens and schools, hospitals, playgrounds and sports grounds, as well as city parks and squares.

Parking lots for 10–50 spaces are located 15 m from the walls of residential buildings with windows, and exactly twice as far (50 m) from kindergartens, schools, hospitals, etc.

Open parking lots with a capacity of up to 100 cars will be located 25 meters from residential buildings, but the distance to the territories of children's institutions, hospitals and recreational facilities for them will not be increased.

Large parking lots, up to 300 cars, should be located 35 m from residential buildings with windows, 50 m from children's institutions, be it a school, vocational school or kindergarten, and 60 m from medical hospitals, sports stadiums and places of recreation for citizens.

Parking lots for more than 300 cars must be located 50 m from the windows of residential buildings; other requirements do not change. And huge parking lots accommodating more than 500 cars are recommended to be located in industrial zones.

The placement of open parking lots is prohibited in areas of water intake for domestic and drinking purposes; SanPiN is responsible for this.

Size of parking space in open parking

The area of ​​a standard parking space for 1 car is very easy to calculate, knowing that the minimum parameters are as follows:

  • parking space width - 2.5 meters;
  • parking space length - 5.3 meters;

The width of the markings (0.1 meters on each side) is not taken into account. It turns out that the area of ​​the minimum parking space is 13.25 square meters. m.

Important! It is believed that the standard length of the car is 4.4 meters and the width is 1.8.

At the discretion of the owner, the size of parking lots can be increased. So, for example, to create comfortable parallel parking, the length of one space should be equal to the length of two standard cars (8.8 m), but the width should be equal to the width of a standard car plus another 1 meter for the safety of the exiting driver and passenger (1.8 m + 1 m = 2.8 m).

But for parking at an angle of 45 degrees, more space will be required; according to standards, the area of ​​one such parking space is 18 square meters. meters.

The maximum dimensions of a parking space for disabled people :

  • width - 3.6 meters;
  • length - 6.2 meters;

Deviation from the specified dimensions is allowed, but no more than +/– 5 cm. Such dimensions are primarily due to fire safety measures, and also reduce the risk of accidents in parking lots.

Parking spaces for disabled people

Among car owners there are many people with disabilities, especially those who use a wheelchair. Special standards have been developed for these citizens: firstly, the parking space has been increased (3.6 × 6.2 m) so that a wheelchair can easily pass between the rows of cars, and secondly, they must be located on the territory closest to the entrance to the building.

Spaces for disabled people occupy 10–20% of the main parking area. As a rule, places with a special sign are found in parking lots near new residential complexes, shopping centers, shops, hospitals and other public buildings.

How to legalize a parking space near your home

Chassis deviceAnti-roll bar Anti-roll barSelf-propelled chassisSelf-propelled chassisCar chassis device, purposeCar chassis device, purposeCar chassis device Chassis device

Privatization will be free if the person who owns the residential premises has the right to part of the property assets of the house.

If you bought an apartment in a building, then you are already the owner of a parking space (if the apartment is on the balance sheet of the building).

The registration of a parking space can be carried out by both the owner of the apartment and persons living in the same entrance of the house.

Remember that after privatizing a parking space, you will be required to pay the appropriate taxes.

To re-register rights to a parking space, protect it from all other spaces in one way or another (for example, using a special fence).

Ownership of a parking space through privatization will arise if the space has the following dimensions in length and width:

  • the minimum size is 5.3x2.5 meters;
  • the maximum maximum size is 6.2 x 3.6 meters.

If all requirements are met, there should be no difficulties in re-registration. If there is no parking in the yard of your house, organize it yourself.

To do this, be sure to familiarize yourself with the following legal provisions:

  • the distance between the shared parking lot and the windows of the house must be at least 10 meters;
  • the distance between parking for 10 cars and the windows of the house must be at least 15 meters;
  • the distance between parking for 50 cars and the windows of the house must be at least 50 meters;
  • when organizing parking for 100-300 cars, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate project;
  • a house whose height is 28 meters or more requires at least 2 exits to the parking lot;
  • the distance between the parking lot and the windows of an apartment building must be at least 50 meters.

Remember that the parking lot should under no circumstances block the passage for pedestrians or passage for other vehicles.

To register a parking space and obtain the right to own it, complete the following steps:

  • register the plot of land with Rosreestr;
  • determine the area of ​​the site;
  • register ownership of the plot.

Contact the appropriate authorities to obtain permission to re-register a parking space. The rules for issuing such a permit are contained both in the Housing Code and in the Land Code of the Russian Federation.

Registration of the plot is permissible only after the house has been commissioned and the boundaries of the plot have been determined. This issue falls within the competence of local governments, which will use various information from regulations, rules and cadastral registration.

If discrepancies are identified between the documented information and the situation that exists at the site to be registered, in reality, change the purpose and type of operation of this site.

To privatize a parking space in 2020 in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, prepare:

  • documents confirming your right to living space in the house;
  • documents received from the engineer;
  • documents that indicate the area of ​​the territory located near your home;
  • a document by which land is transferred into ownership to persons who own residential premises.

If you want to own a parking space, contact a competent lawyer who will help you with this procedure, answer your questions, and help you draw up a package of necessary documents.

If a dispute arises regarding a parking space, be sure to draw up a statement of disagreement. It can be drawn up by the judicial authorities or by a cadastral engineer.

If there are no disputes, then the whole process comes down to the distribution of spaces between the persons who own the common parking lot. Privatization is free, but a fee may be charged for various certificates that will be required at certain stages.

The number of parking spaces for a residential building is standard

  1. The car should not be left in the yard with the engine running for more than five minutes. Exceptions are cases when passengers are boarding or things are being loaded at this time.
  2. Parking in the yards of freight vehicles is prohibited. Exceptions are cases when special places are provided for this.
  3. Unauthorized arrangement of a parking space and the creation of various fences for this purpose are prohibited.
  4. It is not allowed to place cars near garbage containers, as this makes it difficult to remove garbage. The permissible distance is at least five meters.
  5. When organizing parking, you must also take into account the requirements for the distance of parking from the house and other objects in the courtyards.
  • parking with spaces from 10 to 50 should be located at a distance of 10 meters from buildings without windows and 15 meters from buildings with windows;
  • parking for 50-100 cars at a distance of 15 meters from buildings without windows and 25 meters from buildings with windows;
  • parking for 100-300 cars at a distance of 25 meters from buildings without windows and 35 meters from buildings with windows;
  • parking lots with space for up to 10 cars should be located at a distance of at least 25 meters from children's and educational institutions, playgrounds, sports and recreation;
  • parking lots with a large number of cars - at a distance of at least 50 meters.

SP 42.13330.2011 “SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”, paragraph 11.22. 30 sq.m./per 1 m/place is a consolidated figure. You can always mark out parking spaces and make sure that a smaller area will be enough, or vice versa, that a larger area will be required.

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SP parking lot


3 Engineering and technical support networks that ensure fire safety of parking lots with a capacity of more than 50 parking spaces, built-in (attached) to buildings for other purposes, must be independent from the engineering systems of these buildings; with a capacity of 50 parking spaces or less, separation of these systems is not required , except for the ventilation system (including smoke control). It is allowed to combine groups of pumps taking into account the volume of maximum water flow when extinguishing a fire.


42 In above-ground car parks of I and II degrees of fire resistance of structural fire hazard class C0, equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system, it is allowed to install automatic devices (anti-smoke screens) in place of fire gates in isolated ramps, made of non-combustible materials with vertical guides and blocking the ramp opening floor-by-floor in case of fire at least half its height with an automatic water deluge curtain in two lines with a water flow rate of 1 l/s per meter of opening width.

The gap from above-ground parking garages and closed parking lots is accepted based on the results of calculations of the dispersion of pollution in the atmospheric air and the levels of physical impact - therefore, it can be reduced relative to the standard.

For underground, semi-underground and bunded parking garages, only the distance from the entrance and exit and from ventilation shafts to the territory of schools, preschool institutions, medical institutions, residential buildings, recreation areas, etc. is regulated, which must be at least 15 meters .

Calculation of Parking Spaces for a Residential Building


To ask the Office of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Omsk Region, when developing and issuing technical specifications for the design and construction of facilities, when coordinating traffic management schemes and design documentation for the construction of facilities, to be guided by the standards for calculating the number of parking spaces for cars approved by paragraph 1 of this Resolution .

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The research work of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise GAITs using the example of large cities with a high level of motorization showed that the calculations proposed by the department about a year ago are, in principle, correct. In the new standards they were only slightly adjusted.

We have lowered the standard for retail facilities - previously the calculation was based on the total area, and now - on the retail area. Increased slightly for offices.

The issue of housing was open for a long time, but in the end a consensus was found - the number of people living in the apartment was reduced, thereby, when calculating the total number of permanent parking spaces per residential building, it decreased by about 25%, relative to what exists now, the employee explained department.

Standard for calculating the number of parking spaces

The area of ​​a parking space for a motor vehicle of a citizen who has a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body function caused by diseases, consequences of injuries and defects leading to limitations in life activity and causing the need for social protection (parking space for a disabled person), excluding travel, is measured using the formula:

2. When calculating the number of parking spaces required for the operation of a capital construction project, the parking spaces designed in parking lots, garages, permanent parking lots for cars, the construction of which is provided for by the territory planning project to support this capital construction project, are taken into account.

Decree of the Moscow Government of October 1, 2020

2.1.15. Garages - free-standing, built-in, built-in, attached parking, with a device for the entry of cars on straight or curved ramps, half-ramps, inclined floors, elevator lifts, mechanized and automated lifts and manipulators.


These regional standards for urban planning of the city of Moscow in the field of transport, highways of regional or intermunicipal importance (hereinafter also referred to as RNGPT, standards) include calculated indicators of the minimum permissible level of provision with objects of regional or intermunicipal significance (hereinafter referred to as regional significance) and calculated indicators of the maximum permissible the level of territorial accessibility of such objects for the population of the city of Moscow.

Standards for parking spaces for residential buildings

As a result, the traffic police officer will draw up protocols and issue fines to all violators. Sometimes car owners do not comply with sanitary standards, then it is also worth taking photos and videos of incorrectly parked cars and contacting the appropriate services.

Ideally, each house should be allocated a parking space for 10 to 50 cars (depending on the number of apartments and number of floors), but in reality, many who work late have to leave their car wherever they have to. If you can’t find a place for your vehicle, then it’s best to go to the nearest paid parking lot.

Standards for the size of the area adjacent to the house and for the designed number of parking spaces

However, not every owner of a brand new apartment is ready to pay for an “apartment” for his car. Moreover, renting a parking space today costs a lot of money (an underground parking space costs literally millions of rubles). The parking lots planned by the developer for the project are empty, and there are still not enough parking spaces due to the fact that all the yards are filled with cars of budget-conscious motorists.

We have already devoted more than one article to the topic of parking near the house. However, readers have many questions in each case.

For example, are there standards for the size of the area adjacent to the house, as well as for the projected number of parking spaces next to the house according to the number of apartments? Imagine the situation - you moved into a new house, but there are no parking spaces.

Instead, the developer built 3 paid multi-storey parking lots next to the house. In this case, did the developer violate existing norms in his favor? Let's try to figure it out.

What are the rules for parking in the courtyards of residential buildings?

Every motorist needs to know the rules for parking in the courtyards of residential buildings. After all, even if the owner is used to parking the car in the garage, there may be a need to park when visiting, for example. What does the law say about the local area and the location of cars on it?

  • you cannot park under the windows or in another part of the yard if the car is considered a cargo vehicle - its weight exceeds 3.5 tons;
  • It is unacceptable to stop and stand near a residential building with an engine that continues to run;
  • It is prohibited to park vehicles on the pedestrian part, that is, on the sidewalk.

The minimum and maximum sizes of parking spaces have been established since January 1, 2020 based on the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development. The order was issued on December 7, 2019, entitled “On establishing the maximum and minimum permissible parking spaces .

  1. The document SanPin No. 2.2.1/, which we previously reviewed, prohibits the arrangement of spontaneous or organized parking at a distance of less than 10 meters from a residential building.
  2. You cannot park a truck within a radius of 50 meters from a residential building.
  3. It is prohibited to stand with the engine running near a residential building for more than five minutes.
  4. Under no circumstances should you enter the landscaped local area. Driving a car onto a playground or lawn is an offense and is punishable by a fine of about 2-3 thousand rubles (depending on the region).
  5. You should also not park your car across driveways or near trash cans.

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The gap from above-ground parking garages and closed parking lots is accepted based on the results of calculations of the dispersion of pollution in the atmospheric air and the levels of physical impact - therefore, it can be reduced relative to the standard.

In the case of placing underground, semi-underground and bunded parking garages in a residential building, the distance from the entrance/exit to the residential building is not regulated. The sufficiency of the gap is justified by calculations of air pollution and acoustic calculations.

Parking spaces: calculation of quantity and placement

  • parking spaces for permanent storage of individual vehicles - for the stay of vehicles belonging to the permanent population of the city at the place of registration of vehicles;
  • temporary storage parking spaces - for temporary stay in the parking lots of vehicles belonging to visitors of objects of various functional purposes;
  • guest parking spaces - intended for parking cars of visitors to residential areas.


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