Distance from bus stop to residential building

All about fire safety


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Hello! A question arose about determining the fire safety distance between a parking area for cars and a civil building. The essence of the question is from what to what it is necessary to measure the distance. Previously, namely in SP 4.13130.2009, the indicated distances were determined from the windows of residential buildings and public buildings (with some exceptions) to the border of the open parking lot.

At what distance from the entrance can a car be parked by law?

There is not a word about this in SP4.13130.2013. Those. Now the distance needs to be determined from the wall, porch, etc. to the border of the parking lot or also from the windows in the outer wall? Who has any thoughts on this issue?

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State sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation

Temporary guidelines for the application of the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects” regarding the placement of garages and parking lots of various types and capacities in the city of Moscow


MP 2.2.1/



Developed by: Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (A.Ch. Yuan); Russian Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (candidate of medical sciences L.E. Bespalko, candidate of medical sciences T.E. Bobkova, candidate of medical sciences A.L. Pryadko); Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow (candidate of medical sciences S.G. Fokin).

2. Approved by the Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Field of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare - Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko December 9, 2004 MR 2.2.1/, validity period: 3 years.


Look at SP 42.13330.2011 clause 11.25, table 10 with notes to it
I looked at this point, but as I understand it, it does not establish fire distances. Moreover, table 10 SP42 and clause 6.11.2 SP4 establish requirements that differ from each other.
I agree that according to SP 4.13130.2013, the requirements for distances are more stringent, and this document should be used to comply with the requirements of 123-FZ. When developing SP 42.13330.2011, the requirements of 123-FZ (paragraph 1 of the Introduction) were taken into account, therefore distances must be measured in accordance with Note 1 of Table 10 of SP 42.13330.2011, because this does not contradict the requirements of 123-FZ and, as it seems to me, you will not find anything else. At least I haven't seen it anywhere else.
The requirements may have been taken into account, but not the requirements of SP 4.13130.2013. For example, a public building with 4 lights, class C0, next to it there is a parking lot for 10 cars. For this case, according to SP 4, the distance should be at least 12 m, and according to SP42, at least 10 m. I will indicate in the design documentation that the distance is taken from the windows to the parking lot boundary; we will see how the expert will react to this.
I meant that for numerical values ​​one should be guided by clause 6.11.2 of SP 4, and for measurement boundaries (windows, boundaries of land plots) - according to Note 1 of Vol. 10 of SP 42.
Thank you, alavar®, for your answers. I myself hold the same opinion. I would like to dispel doubts on this issue.
Uv. alavar ® once again, as they say, “measured” and came to the conclusion that the distance is still determined from the wall or protruding structure of the building to the border of the parking area. Why? If we consider the option when there are no openings in the outer wall located opposite the parking lot and at the same time the KKPO building C3 or n/n, or any other KKPO, it turns out that there are no openings in the wall and the parking lot can be located closely. The requirements of SP4 do not allow such a solution.
Fire distances from residential and public buildings to the boundaries of open areas for storing cars must be taken as follows: - from buildings of I, II, III degrees of fire resistance class C0 - at least 10 m; - from buildings of II, III degrees of fire resistance class C1, as well as IV degree of fire resistance classes C0, C1 - at least 12 m; - from buildings of other degrees of fire resistance and fire hazard classes - at least 15 m.
The answer goes HERE
1 area of ​​use

2. General provisions

3. Hygienic recommendations for the placement of garages and parking lots

4. Hygienic recommendations for engineering equipment

5. Recommendations for the preparation of documents on the placement of garages and parking lots submitted to the bodies authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision

Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare – Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
G.G. Onishchenko
December 09, 2004
Validity period: 3 years

Temporary guidelines for the application of the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects” regarding the placement of garages and parking lots of various types and capacities in the city of Moscow


MP 2.2.1/

Distance from parking lot to residential building

Before answering the question, what should be the distance from a car parking lot to a residential building, let's understand the terms and definitions in order to know exactly what parking and parking are and what they are.


  1. A mechanized parking lot is a structure that is erected in the shortest possible time and has a special mechanism that allows you to transport cars to storage cells.
  2. A surface open parking lot is a parking lot that consists of half of the openings, with the rest of the structure being parapets.
    Separate floors of the parking lot that do not meet this condition must be equipped with engineering systems applicable for closed parking lots, including ventilation, smoke removal and fire extinguishing systems.
  3. Closed ground parking - parking lots equipped with external fencing structures.
  4. A modular prefabricated parking lot is a metal structure that is assembled using standardized components that can later be dismantled without damaging the structure.
    The parking lot is mounted on a reinforced concrete slab or prefabricated foundation. There are such types as arena, mechanized and semi-mechanized.
  5. A bunded parking lot is a variant of a surface or buried parking lot with more than 50% of the bunded soil enclosed by a structure protruding above the ground.
    Such a parking lot can be either open or closed.
  6. A separate parking lot is a parking lot that is located outside the buildings in the areas adjacent to them.
  7. Floating parking lots (deck parking lots) are a pier that is constantly afloat, mooring vessels or pontoons that are constantly located in a river port and are necessary for car parking.
  8. Parking - placing a car in a parking lot for a short time.
  9. Parking is an area where cars are temporarily parked.
  10. A flat open parking lot is a specialized area, built without building a foundation, which is intended for storing vehicles on one level.
  11. A semi-mechanized parking lot is a parking lot in which vehicles are transported with the participation of car owners using special mechanisms.
  12. Underground parking is a parking lot, each floor of which is located below the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the premises.

What should be the distance from the parking lot to the house?

The distance from a parking lot to a multi-apartment residential building is clearly regulated by the regulatory documentation SP 42.13330.2011 (SNiP 2.07.01-89*) on the construction of cities, planning and development of urban or rural settlements.

Clause 2.9 of this document requires the organization of main driveways for access to residential areas, and for detached residential buildings the organization of secondary driveways is required, the parameters of which are determined by Table 8 of these standards.

Point 6.

39 requires the regulation of distances between above-ground and above-ground-underground garages, open parking lots, which are intended for permanent or temporary parking of vehicles, as well as service stations to residential buildings and inpatient medical institutions, which are located in residential areas in accordance with Table 10, which is given Further.

Table 10*


  1. Distance measurements are carried out from the window of a residential building or public structure, including from the edge of the land plot of a general educational building, preschool institutions or hospital-type medical institutions to the border of open parking lots or garage walls.
  2. The distance between the walls of residential buildings and open areas, which can accommodate from 101 to 300 cars located along the facade, must be at least 50 meters.
  3. Garage structures of I-II degree of fire resistance may have a distance reduced by a quarter, taken from the table. 10*, but only if the garage does not have opening window frames and exits directed to residential and public buildings.
  4. Garages or open parking lots with a capacity of over 300 spaces, as well as service stations with a number of posts over 30, can be located outside residential areas in industrial areas, at a distance of at least 50 meters from a residential building. The distance must be set in advance by agreeing with the sanitary and epidemiological inspection.
  5. Garage structures that have a capacity of more than 10 vehicles are allowed to be built at the distance specified in the table. 10* with interpolation.
  6. Single-story garages owned by citizens may have equipped cellars. In addition, paragraph 2 of Appendix 1 on fire safety requirements states that at the time of designing a driveway or pedestrian crossing, it is required to provide easy access for fire equipment to residential or public structures, including built-in and attached structures, as well as access for equipment with ladders or lifts to any apartment and room. The distance between the passage and the wall of the structure should be from 5 to 8 meters for buildings with less than 10 floors, and from 8 to 10, for buildings with more than 10 floors. This area must be fenced and not have overhead power transmission lines, and planting trees in this area is not allowed. Along the facade of a structure that does not have entrances, it is necessary to arrange strips 6 meters wide, which are necessary for the access of fire equipment, taking into account all the loads that will be taken on by the soil and the covering of the strip.

By summing up the above-described excerpts from SP 42.13330.2011 (SNiP 2.07.01-89*), you can correctly determine the distance from the parking lot to the residential building.

The distance should not be less than 10 meters if there are 10 or fewer vehicles, and if their number is from 10 to 50, the distance should be at least 15 m.

It is prohibited to park a vehicle on the sidewalks adjacent to the building, since this area is necessary for the passage of fire equipment.

Application area

1.1. These guidelines are aimed at preventing the harmful effects of human environmental factors during the placement and operation of garages and parking lots on public health.

1.2. The methodological recommendations can be used by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens whose activities are related to the placement, design, construction and operation of garages and parking lots of various types and capacities, permanent and temporary storage in various functional areas.

General provisions

2.1. The distance of parking lots, parking garages from the boundaries of residential buildings, landscape and recreational zones, recreation areas, and resorts is determined by the sanitary gap in accordance with Table. 4.4.1 sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiP 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.” The sanitary gap has a sanitary protection zone regime, but does not require the development of a project for its organization.

Sanitary gaps can be reduced with the implementation of the most advanced measures to protect atmospheric air based on calculations of atmospheric air pollution and physical factors for designed facilities, and are also confirmed by field observations for existing facilities in accordance with clause 2.18 of sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards of SanPiP 2.2.1 / “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.”

2.2. It is recommended to calculate the capacity of garages and parking lots for individual passenger vehicles taking into account the future population size and the expected increase in the number of cars.

2.3. For administrative buildings, shopping centers, cultural, entertainment and other public service facilities (mass attendance), it is advisable to provide places for short-term storage of vehicles.

2.4. Vehicle storage areas can be open, closed, underground, etc.

2.5. Storage facilities for individual passenger vehicles can be located in the basement, basement or first above-ground floors, except in cases provided for by sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiP 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects ", SanPiN 2.1.1375-03 "Hygienic requirements for the placement, design, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals", SanPiN 2.4.1778-02 "Hygienic requirements for learning conditions in educational institutions."

2.6. When placing parking garages in buildings of various types, it is necessary to provide for the primary location of vehicle entry and exit from the blind ends. If it is impossible to organize the entry and exit of vehicles from the blind ends, ramps, canopies and other noise-protective structures should be provided. Ventilation should be provided by mechanical exhaust above the ridge of the building's roof, to a height justified by calculations of the dispersion of atmospheric air pollution.

2.7. The distance from the entrances (exits) of parking garages to the windows of detached individual cottages into which they are built is not standardized.

2.8. In the case of above-ground parking garages in buildings, they should be separated by a technical floor or noise protection measures should be applied.

Permissible distance from parking lots to children's and school institutions

Parking lot is a specially equipped place for long-term storage of vehicles. Parking lot is a place for placing vehicles for short-term storage.

parking layout

Drawing and layout of the parking lot with dimensions

There are four types:

  • ground: single-level and multi-level;
  • underground: single-level and multi-level.

A platform for vehicles with special markings for parking spaces. Most often they are organized in local areas. For this type of parking, the minimum permissible distance to the nearest objects must be taken into account - a residential building, public building, children's playground, local and side passages.

illegal parking
Illegal chaotic parking near a multi-storey residential building

Above-ground multi-level ones are suitable for storing a large number of cars when there is a shortage of space.

Underground single-level or multi-level sites located below the ground level. They are located in the basements of shopping centers and apartment complexes. When organizing, fire safety standards are observed.

parking plan
Scheme for organizing parking for cars in the residential sector

Mandatory availability:

  • hoods;
  • automatic warning system;
  • fire extinguishing systems.

Based on the method of placing a car for storage, there are mechanized parking lots and those with self-storage.


To preserve lawns and accommodate cars near residential buildings, lawn gratings are installed. You can park a car on such a lawn without fear of damaging the plantings.

eco parking
Appearance and arrangement of eco-parking near a residential building

In megacities, the roofs of one- or two-story buildings are used for parking; such buildings are provided with a monolithic ceiling of the upper floor and are paved over a layer of waterproofing.

Cars are placed on the platform, and then they are lifted up, placed in compartments one above the other. Independent parking with pallets - platforms move vertically or horizontally; each platform can be moved to the place of delivery or reception of transport.

Parking standards near preschool educational institutions are regulated by the requirements of SaNPiN.

Before the entrance to the parking lot, the exit of ventilation shafts in underground, embanked areas - at least 15 m.

distance to kindergarten
Acceptable distances from the parking lot to the child care facility

Distance from parking to residential building

It is allowed to place a preschool educational institution on the roof of an underground parking lot. Provided that it is landscaped and protection is installed on the ventilation shaft at the point of release of harmful substances.

How far away from public buildings can you park a car?

Buildings adjacent to the parking lotNumber of seats and distance in meters
To 10Up to 50Up to 100Up to 300Over 300
Children's institutions15252550X
Medical institutions2550XXX
Public buildings10101525X

x - the distance is determined only after permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. For buildings built from flammable materials, the minimum distance is 12 meters. The distance is measured from the windows of the buildings to the boundary of the car parking area.

parking location
Drawing of the location of the parking between residential buildings

Parking lots designed to store over three hundred cars are located at least 50 m beyond the boundaries of the residential area.

Currently, there is intensive development of megacities and the number of transport units - special, public and personal - is increasing. Therefore, the question of how far from home you can park a car for a short period of time has not undergone significant changes and has not become less relevant.

Near the pillars
Car parking

The minimum setback is still determined not from the wall, but from the windows of the place of residence. Distancing from the wall is important if the parking lot is located at the end of the structure.

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The development of housing construction projects certainly implies the need for the existence of a place allocated for short-term and long-term placement of cars. The number of car spaces is determined by the number of floors of the building and the potential number of residents.

An increase in the share of multi-storey buildings and an acute shortage of land resources gave impetus to the emergence of parking lots of a different type than in the old SNiP of the Soviet era. Then the problem of where to park the cars of the residents of the house in the above-ground parking lot was solved.

Accommodation standards
Standards for the location and size of parking spaces according to GOST

The developed projects provided for the possibility of placing vehicles for a short time or for a long period. Garage cooperatives designed for a variable number of buildings were widely practiced.

Now, when solving the parking problem, parking lots of two different types are planned near the place of residence - above-ground and underground. Any of them can be single-level or multi-level.

Parking diagram
Layout of parking lots within roads

It is worth noting the following:

  • the need for such structures is dictated by the realities of the time: an apartment in a multi-storey building may already have not one, but two or even three cars;
  • the distance depends on several components (for example, the number of seats does not exceed ten, and the end location makes it possible to establish a minimum standard for distance from a residential building);
  • basic rule: the smaller the number of cars, the more likely the possibility of the minimum distance determined by the joint venture;
  • The more vehicles are placed in the parking lot, the greater the destructive effect on the health of residents provided for by SanPiN, and the more significant the removal should be.

A table taking into account the number of vehicles placed near the house is presented below.

Number of carsDistance in m according to standards
To 1010 meters
11–5015 m from the house (reduced to 10 m if the parking is located at the end of the building where there are no windows)
51–10025 m from the house
101–30035 m from the house
Over 30050 m from the building (does not change even if located at the end)

If we are talking about a children's or medical institution, then these rules are not a standard. The shortest distance from a preschool educational institution, even for parking for 10 cars, is determined by the rules at 25 m; it is also distanced from the hospital by 25 meters. An exception to this series are government and public buildings.

Near them there can be a parking lot for 50 cars, for which a minimum distance of 10 meters is maintained, and this is considered an acceptable norm. In Russia and Ukraine, it is considered acceptable to build a parking lot with a capacity of one hundred cars in the open air, but on the condition that it is surrounded by a continuous wall fence.

Indentation standards
Standards for setbacks from residential buildings, kindergartens, schools in accordance with SanPiN, SP (SNiP) and fire safety rules

It is no secret that drivers do not always comply with established parking rules. SanPiN standards are designed to prevent unpleasant consequences that such parking violations may have for residents living in a residential building.

Scheme and drawing
Scheme of placement of cars along roads and in garage boxes in accordance with fire regulations

Lack of the required distance from cars parked in the local area disrupts sleep and rest patterns, the level of permissible noise, and poisons the air in the apartment or room. The latter circumstance can lead to the development of diseases.

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The rules for the location of parking lots away from residential buildings must be strictly observed. However, parking cars in unauthorized areas, such as lawns, driveways, and sidewalks, impedes the movement of pedestrians. At the same time, the car interferes with the passage of vehicles with special equipment, such as firefighters, as well as gas service vehicles and ambulances.

For buildings with a standard number of floors, even if the distance from the windows to the parking lot is maintained, it is necessary to leave free space allowing special equipment to pass. This is the so-called strip of 5–8 m, and for high-rise buildings – 8–10 m.

Parking sizes
Dimensions of parking spaces according to fire and sanitary standards

It is necessary to take into account security zones - from heat and gas pipelines, power lines, transformer stations, sites where garbage containers are installed. Access to them must be free.

It is prohibited to stay in the local area with the engine running for more than five minutes. Exceptions are made when parking a car when it is necessary to remove a sick person or corpse, as well as in some other cases.

Having discovered a violator of parking rules and fire regulations, the tenant of the apartment can obtain an administrative punishment for him if the fact is recorded on video or photo. Modern technologies make this easy and hassle-free.

Near residential buildings
Not far from houses

All these standards are relevant when it comes to open places where transport parking is organized. However, the demands of the time force us to resort to other forms of providing places for temporary or permanent accommodation and long-term car parking.

It should be taken into account that for garages located in fenced parking lots, the minimum distance can be legally reduced if they are located on the side of the building where there are no opening windows, and the parking area is located behind the fence.

The planning of densely populated areas includes certain difficulties with the placement of above-ground parking lots, parking lots and garage cooperatives. In recent years, underground structures for temporary parking or long-term placement of personal cars near home have increasingly appeared in the infrastructure of large cities.

Underground parking
Underground Parking

Of course, such places are more expensive and require compliance with many GOSTs, just like smart parking lots that use the roof of a multi-story building as a potential parking space.

This is also due to the need to comply with several sets of regulatory restrictions and traffic rules when entering and exiting.

The construction of underground parking lots for cars near residential buildings requires special equipment. In particular, additional lighting, ramps, sometimes lifts, alarm systems that notify of danger, and autonomous systems for fire extinguishing.

At the entrance
Entrance to the parking lot

The increased requirements for underground parking are easily explained. This is a limited space from which it will be difficult to get out if necessary. But if the system for removing polluted air is properly equipped, this is a great way to avoid problems with distances when parking on the surface, near buildings.

How far away from this house is it allowed to park a car?

Within the boundaries of the residential area it is possible to place parking garages with a capacity of up to 500 cars. Preference should be given to territories at the intersection of transport highways, under overpasses, technical areas of the right-of-way of railways, metro lines (using the terrain).

Parking garages with a capacity of up to 500 parking spaces can be located on the territory of residential groups and microdistricts, subject to regulatory requirements for the provision of territories with landscaping elements by area and name (children's playgrounds, recreation areas, games and sports, utility areas, green spaces, guest parking, etc. .).

Underground parking garages can be located under driveways, roads, squares, squares, lawns, under the functional and planning elements of local areas.

3.3. Parking for individual trucks should not be located in the adjacent areas and areas of residential groups.

3.4. It is proposed to locate storage facilities for departmental and municipal transport in municipal warehouse, industrial and transport zones of the city. In public and business areas of the city it is possible to place departmental garages of small and medium capacity with the organization of a sanitary break.

3.5. Garages and parking lots should not be placed in sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises and other facilities at the expense of the area provided for sanitary protective landscaping.

Parking near residential buildings standards

Thus, the minimum distance from the wall of the house to the parking lot is 10 meters. In addition, parking cars on sidewalks and road sections adjacent to the house is not allowed. In accordance with the annex “Fire Safety”, when designing the territory, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of passage of fire trucks at a distance of 5...8 meters for a building height of up to 10 floors and 8...10 meters for a building height of more than 10 floors. In practice, this norm is often violated and cars are parked almost next to the walls of houses. Sometimes this is justified, since in old courtyards there is no place for parking cars, but in principle, any quarrelsome person can “grasp” this violation and create a lot of problems for the car owner.

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According to paragraph 11.25 of this document, parking lots and garages for permanent storage of cars must be located at a certain distance from residential buildings, kindergartens and healthcare facilities. The minimum distances are given in the table:

Hygienic recommendations for engineering equipment

4.1. If there is a car wash as part of a parking garage located in a residential area, its operation is only possible for servicing the cars of this garage.

4.2. If it is necessary to locate vehicle maintenance facilities in a parking garage in a residential area, air quality standards and noise levels must be observed.

4.3. In attached parking garages equipped with lifts and mechanical ventilation systems, measures should be taken to ensure that standard levels of noise and vibration are achieved in the premises of residential and public buildings. One of the most effective measures to prevent the transmission of structural noise (vibration) is the presence of a gap between the walls of the building and the attached parking garage; the sufficiency of the gap is confirmed by calculations.

4.4. In areas with high-density buildings with an increased level of air pollution for closed garages, a system for purifying ventilation emissions at vehicle storage facilities should be provided.

4.5. When using mechanical ventilation of built-in and attached parking garages, it is recommended that design solutions for noise protection from ventilation equipment be justified by acoustic calculations and taking into account the operation of ventilation at night.

4.6. It is recommended to provide parking garages located under residential and public buildings with autonomous water supply and sewerage system connections.

4.7. On the territory of storage facilities for individual passenger vehicles, hard coverings of driveways and areas in traffic and parking areas should be provided.

4.8. It is advisable to collect surface water from these areas and purify it at local facilities to a degree that allows them to be accepted into sewerage systems or acceptable for disposal into water bodies.

4.9. If there are repair areas or overpasses for car repairs on the territory of garages and parking lots, it is recommended to equip a tray underneath them or install a container for collecting oil-contaminated waste in order to prevent soil contamination with subsequent removal and disposal in the prescribed manner.

4.40. In garages that are not equipped with water supply and sewerage systems, and in guarded parking lots, it is recommended to install a toilet for staff and drivers, as well as waste collection areas.

Distance from a residential building to a parking lot in an existing building

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Rating: 89

March 02, 2020 at 12:46 pm I live in an apartment building, and recently a parking lot was built almost next to my house. Now you can constantly hear noise under the windows, not to mention the gas pollution. Tell me, how many meters from residential buildings is parking allowed? And where can I contact about its demolition? March 02, 2015 at 20:23SNiP 2.07.01-89* “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements" (approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated May 16, 1989 N 78) which states that the distance from an open parking lot to residential buildings should be 10-15 m (depending on the number of cars) - p .6.39. If this condition is violated, first of all try to find the developer of the parking lot and ask him to look at all the permitting documents for construction and land. You can also contact the City Administration and the Construction Supervision Department. andr1

Rating: 3

March 07, 2020 at 12:27 You should contact the sanitary station, the prosecutor's office, or the mayor's office with a written application to verify the legality of placing a parking lot in a residential area. After receiving a written response, you can draw up a statement of claim in court demanding the removal of obstacles in the use of the yard by residents. Romansello

Rating: 3

March 17, 2020 at 1:05 pm Typical situation. There is a way out: write a collective letter to the mayor’s office and the health station. Collect as many signatures from residents as possible. The fact is that just because of you alone, no one will deal with this problem. Please also contact the chief architect. He should be aware of this parking lot. Perhaps he will help with practical advice on what to do, but go to him only if you have a paper with signatures stating that you are not the only one who is being bothered by this parking lot.

Basic rules for parking in the courtyards of residential buildings in 2020

  • The distance from residential buildings with windows to a parking area accommodating up to 10 cars must be at least 10 meters.
  • Placing cars in an open parking lot accommodating up to 50 cars is possible only if the vehicle owners comply with all the requirements imposed by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities for the elements of improvement of local areas, including the territorial area of ​​these elements.

Traffic rules (the basic law for the owner of a car) must be applied by motorists not only directly on the road: they must also be observed in the courtyard and residential areas. Based on this law, drivers are strictly prohibited from the following parking actions:

23 Jan 2020 uristland 601

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