Fire safety standards: distance between residential buildings

Minimum setbacks from the boundaries of the land plot to the existing building on the territory have a very significant role in Russian legislation and civil rights, so they cannot be neglected, as this is fraught with serious consequences. This question should be asked at the construction planning stage, so that later you will not have problems either with government agencies or with the owners of neighboring properties, which is even more unpleasant. For each building, certain requirements and standards are established and recorded. For legal construction, it is not enough just that the building is located within the boundaries of the site that belongs to the initiator of its construction. The rights of other persons may be violated, even if the building does not violate the boundaries of the territory.

Such difficulties are often encountered by citizens who engage in unauthorized construction, try to obtain permission to put a facility into operation, or re-register real estate that was purchased decades ago or purchased through a transaction. Here one should be guided by more than one regulatory act. It is of great importance what kind of real estate we are talking about, what material was used in its construction, and in what year the building was built.

Rules for development on the territory of cooperatives and garden partnerships

In order to protect the lives of citizens and their property from fires and adverse natural phenomena, the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire protection, together with architectural and environmental authorities, have developed numerous standards.
Sanitary standards are calculated taking into account the conditions for comfortable living of citizens on all floors with access to sunlight.

Passage between houses

Developers need to become familiar with some of them in order to properly place a residential building, garage and outbuildings on their land. The following regulatory documents exist:

  • SP 42.13330.2011;
  • SNiP 30-02-97 as amended in 2020;
  • SNiP 2.07.01-89;
  • SP 30-102-99;
  • SP 53.13330.2011 as amended in 2020.

The smallest distance between buildings depends on the material of the walls and roofs from which they are built. You can find out the fire safety distance standards between residential buildings in document SP 53.13330.2011, as amended for 2020. It specifies fire safety standards. For ancillary buildings and buildings for various purposes, the minimum distances are determined by SNiP 21-01-97* “Fire safety of buildings and structures.”

City complex

On the site of a dacha and garden cooperative (DNT and SNT), the main regulatory document for planning construction is the charter. Minimum distance standards must comply as much as possible with the legislation.

Layout of buildings on the site

SNiP and PB in the territories of societies with non-commercial use of land are advisory in nature, but if possible they must be followed.

Regulatory acts are used only when going to court, when a member of the society does not obey the general rules prescribed in the charter. Then the board, on the basis of a general meeting, files a lawsuit demanding the demolition of the building.

Only judges have the right to make such a decision. This applies to cases of illegal construction. All other issues are resolved by the company's council and general meeting on the basis of the charter.

The plots are planned to ensure that residential buildings are separated as far as possible from each other and from the neighbor’s sauna or shed.

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Typically, houses are connected in pairs along the boundaries of plots, and then the distance to the neighboring building increases. The outbuilding can be located in a similar way in the depths of the site.

In the country

The charter of a horticultural and dacha society may have restrictions on keeping poultry and small animals. There is a ban on raising pigs and keeping cows in most cooperatives. The list of requirements is determined by the general meeting when developing the charter. Each cooperative has individual rules.

When building on one site, it is necessary to ensure that the distance is maintained. As a last resort, it is allowed to build a private house deep from the front boundary of the site.

SNiP requirements

Any area of ​​human activity must be controlled, and in the case of construction, the standards can be found in SNiP. This abbreviation stands for “building codes and regulations”.

This is a serious document that includes many different recommendations for the correct and safe distribution of housing made of wood, stone or other modern materials. Moreover, the SNiP categories are applied not only to residential buildings, but also to public buildings. But for residential buildings, the standards are more relevant, because we don’t live in public places, and these buildings don’t belong to us, so there’s no need to worry about them. Let the owners do this, and we will consider situations closer to life.

For example, what rules must be followed during construction and gardening. In particular, this applies to holiday villages. According to SNiP, the normatively permitted distance between a house and a forest plantation is 15 meters, as is the case with wooden houses. The same rule applies to the garden. But few people can afford a plot of such size that will comply with these rules. There is no need to worry, failure to maintain a distance carries a risk only for you, and the maximum penalty for violating it is a fine.

As for neighboring areas, the distance between the fence and between neighboring houses must be at least three meters. There is another standard regarding the fence - the distance between neighboring fences located across the road (even if it is an ordinary path) must be no less than one and a half meters.

Leaving a certain distance between buildings was invented for a reason. This is a safety measure. But since SNiP is not a normative act, no one bears special responsibility for its violation. But don’t forget that you are not alone on the planet, and if your actions violate the interests of your neighbors, you will have to answer for it.

If another area is damaged due to violation of the permissible boundary between houses, a neighbor can easily bring a claim to court. And then things take on a completely different degree of complexity. Now the priority will be to restore the rights of the stranger, and your site may suffer seriously as a result.

Do you know what is the most common court decision in such matters? Demolition. Moreover, it will not be your neighbor’s house that will be demolished, but yours. Of course, excluding those cases if the neighboring house was built later than yours. Then the neighbor realized that he was incurring certain risks on himself. In this case, most likely, no matter how many lawsuits are filed, the truth will remain on your side.

If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a land plot larger than 6 acres, then you need to pay special attention to the requirements and standards for the distance between buildings on neighboring plots. SNiP 30-02-97 needs to be studied thoroughly, these rules are mandatory for everyone.

Delimiting the territory and installing a fence is the beginning of the journey. This will make your property easy to distinguish from public lands and other areas. Next you need to decide what you want to see on your site. Here the main building and outbuildings are distinguished (these can be greenhouses, a garage, a gazebo, a bathhouse, a summer kitchen).

In order to correctly position all the planned buildings, you need to choose a certain starting point - this will be the neighbor’s dacha and your own fence.

The basic rule of location: from the main building, that is, from your house, to the edge of the site on the street side there should be more than 5 m. There should be at least three meters from the neighbor’s site to the borders of the passage.

There should also be more than 5 m from the boundaries of other buildings on your property to the street and driveways.

To prevent the flames from spreading to neighboring buildings in the event of a possible fire, the minimum distance between houses in neighboring areas is clearly regulated.

First, let's consider the option when your house has extensions. In this case, clear standards for the distance between houses on the same site are available for each building (extension) separately.

To make it clearer, let’s look at specific examples: if you have built a building and the garage is an extension, then there should be at least 3 m from the house to the neighbor’s fence, and at least 1 m from the garage.

If you have built a dacha and attached a barn or chicken coop to it, then there should be more than 3 m from the residential building to the property of your closest neighbors, and at least 4 m from the barn or chicken coop.

In order for buildings and various structures to meet certain requirements, there is a whole set of norms and regulations (SNiP) that allows you to control some of the nuances during construction. These rules were developed back in the days of the USSR, but even today the document has not lost its force.

The distance can be found from SNiP

It is these standards that stipulate the distance between houses, buildings and other residential and non-residential buildings. But it is worth considering that the regulatory requirements are not uniform and may differ significantly depending on what kind of structure will be erected, where the construction is planned (in the city or outside it), etc.

But if the interests of neighbors are violated on one side or another, then the victims can solve this problem through the courts. For example, water from the roof flows into a neighbor’s garden and washes away the soil from the beds. Of course, no one will like this, and the neighbor may file a lawsuit. And if it is proven that any violations were committed during construction, the court will decide the case in favor of the plaintiff.

There are 2 types of borders

Boundary Definitions

Before understanding the rules and regulations for distances between houses, you should first understand some definitions.

There are two types of boundaries that represent virtual lines:

  1. Red line. So this feature began to be called due to the fact that this is the color it is indicated on the map in the cadastral document. This boundary separates common or municipal areas from private properties. Beyond the red line are all general communications (drains, water supply, gas pipelines, roads, communication lines). In accordance with the rules, any private buildings, including residential and courtyard ones, should not extend beyond its boundaries.
  2. Plot boundaries. This line separates the personal area from the neighbor's area. To divide the space, special boundary signs (columns) are installed at points where straight lines break. Very often, disputes over territory can flare up between neighbors. But such issues can be resolved with the help of a cadastral passport for a land plot, in which all boundaries must be indicated.

Development rules

If the land plot is more than 6 acres in size, then all norms and rules must be complied with.

The minimum distance between private houses, according to the set of rules, should be:

  1. From the red line of the road to a residential building - 3 m, and from the street - 5 m.
  2. From the neighbor's fence to a residential building - 3 m.
  3. From the fence to buildings intended for keeping small and large domestic animals - 4 m.
  4. From a common fence with neighbors to outbuildings (this also includes a garage and a bathhouse) - 1 m.
  5. From the fence to large tree-like plants - 2 m, to bushes - at least 1 m.

Although building codes and rules are not national regulations for violation of which there is legal liability, and in the event of their violation no one will necessarily hold you accountable, there are cases of court decisions on penalties for mistakes made.

  • Water flows from your roof in streams and floods your neighbors’ beds;
  • Rotten fruit constantly falls onto the neighbor's property;
  • How close is the room for keeping animals, what causes discomfort, etc.

In this case, the owner of the neighboring plot has the right to sue you in court to protect his rights. If during the court investigation violations of building codes and regulations are discovered, the final result may be a very unpleasant and financially unprofitable court decision - the demolition of a building that has encroached on the interests of others.

All costs for restoring the rights of a neighbor, according to legislative norms, fall on the shoulders of the violator.

Before starting the construction of a private home, you need to find and process information about what the distance between houses on neighboring plots should be. Knowledge of construction norms and rules will help you wisely distribute plots for different development plans and comply with the law, thereby protecting yourself from any legal misunderstandings in the future. Let your home be comfortable and safe, let there be peace and harmony with your neighbors!

Safe fire distance: norms and rules

It is quite difficult to completely protect yourself, but no one says that it is impossible. It is enough to have certain information regarding house construction standards. Simply do not place them too close to each other, so as not to increase the risk of a massive fire. All data is specified in SNiP 21-01-97 * “Fire safety of buildings and structures”, so before constructing a building, at least superficially familiarize yourself with these norms and rules.

The documents are periodically amended as more and more materials appear on the market that reduce the risk of fire. But one thing to remember about building codes is that your safety is a priority. It is human life that is most important, not the safety of the building.

Of course, for safety reasons, the fire distance between the house and other buildings plays an important role. For example, the distance between the bathhouse and the house is fundamentally important, since the bathhouse is a highly flammable object, because it is built from wooden beams, which can easily catch fire, and thereby harm the residential building not only of the owner of the site, but also of the neighbors.

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Therefore, it is very important to find a remote place for a bathhouse, and use it with peace of mind, without fear of a fine that will have to be paid for violating the rules. By the way, the standards concern the following provisions:

  • Distances between houses (neighboring and own);
  • Distances between any outbuildings;
  • Distances between hedges;
  • Features of the location of communications on the site.

Taking into account all these nuances, fire safety rules on the site are observed, so you can quickly and competently navigate in case of danger.

Fire safety distances between buildings and structures are regulated by fire safety standards SP 4.13130.2013. Compliance with the requirements of the joint venture contributes to compliance with Federal Law No. 123 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements.” WITH

The same document provides a classification of buildings by type of use.

Cities and towns

Construction on the territory of urban and rural settlements is regulated by Federal Law No. 123.

Fire resistance degreeDistance in meters according to fire resistance rating
1,233-a, 3-b, 4, 4-a, 5
1, 26810
3-a, 3-b, 4, 4-a, 5101015

Classification according to the degree of fire resistance is given in SNiP 21-01-97.

The distance between buildings is the distance between facades or protruding parts of external walls. If the wall is blank, it is permissible to reduce the fire gap by 20%. In areas with increased seismic hazard, the distance is increased by 20%. For structures built using the frame-panel method, the distance is increased by 20%.

If the wall of the neighboring building is fireproof, the distance may be less than 6 meters

In some cases, closing the gap is acceptable. To obtain consent to reduce the distance, the developer must provide compelling evidence. The justification for obtaining such permission may be:

  1. The project provides for the construction of a fire wall.
  2. It is planned to install a sound warning system and an automatic fire extinguishing system.
  3. Window and door openings are not provided in walls with a fire resistance rating lower than 3-a.

Dacha partnerships

Fire distances between buildings, structures and structures on the territory owned by SNT or dacha associations, on plots allocated for individual housing construction, are specified in NPB 106-95. Primary requirements:

  1. The fire break distance depends on the degree of fire resistance of the buildings. If the building is brick and the wall is blank, the distance can be reduced to 6 meters.
  2. Between buildings constructed from materials of fire resistance class 5 there is a distance of at least 15 meters. If the gap is closed without authorization, punitive sanctions may follow in the form of deprivation of the right to build and dismantle what has already been built.
  3. Provide necessary access to the house for special equipment. The width of the driveway is at least 6 meters, and this can include sidewalks and curbs.

According to fire safety requirements, it is prohibited:

  • close fire lanes;
  • install gas cylinders and other flammable objects at the entrance to the house.

If a residential building has several floors, approaches and entrances to each residential section must be equipped.
The fire safety gap between industrial enterprises and warehouses is regulated by clause 4.3 of SP 4.13130.2013.

Fire resistance degreeFire hazard classThe distance between objects depends on the degree of fire resistance and fire hazard.
1, 2, 3, C02, 3, C14, C0, C14, 5, C2, C3
1, 2, 3C010121212
2, 3C112121212
4C0, C112121215
4, 5C2, C315151518

The unit of measurement is meters. The fire break depends on the type of use of the building. In case of an increased degree of explosion hazard when storing combustible and flammable materials (oil, gasoline, paint and varnish products), the fire distance must be increased by 20%.

The distances from warehouses to industrial buildings and between each other during storage are not established:

  • less than 1 ton of coal;
  • flammable liquids up to 100 m³ and coal up to 1000 tons, if the warehouse walls are solid.

In buildings above 2 floors, stairs must be open and located on the outside

It is mandatory to have an automatic warning and fire extinguishing system.

In 2020, a resolution was adopted to change the fire safety regime in the Russian Federation. In particular, safety issues were raised on the territory of industrial and warehouse premises with explosion hazard categories A and B.

The main sanctions for violation of fire safety rules are set out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 of April 25, 2012. In 2020, changes were made to it that relate to safety on the territory of industrial enterprises and liability for their violation.

As a rule, claims for violation of fire safety distances do not have a pre-trial settlement and are considered only in court. The identification of violations of this kind is carried out by forensic examination - land management, technical, construction and technical.

For similar claims in 2020, the following requirements are put forward:

  1. Dismantling or moving a building under construction or already constructed.
  2. Removing obstacles to the use of the site.
  3. Recognition of the building as unauthorized construction. In this case, the building must be demolished.
  4. Termination of the owner's rights.

Administrative responsibility is regulated by Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Violations. According to her requirements, a fine will be imposed on those responsible:

  • individual – from 10 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • Individual entrepreneur or official – from 6 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • legal entity – from 15 thousand to 1 million rubles.

If the destruction by fire has irreversible consequences (completely destroyed neighboring buildings, causing serious harm to health or death of people), the perpetrator is subject to criminal prosecution.
In this case, the sanctions will be as follows:

  1. Art. 219 part 1 (causing grievous harm to the health of citizens) – a fine of 80 thousand or salary for a six-month period; up to 3 years of imprisonment; forced labor, 3 years of arrest or deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities for up to 3 years.
  2. Art. 219 part 2 (death of citizens as a result of fire) - up to 5 years of imprisonment or deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities for up to 3 years.

In judicial practice, cases of this kind are a frequent occurrence. Therefore, fire safety requirements should be treated with due care and fully complied with.

Fire safety standards are calculated taking into account the fire resistance of buildings. If one of the buildings catches fire, neighbors should not be harmed. To find out what distance should be from one building to another, you should pay attention to the materials of the walls and roof.

Distances between residential buildings according to fire safety rules

From house to house, built entirely from non-combustible materials, fire distances must comply with SNiP standards. The interval between windows should be 6 meters. If wooden beams impregnated with protective compounds were used in the floor structures, the permissible distance increases to 8 meters. This also complies with insolation standards.

Often in holiday villages on neighboring plots there are wooden or frame houses that have the highest degree of fire hazard. The minimum distance between them should be 15 m. Then the flame from one building will not be able to spread to another, regardless of the direction of the wind.

Fire safety standards are the same, regardless of the purpose of the building. A livestock barn and utility rooms, including a detached garage, should also be located at a distance of 6–15 m. Ancillary buildings cannot be located in front of a residential building.

Table of minimum fire-fighting distances on sites in individual housing construction and SNT according to SNiP

The built-in garage must have a separate entrance. There should be a box of sand and a fire shield outside. A foam fire extinguisher is placed or hung inside near the gate.

The attached barn is separated from the house by a main wall. A separate entrance to it is located from the door of the house at a distance of 7 m. Passage from the house is allowed only for utility rooms made of fire-resistant materials. They can store equipment and various manual mechanisms.

Fire safety

If the building is more than two floors in height, then a number of fire regulations must be observed in order to put it into operation. For example, it is necessary to provide fire-resistant partitions, equip escape routes and install fire alarms.

Of course, such buildings in dachas are extremely rare, so there is no point in talking about this.

Distances between buildings on the SNT site

All residential buildings are subject to the requirement for indentations, according to the material of the walls and ceilings, as has already been mentioned:

  1. Buildings made of brick and stone can be 6 meters apart.
  2. If one of them has wooden floors, the clearance increases to 8 meters.
  3. Both are partially combustible - 10 meters.
  4. For wooden structures the distance is 15 meters.

Indentation options are shown in the table above. The distance is calculated from the surfaces of the walls and base. If the building has protruding parts, then the setback is calculated from them or their projection onto the ground.

If there is no central gas supply, a liquefied gas cylinder with a volume of up to 12 liters can be used inside a residential building.

Important! Storage of the cylinder in the rest of the territory in the open air is not permitted. If this is necessary, you need to provide a metal box against the wall five meters from the entrance to the house.

The standards of Federal Law No. 123-FZ are designed to protect the house and barn from fire in the event of a fire in neighboring buildings. The shed can be located at a distance of 6 m from the neighbors’ residential building or apartment building if it is built from fire-resistant materials:

  1. Brick.
  2. Concrete.
  3. Metal.
  4. Glass.

Wooden building

If the building does not contain animals and birds, there are no flammable or flammable objects, the distance from the border of the site can be 1 m, from the neighbor’s house and its windows - 6 meters.

The agreement is drawn up in writing and legally certified. It is valid for an unlimited time, until it is replaced by one of its owner’s plots.

The lower the fire resistance of a building, the farther it should be located from houses and other buildings.

The distance between permanent housing and outbuildings made of brick, concrete with structural elements made of wood impregnated with fire-resistant mixtures is allowed 8 m.

Plot in the village

The wooden and frame barn belongs to category 3 fire hazard. It should be located no closer than 12 m from the brick house. The distance between wooden buildings is 15 m.

According to fire safety standards, an outbuilding in which poultry or pets are kept must be located at a distance of at least 12 m from the neighbor’s house. The distance from the fence on the side and back inside the site is 4 m. The material of the fence does not matter.

Location on

It is allowed to block neighboring outbuildings for keeping animals, provided they are located at a distance of at least 12 m from the nearest house. All deviations from the norm should be agreed upon with neighbors.

Recesses from site boundaries during construction (video)

When building on private property, the house project must be approved in advance. After completion of construction, the building is registered with the BTI - technical inventory bureau. There is no need to register outbuildings and utility sheds for keeping animals, but if desired, you can draw up a technical passport for them.

Permits must be obtained before construction begins. Then there will be confidence that all distances, including the gap between a residential building and a garage on one site, not yet built but designed, will be maintained. Some setback standards from the plot boundary may be reduced if the neighborhood is empty.

Neighboring houses should be located at a distance of 6 meters, 3 meters on each side of the fence. If the neighboring area is empty, at a distance of 1 meter from the demarcation line you can place:

  • house;
  • garage;
  • outbuilding;
  • bath;
  • sauna;
  • utility block or barn;
  • light architectural structures - gazebos, pergolas.

The photo shows a high-rise building.

Inside the courtyard

Once approved, the development plan is valid for 3 years. If during this time the foundation has not been laid and construction has not begun, the permit should be extended or a new one issued.

When no work is being carried out in the neighborhood, it is impossible to independently determine the state of affairs regarding the design and development plan of someone else's land. The first developer rule may not apply.

It is necessary to take into account

When the project is approved by the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the City Administration, they will not sign the plan for you if your neighbor has already approved his and the distances are violated. To avoid further disputes, it is better to approve the plan for the construction of a residential building with reference to the remaining structures that you plan to install.

All buildings, except housing, are not subject to registration. In some cases, when building a garage or shed on a site, it is advisable to make a technical passport for it. The document indicates the distance from all demarcation lines, the dimensions of the building, and what materials the walls and ceilings are made of. You can draw a sketch yourself. All data is placed on one page.

Houses on the site

Technical documentation is drawn up after completion of construction. For the owner of a plot for individual housing construction, the date on the document is of great importance. A technical passport may be useful if a neighbor builds a shed over time, unable to maintain a distance from the building, only from the fence. He may begin to challenge the legality of the building. In this case, documents will come in handy.

If fire safety rules are discussed, then when determining the distance between houses, it is called a fire gap. This is indicated by the fact that there must be a passage between buildings sufficient for the passage of fire equipment. After all, if the special equipment does not pass, then it will be impossible to save the property.

Free space in itself is an excellent barrier to the spread of fire, which is very important if the plots are quite close and there is a risk that you will need to protect other people’s property in order to avoid paying compensation for the losses of your neighbors.

Therefore, according to fire regulations, the distance between residential buildings should be as follows:

  • Both houses are made of concrete, stone, metal structures - 6 meters;
  • One house is made of stone, the other is also made of stone, but with ceilings made of flammable materials - 6 meters;
  • One house is made of non-flammable materials, and the second is made of highly flammable materials - 10 meters;
  • Both houses consist of mixed materials - 8 meters;
  • Both houses are made of materials with increased flammability - 15 meters.

These fire safety standards, as already mentioned, are regulated in SNiP 2.07.01-89. You need to listen to them, so it is important not only to familiarize yourself with the data, but also to start using it at the construction stage.

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Responsibility for non-compliance with building regulations

Often, ignoring the requirements of current legislation leads to quarrels between neighbors, lengthy trials, and the imposition of fines. To avoid such a situation, even before the start of construction, all issues related to the distances from buildings to the fence should be agreed upon with them. This is especially true for situations when permission is required to go a little onto their site due to the small area of ​​yours or it is necessary to replace the old adjacent fence with a new one higher. Such civil agreements are notarized, and even if your neighbors change, there will be no claims against you.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the construction plan for a bathhouse made of timber.

If the disagreement cannot be resolved peacefully, then the most effective way is to contact the prosecutor’s office with a written request to check the legality of the location of buildings and a fence on a neighbor’s property.

Compliance with legal norms is reliability and a guarantee of the legality of the development, the absence of claims from other parties, the ability to avoid lengthy litigation, saving time and health.

Construction Materials

The construction of a building without building materials is impossible, and correctly selected raw materials can minimize the risk of fire. So why maximize these risks? Fire safety distances can be reduced with the help of properly selected raw materials. The lower its fire hazard, the better.

How to determine the fire hazard of building materials? This can be done based on the fire-technical characteristics of the objects:

  • Flammability;
  • Flammability;
  • Flame spread over the surface;
  • Smoke generating abilities;
  • Toxicity.

But in order not to complicate all these classifications, we will simply consider the most popular one, which divides building materials into two large castes. The first includes flammable materials, and the second includes non-combustible materials. But each of these groups is also divided into subgroups. They are separated according to GOST.

  1. Combustible building materials can be: weakly, moderately, normally and highly flammable.
  2. Based on flame propagation, materials can be divided into: non-propagating, weak-, moderate- and strong-propagating. This group is suitable for the classification of roofing and floor coverings.
  3. According to the smoke-forming ability of materials, three groups are distinguished: with low, moderate and high smoke-forming ability.
  4. Based on toxicity, building materials can be divided into: low-hazardous, moderately hazardous, highly hazardous and extremely hazardous.

The last category of materials can negatively affect not only those who are located near a burning building, therefore the fire safety distance between a residential building of this type and other houses should be as large as possible.

General rules

To take into account the correct location of buildings on a land plot, the standards and key requirements are as follows:

  1. There must be at least three meters between a residential building and the boundaries of neighboring territories. There is at least four meters between the buildings for cattle and the neighbor's boundary. There is at least a meter between the economic facility and the neighboring border.
  2. A residential building can be located at least five meters from the red line of the street and at least three meters from the travel lines;
  3. Non-residential utility room is located near the above-mentioned objects at a distance of at least five meters;
  4. Between the windows of the building and the walls of neighboring buildings, regardless of whether it is non-residential or residential, the distance must be at least six meters;

You should also definitely take into account the existing low-growing shrubs and tall trees.

They are allowed to be planted at a distance of one to four meters from the neighboring territory. Fire safety standards:

  1. The distance between adjacent stone residential buildings is six meters;
  2. The distance between objects with a high risk of fire (baths, boiler rooms) and neighboring areas is at least six meters.
  3. The distance between adjacent wooden residential buildings is from ten to fifteen meters;

Sanitary standards for distances between houses and buildings

The distance between private houses and buildings is indicated in SNiP 30-02-97* and SP 53.13330.2011. Sanitary standards take into account:

  1. Free passages.
  2. Shading.
  3. Water drains.
  4. Noise.
  5. Smells.

For distances from one to another residential building on an individual housing construction site, the reference point is the protrusion of the base or the projection of the balcony. In this case, the distance between the windows of residential buildings should be maintained - 6 m. This applies to both rural and urban buildings.

Fire resistance categories of buildings and distance standards according to SNiP

Livestock sheds (pig pens and chicken coops) can disturb neighbors with noise and odors. The minimum distance to them is set from the windows and is at least 12 m.

Likewise, buildings on adjacent properties should not obscure windows or the ground on the other side of the fence. The fence between sites is regulated by local authorities based on SNiP. It should not be higher than 1.5 m. Transparency - at least 50%. In some areas, the height is determined to be up to 1.2 m and transparency is 75% or higher.

You cannot plant tall trees in front of your neighbors’ windows, or install billboards or other installations that block your view, even if the windows overlook your property. Also, do not forget about the maximum height of the fence between areas.

For bathhouses, saunas and other washing facilities, the distance to the fence and other objects takes into account their specifics:

  • the distance between the house and the bathhouse is 8 m;
  • from the neighbor's fence - 1 m.

Layout of buildings on the site in SNT and individual housing construction according to SanPiN

The distance between adjacent baths should be 4 m. Outbuildings can be connected in pairs along the border of the plots. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that runoff and rainwater do not fall into the neighboring territory. The roof slope should overhang no more than 50 cm, or it should be sloped so that water drains in its area.

The drainage hole, where the water used in the bathhouse flows, is dug at a distance of 4 m from the neighbor’s fence. If there is a bathroom under the same roof as the bathhouse, the cesspool should be located at a distance of 12 m from the windows of the neighbor’s house in accordance with SanPiN.

Standards determining the distance from the house to neighboring buildings

If you plan to build a low-rise private house (1-2 floors), then according to regulatory requirements it must be built at a distance from the street of at least 5 m, and from the red line of passages - at least 3 m.

Sheds, garages and other buildings must also be at least five meters from the street.

Setback from the site boundary during construction:

  • to the house (individual housing construction) - at least 3 meters from the neighboring plot;
  • to the poultry house, barn - at least 4 meters;
  • to the location of the bathhouse, garage and other buildings - at least 1 meter.

The distance from the windows of one house to the walls of a neighboring house and its garages and other buildings must be at least 6 m. Even the distance to trees (at least 4 m) and bushes (at least a meter) is regulated.

When building a country house at home, you need to take into account that sanitary conditions require that the neighbors be at least three meters away. From the barn or poultry house to the neighboring plot there must be at least four meters. From other buildings - at least a meter.

As you can see, the requirements for the minimum distance for country houses, garden houses and low-rise buildings built outside the city are almost identical. Exceptions are wooden houses, which are more susceptible to fires. For them, the so-called fire gap must be at least 15 meters.

When developing a site, not only a house is built, but also many other buildings. The distance from them to the neighbors’ living quarters must be at least 6 meters.

If the sewerage system has not yet been connected and a temporary toilet has been installed, then the distance to the walls of the neighbors’ house should be at least 12 m, and to the pump or well - at least 25 meters.

A toilet can only be connected to a central sewerage system or in the form of a cesspool, composted waste disposal (creation of powder closets, dry closets). Cesspools must be well insulated. For wastewater, filter trenches with a layer of gravel and sand are made on the site.

The distance between the column and the composter must be at least 8 meters. A minimum of 12 meters is required between the house, cellar and toilet, and showers, baths, saunas should not be placed closer than 8 meters. If the size of the plot itself does not imply such large distances, then no exceptions are made anyway. However, as practice shows, up to 95% of summer residents and owners of country real estate violate construction standards.

You need to measure the distance to your neighbors correctly: from the base or wall of the house to the neighbor’s fence. For protruding elements, for example, a porch or canopy, you need to measure from the protruding parts (if the protrusion is more than 50 cm).

The minimum distances to the border of the neighboring plot, as well as the distance from the road to the border of the land plot, are measured with a special measuring tape or rangefinder.

Distance between multi-storey buildings

Directly in the city there are regulations that determine the minimum distance between high-rise buildings. They must be observed in accordance with SNiP standards. The distances between the ends with the windows of residential buildings must ensure sunlight for at least 6 hours. Apartment buildings with opposite windows should be located at a distance of more than 10 m.

If construction of a multi-storey building begins near your house, which will block the view from the window, you should immediately contact the architecture office and check with them about the project and layout of the area. If developers violate the rules, for example making five floors instead of three, the residents should file a joint lawsuit with the prosecutor’s office.

According to fire safety, the minimum distance from one to another multi-storey residential building in the city can be 15 m and plus 5 m for each floor above the third. Thus, the distance between 5-story buildings will be 25 meters.

There should be a distance of 25 m between a multi-storey building, or more precisely the windows of living rooms, and the road; this norm also applies to noise-absorbing shields located along the curb.

Panel and monolithic multi-storey buildings

The minimum distance between multi-storey residential buildings standing in a long strip parallel to each other is at least 15 m if their entrances face each other.

In areas with high population density, the gap between buildings is maximized. According to the sanitary standards established by the city council and fire safety for apartment buildings, the construction of high-rise buildings is planned according to sanitary standards, taking into account the density of people. Customers in stores and clients of various companies are taken into account. The distance between houses is increasing.

The free area between multi-apartment buildings can be used as public space. It has recreation areas, pedestrian crossings, playgrounds, and public gardens. Roads do not fall into this category.

The video below explains how to obtain permission to build a private house.

People live not only in private houses, because a decent part of the population lives in high-rise buildings, and they also need to ensure fire safety. The distance between such houses is usually from six to ten meters, since high-rise buildings are very rarely made of wood, so there is only a minimal risk of fire spreading.

This distance is just enough for fire equipment to pass. But there are nuances:

  • The distance is determined from protruding structures, but only if they are made of flammable materials and protrude at a distance of at least a meter;
  • Houses where many people live are often equipped with fire alarms. This will allow timely removal of all residents who managed to hear the alarm signal;
  • A fire extinguishing system is installed in houses. As soon as there is excess smoke in the building, the system automatically turns on, which in theory should extinguish all sources of fire. This will prevent the fire from spreading;
  • Materials with a high degree of fire resistance are used for construction, and houses made of non-combustible materials simply do not burn.

True, it is possible to identify factors that increase the risk of fire, which means the distance between houses should also be increased:

  1. In areas with increased seismological activity, there is a high risk of wiring fire, and therefore the risk of fire is high. That's why nearby houses are dangerous.
  2. Houses have many elements and frame parts made from fire-resistant materials.
  3. The houses are located on the coastline.

Also, a lot depends on the distance between garages and buildings. There are many garages in the city, and they are located behind the houses at a distance of several meters. These are practically the only outbuildings in this region.

Types of fencing

A wide range of building materials allows you to install an inexpensive fence both from the street and to protect yourself from neighbors in order to hide from prying eyes.

Let's highlight the most popular and affordable types of fencing:

  1. Shield. It is assembled from wooden boards fastened to a frame made of timber. Has the shape of a rectangle. The standard length is 1.8 m. The material on the board is located horizontally or vertically. Sold ready-made. However, they should be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants. A popular species is pine.
  2. Trellis. Decorative, but not protective fencing. Wooden slats are connected to each other into squares. The trellis requires painting.
  3. Palisade Available for sale in rolls. Wooden stakes are installed close to each other. Can be reinforced with steel wire. The fence is quite strong, but not very attractive to look at.
  4. Rabitz. It is used as a fence when arranging a barn, a place for walking livestock, poultry in the village. It is not practical to use in the city, since the entire yard will be clearly visible.
  5. Fence. You can build such a fence low, up to 10 cm, as a fence for a flower bed, or high, to close the area from the street. Wooden planks are placed vertically and nailed to horizontally laid beams.

Fences made of corrugated sheets, metal with forged elements, brick, and stone will cost much more. Such a fence will be more reliable, durable and beautiful.

If a fence is installed to separate two vegetable gardens, then its height and design should not block the flow of light or disrupt air exchange. Chain-link and picket fence are well suited for this.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the distance from a private house to the norm fence

It is worth highlighting situations when, before building a fence, owners need to obtain permits from the relevant services:

  • the boundaries of the territory are not included in the cadastral plan;
  • the land is located in the vicinity of architectural monuments and industrial facilities;
  • The building area is quite small and because of this it is not possible to adhere to GOST standards.

In the latter case, BTI employees who understand all issues related to home ownership can help.

Fire safe distance between wooden houses

We decided to consider this topic separately, because wooden houses are the most dangerous to life in terms of fire safety. Fire can occur from a normal increase in temperature. Of course, a lot depends on the processing of wood, because at the moment there are many different impregnations and other auxiliary products that help minimize the risk of fire.

There are several types of buildings related to wooden houses:

  • Buildings made entirely of wood;
  • Buildings in which only the frame is made of wood.

If the houses are entirely wooden, then it is logical to assume that the risk of fire is much higher. Such buildings on a private plot can be:

  • Bath;
  • Poultry houses;
  • Stable;
  • Pantry;
  • Gazebo, etc.

As for buildings with partial use of wood, this could even be a residential building. As a rule, roofs, floors and even the frame of a house are made from wood. It looks beautiful, the material is environmentally friendly, but in reality everything is much more complicated, because the wood needs to be looked after, and if a fire occurs, the consequences will be much more difficult to neutralize than in a stone house. In this case, fire regulations should be given a special place.

If the house consists entirely of wood, then the distance between the neighboring house must be at least 15 meters. If the footage does not allow this, then the building must be equipped with means that prevent fire or protect it from the very possibility of fire. If we are talking about a house partially made of wood, then the minimum distance from the neighboring building should be at least 10 meters.

Requirements for building a house

In 2020, according to housing standards, the building must meet a number of requirements. Basic standards put forward for the construction of a house on a garden plot:

  1. consists of no more than 3 floors;
  2. if the square footage exceeds 500 m², a project is developed, an examination is carried out, and after completion of construction the facility is put into operation.
  3. the height of the building cannot exceed 20 m;
  4. the area of ​​a country house or residential building is not limited;
  5. if the building has a total area of ​​up to 500 m², the local authorities notify the plans and the completion of construction;

The house should not consist of block sections or apartments. The bedroom must be at least 8 m², and the common room - 12 m².

The bathtub area is from 1.8 m², and the toilet – from 0.96 m². The corridors should not be narrower than 90 cm, and the hallway should be at least 1.8 m wide.

The main floor must have a height of at least 2.5 m, and the basement - from 2 m. The minimum height of the attic is 2.3 m.

Distance to service facilities

In addition to sanitary standards for the construction of apartment buildings, SanPiN provides additional sanitary zones for buildings that are classified as local service facilities:

  • the shops;
  • clinics;
  • pharmacies;
  • cafe;
  • post offices.

These are all enterprises aimed at serving the population, where residents of the microdistrict come 2-3 times a week. The width of the sanitary zone to a residential building should be 50 m.

The distance between the store and the residential building must be maintained, regardless of its number of floors. The sanitary zone is considered not only from the basement to residential buildings, but also the area for unloading cars that constantly bring goods is taken into account.

Standard distance from the fence

When determining distances to a residential building in the private sector, courtyards and plots are not taken into account. For example, a store placed between wooden houses can be located from the fence of any of them to a passage width of 5 m. This norm is valid for both SNT and individual housing construction.

The distance to the base of a brick house must be at least 50 m. If there is a barn, garage or other permanent structure on the site, the distance is determined from it.

Development rules

According to building codes and regulations, all buildings and plantings on the site for individual housing construction should not exceed the distance indicated below in relation to the adjacent sites. Here's how many meters you need to count from the red line or from your neighbors:

  1. The limit for the location of the mansion to the red line is five meters.
  2. The distance from a private house to a visiting area cannot be closer than three meters.
  3. Three meters - this is exactly what the distance of a private house from the fence of the nearest neighboring plot should be.
  4. All outbuildings where livestock are bred (barns, rabbit hutches, poultry houses) cannot be built closer than four meters from neighboring boundaries.
  5. When designing garages or a bathhouse (shower), you need to take into account the fact of their location, which cannot exceed one meter from someone else’s site.
  6. Planting trees that provide shade, are a source of fallen leaves and fruits, and an overgrown root system, and that are excellent fire carriers, also require certain standards. Fruit and wild trees can be planted no closer than four meters from the neighboring fence, medium-sized trees - no closer than two meters, and shrubs - at a distance of one meter.

All protruding parts (balconies, roof slopes, awnings) of the above buildings cannot exceed more than half a meter in length.

Fire safe distance between wooden houses

If the risk of a fire, even despite the measures taken, is still high, it’s time to think about means that will prevent its spread. This works on the principle that stopping a small fire is much easier than pouring tons of water on a burning house.

Fire safety can be increased by reducing:

  • Fire area;
  • Fire intensity;
  • Duration of combustion.

This can be achieved with the help of constructive and space-planning decisions made at the stage of construction or repair work. The choice of material is also fundamentally important. But if this point is no longer relevant, then you will need to pay attention to the interior decoration of the premises.

We think that the owner of a property that is subject to a high risk of fire has enough common sense not to store flammable gases and liquids or flammable materials in it. In addition, fire safety regulations do not allow the use of many modern materials. Stretch ceilings are considered one of the most unsafe. They flash instantly as soon as a small light appears.

Here are a few other important rules that must be followed to maintain your home:

  • It is necessary to protect the cables and their intersections with special covers. You can choose protection based on fire resistance standards for different types of structures;
  • Use various impregnations that increase the fire resistance of vulnerable materials;
  • Follow the rules for the location of buildings on the site. That is, it is important that the house does not stand closer than one and a half meters to the fence, and 10-15 meters to neighboring houses;
  • More fire protection equipment, although even a carload of sand will not help extinguish the fire that has engulfed all outbuildings. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the most effective means.

Fire partitions will help secure the building. If the house is large, then an evacuation plan should be thought out in case of a fire.

How to properly locate a house on a site:

The legislation provides for a number of restrictions related to many factors that must be taken into account.

These include the system diagram, the number of meters between electrical cables and pipelines on neighboring plots, the distance from one construction site to another, as well as the meters separating them from the red line.

This line on the map marks the boundaries of streets and other public places along the edge of fences, beyond which private property begins. The location rules are almost no different from the rules for a garden building. The difference is that the owner of an individual housing construction property has the opportunity to register at his place of residence.

The difference is that the owner of an individual housing construction property has the opportunity to register at his place of residence. Current standards open up wide scope for creativity. The basic requirements for permissible distances between residential buildings, utility structures, fences and even bushes and trees are contained in SNiP 30-02-97.

In addition, the document regulates how far buildings should be spaced from each other depending on the materials from which they are built.

  1. Sanitary standards are contained in TSN-40-301-97.
  2. given in SNiP 01/21/97.
  3. The space between electrical cables on adjacent plots, according to SNiP 2.07.01-89.
  4. The placement of water supply and sewerage systems is established by SNiP 2.04.02-87 and SNiP 2.04.01-85.

The minimum area of ​​private ownership, according to SP11-106-9 7, is 6 acres. In this case, housing should not occupy more than 30%.

If the land belongs to a special protected area, certain restrictions may arise, but these mainly relate to the height of the structure, if there is an airfield nearby, or its facade, if we are talking about an area with historical buildings.

Before making a final decision, you need to understand all the nuances, and then sketch out a plan with an arrangement on a sheet of paper or on a computer using a computer specially created for these purposes. The distance from the house to the border of the site is determined by sanitary conditions.

It should not be less than 3 m.

It is measured from the wall or base if the porch, canopy, roofing elements or other protruding part extends beyond the perimeter by no more than 0.5 m. If the protrusion is larger, measurements are taken along its edge. A barn for poultry, goats and sheep should be placed closer than 4 m from the fence. Other buildings should be located more than 1 m from the fence.

With a minimum distance, the standard requires the roof slope to be oriented towards its territory. A minimum distance also exists for plants: for tall trees - 4 m; for medium-sized children - 2 m; for shrubs - 1 m. There is no classification of trees by height in the standards, however, if the crown of a pine tree blocks light over a large area, the questions of what type it should be classified as disappear by themselves. Oaks, birches, poplars and other “giants” can hardly be called anything other than tall.

Apple trees, pear trees, cherries, dwarf pines and spruce trees are logically classified as medium-sized. With bushes everything is much simpler. However, unresolved disputes often arise among neighbors.

An example is a case where a small seedling became the cause of conflict.

The judge made the only correct decision - to wait until he grows up and then determine his class according to SNiP.

SNiP 30-02-97 specifies fire safety distances between houses in neighboring areas located on the same side of the passage or on its opposite sides:

  1. for wooden buildings and frame fences treated with fire-fighting compounds - 10, 10, 15 m.
  2. for buildings made of stone, wood, reinforced concrete and other non-combustible materials - 6, 8, 10 m;
  3. for similar buildings with wooden elements treated with fire-retardant compounds - 8, 8, 10 m;

Paragraph 6.5 of the document states that for fire safety reasons, the number of meters from one building to another within the boundaries of the property is not standardized. Paragraph 6.8 states that, according to sanitary conditions, the distance from a residential or garden building should be:

  1. to the latrine and barn for poultry and small livestock - 12 m;
  2. to the filter well of the septic tank - 5 m.
  3. to the shower room - 8 m;

The cellar must be at least 10 m away from the toilet and shed.

The compost and latrine cannot be brought closer to the well than 8 m. This footage must be maintained between objects not only on your own territory, but also in relation to neighboring buildings. The right decision would be to figure out what their arrangement is, and only then.

Legislation and current sanitary standards allow extensions to be made to the house.

If this is a place for livestock, then it must have an exit isolated from the residential part and separated from it by at least 7 m. The distance to the fence is set separately depending on what the additional wing is. As an example, SNiP 30-02-97 considers two typical situations.

As an example, SNiP 30-02-97 considers two typical situations.

  • A barn for poultry and small livestock is attached to the residential part. In this case, there must be at least 4 m from the second wing to the fence.
  • The building is combined with a garage. As we already know, a building intended for temporary or permanent residence must be at least 3 m from the fence, a utility building - 1 m from the edge of each blocking object, that is, from each wing: 3 m must be measured from the residential part, from garage - 1 m.

The red line is the boundary between private property and a street, driveway, or other public place. According to current regulations, the street has a width of 7 m, and the dwelling must be located at a distance of 5 m from the outer limit of the private territory. The driveway can be as wide as 3.5 m, and here the space to the fence is reduced to 3 m.

Non-residential structures should be located no closer than 5 m from it. The set of construction and design rules SP11-106-9 7 provides for three main zones on private territory, regardless of their area:

  1. garden Garden;
  2. septic tank and other plumbing facilities.
  3. housing;

If you intend to keep small livestock and poultry, it is better to allocate a separate place for this. Unfortunately, the standards do not say anything about space for recreation, but since this code is advisory in nature, you can or.

It will look good against the background of garden trees or a fence covered with ivy.

To ensure that the shadow from the walls covers fewer square meters, each of which is worth its weight in gold, it is better to place the houses as close to each other as possible.

The minimum distance between them should not exceed 6 m.

It depends on the materials from which they are built.

For the same reason, it is recommended to group outbuildings. This technique will free up the area for a garden. It is recommended to place such buildings away from the external border.

One of the most important points is the shape of the site, elongated or square. With a small area, an allotment extended in depth creates significant inconvenience, limiting planning decisions, including when designing the configuration of residential and non-residential premises.

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Usually the house is placed closer to the front edge, parking behind a fence. When the street is too noisy, it is better to move the living area inland, hiding it behind garden trees.

If there is a noticeable difference in height, it should be located at the highest edge to minimize dampness and the possibility of flooding. The optimal choice for gardeners is. If the owner wants his entire property to be in full view and all objects to be at the same distance, the best solution would be the central part of the fence separating him from his neighbors.

It is better to orient the main building on a corner plot along the axis dividing the territory in half, or with a slight deviation from it.

The shape of the structure will help mitigate the disadvantages of this solution. Contrary to popular belief, cardinal directions play an important role. The north wind is always colder than the south, west or east, so it is better if the garden is protected from it by the walls of the building. The shading of the territory depends on the orientation relative to the cardinal points.

The shading of the territory depends on the orientation relative to the cardinal points. SP11-106-9 7 recommends that in order to improve insolation, take the distance from the home to the border with neighbors located on the northern, western and eastern sides, no less than its height.

The same applies to adjacent buildings. The village does not always stand on a plain. If the slope faces south, it is better to arrange housing in its upper part so that it receives more light and heat.

How important this is is easy to learn from a natural history course - as we all know, mosses and lichens grow on stones and trees mainly from cold and damp edges facing north. In other cases, they try to arrange housing higher, giving preference to the cold side, in order to protect cultivated plants from the wind.

It is very important how the building itself is oriented relative to the cardinal directions. Considering this factor, you can save on and. The calculation takes into account the wind rose and the direction in which the sun shines most intensely. These parameters differ depending on the region and its characteristics, but there are average indicators for the middle zone.

These parameters differ depending on the region and its characteristics, but there are average indicators for the middle zone. On the north side it is better to locate utility rooms - a garage, a boiler room.

The walls on this edge often do not have windows - otherwise cold and dampness will penetrate into the rooms. The southern part is most suitable for arranging living rooms.

If there are a lot of rooms, it is suitable for a living room, nursery or office. For the bedroom, kitchen and dining room, the eastern direction will be optimal, which is also considered warm and sunny.

Regardless of how the plot will be used, it is better to place the house in a corner near the outer fence on the north side. In this way, maximum space will be freed up for recreation or for economic activity, and green spaces will receive the best conditions for growth and maturation. 6 drains can accommodate many more objects than it seems at first glance.

This could be a substantial but compact cottage, quite suitable for living, and a small swimming pool. It’s easy to imagine a two-story log house in such an area. You can plant a vegetable garden in front of the windows, and plant fruit trees near the fence.

A summer building for seasonal living is suitable for avid gardeners.

It will take up much less space than residential space, since the footage of internal premises in this case is not standardized by sanitary and technical rules. As practice shows, the permissible distance from the house to the border of the plot, equal to 3 m, is not such a big loss, especially if you lay a path and plant flowers.

If a garage or utility block is attached to the building from the side of the fence, the distance will be reduced to 1 m. Currently, land plots with an area of ​​10 acres are most often found.

It is much easier here to place a large structure, and not one, but two at once, if we are talking about individual housing construction objects, and the main goal is. If the property was acquired more for recreation, the second building can be set aside or it can be equipped with places for guests. With the angular location of the main building, space will be freed up not only for a vegetable garden and garden, but also for a gazebo, which no longer has to be placed near the fence, as in the case of 6 drains.

If the property was acquired more for recreation, the second building can be set aside or it can be equipped with places for guests. With the angular location of the main building, space will be freed up not only for a vegetable garden and garden, but also for a gazebo, which no longer has to be placed near the fence, as in the case of 6 drains.

Another difference is that the dwelling also does not have to be “molded” to the fence and placed parallel to the border line. On one side of it there will be a fully-fledged garden, and on the other - a vegetable garden, a sanitary block and outbuildings. One of the advantages of such a plan is protection from noise coming from the roadway.

Most prefer the first option, since with a corner layout it becomes much more spacious. It is more convenient to do housework this way, since there is no need to bypass the massive structure. Here, saving space can be relegated to the background and given more attention.

In such an area, decorative trees no longer seem bulky.

If the territory occupies a significant space, the elevation difference becomes noticeable even on a plain. To make the house warmer and well-lit, it is better to place it in the upper part of the property. If the difference is significant, this will help avoid flooding in spring or autumn.

The building may have a complex configuration and may not fit into the corner, as in previous options.

On an area of ​​15 acres or more, it is placed closer to the border with neighbors, but at some distance from the street or driveway.

This principle can be maximized if a guest house is located at the entrance, and the main one is hidden in the far reaches away from the garage, which is usually located at the front edge.

  1. Material prepared by: Artem Filimonov

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Fine for violation of SNiP

SNiP is not a normative act, therefore the legislation does not provide for any liability for its violation . However, it's not that simple. The fact is that your actions should not violate the interests of your neighbors, especially in terms of the use of housing.

For example, you built a house in violation of the norms, a meter from the border with the neighboring plot. At the same time, water from your roof pours directly onto your neighbors’ beds. This is a violation! A neighbor can easily go to court, and the judge, according to the law, will make a decision in order to restore the neighbor’s rights and at the same time exclude a violation of building regulations.

It is precisely in order to protect yourself from enormous financial losses in the future that you need to take into account the subtleties when planning a site:

  • what distance should be between private houses;
  • how many meters should separate the red line from the nearest building;
  • where you can build a garage or bathhouse.

Existing nuances and possibilities for discrepancies

If the structures are installed as prescribed in the main document, there can be no talk of any claims from neighbors. The adoption of the standard at one time was an urgent need, which made it possible to resolve conflict situations on the territory of small land use areas. Summer residents and gardeners believed that behind their fence they could use the land at their own discretion, regardless of the interests of the people on the other side of the fence.

Hence the myriad of complaints and mutual claims regarding high barriers that shade the beds and deprive the area of ​​the necessary light and aeration, and the encroachment of small areas by incorrect structures.

A significant part of the proceedings were related to buildings that polluted the soil, emitted unpleasant odors, or created a danger of contamination of a neighbor’s garden and yard. Particular attention to the location of buildings for economic purposes, which can become a source of troubles of this kind, is due to the need to differentiate in the concept of “shed”.

Layout according to standards

Experts are skeptical about the distance from the barn to the fence of 1 meter, and quite often you can come across advice to retreat 1.5 m from the fence. This eliminates the need to build a roof with a one-sided slope and makes it possible to build from the desired material and the required configuration.

It should be remembered that the barn must be no less than 5 m away from the red line of the road. It is much easier if the building is located on the back side, where there are no neighbors and there is no need to maintain the distance.

Standards for placing buildings on a site in a village

But here you need to take into account the terrain - a fence can easily stand on the edge of a ravine, but the construction, even the lightest, often leads to instability of the soil and can trigger a landslide. Advice from experienced gardeners suggests developers optimal solutions that can satisfy all interested parties:

  • place the barn without living creatures at a distance of more than 1 m, but in no case less, even if only by a few centimeters;
  • plant a berry bush at a distance from the fence or put up a trellis with a climbing berry plant, and exactly a meter from it begin the construction of an outbuilding;
  • carefully consider the location of the poultry house, pigsty or goat room, based on your own buildings and taking into account the location of neighboring buildings;
  • agree humanly and put the disputed buildings as a block, not forgetting to draw up a written agreement and have it certified by a notary (one copy for each party);
  • obtain permission for construction from supervisory authorities with appropriate powers.

Each of these options has its positive sides. But only the latter gives undoubted prerogatives if any disputes or complaints arise. After all, when obtaining a permit, not only federal laws are taken into account.

Next to the fence

The town planning committee (architecture committee) and local governments have information about legislative guidelines or decisions of general meetings that allow for adjustments to existing standards. This may be dictated by the specific climatic conditions or regional conditions, so there will certainly be no harm from permitting documents.

Location of objects on the land plot distance – Malina-group

Violation of the minimum setbacks from the boundaries of a land plot (plot) to buildings on its territory can have the most unfavorable consequences for the owner. Since there are very strict restrictions in this regard in the current Russian legislation.

The issue should be resolved at the stage of project creation, during planning. And decide wisely in order to avoid conflicts in the future with government agencies and with the owners of neighboring plots.

1. Standards defining the distance from the house to the boundaries of the site 2. Requirements for location 3. Features of certain objects 4. How to determine clear boundaries? 5. What happens if the norms are violated? 6. How to peacefully resolve a conflict? 7. Neighborhood with a legal entity

Specific standards are legally established for certain types of buildings. It is not enough to simply erect a building within the site as its owner wishes; it is also important to comply with regulatory requirements. After all, the rights of third parties may well be violated even if the building is located on the territory of a private land plot.

Subsequent difficulties are the lot of the authors of self-construction. After all, in order to legitimize such a structure, one will have to be guided by more than one legislative and regulatory act. Much will depend on what kind of object is registered, what materials it was built from, in what specific year, etc.

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