Drawing up and registration of a garage exchange agreement

How to buy a garage in a cooperative in 2020

The garage cooperative is subject to demolition as an illegal building! That is why the GSK management bodies urgently need to start registering ownership of a plot of land, while this can be done for free! When a purchase and sale transaction is completed, it must be registered.

During the registration of ownership of this garage, its new owner must become a member of the partnership.

Construction of garages: SNIP design standards and permission to build a garage

The basic requirements for garage-type buildings are set out in document SNiP 2.07.01-89.

Firstly, the distance from the garage under construction to residential buildings must be at least 6 meters, and to the border of your property at least a meter. REFERENCE. The first people who can complain about your garage if sanitary rules are not followed are neighbors who experience discomfort during the construction phase of the garage every day.

How to correctly draw up a garage exchange agreement and a sample document

The agreement is created in writing. When drawing up a document, you can use the services of a lawyer, which is not a prerequisite.

There are key characteristics that should be included in the agreement:

  • total footage of the building,
  • whether the building is heated or not,
  • existence of additional premises.

Also indicated:

  • day of transfer of property;
  • additional payment, if provided;
  • an indication of how the costs of completing the transaction are distributed;
  • liability for failure to fulfill obligations specified in the agreement.

The date is indicated in the upper right part of the contract along with the city, which is indicated on the left; both parties to the contract must leave signatures, full name after the text of the contract.

It is important to take into account that when concluding an agreement on the exchange of a garage, it is not necessarily the circumstance of the exchange of garages between the owners. The garage building can be exchanged for other property, the price of which is specified in the document.

The agreement contains information that includes several important components:

  • Passport details of the parties to the agreement;
  • Documents that establish ownership of the property - the garage, which is the subject of the agreement;
  • Certificate indicating the existence of ownership of the garage structure that is the subject of the agreement;
  • Technical plan of the garage;
  • If this garage was purchased during marriage, the written consent of the spouse of the party to fulfill the agreement is required.

When, when concluding a transaction, a party to the agreement is represented by another person, it is necessary to have a power of attorney for concluding this agreement, notarized. A sample agreement for the exchange of non-residential premises, namely a garage, can be downloaded here.

Annexes to the agreement

When making any transaction with property, the first thing each party must do is prepare documentation for the property transferred under the contract.
The owner of the exchanged garage building must, upon request, submit the following documentation to enter into an agreement to exchange the garage in the cooperative:

  • Documents that can confirm ownership of the garage building, as well as a cadastral passport. More details on how to obtain a cadastral passport for a garage at GSK;
  • Tax return;
  • A receipt indicating payment of the state duty;
  • GSK Cooperative Charter;
  • Protocol on the appointment of the chairman of the cooperative;
  • A completed agreement containing basic information.

Documentation required to conclude a transaction for the exchange of an individual garage building:

  • Confirmation of ownership of property;
  • Tax return;
  • A receipt indicating payment of the state duty;
  • Completed application containing basic information.

Documentation required to conclude a transaction for the exchange of a garage in a garage-building cooperative:

  • Certificate that the participant is a member of the cooperative;
  • Documents for the building;
  • Those. property passport - garage building;
  • Certificate of payment of contributions for the garage building (no debt);
  • Certificate from the cadastral service;
  • Passports of the parties to the agreement;
  • Charter of the garage and construction cooperative;
  • Protocol for the appointment of the chairman of the cooperative;
  • Completed application containing basic information.

The price of the property does not affect the transaction; the value should be indicated in the contract itself.

However, when the buildings exchanged differ significantly in value, the difference must be accounted for as the profit of the party receiving the difference. This amount of money is subject to tax. When preparing a tax return, the garage owner who has received a profit (the difference in the price of garages) is required to indicate this.

Comfortable living in apartment buildings largely depends on the behavior of the other residents. When a neighbor's lifestyle completely goes beyond what is accepted in society, respectable residents have to complain. How to write a statement against a neighbor so that it does not go without a reaction from the local police officer? Read about it in our article. Find out how to write a will for an apartment correctly here. With a competently drawn up declaration of will, you will protect people dear to you from participating in unpleasant legal disputes.

How to legalize a metal garage in the yard

A garage building built from sheets of metal is not considered real estate.

This is due to the fact that it can be easily detached from the ground and moved to another point.

At the same time, it absolutely does not lose its value and functions. Thus, the structure does not belong to unauthorized buildings and is not subject to registration as a real estate object in the BTI. Some car owners erected iron garage buildings in the courtyards of multi-story buildings.

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Bought a garage with a receipt

Advice from lawyers:

1. How to buy a garage without documents with a receipt?

1.1. Draw up a receipt with the potential seller, although there are a lot of risks here, but it is possible, I still advise you to draw up a purchase and sale agreement; with a receipt, you will not be able to register the garage with Rosreestr.

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1.2. By receipt you will only hand over the money, but the garage is required under the contract, even if it is not formalized as required.

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1.3. You can draw up a contract, but not submit for registration and, for example, certify with a lawyer’s seal that it was this person who signed and handed over the money and keys. I can do it!

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Consultation on your issue


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2. The garage was bought with a receipt, it is going to be demolished within 10 days. What to do?

2.1. Dear Guest of Sevastopol! 1) It was possible to buy a Garage as a real estate object only if the ownership of it was registered in the Registration Chamber of Rosreestr or BTI (until 1998) of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which must be confirmed by an EXTRACT from the Rosreestr of rights to real estate and transactions with it (Article .209 Civil Code of the Russian Federation). 2) In your case, the Seller should have had TWO separate documents confirming ownership: a) documents for the Land Plot with a Cadastral Passport, etc. In addition, it is IMPOSSIBLE to buy a Garage as a real estate object: - by general power of attorney; - according to a receipt - IMPOSSIBLE! — POSSIBLE only under a Sales and Purchase Agreement! (Article 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) It is the Sale and Purchase Agreement that could be the basis document on the basis of which a RECORD will be made on the transfer of ownership to the Buyer in the Rosreestr of the Russian Federation of the subject. Good luck to you Vladimir Nikolaevich Ufa 07/18/2018

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3. How to register a garage purchased by receipt?

3.1. Julia. contact the seller, conclude an agreement with him, submit it to the registry office. This is how you will decorate your garage.

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4. In 2004, we bought a garage with a receipt from a citizen. The land plot for the construction of a garage was registered in the name of the citizen’s mother. In our hands we have a receipt and an act of state ownership of the land. spruce plot. For a long time they did not register ownership of the garage, then they could not find a citizen who did not live at the address. Now they found him, but his mother died. How can we now register the land? plot and garage in your own property.

4.1. Hello Irina! Of course, for a substantiated answer, you need to look at the documents you have in your hands. But offhand, you can try to recognize the right of ownership in court on the basis of acquisitive prescription (Article 234 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), i.e. bona fide, open and continuous ownership of this property as your own for 15 years. Sincerely, A.D. Ruslan.

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5. The wife bought a non-privatized garage, the membership book was for her husband, she left him, the husband sold the garage using receipts, the 9th husband died, the new owner paid the debts 10% of the cost of the garage and signed out the GSK membership book for himself, does the spouse have the right to challenge it.

5.1. Yes. Of course, she has the right to challenge the re-registration of the garage. The statute of limitations is three years from the moment she learned about the violation of her rights.

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6. I bought a garage under a purchase and sale agreement, it turned out that the chairman who wrote out the membership book was not real, it turns out that he bought the garage with canceled documents. I did not take a receipt from the seller for the transfer of money, but the price and the fact of transfer of money are stated in the contract. Can I cancel the deal through the court? T.K. The seller does not want to return the money!

6.1. Hello Dmitry, challenge the deal, especially since the way you tried to conclude the deal makes it impossible to purchase a cooperative garage (Articles 451, 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

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7. I wanted to buy a garage property, I wrote this answer from the seller... if you are ready to buy under a sales contract and a receipt from our side, then we can sell for your price, and the formality of re-registration of ownership is only at the end of April, yes, the hereditary is open business... is it possible to buy it like this... what should I charge the seller... thank you, is it worth bothering with this matter?

7.1. You can conclude a preliminary purchase and sale agreement with a deposit. The risks are big.

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7.2. There is a risk that before April you will not be the only buyer for the garage who will also have a purchase and sale agreement. While the property is not the property of the person who sells it to you, there is no guarantee that, in addition to this person, there are no other heirs who will lay claim to it. And in fact, you are buying a garage from a person who is not the owner. I do not advise.

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8. Please tell me! I want to buy a garage registered in the name of a minor. There is a certificate of registration and permission from the guardianship authority. The agreement is drawn up by a notary. But the permit says that the money must go to the current account... Question: Guardians (parents) ask for money in cash against a receipt under the agreement, and not by transfer to a current account. If I give it to them in cash, can they then sue the garage back, or is there nothing wrong with that?

8.1. You need to do as stated in the guardianship permit.

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9. Is it possible to terminate the purchase of a metal garage without documents for it, purchased with a receipt?

9.1. Yes, in accordance with Article 450-452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

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9.2. Dear Antonina, Smolensk! When resolving this issue, you should know that: You can buy a metal garage only from its Owner (Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) under a Sales and Purchase Agreement (Article 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the ownership of which is registered in the Rosreestr of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which must be confirmed An entry in the Register of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In addition: 1) You CANNOT buy a garage using a notarized power of attorney or a receipt! 2) You can only buy a garage under a Sales and Purchase Agreement (Article 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)! Thus, you do NOT need to terminate the Transaction, because she was NOT there. Good luck to you Vladimir Nikolaevich Ufa 08/28/2019

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10. A garage was purchased. The money was transferred to the chairman of the cooperative by receipt. A membership book has been created, which, according to the chairman’s assurance, should be kept by him. When asked about the official registration of the garage as a property, he refuses. He refuses to provide documents for the garage.

10.1. Hello, you can demand the return of the transferred funds in court due to the fact that the re-registration of ownership of the garage did not occur due to the fault of the seller. Most likely, the land under the garages is not demarcated and GSK simply cannot formalize ownership of the garage, as a result of which it refuses to provide you with documents and formalize ownership rights.

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11. I want to buy a garage, the owner of the garage (grandfather) died 2 months ago, after 4 months the grandmother will inherit. A man (son) is trying to sell a garage now - he asks for money through a receipt, after which he transfers the right to use the garage and then after 4 months he promises to draw up a purchase and sale agreement against the transferred money against a receipt. It is legal? What risks might there be?

11.1. Good afternoon! The law provides for the possibility of concluding a preliminary purchase and sale agreement, in which the parties undertake to enter into a main agreement in the future and determine its main conditions: sale price, terms of the transaction, etc. Risks may be associated with the deceased having debts that creditors will want to pay off at the expense of the garage. In this case, they can challenge the purchase and sale transaction.

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11.2. Hello. You don't need to rush. How else will grandma behave? There is a big risk that the son will not accept the inheritance. Or he will change his mind. In this case, the transaction to dispose of the garage will be invalid. Good luck. IN.

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12. I bought a garage on a receipt, in general, the owner sold it on a receipt to 1 person, one to another and I am the third, no one formalized everything through a receipt. Can I register a garage without the very first owner on whom the garage is officially registered?

12.1. Hello! Now it can only be done through the court.

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13. 1. we want to buy 2 garages from one seller. The seller did not register ownership of the garages. What actions should be taken on our part? Does the seller need to register ownership first? 2. One of these garages belongs to the seller’s son under the sales contract. The seller has a general power of attorney from his son. Do we need to additionally request a receipt stating that the son will not have any claims after the sale? Thank you.

13.1. You can purchase real estate provided that it is registered with Rosreestr and is registered as a property owner. The power of attorney can be revoked by the principal from the notary and in this case the transaction may not be valid. First, the seller must register the garage as the property of the son (if the garage is not owned).

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Consultation on your issue


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14. Please help me with advice. The situation is this: I and a friend work in a cellular communications organization. We decided to buy a garage, build an antenna mast structure on it, and lease it to our organization for installing a cellular base station. But for some reason it is impossible for the landlord to be an employee of this company or a relative of the employee. We decided to buy a garage for a friend of my friend. How can I be guaranteed to receive a percentage of profits? Will getting a receipt from him be enough?

14.1. No, a receipt is not enough. The receipt in this case does not have any legal force. It is necessary to conclude either a partnership agreement or an investment agreement.

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15. The period of marriage was 2006-2018, in 2012 a garage was purchased, in 2015 the garage was registered as property by a court decision, where, based on a fictitious certificate, it is written that the land for the garage was allocated to the ex-husband and he built it with his own hands. How to prove that the garage was purchased during the marriage in 2012, as it really was? There is a seller as a witness, but he has neither the purchase and sale agreement nor the receipt for the transfer of money.

15.1. This can only be proven through documentation. Even if we assume that the seller lost both the contract and the receipt for receiving the money, perhaps information about him as the former owner is available from the technical inventory authorities, from the notary, and finally from the one from whom he himself purchased the garage. Check with him about these points - when, where, how and under what circumstances the garage was purchased, where and how the transaction was completed. Having made appropriate inquiries based on the information received and received positive responses, it is possible to form a good evidence base.

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16. We bought a plot of land without real estate. However, there was an old iron garage and a water well on the property; the seller did not claim anything. However, a year later he began to demand the return of the illegally appropriated property. We have already demolished the garage. But the well cannot be dismantled without destroying it, should we return anything to him if the purchase and sale agreement and the additional receipt indicate that the seller has no claims regarding the transaction?

16.1. Hello Valentina Pavlovna. Based on your statements. You don't owe the seller anything. But for a more specific answer, you need to familiarize yourself with the purchase and sale agreement of property and the deed of transfer of property. All the best.

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17. I have the following question: a year ago I bought a garage and a plot of land using a receipt; the former owner did not have documents on ownership. Essentially an unauthorized construction. How do I register ownership?

17.1. Hello, Katerina. In your situation, you should contact a lawyer in person because you should file a claim in court and recognize ownership.

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18. I bought a garage with a receipt for the transfer of money under it. I made a power of attorney for paperwork. There was not enough time to register the garage in his name; the power of attorney ended; the owner of the city died. It's been 10 years since I took ownership through the court.

18.1. Hello! This is a difficult question for you. The exact answer to it will depend on how exactly the text of the receipt is compiled. In any case, you must recognize ownership of real estate in court.

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19. I bought a garage on a receipt with a collapsed floor, the chairman demands that I do the floor, it’s been two years since I can’t do it, and for the second year I haven’t paid for the garage, can they take it from me?

19.1. Dear Mikhail, Krasnoyarsk! Firstly: You can buy a Garage as a real estate object only if the ownership of it is registered in the Registration Chamber of Rosreestr or BTI (before 1998) of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which must be confirmed by an EXTRACT from the Rosreestr of rights to real estate and transactions with it ( Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Secondly: Buy - Sell a Garage as a real estate object: - by general power of attorney - IMPOSSIBLE; - according to a receipt - IMPOSSIBLE! - according to the gardening book - IMPOSSIBLE; — POSSIBLE only under a Sales and Purchase Agreement! (Article 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) It is the Garage Sale and Purchase Agreement that will be the basis document on the basis of which a RECORD on the transfer of ownership will be made in the Rosreestr of the Russian Federation of the subject. Good luck to you Vladimir Nikolaevich Ufa 01/17/2018

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20. The garage was purchased by receipt. The old owner is alive. and the new owner died. Relatives of the deceased owner want to take ownership of this capital garage. The receipt for receiving money for the garage was written in 1981. How to register ownership of a garage and, accordingly, land?

20.1. Talk to the old owner, maybe he will sell it. If not, then legal action. On recognition of the rights of the deceased. And the transfer of rights by inheritance.

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In the spring I bought a metal garage on a sled, i.e. mobile. The owner died and his son sold it to me,

I want to buy a garage in a garage-building cooperative from a person who has not yet paid the full cost of the garage under the construction contract.

I bought a garage from the owner of the SEC on a receipt that was not privatized, while I was collecting documents for privatization, the owner died, how can I now register the garage as my property.

I want to buy a non-privatized garage at GSK. The seller (on the phone) offers to pay her 50%

I was going to buy a garage for 10 thousand dollars. I agreed on an installment plan with the owner and gave him 1 thousand.

My ex-husband bought a major garage using a receipt in 2012; my husband died in 2017.

Where to start registering ownership of a permanent garage purchased with a simple receipt?

In 2001, I bought a garage with a receipt; I did not re-register all the documents. Am I entitled to a garage?

Hello, I bought a garage with a handwritten receipt, I want to make it officially my property, tell me where to start?

Is it possible to formalize it somehow, i.e. legalize a garage purchased in 2002 with a receipt in front of witnesses, if the former owner is no longer alive and there are no close relatives either.

The garage was sold to a person from whom there is a receipt that he bought it as a debt. Will the court recognize the transaction as invalid in the event of bankruptcy or loan debts?

Documents for a metal garage

I live in an apartment and want to buy a metal garage and move it in place of the local area. What documents should the seller have and should he have them at all?

The seller also lives in the apartment and stands in the local area. And if there are no documents, then how to make a deal so that the left guy doesn’t come later and say that it’s his, return it, I didn’t sell it to you. There is only one way to ensure the legality of a real estate acquisition transaction - by checking that the seller has the package of documents necessary to conclude this transaction.

Registration procedure (with sample)

It is best to draw up a sample in advance, before concluding a transaction, and agree on the text with the other party.

The receipt is issued by hand. There is no single drafting standard. However, there is a list of items that must be specified:

  1. Name (Receipt) and date of preparation in DD/MM/YYYY format.
  2. Detailed information about the buyer and seller: Full name, passport details with registration.
  3. Subject of the transaction: location and number of the garage, its area, which garage cooperative it belongs to.
  4. Number and date of the agreement under which the owner carries out the transaction (for the garage under agreement No. 11111 dated 01/01/2018).
  5. Confirmation of the fact of transfer of money indicating the amount in words and figures. Separately, it should be noted that the seller has no claims regarding the transfer.
  6. Certification of the receipt with the signatures of the seller and two witnesses indicating the full name, passport number and registration data.

The document is given by the seller in exchange for money. If the parties do not trust each other, it is better to use the services of a notary.

Sample of drawing up a receipt

Certification of a document by a notary

To certify the receipt of money from a notary, the personal presence of the seller and buyer with the purchase and sale agreement and passports is necessary . The lawyer will record the transfer of money and note in the journal the fact of provision of the service, insuring against possible loss or problems with forgery.

Procedure for purchasing a garage in a cooperative

How to make a purchase in a cooperative?

It is important to consider that a garage that is part of a cooperative, like a private building, must have technical documentation, and is also subject to registration with the BTI service.

, part of a cooperative, is a great option, but it is worth considering that it is located on leased land.

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In other words, by purchasing an object, the buyer becomes a member of the GSK. The old owner, on the contrary, leaves the cooperative.

Buying a garage, registration, documents

If we consider the purchase of a garage as a long-term acquisition on a legal basis, then the best option is to consider a detached garage with privatized land for it. In this case, the land must have a cadastral act (or certificate of ownership ) with the purpose of the land for construction and maintenance, a technical passport for the garage building itself registered with the BTI.
A garage located in a cooperative is a very attractive option, but here the building is also located on land leased by the cooperative, so when you buy a garage in a cooperative, you are buying a kind of membership in it. So the deal is that after transferring the money, the new owner of the garage joins the cooperative (writes an application to join the cooperative), the old owner leaves the cooperative. Naturally, after purchasing a cooperative garage, you are not the owner of the garage, so at the end of the lease of the GSK land, the garages can be demolished. But fortunately, this rarely happens, and leases are often long-term with the right to extend, and when buying a garage, it is always better to clarify for what period the lease is concluded and how long it will be valid.

Registration of garage ownership

  1. First, you need to go to the BTI and provide the service workers with a package of documents, which will allow them to obtain technical documents for the facility.
  2. The second authority that needs to be visited is the registration chamber. It is important to find out about the amount of the state duty and payment details. There is always a long queue at the Registration Chamber, so it is recommended to come to this body in the morning.
  3. You must then visit the registrar's office again within the specified period to obtain a certificate of ownership. If you need to make the land located under the garage your property, then you need to go to the BTI again.
  1. Property protection. Garage boxes are often demolished because they actually have no owners. If you take care to legalize your rights in time, then such a problem will be avoided.
  2. Carrying out various transactions. Without having title documentation in hand, it will not be possible to carry out any transactions regarding real estate, this applies to sale, exchange, donation, inheritance, etc.

How to register a garage as your property

Having collected the documents for registering the garage and received the certificate, all that remains is to resolve the land issue. After all, you are the owner only of the structure. The lands are municipal, and the tenant can easily be “asked” to vacate the territory after the end of the contract. So it's time to act.

To develop them, you need to run around to different authorities, stand in long queues and collect a whole heap of papers. There is no point in postponing this important step until later. Registration of ownership of a garage will allow you to legitimize it in the “eyes” of the state and avoid many problems.

We arrange a garage as your property

One of the key factors determining the registration procedure for any building is the legality of the construction and the availability of a building permit. As practice shows, the construction of a personal garage next to an apartment building causes a huge number of conflicts with neighbors, which greatly complicates its legal registration and operation in general.

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The path of obtaining all the appropriate permits from local governments before starting any installation work is the most optimal and much more reliable. To make the process go faster, you should resort to a simplified procedure for obtaining the necessary certificates, introduced since 2006. A prerequisite for using this method is that the new object must comply with the status of an auxiliary building. That is, the new building should be an addition, focused on serving another, main building. In the case of a residential building, examples include a bathhouse, barn or gazebo.

Essential documents for selling or buying a garage

But even with all the attractiveness of the product, one should not lose common sense. Indeed, the legislative framework of Russia is far from perfect, but there is still a “thread” of logic in this issue. There is a certain list of documents for purchasing a garage, which is necessary to re-issue a certificate of ownership, confirming your right to own and dispose of the structure (sell, bequeath it, etc.).

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It's not often that people buy real estate. Just 40 years ago, such transactions were completely illegal, since they lived in a socialist country where everything was common. The period of our “capitalization” is too short. The hastily adopted laws regulating this area of ​​activity are only going through a “break-in” period, acquiring new amendments.

How to register a garage as your property

Formally, registration and privatization of a garage in the view of the owner are interchangeable terms, but in legal practice the latter is not used, with the exception of intermediary structures that are offered to attract clients. In addition, it is worth dispelling the myth of owners of cooperative garages, since the contribution of a share does not fully confirm ownership rights, but only serves as the basis for its registration.

In the conditions of a modern metropolis, where every free plot of land is considered as a potential development site, attempts to seize and demolish garages whose owners have not received a certificate of registration of ownership of the garage are not uncommon. Therefore, those who are familiar with the jungle of the real estate market study the paperwork process before constructing a building:

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