Preferential mortgage for housing for young rural professionals

The housing program for teachers is aimed at providing assistance in solving the “housing issue” for this category of specialists. Its essence is to compensate part of the cost of housing from the state budget. This direction of subsidizing was developed within the framework of the general program “Housing”, which will be valid until 2020 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1050 (as amended on November 20, 2018) “On the implementation of certain measures of the state program of the Russian Federation “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation").

Legislative regulation of the issue

State subsidies for mortgages for teachers are regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 N 188-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2017);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 N 1050 (as amended on November 20, 2018) “On the implementation of certain measures of the state program of the Russian Federation “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation.”

In addition, federal legislation is supported by regulations adopted at the regional level.

Read more in the article: Housing programs for state employees

Conditions of the housing program for teachers in 2020 and requirements for candidates

The housing program “Mortgage for Teachers” was developed by the Russian government in cooperation with the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML). The procedure and “mechanisms” for providing subsidies are determined by the regions independently. This is explained by the fact that the cost of living and the cost of housing are different in all regions.

Financing of “beneficiaries” is implemented in several options, from which everyone chooses the most optimal one for themselves. So, subsidies for teachers for the purchase of housing are issued for:

  • purchasing real estate with a mortgage;
  • purchasing housing from the public housing stock at cost;
  • repaying the down payment on a mortgage or part of the interest on an existing loan.

An important condition of the program is the borrower’s obligation to work in the field of education (in his specialty) for the entire term of the loan, or another period established by the lender.

A teacher has the right to take advantage of a preferential subsidy and get an apartment only once, for which he must meet a number of criteria set by the state:

  • age not older than 35 years;
  • mandatory higher education obtained in Russia;
  • lack of ownership of residential real estate;
  • need for improved living conditions and writing an Application for registration of those in need of improved living conditions;
  • compulsory Russian citizenship;
  • confirmed solvency (the teacher must repay the down payment at his own expense when applying for a loan);
  • work experience more than 12 months.

Young specialist program 2019

Thus, the presence of government programs similar to those described makes it possible to adjust personnel policy in the country so that the uniform development of the spheres of education, health care and agro-industrial complex is carried out.

  1. Work strictly in your specialty in a rural locality after receiving financial assistance for at least 5 years.
  2. Live in the village permanently or have such an intention.
  3. Have your own savings that can cover about 30% of the price of a house or apartment in the corresponding locality.

Bank conditions and requirements for the borrower

Taking into account the subsidies provided to teachers for the purchase of housing, banks are reducing interest rates and providing mortgages on more favorable terms. In particular:

  • loan term – up to 30 years;
  • down payment amount – 10%-30% of the value of the property (depending on the requirements of a particular bank);
  • interest rate - no more than 8.5% of housing on the secondary market and no more than 10.5% when purchasing an apartment in a new building or an individual residential building;
  • the ability to refuse loan insurance.

As for the borrowers themselves, in addition to the general requirements, some banks set their own compliance criteria. For example, frequent job changes or being under 21 years of age may not appeal to a lender. In addition, credit history is also taken into account. If there are arrears on previous loans, the bank may refuse a young teacher to receive a loan, even though he is entitled to a subsidy for the purchase of housing.

The solvency of the future debtor is also important, since he must repay part of the debt at his own expense. The cost of paying off the loan should not exceed 45% of his salary.

Banks often check the solvency of co-borrowers, whose low incomes may create problems when drawing up an agreement.

Rules for issuing cash subsidies for the purchase of apartments by young researchers

As part of the program for the construction and purchase of apartments for young professionals in 2020, special rules apply for the provision of cash subsidies to improve the living conditions of people working in the field of science.

This special payment acts as a form of government assistance when purchasing an apartment or house. It is only available to young scientists, that is, a citizen has the right to become a participant in the program:

  1. At the age of up to thirty-five years, if his scientific title is Candidate of Sciences, and up to forty years, if he is Doctor of Sciences.
  2. Provided that he works in a scientific institution, his work experience there is at least five years.
  3. Recognized as needing housing according to the rules of housing legislation.

The amount of financial assistance is calculated by multiplying the size of the area of ​​an apartment or house (33 square meters per person) by the average cost of one meter of living space on the real estate market, approved in the region where the institution where the young specialist works is located.

The subsidy is paid only once in a lifetime. The right to receive it is certified by a certificate issued in the name of the recipient of the money (State Housing Certificate), which is not recognized as a security.

The certificate is issued with a validity period of seven months. If a researcher decides to apply to a bank for a mortgage or loan, he has two months to do so. These periods are calculated from the moment the paper is issued.

As soon as you get an apartment, it is advisable to privatize it immediately. The cost of privatizing an apartment is not so high that it needs to be put aside.

What teachers need to know to participate in the housing program

To receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing in 2020, young teachers need to know that:

  1. Positive characteristics from management at work are of great importance for AHML and the bank.
  2. Priority in funding is given to specialists working in rural areas or who are ready to move there from cities.
  3. A mortgage for young professionals does not deprive them of the opportunity to participate in other government programs.
  4. Before preparing documents, you should consult with the local administration on the issue of budget financing. Since subsidies are issued only if there are sufficient funds in the regional budget. If there is not enough money, then financing is planned for next year. During this time, the prepared documents will become outdated and will have to be collected again.

Not all banks participate in the preferential lending program. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the list of banks that issue mortgages for subsidies for teachers to purchase housing.

What documents to prepare and where to apply

To take part in the state program you need:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce (if available);
  • employment history;
  • military ID (for men);
  • 2-NDFL certificate confirming income level;
  • written consent of the second spouse to receive a loan;
  • documents relating to the purchased real estate (cadastral, technical passports, extract from the Unified State Register, purchase and sale agreement, equity participation or construction contract, depending on the chosen direction).

Issues of providing subsidies for teachers for the purchase or construction of housing are dealt with by local executive authorities. Therefore, an application for participation in the state program with a list of listed documents is submitted to the local administration.

State support for young professionals in rural areas

Hello Irina, the housing assistance program for young professionals working in rural areas has a specific purpose. Under this program, allowance payments and subsidies are provided to young specialists exclusively for the purchase of housing in RURAL areas.

State benefits intended to support young workers are not taxed. In order for an employee to take part in the social program, he must work in this organization after receiving allowances for at least five years . In addition, professional activity must be related only to the acquired specialty.

Procedure and features of obtaining a mortgage loan

Applying for a preferential mortgage consists of the following steps:

  • registration in the queue of persons in need of improved housing conditions;
  • submit an Application for a one-time cash payment to teaching staff of a municipal educational organization implementing programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education for the purchase (construction) of residential premises to the local executive body with the attached documents;
  • obtaining a certificate entitling you to receive government support;
  • choosing a bank with suitable lending conditions and applying for a mortgage;
  • opening a special account to which subsidy funds will be transferred;
  • concluding a real estate purchase and sale agreement with the seller and a mortgage agreement with the bank;
  • making a down payment;
  • registration of the transfer of ownership and completion of settlement with the seller.

Read more in the article: Acceptance of mortgage applications for teachers has begun in the Moscow region

Mortgage conditions in rural areas

The down payment for a preferential mortgage must be 10% of the cost of housing. The interest rate should be from 0.1% to 3%. The exact size will depend on your region of residence.

Preferential mortgages at 3 percent in 2020 for rural residents will be financed from the federal budget. One billion rubles from the federal budget will be allocated for these purposes. A further reduction in the rate is possible by decision of regional authorities if they are ready to allocate additional funds. Therefore, the minimum mortgage rate can be as low as 0.1%. For example, the authorities of Yakutia have already announced their decision to reduce the rate for village residents to exactly this value. It will subsidize 2.9% of the remaining 3% on the mortgage. Whether other regions will follow the example of Yakutia is still unknown. In any case, even 3% per annum is a very small percentage for a mortgage in Russia.

Disadvantages and advantages of preferential mortgages

The main advantage of a preferential mortgage is the opportunity for young professionals to purchase housing with the least financial burden. As for the shortcomings, these include the low solvency of most teachers due to low salaries. Which, in turn, deprives them of the opportunity to take part in the government program.

Changes in 2020

A Presidential Decree will come into force, according to which existing preferential loans can be refinanced at a rate of 6%, and the possibility of obtaining maternity capital will be extended until 2020 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2017 N 1711 (as amended on July 21, 2018) “On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations and the joint-stock company "DOM.RF" for compensation of lost income on issued (purchased) housing (mortgage) loans (loans) provided to citizens of the Russian Federation with children", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 21.07 .2018 N 857 “On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2020 N 1711”).

Who can live well in the countryside: a program for the integrated development of rural areas was discussed in Komi

How they will stimulate the development of rural areas in Komi was discussed today in the State Council of the region. The Committee on Budget, Taxes and Economic Policy held a working meeting to consider the implementation of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Comprehensive Development of Rural Territories” for the period 2020-2025 in the Komi Republic, including the readiness and possibility of co-financing by the Komi Republic of program activities in 2020-2022.

The main speaker was the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Consumer Market of the Komi Republic Pyotr Khorobrykh. He presented to the deputies for discussion the main theses of the state program “Integrated Development of Rural Territories” and the possibility of creating conditions for the participation of regions in its implementation.

The implementation period of the program is set from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2025. By its completion, the program is designed to maintain the share of the rural population in the total population of at least 25.3%, increase the share of the total area of ​​comfortable residential premises in rural settlements to 50%, and also increase the ratio of average monthly resources of rural and urban households to 80%.

The total amount of funding for the state program will be 2,288 billion rubles, including 1,061 billion rubles from the federal budget, 174 billion rubles from the regional budget and 1,052 billion rubles from extra-budgetary sources.

The program contains several departmental subprograms: “Development of housing construction”, “Promotion of employment of the rural population”, “Development of engineering infrastructure”, “Development of transport infrastructure”, “Improvement of rural areas”.

The program for the development of housing construction in rural areas involves the provision of social payments to citizens for the construction or purchase of housing, the construction of housing provided under residential lease agreements, and the improvement of sites for compact housing development. Also just around the corner is the development of a law according to which mortgages in rural areas will be subsidized, so the interest rate on mortgages for construction in rural areas will be up to 3% per annum. At the same time, for constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Komi Republic, a loan amount of up to 3 million rubles is provided.

Also, the interest rate on a loan of up to 300 thousand rubles to provide utilities for households will decrease to 5% instead of the current 7.5%.

In Komi there are currently 1,205 families from rural areas who want to improve their living conditions. The Russian Federation has allocated 1,058.5 billion rubles for these purposes.

As part of the employment promotion program, it is expected that agricultural producers will be reimbursed up to 30% of the actual costs incurred under student contracts concluded with employees and 30% of the costs associated with wages and accommodation for students hired for practical training.

The engineering infrastructure development program involves gasification and water supply. Thus, in the village of Chasovo it is planned to implement a similar project - not only to gasify the village, but also to convert the local boiler house to gas. The cost of the project is 80 million rubles. Zhizheva Street in the village of Aikino is waiting for water supply.

Also, as part of the development of infrastructure in rural areas, it is planned to build such facilities as a school in the village of Dutovo for 60 places, a kindergarten-school in Izhma, a school for 600 places in Obyachevo.

Particular attention is paid to sports facilities - it is planned to build a sports ground in the village of Zanulye, Podcherye, and a ski base in Nivshera. The listed objects were planned for implementation earlier within the framework of the national project “Sustainable Development of Rural Territories”. However, now they have received a new opportunity for implementation and will smoothly flow into the new federal program.

Not all of them have yet passed the state examination. Based on its results, projects will be presented to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Those that are approved will receive funding from their federal budget.

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