Contact information: why you need it and where to get it

What is a contact certificate?

This medical form is an official document confirming that the bearer has not had contact with patients in the last 3 weeks. Checking a person and issuing this form is a preventive measure that can prevent dangerous outbreaks of epidemics when a person moves from country to country.

Grounds for refusal of extradition

The only reason for refusal to issue an EZhD may be the lack of relevant documents for the apartment or house of the applicant. Those. he does not have documents confirming that he is the owner or his legal representative.

In addition, some MFCs and municipalities practice refusal to issue EZhD if the applicant, the owner, has debts to pay for housing, utilities and other services related to the ownership, use, and disposal of this residential property.

Gradually, many MFCs are switching to electronic format. Soon in many cities of the country (mainly in regional, regional or republican centers) it will be possible to carry out all real estate transactions using a single electronic document. It will indicate all the owner's properties, legal status and other necessary legal information.

You can learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of a single payment document from this video:

See also Phone numbers for consultation December 26, 2020 Victoria M. 357

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  1. Ksenia says:
    09/05/2020 at 17:01

    I recently received a single housing document from the MFC, and the center employee quickly checked and completed everything. After some time, I had a question: how many weeks or months is this document valid?


Why do you need a contact certificate?

Each of us comes into contact with a huge number of people every day - on public transport, at work, at school, with neighbors, in cafes and at dances. Anyone around you is potentially contagious. How many of us are there who don’t even know that they are carriers of dangerous diseases? It is impossible to track the health status of everyone (especially if they themselves are not regularly checked by doctors). The form guarantees that there were no dangerous contacts in the bearer’s environment during the 21 days immediately before receiving the document.

Who can receive the service

All issues related to obtaining documents for an apartment or house, including obtaining an EZhD, fall within the competence and authority of only the owner of the property or his legal representative.

Such representatives can be either persons acting on behalf of the owner under a general power of attorney certified by a notary. For example, to complete a sales transaction.

Legal representatives may include guardians who have the appropriate legal status, confirmed by a decision of the relevant civil court, or by state guardianship authorities.

How to get the form?

You can take it at any paid clinic or hospital near your place of residence. In order to buy a certificate of no contact with infectious patients, you just need to indicate your data on our website and wait for the courier on the day of application. You will be spared the need to wait in a long line for an appointment, will not contract colds at the clinic, and will save a lot of time and nerves. But in this matter, it is important to play it safe and clearly understand the full responsibility of purchasing this document.

What documents are needed to obtain an EZhD?

To obtain an EZhD, you must submit the following documents:

  • request (application) for the issuance of an EZhD;
  • passport or other identification document.

In addition to the above documents for various specific situations, you must additionally submit:

  • to obtain a certificate of cohabitation with the deceased or a certificate of registration on the day of death, it is necessary to submit a death certificate of this person;
  • to obtain a certificate of dependency for persons under 16 years of age, it is necessary to submit birth certificates of these persons;
  • to obtain a certificate of dependency for persons from 16 to 18 years of age, it is necessary to submit a document confirming their full-time education or a certificate from the Pension Fund (which confirms that these persons do not work);
  • To obtain a certificate of dependency of a person over 18 years of age, it is necessary to submit a court decision recognizing this person as a dependent.

Algorithm for obtaining EZhD at the MFC

The procedure for registering an EZhD through a multifunctional center includes the following steps:

  • The applicant, having prepared a passport, and, if necessary, additional documents, applies to the nearest MFC and takes a coupon to the electronic queue.
  • After waiting for the coupon number to appear on the board, go to the indicated window and receive an application form from a center employee.
  • The applicant fills out the application form according to the sample.
  • An MFC employee checks the correctness of filling out the form and the presence of all documentation prescribed by administrative regulations, and registers the application in a special journal.
  • The applicant receives the completed EZhD and puts his signature with the transcript in the appropriate column of the journal for issuing the requested documents.

Read also: How to apply for marriage registration through the MFC

Cost of registration of EZhD and how long to wait for the result

Since the information included in the Unified Railway is contained in a single electronic database and does not require requests for approval from other authorities, the finished document is issued on the day of application. Administrative regulations stipulate that this service is provided free of charge.

During what period is the document considered valid?

According to Decree of the Moscow Government No. 499-PP dated June 19, 2007, the EZhD is valid for 30 calendar days. If the document is issued to confirm the residence of the deceased in this premises, the validity period is reduced to 10 days from the date of official registration of death, while the document itself reflects information 30 days before death.

What is EZhD

A single housing document is an official paper containing information about a residential premises for a specific period (technical characteristics of the house, the management of the HOA or management company, the current address of the apartment, its size, description of living conditions, confirmation of payment of housing and communal services bills or the presence of payment arrears) and about residents living in it (full name of the owner and everyone registered, indicating the date of birth, degree of relationship, passport data, residence of dependents in the apartment, marks of arrival and departure of registered persons, the availability of benefits for utility bills and the grounds for their provision).

The EZhD is not mandatory, it is designed to simplify the procedure for collecting the necessary documentation, replacing 13 different documents. When providing it, none of the authorities has the right to additionally require a certificate confirming the information contained in the EZhD. Also among the advantages of a housing document are:

  • convenient design based on the one-window principle: there is no need to contact different authorities and collect certificates, which often duplicate each other’s information;
  • fast provision of services, which is especially important for cases when it is necessary to urgently provide documentation;
  • since the EZhD contains almost comprehensive information about the home, it insures against situations when, during a real estate transaction, it turns out that some document is missing;
  • EZhD makes the process of buying an apartment transparent. Before purchasing real estate, the buyer has the right to check this document with the seller along with the mandatory Unified State Register (USRN) and a certificate of ownership. In this case, the EZhD allows you to make sure that no one is registered at a given place of residence, and there are no debts to pay for housing and communal services.

Read also: Transfer of meter readings to the MFC

How to obtain a certificate of no criminal record at the MFC

You can also print out a sample application in advance, which is necessary for issuing a police clearance certificate. You can fill it out at home by hand, or on your computer in printed form, but to avoid mistakes, it is better to take the blank form with you to the MCF and fill it out on the spot together with a specialist.

In addition, if you do not want to waste time filling out the application directly at the center, you can fill it out at home. If you need to get a certificate from the MFC about no criminal record, then it is better to come in advance, 10 minutes before the time assigned to you, if you registered by appointment.

Is it possible to obtain a police clearance certificate through government services online?

“Certificate of no criminal record for public services” - by typing this phrase in an Internet search engine, you will be taken to the Unified Portal of Public Services, which will help you obtain a certificate of no criminal record without problems and queues. You will learn how to do this correctly by reading our instructions.

Today, a simpler and more comfortable way to obtain such a certificate is possible: any citizen of the Russian Federation, foreigner or stateless person can register on the e-government portal and independently submit an application for its registration. The certificate will be ready within 30 days from the date of registration of the application in the database. Using the functionality of the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services is not difficult, and all information about obtaining a police clearance certificate is freely available.

What documents can be used instead of EZhD?

The EZhD combines the following documents:

Certificates containing information about the condition of housing:

  • that the house is a new building;
  • about a change of address;
  • on recognition of housing as unfit for habitation;
  • about the absence/presence of debt to pay for housing and communal services.

Certificates containing information about residents:

  • on registration of a citizen at the specified address;
  • about the complete composition of the family;
  • about who lived in the same living quarters with the deceased;
  • about a lonely deceased;
  • about replacing the passport, indicating the reason;
  • about the presence of dependents.

In addition to certificates, the EZhD includes:

  • financial personal account (copy);
  • registration card for the owner of the residential premises (copy);
  • an extract from the house register indicating the degree of relationship.

To visualize what the UZhD looks like and what information it contains, you can download a standard sample of this document for reference.

Read also: How to register and change your registration through the MFC

What is a certificate of epidemiological environment?

A certificate of epidemiological environment is a document indicating the absence of contacts with coronavirus patients. The form is issued without testing, issued on the basis of a passport and certified by a sanitary doctor or local physician.

Sample certificate of epidemiological environment

A sample certificate about the epidemiological environment, about the absence of contact with those infected with coronavirus.

Is it possible to obtain a police clearance certificate from an MFC other than your place of registration?

• You can find out about the readiness of the certificate by calling the Zonal Information Center: 8

, or
on the official website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow “petrovka38”
in the section “FOR CITIZENS” - ​​“Certificate of no criminal record”, entering the number of your application in the column at the bottom of the page. You can receive the completed certificate at the same address: st. Velozavodskaya, 6a


to receive a certificate is completed by a ZIC employee, printed out, then you simply check the correctness of your personal data and return the application to the employee for further processing. After which you are provided with a tear-off coupon, which indicates: the number of your application, the address where you can get the completed certificate, as well as contact numbers where you can find out about the readiness of the certificate and the address of the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, where also you can get information about the readiness of the certificate

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