Tax benefits for purchasing housing (apartments) in 2020

How can a pensioner get a mortgage?

Our country has long practiced issuing mortgage loans to the population. It so happens that clients are most often young people or young families. This is not surprising. Firstly, many young people, having graduated from educational institutions and started earning money, have a desire to make their lives more independent, and, consequently, to move out of their parents’ apartment. Secondly, young families are the most common category of citizens applying for a mortgage loan, especially for those families that have more than one child, since maternity capital can be made as the first payment on the mortgage. Both are united by one factor – youth. Yes, no matter how crazy it may sound, it is much easier for young people to get a mortgage loan to buy a home than for people over fifty. To a greater extent, this is due to the long term of the loan, and, consequently, an increase in the amount that will ultimately need to be paid through interest. And also with the solvency of pensioners, since it is often difficult for pensioners to find work. But first things first. In our article we will dwell in more detail on the issue of mortgage lending to persons who have reached retirement age.

Which ones are there?

Benefits are provided in the form of a subsidy. It is possible to receive a property deduction, but only after purchasing an apartment or acquiring real estate with a mortgage.

Banks or the homeowner directly have the right to give a discount on the purchase of real estate.


To receive tax benefits you must be a personal income tax payer. The deduction is calculated taking into account the cost of housing no more than 2 million rubles. The maximum possible amount is 260 thousand rubles.

For a mortgage, the deduction is calculated based on the amount of 3 million rubles. The maximum deduction amount for a mortgage loan is 390 thousand rubles. If the apartment was purchased before 2008, then the amounts are calculated based on the cost of housing not exceeding 1 million rubles. If the property was purchased before 2014, the tax benefit is only available once. After 2014, the deduction amount can be increased (up to 260 thousand or 390 thousand rubles).

Pensioners can also count on benefits if they apply to the Federal Tax Service no later than three years after termination of work under an employment contract.

Pensioner and mortgage

For any bank involved in this issue, issuing a mortgage loan to a pensioner is a very sensitive issue. If young people go through an almost standard registration procedure typical of any bank, then for pensioners banks pose additional risks, which can subsequently lead to non-payment of the loan and interest on it. Bank employees can also be understood, since for people of retirement age there are a number of obvious negative aspects (as loan applicants), which include:

  1. The age of a person of retirement age at the time of applying to the bank is more than 55 years. This is stated in Federal Law No. 173-FZ, which regulates the old-age retirement age for men and women in the Russian Federation. This age indicates a limited period of time during which the borrower will be able to repay the loan and interest until full repayment.
  2. According to statistics, the mortality rate of people of retirement age and older is much higher than the same rate for, say, 20-30 year old people. The age aspect concerns men to a greater extent, since their life expectancy is on average about 65 years. Banks provide a special program for “reverse” mortgages for retired men. The average age of women reaches 77 years, so banks most often offer retired women to enter into a mortgage loan agreement according to the standard procedure.
  3. Do not underestimate the psychological aspect in a bank’s decision to issue a loan. Often, the psychological state of citizens of retirement age differs significantly from the similar state of young people. The accumulation of age-related and chronic diseases can lead to partial or complete loss of capacity, as well as to a weakening of the general background of the body. The most dangerous type of disease at this age can be dementia - this is an irreversible, often genetically transmitted disease against the background of a general mental disorder. It may be accompanied by schizophrenia, memory loss (long-term or short-term), hallucinations, dementia or delusions. The bank sets itself the goal of identifying this violation when communicating with a potential borrower, since identifying such a problem at an early stage will save bank funds later (that is, banks try to reduce the risks of non-payment of the loan to a minimum).
  4. In connection with the possible characteristics of older people described above, banks set themselves the goal of checking you as much as possible in order to reduce their own risks. Very common cases of pensioners applying for a mortgage loan are loans for their children, grandchildren or relatives who are unable to purchase an apartment on their own. In addition, cases of fraud have become more frequent when a pensioner receives approval for a mortgage loan application, but after receiving the funds transfers them to third parties. Accordingly, a situation arises when the pensioner has no money and has not bought an apartment. Therefore, do not be surprised at the bank with questions about the intended purpose of the loan funds. Bankers usually find out your “ultimate” loan purpose and then try to confirm it before making a final decision on whether to issue a mortgage.
  5. When reaching retirement age and receiving a pension, many people stop working, that is, they do not have additional sources of income. For the bank this is a determining factor. At the same time, pensioners are entitled to benefits, which allows them to significantly save personal finances. The client's solvency is the most important aspect when making a positive decision on a loan. But if you have finally decided for yourself that you need a mortgage and you will take it anyway, then the best solution is to attract guarantors, and preferably two. In the eyes of the bank, a guarantor is a direct and fairly strong reduction in possible risks.

How to get a preferential mortgage

We previously mentioned that in order to get a mortgage, you need to meet the requirements of one or another program from the state.

There is a Housing Mortgage Lending Agency in each region. Absolutely any citizen of our country can contact this organization, where they will tell you in detail about programs and benefits.

The agency helps in collecting a package of documentation and selecting mortgage lending conditions among a huge number of offers from various financial institutions (banks).

The bulk of programs are implemented jointly with regional and federal budgets. As a result, the Agency can tell you which program is being implemented the fastest.

To summarize the article, we note that mortgage benefits in the Russian Federation are an excellent tool to improve your living conditions. Due to the fact that very few people can purchase an apartment at full price, such government programs are a good solution to the problem. A person just needs to choose one of a number of programs and take advantage of this offer.

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Mortgage and military pensioners

If you are not just a pensioner, but have the status of a “military” pensioner, then the state has prepared a number of concessions for you, which, firstly, will help in approving the loan, and secondly, will help in repaying both the principal amount of the debt and interest on loan.

Legislatively, Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 enshrines the special status of military pensioners, which provides for the availability of targeted programs to assist in the purchase of housing. Thus, military pensioners with a total service record of more than 10 years are entitled to subsidies in the form of monthly cash payments, which you, in turn, can only spend on repaying a mortgage loan from the bank.

In addition, another Federal Law No. 117-FZ dated August 20, 2004 regulates the ability of a military pensioner to use savings funds that were formed on a personal account under the housing support system for military personnel. But, it should be remembered that these funds can only be spent to improve living conditions.

What is a reverse mortgage?

A little earlier, we mentioned that reverse mortgages are most often available to retired men. This type of mortgage is designed for people with low incomes. Before the death of a pensioner, the bank transfers funds to his account, thereby, as it were, increasing the citizen’s monthly income. But after death, the collateral (the apartment itself) becomes the property of the bank. But another option is also possible: the relatives of a deceased pensioner can challenge the contract, but at the same time they will be obliged to pay the bank the full amount of funds spent by him.

The most important negative feature of this type of mortgage is that often the cost of the apartment is disproportionately higher than the total amount of funds paid by the bank to the pensioner before his death. It is not uncommon for death to occur after a few weeks or months, but according to the agreement, the collateral, that is, the apartment, became the property of the bank. In addition, the bank sets high interest rates, so if relatives want to buy the deceased’s apartment, the amount of compensation to the bank will be disproportionately higher than the funds spent by the bank.

The positive aspect of this type of mortgage is that if the pensioner continues to live after the expiration of the contract, then he, naturally, ceases to receive monthly payments from the bank, but retains ownership of the apartment.

To summarize, we can say the following: before a pensioner thinks about a mortgage, everything should be carefully weighed and assessed. Debts can be inherited by relatives when concluding a regular mortgage, and in the opposite case, the property can become the property of the bank.

What benefits are granted to young families from the state?

  • a family spends 22% of its total income on utility bills (each region has its own percentage);
  • recognized as low-income, and this is documented;
  • or has a large family (raising three or more children), and has the appropriate certificate in hand.
  • application for benefits;
  • original passports;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of family composition (original and copy);
  • documents from the department of social protection of the population that confirm the need to improve living conditions;
  • certificate of availability of a permanent source of income in form 2-NDFL.

Are there any benefits for utilities for those who pay a mortgage?

The city authorities believe that Muscovites, with their average salary of 10.5 thousand rubles a month, cannot pay 100 percent of their rent and utilities out of their own pockets. Moscow plans to cross this milestone no earlier than in 2008.

And the Moscow region, with wages of 9 thousand rubles, crossed it on January 1, 2005. Governor Boris Gromov is confident that the powerful social protection mechanism developed by the government will soften this blow to the family budget of the region’s residents. Thanks to him, the authorities hope, the standard of living of the population will not decrease. And in order for every regional resident to know what kind of help his family can count on from the regional budget, the government of the Moscow region has prepared answers to possible questions. Today we introduce RG readers to some of them.

Pros and cons of buying a home with a mortgage: benefits for a young family

Russians who have recently been legally married and have an official income can apply for a preferential bank mortgage loan, with part of the mortgage interest subsidized by the state. To participate in preferential programs intended for this social category, newlyweds will have to make some efforts.

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We have determined what benefits the program provides to a young family when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage. Participation in it has many positive aspects. But, like any other, this program is not without its drawbacks. Of these, two main disadvantages can be identified that may affect the decision to participate in the program.

Benefits when buying an apartment with a mortgage

For example, the so-called “cross-subsidization”, when enterprises took on part of the population’s costs. In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, cross-subsidies have now been eliminated when setting tariffs for heat supply services and partially for water supply and sanitation services. The increase in tariffs was also affected by the introduction by the Russian government of an 18 percent value added tax on services for the maintenance and ongoing repairs of housing.

In addition, in 2005, tariffs for the services of natural monopolies increased both for the population and for organizations providing housing and communal services, in particular, water supply, sewerage, electricity, and gas. In accordance with the requirements of federal legislation, an independent examination of tariffs for housing and communal services was carried out for the first time in 2005, which confirmed their economic feasibility.

Federal legislation planned to reach 100 percent payment for housing and communal services back in 2003. But only two years later the regions were ordered to do this. In this regard, this year’s federal budget no longer includes funds for the payment of compensation to housing and communal services enterprises, which, of course, affected the growth of tariffs.

— What is the increase in prices for the population for housing and communal services in the Moscow region?

— Since January 1, 2005, compared to December 2004, they have increased by an average of 28.5 percent.

— Can we hope that the transition to 100% payment for housing and utilities will ensure their high quality?

— The legislation of the Russian Federation provides a mechanism for protecting citizens from poor quality work of the public utility complex. If a citizen is provided with housing and communal services in violation of their list, volume and quality, then the amount of payment must be recalculated in accordance with the methodology approved by the government of the Russian Federation.

The procedure and conditions for reducing payment for utility services when they are provided in poor quality or incompletely are determined by the “Rules for the provision of utility services”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1994 N 1099 (as amended) and the rules for payment by citizens for housing and utilities, approved by Government Decree dated July 30, 2004 N 392. Based on these rules, most municipalities of the Moscow region have developed local regulations on reducing utility bills in the event of low quality performance.

— How to save on payments for housing and communal services?

— Installation of in-house and intra-apartment meters for water, heat and gas consumption allows you to seriously save these resources and leads to a reduction in utility bills for citizens, which are calculated by meters. Therefore, it makes sense to install meters. All housing and communal organizations must post prices for the installation, maintenance and repair of household meters (water, heat, electricity, gas), as well as the procedure and conditions for carrying out these works.

Regarding the installation of gas meters, you must contact the interdistrict gas trusts of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz, heat and electricity meters - to local energy supply organizations and OJSC Mosenergo, water meters - to local water utilities and MGUP Mosvodokanal, and also to local governments.

— Can housing and communal services workers, under any pretext, refuse to install an individual hot and cold water meter?

- Can not.

— Are measures being taken in the region to limit the growth of payment rates for housing and communal services?

— On February 1, 2005, the government of the Moscow region adopted a resolution in which the heads of municipalities were recommended to take measures to limit the increase in payment rates for housing and communal services by the population in 2005, in relation to the level of payment rates in 2004, within fifty percent.

The Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Moscow Region has been tasked with ensuring uninterrupted service to citizens applying for benefits and subsidies to pay for housing and communal services; control over their timely and complete provision to citizens; simplified procedure for obtaining subsidies for housing and communal services.

— What work is taken into account when determining the amount of payment for housing maintenance (maintenance)?

— An approximate list of services related to housing maintenance and paid for through housing maintenance fees is approved at the federal level.

It includes the following works:

  • maintenance of the common property of a residential building (including basements, attics, entrances and roofs) and the local area;
  • removal of household waste;
  • work performed during technical inspection and inspection of individual premises of residential buildings, including the elimination of minor faults in water supply, sewerage, central heating, hot water supply and electrical devices systems and other work;
  • work performed in preparing residential buildings for operation in the spring-summer period, as well as the autumn-winter period;
  • other types of work.

— Does the number of floors affect the cost of housing and communal services?

— No, there are no discounts for the number of floors.

— Are there any benefits for paying for the maintenance and repair of privatized housing?

- No, they are not provided.

— Where to go if the housing and communal services operating organization does not respond to citizens’ complaints about the poor quality of services?

— To the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region by phone 200-36-49.

Providing housing subsidies to citizens

— Who can receive subsidies for housing and utilities?

— Subsidies can be provided:

  • to a tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement;
  • a tenant of residential premises under a rental agreement in the state and municipal housing stock;
  • a member of a housing, housing-construction cooperative;
  • the owner of a residential premises (apartment, residential building, part of an apartment or residential building), including a member of a homeowners association;
  • a citizen living in a dormitory;
  • a citizen living in a state housing stock assigned to federal executive authorities that provide for military service;
  • a citizen who has entered into an agreement for the free use of residential premises.

As well as members of their families registered together with them at their place of residence.

— Who is not eligible to receive a subsidy?

— Citizens living in residential premises on the basis of a rental agreement concluded with the owners of residential premises of a private housing stock, or a sublease agreement concluded with tenants.

— For how long is the subsidy provided?

- For six months.

— Who decides on its payment?

— Local government bodies of municipalities.

— What documents are needed for this?

— An application and documents on family composition are submitted to the local government body at the place of permanent residence; on the legal grounds for owning and using residential premises; documents confirming the income of the applicant and all family members for the 6 months preceding the submission of the application; documents containing information on payments for housing and utilities accrued for the last month before submitting the application, and on the presence (absence) of overdue debts for payment of housing and utilities; copies of documents confirming the right to benefits or compensation for housing and utilities of the applicant and all family members; copies of documents certifying the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the applicant and his family members.

— Which living family members are taken into account when calculating family income?

— All family members registered together with the applicant for subsidies. Married parents and their minor children, as well as spouses, are considered members of the same family, regardless of whether they live separately or together.

— When is the decision to provide a subsidy made?

— The local government body, no later than 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the documents, makes a decision to provide or refuse a subsidy, calculates its size and informs about the decision made.

— What amount of income allows you to receive a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services?

— The subsidy is paid to those who have expenses for housing and communal services within the social norm for housing area and utility consumption standards above 22 percent of the total family income. Low-income citizens whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level established in the region, within the social norm for housing area and standards for the consumption of utility services, will pay 50 rubles per month per person for the provided housing and communal services. The rest of the payment is compensated from the budget.

— How is the cost of living established?

— This is done by the regional government quarterly for the main socio-demographic categories for citizens of working age, children, pensioners, as well as on average per capita.

— What can be the maximum subsidy amount?

— It should not exceed the actual family expenses for housing and utilities within the social norm for housing area (for a certain category of citizens, taking into account the available additional living space provided for health reasons) and standards for the consumption of housing and communal services.

— What is taken into account when calculating the amount of subsidies for housing and utilities?

— When determining the size of the subsidy, the family’s expenses for housing and utilities are taken into account according to the social standard for housing area, taking into account the available additional living space provided to citizens for health reasons, utility consumption standards (electricity, gas supply, including bottled gas, water supply, sanitation ( sewerage), hot water supply, heating, purchase and delivery of solid fuel in the presence of stove heating) and removal of household waste.

— Will subsidies be calculated based on the actual area of ​​housing and the consumption of utilities?

— The calculation of the size of the subsidy is based on the social norm for housing area and the standards for the consumption of utilities for a particular family. Consumption standards and payment rates for housing and communal services for calculating the amount of subsidies are approved by local governments.

— How is the social norm for housing space determined?

— This norm was established by the regional law of December 30, 2004. For citizens living alone, it is 33 square meters. meters of total area, for a family of two people - 42 sq. meters, for a family of three or more people - 18 sq. meters for each family member.

— What is the size of the social norm for housing space for pensioners, disabled people and orphans living alone?

— For pensioners, disabled people and orphans living alone in a one-room, two-room or communal apartment, the size of the social norm for housing area is established based on the actual size of the occupied total area of ​​the living space, but not more than 42 square meters. meters of total housing area.

— Do benefits for housing and utilities affect the receipt of a subsidy?

- They don’t influence. But the amount of the subsidy provided cannot exceed the family’s actual expenses for housing and communal services within the social norm for housing area (for a certain category of citizens, taking into account the available additional living space provided for health reasons) and standards for the consumption of housing and communal services.

— Where and when should I apply if my family’s income or other conditions affecting the amount of the subsidy change?

— In the event of a change in family composition, place of permanent residence, temporary departure of family members, or change in income, the recipient of the subsidy is obliged to notify the local government within 15 calendar days.

— What if the recipient of the subsidy, when the family income increases or other conditions affecting the amount of the subsidy change, does not report this to the local government?

— If this happened without a good reason, the funds transferred unreasonably as a subsidy are counted toward future subsidies, and if there is no right to receive a subsidy in subsequent months, the recipient will have to reimburse these funds. Otherwise, they will be recovered through the court.

— Do local governments have the right to check the information submitted by a citizen to receive a subsidy?

- Yes, I have the right.

— How often will the subsidy for housing and utilities be calculated?

- Monthly.

— How is the subsidy calculated if the recipient of the subsidy pays according to the meter?

— Based on consumption standards, including in cases where meter readings are lower than consumption standards for the corresponding services.

— How is the subsidy calculated if several types of fuel are used for heating?

— When calculating the cost of utility services, the cost of one (main) type of fuel is taken into account, determined by the local government of the municipality, taking into account local characteristics.

— If the recipient of the subsidy enjoys benefits in paying for housing and utilities, will this affect the amount of the subsidy?

- Will not be.

— What is the subsidy payment mechanism?

— The subsidy is transferred to accounts in banks chosen by the recipient of the subsidy, or in the form of demand deposits. The transition to transferring subsidies to personalized accounts of citizens will take place during 2005. If the recipient cannot, for health reasons, age, walking distance or transport inaccessibility, open a bank account, local governments must decide on the delivery of subsidies through communications organizations (mail) or in another way.

— What can be paid for with the subsidy?

— Payment for housing and any types of utilities. In this case, the specified payment is made in full (without reduction by the amount of subsidies).

— In what cases does the subsidy stop?

— This happens if conditions change (place of residence, family income, family composition) affecting the right to receive and the amount of subsidy payment; provision of knowingly false information that is essential for the provision of a subsidy or determination of its size; failure to repay housing and utility bills on time in the absence of a valid reason for non-payment; failure by the recipient of the subsidy and his family members to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the agreement concluded between the local government body and the recipient of the subsidy.


“Young Family” program in 2020 - mortgage conditions

In 2020, various banks across the country are ready to provide mortgage loans to young families with government support, launching loan programs with reduced interest rates, which is beneficial for borrowers.

“Young Family” at Sberbank – conditions for participants

The basis for receiving government assistance for the purchase of housing is the family’s need to improve housing conditions. If a husband or wife owns residential property, they will not be eligible for the federal program.

These funds are not given to spouses in cash, but are issued in the form of a separate certificate. It can be presented to a financial institution and the loan amount can be reduced. The money will be transferred directly to the bank.

Young families face the most pressing issue with their own housing. Young people are not able to save up to buy an apartment, which is due to the constant rise in prices on the real estate market. As a result, they often have to live with their parents or rent housing. In 2020, there are various government support programs, in particular a mortgage for a young family based on a social government program.

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If the spouse went on maternity leave – the benefits of the “Young Family” program

Previously, with the help of state support, it was possible to buy housing on the secondary market, cover part of an existing mortgage, or repay a consumer loan to build a house. Currently, with the help of a housing certificate, you can only become a shareholder in a residential building under construction or contribute it when purchasing an already completed apartment from the developer.

The state project of preferential subsidies for young families is free of charge. All newlyweds who have entered into an official marriage can participate in this program. However, the law within the framework of this mortgage initiative clearly distinguishes between the categories of citizens who are eligible to receive preferential housing.

Benefits for the purchase of housing are one-time, and the procedure for obtaining a mortgage is lengthy and complex. If you fail to repay your housing debt, there is a high risk of losing your property. When purchasing an apartment under the state program, you should remember the established restrictions on living space per person.

What can you get for a mortgage?

There are several types of government assistance in subsidizing newlyweds with living space. The main ones are the “Housing” and “Young Family” programs. Each of these loan packages has its own characteristics and terms of receipt.

Detailed conditions of the program to help young families are developed at the level of regional legislation. Despite the fact that this project was developed at the federal level, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation co-finance housing payments provided to citizens.

  • the age of the spouses or single parent does not exceed thirty-five years - and not at the time of submitting documents, but on the day officials make a decision on their participation in this social project;
  • young spouses (single parents) have: either a sufficient amount of their own savings with which they can pay the seller - in the amount of the cost of housing not covered by payments from the state;
  • or significant regular income that will allow them to take out a loan for these purposes;
  • one of the spouses or the only parent in the family must have Russian citizenship;
  • the family was officially recognized as in need of housing.
  • Package of documents

    The new project has several goals. One of them is a significant reduction in the cost of residential premises, so that almost any young family (and other preferential categories specified in the document) can not only acquire real estate, but also regularly improve its quality - once every 15 years. To achieve this, in particular, the price of an average two-room apartment (54 sq.m.) by 2025 should be 2.3 times the total annual income of a family of three people. That is, if, for example, after 8 years a wife, husband and child live on 50,000 rubles a month, or 600 thousand a year, they should have the opportunity to purchase living space for 1 million 380 thousand rubles.

    In this direction, you can take advantage of the state program “Young Family”. Preferential lending is provided by the participating banks themselves. Also, spouses have the opportunity to use the received maternity capital. Funds are distributed to partially or fully repay the mortgage.

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    There is a program to provide housing for young families. you stand in line and wait! when yours applies, you will be given a certificate for an amount determined by the state (usually at least 30% of the average cost of housing in your region and based on the number of members of your family). and you can borrow the rest of the amount at a preferential interest rate.

    Preferential housing for young people: assistance to families

    When participating in the state housing program, a payment is provided that is at least 30% of the value of the property. For a young family with a child, the amount of benefits increases to 35% and by 5% with the appearance of each subsequent child. That is, young families who already have two children can purchase real estate with a 40% discount.

    Mom will receive a certificate - a paper that gives the right to a specific amount of maternity capital. Then you can decide where to spend it. To dispose of maternity capital, you need to submit another application - for disposal. They indicate a specific goal there. It is also served electronically or in person. The pension fund will study the documents and transfer the money for its intended purpose, for example, paying off part of the mortgage for the family.

    Are there any benefits for utilities for those who pay a mortgage?

    Tatarov, who managed to issue whether there are benefits for utilities for those who pay a mortgage

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    As for Tatarov’s lifestyle and revelry, we think that Azef reveled not less, but much more than him, and that not only the guards, but also some members of the c. were aware of Aeef’s revelry
    c. party s.-r. It is also unclear why the murder of Tatarov, committed by order of the central committee of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. in April of the year, it was officially recognized as a matter of benefits
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    other revelations from him; for this it was only necessary to publish in Revolutionary Russia what was fulfilled by well-wishers
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    implies that the central committee of the party, living across the border, does not there were even enough connections in Russia to place a simple ad!
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    an advertisement to be placed in New Time, as can be seen from the exact text of his letter given by us.
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    , simply put, did not want further revelations.
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    pay attention to the central committee of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party.
    to the numerous failures that befell all preparations for the uprising in St. Petersburg, the explosion of the bridge on the Nikolaevskaya railway was not completed
    , there was no explosion of the security department, electrical, telephone and lighting wires, the arrest of a citizen,
    are there benefits for utilities for those who pay a mortgage
    to Witte and other things, also could not be carried out


    Knowledge of the features and rules for calculating and deducting taxes both during the acquisition and sale of a home will provide an opportunity to save and optimize losses when completing a transaction.

    This is not only about benefits and taxes during purchase and sale transactions. Taxes on the ownership of various property (including real estate) are calculated from individuals every year. In this case, money is collected from the owners, but now we are not talking about these taxes.

    It is known that when receiving any income, a person, being an individual, must give part of it to the state as a tax. Receiving a sum of money after selling an apartment is income, so the standard personal income tax rate applies to it, that is, 13 percent.

    However, fortunately for individuals (who are the buyer and seller in this situation), and in order to ensure the growth of the real estate market within the country, the government was able to create and provide many benefits as tax deductions. Most of these benefits can significantly reduce the tax base during the sale and purchase of apartments. Some cases generally make it possible to reduce the consequences of a transaction to a situation where the tax base may be absolutely zero.

    The volume of the deduction is exactly the amount that will be deducted from the tax base, but this happens before the 13 percent tax is calculated from the remaining amount. At its core, the deduction is the very same tax benefit that can stimulate citizens to make decisions about buying or selling housing more actively and freely, without risking themselves and their finances.

    Highlights ↑

    There are a number of rules and recommendations that are worth remembering when completing real estate purchase and sale transactions. What should ordinary citizens know?

    Necessary Definitions

    A tax benefit is an advantage that is provided by government agencies or local governments.

    Certain categories of individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to take advantage of this benefit.

    And this puts them in a more advantageous position compared to other taxpayers. Tax benefit is an element of tax policy, the purpose of which is the implementation of economic and social objectives.

    The following groups of tax benefits are distinguished:

    • personal and for legal entities;
    • social and general economic benefits;
    • external economic benefit that is provided when exporting goods.

    Tax benefits may be provided:

    SeizureExclusion of certain objects from taxation
    Tax discountsBy means of which the tax base is reduced
    LiberationAimed at reducing the tax rate or tax salaries - providing a deferment, tax credit, deduction, offset of the previously transferred tax amount

    Procedure for completing a transaction

    When buying a home, you should definitely check the property for legal purity.

    When checking the property owner, analyze:

    Physical and mental state of a citizenFind out whether the seller is registered with a drug dispensary. It is advisable not to enter into transactions with a person who has a mental disorder or neurological disease. Why? – Relatives of such a citizen may subsequently go to court to challenge the legality of the purchase of a residential property
    If you acquire rights to real estate by inheritanceRemember the date (you should apply for the inheritance within the established time frame) of the death of the owner of the house. The legal basis for the transfer of the object to the heir is also taken into account. The will must be genuine and there must be no other wills.
    Find out how many people are homeownersIf there are shares in the apartment, citizens can claim rights to their part. The basis for challenging a purchase and sale transaction will be Art. 250 Civil Code
    Understand the legal aspects of acquiring a residential property as a giftIf the former owners go to court to challenge the gift agreement, the new owner will be left without money and without housing
    Find out whether minors are registered in the premisesOtherwise, a check will be carried out to determine whether the sale of real estate is legal.

    It is worth checking out the accommodation itself. Find out:

    1. Have any repairs, including major renovations, been carried out, and is the building in line for demolition? Pay attention to the condition of the pipes and wiring.
    2. Are the documents authentic (extract from the BTI, Rosreestr, passport offices).
    3. Is the apartment collateralized by a credit institution?

    Buyers may require from sellers:

    • providing an archival extract from the house register, which contains information about registered persons;
    • IDP and ND certificate for each owner;
    • cadastral passports, which contain information about redevelopment and “red lines”.

    You have the right to independently request a certificate from the Unified State Register, without the consent of the property owner.

    If neither the object nor the seller cause you any concern, you can begin documenting the transaction. Study the apartment purchase agreement.

    If you can’t handle it yourself, turn to realtors for help. The contract should reflect the following information:

    • location of the object being sold, information on the availability of land plots, name of the property, its area, purpose in accordance with Art. 554 Civil Code, para. 3 paragraph 6 art. 12 regulatory document on state registration;
    • on the cost of housing and land (Articles 555, 317 of the Civil Code);
    • about the owners of the property, the rules for their release, and stipulate how and when the apartment should be vacated.

    Required documents:

    • civil identity card;
    • marriage certificate when purchasing in shared ownership;
    • consent of the spouse to complete the transaction with notarization (when purchasing housing as sole property).

    When purchasing real estate for a mortgage, you must additionally submit:

    • loan agreement;
    • mortgages;
    • documents that confirm the absence of drug or alcohol addiction or mental disorders;
    • other certificates requested by a representative of the banking institution.

    When the documents are collected, the contract is drawn up, you can sign it and transfer the money. Be sure to take a receipt stating that the funds were received by the seller.

    But be careful - you should not pay the agreed amount if you are not sure that the property will be re-registered in your name.

    Are tax benefits possible for military personnel on land tax, see the article: tax benefits for military personnel. Read what the tax breaks are for here.

    To guarantee the transaction must be carried out with the participation of the bank - the money is transferred to the bank until registration is completed.

    When purchasing an apartment you will need to pay:

    • state duty for the provision of services for re-registration of property rights;
    • funds for notary services;
    • money for the provision of services by the agency, for support in registration.

    Normative base

    It is worth following the Tax Code, as amended by Law No. 224-FZ of November 26, 2008.

    There is also such an up-to-date document - Letter on property tax deductions, which was approved by the government on March 31, 2009 No. ШС-22-3 / [email protected]

    Military mortgage, taxes and benefits

    Types of deductions

    Deductions can be different:

    1. Standard
    2. Property
    3. Social
    4. Professional

    Trade transactions with apartments belong to the fourth type. In the process of selling an apartment, the selling party will simultaneously have to calculate both taxes (after all, this is undoubtedly the income that an individual received due to the sale of real estate) and tax deductions (leading to a reduction in the amount that is subject to taxes). As for the buying side, there are no tax charges for it at all, but only tax deductions, that is, a kind of financial benefits in the process of paying 13 percent of personal income tax.

    Taxes and their deductions during the sale of a home

    From what exact amounts should the interest on the funds received by the selling party be calculated, if we are talking about the sale of a home owned by this individual?

    According to the law, the tax base until 2016 was formed based on the amounts entered into the sales contract by the parties. However, after 2016, taxes began to be based not on the named value, but on the cadastral value, since this is the value that is now closest to the market value.

    Since 2016, the tax base during the sale of a home can be the amount that turns out to be greater - either the cost of the apartment noted in the DCT, or according to the formula according to the cadastral one, for this it must be multiplied by a factor of 0.7. But this only works for real estate purchased after January 1, 16 by someone who is now acting as a seller.

    There are only two caveats to this rule:

    1. If the value of the apartment according to the cadastre for some reason was not determined at the beginning of the year in which it is sold, then the tax base will be calculated in the standard way, that is, based on the amount stated in the purchase and sale agreement .
    2. The reduction coefficient can be further reduced, but only in some regions of Russia (with permission and after agreement with local authorities), and a reduction is possible even to zero for special categories of citizens, and sometimes for everyone.

    How to correctly calculate the cost of an apartment according to the cadastre

    There's really nothing complicated about it. Just go to the official website of Rosreestr. They offer a special service that allows you to find out all publicly available information using one cadastral number of a specific apartment (or just by address).

    If we talk about housing in new houses or if the housing was transferred to the seller after the assignment of rights of claim, when the ownership right has not yet been formalized, then the tax base will be the one noted in the agreement on the assignment of rights.

    How to determine benefits for the selling party

    The most important point here is the tenure of the home. If an individual owns an apartment for three years or more, then there is no question of paying personal income tax. Officially, this moment is called as receiving a tax deduction equal to the cost of the apartment.

    However, since 2016, several important amendments have appeared to this article, and their essence is that the specified three-year period remains for the following types of apartments:

    • donated;
    • privatized;
    • inherited;
    • received under a dependency agreement.

    As for the remaining apartments, for them this period is not three, but five years. This five-year period also applies to those apartments whose owners appeared in 2020. To put it in simpler and more understandable language, if the home became someone’s before 2016, then in such cases the old, three-year period applies.

    Those who have been owners for less than the minimum period find themselves in less favorable conditions - if a person owns an apartment for less than 3 years (less than 5 according to the new rules), then taxes are charged, although it is also possible to reduce them: either a deduction of a million rubles, or a deduction equal to the original expenses for purchasing real estate.

    The main purpose of the changes made to the legislation is to combat speculation in the primary housing market and create more comfortable conditions for those who buy real estate for themselves.

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