Bathhouse From Neighbor's Fence Distance Snip 2020

At what distance to build a bathhouse from the fence: SNiP standards 2020-2020 in SNT and individual housing construction

The construction of a bathhouse, according to the standards adopted for private ownership and development, refers to the construction of sanitary facilities.
They must be at a certain distance from the fence, otherwise the bathhouse can very easily be forced to be demolished or moved. The builder has the opportunity to win 2 meters of the involved territory and install a traditional Russian bathhouse or sauna 200 cm closer to the fence. The same condition persists if you do not install a sewer drain, but dig a special drainage ditch.

How many meters from the fence can you build a house

If a tree, once medium-sized and growing at a distance of 2 meters from the fence, has reached a height of, for example, 4 meters, this does not mean that it must be cut down. The neighbor will have to prove that the grown tree violates his rights: it shades the beds and windows, threatens the integrity of buildings, etc. Serious disagreements will have to be resolved in court.

The type of tree does not matter: it can be a fruit crop - apple, plum, pear, as well as a wild tree - spruce, pine, birch and any other. There are no requirements for shrubs either - you can plant raspberry and currant bushes or choose ornamental plants.

Bathhouse distance from neighbor's fence

Good afternoon The essence of the issue is in the following individual housing construction, the distance from the foundation of the neighbor’s bathhouse to the fence is 1.2 m, and from the fence to the foundation of another neighbor’s house is 5 m. In total, the fire gap is 6.2 m, whereas in accordance with SNiPs. Show in full

  1. Building codes and regulations 30-02-97 - regulate the planning procedure, as well as the effective construction of private properties,
  2. Construction standard SP 11-106-97 - describes in detail the procedure for creating projects for the development of private property, regulates its approval, as well as coordination with licensing authorities.

Rules for building a bathhouse on the site

Placing a bathhouse on your dacha or garden plot is very important, since due to its incorrect location you risk receiving complaints from neighbors, damage to your own or other people’s property, or, even worse, a substantial fine for failure to comply with fire and sanitary safety. To start planning and think about how to properly place a bathhouse, the first step is to accurately decide its layout and purpose.

The bathhouse can be either a separate building or combined with an additional building, such as a summer kitchen, greenhouse, winter garden, nursery, garage, billiards room and others. You should also decide whether the sauna will be used all year round or only seasonally, for example, in summer or winter. Next, determine whether you will use the sauna for propagating seedlings or producing dried fruit, flowers, or other drying products.

On a summer cottage, the distances between buildings must comply with the norms and requirements that are regulated by the documents: SNiP 30-02-97, SP 11-106-97.

Then, after solving the above questions, you need to figure out the size of the bath room. Think about how many guests you want to host in your home at the same time, and then calculate the minimum space in the steam room per person.

The best place to start construction will be any hill on your site, in which case the building will not be flooded or washed by water.

It is better to place doors on the side where the wind is less frequent than others. On the contrary, windows should be made on the side where the sun sets, in which case you will have the opportunity to enjoy the evening rays during the evening rest, after a hard day of work.

Bathhouse From Neighbor's Fence Distance Snip 2020

  1. If the bathhouse does not have a high-quality drainage pit and there is no sewage system, then there will also be a problem with the drains, since according to the norm they should not fall into the territory of someone else’s property, and it is also unacceptable for the drainage water from the bathhouse to wash away the fundamental foundations of buildings located nearby. For this purpose, SNiP standards have been introduced.
  2. In the event of a fire, the distance between buildings also plays an important role. If the distance is unacceptably small, then the fire will very quickly spread to all nearby buildings, and the fire can cause significantly more damage than in the case of a large distance between buildings.
  3. The distance from the bathhouse to the fence often depends on the materials used to build the bathhouse, as well as on the arrangement of the bathhouse itself, the presence of a separate drainage pit or a certain type of heating.

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Safety and fire prevention are the main considerations laid down in SNiP for the construction of sanitary facilities. The need for their thorough compliance is also due to the existing situation, according to which responsibility for one-story buildings is now assigned by the state to the owners of individual housing construction.

Reasons for introducing restrictions

Since the bathhouse on the site is not a simple structure according to SNiP, a special one must be built in accordance with certain standards. SNiP baths during construction is a very important document. It will not only protect you from fines and disgruntled neighbors, but will also help you build a bathhouse or sauna in accordance with all construction standards.

  1. If you are going to build a permanent rather than a mobile bathhouse, then you will need to think about the construction of a cesspool for sewage. This engineering structure should not go onto the neighbor’s territory or be close to the house or fence. The location must clearly comply with current regulations.
  2. The distance between the house and the bathhouse plays an important role. In the event of a fire, there is a possibility of losing not only the bathhouse, but also the house. That is why there are certain standards for the placement of buildings on a site in order to reduce the chance of fire in neighboring buildings.
  3. The number of meters from the bathhouse to the fence varies greatly due to many factors. For example, a public bathhouse has certain construction standards, but a home bathhouse is completely different. The material of the walls also plays a role, whether it will be wood or brick is very important!

As a rule, in all CIS countries there are recommendations of at least 3 meters from the bathhouse to the neighbor’s fence. But here it is worth understanding that there are quite a lot of rules and you need to follow everyone. For example, individual housing construction has its own slightly different recommendations that should also be taken into account. You will also need to consider the option of building a cesspool. So that it is also not too close to buildings or fences.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a DIY bathhouse in the basement of a private house

Distance from the bathhouse to the neighbors, taking into account the group of buildings

The distance between a residential building (or house), outbuildings and the border of a neighboring plot is measured from the base or from the wall of the house, building (in the absence of a base), if the elements of the house and building (bay window, porch, canopy, roof overhang, etc.) do not protrude more than 50 cm from the plane of the wall .

We are planning to build a bathhouse almost adjacent to our neighbors’ property. We will build a bathhouse at a distance of 1.5 meters from the fence. But nearby there will be a gazebo and a cabin (in one row), with a distance of about 0.8 m from the fence. Wouldn't all this be considered grouped buildings and how then is the distance from the fence calculated? Does it matter which side the chimney is on? We get it from our neighbors.

Maintaining distance from the fence

Fire regulations also provide for the permissible distance from the fence to the bathhouse that must be maintained. This can be explained by the fact that a building located near a neighboring plot can negatively affect the territorial property of neighbors.

Therefore, the main requirements include the following:

  • When constructing a sanitary structure, the distance to the site boundary is maintained within 3 meters.
  • The distance to the bathhouse from the fence of the land plot located next door is 4 meters, which will prevent possible runoff from entering the soil.
  • If there is a ready-made bathhouse on the site, then when constructing a second building, the distance from bathhouse to bathhouse is maintained within 5 meters.

There are also other standards that relate to maintaining a distance between the fence and green spaces.

If tall trees with a powerful crown are planted on the site, then the minimum distance to the fence should be at least 4.5 meters. Low-growing shrubs are planted at a distance of up to 1.5 meters from the fence, dwarf trees - up to 2.5 meters.

If you follow the recommendations presented, determining the permissible distance for constructing a bathhouse on a private plot of land should not cause difficulties. All controversial issues or disagreements with neighbors can be resolved with the relevant authorities or construction organizations.

What should be the distance from the bathhouse to the border of the neighbor’s property?

Helpful advice! It is impossible to provide for everything in the rules on paper. Therefore, going beyond the given distances is allowed, but this can only be done after drawing up a protocol of consent of all interested parties. We advise you to formalize especially difficult situations legally in order to protect yourself in the future, both from claims from neighbors and regulatory authorities.

In those places where the chimney pipe comes into contact with the ceiling, insulation must be installed. In addition, it is best to install a sand trap at the junction of the pipe and the ceiling, which will extinguish any sparks coming from cracks in the chimney.

Distance from the bathhouse to the neighbors' fence

On the border with a neighboring plot, where the buildings are located quite far away, a bathhouse can be built 30 cm from the fence. But this is only possible if there are no outbuildings on the site in the area where the bathhouse is located.

There are also sanitary standards. If you follow them, then it is necessary to build buildings with an increased fire hazard at a distance of 5 m from the fence. In this case, the distance to a neighboring residential building should not exceed 8 m.

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Reviews on the location of the bathhouse in the local area

It doesn’t matter how large or small your area is, you must plan it. Chaotic development not only steals your useful square meters, but also makes life inconvenient. It is necessary at the planning stage to plan where which building will stand and how far it will be located from the neighbor’s fence.

There is certain documentation that regulates construction on the site. Deviation from these documents may result in penalties or fines. You should definitely read these recommendations; they will also help you choose the location of all communications and buildings.

Building codes and regulations (SNIP) clearly define all provisions regarding the distances and height of the fence between neighbors. All distances between development objects are regulated by the following documents:

  • SNIP;
  • various legislative acts.

These documents fully provide answers regarding the procedure for preparing construction documents. They include the installation of fences and fences. All this is related to specific situations. By focusing on these standards, you can protect yourself and your family from troubles from your neighbors. Compliance with these standards will significantly reduce the likelihood of fires, eliminate conflicts over land, and save you from fines from technical supervision and fire authorities.

Basic requirements of SNIP:

  • the distance from the fence to the residential building must be at least 3 m;
  • outbuildings are located next to the fence, at a distance of 1 m from it;
  • poultry houses and buildings for livestock, as well as greenhouses, should be 4 or more meters away from the neighboring fence;
  • the distance from the bathhouse to the fence must be at least 5 m;
  • the same distance should be maintained when building a sauna and mini-boiler room.

SNIP requirements also provide for other rules regarding the distance from trees to the fence that have spreading crowns. There should be a distance of 4 m from tall trees to the fence. Shrubs are allowed to be planted at a distance of 1 m, low-growing trees - 2 m from the adjacent fence. The distance is calculated from the center of the trunk.

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It is prohibited to promote tree planting and construction of structures closer than the distances specified in SNIP. Such actions entail fines and dismantling of buildings installed in violation of the rules. The construction of buildings for various purposes requires compliance with fire safety standards. Any buildings can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Structures made of concrete, brick, stone, reinforced concrete and other non-combustible materials. They are placed 6-8 m from the fence.
  2. Frame-type structures with ceilings made of corrugated sheets or metal tiles. They are located at a distance of 10-12 m from the fence.
  3. Wooden buildings for various purposes. Even if the structures are impregnated with fire retardants, you need to retreat at least 12 m from the fence.

There are also sanitary standards. If you follow them, then it is necessary to build buildings with an increased fire hazard at a distance of 5 m from the fence. In this case, the distance to a neighboring residential building should not exceed 8 m.

A selection of types of fences made from different materials

It is best to maintain a distance of 12 m in order to feel less close to the latrine, poultry houses, livestock enclosures, and wastewater.

The fence itself can be constructed from various materials. From the thickness of the fence, it is allowed to capture 5 cm from the neighbors’ territory. SNIP standards allow the installation of a fence 1 m high. It should not shade the neighboring area or interfere with air exchange. It's better to do

. Can be used

Option for a transparent fence between neighbors

Where, according to the standards, you can install a septic tank and a bathhouse, so as not to quarrel with your neighbors

“There is no need to quarrel with your neighbors,” says Anton Garustovich. — In the USA, when a new person appears in the area, everyone goes to meet him. This is a very useful acquaintance - neighbors will tell you about the nuances of this area, which services and who to contact if you have certain questions. And it’s absolutely normal to be friends with your neighbors.

It must be remembered that a pond or pool must be at least 3 meters away from the fence, an enclosure with pets - 4 m, temporary storage areas for building materials (storage height no more than 3 m) - at a distance of at least 1 m. placed with an indentation of 1 meter from the border of the site. A nuance: if the canopy is adjacent to the house, then formally it is part of it, so it should be at a distance of 3 m from the fence (according to TKP 45−3.01−117−2008).

Standards for building a bathhouse away from neighbors' fences

Naturally, in addition to the established standards, there are generally accepted rules, without which construction can become downright dangerous. Any construction must begin with the development of a structure plan based on strength calculations and taking into account numerous influencing factors. When choosing a place to install a bathhouse and the type of structure (including the materials used), the following factors should be taken into account:

These standards can also be used as a guide when designing a bathhouse, taking into account buildings in adjacent areas. In particular, the distance from the bathhouse to the neighbor’s bathhouse must be calculated based on a distance from the fence of 3 m, therefore, you can build no closer than 5 m from the fence.

What should be the distance from the bathhouse to the border of the neighbor’s property?

When planning to build a bathhouse, it is important to pay attention to the windows of a residential building nearby. If smoke from the bathhouse regularly gets into these windows, then you should increase the distance between the bathhouse and the house, or choose a completely different area. But if there are no windows on this side of the house in the neighborhood, you can reduce the distance to an extremely minimum, since the smoke does not pose a threat to the residents of the house.

When building a country house, owners often plan to build a bathhouse. It would seem that all you need for this is materials and a place on the site, but in the process of choosing a place, problematic questions may suddenly arise: at what distance from the fence can you build a bathhouse? For example, how many meters to retreat from the fence.

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At what distance should a bathhouse be installed from a residential building?

From a residential building, the bathhouse can be located in different ways. Some people attach a bathhouse to the house, others install a bathhouse away from residential and outbuildings.

It is desirable that there be at least 8 meters from the house to the bathhouse, at least 6 m from brick. The base part of the house or an element protruding more than 50 cm is taken as the reference point: a canopy, a bay window, a porch.

A bathhouse built near a residential building.

If in doubt, contact your local government or architecture department for clarification. The dimensions and location of a residential building and garage are strictly regulated. The remaining buildings are installed in accordance with the general requirements of SNIP or by written agreement with neighbors.

The rules may change. Refer to the latest edition, as amended, for recommended values.

By observing the rules established by the administration and the law, and by establishing friendly relations with neighbors, there will be no problems in placing a bathhouse or other objects on the site. Set up a sauna, invite your neighbors, have fun. Enjoy Your Bath.

An article about what the distance from the house to the bathhouse should be. Expert advice and distances in meters according to SNiP are provided, which will save you from many troubles.

The correct placement of buildings is always considered an important element in the development of a site. After all, your comfort will depend only on their convenient location. Without development rules, your site will not have the aesthetic appearance, manufacturability, maintenance of communications and safety.

Advice! Any development is regulated by general rules that are prescribed in special construction documents. Irregular placement of a bathhouse on a site is, first of all, a threat to the integrity of property, as well as a threat to the life and health of people.

Placement of a bathhouse on the site

If you are planning to build a bath complex with your own hands, then be sure to think through all the points related to the placement of this structure and the material for its construction. The ideal location of the bathhouse complex is the beautiful shore of the reservoir. Sauna projects located in a picturesque location look very impressive in the photo, and cottage owners even order the construction of a water bath.”

But even here you cannot do without a standard, since wastewater cannot be allowed to enter the water protection zone, therefore, today steam rooms are built 15 meters from the reservoir. And if you want a pond near the sauna, then plan an outdoor pool, which will be more affordable against the huge fine you paid for the illegal construction of the building.

Planning Basics

The placement of the sauna and the distance between the bathhouse and the house are planned depending on its design and methods of heating the steam room.

And in densely populated construction, the construction of a smoky bathhouse and any distance from the bathhouse to a residential building is not allowed. Who would like to live in an area that is always shrouded in smoke? And there is no need to even talk about the fire hazard of such a structure.

But it is not recommended to build smoke-free saunas close to other objects; more and more often you can find projects for sauna structures combined with a house, dacha, or garage. These are saunas of the Finnish type.

The law does not stipulate anywhere that such a building cannot be built in a house or that it is prohibited to attach it closely to the house in order to create one building. Sanitary standards only regulate the placement of a washing station, and then only if the wastewater simply ends up on the ground.

Therefore, during construction, there are certain regulatory documents and instructions with fairly strict distance standards and a number of restrictions.

Basic norms

No one is going to tell you what to build or where you should place your objects. But the construction of a bathhouse structure is a rather labor-intensive legal registration of the structure, so it will be easier not to pay fines for incorrect location, but to familiarize yourself with all the regulatory documents before the project is created and the distance to the bathhouse and the residential building is determined.

To plan distances between objects, you need to focus on two main documents:

  1. Construction regulations;
  2. Building regulations.

In the first document you can learn how project documentation is created correctly and how it can be agreed upon with government agencies. The second document regulates planning and standardizes the distance between buildings on sites.

The placement of construction projects in relation to the neighboring site is regulated not only by distance, but by the material of the walls of the house, even the neighbor’s. For example, there are standards for fire safety distances between buildings.

They regulate the dependence of determining the correct distance between buildings on the material from which the walls are made:

  1. There should be a gap of 15 m between wooden buildings;
  2. Brickwork and wood - 10 m;
  3. Between brick walls - 6 m.

As with the construction of other structures, it is not allowed to build a bathhouse structure at the site of a gas pipe or heating main, and installing a heating main from a house to a bathhouse today does not require huge investments; the price per linear meter of laying pipes will cost you from € 20.

Sanitary standards inside the site

These standards are usually not strictly enforced, for example, as in the spaces between buildings, but, first of all, unsanitary conditions mean your health, odors, dampness. Therefore, all distances to outbuildings will be calculated from the outer wall of the living space.

Therefore, the following standards should be taken as a basis:

  1. The toilet is located 12 meters from the house. More is possible.
  2. The minimum distance from the living space to the construction of a bathhouse or sauna is 8 m.
  3. Buildings for animals are located at a distance of 12-15 m from the house.

If it is planned to place the following buildings on the site, for example, as a well, then it should be more than 20 m from the toilet. This is the only way to prevent wastewater from entering a drinking source.

All this data is taken into account not only for one specific site, but also when planning adjacent sites. For example, are you planning to build a toilet near the fence, and your neighbors have a well dug on the other side of the fence? You'll have to think about how to move your building so as not to clog your neighbors' water intake with waste.

Advice! If you are planning to build a bathhouse, then according to the standard you will have to retreat not only 3 meters from the fence, but also from the neighbor’s house, only 5 meters. It turns out that it is still impossible to do without agreement with the neighbors, and it is better to come to an agreement before the start of construction than to resolve disputes in court.

Distance between the bathhouse and the fence

All buildings on your site should be oriented in relation to the fence. Construction projects near the fence will affect the territory of the neighboring property.

Therefore, SNiP 30-02-97 establishes the following standards:

1. The enclosing structure and the residential building are located with a gap of 3 m. If you want to change the distance, then ask for written permission from the neighbors.

2. Outbuildings with animals will be located at a distance of 4 m. Even the greenhouse complex is included in these standards, especially if you use subcortex. The bath complex is located three meters from the fence if there are no buildings on the other side of the fence. Otherwise, the distance from the bathhouse to the neighboring house must be at least 6 m.

No matter how you and your neighbors plan your bathhouse, the main thing is that each of you neighbors arrange your creation NOT to spite each other, but for your own health.


During any construction, the homeowner considers the construction site and the material from which the structure will be built. The development plan cannot be taken lightly, because even the task of locating the construction site up to the fence will not be easy, because it will affect the interests of the owners of the neighboring plot.

Now you know what it should be like. As practice shows, today the main disputes with neighbors in court are the non-standard location of objects on the site, and most often the construction of bathhouses leads to quarrels with neighbors.

What should be the distance from the bathhouse to other buildings? Are there any specific recommendations regarding this? Let's try to answer some more of these questions today.

The distance from the bathhouse to the neighboring area must be maintained

Distance from Fence to Bathhouse Snip 2020

The minimum distance from a residential property to a barn and other outbuildings should be 4 m, to a neighboring house it should be 12 m. The distance from a neighbor’s house to the homeowner’s bathhouse is 8 m.

With the written consent of the neighbors, it becomes possible to build a bathhouse even on the boundary line, or close to the border of the plots, when, for example, the owners of the neighboring plot have the opportunity to also use the bathhouse. This is especially true when two related families live next door. They can agree that as many meters of the neighbor’s plot be allocated for the dacha as will allow the second family to use this bathhouse equally.

Bathhouse From Neighbor's Fence Distance Snip 2020

When deciding to build a sauna on a SNT site, you must comply with all building codes and build it according to the rules. From the border (boundaries) of your land in a gardening (horticultural) non-profit partnership (SNT) or in a DNT, you can make the necessary indentation towards your own territory from the adjacent neighbor’s garden in accordance with SNiP 30-02-97 as amended in 2020 and the law of Russia. Its value should be 1 meter if the nearby water flows into the sewer system, otherwise you should retreat 3 meters to the place where the bathhouse will be located.

Safety and fire prevention are the main considerations laid down in SNiP for the construction of sanitary facilities. The need for their thorough compliance is also due to the existing situation, according to which responsibility for one-story buildings is now assigned by the state to the owners of individual housing construction.

Installation of different types of baths

Before erecting a structure, it is important to determine the type of future construction. Baths can be smoky or non-smoky, therefore, according to the regulations, the requirements for the first type of structure are as follows:

  1. Build taking into account the wind rose, since the wind can strongly blow smoke towards neighboring houses.
  2. Do not build in densely populated areas.
  3. Maintain a distance of 12 m from the bathhouse to the residential building.


If you plan to build a bathhouse that needs to be heated, then the distance from this building to the country house should be kept at 12 m. It is better if the building is located on the side of the site where the wind blows more intensely and frequently. This will further reduce the risk of fire hazard.

Smoke-free baths, or white baths, must be installed taking into account sanitary standards:

  • away from the neighbor's house;
  • arrange a ventilation system;
  • waterproof the steam room.

Installing a building in white will significantly provide savings on the arrangement of a water supply system and sewerage system on one site. There are no norms in the legislation that prevent the placement of sauna structures together with residential buildings. In any case, it is better to coordinate such projects with architects and design specialists.

Modern baths are often combined with a garage structure, a residential building or a summer house. The legislation does not indicate anywhere that the construction of such structures is prohibited by regulations. Sanitary standards apply only to the construction of washrooms or toilets.

Location on

The distance from the bathhouse to the house is established by SNiP, SP and SanPiN standards. All standards have been developed for free-standing structures. A steam room in the form of a Finnish sauna is an extension, the operation of which is associated with certain risks:

  • fire hazard;
  • ingress of wastewater into the ground;
  • soil contamination.

Fire standards for the distance from the bathhouse to various buildings are similar to the sanitary standards, which are regulated by SNiP 30-02-97 as amended in 2020 and SP 53.13330.2011. Fire safety standards have not been established for grouped buildings and structures, including those located in neighboring areas.

How many meters from the bathhouse to the neighboring house

There is a Code of Norms and Rules (SNiP 30-02-97) that regulates all the nuances of the location of houses and other buildings relative to each other. In accordance with the sanitary standards specified therein, the distance from the bathhouse and other building of the same type to the border of the site must be no less than 1 meter.

Backlash closet

- an in-house warm latrine with an underground cesspool, into which feces enter through a sewer pipe. Ventilation is carried out through a special backlash channel adjacent to the heating devices, and the cesspool is located outside.

Planning the location of the bath

The most current standards are formulated in the Code of Practice (SP) 2011. Before it there was SNiP 02/30/97. There are no significant changes in the joint venture compared to SNiP, except that now the distance between buildings has become advisory rather than mandatory. Nevertheless, it is these recommendations that the gardening partnership or neighbors will refer to if they feel that the building is located incorrectly. And with a high degree of probability they will win the trial.

In addition to the SNT (horticultural non-profit partnership), a dacha consumer cooperative can also make claims. Most cottage villages belong to one of these two types. In accordance with the documents, there must be a minimum of 8 meters between the bathhouse or sauna and other buildings. In this case, not only buildings on the site should be taken into account, but also houses, outbuildings, gazebos and any other structures of neighbors. That is, if there are 8 meters from the bathhouse to your house, and 5 meters to the neighbor’s, then this may cause quibbles on their part.

When planning the location of the bathhouse, it is important to follow several rules at once. They themselves are simple. But sometimes it is difficult to ensure that all these parameters are combined.

  1. Next to the bathhouse there should be either a reservoir, or a hose, taps, a well with a pump, and so on. This requirement makes the bathhouse safer even in the event of a fire, because then it can be easily and quickly extinguished.
  2. The hood, ventilation and chimney should not go to other buildings nearby if they are closer than 10 meters.
  3. The escaping hot air or smoke also cannot be directed towards the plants in the garden plot (trees, shrubs, flowers), as it can damage them.
  4. The bathhouse should not be located close to the fence or the border of the site (if there is no fence). The distance from the bathhouse to the general fence should be at least one meter.
  5. The bathhouse cannot shade the neighbors' property.

A dacha association may have its own special requirements for the location of buildings on your site and in relation to neighboring ones.

The rules must be studied in the partnership manual. If there are no additional requirements, and the general rules are not entirely clear, you need to contact the district administration, where they are required to clarify them. You can even come with a plan and figure out together what kind of location will be legal.

Distance between house and bathhouse

Good afternoon In principle, you can register both as a bathhouse and as an outbuilding, the setbacks from the boundaries of the site are not violated, and in practice I have not encountered any suspensions for outbuildings due to fire breaks in the Moscow region.

Good afternoon. All fire distances are guidelines. In court, you can demand compliance with them; most likely, you will be required to carry out additional fire-prevention treatment. Or otherwise protect you and your buildings. You can initially call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ask them to issue an order.

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