Malfunction The Rosreestr office in Moscow will probably not work for several days. IN
How much to pay for an apartment if no one is registered there? On the other hand, not everyone
How to get a subsidy for - payment for services for - heat - All heat consumers,
Home / Land, dacha, construction / Documents and legislation / Land plot / Land surveying
What is taken into account when calculating the apartment tax When starting to calculate the apartment tax, you need
Place of stay This is the place where a citizen stays temporarily for no more than 90 calendar days. TO
The bulk of the Government’s efforts are aimed at providing material and other types of assistance to vulnerable groups
Every month you have to pay bills, including the payment for the residential property.
On the need to survey a garden plot, if there is a cadastral number. Carrying out land surveying -
Due to difficult economic conditions and, as a consequence, a serious decrease in real financial income