Is it possible to change the rights not at the place of registration 2020

Is it possible to change your license in another city, not at the place of registration?

Is it possible to change my license in another city?
This kind of question worries many modern drivers. After all, in Russia citizens do not always live at their place of registration. And therefore, exchanging documents can bring a lot of trouble. A driver's license is not an exception to the rule.

What do you need to know about this topic? When and how is it generally allowed to exchange rights in Russia? We will try to answer all this and more further.

How to change your license in another city? The first step is to study the reasons for exchanging a driver's license.

These usually include:

  • expiration of the document;
  • obtaining a new driving category;
  • correction of citizens' data;
  • loss or theft of a document;
  • damage to rights

I guess that's all. The traffic police will not simply exchange your license. Therefore, you will have to think about how to cope with the task being studied only if there are appropriate reasons.

Is it possible to change my license in another city or not at the place of registration? Recently in Russia, applications of established standards have begun to be accepted not only by the traffic police, but also by the MFC. This greatly simplified the entire procedure for re-issuing documentation. And in small regions, where several districts have one MFC, such innovations played an important role.

Is it possible to change my license in another city? And in your region, but not at your place of registration? Yes, but you will have to prepare for this process in advance. Sometimes exchanging documentation without taking into account a person’s registration causes a lot of trouble.

It is also worth remembering that a number of state and municipal services are provided only at the place of registration. And for some opportunities, registration of citizens does not play any role.

“Can they change their license in another city?” - a question that worries the majority of modern drivers. Especially those who decided to live outside their place of registration. For example, in another city or region.

Before applying to exchange a driver's license, a person will have to prepare. Namely, acquire registration at your place of residence. Without it, it is virtually impossible to bring your idea to life.

Is a citizen able to bring his idea to life without having a residence permit or temporary registration there? What does the current legislation say on this issue?

The thing is that according to the law, every person must have a registration - temporary or permanent. Lack of registration makes the previously mentioned procedure impossible.

This means that you cannot do without temporary registration or permanent registration. The person must have a certificate indicating the place of residence/stay. Otherwise, re-issuance of a driver's license will be denied. But is it legal?

Not really. Ideally, people should change any registration documentation. But anything can happen in life. And the lack of registration should not infringe on the rights of the population.

What to do if, for one reason or another, a potential driver does not have a residence permit or registration? Then he has the right to contact any traffic police authority or MFC to replace the documentation being studied.

Yes, a citizen can be refused if he does not have a residence permit. But this scenario is not always legal. If a citizen can confirm the complete absence of registration and personal data, he should not be refused.

If you have a permanent residence permit, you must submit a request for re-issue of a license at your place of residence. If a citizen has temporary registration, he can apply for help both at his place of temporary residence and at his permanent residence address. This is quite normal.

How to change your license in another city? Next, we will study the operation in great detail. This way you will be able to avoid unforeseen problems, incidents and other troubles.

A step-by-step guide to exchanging a v/c looks something like this:

  1. Obtain temporary or permanent registration. This step is optional. Rather, it is desirable to avoid problems in the future.
  2. Add together the certificates requested from the citizen to receive the service. They may vary depending on the reason for the exchange of rights.
  3. Fill out an application in the prescribed form for reissue.
  4. Submit a completed request to one of the previously listed places. You need to come to the organization with the papers collected in advance.
  5. Pay for the exchange or initial issue of the card being studied.
  6. At the agreed time, pick up the final driver card.

At this stage, the manipulations can be completed. Fast and very convenient. Citizens can easily change their driver's license in another city. Especially if they worried in advance about having a temporary residence permit in the chosen region.

We found out how to change your license while in another city. In general, this operation is not much different from re-issuing a military license at the place of registration.

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Here are documents that may be useful:

  • old rights (if any);
  • identification;
  • application for document exchange;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty in the established amounts;
  • photo for documents (preferably in color);
  • certificates confirming the presence of registration/registration or their complete absence.

In addition, when replacing the documentation being studied, you may be required to:

  • documentation indicating the applicant's marriage or divorce;
  • extracts confirming the fact of personal data correction;
  • certificates of the citizen’s health status received as a result of passing a special commission.

I guess that's all. Now it’s clear how you can make a v/c exchange. It's not as difficult as it seems.


Is it possible to change my license in another city? Yes, no problem. How much does the procedure cost?

In Russia, replacing a license will cost 2,000 rubles. Citizens submitting an application through State Services can count on a 30% discount. There are no further costs for the operation.

Important: you can submit a request for an exchange of rights to the traffic police, MREO, traffic police, MFC or through “State Services”.


Is a citizen able to bring his idea to life without having a residence permit or temporary registration there? What does the current legislation say on this issue?

The thing is that according to the law, every person must have a registration - temporary or permanent. Lack of registration makes the previously mentioned procedure impossible.

This means that you cannot do without temporary registration or permanent registration. The person must have a certificate indicating the place of residence/stay. Otherwise, re-issuance of a driver's license will be denied. But is it legal?

Is it possible to change a driver’s license at a location other than your place of registration and how to do it?

If you approach the issue of moving, regardless of its reason, strictly, then there should be registration. Ideally, a person should register where he rents the premises. However, the reality and level of legal awareness is such that the owner does not provide registration services and actively opposes it. If you are permanently in a foreign city, registration will still be required: to register at a clinic, register a child in a kindergarten or school, to get a job (employers, especially in government agencies, check for registration), and to receive other services. Therefore, it is recommended to issue it.

Basic documents for rights

Not really. Ideally, people should change any registration documentation. But anything can happen in life. And the lack of registration should not infringe on the rights of the population.

What to do if, for one reason or another, a potential driver does not have a residence permit or registration? Then he has the right to contact any traffic police authority or MFC to replace the documentation being studied.

Yes, a citizen can be refused if he does not have a residence permit. But this scenario is not always legal. If a citizen can confirm the complete absence of registration and personal data, he should not be refused.

From all of the above, it follows that exchanging rights in another city is not the most difficult task. And if you prepare for it in advance, a person will be able to bring the idea to life in the shortest possible time.

If you have a permanent residence permit, you must submit a request for re-issue of a license at your place of residence. If a citizen has temporary registration, he can apply for help both at his place of temporary residence and at his permanent residence address. This is quite normal.

We found out how to change your license while in another city. In general, this operation is not much different from re-issuing a military license at the place of registration.

I guess that's all. Now it’s clear how you can make a v/c exchange. It's not as difficult as it seems.

Current regulations do not consider the registration factor as a reason for refusing to provide a driver's license. In this case, foreigners need to undergo the procedure in the area for which they were issued a residence permit by contacting the local MREO.

Expert opinion

Artemyev Dmitry

Experience as a forensic expert in the field of automotive technical examination for more than 2 years, more than 3 years of work in the field of insurance disputes, appealing guilt in road accidents.

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Before carrying out the procedure at the MFC, you need to collect the necessary certificates and take a photo of your license. It will take about 15 days to prepare the certificate. At the MFC you can also obtain rights according to international standards.

How to get a driver's license without registration

Does temporary registration entitle citizens to obtain a driver's license? The answer is yes! Actual residence does not prevent you from changing your driver’s license if this place is different from your permanent residence.

At the moment, the law obliges employees, not clients, to order these certificates. But as everyone knows, in practice this is not at all easy.

In addition to the specified certificate, you will also need a set of mandatory documents:

  • passport;
  • medical report;
  • certificate of completion of a driving school;
  • state duty;
  • photo;
  • certificate of temporary registration;
  • application for a license to drive a motor vehicle.

You need to get your license in the same department where you took the theoretical and practical exam. This can take from one hour or more, immediately after passing the exam. The period for which a driver's license is issued is the same for everyone with both permanent and temporary registration - ten years.

Is it possible to obtain rights through temporary registration? Of course you can. Currently, they are trying to simplify the system for obtaining and replacing documents. Thus saving the time and nerves of citizens.

However, the problem still exists, since despite the fact that you can take the exam at any traffic police department, there remains the need to provide a number of documents that can only be obtained at the place of permanent registration. In this regard, it will not be possible to avoid a trip home in any case. In addition, a person may be required to have a temporary residence permit in the city where he is going to take the exam.

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Design features After studying at a driving school, each person has the right to choose which traffic police department he will take the exam at. This means that a driving school can be completed at the place of permanent residence, and the exam for obtaining a license can actually be taken in a completely different region. There can be many reasons for this: moving to a place of work or study, marriage, etc.

Now you can get a license for 10 years from the date of replacement, but in this case you are required to present a medical certificate. You can see all doctors anywhere, except for a psychiatrist and a narcologist. The presence or absence of you on these records is confirmed by the relevant dispensaries at your place of residence.

What records should be present in the document

The replaced license contains all the data from the old licenses - vehicle category, series, number, etc. Driving experience continues.

In addition, the date of issue, the body that carried out the registration procedure and the signature of the owner are indicated.

Expert opinion

Artemyev Dmitry

Experience as a forensic expert in the field of automotive technical examination for more than 2 years, more than 3 years of work in the field of insurance disputes, appealing guilt in road accidents.

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If you lose your ID, a new one will have the same expiration date. Typically, VUs are considered obsolete after 10 years.


Is it possible to change my license in another city? Yes, no problem. How much does the procedure cost?

In Russia, replacing a license will cost 2,000 rubles. Citizens submitting an application through State Services can count on a 30% discount. There are no further costs for the operation.

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Important: you can submit a request for an exchange of rights to the traffic police, MREO, traffic police, MFC or through State Services.


As of 2020, the amount of payments for new plastic licenses is 2 thousand rubles. The cost of a paper license is 500 rubles, issuing an international driving license will cost 1,600 rubles, and a temporary permit to use vehicles will cost 800 rubles.

You also need to take into account other costs, for example, the cost of passing a medical examination (from 1000 to 3000 rubles) and filling services - 700 rubles.

On the Gosuslugi website, savings on state fees are about 30%. Also on the service you can set a time and date to appear at a traffic police or multifunctional police station, get a bank account number for payments and change your license in another city without registration.

How to pick up your license in your city after deprivation - method No. 1?

The driver's license is usually submitted to the court that heard the case. The court sends it to the traffic police department, which is responsible for considering the case of the offense. To return your license in your city, you must take the following steps:

  1. Find out the department where those surrendered were sent after deprivation of their rights. You can find out by simply looking at the resolution/decision on the case; the name of this department is indicated there.
  2. Next, the department can be found on the official website of the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (direct link to the traffic police departments) by first selecting the search region in the site header on the right. Before writing an application, it is better to call this department and find out if they have your rights. Such information must be provided by telephone (clause of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

  3. After clarification, you need to write a free-form application to forward your rights to the nearest MREO branch of your choice in your city, from where you plan to pick them up. In the application you simply write the heading: where and from whom you are sending the application (be sure to write your contact phone number), then the heading “Application” and the application itself: “Please send the driver’s license series ____ number ________, which I handed over on such and such a date, to the MREO department Traffic police department “Name of department” located at __________.”
  4. Next, the application must be placed in any envelope and sent by registered mail with a description of the contents. We need to send it by registered mail in order to further track the fate of the letter on the Russian Post website using the track number.
  5. Two to three business days after the tracking result shows that the letter has been delivered to the addressee, call the department to see if the application has been accepted and the request to send the license to your city has been satisfied. If this is refused, then demand (preferably with a recording of the telephone conversation) a reason for the refusal.

As you can see, everything is quite simple! The only problem is the loss of time. If you asked yourself the question of how to take back your license if it was handed over in another city right at the very end of the period of deprivation, then you will have to wait - first until your letter with the application arrives in the city where your rights are located, and then until your rights send a similar letter to your city.

Is refusal possible?

Of course, they can refuse to issue new licenses. But this happens only in exceptional cases.

Here are the main ones:

  • errors in documents submitted to the traffic police;
  • the citizen does not apply to his territorial office.

There should be no other way in which you will be denied a valid driver's license.


When submitting false documents, you face not only a refusal to issue new rights. Russian legislation provides for liability for providing fictitious documentation. The sanctions for such an offense are a fine in the amount of the citizen’s total income for 6 months or arrest for six months, as provided for in Art. 327 CC.

The driver may face a fine for failure to promptly replace the driver's license. If a person gets behind the wheel after the license has expired 10 years from the date of receipt, a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles is provided. To avoid such costs, it is worth starting the replacement procedure in advance.

They must be paid on time and in full to reduce the number of possible problems.

The presence of unpaid penalties cannot be a basis for delay or refusal of replacement. However, to maintain order, they must be paid and no longer violate the established rules.

Thus, replacing a driver’s document not at the place of registration is quite possible. To do this, you will need the same package of documents as for registration: application, passport, old license, certificate from the clinic, receipt.

Surprisingly, if you want to change your license to a new one later than required by law, you will have to pay a fine.

The amount is quite significant. Typically the fine ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the period of delay.

Thus, the Legislator motivates to comply with the rules and regulations in force on the road, and, when deciding whether it is possible to change a driver’s license not at the place of registration, choose a convenient replacement method and do it on time.

You just need to collect all the necessary papers and visit the nearest branch of the MFC or traffic police. A citizen can also submit an application electronically and not waste his time going through the authorities.

Replacement of a driver's license in another region

Contents The question “is it possible to change your license in another city or region other than your place of official residence” worries many drivers. Theoretically, a person’s actual location does not affect his constitutional and social rights, and he can change his driver’s license in any region or city by contacting the nearest traffic police department. You can replace your license without temporary registration at your place of residence or stay, but in practice this is not recommended.

The fact is that the location of a citizen on the territory of the country must be recorded in the UVM, otherwise living in the city without registration is an offense and involves a fine of up to 5,000 rubles, depending on the locality.

Therefore, it is recommended to register before going to the traffic police. But if for some reason you have not registered at your new place of residence, employees do not have the right to refuse to accept your application for a replacement driver’s license.

You can change your license at the territorial traffic police department, as well as at the service center (until 2020 - Multifunctional center). In both cases, the address of the person’s official registration does not matter, and you can change your license even at a location other than your place of registration.

Since all information about drivers, categories assigned to them, available vehicles, fines and offenses is stored in a single database, you can access the necessary information from anywhere. You can replace your license even faster through the State Services portal, where there is a corresponding section that allows you to fill out an application online. To change your license, you must submit the collected documents to the traffic police (see.

above), pay the state fee in the appropriate amount. At your appointment, an employee from the institution will help you fill out the application or do it for you.

Since 2020, the period for issuing a new certificate has been reduced from a calendar month to one week, although in some branches, due to the workload of staff, the deadline for issuing documents remains at the same level.

List of documents

You must provide a list of documents to the traffic police department, having previously paid the state fee:

  1. Application in writing.
  2. Duty payment receipt.
  3. Old rights (if possible).
  4. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  5. Medical certificate of completed medical examination.

The cost of the state duty depends entirely on what form of release the driver needs. To get a duplicate, you should pay only 500 rubles; for a plastic original, the cost is up to 2000 rubles.

Lost my rights: how to restore my rights if lost 2020

The training card must be kept throughout life; it is in such cases that it is required, regardless of when the first license was obtained. To restore rights, its provision is mandatory. But when replacing a document, it may not be required.

If the driver receives a license for the first time, the procedure is carried out only at the traffic police department. Restoration of rights in the MFC is carried out jointly with the traffic police. MFC employees provide full information to drivers, accept documents and issue ready-made licenses. The decision to issue or refuse is made only by the traffic police department.

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What additional documents should I provide?

In 2020, the Rules for replacing rights have changed and some additional certificates are now required. A “replacement” driver’s license can be obtained, regardless of where you will be at a given time.

However, staying not at the place of registration, but at the place of actual residence is the basis for submitting additional documents:

  • copies of the document confirming temporary registration;
  • a certificate certifying that the citizen has not yet received a driver’s license or has not lost it.

Once all the necessary papers are ready, you can go to the traffic police and apply for a driver’s license.

Is it possible to change a driver's license without registration in the city?

If you delve into paragraph 3 of the Rules governing the issuance of driver’s licenses, you can understand that replacing a license at a place other than the place of registration is possible.

The only obstacle that may arise when collecting documents is a medical certificate. It is because of this that the whole process can be delayed. The problem is that it is mandatory to undergo such doctors as a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

But if there is no official registration at the place where the medical examination is taking place, then it will be necessary to send a request to confirm that the motorist is not registered with these dispensaries. Otherwise, the certificate will not be issued.

Based on clause 3 of Government Decree No. 1097 of October 24, 2014 “On admission to driving a vehicle,” every citizen can replace his license at the place of application, and, therefore, registration in another region is not a reason for refusing to issue a new document at the place of application .

Traffic police: in Minsk you can change your license at three addresses

Today, the Minsk State Traffic Inspectorate drew attention to the fact that you can change your driver’s license and its coupon not only directly at the inter-district examination department of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate at 3 Dzerzhinsky Avenue, in Minsk. Thus, according to clause 2 of the “Regulations on the procedure for issuing a driver’s license, a coupon for a driver’s license and their exchange”, the exchange of a driver’s license and a coupon for it, the issuance of a temporary permit in case of loss (theft) of a driver’s license, the issuance of a new license in return lost or stolen (duplicate) are carried out by examination departments regardless of the place of registration of citizens of the Republic of Belarus on the territory of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of applications from citizens.

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In Minsk, it is also possible to exchange a driver's license and a driver's license coupon at the following addresses: * st. Kalvariyskaya, 29 (MREO traffic police of the Minsk regional executive committee); * st. Timiryazeva, 114, TD “Zhdanovichi” (MEO of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee).

How can I make a replacement?

Usually, to replace a driver’s license, they contact the traffic police department directly.

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You can consider two more options, which are also convenient:

  1. Submitting an application through the MFC - using this service has become possible since 2020. The organization acts as an intermediary, so replacing rights takes longer.
  2. Submitting an application through the State Services website - to complete the application, go to the “Driver’s license” section and select the item - for what reason the replacement is being made.

By paying the state fee on the website, you can get a 30% discount. The only negative is that to submit an application, you first need to register and confirm your account. This will also take some time.

These methods are suitable for those who do not have time to sit in line at traffic police departments.

Replacement procedure

Changing a driver's license in a city other than the one where it was registered is no different from the usual procedure for changing a license.

Main stages:

  1. Payment for the service. As mentioned above, the cost depends on the form of rights issue - duplicate, plastic or international.
  2. If your driver's license has been stolen, you should contact the police and file a statement, and only then replace it.
  3. If your license has expired and you need to replace it, you need to get a medical certificate again.
  4. When collecting documents, it is very important to check all personal data so as not to make a mistake and then not to redo it again.
  5. Submitting an application and all necessary documents.
  6. Issuance of a new driver's license.

The replacement, carried out at the place of registration, usually takes a little time, about 20 minutes. If not at the place of registration, then from 7 to 10 days.

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  • collection of necessary documents;
  • choosing an institution to submit an appeal;
  • payment of state duty;
  • in case of replacement due to the expiration of the driver's license - passing a medical examination;
  • submitting an application and a package of necessary documents;
  • obtaining new rights.

Where to contact

  1. MFC. Contacting the MFC is a convenient way to replace an old document. The center’s specialists will relieve the applicant from the need to personally visit the traffic police department. Before contacting the MFC, you must collect a complete package of documents and make an appointment with a center employee. Registration is carried out through the official website of the institution, by calling the hotline or during a personal visit using an electronic queue coupon.
  2. Traffic police You can make an appointment with a traffic police inspector using the State Services online portal. To do this, you will need to register on the site and confirm your account. You can also use the official website of the traffic police. At the appointed time, you must visit the selected institution with a ready-made package of required papers.


The applicant will need:

  1. Passport (in case of replacement of rights due to a change of surname, you will need to present a new passport).
  2. A driver's card confirming that you have completed training at a driving school.
  3. Medical certificate if the replacement is carried out due to the expiration of the old license.
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  5. Application (filled out upon application to the institution).

Additionally you may need:

  1. Certificate of marriage or divorce - if the replacement of rights is associated with a change of surname after marriage.
  2. A certificate confirming the fact of a change in personal data - if the replacement of rights is associated with a change in personal data for reasons not related to the marriage.
  3. If an old document is lost or stolen, paperwork from law enforcement may be required.

The average processing time for a submitted application and package of papers is 5 days. If errors are discovered in the submitted papers, this period may be delayed.

The amount of the state duty for replacing a driver’s license is approved at the legislative level in Art. 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and amounts to:

  • 2000 rubles when issuing a plastic document;
  • 3000 rubles when issuing a new generation document with a built-in storage medium (introduced from 08/03/18).

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Do I need to change my rights when changing my registration?

Changing your place of residence requires many procedures. If a simple move to another apartment or house, without changing your registration, does not require much fuss, then changing your registration requires changing many documents. Motorists are most interested in the question of whether it is necessary to change their license when changing their registration, because some documents for a vehicle must be replaced in this case.

What documents need to be changed

The first step when changing your permanent place of registration is to put a special mark in your passport. It is the most important document identifying a citizen. In this case, it must be submitted to one of the authorities for this procedure:

  • FMS;
  • Multifunctional Center;
  • Passport Office.

After some time, it will contain a mark indicating a new place of permanent residence. If you contact the FMS directly (other bodies are only intermediaries), the procedure will take on average 3 working days.

For persons under 14 years of age, there is no need to change their birth certificate.

After a citizen has received a passport with a new registration address, he must necessarily appear at the military registration and enlistment office (for men) at the new place of registration and present a military ID. Military registration and enlistment office employees will make a request at the old place of registration and remove the person liable for military service from the register. This procedure is not subject to state duty, and it lasts for one week.

In addition, it is necessary to change some car documents. To do this, you need to come to the traffic police and present the following package of documents:

  • passport with new place of registration;
  • vehicle passport;
  • insurance document (policy) of motor third party liability.

Having filled out the appropriate application, the owner of the vehicle submits the STS for replacement. The procedure takes a little time, and already on the same day the citizen will receive a new registration document for his vehicle. The cost of the state fee for replacing a document is 500 rubles. After the procedure, you must present the new STS to your insurer to make changes to the policy and base.

If a citizen who is a pensioner has changed his registration, he must notify the pension fund about this. So that pension payments are transferred to a new place of residence. This procedure does not require any payment and is done completely free of charge.

After a citizen has moved to a new place of residence, he must attach his medical card to the institution at his place of registration. To do this, you need to come to the clinic with a compulsory insurance policy and submit an application. After this, the patient’s data is entered into a common database, and the application is signed by the organization’s chief physician.

Which documents do not require replacement?

If you have changed your permanent residence address, there is no need to change the following documents:

  • SNILS;
  • driver's license;
  • bank card;
  • bank account;
  • TIN.

Licenses confirming the ability to drive vehicles are valid throughout the entire territory of our country; they have no connection with the citizen’s registration, therefore there is no need to change them. You can drive a vehicle in any region of the Russian Federation, regardless of the driver’s place of registration.

Rights need to be replaced only in the following cases:

  • upon expiration of the document. A driver's license is issued for a period of 10 years, if this period has passed and the driver uses the document, namely, drives a vehicle, then this is considered illegal;
  • if personal data is changed, for example, the last name was changed upon marriage or the first name was changed at one’s own request;
  • if the document is lost;
  • if a document has been stolen;
  • damage to driver's license;
  • for health reasons to make special notes on the certificate;
  • if it is revealed that this document is counterfeit.

Based on this, it should be concluded that there is no need to change your rights when changing your registration!

Some tips for replacing a document

Lawyers advise not to delay in obtaining new documents and entering new data on the citizen’s registration. This contributes to the high-quality provision of many services in government agencies, as well as the avoidance of penalties.

Mechnikov Lior Pavlovich

Leading Lawyer. Provides qualified assistance to car owners

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REMEMBER! Each case is individual. It may be better to consult a specialist to avoid time and money costs.

You must notify the bank where you have your personal account or card. In this case, the plastic will not be replaced, but the bank will be aware of the new place of residence of its client, which will make it possible to inform him in a timely manner about various changes or programs.

In some situations, it is possible to receive a fine for late changes to documents.

If changes are not made to the military ID regarding the new registration, then the citizen will have to pay 500 rubles. If the owner of the vehicle has not made changes to the STS regarding his registration, then the fine is much more significant and ranges from one and a half to two thousand rubles.

So, to summarize, you should know that replacing documents relating to a car or other vehicle concerns only the STS; the rest, including the driver’s license, do not need to be changed.

Replacement cases

Replacement of rights is required in limited cases:

  • expiration of the certificate;
  • loss or theft;
  • physical wear and tear of the document;
  • name change.

The most common reasons are the first and last on the list. The issued certificates are gradually expiring and need to be replaced. A motorist can apply for a replacement at any time, but it should be remembered that driving a car with an expired license is unacceptable. If a violation is detected, the driver will have to pay 5 thousand to the budget, and in rare cases, pick up the car from the impound lot. Changing the name or surname most often happens to women during marriage or divorce.

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