The main source of information about population migration in Russia is special registration documents (sheets for statistical accounting of departures), which are filled out by the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation when deregistering the population at the place of residence. Deregistration is carried out automatically in the process of electronic processing of data on migration of the population when moving within the Russian Federation, as well as after the expiration of the period of stay with migrants, regardless of the place of previous residence.
Let's consider the need and procedure for filling out the statistical disposal sheet in Form 12B.
What is registration/registration?
The migration legislation of the Russian Federation encourages citizens to notify about their movements and changes in place of residence, including temporary ones.
This requirement is called propiska and provides for the registration of each citizen. The legislative framework in such a case is considered to be RF Law No. 5242-1, which was amended in 2020. You can read the full text of the law on the right of Russian citizens to freedom of movement and choice of place of residence within their country.
Stamp in the passport about deregistration
It is important to take into account that the registration procedure is identical for all categories of citizens, but provides for a number of features that depend on a number of factors. These include the property status of the housing, and whether registration will be primary or secondary. At the same time, registration does not affect the property status of housing.
According to Article 16 of Government Decree No. 713, citizens are obliged to notify the relevant authorities of a change of residence within 7 days, providing the necessary documents for registration.
By law, children must also be registered. Parents or legal representatives need to think about it from the moment a new person is born.
The procedure for deregistration by obtaining a new registration
In order for the procedure to be successful, it is extremely important for a citizen to provide the necessary package of documents for registration, which will allow him to quickly obtain registration at a new place of residence and withdraw from the previous one. To do this, you will need to submit the following documents to the territorial department of the Federal Migration Service at the place of new residence:
- Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its copies.
- Completed application form “6”.
- An extract from the house register or the book itself, if the citizen plans to register in a private building.
- Documentation confirming ownership. Its role is played by an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Previously, special certificates were used, but they have been completely abolished since 2020 and are currently not being issued.
Extract from the Unified State Register confirming ownership of the apartment
You can get acquainted with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 984 of December 31, 2017 on the procedure for registering citizens, the nuances of deregistration, as well as the list of required documents.
After submitting the necessary documents, the passport officer will check the application for possible errors in filling out, after which the passport will be confiscated. You can receive it at the appointed time - processing times vary from two weeks to a month. After the date arrives, the citizen will receive his passport, which will contain a note about his discharge from the previous place of residence and his registration in the new one.
This method allows you to check out of housing in a short period of time by registering in a new one. It implies that all concerns regarding the discharge of a citizen fall on the shoulders of the passport office employees, who often require prior deregistration. Such actions by employees are unlawful, however, to speed up the process, a citizen can sign out on their own.
Removal from military registration
Another important aspect of the procedure that causes a lot of controversy is the citizen’s military registration. According to the law, he must notify the military registration and enlistment office of the change of residence and be removed from military registration after the change of registration occurs. However, if the passport office employees refuse such a request, you will have to first visit the military registration and enlistment office at your previous place of residence and then proceed with changing your registration.
The military ID also contains marks indicating a change of residence.
In such cases, you will need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
- Visit the passport office and fill out an application form in Form 6.
- Provide the employee of the organization with the package of documents listed above, to which you will need to add a military ID or registration certificate.
- Fill out and receive a registration card.
- Deregister at your previous place of residence and register at a new address.
- Visit the military commissariats at the previous and new place of residence, attaching to the latter.
- Visit the passport office again, providing a document on military registration with a new stamp, a registration card, as well as the standard package of documents described above.
After this, as in the previous case, the passport will be seized for 14 days for stamping. In some situations, the wait may take longer, up to 1 month.
Sample application for registration and deregistration at the place of residence (form No. 6)
The application form for registration and deregistration at the place of residence (form No. 6) can be downloaded.
How to apply for sick leave after surgery
Many operations require not only hospital treatment, but also transfer of the patient to a sanatorium. This treatment lasts no longer than 24 days. It is for this period that the sanatorium doctor extends the sick leave. On the day of departure the document is closed. If there is a need to extend the rehabilitation period, the patient must go to the clinic at the place of residence, where the sick leave can be extended for health reasons.
Light operations are considered to be those when the patient does not require many days for rehabilitation. The person can get up independently the next day and be discharged home after 3-5 days. But, if the employee is not yet ready to work, the attending physician prescribes sick leave for up to 15 days. The patient needs to visit a medical facility for procedures and examination of the condition.
25 Jan 2020 etolaw 209
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Extract through court
In some cases, the property owner has to force the tenant out, which, according to Article 35 of the Housing Code in paragraph 1, can only be done through the court. It does not matter the status of the property - municipal or private property. In this regard, if a tenant refuses to leave the apartment, tenants or owners must file a claim in court.
Despite the fact that the status of housing does not affect the way the conflict situation is resolved, the procedure for going to court and forced deportation will differ for privatized and municipal housing.
A very detailed video on how to expel a person from an apartment through the court
Extract from a municipal apartment
If you want to deregister a citizen from municipally owned housing, you should take into account that the conditions for deregistration are the same for everyone, regardless of the degree of relationship, marriage and other factors. Among the main conditions that make forced discharge possible, it is advisable to note the following:
- a citizen has not paid utility bills for a long time;
- the citizen does not live in the apartment where he is registered for a long period of time;
- the citizen decided to leave of his own free will.
At the same time, it is extremely important to consider the potential chances of success in court. The legislation does not regulate the period during which a citizen must not live in an apartment in order to be discharged. In this regard, it is advisable to follow the established practice, according to which he must be absent from the living space for at least one year.
Statement of claim for recognition of the loss of the right to use municipal housing
The status of departure is also of great importance - permanent or temporary. Only the permanent absence of a citizen or his residence in another place with a new family gives the right to forced deportation.
Business trips, treatment, studies and other temporary moves are not considered a valid reason for discharge.
The former tenant who is planned to be discharged must leave the living space voluntarily, and not under the influence of conflicts and quarrels. In addition, he should not encounter resistance if he wants to return to the apartment, and also should not pay for utilities.
To achieve the goal you will need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
- Collect evidence, invite witnesses.
- File a claim.
- Submit a claim for consideration in court.
- Appear at the hearing and wait for the court's decision.
Court decision on eviction from municipal housing
After the judicial authorities have made a decision on the forced discharge of a tenant, it is advisable for the tenant or owner to obtain a copy of it from the office. Then it is taken to the department of the Federal Migration Service, where the citizen is deregistered within three days.
Extract from a privatized apartment
If you want to expel someone from a privatized apartment, it is of great importance whether the apartment was received by the owner during privatization or as a result of another operation, for example, a donation.
In the first case, it is extremely important to take into account that persons who refused to participate in privatization have the right to indefinite use of living space.
According to the law, a family member is any person living in the owner’s living space, and not just related persons.
Sample statement of claim for eviction from a privatized apartment
To discharge him, you will need to cancel his status as a family member by presenting a number of evidence:
- They do not conduct common farming with the owners.
- Maintain a separate budget.
- Persons do not provide each other with any help or support, including material.
- Presence of conflicts in the family.
The procedure for discharge and trial is similar to the case when it is planned to discharge a citizen from a municipal apartment. The difference is that the success rate for evictions is significantly higher if the plaintiff is the owner of the property. In this case, it must be proven that the evicted person is not a family member.
It should be remembered that owners, including those with shares, are not subject to eviction under any circumstances. If an apartment was received during privatization, it will be extremely difficult to evict those registered persons who refused to participate in privatization.
If the defendant does not comply with the court decision voluntarily, then bailiffs will help with the eviction
Extract through the State Services portal
A citizen who wants to check out of an apartment can use a special State Services portal, which will allow him to save a lot of time and effort. To use this method, he must be a verified user of this system. The service is provided free of charge, but it should be remembered that it still involves a personal visit to the Federal Migration Service department and the provision of the necessary documents.
To check out using this method, you should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
- Go to the State Services portal and search for “Registration of a citizen at the place of residence.”
- In the window that opens, you must select the item “Deregistration of a citizen” on the right side.
- Click the button to receive the service.
- Fill in the required data.
- Select the FMS branch to which you plan to submit your application.
- Wait for an invitation to the FMS department for a specific time, visit it and provide documents.
- Get a stamp in your passport about the discharge.
In fact, this method seems to be a kind of entry into the queue at the Federal Migration Service, which can be quite large. However, if a citizen does not have a confirmed entry on the State Services portal, it will be easier for him to use other methods.
Step-by-step instructions for deregistration - on video
When changing their place of residence, citizens can receive a departure address sheet upon deregistration at their previous place of residence.
What are the requirements for this document, in what cases is it issued, is it necessary to receive it, and subsequently submit it when registering at a new place of residence. In the article you will find answers to these questions and some recommendations on the registration procedure for deregistration and registration.
Medical card of an inpatient, rules for filling out
The main document of the inpatient department, which is issued for each newly admitted patient, is the inpatient medical record (form 003 y). The article describes the rules for filling out a medical record in form 003u.
The main document of the inpatient department, which is issued for each newly admitted patient, is the inpatient medical record (form 003 y).
This form must be maintained by all medical institutions, including sanatoriums, dispensary hospitals, university clinics and research institutes.
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The map reflects all the basic information regarding:
- the patient's health status during his hospital stay;
- features of its treatment;
- medical prescriptions during a hospital stay.
This data allows you to track the correctness of the entire process of providing medical care, and is often used to issue extracts and other reference material at the request of judicial and law enforcement agencies.
Therefore, it is important to strictly comply with all the requirements for issuing a stationary card.
Rules for filling out the card
| Filled out in the emergency department. The department doctor fills out a special sheet in which you should indicate the patient’s brief anamnestic data and the results of his examination in the emergency department. All other entries, including a record of the clinical diagnosis, are made by the patient’s attending physician. |
To be completed if the patient has undergone surgery. In this case, you need to indicate the date and time of the operation. The operation is described in detail in the log of form 008/у (journal for recording surgical interventions). | |
| The card indicates his full pathological diagnosis. In this case, as well as in the case of a regular discharge, it is necessary to indicate the number of bed days spent by the patient in the hospital. The day of departure and admission of the patient is counted as one bed day. |
To be completed by the attending physician in the event of discharge or death of the patient. It briefly describes the patient’s condition at the time of his departure and admission, and indicates the main treatment recommendations if necessary. |
The entire time during which the patient is hospitalized, the medical record of inpatient 003 is kept by the attending physician in a special folder.
Medical card: form 003 U
Every day the doctor makes notes about the treatment and the current condition of the patient, all appointments are reflected in the card diary.
Temperature sheet
Attached to the card is a temperature sheet of form 004/у, in which the nurse graphically notes daily:
- pulse;
- breath;
- the patient's temperature.
In case of discharge or death of the patient, his attending physician draws up an epicrisis. It briefly describes the patient’s condition at the time of his departure and admission, and indicates the main treatment recommendations if necessary.
After completion, the inpatient medical record is signed by the attending physician and the head of the structural unit.
Subsequently, the card is stored in the archives of the medical institution.
There are no legal requirements for the request form. The request can be made in simple written form indicating:
- dates of sending the request;
- basic details of the medical insurance organization;
- the purpose of providing the requested information;
- the regulatory basis for the request (including the possibility of providing information constituting medical confidentiality without the consent of patients);
- contents of the request;
- deadlines for completing the request;
- the method of providing the requested information;
- warnings about liability in case of failure to comply with the request;
- other information.
Filling out the patient's medical record diary after surgery
In many medical institutions, the department for the quality of medical care requires attending physicians to fill out a medical history diary in the first 2 hours after surgery to assess the presence or absence of early complications in patients.
Is this requirement of medical care quality specialists justified?
Let's turn to the current legislation.
If regulatory regional acts or local acts of a medical institution stipulate that in order to protect the rights of citizens and control the quality of medical care, doctors must enter dynamic observation data into the charts of postoperative patients within 2 hours after the operation, then such a requirement will be legal.
As you know, an inpatient medical record is an approved form that is mandatory for use in all medical institutions.
Standards for instructions on maintaining a medical record for an inpatient patient
- The requirements for its maintenance are set out in the standard instructions approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 1030 of October 4, 1980.
This instruction establishes that an inpatient card is the basic medical document of inpatient units, which is maintained for all patients admitted for hospitalization.
At the same time, it must reflect the necessary information that demonstrates the patient’s condition at all stages of treatment in the hospital, including data from medical prescriptions and studies performed.
Methods for deregistration
According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the place of residence is a residential premises (house, apartment) where a citizen lives permanently or temporarily. When changing the address of your residence, you must take steps to re-register: deregistration at the address where the person lived before, further registration. To do this, a person applies to the body authorized to accept and issue documents with a corresponding application. After the procedure is completed, he receives a passport with a note (stamp) about the discharge, and a certificate of departure from his previous place of residence.
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There are two options:
- submit an appropriate application for deregistration when moving;
- Having arrived at the new address, simultaneously with registration, issue an extract, that is, deregistration will be carried out automatically.
In the first case, you need to independently contact the authorized registration authority or the territorial division of the migration authorities at the previous address of stay with a written application and provide a passport in the attachment, where after the procedure the corresponding stamp will be affixed. In this case, the employee must draw up and hand out a departure address sheet to the citizen, which displays:
- Full name of the person applying;
- all data according to the passport;
- date, place of birth;
- citizenship;
- permanent residence address;
- date of registration.
The second option has a number of advantages. Firstly, there is no need to visit the passport office twice to register; it is enough to contact the appropriate authority once upon arrival at a new place of residence and submit two applications: for an extract from the previous place of residence and for registration at the new address. Secondly, the registration deadlines do not change (documents will be issued to you in 3 days), that is, you save time by eliminating the need to stand in line twice. Thirdly, they must register you without requiring a departure slip.
It is important to know! The certificate of departure from the previous place of residence is not included in the list of documents required to be submitted for registration. If the passport office employee refuses to register you on the grounds that the departure slip is missing, you should know that his actions are not legal and are subject to appeal. Administrative regulations prohibit refusal of registration on this basis.
List of documents provided
If, when changing your residence within the Russian Federation or leaving for permanent residence, you were not discharged, there was no mark in your passport, or you were unable to obtain a departure address sheet, then you can register for a new address at the same time as you register at the previous one. The following documents are submitted to the authorized body of the area where you intend to live:
- passport;
- for minors - birth certificate;
- application in the prescribed form;
- title or other document for housing as a basis for moving in.
In the territorial division of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can familiarize yourself with samples of filling out papers. Forms and applications must be filled out by hand in typewritten, legible text or on a computer. If there is no certificate of departure from your previous place of residence, the employee must request a statement indicating the reason for the absence of the address card, but has no right to refuse registration.
There are a number of situations when a citizen needs to obtain an extract from his place of residence. Such a procedure can be performed in various ways, depending on the circumstances and preferences of the citizen. According to current legislation, when moving, every resident of the Russian Federation must check out from their previous place of residence and register in the new one.
Sample letter of departure from previous place of residence
The form of the questionnaire is established by Order No. 288 and is known as form No. 7. (departure address sheet, form 7) can be found at the end of the article. There are usually no difficulties when filling out the questionnaire. It consists of 17 points.
The front side contains the following information:
- Name (in full).
- Surname.
- Middle name (if available).
- Date of birth in the format "DD, MM, YYYY". Important: the month is in words, and the date and year are in numbers.
- Floor.
- The place of birth is indicated as recorded in the passport or birth certificate.
- Citizenship.
- Registration information at the address of residence or stay. The date is indicated first, then the full address.
- Regulatory accounting authority: indicate the name and code of the unit to which the application and form No. 7 are submitted.
- Identity document indicating the type, series, number, date and authority that issued it.
- New address.
The reverse side contains paragraphs 12–17, of which only the twelfth is mandatory, the rest are filled in as necessary:
- Former residence address. Repeats information from paragraph 8.
- New residential address if the move took place within the same locality.
- If there are changes to your full name. and other information (date of birth, gender), they will need to be indicated in this paragraph.
- We indicate why the personal data has changed.
- The person filling out the form puts the date of completion and signs it.
- The official responsible for the correct completion of the form puts the date and signature. This will mean that all the information presented in the document is verified and reliable, and the sheet itself is formatted correctly.
Important: the document must be completed in two copies.
So, the documents have been completed and submitted. The person responsible for their reception and transfer to the registration authorities, within 3 days, transfers the passport, application and departure address sheet to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Based on the information received, the registration authority carries out deregistration at the previous address within 3 days, and within 1 business day information about this should appear in the automated database. After this, you can pick up a second copy of Form No. 7 and a passport with a mark on deregistration.
You must register within 7 days from the date of arrival at your new place of residence.
To register for permanent residence in Russia, citizens of countries under a simplified procedure also need to draw up such a document (in particular, citizens of the Republic of Belarus).
Departure sheet: concept, purpose, nuances of filling out
The main purpose of the departure address sheet is to confirm the fact that the citizen no longer occupies his previous place of residence in the Russian Federation and has been deregistered there.
In this regard, many migrants have questions about whether it is necessary to show a document when registering at a new address, and whether it is lawful to refuse registration without it. It is worth outlining the range of main situations when a migrant needs to have a form in Form No. 7 with him.
Situations when a sheet is necessary
The main situations when it is necessary to take care of obtaining a departure certificate include the following:
- the citizen leaves the place of temporary stay earlier than the period specified in the registration certificate. If he has issued a temporary registration in a hotel or sanatorium, then such a document is not needed when leaving home on time. But if for some reason you have to leave this place earlier, then the departure form must be filled out upon checkout;
- the migrant will be de-registered on his own and wants to register for a new place of residence as soon as possible. The fact is that if, during the process of registering at a new address, the registration authority does not have information about deregistration at the old one, a request will be made to the migration departments at the previous place of registration. In order not to waste time on such communication between government agencies, you can provide a sheet of departure from your previous place of registration, which will confirm that you are no longer tied to other addresses;
- It is planned to register foreign citizens for permanent residence in Russia. In this case, a certificate of departure from the migrant’s home country will be required.
Design features: information, rules, nuances
The departure slip is a standard approved form (order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia “On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of the state service for registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation” dated September 11, 2012).
Filling out the document does not cause any difficulties, because almost all the information is for reference only. On our website or on the resources of the migration authorities, you can use Form 7 in pdf format and fill it out in advance.
The citizen’s personal data is entered into the columns on the first page of the document, namely:
- Full Name;
- Date and place of birth;
- citizenship;
- at what address it was registered (where it is leaving from);
- information about the registration authority;
- identity documents: passport, residence permit, birth certificate;
- place of new registration (where it arrives).
An arrival certificate is issued for the new place of registration (form 2).
Check out a sample of filling out the front side of the document:
Personal information on the back side is filled in depending on the situation. In this case, the following are required for everyone:
- clause 12 “Where did you come from”: the data from clause 8 of the front side is duplicated;
- clause 16 “The document was compiled”: the dates of the document’s preparation and the applicant’s signature are indicated;
- clause 17 “Deregistration formalized”: the date of deregistration is noted and the signature of the official responsible for the procedure is affixed.
If necessary, information is provided on the reverse side that the person is moving within the same locality or has previously changed his last name / other personal data (for example, after marriage).
In order to resolve all questions regarding how to correctly fill out the departure address sheet, read the example of filling out the back side of the document:
The form must be filled out in two copies. They, together with the passport and the application for deregistration, are transferred to the territorial bodies of the Main Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Within 3 days, the extract is formalized, the citizen is returned a passport with a new stamp and one copy of the departure slip.
Filling out form No. 7 yourself will slightly speed up the deregistration procedure. To do this, we offer you to download a free sample word 2020 document.
When searching for forms to download online, remember that some of them are very similar to each other. However, the purpose and situations in which one form or another is used differ.
The purpose of the departure certificate is to certify the fact of discharge from a specific address within the country. At the same time, many of its points are duplicated in a document such as a sheet of statistical accounting of disposals, form 12c. It is filled out by citizens who travel outside the state. The document is used to calculate migration data.
Important reminder: to avoid mistakes, you should search for the required forms by numbers (for example, No. 7 or 12c), and not just by name.
The issue of filling out documents by foreigners is especially relevant. Some do not know Russian very well, others do not understand what to write in which section of the form. To help foreign migrants understand the nuances, we attach a sample of filling out a departure form for foreign citizens.
The main document upon discharge from the hospital
A hospital setting also requires a more serious approach to documentation. It is clear that it will still not be possible to do without medical documents during treatment in a hospital. Doctors need documents, patients need documents, and finally, documents are used simply in accordance with official norms, rules and instructions.
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However, we are talking specifically about hospitals, about hospitals and, accordingly, about the inpatient form of the document in question. The discharge summary in this context is considered at the official level as a component of the so-called “primary medical documentation”. On this occasion, by the way, there is a separate Instruction for filling out documents, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health. By and large, this Instruction has been in effect without any significant changes for more than twenty years. Moreover, for approximately the same period, the procedure established by the Ministry of Health for filling out the forms of this very “primary medical documentation” has also been in effect. It is in accordance with this procedure that the medical certificate form 027/u - discharge epicrisis - is filled out. Forms of primary medical documentation in special documents are established in register form, and are also described in the context of the procedure for using and filling out forms.
What is needed to obtain a departure certificate
Having understood the peculiarities of filling out a departure form, it is logical to discuss the algorithm of actions for citizens to complete it. To confirm the legal fact of the extract, you need to contact the relevant government authorities with a certain package of documents.
What documents need to be provided
For those who are interested in how to obtain a sheet of form No. 7, the following list of documents is provided:
- an identity card, because almost all the data on the departure form is filled out on its basis: for citizens of the Russian Federation - a passport;
- if a child is being discharged, a birth certificate;
- for a temporary resident - a residence permit;
- for a foreigner - a passport of his home country;
The forms for minors include the arrival and departure addresses of their parents.
Authorized bodies
To obtain a departure certificate, a citizen needs to contact the relevant government agencies. In the past, this was done by passport offices. Currently, issues of registration of citizens are under the jurisdiction of the territorial branches of the Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
In addition, migrants who are puzzled by the question of where to obtain a departure certificate can contact the nearest Multifunctional Center for the Provision of Public Services.
Price and processing time
The deadline for issuing a departure certificate is no more than 3 days. The applicant is returned one copy of completed form No. 7 and a passport with a note about the extract.
The procedure for deregistration is free; administrative regulations do not provide for a state fee for issuing a departure certificate and affixing a deregistration stamp in the passport.
What does the departure address sheet of form No. 7 look like?
If a citizen voluntarily, he needs to resolve this issue at the passport office located at the place of his previous registration.
It is enough to simply write an application to the passport office and hand it in along with your civil passport in order for it to be stamped with a deregistration stamp.
Ultimately, the person is given a receipt with which he will need to go to any Sberbank branch to pay. Within three days, civil servants will have to provide a departure slip, which must be presented at the house administration located at the new place of residence in order to register.
It is worth noting that the document is always sent to the address of the previous residence in order to confirm the fact of cancellation of registration. also implies a change in some documents and forms. How much will temporary registration cost - answer. From the completed application, all the necessary information about the new address of residence will be entered into the departure form, and if the citizen does not have accurate data, it is enough to indicate at least the region to which he intends to travel, because no documents confirming the new address need to be provided.
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Filling process
Information is entered on a computer and the completed sheet is then printed. The citizen’s basic details are indicated in full accordance with the data contained in his passport.
Rules and instructions:
- Blots and marks on both sides of the form are prohibited;
- When indicating the date of birth, the name of the month is entered in words, the day and year - in numbers. To indicate the gender, the person filling out the form should highlight the appropriate option (male/female) with one horizontal line using a blue or black ballpoint (gel) pen;
- Section 12, which in its main part duplicates Section 8, is required to be completed. Paragraphs 13-15 are prescribed if necessary: when a citizen moves to a new place without changing the locality, as well as changing his full name, gender, date of birth. Line 15 briefly describes the reasons for adjusting the basic details;
- In paragraphs 16 and 17, the recipient of the sheet and the employee of the passport office receiving it put a personal signature by hand and note the date of filling out the form. The machine-readable data block is filled in by the registration authority employee after the recipient of the certificate is issued.
Although the departure address sheet is not a mandatory document for registration at a new place of residence, it is still better to issue it, because, as practice shows, upon new registration it may still be required by a house management employee. Another advantage of issuing this certificate is that it is free and easy.