Sample application to the homeowners association for repair of seams

Primary and secondary sealing

It is carried out at the stage of construction of a panel house. After completing the installation work, prepare the surface for sealing: clean the cavities from dirt formations. Clean grooves are filled with hollow insulation (it consists of polyethylene foam rounded tubes), along the length of which slits are made at a distance of 20 centimeters. Through them, the seam is filled with foam and a sealing solution.

Due to the mobility of the panels and shrinkage of the MKD, the joints diverge and their sealing is disrupted. Approximate service life of materials:

  1. Polyurethane foam - from 3 to 10 years.
  2. Insulation layer - from 3 to 7 years.
  3. Mastics - from 2 to 5 years (this depends on the manufacturer and the composition of the mixture).

During secondary sealing, previously sealed seams are sealed. This happens 5-6 years after the building is put into operation. Management companies are required to carry out routine repairs of interpanel seams. Taking into account the nature and percentage of seam destruction, sealing is carried out without jointing the interpanel joint or with jointing it.

"Warm seam"

This technology has three components and is produced when there is significant damage to the seams. To seal the holes, polyurethane foam is used, which is not used for other repair and construction work.

The polyurethane material is able to repel moisture. After use, the foam turns into a high-quality heat-insulating material, filling all the voids and the most inaccessible places.

Stages of work:

  • cleaning the surface by removing old layers;
  • processing the groove with polyurethane foam and laying the seal;
  • application of moisture-proofing mastic.

By adhering to the rules for organizing events and following technology, you can increase the air temperature inside the house by 3-4 degrees, which will help avoid significant heat loss.

This way you can protect yourself as much as possible from drafts and humidity, as well as the accumulation of condensation.

Sample application for repair of interpanel seams

The application to the supervisory authorities is written as follows:

We write your full name and permanent residence address in the upper right corner.

Be sure to include your phone number and email;

Below in the middle is the text: “Statement of violation of rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings”;

then, without unnecessary emotions and to the point, we describe the essence of the problem, indicating the address;

at the end of the complaint, we ask you to conduct an investigation, make a decision to eliminate and punish the perpetrators;

signature, date.

Below you will find a sample application for repairs and insulation of interpanel seams and you can download it: doc


Second sample application for repair of interpanel seams:

The second sample can be downloaded in the following formats:

, .pdf , .doc


Sealing according to the rules

To achieve the required result, measures to repair interpanel seams in MKD should be carried out, taking into account the individual characteristics of the space between the panels.

Generally accepted postulates for sealing joints:

  1. If there are leaks at the end of the wall, you cannot do without a major repair, which includes sealing the interpanel seams of the facade end and the enfilade wall (walls adjacent to each other).
  2. If leakage occurs in the vertical joint area, it is eliminated by finally replacing the vertical joints with adjacent horizontal areas along the entire facade (along the height).
  3. A deformed horizontal seam between the slabs is corrected by carrying out repair measures on three to four rows of panels.
  4. When sealing interpanel joints, take into account the level of load on the connecting areas (shrinkage, vibrations of the structure), depending on which materials are selected.
  5. The influence of the load increases in proportion to the width of the seam, so the sealant is laid in a layer half as large as the width of the joint void.
  6. It is not easy to apply the solution along the line of the repaired area from top to bottom, so a mounting gun comes to the rescue. By inserting a container with sealant into the groove of the gun, by pressing the trigger, you can obtain an exemplary even, uninterrupted line.
  7. It is necessary to get rid of pockets of mold in cracks so that the fungus does not penetrate into the home in the future.
  8. Work above the second floor is trusted only to industrial climbers.
  9. Sometimes, if external sealing measures are not possible, joints are insulated from inside the apartment. This is done in empty rooms without furniture or equipment. Open the joints and check if there is insulation. If it is available and in good condition, use only polyurethane foam, poured through specially drilled holes, without opening the grooves. The work is carried out from the bottom up, with the lower and upper joints being insulated along the entire length. Without insulation in the seams, they are opened, cleaned of dirt formations, installation tape or interlining is laid, and only after that a layer of foam is applied, then insulation is applied, sealed with cement mortar and putty.

Sample application to the housing department for wall insulation

Contents: hello! There is mold in our apartment, the walls are cold, tell me to insulate the external walls of the house, is this the responsibility of the management company? I wanted to clarify on the issue of wall insulation

“Hello! There is mold in our apartment, the walls are cold, tell me to insulate the external walls of the house, is this the responsibility of the management company?”

I meant specific wall insulation, and not repair of interpanel seams, they carried it out, but it did not help get rid of mold March 14, 2020, 18:37 Hello, these works relate to routine repairs and are the responsibility of the management company.

Write a complaint to the management company, contact an independent expert to assess the cost of insulation work and recover money from the management company in court.

Hello, I have won cases involving insulation.

If the wall freezes, then repairing the seams will not remove the fungus and mold. The Criminal Code will argue in court that this is a major overhaul.

A good lawyer will win the case. Hello! The fact is that they do not refuse us, they say, collect the votes of the residents of the house and, by majority vote, they will insulate the walls of the entire house as part of the major repairs, but at the same time they say that this is unlikely to happen, because the capital repairs of everything are on the balance sheet 400,000 thousand, and accordingly even less for current repairs April 09, 2020, 11:52 to our lawyers - this is much faster than looking for a solution. On the diagram attached to the question, the arrow indicates the outer corner of the apartment (this architectural detail was made only in our house, completed in 2007) At the junction of this

  1. Disclosure Standard
  2. Contacts of supervisory authorities
  3. Overhaul
      Major repairs, how to open a special account?
  4. Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory No. 4-1451 of June 27, 2013
  5. Section IX of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation
  6. Allowance for financing the overhaul of apartment buildings 2013
  7. Legal section Reception NKZHKH
  8. Question answer
  9. Forum
  10. Judicial practice Documents Documents of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
  11. List of letters from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
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  14. Standards for water supply and sanitation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Links Contacts of supervisory authorities
  15. Search Question: Good afternoon.
  16. We are in the media
  17. Community center for housing and communal services
  18. Problems with walls
  19. Documentation
      Samples of minutes of the general meeting
  20. Sample power of attorney
  21. Sample complaints All complaints to the housing control service
  22. Problems in the apartment
  23. Problems at the entrance
  24. Problems in the yard
  25. Problems with walls
  26. Problems with the microclimate
  27. Water problems
  28. Sanitation problems
  29. Sample applications to the MA
  30. Major repairs Major repairs, how to open a special account?
  31. Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory No. 4-1451 of June 27, 2013
  32. Section IX of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation
  33. Allowance for financing the overhaul of apartment buildings 2013
  34. Legal section Reception NKZHKH
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  79. Problems with walls
  80. Problems with the microclimate
  81. Water problems
  82. Sanitation problems
  83. Sample applications to the MA
  84. Major repairs Major repairs, how to open a special account?
  85. Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory No. 4-1451 of June 27, 2013
  86. Section IX of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation
  87. Allowance for financing the overhaul of apartment buildings 2013
  88. Legal section Reception NKZHKH
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  100. Sample power of attorney
  101. Sample complaints All complaints to the housing control service
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  103. Problems at the entrance
  104. Problems in the yard
  105. Problems with walls
  106. Problems with the microclimate
  107. Water problems
  108. Sanitation problems
  109. Sample applications to the MA
  110. Major repairs Major repairs, how to open a special account?
  111. Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory No. 4-1451 of June 27, 2013
  112. Section IX of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation
  113. Allowance for financing the overhaul of apartment buildings 2013
  114. Legal section Reception NKZHKH
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  121. Standards for water supply and sanitation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Links Contacts of supervisory authorities
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  155. Problems with the microclimate
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  158. Sample applications to the MA
  159. Major repairs Major repairs, how to open a special account?
  160. Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory No. 4-1451 of June 27, 2013
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  200. Problems in the apartment
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  203. Problems with walls
  204. Problems with the microclimate
  205. Water problems
  206. Sanitation problems
  207. Sample applications to the MA
  208. Major repairs Major repairs, how to open a special account?
  209. Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory No. 4-1451 of June 27, 2013
  210. Section IX of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation
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  237. Problems with walls
  238. Problems with the microclimate
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  240. Sanitation problems
  241. Sample applications to the MA
  242. Major repairs Major repairs, how to open a special account?
  243. Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory No. 4-1451 of June 27, 2013
  244. Section IX of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation
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  289. Problems with walls
  290. Problems with the microclimate
  291. Water problems
  292. Sanitation problems
  293. Sample applications to the MA
  294. Major repairs Major repairs, how to open a special account?
  295. Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory No. 4-1451 of June 27, 2013
  296. Section IX of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation
  297. Allowance for financing the overhaul of apartment buildings 2013
  298. Legal section Reception NKZHKH
  299. Question answer
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  301. Judicial practice Documents Documents of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
  302. List of letters from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
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  304. Disclosure Standard
  305. Standards for water supply and sanitation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Links Contacts of supervisory authorities
  306. Search Question: Good afternoon.
  307. Materials for seminars 2020
  308. Sanitation problems
  309. Section IX of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation
  310. We've achieved it!
  311. Charter
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      Reception NKZHKH
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  315. Judicial practice Documents Documents of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
  316. List of letters from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  317. Rules and regulations for the technical operation of housing stock
  318. Disclosure Standard
  319. Standards for water supply and sanitation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Links Contacts of supervisory authorities
  320. Search Question: Good afternoon.
  321. Problems in the yard

Compositions for “putty”

The materials used for internal sealing of seams must meet modern requirements so that damage is eliminated for a long time.

The following materials are used:

  • sealant;
  • mastic;
  • tourniquet;
  • mounting foam;
  • polyethylene foam seal.

Before carrying out work, the characteristics of the insulating composition, its strength and reliability, durability and resistance to external influences are studied.

Depending on the scale of destruction, one or another sealing material is chosen. If cosmetic repairs of interpanel seams in an MKD are required, sealant or mastic is used.

If there are no defects at the joints of the insulation, you can safely renew the mastic layer, however, experts do not advise purchasing mixtures of sand and cement, or bitumen mortars - they have low performance qualities. After a short time, chips and even cracks may appear on the repaired surface.

When carrying out major repairs of interpanel seams in an apartment building, they completely open the joints and remove the previous insulation material. After this, the cracks are sealed and the surface is painted. Therefore, the role of insulation should be a material that provides reliable protection and is an ideal basis for laying sealant or tape. Foamed polyurethane can become such insulation. It will prevent moisture from entering the interpanel joints and freezing them, and will help protect the building from destruction.

How to force the management company to seal the interpanel seams?


Our entrance submitted a collective application to the Criminal Code with a request. Utility workers measured the temperature of the seams using a special device. As a result, only a few apartments did not meet the standard parameters; the rest of the living space, in the opinion of specialists, does not need seam repairs. But the flood from the rain threatens all the residents of the entrance. The joining seams have almost completely spilled out on the outside of the wall, but the management company doesn’t particularly care about this. How can we legally force utility companies to start repairing seams?


Current repairs of the house necessarily include sealing the interpanel seams and are already paid for by the monthly transfer of residents.

On a legislative basis, you need to be guided by regulatory documents: Chapter

Local destruction of sealing seals at joints of prefabricated buildings must be eliminated as they are identified, preventing their further development.

Is repairing seams on the balcony the responsibility of the tenant?


We contacted the Criminal Code with an application to restore the seams on the façade of the building in the balcony area. We received a refusal, with the note that the seams are adjacent to the balcony, which is private property. How legal are the actions of the housing office?


There is no distinction in official documents between seams adjacent to the balcony and those not. The outside of the house is common property and therefore subject to repair by the management company.

The management company refused to repair the seams?

-so who should seal the interpanel seams in an apartment building?

The management company refused to repair the seams, citing that repair work on the joints was not planned for the current year. But the apartments are cold, and in the summer after rain, smudges appear. After what period of time are seams checked for sealing?


There is no specific shelf life for interpanel joints, especially since over time a lot of nuances appear: quality of work, well-chosen material. But regulatory documents oblige

“….. Local destruction….. of sealing joints of prefabricated buildings must be eliminated AS DETECTED, preventing their further development…..”

If seam repairs are not planned


An application for repair of interpanel joints was submitted back in December 2015. The measurement results revealed the need to repair the interpanel seams. We just missed the schedule for winter 2020; we promised that the joints would be repaired in the summer. Is it legal to postpone repairs for such a period? How to repair interpanel seams in Podolsk?


: the work schedule is drawn up in advance, the budget and estimate are calculated. Therefore, the utility company will carry out repairs to the seams as planned.

Is it possible to force the management company to return the money spent on repairing the seams?


Urgent repairs were required to a seam on the outside of the house. Done it myself. Is it possible to recover the spent funds from the management company? Should money be returned for repairing interpanel seams?

How not to pay the management company for maintenance if you repaired the panel seams yourself


Before starting work, it is better to first find out whether your management company will agree to this. Sometimes a correct and sensible explanation of your situation at the initial stage (rather than direct complaints and threats) can positively resolve your issue. You will have to confirm the importance of the repair and provide invoices, photographs, materials spent. Submit all this with an application to the management company and in case of an unmotivated refusal or delay in inspection/repair, a fee for the work can be collected through the court.


The management company refuses to seal joints in apartments located in the corner part of the house. Meanwhile, there is dampness and fungus in the rooms. Utility workers justify the refusal by a lack of funds; supposedly the budget only provides for major repairs of the house. Repair of interpanel seams, what type of repair is it? Seams of a panel house, what applies to current repairs?


Restoration of the interpanel space refers to a major overhaul.


At whose expense should the interpanel seams be repaired?


At the expense of the Management Company. It is possible for the Company to repay the rent for the amount of costs incurred by the tenant to repair the joints of the apartment in the house, who can invite a third-party company to repair the interpanel joints of the apartment. Accordingly, the Criminal Code cannot refer to insufficient funds to carry out the work. Delaying the deadlines for completing work, arguing that work cannot be carried out in winter, or for some other reason, is all on the conscience of the management company itself. As we know, work on sealing seams can be carried out in any weather at temperatures from +30C to 15C. However, in case of rain and wet snow, it is better to postpone the work to a more favorable day.


How to apply for seam repair? How to correctly write an application for sealing the seams of panel joints?


: First you need to prove the importance of repairs. This will require research by management specialists.

  • Valery. Who should eliminate defects in interpanel seams in a panel apartment building if the building is under the jurisdiction of a housing cooperative? Residents pay for current and major repairs monthly. The chairman of the management company of the housing cooperative refuses to repair the joints at the expense of the management and shifts the repairs to the tenant of the apartment. We are outraged. Who is right in this matter? How to seal interpanel seams in Podolsk?

Such and similar situations with interpanel seams, when in fact the seams are leaking and help is clearly needed. You need to go to the management company and write a statement. In the case of a good manager, they carry out work on their own to eliminate these defects. Since this is a costly event, you can offer this option. You hire a company, for example the Assol company (for Moscow and the Moscow region) and pay directly to the hired company. Then, by agreement with the management company, they write off the full amount of your costs for sealing the external seams from your rent. This method is the most acceptable to everyone. The customer receives the work he orders. The manager does not bear any costs at the time of work. Well, we receive an order paid at a commercial rate and not on a residual basis.

Fungus protection

Ignoring such a serious problem as mold can result in blackening and dampness of the walls, which will lead to a deterioration in the health of household members. If the insulation is constantly subject to destruction, the formation of mold in the apartment is inevitable.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Areas infected with fungus are cleaned with a stiff brush or scraper.
  2. Dry for three days using natural ventilation or use a heat gun.
  3. Treated with antifungal (biocide) agents.
  4. Finishing materials containing an antiseptic are applied.
  5. The seam is finished. Options include applying paint mesh to the treated joints and plastering. This will help prevent the walls from cracking later.

The appearance of fungus in an apartment can worsen a person’s health

Getting rid of fungus in a house is not easy, especially if it is an old building. You shouldn’t skimp on professionals - it’s better to invite a professional team to fight mold, which will once and for all help eliminate this annoying problem in accordance with the work technology.

Sealing of interpanel seams for housing and communal services and homeowners associations

Sealing interpanel seams for housing and communal services and homeowners' associations Management companies consider hundreds of applications to eliminate leaks in interpanel seams.
These issues are not always resolved on time, although they are no less important than repairing the roof or facade. Go →

Thermal imaging inspection of interpanel seams

Thermal imaging inspection of interpanel seams In order not to have to heat the street and not pay extra money for the repair of a panel house, as well as to identify hidden problems in the condition of the walls and roof, a thermal imaging examination of interpanel seams is carried out.
Go →

Materials for sealing interpanel seams

Materials for sealing interpanel joints Joints are one of the main components in the structure of a house.
Over time, defects appear on them, and if they were made with a simple cement mixture, they can be completely destroyed in 30-40 years. Go →

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