Do I need to change my TIN when changing my registration?

The purpose of the TIN, how to obtain it, whether it can be replaced when changing place of residence.

In connection with a change of place of residence, citizens of the Russian Federation are faced with the problem of replacing some documents and making changes to others; the issue of changing the taxpayer identification number (in common parlance, TIN) is no exception.
The article will help you understand what it is, what it is intended for, and whether the TIN changes when you change your place of residence. Dear readers! The articles contain solutions to common problems. Our lawyers will help you find the answer to your personal question free of charge To solve your problem, call: You can also get a free consultation online.

How is an identification number assigned?

All taxpayers, citizens and legal entities, are required to obtain a taxpayer identification number, or as we used to call it for short - TIN.
The document contains an individual set of numbers - a number that is assigned to all taxpayers in our country. It is a certificate of registration with the tax authorities, which indicates the person’s last name, first name, patronymic and a digital code that will not change throughout the citizen’s life. The TIN is mandatory and is assigned from the moment of registration with the regulatory authority at the place of residence or temporary stay in accordance with the application submitted by the taxpayer. To receive it, you need to contact the territorial tax office at your place of registration, provide your passport, a copy of it and an application on a special form. You can also fill out and submit the document electronically through the “government services” portal, then visit the government agency within the prescribed period and receive a taxpayer certificate. You can do the same if you need to change the document. The tax office has the right to carry out actions to assign an identification number independently, without the participation of an interested party.

It won’t be difficult to find out your TIN (if necessary, even someone else’s). You can request information via the Internet using a special service of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. This is often done by employers or counterparties of a legal entity.

How to change the TIN when changing your last name and is it possible to do this?

The data in the register of tax payers must be reliable at the moment, that is, relevant. If a citizen’s surname changes, for example, a woman got married and took her husband’s surname, or vice versa, got divorced and took her previous surname, or her surname changed for other reasons, the registry office authorities are required to send information about such changes to the tax authorities.

As a result, it turns out that the information will still be changed, without human participation. His previous ID also becomes invalid when contacting government agencies where this identifier may be needed. number, huge problems can arise. Therefore, it is better to purchase a new certificate in a timely manner.

Remember: Personal ID. The taxpayer number is issued once. Therefore, when you receive a new paper with a code from the tax authorities, the number will be the same, and this does not depend on whether the information in the passport has changed or not.

From the above it follows that when changing personal data (surname, etc.), it is necessary to urgently change the TIN, and how this can be done, here are the instructions:

  • Come to the Federal Tax Service organization.
  • Show your passport and tell them that you need to change your taxpayer document.
  • Fill out the application, the form of which will be given to you by specialists from this government agency.

You can send papers by RF mail. To do this, you will have to scan all pages of your passport and have a copy certified by a notary office. You also need to obtain and attach a photocopy of your place of registration certificate. If you do not have permanent registration information, then attach a registration document at your place of arrival.

Changing the code is not the responsibility of a Russian citizen. But it is better to make changes in a timely manner so that when presenting documents to government agencies, unnecessary questions do not arise regarding different names in the personal document and the taxpayer’s ID.

What is the purpose of the TIN

The existing number allows government bodies to exercise control over the payment of taxes, monitor tax and pension contributions, etc. Upon registration, the authorized body is obliged to issue a taxpayer registration certificate, change it (if necessary) and issue a new one. If a person, for some reason, did not do this himself, the tax service has the right to perform these actions for him.

You will not need to change your TIN when changing your place of residence. However, it is important to know that when you change your registration, the territorial tax authority where you will be registered also changes. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the documents into compliance.

Attention! Do not confuse replacing your TIN with replacing your taxpayer certificate. The identification number will never change; only a paper document - a certificate - can be replaced, since it indicates a specific territorial tax authority and the personal data of the taxpayer.

Changing your TIN when changing your place of residence is not required, regardless of whether you change the area within the same city or when moving to another region of the country. But changes that relate to registration should be made to the document, so that later discrepancies in the papers do not lead to confusion; the information specified must correspond to what is in the passport, because an identification number is necessary:

  • to apply for a job in the public service;
  • when filing an income tax return;
  • when preparing and filling out all kinds of documents;
  • to obtain information from tax authorities;
  • to register a citizen as an individual entrepreneur if he intends to engage in business;
  • to receive a loan (not required, but may be required).

And this is not the entire list of actions where such an important document is needed.

Is it necessary to change the TIN due to a change of surname after marriage?

The registry office notifies the tax service about a change in the last name or first name, and the tax service changes the data in the archive, which means that the identification number data is consistent with the applicant’s last name according to the latest information.

The Tax Service does not oblige the owner of the TIN to receive a paper version of the document. But after your last name has changed, you will have to present your TIN every time you apply for a job, and you will constantly have to wait for checks from the employer and answer a whole bunch of additional questions. To avoid all this, it is still better to change the TIN. This is not such a complicated operation, especially free of charge.

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TIN exchange deadlines

The law does not establish a time frame within which the certificate must be changed. Accordingly, there are no late fees. Obtaining a new document is in the interests of the taxpayer himself.

Replacing the TIN when changing temporary place of stay or permanent residence

If the question is about a temporary change of residence in connection with leaving the place of study or you intend to engage in work activities in another city, the identification number will also not change, it will remain the same, since it is uniform and will be valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, even if the registration of stay issued temporarily.

Many people who change their place of permanent residence have a question: when changing their place of residence, it is necessary to change the TIN or not. It is not necessary. Since the tax office will change when you change your place of residence, the service will carry out data exchange activities and the information will be provided to the authorized regulatory body at the citizen’s former registration address. As a result, the person is deregistered from the tax office at the previous place of residence and registered at a new address.

Changing the TIN when changing place of residence is not provided for by any legislative acts, since the number is assigned to a citizen once and for life. Changes can be made at the request of the taxpayer to the document - a certificate of registration with the tax authority.

How to fill out the application form correctly: instructions and filling samples

Page #1:

  • number of the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence;
  • Full name according to the new passport. If a situation arises where there is no middle name, “1” is entered in the required column;
  • the number of copies that you added to the signed application is written in the bottom right if you receive the TIN through a representative or using the “Registered Letter” method;
  • numbers “5” and “6”, depending on how you receive the TIN - independently or through a representative with a notarized power of attorney: 5 - the form is filled out personally by an individual - the applicant;
  • 6 - the form is filled out by the applicant’s representative with a notarized power of attorney in hand;
  • full name of the applicant, telephone number of the applicant or representative of an individual (without any punctuation marks);
  • signature of the applicant or his representative, day, month, year of signing the document.
  • The remaining items on page No. 1 are filled out by tax office employees.

    Sample of filling out 1 page of the application

    Page #2:

    • new surname in full, first name and patronymic - initials;
    • old surname, first name and patronymic in full;
    • the year the surname changed;
    • number indicating gender: 1 - man, 2 - woman;
    • applicant's date of birth;
    • place of birth - according to passport;
    • identification document code: “21” - passport (then information about the passport is entered - series, number, by whom it was issued, date and place of issue), for other identification documents - on the basis of Appendix No. 1 on the procedure for filling out an application for tax registration in Federal Tax Service;
    • citizenship: 1 - citizenship available;
    • 2 - the applicant does not have citizenship;
  • country of citizenship code. In case of lack of citizenship, the number of the country that issued the identification document to the applicant is indicated;
  • address:
      1 - place of permanent and registered residence according to passport;
  • 2 - place of temporary stay on the territory of the Russian Federation (if the passport does not contain registration);
  • signature of the applicant or individual with a notarized power of attorney submitting a request for a TIN.

  • Sample of filling out page 2 of the application (part 1)

    Sample of filling out page 2 of the application (part 2)

    Page #3:

    • new surname in full, first name and patronymic - initials;
    • information about your document that confirms registration (if not indicated in the passport);
    • former place of residence, if the address has changed;
    • signature of the applicant or his representative.

    For persons who live outside the Russian Federation, you should write the code of the country of permanent registered residence, as well as indicate the day, month, year of completion of your official stay in the Russian Federation;

    If you receive a TIN using the “Registered Letter” method, you must also indicate your place of actual residence.

    Sample of filling out page 3 of the application

    TIN - where is it changed?

    To change, you can contact the tax office directly (at your place of registration), or the department of the multifunctional center (MFC) (this is exactly the answer to a frequent question from our readers: is it possible to change the tax identification number in the MFC?), which performs the functions of the tax service.

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    To replace, you must provide the following package of documents to the inspection officer:

    • passport with registration mark,
    • a document confirming permanent registration, if such a mark is not in the passport;
    • marriage certificate or a copy thereof (in case of changing the TIN due to a change of surname);
    • old Inn certificate to be replaced;
    • receipt of payment of the fee (payment must be made only in case of loss or damage to the certificate!);
    • statement (more details below).

    To replace the TIN certificate, you must write an application in the established state form (Form No. 2-2-Accounting). A sample application can be taken from tax service or MFC employees and filled out on the spot.

    The application must indicate the full name. And. o., date of birth, gender, passport details, place of residence, information about changing the last name, first name or patronymic (if any).

    Application for change of TIN - form.

    Application for change of TIN - sample of filling out sheet No. 1.

    Sample of filling out sheet No. 2.

    Sample of filling out sheet No. 3.

    Re-obtaining a certificate is subject to a fee only if it is lost or damaged. The state duty in this case is 300 rubles.

    When changing your last name, first name or patronymic, obtaining a duplicate is not subject to state duty.

    Replacement timing

    The legislation does not regulate the period during which it is necessary to change the TIN. The TIN certificate itself is almost never required to be presented.

    An individual also has the right not to distribute information about the TIN anywhere. The only exception is the situation when an individual gets a job in government agencies.

    In this case, the new certificate must be in hand and the information in it must match the passport data, which should be taken into account when replacing. A new form with the TIN is made within 5 calendar days, that is, during this period after submitting the application, the citizen is obliged to appear at the tax authority to obtain a new TIN certificate.

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    What is needed to replace a personal taxpayer identification number for an individual

    In order to change the TIN to a new surname, you need to write an application and submit it to the tax service. The following documents must be attached to it:

    • passport (if the application is submitted through a representative or by mail - a notarized copy of the passport);
    • original certificate of marriage or divorce (in a situation where the surname changes upon marriage);
    • old taxpayer identification number.

    Many will ask: If the law allows such a document not to be changed, then why change it at all? It may happen that a citizen has a problem related to a mismatch between the passport and TIN data, say, when applying for a loan from a bank. Therefore, to avoid such misunderstandings, it is advisable to re-register your personal tax number in a new name.

    Sooner or later, any employee who gets an official job for the first time receives a TIN. This document is required to pay taxes to the Tax Service and to form an old-age pension.

    The tax number is given only once, so when you change, only the surname column changes, and the number remains the same. This document is required by Government services and financial organizations to establish the identity of a citizen.

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