How to get a mortgage using maternity capital?


Maternity capital (MCC) is federal budget funds transferred to the Pension Fund for the implementation of state support measures. As confirmation of the right to receive funds, program participants are issued a state-issued certificate. You can get it at the local office of the Russian Pension Fund at your place of residence.

One of the ways to quickly purchase residential property is to use maternity capital to pay off the mortgage. The documents necessary to complete the transaction are transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia, which makes a decision regarding the use of MSK funds.

Repaying a mortgage with maternity capital: what is possible and what is not

Legislation allows you to use maternity capital to pay your mortgage. This is explicitly stated in the rules for using the subsidy. And the mortgage law does not impose any restrictions. It is allowed to transfer both the entire amount and part of it to the loan account, and repay it in full or in part. There are no restrictions on this.

A new mortgage with maternity capital will not be given in every bank and not under any program. But you can repay an existing loan by notification - you don’t need to ask the bank’s permission. To use public funds, it is only important that he has a banking license. And the mortgage was issued to one of the parents or to them together, without other co-borrowers.

Since 2020, microfinance organizations have no right to issue real estate loans using maternity capital. There is only an exception for consumer credit cooperatives. But they must be in the register of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and have been operating on the market for at least three years. And if there is a debt left in a microfinance organization, it can be repaid with government funds only if the agreement was concluded before March 20, 2015.

A little about the timing. The subsidy can be sent to the bank immediately after receiving the certificate. There is no need to wait 3 years. There are no deadlines either - maternity capital is allowed to be used at any convenient time. Even if the second child was born in 2007 (that’s when the program started). A mortgage can be taken out before or after the certificate is issued.

Video: how to wisely use maternity capital in a mortgage

Methods of repaying a mortgage with government subsidies

The possible options are:

  • Full repayment of the loan, if the amount of maternity capital is sufficient for this. The rest of the money will remain in the account and can be spent on other purposes.
  • Payment of part of the principal debt. Monthly payments are recalculated downward, but the term remains the same.
  • Payment of interest. This is unprofitable for the client: the principal debt does not decrease, interest continues to accrue on it.
  • Reducing the loan term while maintaining the same monthly payments. An additional benefit here is that you won’t have to spend money on insurance.
  • Combination of different methods.

By reducing the monthly payment (option 1), the overpayment and actual payment period can be made the same as when reducing the loan term (option 2). It won't work the other way around. That is, option 1 is just as profitable as 2, but more flexible.


There is no universal advice on what is better to choose. For some, it is more convenient to pay off the loan faster, while others want to leave more money in the family now. It is impossible to predict in advance how much regular payments will be reduced. Here everything is decided by individual conditions: the amount and term of the loan, the balance to be paid.

And a lot depends on the rules of the bank and the agreement with it. It also happens that they offer only one possible repayment option. For example, at Sberbank the conditions for using maternity capital are clearly outlined. The loan term is not reduced; first of all, the money goes to pay interest, and if there is any left, then to repay the principal debt. After receiving the money, the bank reviews and reissues the payment schedule.

According to a standard Sberbank mortgage agreement, maternity capital funds are distributed in order of priority

VTB has more flexible conditions. By default, monthly payments are reduced, but you can write an application to reduce the term. The main thing is to do this at the right time - no later than 15 days before the funds arrive in your bank account.

Is it worth paying off your mortgage with maternity capital?

If the state gives money for a mortgage, then why not take advantage of it? Moreover, the purposes for spending it are limited, and other options are not relevant for everyone.

We paid off part of the mortgage. capital, we don’t regret it at all. Now the eldest is studying for a fee at the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and out of curiosity, I found out whether it is possible to pay for the mat with capital. They told me NO, because they have a commercial department.


But in practice everything is not so simple. The main difficulty arises with property rights. The fact is that after the mortgage is paid off, the apartment must be registered in shares for the whole family, including children. This means that any transactions with her will have to be coordinated with the guardianship authorities. And they will monitor whether children's rights are violated. If they moved to another apartment, they should receive a share no less than the previous one in terms of area. And without a replacement, it will not be possible to sell the property at all.

Hence the conclusion: if you are definitely not going to move before the children grow up, feel free to spend your maternity capital on a mortgage. And when you have enough of your own money and you plan to increase your living space again, it’s worth thinking about. Registration of rights can result in considerable hassle, even if inspectors approve a change in living conditions.

We regretted our investment. If it were possible to return maternity capital back, we would do so. We are very attached to my husband’s work, and his office has moved to the other side of geography. We practically have no family. There is only a half-dead husband who arrives at 20.30. If it weren't for the mat. capital, then we would sell the apartment along with the mortgage (without waiting for repayment), and take a new one closer to his work. And then they would throw a mat into the new one. capital. We were under Maryino's care. The guardianship said that they would not allow us to take out a mortgage secured by an apartment in which there would be children's shares. The bank also told us that it would not issue such a mortgage.


Video: mortgage loan and maternal capital - personal opinion about the pros, cons and nuances

How to get a certificate?

Before considering how to repay a mortgage with maternity capital and the documents required to complete the operation, let’s figure out how to obtain an MSK certificate.

A woman who has given birth to or adopted a second or subsequent child can receive financial assistance from the state. This category also includes fathers who adopted a second child. A child left without parents can also receive money upon reaching adulthood. Required conditions:

  • Full-time education.
  • Age – up to 23 years.

You can obtain a certificate at a branch of the Russian Pension Fund upon a written application from a parent. A copy of the applicant’s passport and birth (adoption) certificates of all children must be attached to the document. The pension fund may require additional documents, in particular if the applicant is a single father. Within a month, the PRF reviews the documents and makes a decision to issue a certificate. Notification is sent to the applicant within 5 days. If the decision is positive, the document will indicate where and when it will be possible to obtain the certificate.


The MSC is annually indexed to inflation. Funds can be used in whole or in part in several ways. One of them is improving living conditions. Within this direction, funds can be used for the purchase (construction) of premises located on the territory of the Russian Federation. For the same purposes, you can take out a loan from a bank, and then arrange to repay the mortgage with maternity capital. The documents necessary for the operation will be sent further. The funds can be used 36 months after the birth or adoption of the second or each subsequent child. The loan can be issued to the mother or father.

Where to begin

The following list of documents to repay mortgage debt must be submitted to the bank:

  • a copy of the MSK certificate.
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • application for early repayment of a mortgage (standard bank form).

You should also order a certificate from the bank, which indicates the amount of debt broken down into principal and interest. Here you can also obtain a certificate of ownership of the property and an apartment purchase agreement. The next stage is the transfer of documents to the Pension Fund.

Repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

The main document that regulates the expenditure of targeted funds for maternal capital is Federal Law No. 256-FZ. Payment of part of the mortgage loan using mat. capital is beneficial for the whole family, since it reduces the amount of debt, it becomes possible to quickly pay off the balance of the debt and take ownership of real estate. However, only by clearly knowing how to repay the loan correctly can you take advantage of help from the state and use maternity capital to pay off part of the loan.

It is important to know how to use a mat. capital, and do it safely and strictly according to the letter of the law, since this is extremely important. The fact is that recently a lot of scammers have appeared on the Russian market, offering parents with valid certificates to cash out maternity capital funds. You should not succumb to such provocations, since, according to the terms of the program, the money can be used exclusively for:

  1. Improving family living conditions by purchasing real estate
  2. Payment for educational services for a child
  3. Pension (funded type) for mother in the future
  4. Social adaptation of disabled children under 3 years of age (an innovation that began to operate at the beginning of 2020)

Considering the acute housing problem for many Russian young families, the vast majority of parents seek to cover the mortgage with maternity capital money (use it as repayment of a housing loan). However, what is needed to transfer funds, how to pay the mortgage, where to go for help and how quickly can the money be transferred? Usually swearing. Part of the loan is repaid with capital, but it can also be used as a down payment, which is very convenient. The program itself will operate until 2022, but the terms for using the funds are not established, so a mortgage loan can be taken out in the future, after which the debt can be transferred and paid off at least partially.

IMPORTANT: Early repayment of a mortgage loan from a bank gives the borrower the right to return insurance premiums that were paid but not used.

Repaying a mortgage with maternity capital: documents

To repay a loan with government funds, you need to prepare and submit certificates to the Pension Fund. A complete list of documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital is presented on the website of the local Pension Fund of Russia. Brief list:

  • Original certificate for receiving state aid.
  • A copy of the certificate holder’s passport or other document confirming the person’s identity. If the application is submitted by a spouse, then you must additionally provide a copy of your second passport and marriage certificate. If the application is submitted by a proxy, you must additionally provide a copy of the power of attorney.
  • A copy of the mortgage agreement with state registration.
  • Documents confirming the possibility of receiving MSC funds by the creditor organization:
  1. for borrowers whose loans were refinanced by AHML - a copy of the notice of change of owner of the mortgage;
  2. For borrowers whose loans were sold to other companies, a copy of the letter from the second owner of the mortgage. Notice of the change in mortgage ownership is mailed to the borrower after the loan is refinanced.
  • A copy of the state registration certificate of ownership of the premises.
  • Extract from the house register, personal account.
  • An obligation certified by a notary to register the apartment as a common property (with all residents) after the encumbrance is removed.
  • A certificate from the bank about the amount of the debt balance including interest.

Here are the documents needed to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital.

Documents required to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital

Maternity capital is state support for Russian citizens whose family has been expanded with a second, third or subsequent child born or adopted since 2007.
Funds are paid once per family, regardless of the age of previous children (they can be adults).

Starting from 2012, the amount of payments is annually indexed taking into account inflation.

To confirm the legality of receiving family capital in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a certificate of state education established by the state is issued.

To obtain this document, you can contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at any time after the birth or adoption of your second or next child. This document confirms that the family has the right to government support.

To receive government support, you must comply with the conditions of maternity capital approved by the government:

  • the woman who gave birth to the second or next child (or adopted child) must be a citizen of Russia (place of residence does not matter);
  • in case of adoption, she cannot be a stepmother;
  • the child must be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a person who adopts a second or next child alone can receive family capital;
  • if a woman is deprived of parental rights, then the opportunity to receive state support passes to the father or adoptive parent of the children, citizenship does not matter;
  • a man can also receive MK in the event of a woman’s death.

Family capital is distributed among children in the same parts if the father and mother (or adoptive parents) have lost parental rights or due to their death.

To issue a certificate, you must submit documents to the Pension Fund at your place of residence. The list looks like this:

  • a correctly completed application form;
  • passport or a document that replaces it;
  • birth or adoption certificates for all children;
  • a document confirming the Russian citizenship of a child born or adopted;
  • parents' passport with the seal of the Federal Migration Service on the citizenship of the children;
  • a document on the deprivation of rights to raise children by the wife or a certificate of her death - for a man receiving MS.

To receive family capital by children - documents that indicate the death of parents (or adoptive parents), as well as the deprivation of both parental rights, if any.

Having collected all the necessary documents to receive maternity capital and transfer them to the territorial PF agency, the citizen can only wait for the decision.

According to the law, fund employees make copies of all documents themselves and return the originals.

Usually the application is reviewed within a month. If the decision is positive, then within 5 days the citizen will receive a notification about the issuance of a certificate.

At the same time, the citizen will be informed of the refusal. The receipt notice must indicate the date of issue.

If the mother of a child or several children is unable to personally provide all the documents, notarized copies can be sent by mail or sent with a power of attorney.

Review of all documents is strictly individual. In case of refusal, PF employees are obliged to reasonably explain the reason why they refused.

Not all documents are provided most often. Employees explain what documents are additionally required to obtain a maternity capital certificate.

Family capital cannot be spent at your own discretion, but only for purposes approved by the state:

  • improve living conditions;
  • direct to the funded part of the certificate holder’s pension;
  • pay for children's education.

Funds are not transferred directly into your hands. This avoids the child being used as a means of obtaining funds or other financial fraud.

The use of MK is possible only after the child reaches the age of three. Since 2009, an exception has been the payment of mortgage installments.

In addition to federal payments, benefits are paid in the region. The use of regional capital is the same as the use of federal capital.

But in some regions it can be spent on other purposes - food, paying off utility bills.

Methods of repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

The pension fund will receive the necessary information independently after the birth of the child from the Unified Register of Civil Status Acts, which already contains all the necessary information about the child and his parents.
They will check information about possible restrictions that prevent the issuance of a certificate.

If no such restrictions are identified, the document will be issued and information about it will be sent to the certificate owner.

Notification of the issuance of the certificate will also be sent to the mother’s personal account registered on the public services portal and to the number specified on the portal.

If there is no registration on the public services portal or information about the child is not in the unified register, you can contact the branches of the Pension Fund and the Multifunctional Center.

In these cases, the time frame for issuing a certificate of maternity capital will be reduced from 15 to 5 working days, and Pension Fund employees will report its readiness.

In January 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed expanding the country's maternity capital program to include the birth of first children, for which parents would receive approximately 466 thousand Russian rubles.

For the second child, the payment increased by 150 thousand Russian rubles, reaching almost 616.62 thousand Russian rubles, or just over 10 thousand US dollars as of January 2020.

Maternity benefits will increase by 150 thousand Russian rubles for each subsequent child.

The importance of maternity benefits in Russia has grown steadily since 2007, when a government program was launched to pay 250 thousand Russian rubles to mothers who gave birth to or adopted a second child. From 2020 to 2020, it remained stable at more than 453 thousand Russian rubles.

There is only one way to take out a mortgage loan from a bank - by investing a certificate as a down payment or as repayment of part of the loan. The funds are sent to the seller of the property by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Mortgages in Russia are associated with a lifetime commitment, the reason for which is high housing prices compared to average incomes and high interest rates (from 10% and above).

As a result, the average family's payment schedule stretches almost until retirement. The average mortgage term is 17 years. During this time, the borrower charges 2-3 times the cost of the apartment or other property.

In the “rent or mortgage” dilemma, a mortgage seems more profitable because monthly payments go towards buying your own home and do not disappear without a trace in constant expenses. Often the borrower has difficulties with the initial deposit, or rather with its absence.

An important point is to obtain a mortgage without a down payment. Deposits are possible only on the secondary real estate market, since lending in the primary housing sector is associated with high risks (double sales, long-term construction).

If these risks are added to the probability of non-repayment of a long-term loan issued without a down payment, the bank's risks increase. Naturally, credit institutions are not ready and will not work under such conditions.

A mortgage with a zero down payment is only suitable for those who have a stable and high salary, as the monthly payments will be large.

Age also matters; it is necessary that the loan be closed before the retirement age of the borrower and his guarantors.

As banks rightly believe, a mortgage without a down payment is quite risky, so the interest rate in this case will be higher than for a mortgage with an advance payment.

There are 2 options to take out a mortgage loan without a down payment. The first option is to apply for a consumer loan from one bank for the down payment and the mortgage itself.

At the same time, the proceeds must allow repayment of both loans, so this option is suitable for borrowers with high repayment capacity.

According to bank requirements, no more than 30% of the borrower's net monthly income should be used to repay a mortgage loan.

Net income is all documented income (salaries, pensions, benefits) minus obligations (loans, alimony).

The second option is to pledge another existing home. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the bank will issue a loan for no more than 90% of the cost of the apartment, thereby reducing the risk of loss when real estate prices fall.

Some banks even offer to mortgage an apartment to close people (for example, parents) of the borrower as a down payment.

This area of ​​mortgage lending is in great demand because parents want to help their adult children, but pre-retirement and retirement age does not allow them to issue long-term loans.

When taking a mortgage on a second apartment, citizens must understand that if the mortgage is delayed, there is a danger of leaving their loved ones homeless and they will lose precious square meters.

Therefore, it is important to reasonably assess your abilities, to be confident in your solvency, in terms of maintaining and increasing your income (wages).

Cashless only

The legislation stipulates that it is only possible to repay a mortgage with maternity capital in a non-cash form. Documents are submitted to the Russian Pension Fund to obtain permission for a non-cash transfer of funds. But there are exceptions to this rule. If a family is building a house, then even before starting work, you can receive half the amount into a bank account. For the remaining amount, you will have to contact the Russian Pension Fund and provide a package of documents to pay off the mortgage with maternity capital. In this case, at least six months must pass between tranches. Additionally, you need to prepare documents confirming the cost of the work performed: contracts with contractors, certificates of completed work.

How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital

It will also be very interesting to learn how to send an application to the local pension fund, and what documents to attach so that everyone accepts and approves it. Here the owner of the certificate (usually the mother) writes a statement of the established form in the Pension Fund itself and attaches the following documents to it:

  1. Original Certificate
  2. Loan agreement with the bank
  3. Data from the banking institution on the balance of debt (certificate of the established form)
  4. Mother's and father's passports, child's birth certificate
  5. A document confirming the legal right of ownership of housing (with a note to come into force after repayment of the bank loan)
  6. Certificate of common ownership of real estate certified by a notary

After the documents are accepted by the PF representative, the applicant is given a receipt, after which the application is reviewed within 1 month. After some time, the bank provides a written response and if it is positive, then the applicant contacts the bank with this decision. The funds are credited to the bank account within 2 months from the date of a positive decision.

How is a mortgage repaid with maternity capital?

Documents for completing an application for disposal of funds are transferred to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. The employee is required to provide a receipt indicating the number and date of acceptance of the document, his full name and position. Within a month, a decision is made on approval or refusal to use MSC and is sent to the applicant in the form of a notification.

If the documents required to repay the mortgage with maternity capital are drawn up incorrectly, are provided incompletely, or the amount of funds under the MSK exceeds the balance of the debt, offset may be refused. In the notification, the Russian Pension Fund is obliged to indicate the reasoned reason for the refusal. This decision can be appealed in court.

What documents does the bank need to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital? Written notification from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with permission to use state support funds. If there is a partial repayment of the loan, the borrower must provide the bank with an application indicating the chosen method of changing the payment schedule:

  • reducing the duration of the contract while maintaining the amount of payment;
  • reducing the payment amount while maintaining the contract period.

The Russian Pension Fund is obliged to transfer funds within two months from the date of the decision. Maternity capital cannot be used to pay off fines and penalties that arose as a result of failure to fulfill loan obligations. That is, until the funds are transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the borrower is obliged to repay the debt in a timely manner. After mutual settlements, a new loan repayment schedule is drawn up.

List of documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

The list of documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital in 2020 can be safely divided into 2 components:

  • intended for transfer to the bank;
  • collected for the pension fund.

The need to collect 2 packages at once is due to the fact that each mentioned institution is involved in the process of paying off debt and transferring money to a credit account. That is, the bank must receive notification of early repayment and information about the use of public funds, and the pension fund, being the holder of the funds (the parents only have a certificate), is obliged to verify the honesty of those who applied and receive an application for the transfer.

Without contacting both organizations, it is useless to expect that the people responsible for managing finances will repay the debt. The current regulations strictly regulate the rules for using financial assistance, and there is no way around them.

Documents to the bank

Since the bank is the recipient of the funds, borrowers will not have to provide the lender with a large number of papers. You only have to prepare:

  • a certificate proving the right to dispose of capital;
  • passport and copy;
  • children's birth certificate;
  • in some cases, you will need a document confirming guardianship or adoption.

In addition, you will need to write a statement notifying the financial institution of your desire to pay part of the amount with public money. You should ask the bank managers for a form or sample. If there is no such thing, you should take the advice of the service personnel.

Documents for the pension fund

The list of documents to the Pension Fund for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital is noticeably wider:

  • applicant's certificate;
  • the already mentioned certificate;
  • a loan agreement detailing the terms of purchase of living space and repayment of debt;
  • certificate with information about remaining payments;
  • contract of sale;
  • an application with a request to pay the debt and an obligation to re-register the home as shared ownership.

The latter is due to the fact that the purchase of an apartment is paid for from money belonging to the child. Consequently, he receives rights to real estate, which must be documented.

It is worth adding that after submitting the documents, you should ask for a receipt confirming that the application was submitted.

The first way to pay off debt

Using state aid funds, you can pay part of the advance, the principal of the loan, or the interest on it. The first option is not available at every credit institution. Previously, banks classified clients who could not pay the down payment on their own as insolvent. Today, large financial institutions are making concessions and accepting MSK. It should be noted that the conditions for such loans can hardly be called favorable for borrowers. Such loans provide higher interest rates for a short loan period.


The MSK certificate is issued for an unlimited period. You can receive the amount at any time. If the person indicated in the document has died, the second parent, guardian or the child himself can use the amount until he reaches 23 years of age.

You can use government assistance funds at any time. The exception is when the owner of the certificate intends to use it to pay the down payment. In this case, it will be possible to use it 36 ​​months after the birth/adoption of the baby. There is one more limitation. The list of documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital must include a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming that previously state aid funds were not used for any other purposes.

In addition to federal ones, there are also regional programs to improve the demographic situation in the country. Some of them provide for special conditions for obtaining (registration) of property.

After repaying the loan, the purchased property must be registered as joint property with all family members.

Is it possible to pay for a mortgage with maternity capital?

Advice from lawyers:

1. Is it possible to pay the down payment on a mortgage with maternity capital?

1.1. Dear Svetlana! The down payment can be paid using maternity capital. To obtain a certificate, you need to contact the territorial administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

Consultation on your issue


Calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

2. Is it possible to pay for a mortgage with maternity capital if the child is not yet three years old?

2.1. Hello! Yes, you can.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

3. Is it possible to pay for a mortgage with maternity capital if it is registered in the name of the parents?

3.1. If the parents decide to purchase an apartment with a mortgage, then the main condition that the pension authority will put forward (except for improving living conditions) will be a further redistribution of shares between the parents and all children.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

3.2. You will not be able to use maternity capital to pay off someone else’s loan.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

4. Will they pay us a mortgage of 450 thousand for our third child if my husband and I take out this mortgage and my mother will also act as a co-borrower, since we do not qualify for income? And if we arrange a mortgage this way, do we need to allocate a share to my mother in the new home? Or just for me, my husband and children? And will it be possible to also pay off part of the same mortgage with maternity capital for the second and regional maternal capital for the third?

4.1. Hello) Yes, you can. If your mother is a co-borrower, she will also need to allocate a share.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

5. I want to take out a mortgage. Is it possible to make my mother a co-borrower so that she can pay the down payment from maternity capital?

5.1. She must be the main borrower in order to pay from maternity capital.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

6. Please tell me whether it is possible to pay for a mortgage with maternity capital if it was taken out to purchase a plot of land in SNT.

6.1. This law does not provide for the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ (as amended on March 18, 2019) “On additional measures of state support for families with children” “” Article 10. Direction of maternal (family) capital funds to improve housing conditions 6 Funds (part of the funds) of maternal (family) capital can be used to pay the down payment and (or) repay the principal debt and pay interest on credits or loans for the purchase (construction) of residential premises, including mortgage loans provided to citizens under a loan agreement (agreement loan) concluded with an organization, including a credit organization, regardless of the period that has expired from the date of birth (adoption) of the second, third child or subsequent children. (part six was introduced by Federal Law dated December 25, 2008 N 288-FZ, as amended by Federal Laws dated December 29, 2010 N 440-FZ, dated May 23, 2015 N 131-FZ) (see text in the previous “edition”)

Did the answer help you?YesNo

6.2. Hello, no, however, you can use maternity capital to build a house.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

7. Is it possible to pay off the principal debt on a mortgage with maternity capital if the wife is a co-borrower and the husband is the main borrower? The mortgage was taken out during marriage. A mortgage loan was purchased for an apartment in a house under construction (equity participation in construction).

7.1. Yes, it is possible to do this.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

8. Is it possible to sell an apartment purchased with maternity capital? In order to pay the down payment when buying another apartment with a mortgage? If this is possible, then what is the best way to conduct such a transaction so as not to violate the rights of the child.

8.1. Yes, such an apartment can be sold, but with the preservation of the rights of the child who is a co-owner in the old apartment. You cannot do this without the approval of the guardianship authority.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

8.2. Hello. Permission to sell an apartment You need to obtain permission from the guardianship authority.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

9. I want to buy an apartment, pay partly with maternity capital, partly in cash, the baby is 6 months old. Is it possible to do this, or checkmate? Can capital only be used for a mortgage?

9.1. Hello. If the child is under 3 years old, then only through a loan to purchase a home. All the best to you and successful resolution of your problems.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

10. We bought a house, part of it was paid with maternal capital, and part of it with our own funds. The house is 27.3 square meters, but we want to buy another house of 60 square meters with all amenities. We want to take out a mortgage, is it possible to somehow buy this house on a mat. cap. sell and cover part of the mortgage?

10.1. — Hello, the guardianship authority will not give consent to the sale of housing that is owned by children. for the purpose of purchasing housing that is owned by the bank!

If you don't understand this, it's a shame. You didn’t pay the loan a couple of times and your previous home, and even more so your future one, cried. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Legostaeva A.V.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

11. Is it possible to pay one part of the cost of an apartment with maternity capital, and another person takes out a mortgage for the purchase of this apartment and pays the other part.

11.1. It is not clear which other person. According to the law, housing purchased with maternity capital must be registered in the name of all family members - parents and their children.

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11.2. Dear Lyubov To make transactions involving maternity capital, you must obtain consent from the pension fund. If it approves this transaction, then you can. Good luck to you and all the best.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

11.3. If the other person is the father, then it is possible, but for a full consultation, contact a lawyer in person; you need to at least know the situation in detail and look at the documents.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

11.4. Hello, Love! This will be a very complex agreement. And I am sure that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will not approve this deal. Housing purchased with maternity capital must be isolated.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

11.5. Is it possible to pay one part of the cost of an apartment with maternity capital, and another person takes out a mortgage for the purchase of this apartment and pays a part to a friend. If the second person is your spouse and the apartment will be completely owned by family members, then you can.

Did the answer help you?YesNo

12. During marriage, an apartment was bought with a mortgage from a savings bank, part of it was paid for with maternal capital, after the divorce the ex-wife and children live there, the mortgage was issued to me, now there is no money to pay. Is it possible to sell an apartment to pay off the mortgage, even without the consent of the ex-wife? And if not, what actions can be expected from the bank?

12.1. Good evening. Since the apartment was bought for mat capital, shares were allocated for the children. The sale requires the consent of the guardianship authorities, and the spouse also has the right of first refusal. You must first buy your share for your wife. The apartment is pledged to the bank and the bank’s consent is also required to sell it.

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12.2. You cannot sell the apartment, it is pledged to the bank; when you stop paying your mortgage, the bank itself will go to court with an application to collect the debt and foreclose on the mortgaged property.

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13. We sold an apartment purchased with maternity capital; during the sale, the money was transferred to us in savings books in 1/4 increments, me, my husband and two children. In another city we bought an apartment with a mortgage from a savings bank. We registered the apartment as joint ownership, my husband and I, four of us are registered. For the down payment, they took money from my and my husband’s savings books. Question. Is it possible to withdraw money from children's savings books before children reach adulthood in order to pay the mortgage? If yes, then how?

13.1. With the permission of the guardianship authorities.

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13.2. Good day! Yes, you can with the permission of the guardianship authority and you will most likely be obliged to register a share for the children.

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Consultation on your issue


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14. We took out a mortgage and paid part of it with maternity capital. My friends told me that we will not be able to return 13% of the maternity capital amount and after the sale of the apartment, the maternity capital will return to the account and it can be used again. Tell me, is this true?

14.1. Maternity capital will not be able to return back.

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14.2. No, that's not true, it can only be used once.

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15. We bought an apartment using a remote control, paid for it using a mortgage and maternity capital, the entire amount was paid. The delivery of the house is delayed, we have been waiting for a long time, family circumstances have changed, we are planning to move to another city. Is it possible to terminate the trust agreement, and how can I return the mat capital to the Pension Fund?

15.1. Hello! Termination of the trust agreement is possible only with the consent of the bank if the mortgage is not repaid. If the contract is terminated by agreement, then the development company transfers the funds from MSC to the account of the UPFR.

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15.2. Hello! It is possible to terminate the management agreement by agreement with the developer and the bank. Refund mat. no capital is provided. You need to find a buyer for this apartment and enter into an assignment agreement.

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16. We want to take out a mortgage with government support to purchase an apartment in a new building. We have one child and are expecting a second. Will it be possible to pay part of the state mortgage with maternity capital?

16.1. Good afternoon Of course you can.

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17. My husband and I took out a mortgage for an apartment 4 years ago, my father paid the down payment from his savings book, then we also contributed maternity capital. At the moment we are divorced; there has been no division of property yet. BM doesn’t want to give his share to the children; he doesn’t want to do anything at all. What is his share at the moment, can it be allocated before the mortgage is repaid? Thank you.

17.1. Your husband has half if you took out a loan during marriage. It is impossible to allocate it, since he has the same rights to his share as you do.

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18. Is it possible to sell an apartment purchased with a mortgage, part of which was paid for by maternity capital, and there is an obligation to allocate space to the child? Thank you.

18.1. It is possible to sell, but for the child to be provided with conditions that do not worsen the previous ones, this issue must be resolved with the guardianship authorities.

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19. I wanted to know... is it possible to buy a finished home with maternity capital without waiting for the child’s third birthday without a mortgage or loan. We want to buy a house. Should I pay partly with maternity capital, and partly with personal savings?

19.1. Hello! Only if you use mat capital as a FIRST payment on a mortgage. Then pay off from your savings. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.

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19.2. No, you need to wait until you are three years old.

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20. Mat capital. Is it possible to pay for a mortgage with maternal capital if the mother owns a house?

20.1. Maybe. The approval of the Pension Fund is required.

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Is it possible to pay for a mortgage with maternity capital if the loan is issued to the ex-husband and there is a co-borrower?

I have this situation. My husband (civilian) and I do not work (officially). We want to take out a mortgage for our father-in-law, since he works officially.

I have this question: in 2001, my husband and I bought an apartment and took advantage of the 13% return

My sister and her husband took out a mortgage on an apartment 2 years ago. Part of it was paid for by maternity capital.

My husband and I took out a mortgage, but before I got married I had a bad credit history...

Is it possible to sell an apartment if, when it was under a mortgage, part of the loan was paid with maternity capital?

Is it possible to cash out maternity capital this year to buy a home without losing money from it if the child is under three years old?

The husband is a military man. They give us an apartment, with an additional payment for extra meters. Is it possible to pay directly with maternity capital: a PF account where we should transfer the money.

Is it possible to pay part of the mortgage with maternity capital if the mortgage is issued to the child’s grandmother, the child is 6 months old.

Is it possible to sell the share of a minor before purchasing another home?

My common-law husband and I are going to take out a mortgage for an apartment with 50/50 shares.

Closing MSC

The maternity capital program was launched back in 2007. Even then it was said that the program would not operate indefinitely. After 8 years, the first rumors appeared about the termination of the certificates. The reason for this was the fact that in 2014 the debt of the Russian Pension Fund (through which all payments are made) amounted to about 1 trillion. rub. During the same period, 200 million rubles were paid out under MSK certificates. No final decision has been made. According to preliminary data, it will be possible to obtain a certificate until December 31, 2018 inclusive, and to use it in the next 10 years.

The following changes to the terms of the program are being considered for next year:

  • issuing certificates only to families with low or medium incomes;
  • A new direction for the use of funds is being considered - the rehabilitation of children with disabilities.
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