land plots for gardening
How is land surveying carried out between neighbors?
Land surveying is a procedure whose main purpose is to determine the boundaries of a specific area. It must be carried out
How to use maternity capital to buy an apartment with a mortgage. Implementation of the sale of an apartment with maternity capital: step-by-step instructions, necessary documents, deadlines, guarantees and risks of the seller
When Buying a Home How Long to Wait for a Maternity Capital Certificate; document confirming the identity of the applicant; document which
What documents are needed to receive state benefits for the funeral of a pensioner in 2020
What is this? The death certificate is a standard form, Form No. 33. Contains the following columns,
Is it possible to divide a two-room adjacent apartment into two owners in Moscow?
Is it possible to divide an apartment into two apartments? According to practice, dividing one apartment into two
What is Putin's decree 2020 on the abolition of fees for major repairs.
Thirdly, not all residents need property repaired with their money. For example, it makes no sense
Mortgage from VTB 24: conditions and interest for today
Rules for early repayment of a mortgage VTB Bank provides the opportunity to fully or partially repay a mortgage without
Is it possible to privatize the local area?
The issue of privatization of land for residential buildings has been controversial over the past few years. Legislative
SANPIN standard area per workplace
Housing and communal services enterprises are obliged to provide comfortable conditions in apartments, so in winter there should be
On state registration of rights to real estate Article 18. State technical inspection of buildings, structures and (or) their components
Legal side of the issue The technical passport is not a legal document. It contains information (text and graphic)
registration of real estate documents
Why do you dream about your previous place of residence?
Determining the place of residence of migrants Migrants are people who changed their place of residence due to
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