Sample Announcement for Renting an Apartment

How to rent out an apartment without the help of agencies

The work of real estate agents is aimed at obtaining a satisfactory result in any transaction with housing. In this case, a large percentage of the transaction is taken in favor of the agency, which is not beneficial for either the tenant or the landlord.

There are some methods for renting out an apartment without the participation of realtors, these include:

  • Finding clients among your friends. “Word of mouth” still fulfills its functions and there is a real chance to get those who want an apartment without making any special efforts at all.
  • Search for tenants by publications. Advertising for residential real estate works faster due to the greater number of people involved in the rental process.

Just be careful, beware of scammers! Study this article: how to avoid getting caught by scammers when renting and renting out an apartment: countering scams and deception is very important knowledge! ⇐

What should a rental advertisement look like?

There is no specific or approved form for advertising an apartment for rent. Everyone does it their own way, the main thing is to attract the attention of those who rent out apartments.

You can also place an advertisement for rental housing on bulletin boards, entrances, and transport stops. In this case, the text of the advertisement must first be typed on a computer and printed, since not everyone reads handwritten information, especially if the handwriting is not very legible. In order to immediately attract attention to your ad, you can print it on brightly colored paper. Please note that in this case you also need to write “I’ll rent” in large font so that those who are looking for tenants will immediately notice it.

You can place an ad in a newspaper, but if you place it in a place where there are many similar texts, it may get lost. It is better to pay and place it separately, making it bright and noticeable.

When posting information about renting an apartment on the Internet, it is also important that it stands out in some way and does not get lost in the crowd. Attach a photograph or some kind of picture to the ad. It is important that the text of information about renting an apartment does not contain spelling errors, as this causes distrust among landlords. The text should be reduced to small sizes.

How to write an advertisement for renting an apartment

First, you must determine your own criteria for what exactly is important in a rented apartment. This could be the area of ​​residence where you plan to rent housing, whether it is important to have furniture in the apartment, how many rooms you need, on what floor.

The more criteria you specify in the ad, the better, since in this case you eliminate unnecessary calls from those whose apartments are not initially suitable for you. And landlords reading will understand that you are serious.

The future tenant can provide some information about himself. It is worth indicating an approximate age or simply an age group, for example, “young man”, “man of retirement age”, as some landlords are looking for a person of a certain age. For some, it is important to rent out an apartment to an elderly person, or vice versa, to a young couple. Indicate in your ad your positive traits that you are a solvent and decent employer. This can be reflected in the phrase “I guarantee timely payment”, “careful attitude towards property”.

But it is better not to indicate the presence of a cat, dog, or children in the ad, but to talk about it in a personal conversation. Such information may immediately scare off the landlord, although in principle, this may not be important to him.

You can also immediately indicate information about the cost of a rented apartment, if this is important. Just the phrase “expensive”, “inexpensive” does not provide any specific information. Also, everyone has different ideas about high prices.

If you are ready to consider all price options, then you don’t have to indicate the price of the apartment.

Download a free sample “rent an apartment”

Download a sample for renting an apartment – ​​“rent an apartment.doc” – 94kb.

How to write an advertisement for renting an apartment correctly

Today, ordinary paper leaflets in the form of a proclamation practically do not produce results if they are not compiled correctly.

Therefore, if the owner intends to get tenants, the advertisement for renting your apartment must answer the right questions. The questions your potential tenants want answered.

  1. What type of property is rented out? This could be a house, apartment, shared apartment, room and other options.
  2. Are there any special amenities near this property? Schools, kindergartens, transport interchanges, shops or cultural centers.
  3. What is the nature of the property being rented out? Here it is important to correctly assess the material from which the housing is built, its dimensions and external condition.

By answering these questions as briefly and accurately as possible, you can write an ad without unnecessary information..

What to indicate

Also, if you want to correctly write an announcement about the rental of real estate, you should indicate the following parameters:

  • number of rooms or size of living space in square meters;
  • availability of repairs and their condition;
  • the conditions under which the owner is ready to rent;
  • price;
  • availability of bargaining;
  • telephone for communication.

If you correctly write all the information about the living space for rent, then there will be more than enough people willing to do so. It is worth considering that in addition to those wishing to rent a home, real estate agents often respond to such advertising. In order not to waste a lot of time on phone calls, it is better to immediately clarify the situation with this factor.

How to register correctly

Advertisements have their own design rules, following which you should get a result that provides complete answers to questions of interest to future people wishing to rent a living space.

  1. Title. The top line, which usually contains the words “rent an apartment.”
  2. Announcement body. All information about the rented area is indicated here with a detailed indication of all parameters.
  3. Contact Information. It is better to indicate contacts for several telecom operators. This will give the opportunity to call more people who want to rent housing.

It is important to place information in detachable parts of the ad indicating the phone number and the reason why the text was submitted.

Where to place

There are several options for placing an ad and all of them do not present any particular difficulties.

  1. Paper version. Such notices are posted on nearby streets and bus stops. The advantage of such announcements is that this is a way to interest people who really need housing. Real estate agents pay little attention to street advertising. The disadvantages of such an ad are that they are not durable; as a rule, they look presentable until the first rain.
  2. Printed publications. Newspapers and magazines containing advertisements for renting a room still find their admirers.
  3. Internet option. Messages posted online are intended to reach a wider audience. Whether it’s a special board or a simple post on social networks, you need to be prepared for increased interest not only from those who want to rent a home, but also from anyone who is curious.

When posting an ad via the Internet, it is worth taking into account this advice: it is better to indicate your email in the contact information field, otherwise the phone will not be silent for a very long time.

Example of an advertisement for renting an apartment, sample

An example of an “apartment for rent” advertisement can be obtained from various sources. Newspapers offer a special form to fill out, which you cannot refuse because the information will not be published.

⇒ With street paper notices the situation is simpler; here you can simply take a sample , insert your information, cut it and stick it on the free spaces for this kind of notice. ⇐

Creative advertisement for renting an apartment, sample

Creativity attracts attention more than boring text, which is why a creative ad gets more responses than simple text sketches.

A sample creative ad can be full of pictures or infographics, as in this option, and contain all the necessary information. Renting a living space from a person submitting such advertising seems like a safe bet.

Thus, not only can you rent out your property, but selling your home works the same way. A correctly written advertisement is the key to a successful rental process and mutual cooperation between the landlord and the tenant.

How to compose it correctly?

To create a good advertisement for renting real estate, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Reliability of data. You should not provide deliberately false information about the apartment to attract attention. After all, while watching, a person will still see all the shortcomings and advantages with his own eyes.

  2. Advantages. Describe in detail all the advantages of the object. Advantages can be: the presence of furniture, appliances, recently made renovations, the Internet, developed infrastructure, etc. If the apartment has significant shortcomings, then they should also be indicated, but not focus on them. If you can eliminate them, for example, to pay rent, then this can also be indicated in the ad.

  3. Accommodations. Please indicate who exactly you would prefer to rent the property to. This way you can weed out unwanted clients.
  4. Signature and contact details. Be sure to indicate how to contact you by phone. Also note that the apartment is rented from the owner - this will increase the interest of applicants.


To draw up offers for renting out real estate, you can use samples of ready-made advertisements as a basis. They can be seen on rental websites. Here are some of them:

“I rent a bright and cozy one-room apartment for a long term from the owner. Area – 38 sq.m. Floor – 2. The apartment is located on Krzhizhanovsky Street, 5 minutes from the metro. Inside there is everything for a comfortable stay: a new 2-bed folding sofa, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers with a mirror, a plasma TV, internet.

In the kitchen there is a refrigerator, microwave, electric kettle, kitchen set, and a set of dishes. Separate bathroom. The bathroom is tiled and has an automatic washing machine. Price 35 thousand rubles. per month. No collateral. The apartment is rented for a long term to working people or married couples. View any day.

Call: 81111111111 (Alexander)."

“A 2-room apartment for long-term rent in a new building near the Medvedkovo metro station (3 minutes walk). Nearby there is everything you need: 24-hour shops, parking, pharmacies, fitness center, inexpensive cafes. The apartment is small (60 sq. m.), but cozy, clean and spacious.

The windows face the eastern bright side, there is a well-equipped children's playground in the courtyard. There is a glazed balcony. The neighbors are friendly. What is in the apartment: a sofa-book, 2 folding chairs, a spacious wardrobe, 2 cabinets, LCD TV, refrigerator, microwave, wi-fi.

A washing machine can be purchased as a rental. The house has its own boiler room, so the utilities are small. Rent – ​​40 thousand rubles. Rent to non-smokers. View at any time, call!”

“I rent a 1-room apartment for a long term, fully furnished and equipped with household appliances. Come and live! Located next to the park on Lenin Street.

Everything you need is within walking distance - three supermarkets, a shopping center, a bus stop (2 minutes). Convenient location for both city guests and those who work in the center - you can walk to the center in 10 minutes. Near the house there is parking and a children's playground.

Cost per month – 18 thousand rubles. The communal area is small. Call!”

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