We will help you, we will urgently prepare documents at the BTI!

Where to get title documents for an apartment

Depending on the exact method in which the property was transferred into ownership, there are different documents.

For example, if this is a sale, then a purchase and sale agreement is required, if an exchange - an exchange agreement, if an inheritance - a certificate of the right to inherit by law or by will, and so on.

In total, experts identify more than 20 such documents, depending on the classification they use.

Owners of cooperative apartments built before 1993 have a Registration Certificate from the BTI. The owner of the housing could receive it if the dilapidated house is demolished.

A registered exchange agreement is issued for this type of property.

If the apartment was acquired by court, this is confirmed by a registered court decision that has entered into legal force.

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If the kit has been lost, it can be restored.

Types of certificates

Depending on the purpose, there are several types of certificates containing various information required to carry out a particular legal transaction of a property nature. Each document has its own validity period, so you should order their production if necessary.

The main certificates from the BTI include the following:

  • technical passport of the object;
  • land plan;
  • extract from the BTI;
  • certificate in form No. 3 (required for registration of land plots), No. 11 (for owners of a private house);
  • explication;
  • registration certificate;
  • floor plan;
  • certificate of inventory value of the premises;
  • extract from the technical passport;
  • documents confirming the condition of the housing (certificate in form No. 5);
  • a certificate confirming the address of the premises or the full name of the owner;
  • etc.

To find out the exact list of documents required for issuance to the BTI for a specific transaction with property, you should consult with a specialist in advance (for example, an employee of Rosreestr, if the certificates are necessary for re-registration of ownership of housing in connection with alienation).

In some cases, individual documents from the BTI may contain extensive information, which allows you to receive one instead of several certificates (for example, a housing registration certificate includes an explanation and a floor plan, so there is no need to receive the last 2 documents as separate attachments).

Title documents for an apartment are

  1. It is possible to order a certificate about the holders of the right from the DZhPiZhF, after which you can purchase a second copy of the transfer agreement there (when it comes to rights that arose before 1998);
  2. In addition, the owner can re-purchase a certificate of state registration of his right, as well as a certificate containing information from the title document issued by Rosreestr.

When restoring title documentation issued before the beginning of February 1998, the owner of the apartment, along with his passport, must send an application to the district department of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund, where he will be issued a separate application form to purchase a copy of the certificate or agreement on the privatization of housing and a receipt for payment state duties.

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register, BTI documents

Home / Legal support of real estate transactions / Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, BTI documents

Almost any real estate transaction requires the availability of additional information. To do this, it is necessary to comply with a number of formalities; specialists from the International Law Company will help with this.

Some of the most common requests in such situations include:

  • obtaining an extract from
    the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN);
  • provision of technical information on the object involved in the transaction;
  • registration of data from the house register and financial and personal accounts.

Information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about real estate objects
The Unified State Register of Real Estate is a general information base that contains information about all real estate objects and their copyright holders on Russian territory. All rights to apartments, suburban areas, houses, non-residential premises are registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Documentary confirmation of the existence of a legal right to the relevant property, as well as a title document allowing transactions with it, is an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Please note that this extract confirms the fact of registration of rights and information on real estate only on the date of its issue. Therefore, when conducting any real estate transactions, to guarantee their legal purity, as well as to verify information about the status of the property and its technical characteristics, it is necessary to obtain “fresh” extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

It should be emphasized that the USRN is an open database, the information in it is publicly available. Knowing the cadastral or conditional number of an object or its exact address, you can find the information you are interested in using the search engine on the Rosreestr website. Thus, open data on real estate includes a description of the object, its area, cadastral value, information about registered rights and existing encumbrances.

The information contained in the extract from the Unified State Register can be conditionally grouped into several blocks:

  1. Information about the real estate itself: type of object and purpose, its address, cadastral number and cost, conditions of use, for example, type of permitted use. As well as technical characteristics: area, number of storeys.
  2. Information about the copyright holder. Date of birth, passport details of the citizen, registration details of the legal entity.
  3. Information about encumbrances, including information about mortgages, participation in shared construction, rent, and the establishment of interim measures.
  4. Cadastral passport of the object with its graphic plan, boundaries, area.

At first glance, ordering an extract from the USRN seems like a simple matter. But even here you will need to fulfill some prerequisites:

  • correctly draw up an application indicating the required information;
  • make payment in the established manner and amount;
  • come to the authorized body to submit a request, and then collect the prepared information in a timely manner.

By ordering an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate through the mediation of professionals from the International Law Firm, you save yourself from:

  • unnecessary waste of time studying the issue and communicating with official authorities;
  • waste of effort in preparing documents to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • risk of errors at any stage.

will be provided by our employees:

  • as soon as possible;
  • with impeccable quality;
  • at affordable prices.

Data on the technical condition of the property: quickly and without problems

BTI documents have long become synonymous with inaccessibility, both in terms of the complexity of their request and the cost of the service, especially if the information is needed urgently. But if it is impossible to influence government prices, then reducing associated costs and increasing the convenience and efficiency of the process is quite possible, especially for specialists.

BTI documents are processed by territorial offices. They issue:

  • technical passports for objects. As a general rule, they are compiled during the initial inventory of real estate, which is carried out when a new house is put into operation. Includes data on the footage of the room, internal structure, characteristics of the walls, foundation, floors, engineering equipment, date of construction of the house, its overhaul, inventory assessment of the object;
  • explications (BTI documents are prepared in the form of copies);
  • floor plans;
  • other information from the general database for obtaining BTI documents, including a certificate of the inventory value of apartments, determined taking into account their wear and tear, a certificate of the condition of the building/structure as a whole.

We remind you that technical passports for real estate are updated in the event of redevelopment of premises. Therefore, when making real estate transactions, it is always necessary to obtain current technical passports to confirm that all changes in the technical condition of the object were legal.

All data is provided upon requests made in accordance with established requirements. The package of documents for applying to the BTI is as follows:

  • Statement;
  • Documents giving the right to receive technical documentation for the property: for the owner - certificate of ownership, purchase and sale agreement, extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate; for the tenant - a lease agreement, a letter of guarantee from the owner, in which he agrees to the request for information; for the tenant of municipal apartments - a social tenancy agreement;
  • Applicant's passport;
  • Power of attorney for a representative.

If you need a certificate from the unified real estate register or BTI documents for the sale, redevelopment, donation and other transactions with real estate, urgently or within a standard time frame, contact the International Law Company.

We guarantee:

  • progressive work methods;
  • quality service;
  • minimum prices;
  • individual attitude to each client.

Registration and restoration of title documents

In cases where the lost document was issued by a notary office, and it is still operating, the easiest way is to order a notarized duplicate from them. It is impossible to restore only those documents that were issued before they were introduced into the Unified State Register system because

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enterprises passed into private hands and the archive of issued certificates and orders, as practice shows, was lost or not transferred to the new management.

When a document from the BTI may be needed

In various life situations, it becomes necessary to order an extract from the technical passport. A document in Form 1a must be used in the following cases:

  • When making transactions for the purchase and sale and exchange of real estate.
  • When the owner of the property changes.
  • When transferring real estate as collateral to a banking institution to obtain a loan.

Form 1a is also taken by municipal authorities when carrying out reconstruction of buildings and major repairs. This document is necessary when it is planned to make changes to the layout of an apartment or house. Such a certificate may be needed by a notary when registering an inheritance.

Attention! It should be remembered that the data included in the extract issued in Form 1 may be outdated, since the planned inventory is carried out once every five years.

A document in Form 1b is issued on a specific date and reflects the condition of the property at a specific point in time. It may be needed in the same cases as an extract of Form 1. But the main purpose of issuing this certificate is that an extract from the BTI registration certificate in Form 1b confirms or excludes any restrictions on a specific property. That is, a certificate in Form 1b confirms the legal purity of the property. This extract must indicate the date of the inspection and the presence of unauthorized changes in the layout detected.

List of documents required to obtain a certificate of ownership of an apartment

Such a list can, of course, be quite broad, but the main documents submitted when registering property rights are still:

  • Application to Rosreestr. Such an application must be completed in strict accordance with the requirements and rules that are established for it.
  • Receipt for payment of the fee accrued in connection with the emergence of ownership rights and its registration
  • Identification documents of the owner. In this case, the owner must personally submit all the necessary papers.
  • A certificate from the BTI with an exact floor plan - the so-called Technical Data Sheet.
  • Tax registration certificate.
  • Title deeds that could be used to confirm the transfer of property to its current owner.

Of course, these are not all the necessary papers. In each specific situation, it may be necessary to provide additional documents.

Based on the above, in order to take any actions with your real estate, you cannot do without a title document, a registration certificate and a certificate of ownership.

Those. The presence of these three documents certifies your full right to your housing.

List of our services:

  • Obtaining certificates from the BTI (urgent and non-urgent): Explication, floor plan, technical passport for a bank, mortgage, appraisal album;
  • RosTechInvetarization;
  • Registration of a transaction;
  • Coordination of redevelopment, re-equipment;
  • Transfer of residential premises to non-residential stock;
  • Registration of self-construction;
  • Registration of land plots;
  • Unified State Register;
  • Obtaining the conclusion of the SES, State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • Address register.

Are you interested in why you should contact us?

  • We work with both residential and non-residential assets, individuals and legal entities.
  • We work with “problem” documents and coordinate redevelopment.
  • We collect other documents (extract from the Unified State Register, Certificate of PND and ND, FLS, extract from the house register, etc.)
  • We register ownership with the Federal Registration Service. If necessary, we provide expedited registration.

One of the authorities that owners or participants in any real estate operations and transactions have to deal with in any case is the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI).
The task of this organization is to collect statistical information on all residential and non-residential real estate properties, including buildings and apartments. It is here that information about the area of ​​the object, its condition, changes and repairs carried out in it, owners, status, and estimated value is accumulated. Possession of all this information entrusts the BTI with another very important function - it issues inventory documents - issues BTI certificates. Mandatory receipt of a BTI certificate is a necessary condition for most real estate transactions. Do you need to sell an apartment or, conversely, having bought it, register ownership of the property? You will definitely need to obtain a certificate from the BTI. Do you want to donate a house or apartment? Without BTI documents, you will not be able to formalize the contract. Have you started a renovation that requires redevelopment? And here you need to contact the technical inventory bureau to approve the planned changes, as well as to correct the BTI documents. That is, any case of change in the status, owner or condition of housing passes through the technical inventory bureau in one way or another. And quite often it is necessary to prepare BTI documents urgently.

The amount of information is enormous, isn't it? But leave your delight or indignation aside. Like any municipal organization, BTI is a rather complex and, most importantly, clumsy structure. This means that any interaction with the technical inventory bureau will require a lot of effort and time, and not every one of us can afford the luxury of spending it on obtaining a certificate from the BTI.

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