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When constructing and reconstructing a private house, it is important not only to follow SNiPs, but also in a timely manner
All articles 8723 2020-03-13 An extract from the Unified State Register is a document from the Unified State Register
Definition of a power of attorney for privatization A power of attorney is an agreement concluded between the owner of the apartment and
What can be considered a land grab if the fence thickness is less than 5
Is it necessary to discharge a deceased person from an apartment after death? Of course, immediately after the death of a person
Division of property Property acquired during family life is considered community property even during a divorce.
The house register contains information about the citizens living in each apartment. Extract from
Violation of SNIP 2.07.01-89 and SNIP 21-01-97 does not imply administrative or criminal liability for
Do disabled people of group 1 pay land tax Do disabled people of group 2 have to pay Does it?