Write a sample application to the Criminal Code about the appearance of fungus and dampness

August Representatives of the management company come and try to collect signatures from residents on the registration sheet: It should be noted here that the registration sheet is only an appendix to the minutes of the general meeting. Leaving a signature on such a sheet is the same as signing on a blank sheet of paper. I ask the representatives of the management company where the protocol is, why we are collecting signatures. They nervously answer that this is not the minutes of the general meeting at all, they say, we are just trying to find out the opinion of the majority, and ask all questions to the authorities. I warn you about liability for falsifying the protocol. The aunts immediately take the sheets and disappear. After this incident, the management company unsuccessfully tried twice more to “hold” the general meeting retroactively by collecting signatures. Despite the fact that the Housing Code prohibits holding an absentee meeting without an attempt to hold an in-person meeting.

How not to pay for an intercom: golden intercom

April The Prosecutor's Office does not respond, Rospotrebnadzor redirects the appeal to the Housing Inspectorate: The Housing Inspectorate asks the management company for the minutes of the general meeting: Notice how suddenly, instead of agreement No. 203/020-AA dated 02/11/2002, which was referred to by the Prefecture and the management company, another one pops up , No. 168/10-AA dated December 31, 2010, which once again indicates the chaos going on. May-June The Housing Inspectorate sends another batch of responses to the duplicate request forwarded by Rospotrebnadzor, and for the second time requests the minutes of the general meeting: July I get tired of waiting and myself write an application to the management company to provide the minutes of the general meeting: The calculation is as follows: either the management company will provide the minutes ( which is unlikely), or admits its absence (and the illegality of additional collection of money for the intercom), or ignores the appeal (and receives a statement to the prosecutor's office about inaction).

Complaints about housing and communal services

Owners of premises can veto decisions of the state housing supervision body to deprive the management organization of the right to carry out activities to manage this apartment building. In the event of such a decision by the owners, the management company retains the right to manage such an apartment building.

  • The address of the house and apartment in which you live must be indicated.
  • The claim must be clearly formulated with a precise indication of the problem.
  • It is necessary to provide all available rules and laws that govern this situation (Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Sanitary Regulations, Laws - everything can be found on the Internet).
  • Justify and indicate to the housing office, homeowners association or management company that the solution to the problem is within their competence.
  • Sign and number

This application must be submitted to the housing office, homeowners association or management company that services your home. If there is no reaction, then the application must be submitted to the prosecutor’s office and Rospotrebnadzor, who will begin an investigation based on your application. To obtain advice on the disclosure of information by organizations operating in the field of management of apartment buildings, as well as on issues of resettlement of citizens and major repairs, contact the Fund's Hotline at 8 (800) 700-8989 on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (time Moscow).

Please note => You can drive on Saturday in a dedicated lane

Community "Consumer Protection in the Housing and Utilities Sector"

Ladozhin from Kirin Andrey Alexandrovich address: 309290, Belgorod region, Shebekino, lane. Shumilova, 115-28 Claim to the management company I, Kirin Andrey Aleksandrovich, am the owner of apartment No. 28 of an apartment building at the address: Shebekino, st. Shumilova, 115. The house is maintained by the manager headed by you.

As a homeowner and a citizen permanently residing in the above-mentioned apartment, I pay rent in full on a monthly basis, including for the proper maintenance and repair of common property in our house. All payments can be documented: payment receipts. In turn, the management company, in accordance with Art. 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is responsible for the provision of services for the management of an apartment building, proper maintenance and repair of common property in such a building. In accordance with clause 10 and clause

Mold statement

In search queries you can often find the following: mold on the walls in the apartment who to contact mold in the apartment where to apply sample fungus in the apartment how to write a statement to the housing department complaint about mold in the apartment sample how to write a statement to the management company about mold in the apartment

I live in apartment 2 of an apartment building located at the address: Moscow, st. Novatorov, 22. In the said apartment, black stains appeared on the walls in the large room and in the kitchen. The walls feel damp and cold to the touch. I have attached photos of the black spots. I ask: 1. Conduct a technical inspection of the above-mentioned apartment. 2. Based on the results of the inspection, draw up a report with the detected deficiencies. 3. Send the answer by email.

Complaint to the management company

Be patient.2. Stop paying for intercom.3. Find out who includes the intercom service in the payment.4. Write an application to exclude this line (and receive a refusal).5. Send appeals to the Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and the Prosecutor's Office.6. (If it doesn't help.) File a lawsuit. Algorithm of actions and templates of statements. Go! January 2014 I am sending an appeal to the electronic reception of the Moscow Government: Please provide me with the following information: - on behalf of which performing organization (managing or servicing, indicating the name, legal address and telephone number) the cost of maintenance of the locking device is included in the unified payment documents issued to me; — whether the owners of the house made a decision to establish the appropriate amounts of payments (with sending me copies of the relevant protocols).

Sample claim for fungus in the apartment

  • We write the name and contact number in the upper right part of the sheet, do not forget to indicate the registration address;
  • below in the middle is written “statement of violation of rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings”;
  • below is the text of the complaint, indicating the address;
  • after this, we turn to the inspector with a request to conduct an inspection, issue a resolution and punish the perpetrators;
  • sign and indicate the date.

However, it is also worth remembering that the problem of fungus in the apartment may be related to your home care. Carry out mold removal work.12. Make repairs in the apartment. Naturally, only an action plan is listed here. Each stage has its own nuances and pitfalls. For example, a claim against a management company should be filed for violation of consumer rights. This corresponds to the nature of the legal relationship and exempts the plaintiff from paying state fees. There are other nuances. I myself went all this way, won the court, received compensation for mold removal work and compensation for repairs. During the trial, a judicial construction, technical and mycological examination was appointed and carried out.

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Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises for owners of residential premises who have not decided to establish the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the city of Moscow is established by the state authority of the city of Moscow. At the same time, the Moscow Government does not approve prices for the maintenance of locking devices, which are obligatory for residents to pay, since Resolution of the Moscow Government of October 12, 2010 No. 937-PP “On prices for services for the maintenance of locking devices installed in the entrances of residential buildings” determines prices for maintenance services for locking devices only to calculate the amount of subsidies for housing and utilities (clause 1 of the resolution), in accordance with Art. 159 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that by the Decree of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2010 No.

Sample application (complaint) if mold appears on the walls of the house

________________________________________ (name of body, full name of the head) From _________________________________________ Tel._________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________

Application for an administrative offense under Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Violation of standards for providing the population with utility services”

At the address __________________, the management organization violates the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the Rules for the provision of utility services, namely in the apartment: mold on the walls.

In accordance with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Living Conditions in Residential Buildings and Premises (SanPiN, heating and ventilation systems must provide acceptable conditions for the microclimate and air environment of the premises, while the relative humidity in living rooms should not exceed 60% in cold season and 65% in the warm season.

In accordance with paragraph 31 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354, an organization providing utility services to the consumer is obliged, independently or with the involvement of other persons, to carry out maintenance of intra-house engineering systems with the use of which utility services are provided to the consumer, as well as recalculate the amount of payment for utility services, including in connection with the provision of utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the permissible duration.

In accordance with Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for residential premises includes payment for the maintenance and current repairs of common property in an apartment building, as well as payment for utilities.

In this regard, the implementation of work to eliminate this violation does not require additional financing from the owner.

Article 2 of the “Regulations on State Housing Supervision”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 493 of June 11, 2013, states: “The tasks of state housing supervision are to prevent, identify and suppress violations by government bodies, local governments, as well as legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens established in accordance with housing legislation, legislation on energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency requirements for the use and safety of the housing stock, regardless of its form of ownership, including requirements for residential premises, their use and maintenance, use and maintenance of the common property of premises owners in apartment buildings, the formation of capital repair funds, the creation and operation of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs managing apartment buildings, providing services and (or) performing work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, providing utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, specialized non-profit organizations that carry out activities aimed at ensuring the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings, as well as the requirements for energy efficiency and equipping the premises of apartment buildings and residential buildings with metering devices for the energy resources used.”

In addition, in accordance with Article 28.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor's Office has the right to initiate proceedings for any administrative offense.

Clause 149 of the Rules establishes that the contractor, the organization providing utility services, bears responsibility for violations of the quality of provision of utility services to the consumer, including administrative responsibility.

Violation by persons responsible for the provision of utility services of the standards for providing the population with utility services constitutes an administrative offense, liability for which is provided for in Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the above, on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1994 No. 1086 “On the State Housing Inspectorate in the Russian Federation”, the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, the Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”, I ask:

— organize an on-site verification of the stated facts;

— issue an order to carry out the necessary measures and work to eliminate the violation and carry out recalculation, set deadlines for their implementation;

— initiate administrative proceedings under Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, identify the perpetrators and bring them to administrative responsibility.

(date) (signature)

You can file complaints about the inaction of your housing office, management company and homeowners association in the field of housing and communal services to the prosecutor's office or Rospotrebnadzor in your region.

Sample applications to the management company

  • Categories
  • Consumer rights Protection
  • Hello.
    The intercom at our entrance has not been working for more than two months. Who wants to come in? The door won't close at all. Just like an ordinary door. We do not have a combination lock in parallel with the intercom. The woman at the entrance constantly calls the housing office, complains, and demands that a new one be installed. But there are only excuses. They say that there are no new intercoms yet. Like, wait until they bring it. But nevertheless, we, the residents, pay for the use of the intercom. I understand that the money is not very big, but still. We also asked about this, but we were told that they would not deduct anything, since this fee also includes emergency repairs, and in general they spread the annual intercom service over all months. Like, this is what the monthly fee for the intercom is made up of.

Fungus on the wall in the apartment: how to contact the Management Company with a complaint

  • Regularly check the ventilation in the apartment and ventilate it systematically.
  • Conduct thermal insulation of balconies or loggias.
  • Ensure proper heating in the apartment.
  • Provide wet cleaning. You can also treat the walls with a small amount of vinegar or citric acid.
  • Proper care of home flowers, regular checking of the soil.
  • Timely washing of clothes. This will help prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms during the most favorable period for them.
  • Proper care of pets.
  • Constant monitoring of temperature and humidity levels in the bathroom, including periodic cleaning of the washing machine from accumulated dirt.

If no one from the management company appears, then the act is drawn up in the presence of two witnesses who also sign. Then the humidity level is checked. This is a paid service provided by regional hygiene centers and SES. If the utility company is proven to be at fault, the costs incurred will be reimbursed.

Illegal charging of payments for intercom.


The use of a locking device is due to the impossibility of access to the residential premises in any other way. I was not provided with information about the nature of this service, the conditions for its provision, or the possibility of refusing to pay for it. Payment is imposed by including a non-excludable line in payment documents, along with mandatory housing and communal services.

Failure to pay the cost of this service will result in the accrual of debt for other services. In accordance with Part 7 of Art. 156 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in an apartment building in which a homeowners’ association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative has not been established is determined at a general meeting of owners of premises in such a building. In accordance with Part 4 of Art.

Sample claim for cleaning of local area

What to do if the yard is not cleaned? The above norms and rules are mandatory for all organizations providing maintenance to apartment buildings and adjacent areas.

If the procedure for cleaning yards, playgrounds and sidewalks is not followed by your management company, then you have the right to send a complaint (claim) to the management of your management company. The complaint must be submitted in writing; it can be made either from one tenant or collectively signed by a group of tenants. The text of the claim can be free or according to the sample given below.

It is imperative to indicate to whom and from whom the application is being sent, describe the essence of the problem and certify the application with a personal signature and date.

As mentioned above, despite the fact that we serve ourselves, we are required to pay fees for the maintenance and repair of public utilities regularly.

And there are no concessions here.

Of course, one can argue that all expenses incurred by the owners of premises for the maintenance and repair of public utilities can be reimbursed from management organizations through the court. But we must also take into account our mentality. Well, who would go to court over one pipe or light bulb or something like that? As a result, it turns out that we ourselves, at our own expense, are engaged in Timurov’s work for the interests of our housing and communal services.

with one small difference: under the “anti-people” communist regime, no one took money from Timur’s people for their charity. which cannot be said about our time.

Just try not to pay the utility companies even if they haven’t done anything for you.

Forum burmistr.ru - forum about housing and communal services (management of apartment buildings)

GZHI - in Moscow, there is a sea of ​​judicial practice regarding the refusal of residents to recalculate and the legality of including a line for the maintenance of the charger in the EPD. In your case (Moscow), the tariff for servicing the charger is determined by the Government Decree, in addition, in Moscow the procedure for organizing work on installation and maintenance of the charger is determined , inclusion in the ENP simply at the request of the management company is impossible. Receipts are generated for you by the State Budgetary Institution of the MFC (this is another party in the relationship between the management company and the owner in Moscow) and without them it is impossible to “include” any lines in the EPD. And the management company does not receive money for maintenance, because According to the supplier code, they are immediately sent to the service provider. You have an intercom or a locking device, which was installed at its own expense by the organization servicing it (i.e. it is its property), the maintenance of this device cannot be included in the rate for the SiR because This is not OIMCD. Accordingly, payment is made according to the tariff approved in Moscow for additional charges.

Who should you contact if there is mold in your home?

Today, there are a large number of effective means for removing mold. However, remember that all these products contain dangerous toxins and can harm not only the mycelium in your apartment, but also your health. Use masks and gloves when planning to clean up mold.

  1. Chlorine solution. A strong toxic substance that corrodes the mycelium, is able to penetrate into deep cracks and cracks and remove mold growths. Perfect for treating rough surfaces around the house.
  2. Ammonia. Helps solve the problem with fungus while you are looking for an answer to the question of where to go if mold has appeared in your apartment. Alcohol should be diluted with water and treated the affected surfaces, then rinse with plenty of water and ventilate the room.
  3. Citric acid and vinegar. Mold is destroyed when exposed to high temperatures and acid. Lemon solution or vinegar will not only destroy the mycelium and prevent its growth in the future, but will also help eliminate the unpleasant musty smell in the house. In addition, a solution of citric acid can be used as a preventive measure against further spread of the virus by spraying small doses onto potentially contaminated surfaces.
  4. Fungicides from the store. The modern market for household chemicals offers a wide range of products to combat mold. Most of it contains special fungicide substances that effectively deal with any type of fungus and can clean even the most difficult places in your home.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. The use of this bactericidal agent is possible both in the process of cleaning an apartment from existing mold, and as a preventive measure, since it is absolutely safe for the health of humans and pets.

SanPin standards prescribe that modern heating and ventilation equipment for houses is fully serviceable and cannot cause mold growths and other harmful viruses in the house. Therefore, if you are faced with a problem where to go if there is mold on the wall in your apartment, feel free to call the proper service for an inspection and provide evidence of your complaint. However, it is also worth remembering that the problem of fungus in the apartment may be related to your home care.

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An error occurred.

How often do homeowners in an apartment building get frustrated with constant dissatisfaction with public utilities, and in such cases, filing a complaint with the management company can be an effective way to rectify the situation. After all, a claim is a way of pre-trial dispute resolution. And filing a claim or complaint with government agencies may initiate a procedure for choosing a different method of managing the house or another service organization. How to file a claim with the management company? What legal norms should I use to be more convincing? What result can be expected after reviewing the document? You will find the answers to these questions right here. : Claim to the management company (16.5 KiB, 4,576 hits) Example of a claim to the management company to the Director of the Management V.V. Skandakov wrote: The housing inspection refers to mythical letters from the Ministry of Regional Development and judicial practice, such as who established it is important here, but no emphasis on the meeting of owners, namely it (the legal meeting) has the right to make a decision on increasing the common property and paying for its maintenance. Question — what should the owners do in this case? File a lawsuit regarding the obligation of the State Housing Property Inspectorate to issue an order to the management company to recalculate the maintenance fee. What don’t you understand about the State Housing Inspectorate’s explanation? The emphasis in the answer is placed specifically on the inclusion of the charger itself in the ODI and at whose expense the installation was carried out.

Samples of complaints about poor cleaning of the local area

» Economic law The management company provides services to residents of apartment buildings, including maintaining order and cleanliness of common property, issuing bills, and other utility functions.

Apartment owners, in turn, have the right to demand the quality of these services. If the management company fails to fulfill its responsibilities, residents can file a claim with the management company, a sample of which is presented in the article. You can complain about the actions of the management company not only to its head, but also to the government bodies that exercise supervision in this area.

Any deviation from the standards for the provision of services is grounds for filing claims. Residents of the house pay for the services of the management company and have the right to demand high-quality implementation.

Examples of the most common situations that lead to a conflict with the management company: the services provided by the management company are of poor quality and are provided in gross violation of deadlines. For example, interruptions in heating, water supply, garbage removal, cleaning of the entrance, the roof is leaking, there are problems with the roof or a pipe is leaking in the entrance; inflated tariffs; causing damage to residents' property due to the inaction of the management company. For example, the management company did not replace communications.

Deterioration of pipes led to their rupture and flooding of one or more apartments. Since the management company is responsible for the condition of the common property, it will compensate for the damage caused; The management company divides the debt of one or more residents among all, thus covering its losses; The management company violated the procedure for holding a meeting of residents or did not hold one at all;

Complaint about mold in an apartment sample. Mold in the apartment

Many of our citizens regularly face problems that prevent them from relaxing in their own homes and arise due to the fault of housing and communal services employees.
And there are also such phenomena that, frankly speaking, lead to unsanitary conditions. Some of them are fungus on the walls and non-working ventilation. We will tell you below how to deal with public utilities, whose negligence is responsible for these negative factors.

Let us also mention voltage surges, which often cause household electrical appliances to burn.

Mold on the wall in the apartment: what to do?

Mold or mildew on the walls very often occurs in corner apartments on the first and last floors. Their formation is associated with excess humidity, poor heating and ventilation. All these services should be properly provided to us by the Housing Office. And, therefore, if these unpleasant formations occur in your home, immediately contact your building management company.

The next video tells us how a young family contacted their management company with a complaint about mold. But the company employees were in no hurry to help:

Where to contact?

So, what to do and where to go if mold appears on the walls in your apartment? If housing department employees do not respond to your requests in any way, although they should, because we pay utility bills every month, then you need to write a statement to the supervisory authorities.

SanPiN standards clearly state that ventilation and heating systems should not contribute to the formation of mold.

  1. Therefore, call a representative of the management company to draw up a report on the appearance of fungus. If suddenly the engineer from the housing office does not come, take two neighbors as witnesses and draw up an act yourself.
    The main thing is, don’t forget to sign on it all together.
  2. After drawing up the act, write a complaint to the State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. If you write an appeal to all these organizations, the chances that utility workers will start working will increase significantly.

How to make an application?

We write a complaint to the housing inspectorate in the following form:

  • In the upper right corner of the sheet we write the last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the address of the place of registration. Provide your contact information;
  • in the title we write a statement about the commission of an administrative offense under Article 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offences;
  • After that, we proceed to the main text describing the address and nature of the problem. You need to write to the point, without going into unnecessary details and without splashing out emotions, but we are writing an official document;
  • at the end, we ask the housing inspector to punish those responsible, understand the situation and issue an order for elimination;
  • put the number and signature.

Applications to Rospotrebnadzor and SES are written in random order, but of a similar type.

You can see a sample complaint about mold in an apartment below or.

Sample complaint about mold in an apartment

Necessary steps

All stages of your actions when mold appears on the walls:

  1. drawing up an act (with an employee of the management company or with two neighbors);
  2. writing a complaint to a higher authority;
  3. sending the application by mail (by registered mail with notification) or handing it over personally to the inspector;
  4. waiting, for a period of thirty days;
  5. After issuing the resolution, housing department employees have 45 days to eliminate it.

Contact the court or prosecutor's office, as well as municipal authorities, if complaints to the State Housing Inspectorate do not help. Next, we will talk about what to do and where to complain if the ventilation in the apartment does not work.

Ventilation does not work

Ventilation is most likely one of the most important systems in an apartment building. After all, when it works properly, no one even thinks about its existence. But as soon as the operation of the exhaust system stops, this fact is immediately evident.

Smoke from cooking does not come out of the kitchen, the windows fog up, and an unpleasant smell remains in the bathroom. Moreover, there is a possibility of fungus.

Paragraph 5 of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock stipulates that chimneys and ventilation must work normally.

By the way, few people know how ventilation in an apartment should work. It is not difficult to check its work.

Open the window slightly, and then place a sheet of thin paper or a burning lighter on the ventilation duct grille.

If the sheet is pulled towards the grate, and the flame does not burn vertically and leans towards the hood, then the ventilation is working properly. If the sheet is not pressed down and the flame burns evenly, then you have a problem.

There is one caveat with fire from a lighter. Sometimes gas accumulates in the ventilation shaft, so the method of checking with a sheet of paper is safer.

One of the most common causes of non-functional ventilation is a simple blockage. Contact your housing department inspectors.

How else is it possible to check the ventilation for functionality and what to do in case of a breakdown, the following video tells:

Where to complain?

First of all, if the ventilation is not working, you should send a letter to your Housing Office. But if its employees do not want to do their job, for which, by the way, you regularly pay, you need to contact the housing inspector. This government organization was specifically created to supervise public utilities.

Don’t forget about Rospotrebnadzor together with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. These organizations are obliged to respond to your appeal. The main thing is not to forget to record all the documents coming from you, otherwise they will be lost in the depths of the bureaucratic machine.

How to file a complaint?

The complaint looks like this:

  • We write the name and contact number in the upper right part of the sheet, do not forget to indicate the registration address;
  • lower in the middle is a statement about violation of the rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings;
  • below is the text of the complaint, indicating the address;
  • after this, we turn to the inspector with a request to conduct an inspection, issue a resolution and punish the perpetrators;
  • sign and indicate the date.

You can see a sample application in case the ventilation does not work below.

Statement about non-functioning ventilation


Let's summarize all your actions if the ventilation suddenly stops working:

  1. calling a housing department specialist;
  2. if it refuses, we draw up a report (possibly without an engineer from the management company);
  3. we write a complaint to the supervisory authority;
  4. we fix its feed;
  5. we wait a month (as required by law);
  6. We monitor for 45 days how housing office employees eliminate the malfunction (this time is allocated to them by law).
  7. If after this period nothing has been done, we go to court.

Voltage drops

Each of us has observed power surges in the network, many of us more than once. It’s good when such changes do not lead to breakdowns of household appliances, but are limited only by the blinking of light bulbs. But sometimes it happens that equipment burns out due to a power surge, and then a reasonable question arises: who is to blame and what to do?

The consequences of this problem are described in the following video from a well-known TV channel:

Where to go?

There may be three culprits:

  • energy supply company;
  • house management company;
  • a third party (as a rule, these are neighbors connecting homemade electrical appliances or performing other actions leading to voltage surges in the power grid).

When the neighbors are at fault, everything is simple. Go to court and seek damages.

It’s another matter if the energy supply organization is at fault. Here Rospotrebnadzor will come to your aid. Write a complaint against the energy workers to this organization, not forgetting to first assess the damage at the service center. File a claim for voluntary compensation for your damages.

If the voltage drop is caused by poor condition of the wiring or electrical equipment inside the apartment building, then full responsibility falls on the management company. In this case, you will have to complain to the State Housing Inspectorate and the already mentioned Rospotrebnadzor.

Making a statement

We write an application to the housing inspectorate according to the model indicated in the previous two cases of disagreement with the housing department. The only difference will be the reason for the application. We make sure to refer to GOST 13109-97, according to which voltage drops and surges in the electrical network are not allowed.

And as we mentioned earlier, a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor is written in any order.


So, let’s go through the entire sequence of filing a complaint about power surges:

  • we find out the culprit;
  • contact the service center to determine the amount of damage;
  • depending on who the culprit is, we write a complaint to the appropriate authority;
  • send an application with confirmation of sending or receipt;
  • We expect a response within the thirty-day period required by law;
  • submit a claim for voluntary compensation for damage;
  • If it is ignored, we file a statement of claim in court.

Below you will find a sample statement of voltage drop. Download it just in case.

Sample statement about voltage drop

If various problems occur or malfunction of some systems that are serviced by the house management company, you should never knock on the thresholds of the housing office many times.

If they have not responded to the first request or are extorting additional money from you for work that you already pay every month, do not hesitate to contact the supervisory authorities.

This will bring the impudent utility workers to their senses and allow you to live comfortably in your apartment, forgetting about mold on the walls, a cold heated towel rail or, for example, a lack of water supply.

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For two whole years, the woman asked the management “company” to remove the fungus in the apartment and eliminate the cause of the appearance of this fungus.

And the reason turned out to be a violation of the sealing of the seams of the wall fencing panels.

An apartment in a building on K. Marx Avenue has sprouted a fungus.

There is, of course, nothing beautiful or pleasant about this. The owner repeatedly contacted the management organization with a request to sort it out, but there was no response or greeting from the utility workers.

Only after two years of ordeal, representatives of the organization carried out a visual inspection and announced their verdict: “Your windows were installed incorrectly.”

Only the windows were installed four years before the fungus appeared - somehow it doesn’t fit.

Disagreeing with the opinion of the management “company,” the woman wrote a written complaint demanding that the cause of the fungus be identified and the consequences eliminated.

Only after this was an examination carried out, which revealed the real reason: “moistening of the load-bearing and enclosing structures of the building due to condensation of moisture from the air on their surfaces, which indicates the presence of defects in the joints of the wall fencing panels.” In other words, the manager was wrong.

The housing workers fixed the problem at their own expense, but the apartment owner was never compensated for damages for the damaged repairs. The woman turned to the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, whose lawyers tried in vain to resolve the conflict before the courts. The management organization did not agree to the meeting, and the OPP helped the victim go to court.

In this regard, we remind you how to behave in such situations. It rained for two weeks, causing the roofs to leak. This shows that management organizations do not always fulfill their responsibilities properly. What to do in this case is explained by the legal adviser of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, Elena Klimycheva:

“In this case, it is necessary to contact the management “company” in writing with a report of a roof leak and request an inspection of the apartment with representatives of the management organization and drawing up an inspection report.

This act must reflect the results of the inspection: all property that was damaged is described, and the cause of damage to the consumer’s property is established.

And be sure to demand that you receive a second copy of the inspection report.

The Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Khakassia informs about the increased number of requests from citizens regarding the state of the environment and living conditions of the population. Most of the complaints concern unsatisfactory living conditions in residential buildings and premises.

On the issue of citizens complaining about fungus and mold on the walls and ceilings of residential premises, we inform you that the requirements of SanPiN 2.1.2.

2645-10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises” the presence of fungus on the surface of building structures is not regulated.

Fungus and mold appear as a result of defects in building structures, which can be identified by construction specialists.

What is mold

Source: https://floor-quality.ru/the-complaint-of-mold-in-the-apartment-is-a-sample-mold-in-the-apartment/

Free legal assistance

Good afternoon! I am the owner of a corner apartment, the corner wall becomes covered with mold in cold weather. Tell me how to competently write an application to the management company to carry out work on insulating the wall from the outside. Application to the management company, wall insulation Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Pravoved.ru Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here: It is better to use the terms: “from the entrance” or “from the back side of the house”, “end at the first entrance” or “end at the 5th entrance." Orientation along the streets also helps: “the kitchen faces Kirov Street” or “the wall faces Lenin Street.” There are also difficulties with the concepts: living room, bedroom, nursery. In the registration certificate of the house they are not signed like that, only the area is indicated there.

Sample letter to the developer about eliminating deficiencies

State the situation directly in the body of the letter. Use a business style without much emotion. Refer to specific clauses of the contract or legislation. Although no one obliges you to do this. You can simply attach a photocopy of the contract to the claim.

  • in the middle of the document write down its name - “claim”;
  • Next, list the requirements that you put forward to the construction company. Standard requirements: eliminate defects, reduce the cost of the agreement due to the insufficient level of work performed, reimburse funds spent on eliminating defects, etc. Sometimes the contract specifies in advance when the defects will be eliminated. If there is such a clause in the agreement, then all requirements must be based on it;
  • Before describing the essence of the claim, write down the details of the contract, as well as the data entered during its registration in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Next, check the address of the house, apartment number, area and cost of housing;
  • at the next stage of drawing up a claim, indicate the clauses of the contract that specify the construction company’s obligation to provide the shareholder with high-quality housing;
  • if inconsistencies are found in the design documentation, technical and urban planning regulations, be sure to list these facts;
  • then proceed to a direct listing of the shortcomings identified in the process of using the living space. Also indicate the cost of work to correct them (contractor data or examination results);
  • provide a link to the law (Federal Law No. 214 of February 3, 2006), according to which the shareholder has the right to demand that the construction organization correct defects free of charge within a specified time frame. If serious deficiencies are discovered, such as a roof leak, an exact time frame for repairing the leak is indicated;
  • Having outlined the essence of the claim, inform that if this document is ignored and there is no response to it within 10 days, you intend to send a statement of claim to the court. In this case, the requirements will consist not only of eliminating deficiencies, compensation for material and moral damage, but also of paying a fine (Clause 6 of Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”).

21 Dec 2020 marketur 110
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