FGBU FKP Rosreestra abbreviation decoding

With the formation and formation of the new Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the institution of private ownership of what was once common land and real estate was resumed, and the state began to calculate taxes . To streamline the maintenance and clarification of the real estate data register, the Government of the Russian Federation has created an appropriate government agency. Later it was reorganized into the Rosreestr service by combining several independent structures.

Rosreestr, together with the Center for Geodesy, Cartography and IPD, includes the federal state institution Cadastral Chamber . Regardless of their jurisdiction, organizations perform different functions.

Activities of Rosreestr

The regulations on Rosreestr define the institution as a state executive body that exercises powers and provides public services in the field of registration of rights, land management, cadastral registration, geodesy and cartography, mass valuation, supervision of various interrelated organizations of cadastral engineers, appraisers, arbitration managers, operators of electronic platforms bidding


Rosreestr services are provided to Russian citizens, business representatives and government bodies at all levels. All named categories of applicants can obtain data from the Unified State Register of Real Estate . This is carried out in multifunctional public service centers open throughout Russia, and on an extraterritorial basis in the Cadastral Chamber, when actions need to be carried out on an object in another region of the Russian Federation. A request for information is provided both by mail and by filling out electronic service forms on the Rosreestr website. For qualified assistance, you can contact the single service center number with a question.

The institution has 83 territorial bodies and is part of the structure of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Discrepancies in information in real estate documents

Good afternoon, during the sale of non-residential premises, a notice of suspension of state registration was received. registration, it is indicated that there is no information about the premises in the State Property Committee, but it is indicated that as a result, the non-residential premises are being built within the boundaries of the non-residential premises registered before the overhaul. 2 apartments were created, there was no acceptance certificate for operation, and there were no documents on transfer to non-residential stock.

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Good evening, tell me in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) certificate, I have an area of ​​32.2, and in the contract I have a two-room apartment with a total area of ​​53.8, a living area of ​​32.3, I sent it to the Federal State Registration Service, Cadastre... There K. M. Nesterova, that not what There are no errors in the USRN. Where should I go and with what documents?

Cadastral Chamber – FKP

The Cadastral Chamber, formed in 2001, became part of Rosreestr in 2009 as a subordinate institution. The organization is financed from the federal budget, providing registration of rights and transactions with real estate, maintaining cadastral records and valuations, entering information about the boundaries of protective zones of certain territories, cultural heritage sites, regions of Russia, municipalities, settlements and other lands.

In the cadastral chamber

The cadastre (register) is a database of real estate objects, including complete information about the date of formation, all changes, clarifications and the date of exclusion. Maintaining registers of both boundaries and real estate and rights to them are the main functions of the Chamber.

To provide public services to sedentary citizens (disabled people of groups I and II), various categories of WWII participants, the Cadastral Chamber has organized on-site services and delivery of documents by courier. Call center operators are constantly in touch to provide advice and reference information.

FKP provides advisory and methodological assistance . In the established Certification Center of the Chamber, you can obtain an electronic signature key certificate to expand the capabilities of electronic document management.

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And only the real owner can receive an extended certificate from Rosreestr. By the way, you can check the true owner via the Internet, online. To do this, just go to the official resource of the Unified State Register.

  • Check the correctness of the electronic digital signature used to sign the extract. For this purpose, you should attach the XML file, the resulting SIG file and click on the “Check” button.
  • Generate a printed representation of a statement received electronically. To do this, you will need to upload the XML file and click on the “Verify” button, then select the “Show file” function.

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General goals and objectives of institutions

The Cadastral Chamber is endowed with part of the functions of Rosreestr , for the completeness and timeliness of which it is responsible to it. Thus, the FKP’s improper performance of its duties is also a poor-quality provision of public services by Rosreestr. Both organizations jointly perform part of the work, when the FKP prepares the relevant document, and Rosreestr employees make a decision on it.

Both institutions jointly maintain a single information database.

At the Rosreestr office

— Natalya Vladimirovna, you are a physical education teacher with more than thirty years of experience. How did it happen that you spent so many years working with children?

— It’s probably worth starting with the fact that I am a graduate of school No. 1. I graduated from it in the Olympic year of 1980 and entered the branch of the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in Velikiye Luki. After college, I left with my husband, also a graduate of MOGIFK, to his homeland. I came to school for the first time in Yevpatoria. Then for some time she worked in a children's sanatorium, where she conducted exercise therapy for children with musculoskeletal disorders. In 1996, we decided to return to Rzhev. I got a job at my local school. And since then I have been teaching physical education.

— Why did you choose the sports institute? Have you been friends with sports since childhood?

— I studied artistic gymnastics for ten years with coach Tatyana Aleksandrovna Rumyantseva, graduated from a children's sports school. She was a candidate for master of sports.

— Not so long ago, physical education teachers in schools were most often men. Even now, many people associate this profession with serious workloads that are difficult for representatives of the fairer sex to carry out.

- This is the wrong approach. In our business, the most important thing is to competently organize the educational process. We don't carry heavy things. And if participation is still required, there will be helpers among high school students. And according to the rules, children must be able to independently prepare a workplace, for example, lay down mats. A commanding male voice is not needed either. On the contrary, the quieter you speak, the more attentively the children listen to you. I myself am a student of Vera Akimovna Sizova and I remember very well: for perfect silence to reign, it was enough for her to enter the hall. We respected her and loved her very much, we were ready to do everything for her, spend our free time next to her. These are the teachers we should look up to, whether they are men or women.

— Discipline at school is important, but in physical education lessons it is doubly important. After all, in the gym there is an increased risk of injury.

— Discipline in physical education lessons is the basis of everything. Although, of course, the risks are minimized, a child who moves and exercises on apparatus is not immune from injury. I admit honestly that over the years I become a kind of overcautious person, and I catch myself thinking that I used to be much bolder. Therefore, the preparatory part for an exercise, for example, a somersault, is becoming longer and longer for me. We don't tumble until I understand that the child is ready to do it right.

- But you have more than one child in your class. And while you are doing something with someone, what are others doing? How is it possible to control such a complex process?

— First of all, the lesson should be interesting. Only in this case the child is ready to work with full dedication and is not distracted. And as the notorious Federal State Educational Standard now teaches us, the child must know why he is doing this. But we have always done it this way. We talked about safety precautions - why you can’t climb somewhere without the teacher’s permission, or jump from somewhere. They explained why you need to do a warm-up, why serious preparation should precede the exercise. Sometimes I hear the opinion that the physical education teacher blew the whistle, threw the ball - and that’s it. This is far from true. We talk a lot in class, explain, show. This is not an easy task. For example, I was preparing a lesson on vault. What problem should I identify so that the child can formulate the purpose of the lesson himself? Cartoons helped. And so it is with almost every lesson: a fresh, creative approach is needed.

— How much has the approach to teaching physical education changed, for example, since the time you started working?

- Not so much. The methods remain essentially the same. The wording has changed, a lot of paperwork has appeared, taking up valuable time that could be usefully spent working with children.

— But, unfortunately, have the children themselves changed?

- Alas, yes. The health of our children is becoming weaker from year to year. Poor posture, flat feet, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and other misfortunes. They come with certificates from first grade. And, of course, ideally, our schools should have special medical groups that would deal with such children separately. But there are no such groups. And therefore these children now receive only theoretical knowledge, which is very sad. After all, they can be helped. But we limit ourselves to abstracts. Previously, the city had a physical clinic and exercise therapy groups, but now even that is gone. In order to somehow diversify and brighten up the “liberated” mandatory presence in the lesson, we involve them in judging. They like it, they learn the rules, they become interested, but most importantly, they are in a team. If they judge well, they gain the respect of their peers.

- But even within the main groups, all children have different physical training, different physical characteristics. And this somehow needs to be taken into account.

— A differentiated approach is used here. Some people move quickly and their tasks become more complicated, while others need much more effort and time to complete the same exercise - these children have to simplify something. And external physical data is deceptive here. For example, an overweight child can be very flexible and can easily cope with a bridge and a wheel, but it will be difficult for him to run. Everything is very individual.

- And, probably, sensitivity is very important here, so as not to give rise to complexes, not to offend the child? To be honest, many adults have sad memories of physical education lessons.

- This is a serious task. Children are very different. There are those who are easy to get rid of their complexes by giving them the opportunity to realize themselves, for example, in volleyball. Failures in other sports will not upset him so much - after all, he already has weight and authority in the class. And many people can play volleyball.

- Well, don't tell me. For example, memories of unsuccessful jumps over a “goat” remain with us for a long time. Even with those who were quite good in other sports.

- Oh, this unfortunate “goat.” But the trouble is that this exercise is most often taught in lessons according to the principle: “run and jump.” This is the root of evil. When we start learning vault in second grade, I always ask the children the question: “Who is afraid to jump?” And I see a forest of hands. And we begin to act according to the methodology. First, we practice landing on the spot, then from the bench, then we approach this intimidating apparatus, climb onto it and perform a dismount. Here you have to help and support, since insurance is an integral part in teaching gymnastic exercises. The fear of meeting the “monster” is gradually overcome. We practice pouncing on the bridge, jumping up point-blank, crouching on the “goat”. And so we gradually get closer to the jump itself. And at every stage I explain the technique itself. And one day we get this victorious jump. Everyone has an A, and no one is afraid anymore.

- Why do you get two marks?

— We give two marks exclusively for laziness, idleness and arrogance. The grade is given for fulfilling the standard, for the result. And many children prepare in advance for failure, not feeling the strength to meet the standard. But if a child, as they say, “plows”, makes an effort and was able to improve his own result in a couple of weeks, I am happy and rightful to give him a good mark. This is especially noticeable, for example, with pull-ups. It’s no secret that some people can’t even do one pull-up. I give you a task: in a month I must do one pull-up. That is, everyone who trains and works has a chance to get a “5”. Unfortunately, sometimes there are even athletes who attend sections, but do not want to work in physical education class.

— How did you cope with distance learning?

- We survived. But no online lesson can replace a real lesson in the gym. The children were terribly busy in all subjects. Of course, we gained experience, but I wouldn’t want to repeat the distance.

— I know that among your students there are many who have connected their lives with sports.

- Yes, there are a lot of such guys. Now Daniil Anikin and Igor Skvortsov are studying at the sports institute. Dmitry Kutuzov, Alexander Zibanov, Maxim Vikhrov, who even worked at our school for two years, have already completed their studies. But for a physical education teacher, the health of all children is much more important than the result of just a few. If our “star” lights up, we hand it over to the kind and caring hands of the sports school coach and rejoice at the success of our student.

— Natalya Vladimirovna, I heard that you still inspire students by personal example, performing all the exercises. How did you manage to maintain such wonderful physical shape?

- I can show you everything in class. Children like it when the teacher himself demonstrates an exercise, for example, gymnastics. They rejoice and clap. But I haven’t called myself an athlete for a long time. I am an athlete. I move a lot at school and inspire children by my own example.

— Are you the class teacher of 8 “A”?

- Yes, and I was terribly lucky with this class. Both with children and with parents. The children are wonderful: friendly, responsive, active. The parent team is amazing - even if they go on a hike, even go on an excursion, or even put on a play. Any idea will be implemented perfectly. And when you see the impact, you want to do even more. I won’t say that they are very athletic. Rather, like me, they are athletic. But they will play any game and win.

— What do you think needs to be done for our country to take a leading position on the world sports Olympus? After all, we still have many talented young athletes.

— There are many talented children. But the system of their promotion that existed before, for certain reasons, no longer works. We can talk a lot about the development of children's sports - this is a sore subject. You need to start small - sections and clubs should be within walking distance, in every school. To do this, we need to systematically and thoughtfully develop sports infrastructure and equip schools with equipment. It is important that all programs that begin to be implemented are long-term. There should be more competitions where guys can demonstrate their achievements. In order for young talented athletes with specialized education to come to school, there must be decent wages. And the movement towards the development of physical education and sports must be purposeful.

I have a dream: I want to work in a large, modern, well-equipped gym and sports ground. I really hope that it will come true, and that such a hall and such a playground will finally appear in our school.

Interviewed by Olga DABUL

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