Agreement on trust management of a block of shares in an open joint-stock company, concluded in favor of the beneficiary, who is the owner of the property and the founder of the trust management
Greetings to readers who have visited the HeatherBeaver website. One of the authors of the project is with you - Maria
Housing: how absentee voting of owners is carried out
Absentee voting of the general meeting of owners of mkd). The final document should be the minutes of the initiative meeting
Certificate of residence or non-residence at the address
Confirm your residence with neighbors
I am registered in one apartment, with my parents, but I live in another, renting. The situation is enough
FGBU FKP Rosreestra abbreviation decoding
With the formation and formation of the new Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the institution of private property was resumed
Joint and several liability for utility debts
Are you ready to pay your neighbors’ debts for housing and communal services? New initiative of officials
The legislation does not regulate the question to what extent all residents of the apartment bear
Real estate state registration of rights to real estate
An extract from the BTI - what is it, the structure of the document A certificate from the Bureau of Technical Inventory allows
Division of a house, allocation of a share of a house
Buying a share of a house for registration can result in loss of money and lengthy legal disputes. Important
apartment purchase
The apartment is included. Like this?
Home / Purchasing real estate / Buying and selling / Buying an apartment Back Published: 03/31/2018
Concept and characteristics of an exchange agreement
The barter agreement is one of the most ancient civil law agreements, which preceded the purchase and sale agreement.
How to conclude a lease agreement with the apartment owner
Agreement with real estate agency sample form
The most difficult part of being a realtor is dealing with client objections. Often agents
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