How to allocate a share in an apartment to a child?

Methods for distributing shares in housing owned by several citizens

The privatization process is common, since in this case, in relation to residential premises, transactions can be carried out, such as sale, exchange, donation, bequest and others, depending on the life situation.
Ownership of housing can take place individually or with the distribution of shares among citizens, in which case they will all be shared owners. People who have not previously privatized are usually interested in how to allocate a share in an apartment ? What actions need to be taken, what is the list of documents to be submitted to the registration chamber? The allocation of a share from the common shared property occurs in three ways:

  • if all citizens who have the rights to dispose, use and reside in residential premises agree to the allocation of a share from the common shared property. In this situation, the process is significantly simplified; it is regulated by Article 252 of the Civil Code. First, the size of the shares is determined according to which the distribution will take place. The participants draw up an agreement regulating the process of allocating a share in the apartment . At the next stage, it is necessary to contact a notary to check all the grounds, documents for legality, as well as certify the agreement;
  • if any of the owners of the common property does not consent to the allocation of a share in the apartment. For example, people who did not register their relationship with the registry office bought a house or apartment with common money. In this case, it would be advisable to send a statement of claim to the court in order to put forward a demand for recognition of this residential premises as common property between citizens, then distribute it into shares, as an option, you can allocate a share in kind in the apartment ;
  • Many parents do not know how to allocate a share in an apartment to a minor child if maternity capital was used to purchase it . The protection of children's rights comes first in the sphere of regional social policy, therefore this issue is controlled by the guardianship and trusteeship authority. To guarantee the preservation of the living space for the child, you can draw up an agreement with a notary. Transactions involving children and family capital occur after an order from the guardianship and trusteeship department is issued to authorize this procedure. This order states a clause according to which the parent is obliged to allocate a share to the child in proportion to the amount of maternity capital used.

Similar article: documents for buying and selling an apartment.
Each case is individual, so the owner of a residential premises, before allocating a share in a privatized apartment , must think about how to implement this process. He needs to understand how the distribution will take place - the allocation of a share in the apartment through the court or with the consent of the other participants.

Similar article: is it possible to cancel a gift agreement?

Is it possible and how to allocate a share to a child in another apartment?


Almost every parent strives to give their child the best. Protecting your children and ensuring their future is the primary task of both mother and father.

However, parents do not always care for their children properly, and sometimes even treat them negatively.

In such cases, you need to remember that children under the age of 18 are protected by the state and also have the right to a share in an apartment or house.

Is it necessary to allocate a share to a child when buying an apartment?

Transferring part of the residential property to children when purchasing an apartment is not the responsibility of the parents. The allocation of a share is a right exercised only at the initiative of the spouses themselves or one of them.

At the same time, there are several situations when, by law, the transfer of a share in a home to children is mandatory:

  1. The apartment is purchased through mortgage lending, with the participation of family capital. In this case, the spouses are obliged to give their children shares in the residential property after the encumbrance is removed (as soon as the last payment to the bank is made).
  2. The apartment is purchased using funds from the sale of housing in which the children already had their own shares. In this situation, the spouses are obliged to allocate equal shares in the new home.

Minimum share per child

The law does not regulate the specific size of the share required to be allocated to children. In most cases, distribution occurs in equal parts for all people living in the family.

This principle is not mandatory, and some parents transfer equal shares of property to their children, and the remaining part is registered in the name of one of the spouses, both in equal parts, or in joint ownership.

Today, in accordance with Federal standards, the minimum or “ideal” sanitary share in the living space is 6 m2, regardless of the age of the owner. At the same time, the Housing Code sets the standard living space for each family member at 12 m2. These numbers may vary in different regions of the country.

At the same time, there are some features of allocating shares in a home purchased with maternal capital.

If funds from a family certificate are used for purchase, parents are required to distribute shares based on the ratio of capital to the total cost of the home. For example, if the price of an apartment is 500 thousand rubles, the best option would be to divide the living space into equal parts between spouses and children. If the cost is one million, then 1/6 can be allocated to children.

Is it possible to allocate a share to a child in another apartment?

Allocating a share for children in another place of residence becomes relevant when parents decide to increase the size of their living space (for example, after the birth of other children).

Selling an apartment where one of the owners is a minor is a very difficult task. Permission for such a procedure can only be given by the guardianship authorities if, based on the results of the inspection, it is proven that the child’s rights will not be infringed, and he will receive a share of equal value in the new housing.

In addition, the children’s share in the new housing should not be less than what belonged to them in the old apartment, that is, even if the cost of the new housing is much higher than the price of the previous one, the percentage of the minor’s share should remain the same. For example, the old apartment cost 1 million and the baby’s share was 1/3, this means that in the new one he is also entitled to 1/3, even if the price of the property is already 2 million.

In the process of obtaining permission for a new allocation of shares, the following formalities must be observed:

  1. Obtain notarized permission to alienate the share of a minor.
  2. Contact the board of trustees for the consent of the guardianship authorities to alienate the children's property.

Guardianship authorities conduct an inspection of the property, both current and purchased property, to make sure that the child’s property will not be reduced during the transaction.

Is it possible to allocate a share to children in a house under construction?

The legislator does not prohibit registering part of the future property for children, but there are certain nuances:

  1. If the parents have concluded a contract for shared participation, then the minor will become one of the shareholders, but ownership will be obtained only after the housing is put into operation. At the time of concluding the DDU (share participation agreement), the housing does not actually exist yet, so it is not possible to register such property.
  2. Spouses can also register a child-care facility entirely for the child. Then he will be the only buyer.

Depending on age, the deal will have different variations. So, if the child is not yet 14 years old, then all purchasing decisions will be made for him by his parents. From 14 to 17 years of age, a teenager signs all the necessary papers independently, but with the written permission of his father and mother.

The share agreement must be registered with the unified registration service (Rosreestr). To do this, you must submit a package of documents to the authority:

  • original share agreement in several copies (minimum 3);
  • two applications: one from the shareholder (the minor’s parents sign for him, the teenager signs himself) and from the developer;
  • personal documents of the participants (passport, birth certificates of children, proof of authority of trustees if they are involved in the transaction);
  • an act authorizing the construction of a residential building;
  • receipt of payment of the duty (350 rubles).

After construction is completed, the family again needs to contact Rosreestr to register the apartment as shared (with the participation of the child) or sole property of the minor.

To do this, in addition to the above documents, you must also provide:

  • an act authorizing the commissioning of housing;
  • act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment, which must be signed by all participants;
  • receipt of payment of the duty (2000 rubles).

After completing all the documentation, you need to register one of the parents together with the minor, since by law they cannot live alone, or leave their registration at the previous place of residence. This fact does not affect ownership.

Example. The Ivanov couple decided to purchase an apartment in a building under construction for their fifteen-year-old son. To do this, they entered into an agreement on participation in shared construction in the name of the spouse in order to avoid collecting additional documents.

After the house was put into operation, the head of the family received ownership of the home. After that, he turned to a lawyer, who helped draw up an agreement for donating an apartment from father to son.

This document was provided to the MFC and after 2 weeks the minor became the owner of the property.

How to allocate shares to children in a house or apartment

The allocation of shares in living space to children, if family capital was not involved, occurs according to the general rule about the transfer of part of the property.


  1. Contact a notary office.
      draw up a voluntary agreement on the transfer of part of the residential property;
  2. draw up a deed of gift in favor of children;
  3. Register the transfer of part of the property (in Rosreestr).
      each owner must submit an application on his own behalf;
  4. submit all contracts or agreements (to be drawn up separately for all children);
  5. personal documents of each owner (passport, adoption or birth certificate for each child);
  6. certificate of title for an apartment or private house;
  7. certificates of purchase of a house or apartment (purchase agreement, loan (mortgage) or equity participation);
  8. receipt of payment of state duty (2,000 rubles).

In situations where the living space is owned by one of the parents, notarization of the donation is not necessary; it is necessary only in case of shared ownership of the apartment. However, it is advisable to obtain permission for the gift from the other parent.

If there is no permission, the deed of gift will be issued with an entry indicating the second spouse’s disagreement with the gift transaction.

If housing was purchased through mortgage lending, before starting the procedure for allocating and registering shares, it is necessary to remove the burden of debt from the property, that is, pay the debt in full and obtain a mortgage.

Required documents

When contacting the Rosreestr service to allocate shares to children, spouses must submit the following documentation:

  1. Application for allocation of parts.
  2. Documents of each owner.
  3. Marriage certificate.
  4. Housing passports (technical and cadastral).
  5. Certificate from the Real Estate Inventory Bureau (BTI).
  6. A gift or voluntary agreement for the transfer of part of the property.
  7. Receipt for payment of state duty.


Registration of the right to a share in the property occurs within 10 days after submitting all necessary documentation and application. The issuance of a title document in which all owners and their shares are registered is carried out within 1 month, after which it is sent to the Rosreestr archive.


The cost of allocating parts of a residential property includes:

  • payment for notary office services (may vary in different regions of the country, the minimum is 300 rubles, and the maximum is 12 thousand rubles, while the average price of services is 1200 - 2500 thousand);
  • payment of several state fees: 350 rubles (in case of registration of a DDU), 2000 thousand for registration of documents in Rosreestr;
  • other certificates and documents required for submission to the registration service (approximately 1 thousand).


The transfer of part of the property to a minor is possible only in kind, that is, only by allocating a specific room in an apartment or house.

Many lawyers do not advise allocating a share in residential property to a minor child, unless this is required by law, since in the future it will be quite problematic to sell such property.

Alienation of an apartment, one of the owners of which is a minor or minor, is possible only with the consent of the guardianship authorities, which gives rise to a lot of formalities.

However, in accordance with Russian laws, children in any case must be registered (registered) at their place of residence.

If you need to allocate a share in housing to a child, but you don’t know where to start and how to carry out the procedure as quickly as possible, then contact the specialists of our website in any way convenient for you. They will be able to provide you with legal advice free of charge.

Allocating a share in an apartment to a minor is a fairly simple, but time-consuming procedure. To minimize material and time costs, it is best to entrust the protection of your interests to an experienced lawyer specializing in housing disputes.

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Mechanism for distributing shares in housing owned by several citizens

Allocating a share in an apartment, where to start, is divided into at least two options, depending on the agreement or disagreement of all participants in the transaction. There is such a thing as allocating a share in kind. It involves determining the ownership of a specific part of the apartment (for example, one of the rooms) to one of the owners. The process of allocating a share in kind usually occurs through legal proceedings, but the plaintiff’s demands are not always satisfied. This is due to the disproportion of citizens’ shares in specific housing. One of the participants may have a small share of property, which indicates the impossibility of separating the property. In such cases, the court offers to compensate the plaintiff for this share in cash. If the allocation of a share in kind in a private house is not feasible in any other way, then the court may oblige the defendant to pay compensation to the plaintiff.

Similar article: complaint to the housing inspectorate.

How to sell an apartment with children's shares

There is no need to be afraid of children's shares in the apartment, although it will take you longer to sell such an apartment, because you will have to coordinate the sale with the guardianship authorities. Let me say right away that employees of these bodies may have their own views on the deal. And what is allowed in the care of one municipality will not necessarily be allowed in the care of another: it may be considered a violation of the rights of the child. I'll tell you about the options that child care offers in my area.

To put money into the account. You have found a buyer for your apartment and are going into custody. She agrees to sell the apartment. You sell an apartment, and transfer the amount equal to the sold children's share to a special account. You cannot withdraw money from this account without the consent of the guardianship authorities.

If you choose another apartment, you can bring a set of documents for it to the guardianship. And after the guardianship reviews them and approves the transaction, you will be allowed to withdraw this money and use it to purchase a new apartment. But then the children will have to allocate shares in it. Or you can not withdraw this money at all, but, for example, spend it on children’s education or paying for a children’s camp.

There are two nuances to this scheme. It is advisable that the children be registered in a different place and not in the apartment that is being sold. Because it is impossible to discharge children anywhere. And guardianship will not allow you to deposit money into the account if the child’s share in the apartment is not nominal, but quite real. Let me explain with an example.

Let’s say you have two children, an apartment of 80 square meters, which costs 6 million rubles, and you allocated equal shares to all family members - 20 square meters each. That is, in monetary terms, each child’s share is 1.5 million rubles. Most likely, the guardianship will not allow this amount to be deposited into the account, but will offer to immediately invest in the purchase of a new apartment and allocate shares to the children in it. Because you can find an apartment for 3 million rubles. And if the children’s shares were small, for example, only 2 square meters, in monetary terms it would be 150 thousand rubles for each, or 300 thousand for two. You are unlikely to be able to buy an apartment with that kind of money.

The amounts here are conditional and depend on what region you live in and how much your property costs. But the general principle, I think, is clear.

Allocate shares in a new apartment. Everything is simple here: you sell your old apartment, buy another and allocate shares in it to your children. Conduct everything in one transaction. There is no need to freeze money in your account.

Perhaps there are other options, but the guardianship didn’t offer me any others. If you know about them, tell us in the comments.

How to distribute shares if the owners have given consent

The allocation of shares from common joint property occurs with the consent of all citizens who have shares in a pre-trial manner, that is, by preparing documents with a notary:

  • the parties to the transaction draw up an agreement that provides convenient conditions for everyone, indicating in it the most important aspects of the allocation of several shares;
  • collect documents confirming the legality of the transaction, facts of relationship between people, indicate their intentions through consent to the procedure;
  • hand over the package of documents and the drawn up agreement to a notary who has the authority to check the legality of transactions;
  • if no questions or problems arose during the notary’s check, or they were eliminated, then the agreement is subject to certification;
  • at the next stage, the owners need to contact the registration chamber to secure the ownership rights of each citizen to their share;
  • As a result, the participants in the transaction are issued an extract from the unified register of rights, which indicates the size of their share, total area, and address of the residential premises.

Similar article: what determines the cadastral value of an apartment.

Re-registration of an apartment share to another owner

If the share of an apartment is to be re-registered between relatives, they first find out whether the buyer has a share in the same property. If a relative is already a co-owner, he has the right to exercise the priority right to buy out and increase his share.

If the buyer is not one of the owners of the property, in order to re-register shares in the apartment, he will have to obtain the consent of others. 1 month is given to make a decision on using the right of priority redemption.

How to distribute shares if the owners have not given consent

This situation is considered more complicated, since the interested person will have to file a statement of claim, which will be considered by a judicial authority. If there are certain difficulties in collecting documents and drawing up a claim, then many people prefer to use the services of competent lawyers. Such a specialist can easily provide advice on the mechanism for allocating a share in court, help draw up a claim, and, if necessary, act as a defense attorney in court. In this case, you must perform the following steps:

  • draw up a statement of claim indicating the grounds for allocating the share, all details and circumstances;
  • collect documents confirming the legality of the allocation of a share, facts of kinship between people or severance of family ties, if necessary - decisions, rulings of the judicial authorities;
  • send the claim and accompanying documents to the court;
  • after the court date is set, appear on the summons, argue your position, insist on your demands;
  • wait for the court's decision, if the requirements are satisfied, the next step will be to prepare documents showing ownership, but only after it comes into force.

The process of allocating a share is individual and can be carried out using different mechanisms, the use of which depends on the personal circumstances of citizens.

Similar article: evicting a non-owner from an apartment without consent.

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Can an adult child refuse a donation share in his grandmother’s apartment?

If the donation transaction has already passed the state. registration, and the share is registered for the donee, then it no longer exists. Explain why this question arose. It is possible that you are not interested in what you are interested in, and other actions are required to resolve the situation due to which you want to refuse the donated share. 1.2. Yes, an adult citizen has the right to refuse a gift transaction. You cannot refuse a share that has already been donated. It can be donated or sold.

1.3. Only with the consent of the guardianship authorities.

2.1. Adult children have the right to refuse shares; the refusal must be certified by a notary.

3.1. If you contacted a notary to register an inheritance in 2005, then the child has long been the owner of his share.

4.1. Simple and common option. If all her data is known, then a lawsuit is filed for eviction. There is no right for the mother to live in the apartment where the child is registered.

4.2. Judicially. The case is being considered with the participation of the prosecutor.

4.3. If the child is registered in the residential premises at the father’s registered address, then there is no way to evict him. The child's mother has the right to live with the child at the child's (child's) registration address.

5.1. Alena, what's the problem? The task is not difficult.

5.2. Problem solving is a paid service.

6.1. If this apartment was privatized by you only for yourself more than 10 years ago on the basis of Articles 1, 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1541-1 “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation”, then you are not obliged to allocate a share of ownership to your brother in your now own apartment. And you will not be able to recover half the cost of the car from your brother in court, because... To file such a claim in court, the statute of limitations has passed according to Articles 196, 200, 199 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which you yourself can carefully read. Good luck to you.

6.2. If the apartment was privatized only in your name, your brother has no rights to this property.

7.1. Issue a notarized power of attorney.

8.1. Yes, you need to allocate shares to all children, as well as the father (if there is one).

9.1. Yes maybe. Contact a notary.

9.2. The owner has the right to allocate shares, but he has no such obligation, except in cases where the housing was purchased using mat funds. capital, or purchased during the marriage using the common funds of the spouses - at the request of the spouse.

10.1. No, they shouldn’t, because during the purchase you determined her share, and therefore at this time her rights will not be violated.

11.1. According to Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”:

4. The person who received the certificate and his spouse are obliged to register the residential premises acquired using maternal (family) capital as the common property of such person, his spouse, children (including the first, second, third child and subsequent children) with the determination of the size of shares by agreement.

Thus, parents are obliged to allocate shares in the apartment that was purchased with maternity capital funds and for all children, including an adult child.

Further, if the children are going to be allocated shares in another apartment, but they may also not be allocated and you will not be able to influence this in any way. Then the interests of children may suffer. In this case. In the interests of the children, the prosecutor's office, the pension fund (which deals with maternal capital), and guardianship authorities may file a lawsuit against you to declare the transaction to sell the apartment to you invalid.

I advise you to find a more legally clear apartment, the risk is too great.

Features of allocating a share in an apartment

The division of property has always been one of the complex and socially significant, since after allocating a specific share from the common property, a person forms a separate property object for which he pays tax, receives housing and communal services and other communication amenities, although he lives together with other owners .

If each owner of a residential property has the opportunity to dispose of his share at his personal discretion, then it is fair to believe that he can put forward a claim in court to allocate this part of the apartment or house to him as a separate piece of real estate.

Then, during a sale or any other transaction, he will have a strictly defined territory for him, for example, a room, other general premises within the property.

When one of the shared owners decides to allocate a room in kind, when applying to a judicial authority, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • If at least one of the legal owners decides to send an application to the court in order to allocate one room and several other premises (if desired) from the entire apartment, it is worth understanding that after a positive decision, the housing loses the status of shared ownership. From now on, there are users of individual rooms;
  • the possibility of allocation is considered only if it is technically possible to transfer to the applicant not only a separate room, but also other utility rooms and organize a separate entrance;
  • in the absence of such a possibility, an option for using such living space may be determined in the courtroom;
  • a separate entrance will be equipped, other premises will be transferred to personal ownership, only the plaintiff decides, based on his capabilities, desires and preferences;
  • the room becomes an independent property object.

Taking these features into account, citizens have the opportunity to fully weigh their decisions regarding manipulations with their own housing.

How to allocate a share to a child in an apartment?

Each family member has the right to own and dispose of property, the main thing is that the interests of other persons are not violated. Often special operating modes are established to ensure that your stay remains comfortable. Is it possible to allocate a share in an apartment to a child? This procedure is carried out, you just need to carry it out on the basis of the law.

A share is a part of real estate. This could be one room or certain square meters. Shares are sold, inherited, and rented.

Moreover, only the owner has the right to do this. Registration of a share for a child deserves special attention, since minors have the right to this by law.

And any violations result in liability as provided by law.

Basic provisions

If the apartment is in a share, then it will be possible to divide it in kind. This term refers to a room isolated from the rest. It has a separate entrance. The room must be connected to utilities. Electrical, water and gas communications will also be required. A share is considered a type of private property.

How to allocate a share in an apartment? This is only possible with 2 options:

  1. Peace agreement between residents.
  2. A court decision if there is no agreement between the owners.

When is it necessary to allocate a share to children?

Is it possible to give a child a share in an apartment? Such procedures are rarely performed. Their main purpose is considered to be:

  1. Protection of the legal rights of minors.
  2. Choosing a convenient method of operation for all premises.
  3. Use of maternity capital if buying housing.


Before you find out how to allocate a share in an apartment to children, you need to prepare the following list of documents:

  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • certificate from place of residence;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • purchase or sale agreement;
  • certificate of ownership.

Process Features

There are some rules regarding how to allocate a share in an apartment. Original documents must be prepared for regulatory organizations. You will also need copies of them for all participants in the transaction. It is important to keep payment receipts.

It is possible to contact a notary to prepare an agreement based on all the nuances. If there is no dispute on the issue, the procedure is carried out by Rosreestr, where the documents are submitted. This takes at least a month.

Going to court is required in case of disputes or conflicts. The share allocation is registered by Rosreestr from the moment the court makes a decision. Sometimes this takes up to 3 months. All owners of property divided into shares must consent to the part becoming the property of the child.

When buying an apartment with a mortgage, using maternity capital

Is it possible to allocate a share in a mortgaged apartment? This is done under a gift agreement, if it is necessary to transfer part of the premises to a child. The debt is paid with maternity capital funds.

The contract is drawn up after the removal of the encumbrance from the apartment. It is necessary to obtain consent from the guardianship authority and the bank. The parents will be the child's legal representatives. This procedure is provided for by law.

How to allocate a share from a room in an apartment?

To complete the procedure you will need:

  • certificate of ownership;
  • registration certificate;
  • characteristics of housing;
  • real estate passport;
  • certificate from the Unified State Register;
  • property paper.

It will be possible to establish the procedure for managing living space through the court, since it is rarely possible to draw up a peace agreement to allocate a room. Resolving the issue begins with filing a claim.

It is necessary to make a requirement to determine the cost of each part. Documents must be submitted to the court. A specialist is invited from the BTI to carry out the examination. The event is necessary even to evaluate a room that is located in a communal apartment. The results are presented to the court.

Allocation of natural shares in houses

The procedure is performed voluntarily or in court. If the owners manage to reach an agreement, then they need to draw up an agreement in a standard form. In the second case, the decision is made by the court. If the answer is yes, then the optimal solution is selected based on the interests of the parties.

Experts perform several functions:

  • determine the value of shares;
  • establish the scope of work;
  • record the level of wear and tear of the structure.

If the division cannot be fulfilled, then each owner is provided with compensation. To do this, you need to know the market value of the premises.

Selling an apartment with children's shares

This procedure is initiated by parents or persons replacing them. Transactions are carried out to improve living conditions. It is important that the decision be unanimous. This applies to all persons living in or registered in the premises on the date of sale.

You must obtain consent in advance from local authorities located at your place of residence. Guardianship and trusteeship provide certificates to one parent if the place of residence of the other is unknown. In other cases, the presence and permission of each parent is required. Each former family member must write a statement. The guardianship authority takes into account the opinions of everyone.

When it's possible?

In this case, you can sell the apartment only if you allocate shares to the children in another apartment. The premises must comply with legal requirements, technical and sanitary standards.

The transaction is executed subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions:

  1. The location of the new premises is the same as the old one. That is, it is important to be in the same locality.
  2. The new premises are located in an area with developed infrastructure.
  3. New conditions are better than old ones.
  4. The new share corresponds to the old one in area and market value.
  5. An apartment has been purchased in which the child can be registered.

Often, the guardianship authorities grant permission to complete the transaction if a bank account is opened for the child.

Allocation of shares in housing under construction

How to allocate a share in an apartment if the property is not completed? If children are not listed as the owner of the home purchase, this should be done before the deed of sale is received. To do this, you need to draw up an agreement on the assignment of the rights and obligations of the shareholder. The new paper records the names of the children. The agreement is submitted to the Rosreestr authorities for registration.

Registration of shares for children

How to allocate a share in an apartment to a minor? A guardian must be present during the donation, sale and purchase procedures. Tax is paid on such a transaction if the function is not performed by a direct relative. When preparing documentation, you need to pay attention to:

  1. The fact that the spouse provided permission for registration.
  2. Description of the area - number of floors, address, renovation.
  3. All information about the child's representative.
  4. Address.

This information allows you to understand how to allocate a share in an apartment to a minor child. After this, he becomes the same owner of the room as everyone else.

Recommendations for owners

Joint ownership is established if several persons claim ownership of the premises. The procedure is carried out voluntarily or by agreement, as well as by court decision. The shares will be equal if none of the above methods can be used.

Shares in property are established in different situations, whenever possible. For example, a one-room apartment cannot be divided into several owners. The court then determines what compensation is due to each person. The main thing is that after the sale the child’s living conditions should not be worse than they were.

If you have any difficulties regarding how to allocate a share in an apartment, you can contact a lawyer. A notary can also help. He will determine whether the procedure can be performed. They will also complete the paperwork.

The difference between allocating a share and dividing a shared apartment

Many citizens, lacking legal knowledge, do not distinguish between the concepts of allocation and division of property, although they have different legal consequences, features and nuances. It's no secret that an apartment can be purchased as joint property or shared property with different owners. When implementing manipulations with real estate, it is necessary to understand the difference between the allocation of a share and the division:

  • When separating, the right to own common property does not cease; each person will simply have their own separate area, be responsible for it, and make payments. In case of division, this status is lost;
  • during division, the exact number of square meters allocated for each tenant is not determined; during allotment, on the contrary, in the certificate issued by the registration chamber, the specific area belonging to the person is indicated;
  • the formation of shares during division occurs based on an analysis of the number of owners and the area of ​​​​the premises; during the allocation, all aspects are regulated by the consent of the citizens participating in the procedure or with the help of a court decision.

To ensure full awareness of these procedures, a specialist with experience in legal activities, knowledge, skills and abilities of a professional can be involved in participation in judicial events.


At the stage of collecting documentation, problems may arise with obtaining consent to the transaction from the second parent. This may be due to the fact that the location of the second parent cannot be determined, there is his fundamental disagreement with the execution of the sale agreement, his death and other reasons preventing the sale of the minor’s share.

  1. In the event of the death of one of the parents, the other provides paper indicating this.
  2. If the place of stay of the second parent is a foreign country, then the consent is certified at the consulate;
  3. In case of deprivation of parental rights, recognition as deceased or missing, a court decision is attached.

Written consent from legal representatives and guardianship is a mandatory document for the sale of a share of property.

The list of documents required to be submitted to the guardianship authorities should be checked with the municipality of your place of residence, because it varies in different regions.

Basic documentation includes:

  • identification document of legal representatives;
  • paper indicating the conclusion of a marriage or its breakup;
  • birth certificate and passport of the child upon reaching 14 years of age;
  • documentation for the part being sold and the property being purchased;
  • an extract about the ownership of real estate by a minor;
  • preliminary or main agreement for the purchase of property;
  • notarized sales license;
  • permission documents from parents, guardians or trustees for the transaction;
  • extended type certificate for those registered and those who left for another place of residence;
  • information about the personal accounts of the seller and buyer;
  • written confirmation of payment of the fee to the state.

To obtain permits, you must write an application to the guardianship authorities and attach the listed papers.

It is important to note that the child’s father and mother need to visit the institution, even if they are divorced.

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If one of the parents is not able to visit the department, then he must provide written consent to the transaction.

It is allowed to provide a document confirming the deprivation of parental rights or the disappearance of a citizen. At the same stage, you should write a statement to the guardianship authorities.

Documentation requirements may vary depending on your region of residence. Therefore, it is recommended to contact the municipal office for environmental protection and documentation and find out the exact package of documents.

As a rule, you need to provide the following documents for permission:

  1. parents' passports;
  2. child's birth certificate, a copy and an original are required;
  3. certificate of marriage or divorce;
  4. statement;
  5. documents for the purchase of real estate in order to prove that the child will receive a share in the apartment;
  6. availability of a notarial license to conduct sales;
  7. personal account statement;
  8. permission from a notary to sell housing;
  9. providing an extract from the house register;
  10. contract for the purchase of real estate;
  11. receipt of payment of state duty.

Sample contract for the sale and purchase of an apartment.

You can obtain permission to sell an apartment with a minor’s share from a notary. In order to obtain an extract from the house register, you should contact the passport office.

To do this you need to provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • birth certificate of a minor or passport for those over 14 years old;
  • a certificate of ownership stating that the child is also the owner of the property.
Document typePeculiarities
Passports of parents or official guardiansOriginals and copies
Passport or birth certificate of a minor child or each of them, if there are several of themOriginals and copies
Marriage certificateOr about its termination
Certificate of ownership of housingOr other title documents
Cadastral passport and planIt is advisable to have technical documentation
Documents on the purchase of a new home confirming that the minor is also its ownerWithout these papers it is impossible to obtain permission from the board of trustees.
Extract from the personal accountAbout the absence of debt
Help from the house registerAt the place of registration in old and new real estate
Purchase and sale agreement for a new apartment or houseIf there was such a deal
Permission from guardianship authoritiesWritten
Notarized permission for a transactionAbout selling on behalf of children
Receipt for payment of state dutyIt is advisable to also have a copy

When submitting documents to obtain permission from the guardianship council, both parents of the children or their guardians must be present. If one of them is unable to be present in person, for example, when the spouses are divorced, or the second parent is against the sale of the share of a minor child, the decision will be made through the court.

You can avoid litigation if the second parent submits a written consent to the sale of real estate with the children’s share, certified by a notary. If the second spouse has died, you must provide a death certificate.

Guardianship authorities also evaluate the conditions in which the children currently live to decide whether the new housing will be better or no worse than the current one, and whether such an exchange can be made. Not only conditions are taken into account, but also the area of ​​housing, which should not be smaller.

The intention to sell the apartment must be notified in writing. To do this, you need to fill out an application in the presence of the guardianship authorities and have it certified by the inspector. The responsible employee must hold an explanatory conversation with parents about how children’s rights should not be violated and what the consequences are.

To complete a transaction for the alienation of housing, it is necessary to conclude an agreement. To do this, the seller submits the following documents:

  • passports of all owners;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • social security permit;
  • marriage/divorce certificate;
  • notarized consent of the second spouse for the sale;
  • extract from the Unified State Register;
  • cadastral and technical passport;
  • confirmation of the legal capacity of the parties to the transaction;
  • certificate of absence of debts for housing and communal services and registered citizens.

The DCP itself contains standard clauses and conditions:

  • information about the seller and buyer;
  • information about the apartment;
  • agreement price;
  • terms and procedure of payment;
  • force majeure;
  • responsibility of the parties.

Instead of the minor owner, his parents sign the contract. The preamble states that the seller is a legal representative acting in the interests of a minor citizen.

After signing and notarization, the agreement is sent to Rosreestr for state registration of the transfer of ownership.

Documentation support when allocating a share in a judicial body

In order to send your demands for the allocation of certain square meters from the total quantity for the personal use of one of the owners, you must correctly draw up a statement of claim and attach the relevant documents to it for consideration in court.

The statement of claim must reflect the following aspects:

  • in the upper right corner the name of the court is recorded, as well as information about the plaintiff (his last name, first name, patronymic, registration address and actual place of residence);
  • in the center of the line they write the name of the document - a statement of claim for the allocation of a share in kind;
  • in the descriptive part it is necessary to reflect all significant circumstances, reasons for the intention to carry out this process, references to the regulatory framework, as well as a request for the formation of a separate area in relation to the applicant;
  • indicate which documents are attached to the claim (certificates reflecting the technical characteristics of the object, information on the valuation of property provided by the appraisal company, calculation of compensation when deciding to exercise the right to financial security instead of allocating a share, a check confirming payment of the state duty);
  • dated and signed by the applicant.

If the court decision is positive, the citizen should contact the registration chamber to obtain a new status for the premises.

Actions after state registration

There is a certain algorithm for selling an apartment where a minor child has a share:

  • The first thing you need to do is make a visit to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
    The required documents are submitted to this body and await a positive or negative decision;
  • Sample application to the guardianship authorities for the sale of an apartment with a minor’s share.

  • The second stage is to wait for a decision from the OOiP. The authorized bodies will consider the application within 14 days from the date of submission of documents. After the deadline expires, a preliminary consent to carry out the transaction or a refusal will be issued;
  • Representatives of the minor and the child undergo the procedure for deregistration at their permanent place of residence;
  • The process of concluding a deal. The transaction is concluded in a standard mode, which is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • The notary registers the purchase and sale agreement, draws up an act of acceptance and transfer of real estate;
  • Next, the ownership rights are registered for each of the parties to the transaction;
  • Sale of real estate and simultaneous purchase of a new home where a minor child will be registered;
  • The final stage is notification of the guardianship authorities about the transaction. To do this, copies of documents confirming that the child has received registration in the new apartment are sent to the Department of Internal Affairs.

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The rights of minors and small children are given a special place in the current legislation of Russia. To find out the correct answer to the question - is it possible to sell a share in an apartment where the owner is a minor, it is recommended to seek advice from an experienced lawyer working in our company Mirzoev Group. After all, the main conditions for executing such transactions are:

  • Obtaining permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • Providing children with equivalent housing, where normal conditions and standards for further residence fully comply with the stated requirements, does not affect the interests of minors.

This issue, in addition to the civil and housing codes, is regulated by the provisions of the family legislation of the Russian Federation. According to Russian legislation, parents and children have equal shares of existing property on the family’s balance sheet.

Therefore, the sale of a share in an apartment where there is a share of a minor should only take place with the consent of the guardianship authorities. Otherwise, such a deal can be easily challenged in the courts, especially when a clear infringement of children’s rights to real estate is established.

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According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of age, girls and boys have the full right to own real estate or a certain part of it. And if you plan to sell a minor’s share in a privatized apartment, you must:

  • Contact the guardianship authorities to obtain permission to buy and sell housing. Both transactions must take place on the same day;
  • To protect the rights of a minor, the guardianship authorities are provided with reliable information about the purchased object - a new apartment. At the same time, the allocated new share for the minor in the purchased property is usually larger than the previous one.

If these conditions are met, then the guardianship authorities will have no reason to refuse parents when buying a new apartment or house. And answering the question - how to sell a share in an apartment if the second owner is a minor, it is worth emphasizing that this transaction takes place in the same manner as in cases with adult co-owners.

Guardianship authorities have the right to refuse to purchase new housing when:

  • A room or an isolated apartment is purchased in a building with non-existent real estate when the house has just begun to be built in a new residential complex;
  • An apartment or private house is located in an area with worse infrastructure or unacceptable environmental conditions;
  • The chosen housing does not meet the required characteristics, much worse than the previous property in which the boy or girl lived.

If part of the property being sold belongs to a minor, you will need a notarized obligation to allocate shares of maternity capital, as well as a registration certificate, a plan for the old apartment and a number of other documents.

Based on this, the guardianship authorities will be able to analyze in detail the living conditions and realistically determine the exact size of the minor’s share. You will also need to have a preliminary agreement to purchase a new home.

In this document, the child must be indicated as a co-owner, where the characteristics of the purchased housing are prescribed, and the exact size of the share for the child is determined. This will help protect the rights of minors, defend interests at the stage of acquiring a new residential property, and avoid resorting to litigation.

The guardianship prepares a response within 2 weeks. The paper gives consent to sell part of the home belonging to the child at a specific address and make a purchase.

Parents and children are discharged from the residential premises in which they previously lived.

Algorithm of actions:

  • The notary draws up a sales and purchase agreement, and also draws up an act of transfer and acceptance of residential premises.
  • The persons participating in the transaction receive ownership of a certain part of the acquired real estate. The minor is assigned a share no less than that which was sold.
  • Sales and purchases are carried out simultaneously. This is necessary in order to prevent violation of the child’s rights (not to leave them without their own home).
  • After registering ownership rights, the child is registered in the new home.
  • At the last stage, the guardianship authority is provided with a document confirming the acquisition of real estate into the child’s ownership, which is equivalent to the property sold.

What to do if guardianship does not give permission to sell an apartment with a minor’s share

Upon completion of the sale of the old living space and the purchase of a new one, you need to register a share in the apartment for a minor child. Then you should send documents to the Federal Migration Service to formalize the permanent registration of the baby in the new home.

Documents received from the Federal Migration Service and Rosreestr must be submitted to the POO to confirm compliance with the requirements specified in the order on permission to alienate property.

If funds are sent to a special account in Sberbank, then it is necessary to submit to the guardianship an extract from the personal account, which reflects the transfer of money.

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