7 Signs of a Hidden Gift: Who Can Read Other People's Energy

Documents for registering a child in an apartment

The place of registration of a newborn is the address where his parents are registered.
When they have registration in one place, no problems arise. But it also happens when the mother and father are registered at different addresses. Basically, in such situations, the baby is registered at the mother’s place of residence.

At the same time, at the address of other relatives, if the parents are not registered there, the child’s registration in the apartment or house is impossible.

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So, the following documents are submitted to the registration authority:

  • statement;
  • if parental addresses are different, a certificate from the authority at the other parent’s residential address is required stating that the child is not registered there;
  • evidence;
  • identity cards;
  • if registration is done at the father’s place of residence, then the mother’s written consent is required, which she does not object to, and if the child is registered with the mother, then she is not required to provide consent from the father, although this is sometimes required by officials.

Data about the child is entered into various documents. And at the end, parents are returned their passports and given a certificate of form No. 8 for the child. It is presented along with the birth document to various authorities.

Is it possible to re-privatize an apartment?

Tags: Statement of claim to amend the contract Participation in the privatization of an apartment Transfer of Housing into ownership By a court decision, a 2-room apartment, previously privatized for 1/2 of the parents, is subject to re-privatization for 4 peopleread answers (1) Tags: Court decision Ownership I ( 27 years old) I live and am registered with my parents in a privatized apartment, the apartment was privatized to my mother and stepfather in equal shares (when I was a minor) read answers (1) Tags: Statute of limitations Sell a share in the apartment In 1993, a three-room apartment was privatized to my grandfather and my mother, my brother and I, had not reached the age of majority at that time read answers (1) Tags: Utilities Subpoena Please answer the question: We (me, ex-wife and son) have a 3-room privatized apartment in equal shares , i.e.

This is interesting: How much noise can construction work make in an apartment?

Lately he has been feeling bad and wants to urgently re-register it or bequeath it to me. read answers (2) Tags: Mandatory share Apartment Order The situation is as follows, in a privatized apartment, they live, my father, me, his only son, my wife, my father's ex-wife and her son, all registered, my father is 100% owner. read answers (2) Tags: Statute of limitations Right of ownership Ex-wife My dad privatized the apartment, the right of alienation is written on the certificate. As I understand it, now we won’t be able to sell itread the answers (1) Tags: Apartment Right Our apartment is privatized for 4 people.

How to register in a new apartment

For temporary registration, you do not need to register from your previous permanent residence address. But when registration is made permanent, the rules are somewhat different.

Some people manage to leave one address and register at another in one day. In other cases this does not work.

The law provides for a one-week period for events. That is, after discharge, the citizen is given 7 days, during which the owner must register in the premises at a different address.

Let’s first consider what documents are prepared for registration in the owner’s apartment:

  • statement;
  • legal documents that are the basis for the acquisition of property (agreement, will, deed of gift);
  • identity cards;
  • departure sheet;
  • a citizen liable for military service who is registered with the military registration and enlistment office at the same address must also be removed from it.

How to transfer an apartment to another person

In order to transfer an apartment to another person, you can use one of the options: conclude a purchase and sale agreement, donation, or will.

Important! There is a very important advantage in re-registering the right to real estate through a purchase and sale transaction. If all documents are completed correctly, it is impossible to challenge this transaction.

Perhaps for some parties this advantage may turn out to be a disadvantage, since it will no longer be possible to return the apartment after its complete alienation. Such an agreement cannot be challenged, that is, the former owner will no longer be able to return it to himself.

When donating real estate, the positive thing is that the donated property remains the property of its owner even in the event of a divorce from the spouse. A distinctive feature of donation is that the one who donates this apartment has the right to return it in court. One of the disadvantages of any re-registration method is the cost. Donating an apartment to a distant relative or a third party is accompanied by the payment of a large sum of money as tax. An exception is the gift of an apartment to close relatives; in this case, no tax is charged.

What you need to know about registration

The procedure for registering an owner or relative in an apartment is a rather painstaking, complex process, but not long in terms of time. All that is required of you is to present the required package of documents to the department of the Federal Migration Service and the MFC at your place of residence, and then pick up your passport with the appropriate stamp.

The specifics of the registration procedure depend on the following factors:

  • type of living space (municipal or privatized);
  • registered person (owner, relative, any other citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • the established procedure for work in the departments of the Federal Migration Service and the MFC.

How to re-register a SIM card in the presence of the owner

In the presence of the owner, the process of re-registration of the number goes quickly and is successful in almost 100% of cases. The operation is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Representatives of both parties come to their operator’s communication center to renew the contract
  • Each client must have an identification document in hand; for citizens of the Russian Federation this can only be a passport
  • The manager accepts from the parties an application filled out according to the company’s standard template
  • The receiving party pays for the registration of the number and, if necessary, the selected tariff for a month in advance.

Each telecom operator offers its own cost for the re-registration procedure. Data for Moscow and Moscow Region are given in the following table (prices for other regions may vary):

OperatorCost of re-registration
Beeline50 rubles
MTS340 rubles
Megaphone150 rubles
Tele 2for free

Additional documents will not be required, but before the procedure, be sure to pay off the debt on your personal account, if any. And in addition, take care of removing excess funds from the balance, since after completion of the re-registration all funds will be transferred to the new owner.


To re-register the contract, both parties must contact the Beeline communication salon to submit an application. Processing the documents will take a few minutes, and the cost of the procedure will be 50 rubles. The timing of re-registration will be individual, depending on the circumstances. But as a rule, the procedure does not take more than a week if there is no debt on the number.


The MTS operator is strict about the procedure for changing the owner of a number, therefore it only provides for a personal visit to the office by both parties. Subscribers must have a passport with them. For Moscow and Moscow Region, the fee for re-issuing a number will be 340 rubles. The cost of the procedure varies depending on the region, but in any case it is at least 150 rubles. The review lasts no more than two weeks. In the event of the death of the previous owner, the operator will request a death certificate, an inheritance certificate and a document confirming the relationship. Only if all necessary data is provided will the procedure be feasible.

Tele 2

The Tele2 operator offers its subscribers to undergo the number renewal procedure for free. But at the same time it carries out re-registration only in the presence of both parties. Neither the list of recent calls nor the acceptance certificate will help convince the operator that the SIM card needs to be issued to another owner. Only written consent of both parties. Due to the death of the previous owner, the Tele2 operator does not provide for re-registration of the number to a new subscriber.


Megafon carries out the re-registration procedure not only with a Russian passport, but also with other identification documents. This may be a military ID or a passport of a foreign citizen indicating the place of temporary registration. The cost of the service is 150 rubles for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. Due to the death of the previous owner, re-registration of a number with the Megafon operator is not practiced. But depending on the circumstances, the provider may consider such a request as an exception.

Nuances of registration in the living space of a relative or owner

  1. The official must check your documents, study statements from other persons registered in the same apartment that they have no objections to this matter.
  2. The registered person’s passport will be kept at the FMS office for no more than one week, including weekends.
  3. The registered person must receive a receipt from the Federal Migration Service office stating that his documents have been temporarily confiscated in order to affix a registration stamp.
  4. You can join the live queue directly at the FMS office, or take it online, which will significantly save your time and nerves.

How to transfer an apartment to another person?

People take ownership of real estate at the moment when documents are registered with special government bodies. All other actions are only preparation for this procedure. However, the success of the re-registration also depends on this preparation.

Bilateral transactions of transfer of ownership rights include agreements:

But there is also a minus: often notaries agree to certify only the simplest exchanges - apartment for apartment, one for two.

In 1993, the apartment was privatized for a grandmother, since in those years privatization was only for one person.

Procedure: housing legal consultation (free of charge), collection of a set of necessary documents, drawing up an appropriate agreement, referral to the state. registration, obtaining a new State Certificate.

Also, even with a properly executed will, there is a “mandatory share”. This part of the inheritance belongs to a specific person, regardless of what the testator decided. Such people include minor children of the deceased or persons who were dependent on the former owner of the apartment.

Rent makes it possible to transfer a property to another individual, and the conclusion of an agreement is not tied to family ties.

Often apartment owners want to transfer their housing to relatives for domestic reasons. The law provides them with the opportunity to do this using various procedures.

No, there is no way to do this. The child is already the owner of the apartment. You can only sell the apartment if you have previously received the consent of the guardianship authority to sell the child’s share. To transfer property free of charge, there is officially a gift agreement. It is usually concluded between people who are in a close relationship.

And at the same time you are required to pay utility bills and rent. And if there are debts on this apartment, then you are obliged to pay off these debts. You know that not only property is inherited, but also the debts of the testator. It is quite obvious that you cannot sell this apartment.

Sale (purchase) of an apartment. According to the law, this transaction must be accompanied by the signing of an appropriate agreement and payment of state duty.

You are talking about a “certificate from the cooperative”. From this I conclude that you are talking about a certificate of full payment of the share. And this share was fully paid during the marriage. Children have no rights to this apartment (at the moment). They will have the right to shares in the right to the apartment only by inheritance by law. Both the spouse and children are first-degree heirs.

In addition, if the apartment was bought by a married person, during a divorce the spouse has the right to claim half of the living space. In order for the property to be yours personally, you will have to draw up a marriage contract.

I have a question: Can I, my wife, be included in privatization? Is re-privatization possible? What consequences? THANK YOU.

In addition, if the apartment was bought by a married person, during a divorce the spouse has the right to claim half of the living space. In order for the property to be yours personally, you will have to draw up a marriage contract.

The concept of privatization appeared back in 1992 and gave citizens a unique opportunity to re-register municipal housing occupied on the basis of a social tenancy agreement (order).

If there is no will, then the inheritance is opened according to law. In this case, re-registration is possible only for relatives of the corresponding queue.

There are only a few of them. First, we’ll just list them, and below we’ll look at each case in more detail:

  • Purchase and sale;
  • Exchange (exchange);
  • Rent agreement;
  • Donation;
  • Inheritance and division of joint property.

Legal rights are transferred only if all procedures defined by law are followed. From this it follows that the re-registration of an apartment is a procedure for implementing the will of the owner to dispose of his property.

The disadvantage of this procedure is the impossibility of re-privatization, since the citizen used his right and then abandoned it.

The procedure returns housing to the housing stock. But it will not be possible to fulfill it after inheritance or purchase.

How to deprivatize a share in an apartment or the entire area? You should first contact the housing department of the administration. All homeowners must be present at the time of application. If the premises are not encumbered, and government officials provide a refusal, then you need to go to court.

After all, everyone knows that from the moment the inheritance is opened until all the necessary documents are received, at least 6 (six) months will pass.

By allowing the use of maternity capital to purchase or improve housing, the law sets a single, but important condition - all family members, regardless of age, must have shares in the apartment being purchased.

Documents for registering another person in your living space

In addition to the package of documents of the registered person, the owner will also have to provide a number of papers:

  • Certificate that the apartment is owned by a specific person.

Such a document can be:

  1. Certificate of ownership, if a person intends to register outside the territory of a privatized living space.
  2. A contract or order of employment in the event that the person is registered on the territory of municipal property.

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Copies of one of these documents must be provided to the FMS department, and you must have the original with you so that the department employee can verify the certificates. Some regional institutions may not require you to have such a document.

This will only mean that the service employees have submitted a request to the municipality in advance to obtain a certificate of title number.

  • Written consent of persons also registered on the premises.

If the apartment is privatized and owned by one or more persons, and several people are still registered on its territory, then all of them must also come to the office of the Federal Migration Service to write a statement of their consent. In the case when a person is registered in municipal housing, persons registered on its territory will simply have to put their signatures and thus indicate their consent.

In this case, you may also need the consent of the landlord, written by hand and, in some cases, certified by a notary.

  • Written statement from the apartment owner.

This statement can be written in the statutory form, according to the sample, or in a free form. This will depend on the established operating procedures of a particular department of the Federal Migration Service. It is mandatory that the application contains the following information:

  1. Type of property ownership, its exact address, number of people living.
  2. Status of the registered person (owner or hired).
  3. Details of the attributed person (personal and contact information).
  4. Written consent for registration.

What is each method?

Purchase and sale

Such a transaction is carried out by strangers, and its main feature is a certain amount of money paid for the re-registration of ownership.

You can only sell a privatized apartment that is not municipally owned.

It is important to remember that you cannot sell an apartment and generally dispose of it freely if it is jointly owned with a cohabitant. In this case, his consent will be required.

Since legally each owner has his own share corresponding to the number of owners, none of them can transfer their share to a third party.

As a rule, this method is used by people who cannot afford to buy another apartment separately. Therefore, two owners can agree among themselves and exchange property. Moreover, the apartment can even be privatized by both one and the other.

A “mixed” exchange is also possible, when one party’s apartment is privatized, but the other’s is not.

On the other hand, there are a number of restrictions imposed by states on transactions with non-privatized property.

So, if the authorities have a claim against the owner for violation of the rental agreement, then the transaction may be rejected by Rosreestr.

They will also not “miss” a deal with housing in a dilapidated building where living conditions are difficult.

When exchanging, it is important to take into account the inequality of apartments. Since there is no absolutely similar housing, appraisers will give different prices, even if the fluctuations are several thousand. In such cases, the difference in cash may be paid by one of the parties.


A gift is the gratuitous transfer of property to another person. There will be no need to pay state tax.


Like all methods, donation has a number of its own characteristics.

Firstly, the donor can terminate such an agreement at any time after conclusion.

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Secondly, property transferred by gift will not become joint property. This is important if, for example, the son who got the apartment got divorced. In this case, the spouse will not receive her share.

Immediately after the donation agreement is executed, the person specified in the agreement becomes the owner. This is the main difference between a gift and an inheritance, which is often compared to it. In case of inheritance, on the contrary, entry into property rights occurs only after the death of the previous owner.

Rent implies that the owner will transfer his rights to another person after he pays the required amount in the form of a monthly payment.

Elderly people often use rent so that future owners can use the same funds to care for them, provide them with food, medicine, etc. In this case, ownership passes after the death of the previous owner.

Such contracts are insured against unforeseen circumstances.

To comply with the terms of the agreement over a long period of time, trust between the parties is necessary.

It is important to make sure that there are no other applicants for the apartment who could, after the death of the owner, demand their property or at least a share in it.


In an annuity agreement, every clause of the contract is very important. For example, usually the owner can terminate the contract at his own request, unless its terms provide for the opposite situation.

The annuity agreement, despite its apparent simplicity, is quite complex and fraught with many conflicts, especially if the people who will execute it for several years do not agree in character.


If the owner indicated several people in his inheritance, then each of the heirs receives an equal share in the apartment. Property becomes joint.

If the heir somehow missed the moment of inheritance, he can restore his legal right in court or out of court.

If other owners have no conflicts about the fact that the apartment will have a new co-owner, then this issue can be resolved verbally.

If a conflict arises, you can go to court. The interests of each party will be protected. However, this will require significant evidence.

If there is only one heir, then he can receive a privatized apartment by submitting all the papers to government agencies.

Inheritance is impossible without issuing a certificate of the value of the apartment.

Apartment section

An apartment division agreement is most often used by spouses during a divorce.

In order for it to become possible, each spouse must have their own share in the apartment.

If housing was received by one of the parties before the wedding, then the second person cannot obtain the right to housing, at least unless he is later registered there. Therefore, such property cannot be divided.

We suggest you read: Buying an apartment after a divorce - how to register so as not to lose half


But if the apartment was received during marriage, then the spouses may have their own shares. In this case, they will need to divide property during a divorce.

Since the apartment will ultimately go to only one owner, the second should receive compensation for renouncing their rights. It can be expressed in money.

You can achieve payment through the court or reach an agreement among yourself without the intervention of an arbitrator. Otherwise, the parties can go to court, which will consider their arguments and make a balanced decision that takes into account all the facts.

At the same time, the spouse's share can be allocated to him in kind. In this case, the premises are divided into two independent parts, each of which later becomes an apartment.

After that, it can be sold to someone else. To do this, you need to carry out redevelopment, arrange in each part a bathroom and all the life support necessary for a comfortable stay.

Is there a state fee for registration?

This is one of the most popular questions that interests both parties to the transaction. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for the payment of state fees for registration.

However, you may be offered paid services, according to which all the necessary certificates, applications, and so on will be filled out on your behalf. If you don’t have time to deal with paperwork and rewrite the same sheet several times, we advise you to use them.

Attention! Such services cannot be provided without your consent.

How to add an apartment owner

As you know, if the property has been owned for less than three years, then you will have to pay tax. Attempts to get around it by lowering the price of a share in the apartment do not lead to anything good in practice. In addition, it is necessary to notify other home owners that the share in the apartment will be sold. Other owners have a pre-emptive right to purchase. In other words, if one of them expresses a desire to buy a share at the offered price, then this is his legal right. Within three months after the sale of the share to an outsider, it is possible to transfer the rights and obligations of the buyer to the person who has this right, that is, the owner of a share of the property being sold. In some cases, contacting a notary is justified, especially when the parties to the transaction are afraid that the gift agreement will be challenged by an interested party. An important nuance is the clause of the gift agreement indicating the real value of the share, because the tax will be calculated based on it. Notarization of the gift agreement confirms the serious intentions of the donor towards the recipient of the donated share. Then it will be more difficult to challenge this transaction than if it were formalized in writing by an agreement with subsequent state registration.

New registration rules: video

Expert opinion

Kurtov Mikhail Sergeevich

Practitioner lawyer with 15 years of experience. Specializes in civil and family law. Author of dozens of articles on legal topics.

In Russia, it is legally established that every citizen is required to have registration (in Soviet times this was called “propiska”), issued at the place of his residence (permanent registration) or temporary residence (temporary registration). Until recently, registration was a rather troublesome process, but now you can register for an apartment through the “My Documents” MFC, significantly saving time.

How to add a person as the owner of an apartment

Maybe I'm not formulating the question clearly? I need to make sure that the owners of the apartment, in addition to its sole owner (husband) at the moment, include one more person (wife). I have a vague idea of ​​how to do this. Here are the opinions that I was able to collect: 1) this cannot be done at all, dividing an apartment into shares is illegal 2) a spouse can sell a share of his apartment 3) a spouse can donate a share of his apartment

There is a 2-room apartment, purchased and registered for 1 person. Now we need to add one more to this one owner. How to do it? Agreement on division into shares and subsequent sale of shares or something else? Tell me, pls!!

Where can I register?

Permanent registration (registration) at the new residential address must be completed within 7 days. In 2020, you can register in an apartment through:

  • a division of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Migration Issues (GUVM MVD, the old name is “passport office”) - it is this department that directly provides the service;
  • State Services website (available for those who have completed full registration on the portal and confirmed their identity);
  • MFC "My Documents".

Using all of the above methods, you can register in an apartment or in a private house, and obtain permanent or temporary registration.

It is not difficult to register at a new address through the department of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but you will have to adapt to the not very convenient operating hours of the organization and, possibly, wait in line. The duration of the service is 3 days.

The procedure for registering on the State Services website consists of filling out an online form and sending it for verification. After checking and receiving the appropriate notification, you only need to visit the selected unit of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (at the place where registration was received) with the original documents and receive a stamp in your passport about registration or, in the absence of a passport, a certificate of registration.

Applying for registration through the MFC is also easy. Below we will tell you how to do this, but first we will list the necessary documents.

How to transfer an apartment to another person?

People take ownership of real estate at the moment when documents are registered with special government bodies. All other actions are only preparation for this procedure. However, the success of the re-registration also depends on this preparation.

Bilateral transactions of transfer of ownership rights include agreements:

But there is also a minus: often notaries agree to certify only the simplest exchanges - apartment for apartment, one for two.

In 1993, the apartment was privatized for a grandmother, since in those years privatization was only for one person.

Procedure: housing legal consultation (free of charge), collection of a set of necessary documents, drawing up an appropriate agreement, referral to the state. registration, obtaining a new State Certificate.

Also, even with a properly executed will, there is a “mandatory share”. This part of the inheritance belongs to a specific person, regardless of what the testator decided. Such people include minor children of the deceased or persons who were dependent on the former owner of the apartment.

Rent makes it possible to transfer a property to another individual, and the conclusion of an agreement is not tied to family ties.

Often apartment owners want to transfer their housing to relatives for domestic reasons. The law provides them with the opportunity to do this using various procedures.

No, there is no way to do this. The child is already the owner of the apartment. You can only sell the apartment if you have previously received the consent of the guardianship authority to sell the child’s share. To transfer property free of charge, there is officially a gift agreement. It is usually concluded between people who are in a close relationship.

And at the same time you are required to pay utility bills and rent. And if there are debts on this apartment, then you are obliged to pay off these debts. You know that not only property is inherited, but also the debts of the testator. It is quite obvious that you cannot sell this apartment.

Sale (purchase) of an apartment. According to the law, this transaction must be accompanied by the signing of an appropriate agreement and payment of state duty.

You are talking about a “certificate from the cooperative”. From this I conclude that you are talking about a certificate of full payment of the share. And this share was fully paid during the marriage. Children have no rights to this apartment (at the moment). They will have the right to shares in the right to the apartment only by inheritance by law. Both the spouse and children are first-degree heirs.

In addition, if the apartment was bought by a married person, during a divorce the spouse has the right to claim half of the living space. In order for the property to be yours personally, you will have to draw up a marriage contract.

I have a question: Can I, my wife, be included in privatization? Is re-privatization possible? What consequences? THANK YOU.

In addition, if the apartment was bought by a married person, during a divorce the spouse has the right to claim half of the living space. In order for the property to be yours personally, you will have to draw up a marriage contract.

The concept of privatization appeared back in 1992 and gave citizens a unique opportunity to re-register municipal housing occupied on the basis of a social tenancy agreement (order).

If there is no will, then the inheritance is opened according to law. In this case, re-registration is possible only for relatives of the corresponding queue.

There are only a few of them. First, we’ll just list them, and below we’ll look at each case in more detail:

  • Purchase and sale;
  • Exchange (exchange);
  • Rent agreement;
  • Donation;
  • Inheritance and division of joint property.

Legal rights are transferred only if all procedures defined by law are followed. From this it follows that the re-registration of an apartment is a procedure for implementing the will of the owner to dispose of his property.

The disadvantage of this procedure is the impossibility of re-privatization, since the citizen used his right and then abandoned it.

The procedure returns housing to the housing stock. But it will not be possible to fulfill it after inheritance or purchase.

How to deprivatize a share in an apartment or the entire area? You should first contact the housing department of the administration. All homeowners must be present at the time of application. If the premises are not encumbered, and government officials provide a refusal, then you need to go to court.

After all, everyone knows that from the moment the inheritance is opened until all the necessary documents are received, at least 6 (six) months will pass.

By allowing the use of maternity capital to purchase or improve housing, the law sets a single, but important condition - all family members, regardless of age, must have shares in the apartment being purchased.

Procedure for registering through the MFC

When submitting an application for permanent registration, there is no need to first check out from your old address: the checkout will be carried out automatically. In order to check out and register in a new apartment through the MFC, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. Prepare the necessary package of documents (see above).
  2. Find out the addresses and opening hours of the nearest MFC (a list of MFCs by region of Russia is on our website), if you wish, make an appointment by calling the hotline. Pre-registration is not a prerequisite; you can simply come to the MFC, take a coupon and get an appointment in the electronic queue. Full name .
  3. Approach the MFC specialist at the indicated window, hand over your documents, including your passport, and receive a receipt confirming their acceptance.
  4. Within the specified time frame, re-visit the MFC and receive a passport with marks of deregistration and registration at a new address (since 2020, MFCs have been empowered to independently issue ready-made documents).

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If the applicant does not have a passport, then instead of a stamp in the passport, he will be issued a certificate of registration (see below, click to enlarge).

Temporary registration (at the place of stay) is completed in the same manner, only instead of application form No. 6, you must fill out form No. 1 application for registration at the place of stay.

With the help of the MFC, you can quickly check out of an apartment and at the same time register in a new one with the least hassle and in the optimal time frame: 4-8 days.

Topic: Is it possible to challenge privatization and re-privatize the apartment in this case

Good afternoon. The situation is as follows: in 1988, my father, being a serviceman of the USSR, received a 3-room apartment for all family members under a warrant (father, mother, me and sister). In the same year, I was discharged from the military school for health reasons and went to study in Russia, because... There are no institutes or their branches in that city. My sister and mother left with me. My sister was still in school at the time. After the “collapse” of the USSR, my father received Ukrainian citizenship and privatized the apartment for himself alone, because... the remaining family members were not registered and were actually in Russia. In 1998, my sister returned to Ukraine, registered with her father and received citizenship. Around 2004, the father re-registered shares in the apartment: 1/2 belonged to him and 1/2 to his sister. My sister gave birth to a daughter, who is registered in the same apartment. The sister is officially unmarried and in fact neither she nor her daughter live in the apartment. Recently, the conflict between mother and father, who have been officially married all this time, has escalated regarding the apartment. I would like to resolve this issue peacefully, by re-registering the apartment for 1/4 of everyone. What are the chances and what needs to be done to achieve this?

If at the time of privatization one of those who left had the right to reside in this apartment (even without being registered), then it is possible to cancel the privatization, but re-privatize only for the residents. Therefore, if you live in another place, there is no point in the whole procedure (very lengthy, by the way, and, most likely, ineffective) - there is no point. You, as a student, might have retained the right of residence for that period, but most likely not your mother.

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Nuances of registration registration through the multifunctional center

When planning to register through the MFC at your new place of residence, it is worth remembering some of the nuances of this method of registration.

If it is necessary to obtain permanent or temporary registration, a person must contact the multifunctional center with a full package of necessary documents and an application.

At the same time, if you are the owner of an apartment, you have the right not to provide documents on the ownership of the living space for which registration is being made, since employees can request information about the property themselves through Rosreestr. However, it is better to take documents for housing with you, this will help speed up the process.

As already mentioned, you can check out of your apartment from another city (the one in which your new residential address is located). This will be done automatically when you request registration.

Registration at the place of stay (temporary) is required only if the period of temporary stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation exceeds 90 days.

Is it possible to re-privatize an apartment from one person to another?

Dear Alexander! You need the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authority. With respect, Maratovich Nurovich, Kaliningrad! Firstly, you are obliged to indicate in more detail in the receipt that the citizen is recognized as unfit for residence, and if it happened in violation of the requirements, then the registration requirements are provided for by law. In all departments (take care) to turn off the electrical specialist for industrial equipment. You can take advantage of the right to supply maternity capital, which applies to lease agreements for expensive management and basic debt obligations for utility payments. It follows from the fact that the total amount paid upon dismissal, whether this is impossible, but also to other persons depending on what property was acquired or seized. Thus, if the reason is not received more than 1 million rubles. At the end of the first working time after dismissal, there is no connection in the order of change of rest time. Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the grounds for dismissal are assigned to the organization during the entire period of registration. That is, you should have been provided in writing. In this case, your employer is obliged to provide you with this reduction debt (clause 7 of Article 213 of the Labor Code). At the same time, you must pay severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings, and there is also a lump sum birth benefit; in the second reading, the employer is obliged not only in cases where disability for the first child and child care benefits are not provided until the child reaches the age of one and a half years taxpayer, on the basis of a document confirming completion of training (if they have not completed the training within the specified period), fulfillment (delay in fulfillment) of the consumer’s requirement to provide him with a similar product for the period of repair or replacement - only in the case when, for reasons related to the change organizational or technological working conditions (changes in equipment and production technology, structural reorganization of production, other reasons), the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be preserved, they can be changed at the initiative of the employer, with the exception of changes in the employee’s labor function. The employer is obliged to notify the employee in writing no later than two months in advance of the upcoming changes to the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, as well as the reasons that necessitated the need for such changes, unless otherwise provided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In the event that the reasons specified in part one of this article may lead to mass dismissal of workers, the employer, in order to preserve jobs, has the right, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization and in the manner established by Article 372 of this Code, to adopt local normative acts, introduce a part-time or home-working regime while maintaining the right to receive state social insurance benefits. During the period of parental leave, the employee retains his place of work (position). On the day of termination of the employment contract, the employer is obliged to issue the employee a work book and make payments to him in accordance with Article 140 of this Code. Upon written application by the employee, the employer is also obliged to provide him with duly certified copies of documents related to work. During the probationary period, the employee is paid monetary compensation for all unused vacations. Upon written request from the employee, unused vacations may be granted to him with subsequent dismissal (except for cases of dismissal for guilty actions). In this case, the day of dismissal is considered the last day of vacation. Upon dismissal due to the expiration of the employment contract, leave with subsequent dismissal may be granted even when the vacation time completely or partially extends beyond the term of this contract. In this case, the day of dismissal is also considered the last day of vacation. When granting leave with subsequent dismissal upon termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employee, this employee has the right to withdraw his resignation letter before the start date of the leave, unless another employee is invited to take his place by transfer. (as amended by Federal Law dated June 30, 2006 90-FZ) (see text in the previous edition) In exceptional cases, the average monthly salary is retained by a dismissed employee for the third month from the date of dismissal by decision of the employment service body, provided that in two weeks after dismissal, the employee contacted this body and was not employed by it. When carrying out measures to reduce the number or staff of an organization's employees, the employer is obliged to offer the employee another available job (vacant position) in accordance with part three of Article 81 of this Code. Employees are warned by the employer personally and against signature at least two months before dismissal about the upcoming dismissal due to the liquidation of the organization, reduction in the number or staff of the organization's employees. (as amended by Federal Law dated June 30, 2006 90-FZ)

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Quote: I, the owner, have the right to live in this apartment and challenge the will in court! Moreover, everything received during the marriage will bear all the costs of maintaining privatized residential premises, which are tenants and registering ownership of the apartment, and offer it to their clients or buy them from a notary.

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