How and where to register a water meter

Published by lpunity on 11/12/2018

You need to know: if water meters have been registered with the EIRC, you can submit meter readings via the Internet. There is no need to call or visit the settlement center monthly. To use the online service for submitting data on water consumption, after installing the water meter and registering it with the Moscow EIRC, you must visit the district settlement center once and obtain from an employee:

  • Login from your personal account on the EIRC website.
  • Password for your personal account.
  • Detailed instructions for submitting data.

The email address of the Moscow EIRC is By going to the website of the settlement and information center, it will not be difficult to find the physical addresses of all district institutions. The main thing is to choose your district and area of ​​residence correctly. You can only get data from your personal account at your center; before going to it, it doesn’t hurt to check the office’s reception and work schedule by phone.

Switching to an economical water supply payment system will require installing a water meter in the apartment, then registering it. Now let's find out whether it is possible to register a water meter through intermediaries? What package of documents will you need to provide for registration?

Where does the procedure for registering water meters begin?

From the purchase of the right measuring instrument - it can be manufactured by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The main thing is that it is certified in the Russian Federation (the serial number will appear in the papers). The next stage in the process of how to register water meters in Moscow is installing a flow meter. Until this point, the procedure for switching to an economical payment system does not cause difficulties. Difficulties begin at the stage of clarifying the question of what to do after installing water meters in the apartment?

If water equipment is installed by an employee of the management company (MC), then the subsequent registration of water meters will consist of the following steps:

  • Obtaining a certificate of acceptance of water meters into operation. Issued by an employee of the management company after the installation of metering devices has been completed.
  • Registration and collection of documents. You can find out what documents are needed to register water meters in an apartment via the Internet from our managers. Use the contact form.
  • Submission of collected papers.
  • Conclusion of an agreement at the Moscow EIRC.

It is better to find out in advance the question of where to register water meters in Moscow. Our company provides services for submitting documents to the EIRC - it can be ordered via the Internet. There is no need to bring the papers to the organization yourself. It is better to ensure that the registration of water meters in the EIRC is carried out as quickly as possible. Without this procedure, accruals will be received according to the standards. If you have any questions about how to register water meters, you can ask our lawyer.

Installation Features

The device can be installed in the following ways:

  1. On one's own;
  2. With the involvement of a licensed organization (the cost of installation by a professional, from a private company - 800 to 4000 rubles per meter).

If the product is installed by the owner himself, before registration it is necessary to confirm the correct connection of the device by contacting the management company. The organization’s specialist will check the meter and draw up a report confirming the correct installation.

The installation of a water meter is carried out under the condition that the water supply is shut off. A crane is pre-installed on the insert. The meter is mounted assembled with a filter element that prevents foreign particles from entering the device, and a shut-off valve that prevents water from flowing back in the system.

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If you want to install the meter yourself, watch the video on the Internet or YouTube, how experts do it:

What documents are required to register meters?

In order to complete the procedure without difficulty, you must present the following documents to register water meters with the EIRC:

  • Equipment passport.

The paper must indicate the date of issue and installation, initial verification. It is done by an employee of the management company during installation. He can explain how to register water meters after installation. Without dates, a passport is invalid, since they serve as a starting point for counting the date of the next verification. The document must contain certificates for water meters. Even if the water meters have been installed correctly, the EIRC will not accept papers without the specified dates and certificates.

  • Commissioning certificate.

If the installed flow meter is new, then the data about the old device (replacement was carried out) is written down on the paper. If you need to register water meters for the first time, then there will be no record. When replacing, the paper indicates the old readings and the number of the seals. The act will be issued by an employee of the Criminal Code in three copies. Without the original act, registration of water meters in the EIRC will not be carried out.

  • Work delivery certificate.

With this document, the master confirms that he completed the work and the customer accepted it. The paper is issued in two copies, but registration of water meters in Moscow is carried out without it.

  • Agreement on installation of measuring devices.

Legal registration of water meters in Moscow is carried out without providing this paper, but it must be there. It may be required to be presented at the next device verification.

  • Maintenance agreement.

Issued by the master of the management company, but you can register a water meter without it. However, it is recommended to conclude it. This will simplify the verification procedure.

When installing water meters, the master will not issue any other documents. The listed papers constitute the complete package of required papers. With them, you can register water meters via the Internet with the help of our company and when you resolve the issue yourself.

Features of the water meter registration procedure

To register a meter, the following procedure is provided for the owner:

  • the consumer notifies the management company about the installation of the meter, specifying the required set of documents;
  • after the arrival of the management specialist, the correct connection of the water meter is checked, the device is sealed, and documents are submitted for registration;
  • the initial readings of the water meter are recorded and an agreement is signed for the provision of water supply services with payment according to the meter;
  • The management company transfers the information with a set of documents to a single settlement center.

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As a result, information about the meter is entered into a single database and the owner is able to pay for the water used according to the readings of the individual meter.

Pay attention to the stamps, date and signatures in the passport after registering the meter:

Many consumers are interested in the possibility of registering a water meter via the Internet. This method of registration is not directly provided. The owner cannot avoid visiting official authorities to complete and submit the necessary documentation.

It is possible to carry out individual stages with submitting applications via the Internet when contacting about connecting or sealing the meter. The procedure for this procedure depends on the operating conditions of electronic services of organizations providing such services.

How to independently register meters in the EIRC?

It is worth preparing for the fact that the procedure may not be easy. Therefore, it is better to find out where to register water meters in Moscow without wasting time and effort. If you decide not to use intermediaries, then you need to go through the following procedure:

  • Contact water utility representatives. From this moment, registration of water meters in Moscow and the transition to an economical payment system begins.
  • Arrange to check the correct installation. Even if you decide to change your measuring equipment to new ones, you will still have to go through this stage. Find out in advance what documents are needed to register water meters with the EIRC in order to request all of them from the service representative. It may take time for a specialist to arrive.
  • Sealing of equipment. The measuring equipment will be registered only after each device is sealed. Data on the implementation of the procedure is entered into the documents for water meters and submitted to the EIRC.
  • Fixing the initial flow meter indicators.
  • Drawing up and signing a water supply agreement.
  • Collection of documents.
  • Innings. Having decided where to register water meters, do not forget to find out the hours and principle of reception of citizens. This way you won't have to travel multiple times.
  • Waiting for results.

Only a registered water flow meter gives the tenant the right to switch to a cost-effective payment system for water utility services. If it is not possible to spend a day or two going through the procedure yourself, you can find out how to register water meters in Moscow via the Internet through our company.

How to register water meters after installation?

Since January 2020, people have become interested in the question: how to register water meters?

This is due to a number of changes to legislation , which began to provide for the mandatory installation and registration of water meters.

It is separately stipulated that water supply tariffs will be increased . Within a year by 10% , and then by another 60% after a year and a half.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, call the free consultation numbers:

Preparatory work and calling the master

Before carrying out the relevant work, you must ensure that the plumbing equipment is in working order .

The taps must not leak and the pipes must be in good condition .

If one of these problems exists, installing water meters is strictly prohibited , as this may cause an emergency .

After checking the plumbing equipment, any detected faults should be eliminated .

The next step is to prepare a place for the master’s upcoming work and ensure unhindered access to the pipes .

He will complete his task much faster and better if he does not come across unnecessary objects. After all the preparatory measures have been completed, you can call a specialist . To do this, you should submit an application to the HOA or management company .

Sample application for installation of a water meter.

Some citizens prefer to install water meters themselves . This is strongly not recommended .

It is better to call a qualified specialist who will do the work professionally and at the same time advise on the issue of choosing a suitable water meter.

Read our article about how often you should change your water meters.

Counter selection

There is also no need to rush into purchasing an individual water meter. Before doing this, it is necessary to evaluate a number of factors .

What you should pay attention to when choosing a counter:

  • Availability of service support from the manufacturer;
  • The measurement accuracy of the device, the degree of its error;
  • Installation dimensions of the meter. They must correspond to the diameter of the pipes in the apartment where the installation is supposed to take place.

When choosing a water meter, you should also take into account that they differ in their operating principle and are divided into several groups:

  1. Ultrasonic – measures water flow through an acoustic effect. Such devices are extremely accurate and durable , since they do not have moving parts;
  2. Electromagnetic - measures the induction in a liquid flowing through a magnetic field and in this way measures flow. Such devices are sensitive to ground currents, turbulence and air bubbles in water. Another drawback is that magnets can inhibit debris and contribute to pipeline clogging ;
  3. Mechanical is the most common type. The flow of water rotates an impeller located inside the device, which is connected to a gear mechanism. These are reliable , inexpensive and simple devices, the only disadvantages of which are significant sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and wear of the moving parts of the device.

For installation, mechanical water meters of domestic production are usually chosen. They are perfectly adapted to work with Russian engineering systems and are inexpensive .

Among Western manufacturers, the first place in popularity is occupied by German electronic meters .


Installation of an individual water meter can be done in several ways:

  • On your own;
  • Call a specialist.

If a person is confident in his plumbing skills and is not inclined to trust others with work that he is able to do himself, then the installation of water meters can be done with his own efforts .

However, in this matter you should not neglect consultations with specialists . It would be a good idea to call the water utility and get more information.

Some management companies do not install water meters. They simply provide a list of organizations providing similar services.


Where can I go for help when registering meters?

Our company’s lawyers recommend taking a closer look at how to register water meters without wasting time and effort. This tedious procedure can be undertaken by the company’s specialists. Our work begins from the moment you receive a package of documents from the management master. Don’t delay resolving the issue, because only registering water meters will allow you to pay less. While you are thinking about where to go, you are charged according to the norms.

With us, you can quickly register water meters via the Internet without leaving your home. What will you need?

  • Install measuring equipment.
  • Collect a package of papers.
  • Leave a request online on our website.
  • Write a power of attorney for a representative of our company.
  • Give him a package of papers.
  • Get a contract.

Our specialists will register water meters for you. We will send the documents to the EIRC, carry out the registration and give you the supporting documents. To make sure that the installation was successful, you need to call your local service organization.


Based on the results of reviewing the submitted documents, the management company generates a request to the information and settlement center regarding the registration of the water meter. Within 15 days after registering the application, representatives of the management company will contact the owner. The date of the visit is agreed upon.

On the appointed day, representatives of the resource supplier check the water meter and apply seals. Sealing does not require additional payment from the owner. The commissioning of the product is confirmed by a completed certificate.

Sealing the water meter

The procedure for registering a water meter requires the consumer to be careful in preparing documents and following the prescribed procedure. If the papers are selected correctly and the device is selected in accordance with the technical characteristics and operating conditions, there will be no problems with registration. Payment for the actual volume of water consumed begins from the date of drawing up the act of putting the product into operation.

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List of documents

First, you need to clarify that if you purchase a meter yourself, it is important to check whether it is included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments. You should make sure that the device number is entered correctly in the data sheet.
The following documents are needed for registering water meters:

  1. Metering device passport. If it is necessary to control the flow of both hot and cold water, then provide accompanying documents for each device. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the readings on the day of installation were recorded correctly.
  2. An act confirming the commissioning of the meter.
  3. An agreement with a licensed service company for the purchase (if you did not purchase the device yourself) and installation of the water meter.
  4. Certificate of acceptance of work performed on installation and commissioning of the water meter.
  5. An agreement that specifies the conditions for performing maintenance of the device.

After installing and registering the meters, your water costs will be significantly reduced.
To avoid future difficulties when submitting documents to the relevant organization, you must carefully check all copies of papers during registration (agreements, acts).

How to register water meters in a private house or apartment

Water meters

Installing special devices in a residential building or apartment to record water consumption can significantly save financial costs on utilities.

Among the many tasks associated with the purchase and installation of such devices, one of the key positions is occupied by the issue of how to register water meters.

The advantages of installing such devices can be called obvious. The ability to calculate the amount of upcoming payments for utility bills, in addition to saving, is also of no small importance.

Installation never takes much effort and time, it is only important to have reliable information about how the registration procedure is performed.

Selecting and installing a meter

First of all, you need to know how to choose a counter. Before purchasing such devices, it is recommended to thoroughly understand their functional characteristics, as well as classification.

You need to understand that devices for recording the consumption of hot and cold water are designed differently. The difference between such meters lies in the materials used to create the device components, but the operating principle remains completely the same.

For cold water, the maximum temperature with which the meter can operate is 40 degrees. For hot, the maximum temperature can correspond to 150 degrees.

Some meter models can be used to record the consumption of both hot and cold water. According to the method of power supply, devices are divided into volatile ones, which function only thanks to electricity, and non-volatile ones, which do not require recharge.

Based on their operating principle, such devices can be divided into four main subgroups:

  • Vortex meters record the speed of water flow using a special part placed inside the device. The frequency of the vortices is recorded by the device.
  • In tachometer devices, a small rotating turbine interacts with the water flow, interacting simultaneously with a counting mechanism.
  • Electromagnetic devices in which magnetic fields are inducted according to the speed of water passing through the device.
  • Ultrasonic instruments detect vibrations as water passes through a system and simultaneously record them using acoustically sensitive mechanisms.

Such devices can be used both in industry and in domestic conditions. Electromagnetic or tachometer systems are mostly installed in houses or apartments.


Counter sealing

Of course, it is recommended to trust such a responsible task only to qualified specialists.

If the homeowner thinks that he can do such work on his own, or intends to understand all the intricacies and tricks associated with the procedure, it is first recommended that you familiarize yourself with an approximate generalized example of the upcoming actions:

  • From the central water supply system, mostly located in the toilet, there are a pair of copper pipes on which taps are installed that shut off the flow of liquid.
  • To be able to install the mounting unit normally, the technician often needs to cut the pipes.
  • After this, the entire assembly assembly is assembled.
  • Next you need to connect the liquid flow metering system.

Registration stages

To find out how to register water meters, we recommend that you read the information below. The preparatory work is absolutely nothing complicated if the entire list of necessary documents is collected.

After completing the installation procedure, connecting and checking the functionality of the system, it is necessary to collect all the necessary documentation and take it to the appropriate place for registration. The organization carrying out the installation must provide each client with a complete list of documents.

Based on the certificates received, an act of acceptance for use of installed devices for metering water consumption is registered.

At the settlement center, an agreement is concluded on granting the right to pay for utilities according to a fixed calculation of water consumption based on the monthly meter readings provided. Information about the amount of water used must be submitted to the settlement center for the correct calculation of payments.

Registering devices involves recording the following data:

  • Year of manufacture of the devices in use.
  • Initial information on the amount of water resources passed through the device.
  • Serial numbers of devices.
  • Date of installation of water metering devices.

The company that installed the meter must affix stamps to all documents as evidence that the installation of the devices was carried out. Only after this, data on the installation of a new recording device is entered into the common database.

You should also list all the necessary documentation for registration:

  • Certificate of acceptance of completed plumbing work.
  • Passport for cost metering devices indicating the serial number, as well as readings during installation.
  • Agreement with a service organization for installation of devices.
  • Three copies of the device acceptance certificate for operation.

The procedure for registering meters for cold or hot water after self-installation can also be solved without any particular difficulties. After the installation of devices for metering water flow has been carried out, the user must seek the services of representatives of a special service department that has passed the necessary certification.

Compliance with the installation rules, as well as the installed device itself, is checked. After this, the sealing procedure is performed, and the user receives all the documents necessary for registration. Then you must provide all available certificates to the organization mentioned above.

Registration of installed devices is carried out as usual.

After all necessary procedures have been completed, the meters can be put into operation. In the future, payments for used utilities will be made based on the received indicators.

Taking water meter readings

To do this, the user is required to regularly submit data on the indicators of metering devices to the relevant government agencies.

Based on the information provided, each user is issued an invoice for payment.

After reviewing the above information, we can conclude that the entire procedure necessary for correct registration is performed extremely simply with a rational, competent approach.

Therefore, before installation, it is imperative to consult on this issue with qualified specialists who will help to quickly clarify all sorts of nuances and determine the most optimal way to carry out the upcoming procedures.

Additional Information

Operation of devices without seals is prohibited by law. As mentioned earlier, sealing of water meters is carried out in accordance with regulatory documentation after writing an application to the nearest representative of the DEZ or water utility, confirming the user’s intentions to seal the installed water metering device.

This procedure can be divided into several stages:

  1. Call a specialist to compile a list of necessary components.
  2. Purchase or selection of counters by a master.
  3. The process of installation and connection to central communications.
  4. Preparation and registration of a package of documents.

Let's look at each stage in more detail. After all, it is very important to follow the correct procedure for registering water meters.

Preparatory work

If you decide to install a water meter, you must submit an application to the district DEZ (an organization that deals with municipal orders), a management company (ZhEK) or another organization that has the right to carry out such work. In just a few days (it all depends on the number of applications), a technician will come to you, who will analyze the condition of the water supply system and determine the equipment and type of meter that is right for you.

The specialist may offer to purchase everything you need yourself. But you have the right to refuse and make your own choice, guided by the recommendations and required characteristics. This way you can save money and buy a better quality meter.

How to choose a water meter?

Before you buy a meter, you should understand their classification, properties and purpose. It should be remembered that the meters for cold and hot water are different! They differ in the materials used for the system elements, although the principle of operation is the same. For cold water, the measuring device is designed for temperatures not exceeding 40 degrees. For hot - 150 degrees. There are also universal meters.

Based on the type of power supply, devices are divided into volatile (powered by the mains) and non-volatile (do not require a power source).

According to the operating principle, the meters are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Electromagnetic - the magnetic field is induced in proportion to the speed of the passing fluid.
  2. Vortex - a part is placed in the water flow that displays the flow speed. The counter records the frequency of these vortices.
  3. Ultrasonic - ultrasonic vibrations that appear during the passage of a flow of water are recorded by the acoustic system of the meter.
  4. Tachometer - a rotating turbine is placed in the flow, which is connected to a mechanical counting device of the meter.

The device can be for household and industrial purposes. Electromagnetic or tachometer devices are most often installed in apartments.

You need to buy a meter only in reliable places that have a license to operate. Check all documents to ensure that the serial numbers match and there is a registration certificate.

Installation of water consumption meters

Naturally, it is better to entrust this important step to a specialist. But if you think you can handle it on your own, or just want to know all the intricacies of the upcoming work, here is an approximate sense of the actions:

  • From the “risers” (central water supply pipes), which most often pass through the bathroom, two smaller pipes depart - bends, on which valves are located that shut off the water;
  • After the valves, the foreman cuts the pipe in order to install the mounting unit;
  • the unit consists of 7-12 components (coarse water filters, check valves, meters themselves, inserts, etc.);
  • the system is connected.

Registration procedure

When everything is installed and summed up, the most crucial moment comes - collect and take the documents to the place where you must register water meters. The company that carried out the installation is obliged to provide you with a complete package of documents. Based on them, the DEZ registers an act on the acceptance of metering devices into operation.

Next, with these documents, you need to go to the Unified Information and Settlement Center ( EIRC ) and enter into an agreement, according to which you undertake to pay for water supply services. Registration of water meters in the EIRC usually does not take long; the time depends only on the number of available visitors.

That's all, now you can pay only for the amount of water you consume, and not according to standards.

Documents for registering water meters:

  • agreement with a service organization for installation of devices;
  • act of acceptance of completed work;
  • certificate of commissioning of the meter (3 copies);
  • passports for hot and cold water meters (serial number and readings at the time of installation are indicated).

During registration, the following information is entered:

  • year of manufacture of devices;
  • serial numbers of meters;
  • installation date;
  • starting indicators.

If you are concerned about the question of how to register water meters that you installed yourself, the answer is simple. You also contact DEZ or another organization that deals with this. A technician will come to you, check that you have installed everything correctly, seal the meter and issue the documents necessary for registration.

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Regardless of whether you installed the meter yourself or by a specialized organization, you will have to contact a specialist to seal the water meter. Therefore, it is still better to use the services of a “pro” in order to quickly register water meters and avoid problems with their operation.

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