The upstairs neighbors' children are making noise, what should I do?

Determining noise levels and taking action

Dealing with loud extraneous sounds is extremely difficult, and in some situations it is not at all possible to get rid of their sources. The only thing that can be done in this case is to ensure sound insulation in your own apartment.

If the cause of increased noise is structural ventilation elements, elevators or other equipment, then the most convenient option would be to contact your management company.

Its employees must ensure that an independent examination is carried out to measure the noise level and, based on the measurement results, take the necessary actions.

If the study proves that there is a violation of the norms established by law in the apartment, then the management company is obliged to take measures to correct the current situation.

If for some reason this did not happen, then you must write a complaint and send it to the prosecutor's office or Rospotrebnadzor. These organizations will also conduct their own verification.

Having received the results and made sure that the management company really needs to take action, an order will be sent to it to eliminate the source of noise that violates established standards.

In the case where increased noise comes from non-residential premises leased (offices, hairdressers, shops), the management company will not be able to influence the sources of sounds in any way.

In this case, you must immediately contact the prosecutor’s office or Rospotrebnadzor. These authorities will be convinced of the existence of a violation and administrative measures will be taken against those responsible.

In this case, an order is issued to implement measures aimed at reducing noise levels or completely eliminating its sources, after which a re-examination is carried out.

Residents can, based on the examination carried out, file a claim in court for compensation for material and moral damage. In this case, you will need to provide evidence of the harm caused.

The same should be done in a situation where extraneous sounds come from outside. But, in this case, it is much more difficult to achieve the adoption of any measures, since it is almost impossible to conduct an examination and identify a specific source of noise.

In cases where neighbors are noisy, children are running overhead, someone is constantly crying, barking or meowing in adjacent apartments - it is useless to contact Rospotrebnadzor; this authority will refuse. So what to do if you are completely fed up with noisy neighbors, especially families with small children?

Where and how to complain about the noise of neighbors if they do not understand in an amicable way

It has been proven: 6 seconds is enough to understand what kind of person is in front of you, scientists say. And one day away from home in an interesting place is enough to radically reboot and fully relax. Well, since international tourism will not revive soon, we offer an alternative - one-day trips within 150 km from Kyiv. Where to go on a microtrip - in our material.

"Places of Power"

Everyone knows that in different parts of Ukraine there are many places that in some mystical way (or maybe not) influence the biofield and human health. These are “places of power”, of which there are plenty around Kyiv.

Mount Totoha


near the village of Medvin, Kiev region, 150 km from Kiev
Why go:
for inspiration, fulfillment of desires.

Esotericists are very fond of this mountain, claiming that it provides a state of “flow” and the opportunity to realize one’s true desires. And they are even sure that in terms of energy level it is equal to the mountains of Tibet and Altai. Perhaps this is partly true, since it has been proven: in pagan times, there were temples in this place where the Magi performed their rituals.

You can believe in the miraculous power of Mount Totoha, or not, but not far from this place there are granite massifs. And one of the properties of this stone is to enhance vibrations. Plus there is a flowing river nearby. Everything together creates an atmosphere that has a beneficial effect on both the physical and mental state of a person.

You can spend the whole day on the mountain and in its surroundings.





Village Vitachov (Vytachiv)


Obukhovsky district, Kiev region, 59 km from Kiev
Why go:
for creative insights and thoughts about the eternal

The village was called “vytok”, “source”. They say that it was here that the Apostle Andrew erected the first Christian cross in the history of Kievan Rus. And in this place, the remains of all archaeological eras that human civilization lived in Ukraine were discovered. Excavations are still ongoing.

You can admire ancient buildings, for example, a wooden chapel, you can just walk, examine the old ramparts or enjoy a gorgeous view of the Dnieper. By the way, many people put up tents and fish on the shore. And at sunrise or sunset you can take amazingly beautiful pictures here.




Breath of antiquity: greetings from the past

Ancient castles, ancient legends and everything that is one way or another is history and will always be in trend. Not only because there is no future without the past, but also simply because it is terribly interesting!

Historical and cultural complex "Radomysl Castle"


town of Radomyshl, Zhytomyr region, 106 km from Kiev
Why go for:
medieval flavor, legends and romance

This is a medieval castle, built in 1612, with interiors from the 17th-18th centuries. Here you can book a tour where they will tell you about the ghost of a monk who allegedly appears in the corridors of the castle at night. You can hold a wedding ceremony and other celebration. The castle is located on the territory of a landscape park.

Previously, the castle produced paper for printing theological books, which is why it was called “papirnya”. The building was then destroyed during various wars and restored at the end of the 19th century, after which it served as a mill. For some time, everyone forgot about the building, but in 2007 its restoration began. Now the castle has a refectory, a conference room, and monastic cells serve as hotel rooms for overnight stays.

On the territory of the complex you can order a master class on paper making. And in the vicinity of the castle you can see a river and many plants listed in the Red Book. Available activities include fishing, boating, archery and crossbow shooting.


Photo: Photo:


Park "Kievan Rus"


village of Kopachov, Obukhovsky district, Kiev region, 60 km from Kiev
Why go:
for spectacular spectacles and immersion in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages

The complex is a complete reconstruction of Detinets - the central fortified part of Ancient Kyiv of the 10th century.

The park hosts various activities: master classes for children, horseback riding, excursions around the complex, evening programs with a fire show and fireworks. here you can visit the historical costume museum, do archery, mark knives, or mint a coin at the mint.

There are food courts and cafes on the territory of the complex, but no one forbids you to take food with you and have a snack while staying in one of the recreation areas on the territory.




Pereyaslav, city-museum


Pereyaslav city, Kiev region, 90 km from Kiev
Why go:
for color, aesthetic pleasure and impressions

This small compact city has about 30 museums, making Pereyaslav an ideal option for a day trip. Here in 1654 the famous Pereyaslav Rada took place. The collegium in which Skovoroda himself taught, as well as ancient churches - St. Michael’s, Holy Trinity and others, have survived to this day. But the most frequently visited museum, and, by the way, the first open-air museum in Ukraine, is the Museum of Architecture and Life. By the way, this is where the musical “Sorochinskaya Fair” was filmed.

Photo: Photo:


Fascinating nature

In any incomprehensible situation, you need to “ground yourself.” That is, to merge with nature, look at the horizon and think about the eternal. We won’t write about the beneficial effects of fresh air, greenery and water on people - we’ll just talk about beautiful places right near Kiev.

High Stone Quarry


near the village of Novogorodetskoe, Zhytomyr region, 103 km from Kiev
Why go:
for a relaxing holiday in nature with family or friends

Nature, pine forest, clean air. Once there was a granite quarry here, now there is a picturesque lake with high rocky shores covered with pine and birch trees. Hence the name of the place. “Vysoky Kamen” will be good for those who want a calm, quiet family holiday; many come here with tents.



Arboretum "Alexandria"


Belaya Tserkov, Kiev region, 89 km from Kiev
Why go:
for a walk and tour of the largest arboretum in the country

This park is not inferior to the famous and popular Sofievka in Uman. The natural beauty of these places is surprisingly harmoniously combined with man-made structures. The park area is more than 200 hectares.

The masterpiece was created at the end of the 18th century thanks to Countess Alexandra Branitskaya, after whom the arboretum was named. In the last century, it was popular among the intelligentsia and aristocracy, including members of the royal family and writers. The territory was decorated with sculptures, vases and decorative compositions made of stones and other natural materials. Beautiful bridges, colonnades, ancient buildings, the presence of unusual flora and landscape structures are just additions to the natural beauty.




Arboretum "Dobropark"


Kopylov village, Kiev region, 18 km from Kiev
Why go:
admire the blooming sea of ​​tulips of various colors and colors

If you haven't been to Dobropark yet, plan to visit it. The spectacle is worth it: in the new arboretum right outside Kiev, 1.5 million tulips are blooming this year. And all this in an area the size of 400 football fields! An ideal location for Instagram photos, freedom for walks and a treat for the eyes. By the way, a lavender field, a petunia garden and a food court are also planned on the territory.




Child and downstairs neighbors - downstairs neighbors complain about noise

Good evening! The neighbors downstairs constantly complain about the noise the child makes: banging toys, throwing them, drumming on tables and everything that comes to hand. Things reached the point of threats of legal action and insults. The child wakes up no earlier than 8 am. Are we really required by law to tiptoe around all day and not make a sound?

Further there are a lot of words, for those who are interested, I ask under the cat.

The neighbor below us also has a small child. At first we even communicated peacefully and went for walks with the children together. At the end of August we left for 2 weeks, and a few days after our return this nightmare began.

At first she complained that the child was waking up because we were moving chairs in the kitchen (we had one-room apartments, there was linoleum in the kitchen).

For a week we very, very carefully rearranged the chairs (if suddenly we did touch the floor somewhere, I immediately received messages about my complete disrespect from the neighbors), then I stuck Velcro on the legs of the chairs, in my opinion it became completely quiet. But this was not the time to relax. Now the sound of falling toys began to disturb them.

In the morning, while I was preparing food for him and then eating myself, he played with plastic toys, and of course sometimes threw them on the floor. Again, I began to receive a bunch of text messages about how I was annoying the child, etc. and so on. I note that previously they did not pay any attention to this. Now I only give my child soft toys in the kitchen. But this is not enough for them.

They still complain that we knock on their ceiling and abuse the child. Sometimes he starts texting me when the neighbors above us are noisy. I tried to explain to her that my child was sleeping, and I was sitting quieter than water, lower than the grass, it was useless... Now he is threatening to sue us.

I don’t know what to do anymore ((( take away all the toys from the child except soft ones??? In my opinion, this is bullying. Or am I wrong?

I found in the topic only the law of the city of Moscow “On maintaining the peace of citizens and silence at night in the city of Moscow.” It says that you can’t make noise from 11 p.m. to 7 p.m. Maybe there are some other laws?


The neighbor is disturbed by the stomping of a child

The neighbor downstairs got it, he constantly walks around and complains that his son 1.9 runs loudly and rides loudly in the car, earlier his wife complained about crying at night, I just don’t know how to behave with them anymore. By the way, we wake up at 9 am, go to bed at 9 pm, plus a quiet hour during the day, plus we go for a walk for two hours, and so I already try to devote most of my play time to quiet games, like sitting and drawing, putting something together, but after all I can’t completely forbid such a little one from running around, and we don’t break the law on silence, today a relative came to visit us with her children for a couple of hours, literally, well, the three of them ran crazy, it was seven in the evening, so the neighbor came again with “Are you kidding me with the phrase, you want to run around, go outside,” a relative heard this and told him that we weren’t breaking the law, and children are children, you can’t glue them to the sofa, and they only ran for about 15 minutes, before that they were sitting watched the cartoon. Of course, I understand everything, the neighbors want silence, but I can’t limit my son’s activities or, on the advice of a neighbor, I can’t be on the street with him all the time, tell me what to do.. experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Azamatova Galina Gennadievna

Psychologist, Supervisor, Clinical Phobia PA. Specialist from the site

Muratova Anna Eduardovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Elena Barkhatova

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Kostyleva Svetlana Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Milevsky Vladislav Anatolievich

Psychologist, Psychoanalyst. Specialist from the site

Kolotilina Victoria Vasilievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Inna Aleksandrovna Chernysheva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Tankova Oksana Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Zagryadskaya Anastasia Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aigul Tulendieva

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Fuck them. In direct text, without going into overdrive. Let the police be called

Carpet or carpets help a lot, you can also put a backing under them

Normal people spend 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at work

what can I suggest here? your child you and deal with him, why does the whole house have to listen to these screams? We need to respect other people too. If they complain, it means they really are interfering. And you definitely need to ride the car on the street. The neighbor's child annoyed me too. I found a way out - I started playing loud music when he was sleeping. Mom endured and endured, but then she jumped up))) So respect the interests of other people if you want yours to be respected.

Live for your own pleasure, a child at 1.9 needs movement, who cares - let him buy a house in the village

Related topics

what can I suggest here? your child you and deal with him, why does the whole house have to listen to these screams? We need to respect other people too. If they complain, it means they really are interfering. And you definitely need to ride the car on the street. The neighbor's child annoyed me too. I found a way out - I started playing loud music when he was sleeping. Mom endured and endured, but then she jumped up))) So respect the interests of other people if you want yours to be respected.

Live for your own pleasure, a child at 1.9 needs movement, who cares - let him buy a house in the village

It's not your problem. For children playing games, crying is natural, he doesn’t like it, let him change his place of residence, you don’t owe him anything. There are also many people in our house who have children growing up, everyone treats them with understanding, when they start screaming they run and when they grow up they stop! Don't stand on ceremony with him, in the end he will stop annoying you and fall silent, and there will be nothing else left to do!

Buy your neighbor a private house. Half of our village is empty, there is no one to work on the pig farm.

Don't open the door for him next time, ignore him

The child behind the wall also infuriated me - he whined and cried for hours. I don't understand parents like this. If you have a child, then be responsible for him. Let him run outside, there is no point in jumping at home. If hysterical, make soundproofing. If horses trample over you with their hooves, you won’t like it either.

Children first cry, then knock their knees, crawling on the floor, hit the floor/mat/playpen with toys, then stomp and fall, then run and jump, sing, play, cars roll on the floor or doll strollers, balls, skittles are dropped and cats are chased . Children can be quiet, but sometimes they can be loud. And not just children. There are also loud-mouthed dogs, basically poor sound insulation, when you hear someone else’s intercom buzzer in your apartment, there are people with a heavy gait, those who get ready for work at 5 in the morning and those who just come home from work at 2 o’clock and lay out the sofa, moves chairs on the tiles. Those who don't understand this are very, very strange people. A house in the taiga will help them.

This is interesting: How to express your disagreement with evidence

feel free to send to x\y+th. the truth is on your side.

what can I suggest here? your child you and deal with him, why does the whole house have to listen to these screams? We need to respect other people too. If they complain, it means they really are interfering. And you definitely need to ride the car on the street. The neighbor's child annoyed me too. I found a way out - I started playing loud music when he was sleeping. Mom endured and endured, but then she jumped up))) So respect the interests of other people if you want yours to be respected.

They should have sent him away immediately and slammed the door in his face. And now he has become obnoxious and will be constantly nagging. Send him to ***. No one will trample against a child.

what can I suggest here? your child you and deal with him, why does the whole house have to listen to these screams? We need to respect other people too. If they complain, it means they really are interfering. And you definitely need to ride the car on the street. The neighbor's child annoyed me too. I found a way out - I started playing loud music when he was sleeping. Mom endured and endured, but then she jumped up))) So respect the interests of other people if you want yours to be respected.

Do you have laminate flooring? If yes, were the technological rules observed when laying it, namely, is there a substrate underneath? If not, then the neighbor can be understood. Any movement that is quite quiet for you will seem like a rumble to him below.

It’s immediately obvious that she was writing by a childless woman. Did your parents tie you to a chain as a child?

They should have sent him away immediately and slammed the door in his face. And now he has become obnoxious and will be constantly nagging. Send him to ***. No one will trample against a child.

Of course, if you really need to tell the child so loudly so that he understands. But you can’t stop them from playing either. Something like that.

It’s immediately obvious that she’s writing from an ill-mannered person. Didn't your parents raise you as a child? My neighbors didn't come to complain about me. Since I was 4 years old, I read books, put together puzzles, they kept me busy, but I jumped on the street with friends, or in children’s sections, I had no strength left at home

The books obviously didn’t do any good, since you don’t understand simple things

what can I suggest here? your child you and deal with him, why does the whole house have to listen to these screams? We need to respect other people too. If they complain, it means they really are interfering. And you definitely need to ride the car on the street. The neighbor's child annoyed me too. I found a way out - I started playing loud music when he was sleeping. Mom endured and endured, but then she jumped up))) So respect the interests of other people if you want yours to be respected.

It’s immediately obvious that she’s writing from an ill-mannered person. Didn't your parents raise you as a child? My neighbors didn't come to complain about me. Since I was 4 years old, I read books, put together puzzles, they kept me busy, but I jumped on the street with friends, or in children’s sections, I had no strength left at home

Do you have laminate flooring? If yes, were the technological rules observed when laying it, namely, is there a substrate underneath? If not, then the neighbor can be understood. Any movement that is quite quiet for you will seem like a rumble to him below.

Which section in 1.9 did you jump in? ))))))))))) Grow up to 4 years as needed. And respect to your neighbors, apparently they got normal people.

There are a lot of different developments, even for babies they conduct classes in swimming pools, and in 1.9 there is a full set. Haven't you heard of it in your village?

There are a lot of different developments, even for babies they conduct classes in swimming pools, and in 1.9 there is a full set. Haven't you heard of it in your village?

So what?))))should they move to live in the pool or on development facilities? They last about 40 minutes at most, woman)))))

Do you remember yourself from 1.9 m? In his incomplete 2 years, should he already be reading books, putting together puzzles and going to classes? In your childhood, you were very lucky with your neighbors! It’s immediately obvious that she’s stupid!

I am as far from being a woman as you are from being adequate. No one suggests living during classes, but a child who has somewhere to properly direct his energy does not harass his neighbors. Driving around the house in a typewriter is really kind of wild, it’s clear that it’s noisy.

I realized that teenage maximalism has not yet been knocked out of you by development, so you don’t have to be offended by a woman)))). It’s also noisy to vacuum, flush the toilet, turn on the kitchen processor. And it’s better to gasp in a whisper)) the main thing is to please all the neighbors! Yes Yes.

Yes, the stupid one now knows 3 foreign languages ​​and moved to Europe because... education allows. Because they took care of me as a child.

Author, it’s clear that you have a child and everything is going on. Imagine for a minute (or better yet, longer) that the neighbor downstairs will drill the ceilings (for example) or will begin repairs (lengthy), and in response to your complaints he will say, “I’m not breaking the law,” and you won’t be able to sleep as a child during the day because of the hammer drill. Try to lay it up to agree on a good one, at least just when you meet you, apologize for the noise (if you have a naked laminate, or the Allah Parquet Board), the neighbors from below are heard by oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. We have linoleum, but I went and apologized (I have two children), because I knew that if the neighbors started drilling downstairs, we would be pissed off from the noise. When meeting neighbors, she simply came up and apologized. Because I am a human being and I consider others to be human beings. A piece won’t fall off of me, and I don’t need the neighbors’ noise. And by the way, noise during the day in decibels (not during quiet times) should not exceed the equivalent noise of a washing machine (according to SanPiN).

And your husband is an oligarch and they don’t sell you beer without a passport at 49, because you look 15, come on, come on, finish the typical woman portrait portrait)))))) Everyone here is polyglots, businesswomen, sex bombs)))

Yes, the stupid one now knows 3 foreign languages ​​and moved to Europe because... education allows. Because they took care of me as a child.

What a coincidence, I’ve been living in the West for more than 20 years. I have a degree in higher education and work in my specialty. Can you guess about languages? But what does this have to do with it? You can immediately see that you are a boor!

What the hell are you doing on mommy forums, you, Mrs. Brain))) Have you come down to teach me life?))))

What a coincidence, I’ve been living in the West for more than 20 years. I have a degree in higher education and work in my specialty. Can you guess about languages? But what does this have to do with it? You can immediately see that you are a boor!

I got lazy during the holidays and want to laugh, woman is the best place for this. Plus print somewhere in Russian. Envy is a bad feeling)

It’s like a counter-argument in any incomprehensible situation: “Do you know who my Dad is?!” Now it has grown into: “Do you know how many languages ​​I know.” Yes, I put together puzzles when I was 3 years old, I wore my diapers to the trash, “all this is accompanied by a beating of the heel in the chest)))))

This is interesting: Complaint to the housing inspection about neighbors

It’s immediately obvious that she’s writing from an ill-mannered person. Didn't your parents raise you as a child? My neighbors didn't come to complain about me. Since I was 4 years old, I read books, put together puzzles, they kept me busy, but I jumped on the street with friends, or in children’s sections, I had no strength left at home

people like you are usually disturbed by everyone around you... move to the taiga, somewhere where in order to meet a person you need to run for three days with a tambourine... the child is 1.9, what *** books? -don't show it. and the author, don’t even think about it, if he doesn’t like something, let him move onto the street himself

It’s immediately obvious that she’s writing from an ill-mannered person. Didn't your parents raise you as a child? My neighbors didn't come to complain about me. Since I was 4 years old, I read books, put together puzzles, they kept me busy, but I jumped on the street with friends, or in children’s sections, I had no strength left at home

Forum: children

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What to do if the upstairs neighbors are constantly making noise

If the sound insulation in your apartment leaves much to be desired, and the neighbors above are constantly screaming, making noise, making repairs or dropping something, listening to music loudly, and their child is rolling cars on the floor, running, jumping, and everyone is stomping like elephants, survive It's difficult in such an environment. What to do in this case and where to go?

You should not immediately run with a complaint to the local police officer or begin “military actions” in relation to the neighbors above. Remember that quarrels and scandals happen in your family, you also make repairs and bring guests to the house, and your children are not ideal. Therefore, try to solve the problem peacefully.

  • Start with a conversation. In a calm voice, without accusations or insults, express your complaints to your neighbors. Show understanding for their renovation problems, noisy children, and love of music. But at the same time, remind that others should not suffer from their increased activity. Perhaps the residents upstairs don't even realize that you can hear everything, and don't realize how bad the sound insulation is in the house.

If your neighbors are normal people, they will treat you with understanding and try to be quieter. In this case, the problem will be forgotten and you will be able to live in peace again.

Basic provisions of the law on silence

To ensure the peace of citizens, the legislator has provided both temporary restrictions and restrictions on the noise level itself, measured in decibels. Specific time periods during which noise is prohibited may vary depending on the region. The federal regulations are:

  • during the day from 12:00 to 12:00 the noise level should not exceed 40 decibels;
  • at night until 12:00 the noise level should not exceed 30 decibels.

Regional authorities have the right to adjust these time periods, as well as additionally regulate noise levels on weekends. You should check the current regulations in your region of residence.

For comparison noise levels:

  • normal speech - 40 dB;
  • screams - 80-90 dB;
  • car alarm 90-100 dB.

There are situations in which it is temporarily allowed to make noise at any time:

  • emergency work;
  • emergencies;
  • urgent investigative measures, etc.

With special permission, construction work may be carried out at night, even if it produces significant noise. These works should not last longer than a clearly defined time period.

Permissible noise level for apartment buildings

The maximum noise level in residential buildings is reflected in SanPiN Thus, Appendix No. 3 to this document provides the following standard values:

  • from 7.00 to 23.00 the noise level in the room should not exceed 40 dBA (acoustic decibel). In this case, the maximum value is 55 dBA,
  • from 23.00 to 7.00 - this figure should not be higher than 40 dBA. The maximum sound level for this time of day is 45 dBA.

In addition, different regions of the Russian Federation have their own daytime and evening hours, during which it is not allowed to create any noise. For example, according to the Law of the Moscow Region dated 03/07/2014 No. 16/2014-OZ, disturbing the peace of citizens at the following times of the day is not allowed:

  • before 8.00 and after 21.00 (on weekdays),
  • before 10.00 and after 22.00 (on weekends).

Where to complain about upstairs neighbors

There are several ways to deal with your neighbors legally. Try to solve the problem like this:

  • Involve law enforcement agencies as defenders and contact the local police officer (the more residents complain, the better). Taking measures to ensure order in the entrusted territory is his responsibility. The employee can conduct a conversation, issue a warning, or issue a fine. In other words, make efforts to calm the residents down.

However, there are often cases when police officers are reluctant to accept such statements from residents, and sometimes ignore complaints. If the local police officer is inactive, write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

  • Trial. Since the standards of behavior of residents are regulated by law, it is possible to take revenge on noisy neighbors in this way. If the court rules in your favor, the violators will pay a fine.

However, in order to go to court and the police, evidence is needed that the neighbors are actually violating the rules of conduct prescribed by law. Is the noise coming from their apartment so loud that it warrants legal action?

  • Please note that the permissible noise level is up to 40 dB during the daytime and up to 30 dB in the evenings. These indicators are determined by a special device. You can insist that an independent examination be carried out, and noise indicators will be recorded in the document. You will receive irrefutable evidence that your neighbors are disturbing the peace.
  • The only case when it is difficult to understand the law is if unattended children are noisy in the apartment, jumping, screaming, rolling cars on the floor. Only conversations, requests to calm the child and limit his activity will help here. As a last resort, contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities with a complaint that the children are being left unattended.

But what to do when even the threat of a fine according to the law and other troubles does not stop rowdy and noisy residents? How to protect your peace?

What to do if neighbors complain about noise, the stomping of a child, or do not allow repairs to be made

Police officers have to deal with complaints that neighbors are noisy and interfere with recreation quite often. There is nothing surprising in this, because typical high-rise buildings do not provide sound insulation, and everyone’s rhythm of life is different.

The “Law on Silence,” which is in force in 2020 in Russia, strictly defines both the level of permissible noise and the time frame. But what if relations with neighbors are tense and they abuse their rights by sending unfounded complaints.

We suggest you figure out whether you should be wary of such actions if you are not violating any hostel rules.

Permissible noise level for apartment buildings

The text of the official document, called the “Law on Silence,” contains data on the permissible noise level. In the daytime it is 55 decibels, at night it is only 45. For comparison, the volume of ordinary speech corresponds to 40 decibels. Raising the voice to the point of screaming is already twice the permissible level. The standards prescribed by law are specified in SNIP.

For many, the numbers don’t mean anything, so here are some comparisons:

  • crying baby - 75 dB,
  • vacuum cleaner turned on - 78 dB,
  • working drill - 95 dB,
  • hammer drill or jackhammer - 120 dB,
  • The sound of the air conditioner at maximum power is 30 dB.

During control measurements, street noise is also taken into account; if the house is located near highway junctions or next to a railway track, a deviation of 5-10 units is allowed upward.

The law stipulates the time interval during which you can turn on music in the apartment, make repairs, and move furniture. For each region it is set by local authorities. Night restrictions for Moscow from 23.00 to 7.00.

In the region, loud noise is not allowed from 21.00 to 8.00; on holidays and weekends, restrictions apply from 22.00 to 10.00. Various construction works are allowed from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. During the day, you are not allowed to disturb your neighbors with loud noises from 13:00 to 15:00.

This is the afternoon rest period.

Neighbors downstairs complain about the stomping and noise made by children, what to do?

A healthy baby is ready to frolic from morning to night, and if there are several children, then they can cause a lot of inconvenience to the neighbors below, who will be disturbed by stomping, loud screaming or laughter. What should you do if your neighbors complain about your child’s noise? First of all, you should not take aggressive actions or try to prove that your child cannot behave differently.

The conflict will only flare up more, and rudeness or swearing will become an additional reason for complaints.

Try to reconsider the daily routine; during the day it would be nice for the children to sleep, and in the evening you can keep them busy with quiet games or invite them to watch cartoons.

If there is a very small child in the apartment and the baby’s crying constantly bothers other residents, they may well contact the guardianship authorities.

After all, if a baby cries loudly around the clock, this indicates that the parents are not coping well with their responsibilities.

A calm conversation will help resolve the issue with dissatisfied residents. Most likely, after an explanation and an apology, they will not go to the authorities. But people are different, and not everyone can come to an agreement.

If you are sure that the children do not constantly run around and behave relatively calmly, but the neighbors below complain about the stomping, calmly suggest that they install additional sound insulation.

In this situation, the blame for the fact that there is good audibility in the apartments lies with the developers, and you are not breaking any laws.

What to do if neighbors do not allow repairs to be made with their complaints

Most new residents try to remodel the apartment to suit themselves. Naturally, you have to use construction equipment, at least to hang the shelves. Some even attempt redevelopment, hiring a team of workers for this.

And this is where the problems begin. Neighbors complain that loud noises interfere with their rest, and repairmen refuse to interrupt the work cycle, demanding payment for downtime.

What should you do in this case so as not to run into an administrative fine and protect your interests?

To begin, warn residents of your intentions with an announcement. it could be, for example, like this: “Dear neighbors! From April 1, apartment 55 will undergo renovations. We apologize for the inconvenience."

Post the warning in a visible place in advance. Try not to violate the time interval established by law; check which “silence hours” apply in your region.

Avoid carrying out work on weekends and holidays.

Please note that the law also does not allow renovating an apartment for too long. Residents of an apartment building have 3 months for this event.

If you are doing repairs during the day, but the neighbors are cursing that they are tired of the rumble and noise and are threatening to call the police, you should not worry too much or make a fuss.

Even if law enforcement officers respond to complaints, they will not see any violations of the law. Warn workers that they should not follow the lead of neighbors who demand that the noise stop.

Their responsibility is to comply with the contract with the customer.

If your dog barks and there are complaints about it

Animal owners know that our little brothers are no different from children. They make noise, express wild joy by barking, and are not averse to frolicking. But the owner must understand that it is not enough just to love a pet.

The dog needs constant training and regular long walks, on which it can expend excess energy.

If an animal constantly barks at any time of the day, and after the owner leaves the apartment, a heartbreaking howl is heard, the residents of the house have the right to be indignant.
Neighbors can go to court, citing Art. 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Protection of the rights of the owner from violations not related to deprivation of possession.” Of course, it is not often possible to achieve a positive decision in such cases.
However, long proceedings and hassle are guaranteed for the owners of a loudly barking pet. If it is proven that the animal is behaving inappropriately due to not receiving proper care, it may be removed from the careless owner.

Neighbors complain about music during the day, should you worry?

Residents of the house are obliged to comply with the rules of the hostel, organizing their life in such a way as not to disturb others. It is unacceptable for music to shake the walls. The volume should be such that the sound does not go outside the apartment. First of all, these are moral and ethical standards.

From a legal point of view, everything looks more complicated. If sounds from your apartment do not allow your neighbors to live in peace, they will have to prove that the volume of the sound really causes them some suffering, serious discomfort.

In other cases, the most you face is a conversation with a local police officer.

However, when other residents constantly scold you for playing too loud music, it makes sense to listen or take care of soundproofing your living space.

What to do if neighbors complain to the local police officer about noise and call the police

Living next to people who make noise all the time is no fun for anyone. Complaints to the district police officer, whose duty is to ensure the peace of citizens, in this case are quite legitimate.

However, the maximum that a police officer of this rank can do is preventive conversations. It is the responsibility of the district police officer to check the material.

Simply put, he is obliged to interview residents from adjacent apartments and find out whether they have similar complaints.

Lawyers, having heard the question: “What should we do if complaints about noise from our apartment reached the local police officer?” They suggest not to worry about this.

If the residents from below complain, let the neighbors from above confirm that you are an adequate, calm person, and do not organize drinking bouts and noisy celebrations every day. The applicant will be informed that the work has been carried out and no violations have been identified.

Please note that in order to impose an administrative fine, an examination is necessary. Measurements are taken by the Rospotrebnadzor laboratory. The district police officer cannot independently impose penalties on his own, based only on the neighbors’ words.

How to deal with unfounded complaints from neighbors

Situations where neighbors quarrel among themselves are not that uncommon. Unfortunately, it is not possible to come to an agreement with everyone, and many older people do not at all want to take into account the fact that a young family has a different way of life.

They are annoyed by the cry of a child, a working TV, and even the shuffling of slippers . Of course, it’s easier to establish contact with neighbors and communicate calmly.

But what if it was not possible to reach an agreement and the citizen goes to the authorities with complaints?

Let’s try to answer the question: “What should we do if our neighbors unreasonably complain about noise from our apartment and call the police?” from a specialist's point of view. In such cases, lawyers suggest resorting to legal action.

A competent lawyer or lawyer will help you draw it up. If someone has accused you of an administrative crime undeservedly, this means that the person is slandering, damaging your reputation. You can file a claim based on Article 128 (Part.

1) Criminal Code of the Russian Federation!

For those who do not know where to turn, let us remind you that such cases are considered by magistrates. ⇐

The claim should indicate the circumstances of the conflict, the data of the plaintiff and the defendant. Enlist the support of other residents.

Let them confirm that you are not one of those people who lead a noisy lifestyle, but are completely respectable citizens. For most complainants, the very prospect of a counterclaim is already unpleasant.

In addition, such actions make it clear that you are determined and confident that you are right.


How to deal with upstairs neighbors if they constantly flood

Are your upstairs neighbors constantly flooding you and complaining seems useless? Contact a lawyer and file a lawsuit, but what to do when this is not possible?

Without legal assistance, of course, it is difficult, but you can try. Under the place where water drips from the ceiling, fill your own floor! At first glance, this looks stupid, because the water will get to the lower neighbors. But when they come to you to find out what’s wrong, complain to them about the ones above, show them the stains on the ceiling. You won't be the only one complaining about uploaders.

How to harm your upstairs neighbors

Method 1

To teach your neighbors a lesson, use a simple method - block the front door, provided that the door opens towards the stairwell.

  • Take a board and place one end against the doorknob of a harmful neighbor, and the other against the floor, step or railing, depending on where the entrance to the apartment is located.
  • Now it is impossible to get out of the apartment on your own and the neighbors will have to wait until other residents come to their aid and remove the board. If desired, of course.

Method 2

  • Lubricate several needles with glue and insert them into the keyhole. As a result, someone who “doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let them into the house” won’t let the owners themselves in either. In this case, the lock cannot be repaired; it will need to be replaced.

Method 3

  • If you are haunted by the constantly screaming TV in your neighbor’s apartment, and he ignores your requests, cut the antenna cable, or better yet, cut out a piece. It will take time for the intruder to eliminate the trouble, but you will be able to enjoy the silence for at least a short time.
  • The telephone cable can be damaged in the same way. A small thing, but unpleasant.

Method 4

The method is suitable only for those who are well versed in electricity and can do everything that is needed without the risk of injury.

If your neighbors’ music is too loud and the noise does not subside after 11 p.m., “do magic” in the electrical panel and deprive the apartment of electricity. This is easy to do by cutting out part of the wire so that it is difficult to connect the scraps.

If the letter doesn't help

Often, upstairs neighbors are in no hurry to make comments to their children, even after numerous comments. Then you have to fight for your right to sleep peacefully, without hearing constant crying, without flinching from the fact that the neighbor's children are running overhead.

It is worth turning to the chairman of the house council for help and asking for an explanatory conversation. You can make a similar request to the district police officer.

As a rule, many people are affected by the appearance of a law enforcement representative on the doorstep, and it is quite possible that this will help calm both children and parents.

On the other hand, the district police officer has no right to do anything other than conduct a conversation, and some residents may not pay any attention to his visit.

If all of the above measures have not changed the deplorable situation in any way, then you will have to take a more serious step - file a claim in court. When the neighbors above are frankly annoying with their behavior, this is the only possible way out of the situation.

It is necessary to enlist the support of other residents, pick up all copies of letters left for parents of noisy children, you can take photographs of the plaster that has crumbled due to the fact that children are constantly running and jumping on top.

If there was an appeal to the local police officer, then it is advisable to document it too. It is possible that adults will be brought to their senses by the very fact of being summoned to court and they will take action against their children. Or perhaps they will be subject to an administrative fine.

As a rule, after this you no longer need to do anything - the crying, stomping and screaming in the apartment above will subside as if by magic. But not every person will go to trial because of ill-mannered neighbor children who run around too much.

What time is it legal to make noise in 2019?

Many had to live next door to harmful and conflict-ridden people. Such people, at the slightest noise from your apartment, immediately appear on the threshold, make trouble, threaten with the police and various troubles. But why do you need to conflict once again? In order not to become like a brawler, let's figure out what the law says in such cases.

The norms and rules of conduct for residents of an apartment building are prescribed in the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” From a legal point of view, you can file claims against your neighbors regarding noise in the following cases:

  • if neighbors play music loudly, shout, stomp and otherwise create a lot of noise between 11 p.m. and 7 p.m.;
  • when the noise coming from the apartment in the period from 7 to 23 hours exceeds 30 dB;
  • in cases where neighbors carry out renovation work that creates a lot of noise, on weekends and between 7 pm and 7 pm during the work week.

Clarification of relations with neighbors should begin only if they have violated the rules of behavior prescribed by law.

What to do if noise from neighbors bothers you?

If it still seems to you, or you have independently carried out an inspection and recorded the result, that your right to peace is being maliciously violated, you should not tolerate it or hush it up. Few people know, but any resident of an apartment building has the right to silence at any time of the day or night. Therefore, if noise emanating from neighbors creates discomfort, it must be dealt with, regardless of the time of day.

During the day

For each region of the Russian Federation, different regulations have been adopted establishing acceptable sound boundaries. In most cases, we are talking about night time, so the silence breakers believe that during the day they can do whatever they want in their apartment. Yes, that’s true, but the law limits the maximum level of noise generated during the day to 55 dB.

Also, every day at lunchtime there is a “quiet hour” from 13:00 to 15:00 - a time during which noise is prohibited.

At night

If we are talking about night time, the maximum noise limit should not exceed 40 dB.

The law also prohibits carrying out repair work at night, weekends and holidays.

Repair work

If the neighbors are making noise, for example, with an angle grinder at 10 pm, then it is worth reminding them that the law allows repair work to be carried out from 9:00 to 19:00.

In some regions of Russia until 22:00. Therefore, if the neighbors do not react in any way to a request to stop repairs at such a late time, you can safely take measures based on the Law on Silence.

Sources of dealing with noisy neighbors:

  • district police officer;
  • district court;
  • prosecutor's office

How to ruin the life of your neighbors upstairs

Method 1

  • You can use the method code-named “Shame on rowdies.” Print out leaflets with a detailed description of the life of citizens N living in apartment no. The leaflet can be decorated with cartoons, pictures and slogans like “We ask for silence!”
  • Post these flyers in the hallway, near the elevator or mailboxes, and finally, stick them on the offender’s front door or windshield of his car, if he has one!

Method 2

  • If you are completely fed up, try this method: distribute advertisements for the sale of an apartment, car or cottage in newspapers, on relevant websites and on social networks. Whose? Of course, the neighbor's! And don’t forget to include your phone number, both home and mobile. If you know your work phone number, you can add that too.
  • The main thing is that the terms of sale should be very profitable for the buyer, simply fabulous! In this case, there will be no end to the calls and your neighbors will be tortured to explain that they are not selling anything. Or maybe they will give up and move out, selling the apartment to one of those who want to buy it?

Method 3

Order a bunch of goods from online stores to your neighbors’ addresses, sign them up for catalogs and other promotional products. Talking to managers of online stores and filing refusals is a troublesome task that takes a lot of effort.

Use the consultation: Rules for carrying out noisy renovation work in apartment buildings

Method 4

  • If your neighbors have a metal or wooden door covered with dermantine, you can use the following method: shake a raw chicken egg in a bowl, and then collect it in a syringe. Make a cut in the upholstery in an inconspicuous place and pour the mixture there. The smell of rotten eggs is terrible and to get rid of it, neighbors will have to not only remove the upholstery, but also wash the door.
  • Instead of eggs, you can use iodine, vinegar and chlorine bleach, mixing them in equal parts.

Method 5

  • If your neighbors are superstitious and believe in omens, throw objects that could pass for attributes of magical rituals at their front door. This could be soil, bird feathers, wool, salt, leftover candles, needles, etc.
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