Who Should Change Pipes in a Municipal Apartment

Who should repair pipes in a municipal apartment?

In accordance with subparagraph 4 of paragraph 3 of Article 67 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, you, as a tenant of residential premises provided under a social tenancy agreement, are obliged to carry out routine repairs of residential premises. In addition, the obligation of the tenant to carry out routine repairs of the residential premises he occupies is established in subparagraph “e” of paragraph 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2005 N 315 “On approval of the Model Social Rental Agreement for Residential Premises”.

Hello! I live in municipal housing, at night a pipe under the bathtub with hot water burst, they called the management company, called a plumber, they said that if it was a central riser, then the repairs would be carried out at the expense of the management company, and if it was plastic pipes under the bathroom, then the repairs would be at the expense of the residents ! The pipes have not been changed since the day we moved into the apartment. Is the CC right?

Who should replace a leaking battery in an apartment and at whose expense?

3. The owner of a residential premises bears the burden of maintaining this premises and, if this premises is an apartment, the common property of the owners of the premises in the corresponding apartment building, and the owner of a room in a communal apartment also bears the burden of maintaining the common property of the owners of the rooms in such an apartment, unless otherwise provided by the federal law or contract

Absolutely right, according to clause 6 of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 (as amended on May 14, 2013), the common property includes an in-house heating system, consisting of risers, heating elements, etc. Excerpt from the Legal Positions of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation: selected decisions for 2009:

At whose expense is the repair?

The government has adopted laws and regulations delimiting the powers of the housing maintenance office and the owner of the property :

  1. Rules for the provision of public services..., approved. RF PP dated May 6, 2011 No. 354.
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491.
  3. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, art. 209.
  4. Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 36.
  5. Rules and regulations for the technical operation of housing stock, approved. Decree State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170.

But still, sometimes the question remains: who should change what and at whose expense.

You can find out how to determine whether your apartment is privatized or not, where to start the privatization process, whether this can be done through the MFC, and whether minor children should take part in this on our website. You can download a sample application for privatization of an apartment, as well as a written refusal to participate in the procedure, here.


Heating appliances located in the apartment are considered to be common household facilities (together with the entire heating network), therefore, their replacement in the event of a leak or a comprehensive renovation of the heating system throughout the entire house must be carried out by a service company .

But there is one nuance here: if the batteries within one living space can be turned off without problems for the entire system, then such devices are the property of the owners.

If the battery (which cannot be turned off) begins to drip, and the owner of the living space is persistent in his claims, then it is the housing office that will conclude that it is necessary to replace the heating device, and will do it, or postpone it until a more serious accident, instructing a mechanic to caulk and paint over the joint.

The housing office must pay these costs from the funds contributed monthly by the owners under the heading “maintenance and repairs.”

It’s another matter if the home owner wants to replace unsightly cast iron batteries with aluminum or bimetallic ones. This option relates to the choice of the owner, and he will have to pay for it.

Risers, pipes and meters

Risers are common property, so their replacement is considered the responsibility of the service company , for the money that the owners pay for repairs and maintenance of common property.

Who should change pipes? With pipes, the question is not so simple: the general household services include pipelines up to the first apartment valve , and then - the intra-apartment wiring. The first valve divides who should be paid in case of replacement.

Who is obligated to change the electric meter? If the electricity meter is installed in the entrance, then replacing it does not concern the owner .

Provided that the electricity meter is placed in the premises, the apartment owner is responsible for its fate.

When the time for replacement comes, the owner of the property will have to buy such a meter and pay for its installation with his own funds.


The balcony structures are divided between the housing office and the owner in this way:

  • The housing office is responsible for the condition of the outer wall and balcony slab;
  • the roof in any form (canopy or parapet) belongs to the owner.

The owner must also repair doors and windows, ensure timely painting of railings, fences, and insulate windows and doors.

The balcony slab is restored when the house undergoes a major renovation in the complex or selectively.

Housing office workers are required to repair the balcony, but only when the commission recognizes the condition as emergency. Such a commission should be held twice a year.

The owner can repair the balcony himself by hiring workers and purchasing materials. Using saved checks and receipts, you can try to get your money back by presenting the payment papers to the service company.

In case of refusal, you need to write a statement of claim to the court, the owner of the living space has every right to do this.

Responsibilities for replacing risers in a privatized apartment

But confirmation of the fact that all pipes, including water, heating, gas and sewer pipes are the property of the residents of the house, does not answer the question of who should change the risers in a privatized apartment? The same document talks about such a concept as repairs (current and major).

A new apartment owner sometimes doesn’t even suspect how many problems he will now have to solve. And one of them, who now has the responsibility for replacing risers in a privatized apartment? After all, along with the living space, communications, including communal ones, also become property.

Insulated risers and heated towel rails: what is it? 2020

Question - Answer → Housing and communal services → Cost of hot water 1cub.m. with a system of non-insulated risers

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Please clarify the issue of GCal consumption for heating 1 cubic meter. cold water with a system of non-insulated risers (heated hot water heated towel rails)

The fact is that we do not have standards for heating water. at least it is expressed not directly, but through the component for heating the water. and even then, such an indicator is tied to the ACTIVITIES OF A SPECIFIC ORGANIZATION, WHILE the standard for the consumption of thermal energy for space heating is tied to municipal education, to the house. therefore, the degree of trust in him is greater. after all, if the office can attribute anything it wants, then you “can’t argue against the fact and calculations for heating houses,” unless, of course, the heating standard was approved “under the auspices of the supplier.”

Here in the Kameshkovsky district, in almost all settlements, there is 0.0251 Gcal/sq.m of the total area of ​​premises in a house per month throughout the year for heating. that's the whole calculation.

multiply by 12 months of the year, divide by the number of months. will heat the period. you receive the standard during the heating period. Well, we can only “make the assumption” that the rest of the heat and energy consumption is for hot water.

"54. In the case of INDEPENDENT PRODUCTION by the contractor of utility services for heating and (or) hot water supply (in the absence of centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply) using equipment that is part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, CALCULATION OF THE SIZE OF PAYMENT for consumers for such utility service the service is provided by the contractor based on the volume of UTILITY RESOURCES USED DURING THE BILLING PERIOD IN THE PRODUCTION of utility services for heating and (or) hot water supply (hereinafter referred to as the utility resource used in production), and the TARIFF (PRICE) FOR THE UTILITY RESOURCE USED IN PRODUCTION. The volume of a utility resource used in production is determined based on the INDICATIONS OF THE ACCOUNTING DEVICE, which records the volume of such a utility resource, and in its absence is determined BY THE SPECIFIC COSTS of such a utility resource for the production of a unit of thermal ENERGY FOR HEATING PURPOSE OR A UNIT OF HOT WATER for the purpose of hot water supply. In this case, the total volume (quantity) of thermal energy produced by the contractor for the billing period for the purpose of heating or hot water for the purpose of hot water supply is calculated according to the readings of metering devices recording such volumes installed on the equipment with the use of which the contractor provided the utility service for heating or hot water supply , and in the absence of such metering devices - as the sum of the readings of individual and general (apartment) metering devices for thermal energy or hot water, which are equipped in residential and non-residential premises of consumers, and VOLUME OF CONSUMPTION OF THERMAL ENERGY OR HOT WATER, DETERMINED BY THE CONSUMPTION STANDARDS OF THE PUBLIC HEATING SERVICE OR HOT WATER SUPPLY to those consumers whose residential and non-residential premises are not equipped with such metering devices. The specified calculation method is used when determining the volume of utility resource used in production, both in the case when such a utility resource is used by the contractor only in the production of communal services for heating and (or) hot water supply, and in the case when the utility resource is of the type used by the contractor in the production of utility services for heating and (or) hot water supply, it is also used by the contractor to provide consumers with utility services of the appropriate type. When determining the amount of a consumer's payment for a heating utility service (in the absence of a centralized heating supply), the volume of the utility resource used in production is distributed among all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building in proportion to the size of the total area of ​​residential or non-residential premises in the apartment building owned (in use) by each consumer home in accordance with formula 18 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules. THE AMOUNT OF CONSUMER PAYMENT FOR PUBLIC SERVICES FOR HOT WATER SUPPLY (IN THE ABSENCE OF CENTRALIZED HOT WATER SUPPLY) IS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FORMULA 20 OF APPENDIX No. 2 TO THESE RULES AS THE SUM OF 2 COMPONENTS : THE PRODUCT OF THE VOLUME OF HOT WATER CONSUMED BY THE CONSUMER, PREPARED BY THE CONTRACTOR, AND THE TARIFF FOR COLD WATER; COST OF THE UTILITY RESOURCE USED FOR HEATING COLD WATER IN THE PRODUCTION OF PUBLIC SERVICES FOR HOT WATER SUPPLY, ASSIGNED TO THE CONSUMER IN EACH RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL PREMISES IN PROPORTION TO THE VOLUME OF HOT WATER CONSUMED NOMU FOR THE ACCOUNTING PERIOD IN RESIDENTIAL OR NON-RESIDENTIAL PREMISES. The payment for utility services for heating and (or) hot water supply, made by the contractor using equipment that is part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, DOES NOT INCLUDE THE COSTS OF MAINTENANCE and repair of such equipment. The costs of maintaining and repairing such equipment are subject to inclusion in the fee for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building.”

In the previous article, we studied the design of the hot water supply system in residential buildings and found out how the cost of a cube of hot water is calculated using a heat meter in hot water supply systems with an open water outlet. Now we will analyze the installation of hot water supply for bathrooms , the cost of heat according to the meter, and the most painful question for everyone is how to correctly calculate the payment for hot water in systems with a closed water supply, or water supply through water heaters.

First, let's decide what kind of hot water you have and how you will supply hot water to your bathrooms.
There are four pipes leading to the house. Two for heating, two for preparing hot water and at the same time heating the bathrooms. It is no coincidence that I write about preparing hot water. Here you do not take water from a heat source, but cook it yourself using a heat exchanger. As we see in the figure below.

As you can see in the figure, hot water from the boiler room heats water from the water supply. In this case, the water flows do not mix with each other. The design of heat exchangers may vary. For example, there are plate heat exchangers, capacitive, shell-and-tube high-speed water heaters. You can learn more about the design of various types of water heaters here.

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For us now this is not the main thing. The main thing you need to know is that the temperature of the hot water in your tap now depends not only on the heating networks and boiler room, but also on the condition of your heat exchanger (water heater - water heater), how correctly it is selected and how correctly your hot water supply system. You can read about the selection of heat exchangers for a specific home here.

We look at the figure below for a hot water supply device (if desired, click on it to enlarge).

As you can see in the picture, four pipes approach the house. The heat meter, depending on the type or algorithm that was put into it during commissioning, counts heat either from all four pipes - what came in and what we returned back, or from two systems - heating and hot water . In any case, the result will be the same. But for the consumer, of course, it is better to get a ready-made result right away, since, for example, he makes a heat meter based on the VKT7 computer. This way we are less likely to be confused by the numbers. But this is at the discretion of the owners.

Let me remind you, just in case, that in accordance with the rules of heat energy metering, the right to choose a heat meter belongs to the consumer. As I understand it, this was done to avoid corruption.

We learned how to calculate payment for heating using a meter in a previous article.

If you look carefully at the diagram, you can see that hot water, circulating through the pipes, passes through heated towel rails in the bathrooms , not only giving us hot water, but also heating the bathrooms at the same time. Therefore, we must subtract the heat spent on heating the bathrooms (denoted by Qps) from the total amount of heat through the 2nd pipeline system (output 2 - hot water supply), and distribute the rest of the heat according to the readings of water meters installed in the apartments.

A logical question is where to get the heat consumption for heating bathrooms. The answer is given in the table. 1 SP-41-1O1-95 clause 4 of Appendix 2.

SP-41-1O1-95 shows heat losses through pipelines, in the presence of hot water supply heating networks after IHP, without hot water supply heating networks and with insulated risers without heated towel rails. Decide what kind of system you have and take into account the heat spent on heating hot water in your bill.

Let in our case it be 35% (0.35 for houses with uninsulated risers and heated towel rails). At first glance, this is a lot, but as practice has shown, it is absolutely true. Next I will give you examples of real measurements on selected objects.

Therefore, we calculate the cost of 1 cubic meter of hot water as follows.

Qsyst. DHW x (1-0.35) x St. / G pok. water Where

Qsyst. DHW is the amount of heat spent on heating hot water according to the heat meter, in Gcal. Art. — cost – 1 Gcal of heat in rubles. G pok. water – water consumption according to apartment water meters in cubic meters.

Calculation example – we have:

Qsyst. DHW – 18.26 Gcal St. – 1520 rubles (including VAT) G incl. water = 201 cu. m

TOTAL: 18.26 x (1-0.35) x 1520 / 201 = 89.75 rubles.

If you had not subtracted the losses, you would have received: 18.26 x 1520 / 201 = 138.08 rubles.

Accordingly, you would be hysterical in this case, although the amount for heating would naturally be less. They would blame the heat meter, the chairman (after all, they steal less from neighbors), spend money on checking the meter, but in reality everything is much simpler, you need to be a little more literate.

The logical question is what to do with the remaining 35% (0.35), naturally add to heating , because the heat was spent heating the bathrooms.

There is a second option for preparing hot water in systems with a closed water supply . The design of such a system and how to calculate the cost of heat and hot water according to the meter in this case, as well as independently derive and approve the standard for hot water in the next article.

The heated towel rail has long ceased to be just an ordinary pipe. Now this is an integral attribute of the bathroom of any apartment. It not only performs its functions properly, but also fits organically into the design of the room. How to “extend the life” of this important part? One of the guarantees of long operation is grounding. Let's figure out how necessary it is?! When the use of plastic pipes became fashionable, they began to think little about grounding, since a metal-plastic pipe is similar in conductivity to a metal one.

But this is a big misconception! There are no connecting elements that ensure contact between aluminum and metal-plastic pipe. In 90% of cases, heated towel rails begin to leak in conditions where the metal hot water supply system has been replaced with polypropylene (plastic). The very problem of corrosion on heated towel rails is that most people are now trying to replace old pipes with plastic ones, assuming that this will make stray currents disappear. But more often it turns out quite the opposite.

Types of stainless steel corrosion

If you notice that a heated towel rail (even made of stainless steel) is gradually beginning to become covered with rust spots, these are signs of electrocorrosion of the metal. The reasons for its formation are that metal structures in water are subject to two types of corrosion: galvanic and electrochemical or electrocorrosion, which is caused by stray currents. Electrocorrosion is possible if the metal through which an electric current is already flowing is additionally exposed to water. As a result of this load, so-called metal breakdowns appear, from which corrosion spreads. The fact is that, when two different metals come into contact with each other, if one of them has greater chemical activity, they inevitably undergo a chemical process. In this case, water containing salts and minerals becomes an electrolyte. Also, hot water significantly increases electrical conductivity. This process - galvanic corrosion - gradually destroys the pipes of the heated towel rail. Galvanic corrosion occurs due to the joining of two different types of metal. As a result of this load, so-called breakdowns appear, from which metal corrosion spreads.

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Causes of electrocorrosion

The reasons for the occurrence of stray electric currents in the heating and water supply systems are very different - from the absence or improper grounding of electrical appliances directly connected to the riser of the heated towel rail, such as a washing machine, electromagnetic filter, water pump, to the proximity of the railway and tram tracks. Stray currents arise not only from external, but also from internal sources, namely due to a short circuit. Theoretically, with proper construction, there should be no short circuits in the system, but in practice it turns out differently. In some places, the welding joint is replaced with conventional bends or a piece of pipe is replaced with metal plastic, so stray currents arise, and all this leads to electrical and electrochemical corrosion. When the entire riser consists of metal pipes, and in apartments they are replaced with plastic ones, stray currents arise due to different types of pipes. All this happens because all metal pipes are grounded during construction. In new houses, for example, grounding occurs through a potential equation system, and in old houses in basements - along a ground loop. And when installing plastic, this metal connection between the pipes and the heated towel rail is leveled, and stray currents appear. Consequently, the already existing potential is broken: it turns out that there will be one on the riser, and another on the heated towel rail. Another common cause of electrocorrosion is the potential difference between two different materials in close proximity to each other, especially black and stainless steel. Also, damage to this plumbing is caused by stray currents that arise in the event of poor wiring insulation, a network break, or if someone (maybe even on another floor of an apartment building) connects the neutral wire from the electrical network to the heating system for personal gain. Damage is also possible if grounding is done to the heating system. The place where the charge penetrates the body of the heated towel rail undergoes a chemical reaction: it inevitably leads to damage to the product. These problems are solved by grounding the heated towel rail.

Before you buy a water heated towel rail , familiarize yourself with the rules of when to ground and when not, this will be extremely useful to know before the bathroom renovation is completed.

Grounding is not required if you have an individual heating system (private house or apartment).

  • The dryer is connected to the heating system through a metal-plastic pipe (diagram below). The fact is that a metal-plastic pipe has an aluminum layer inside that conducts currents, but at the point where the fitting is connected there will be a break in the electrical circuit. Therefore, it must be grounded to the DHW riser or ground loop.
  • The house's hot water riser is made of metal-plastic pipes.

How to ground a heated towel rail?

By default, an electric heated towel rail assumes that this device will be connected to a grounded outlet. If this outlet is located in the bathroom itself, make sure in advance that it is equipped with a housing that protects from moisture: mount it into the wall and cover it with an insulating cap.

To ground a stainless steel water heated towel rail, use the following diagram:

  • 1. We connect all metal parts in the bathroom with a copper conductor with a cross-section of at least 4 sq. mm.
  • 2. We make a grounding jumper: we connect the conductor and the wire on the distribution panel.
  • 3. We fix the grounding wire to the heated towel rail pipe with a special clamp.
  • 4. Simply put, you need to ground the heated towel rail to the metal riser pipes or ground loop.

This operation will not take much time, but it will guarantee the proper operation of your heated towel rail in the future.

As practice shows, currents in the heating system do not pose a great danger, but their accumulation and presence in heated towel rails massively harm the health of users who might not know, forget or ignore the fact of the need to ground metal-plastic pipes. This is especially dangerous when there are children in the house.

So, when installing metal-plastic and plastic pipes, all metal elements of the existing and new water supply system must be grounded (including heating radiators, heated towel rails, sinks, bathtubs and other metal elements that can conduct accumulated current).

Everyone has the right to choose which heated towel rail to buy . But those who like to independently install heated towel rails and other devices in order to save money should remember that life and health are more valuable than money.

One of the most common problems that can adversely affect a stainless steel heated towel rail over its service life is electrocorrosion of the metal.

Examples of manifestations of electrocorrosion:

If you notice that a stainless steel heated towel rail begins to gradually become covered with a gray coating and/or small rust spots (with 2-3 match heads), and if you wipe this spot, then there will be a small black dot behind it, which rusts and spreads surfaces - these are signs of electrocorrosion of the metal.

Corrosion is the process of destruction of metal under the influence of the external environment. According to the mechanism of occurrence, they distinguish between chemical corrosion, which occurs under the influence of gases and non-electrolytes (oil), electrochemical corrosion, which develops in the event of metal contact with electrolytes (acids, alkalis, salts, humid atmosphere, soil, sea water, etc.), which can a phenomenon called corrosion from stray currents (electrocorrosion) is aggravated. The nature of stray currents lies in the difference in potential of grounded structures in different parts of the building.

Theoretically, with proper construction, there should be no potential difference, since all metal structures must have galvanic contact with the neutral conductor in the ASU (input switchgear) or GRS (main distribution cabinet) of the electrical panel of the house, connected to the anode protection of the building. This is called a potential equalization system. But in practice it happens differently. In some places, the welded joint is replaced with bends and additional resistance is introduced, and in others, pipes made of plastic or propylene are inserted, breaking the metal connection between the riser pipes and the metal heated towel rail. And therefore the potential is broken: on the metal riser there is one potential associated with the ASU and the ground, and on the heated towel rail there is another. We get a potential difference, an electric current appears between different potentials, if there is a conductor between them, which is flowing water. And the magnitude of the current, and therefore the harm it can cause to the heated towel rail, depends on various associated factors: from the grounding of electrical appliances to risers and water pipes, to the immediate proximity of the railway, the chemical composition of the water, etc.

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As long as the cold and hot water and heating pipelines were made of steel pipes, the issue of electrocorrosion did not arise; in the basement, each pipeline was grounded in at least two places (as an extended element).

Please note: each bath must be grounded (to the pipeline) with a separate conductor, because otherwise it has no electrical connection to the grounded water pipe.

When plastic or metal-plastic pipes began to be used everywhere, few people thought about grounding. And it turns out this way: water is conductive enough to supply dangerous voltage to an unnecessary place, but not conductive enough to protect a person from electric shock. Plus, when moving, water becomes electrified due to friction against the walls (dielectric), and a static charge accumulates on metal elements (a kind of Leyden jar).

Recently, it has been very difficult to ensure compliance with all standards for the installation and operation of electrical appliances in the house. Carrying out electrical installation work by unqualified specialists leads to disastrous consequences. Violation of these standards (for example: mixing up the neutral wire with the ground in an electrical outlet) leads to the appearance of leakage currents in the hot water supply riser. It is important that this may not be your fault; the work could have been done by neighbors. At the same time, stainless steel, even under extremely small but constant influence of stray currents, is subject to electrochemical corrosion.

As a result, already within the first weeks of use, microscopic black or brown spots of rust, as well as plaque (see Fig. 1-4), may appear on the heated towel rail, indicating electrocorrosion.

If you take the necessary and individual measures in time, this will not lead to water leakage.

IMPORTANT: the problem does not always reveal itself before water droplets or plaque appears. After this, it is extremely difficult to save a water heated towel rail, and replacing it, as a rule, does not solve the problem, but can only relieve you of it for a while.

Ways to solve the problem of electrocorrosion:

Attention: Installation of a heated towel rail in a room and its connection to the water supply (heating) system must be carried out only by qualified specialists who have the appropriate license.

The first thing you need to do is contact the housing department servicing your home with a request to measure the static voltage (6 volts is enough) in the water supply system.

To avoid local electrical corrosion, grounding is mandatory for proper operation of the heated towel rail.

Another possible solution to the problem could be the installation of a PEC (Potential Equalization Box). PMC is designed to organize an additional potential equalization system in apartments, houses, offices and industrial premises. In accordance with the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations PUE, 7th edition, clause 7.1.88 “All touchable open conductive parts of stationary electrical installations, third-party conductive parts and neutral protective conductors of all electrical equipment (including plugs) must be connected to the additional potential equalization system sockets). For bathrooms and shower rooms, an additional potential equalization system is mandatory and must include, among other things, the connection of third-party conductive parts extending outside the premises.”

IMPORTANT: before installing the PMC, you must consult with specialists.

Also, a solution to the problem may be the internal treatment of a water heated towel rail made of stainless steel with a polymer composition, which creates an insulating coating inside the product that prevents the formation of potential differences. This service is available for order on our website.

And of course, the problem of electrocorrosion can be eliminated by replacing a conventional water heated towel rail with an electric model or with a galvanized water heated towel rail. A galvanized heated towel rail is not subject to electrical corrosion due to the special properties of its coating, and the electric model does not have to be connected to the heating system, so there is also no need to protect such a heated towel rail from stray currents. The Elit Metal company's assortment includes a wide range of both electric heated towel rails (with a heating element or heating cable (the so-called “dry heating element”), and galvanized heated towel rails. You can view the models on the company’s website. You can purchase products in our online store or stores of our partners.Of course, do not forget about the advantages and disadvantages of water and electric heated towel rails.

It is important to understand that there is no universal solution that would once and for all rid you of the problem of electrocorrosion without carrying out comprehensive work to inspect the electrical and water supply systems of an apartment or house in order to identify possible causes of electrocorrosion.

The warranty does not apply to heated towel rails with signs of electrocorrosion.



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Great article 0

Replacing risers in an apartment: what you need to know

  • after dismantling, begin collecting the sewer riser, starting from the bottom;
  • the pipes are inserted one into the other using a rubber ring, which tightly grips the edges of the pipe and prevents it from coming apart;
  • The top point of the sewer pipe should be in the attic.

It also wouldn’t hurt to mention once again that you are a conscientious payer and that housing departments, in turn, must provide timely and high-quality services. At the end of the application, you must write a specific request that you want to receive.


Replacing a cast iron outlet on a toilet

1600 rubles

It is an indisputable fact that compliance with sanitary standards in a residential area is possible only if the sanitary unit in the toilet room functions well. Hygienic conditions will be met with high-quality discharge of waste water from the toilet into the sewer network. Possible sewer blockages and the accumulation of unpleasant odors can be avoided only with the correct and high-quality connection of the toilet bowl to the sewer pipe (plastic or cast iron). When replacing a toilet, the owner of the house can easily do the work of connecting the toilet with the sewer pipe on his own, no matter how difficult the task may seem. In any case, you will have to replace the cast-iron version with a modern one, if we are talking about the old stock. After choosing a high-quality toilet model, you should pay attention to the choice of connecting elements with which one or another outlet (branch from the toilet) will be tightly and reliably connected to the sewer pipe or riser. Standard connecting elements include:

  1. Corrugations, corrugated cuffs.
  2. Eccentrics, eccentric cuffs.
  3. Plastic bends, pipes and adapters.
  4. Fan pipes.

What housing and communal services should and can repair in an apartment for free

A management company (MC) is a commercial organization that has been chosen by homeowners or a housing association for trust management, in particular, the maintenance of the property of an apartment building. Most often, a management agreement is concluded between the owners and the management company. This document regulates the relationship between the parties, so it should mention exactly what work housing and communal services are required to do in an apartment building and apartments, what monthly payment is provided, what responsibility lies with the management company to the residents.

In the event of a breakdown of common building equipment or an accident that occurs in the area of ​​intra-house networks in the apartment, the management company is obliged to carry out the appropriate repair work within a specified period of time. Owners of residential premises should know that if the repair of apartment property is caused by improper provision of utility services or inappropriate maintenance of common property, then the law stands up to protect their rights - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354, paragraph 149. In accordance with it, owners have the right Request reimbursement of expenses incurred or necessary repairs from utility companies.

Responsibilities of apartment owners

In accordance with current legislation, the decision to carry out major repairs is made by all owners of residential premises in an apartment building. But you cannot do this yourself.

Apartment owners only service equipment located directly on the property, in the apartment.

And to carry out major repairs of common property, a management company is hired, which hires contractors to carry out the work if it cannot do it on its own.

What is included in residential maintenance and repair services?

Who should change the batteries in an apartment if it is privatized

The issue of replacing batteries after the start of the heating season sometimes arises very acutely. Radiators in old houses are often in poor condition, and local services are in no hurry to carry out major repairs to the heating system. We will try to give answers to the most common questions and find out who should change old batteries in a privatized apartment.

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Important! Sometimes changing the configuration of heating devices and increasing their number is perceived as re-equipping the premises with amendments to the apartment’s registration certificate. In fact, replacing the battery is not reflected in any way in the technical data sheet, since it only indicates the type of heat source without specifying specific heating devices.

Replacing heating batteries in an apartment: do it yourself or through the housing office

It's good if your apartment receives enough heat through central heating devices to feel comfortable in the cold. But when it is not enough due to low thermal power or leaking radiators, it becomes necessary to replace the batteries.

According to Articles 44 and 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the battery, being part of common property, can only be replaced by a decision of all shareholders at a general meeting. Otherwise, replacing pipes and heating radiators in the apartment will be interpreted as unauthorized disposal of common property. And this imposes personal liability on the violator of the rules in the event of an accident in the heating system.

Repair of a non-privatized tenant’s apartment: at whose expense will replacement of windows and pipes be carried out?

Much depends on what

we are talking about a water supply pipe. If it’s a riser and pipes up to the valve, you definitely don’t have to pay, because... This will be a major overhaul of the common property of the house. In other cases, you need to prove your case based on regulations (listed above).

There's another point here. Radiators and risers are common property of an apartment building. This means that in order to repair/replace them, a decision of the general meeting is required. I think that the landlord will tell you about this right away. Therefore, I recommend immediately raising the issue of renovating the entire house, and not a separate apartment.


Replacement of a tee on a riser (PP-polypropylene, metal-plastic) for water supply 1100 rubles Replacement of a tee (PVC) for a central sewer system 2000 rubles Replacement of a tee (cast iron) for a central sewer system 3000 rubles
A tee is the most popular shaped element. For sewage installations, it can be cast iron or plastic. The choice of a certain type will depend on the specific situation and several important nuances. Often when repairing a riser or replacing it, it becomes necessary to replace the sewer tee. This can be done independently or with the help of specialists. In the first case, it is important to have basic knowledge and follow a clear sequence of actions. So, it should immediately be noted that tees can be oblique and straight. Such elements are used for various angles of connection to the sewer riser. The sewer crosspiece changes in the following situations: - if it is necessary to reduce the level of placement of this element; - if this part is already largely worn out. The reasons for replacing the cross also include the impossibility of cleaning the sewer system if serious deposits occur on the internal surfaces of the pipeline. Partial replacement of the sewer riser, when changing a section of communications in a separate apartment, may be necessary in the following cases:

  • the sewer pipe became unusable and leaked;
  • the owner or tenant of the property decided not to wait for leaks, but to start with major repairs and replacement of pipes;
  • The sewer riser is being replaced as planned.

Sewage drains in multi-storey buildings were traditionally installed from cast iron pipes. The material is reliable, but in most homes it is already so old that it leaks and needs scheduled replacement or urgent repairs.

Owner or management company? Who should change batteries in a privatized apartment

There is such a thing as “ owner’s burden ”. This concept applies to owners of privatized premises and determines that major and current repairs of privately owned living space must be carried out at the expense of the owners .

But at the same time, water, sewer, gas, heat and electrical communications risers, which supply resources to the house and premises, belong to common property , and therefore taking care of their condition is the task of the municipality, cooperative, management company.

08 Aug 2020 piterurist 177

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