Legal basis for donation
Donation agreement for a plot of land... a plot of land and a house
Who can be officially recognized as close relatives? First of all, you will need to determine who is receiving legal
Power of attorney for representation in court from husband
How to write a power of attorney to represent the interests of a husband or wife in court? In accordance with civil procedure
We are writing a complaint about cold batteries
Sample application to the management organization about a leaking sewer riser
Complaint about cold radiators in an apartment sample You are required to put an incoming number on the document,
The procedure for drawing up an application for debt collection services
Rent calculation Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each
We draw up an agreement between the realtor and the client
Agreement for the provision of real estate services for the acquisition (purchase) of real estate by [Name of organization], represented by [position
How to draw up a donation agreement for a share of an apartment
Donation agreement for a share of an apartment sample form
How to draw up a donation agreement for a share of an apartment? An agreement to transfer part of the living space free of charge can be drawn up without
Is state registration of a preliminary agreement for the exchange of real estate necessary? The exchange agreement itself is not subject to state registration
Essential terms of the exchange agreement Under the exchange agreement, each party undertakes to give ownership
land plot for free use
Redistribution of land plots in 2020
Home / Land, dacha, construction / Documents and legislation / Land plot Back Published:
Sample power of attorney to conduct inheritance business: rules for registration
The citizen on the one hand trusts the citizen on the other hand to manage and dispose of all of her
Agreement for the donation of a room in a communal apartment (form, sample - 2020)
One of the separate types of residential premises is a room. According to paragraph 4 of Art. 16 residential complexes
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